Transcripts For KMGH World News Now 20161018 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KMGH World News Now 20161018

classified information about a covert cyber attack on iran's nuclear facilities. the sentence carries up to five years in prison, but under a plea deal, prosecutors will recommend cartwright spent no more than six months behind bars. cartwright is a former abc news contributor. the man suspected of leaving a bomb outside a colorado police station tried to remotely detonate it. he was arrested over the weekend in chicago and is expected to be extradited to colorado. the documents allege he tried to detonate the home made device using a cell phone, but failed. no word on a motive. we've got an update for you on a story rereported yesterday. the former caregiver of a illegally occupying a home arrested and removed from a san diego house. she was hired as a live-in aide, but when the man died, she refused to leave forcing out the man's 90-year-old widow. officials say she not only didn't pay rent, but she also took in other tenants and one of the most iconic pairs of shoes ever to appear on film is getting some help from the public. >> okay. >> the ruby slippers, what have you done with them? give them back to me or -- >> it's too late. there they are and there they'll stay. >> did you even need to see the clip before you knew which shoes i was talking about? >> no, no, no. >> come on. dorothy's ruby red slippers from "the >> they have aged a little bit. they've been on display at the smithsonian's national museum of national history since 1979, and they are showing their age, so they have launched a kick starter campaign. that's right, a kick starter campaign aim at raising $300,000. >> the money would be used to clean, repair, and stabilize the slippers. it will also be used to pay for a new protective display case which will protect the shoes from further damage. so far, they raised $28,000. there are several pairs of the slippers that are all over the place. i think there were, like, six or so, pairs of the slippers. >> still, though, i mean, even with multiple pairs, they are so iconic. >> yeah. apparently very pricey. >> so they have done something, apparently, like this before. they had a kick starter campaign last year of the air and space museum, raising more than $700,000 for the restoration and conservation of neil armstrong's space suit. >> that's a huge thing. >> that's true. >> not a pair of shoes. >> shoes are smaller. but it's not made of rubies. >> oh, there's that too. coming up, trading i do's for -- i don't know about that. i'll introduce you to a wedding photographer taking his job to extremes. watch as newlyweds literally take the plunge, repelling off the side of a mountain for the wedding photos of a lifetime. >> i thought you thought all i do's included i don't know. >> that's true. and the latest police a man arrested for walking in the street. hear what police are now saying about the incident. also, check out behind the scenes pics of that extreme wedding photography shoot on instagram, you're watching "world news so don't wait. call now and request this free decision guide to help you better understand medicare... and which aarp medicare supplement plan might be best for you. we love to travel - and there's so much more to see. so we found a plan that can travel with us. anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now - and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. sometimes we use k-y ultragel to enhance my body's natural moisture so i can get into it a bit quicker. and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... (coughs) that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. we're back with strange new details this morning about the suspect in that attempted ambush of two police officers at a starbucks coffee shop in california. police in vallejo identified the subject as adam powell. the ex-con is currently being treated for life threatening injuries that he suffered in the aftermath of the attack sunday. family members say hours before the attempted ambush, powell's 2-year-old accidently shot himself. the officers, by the way, were attack because powell's assault weapon jammed. the head of the nation's largest police organization has apologized for mistreatment of minorities. terrence cunningham, president of the international association of chiefs of police, said cops must finally take responsibility for their actions. reverend al sharpton a critic of police tactics called the apology a good first step. a police officer in an upscale suburb of minneapolis is under fire over his walking in the road. >> so that officer ended up arresting the man. while the incident was caught on video, police say that video doesn't tell the whole story. here's abc's alex perez. >> reporter: this video of a police stop is sparking outrage. >> you can't just put your hands on me like this. >> reporter: lieutenant t. olson attempts to stop thomas who is walking on the shoulder of the road in an upscale minneapolis suburb. the nearby sidewalk closed for walking in the middle of the street impeding traffic, but the woman who recorded the video, janet rowles, said he was hugging the right side of the construction. >> here's scared, sir. >> reporter: soon, another officer arrives. handcuffing thomas, citing him for disorderly conduct. >> the officer didn't need to approach the situation that i know. he shouldn't have put his hands on the guy. >> reporter: officials saying they released thomas and dropped dismissed the citation. in a statement, they say the officer involved was following established protocol, a protocol that's now being reviewed. alex perez, abc news, adina, minnesota. coming up in the next half hour, good samaritans who rescued a man from a burning car in florida. the new information we have this morning about that dramatic rescue we showed you yesterday, and why police say they had to taze the crash victim. but first, taking their first steps as man and wife off the >> seems normal. >> reporter: why newlyweds risk cliff. life and limb dangling 45 stories up. you're watching "world news now." >> "world news now" continues ? ? the question, do you want to answered with a kind yes. >> i don't know what the next story, if i would be willing to take these pictures that these couple, by the way, barely 48 hours after their wedding. >> yeah. so very quick after they said i do, and they pose for the photos on a ledge that's smaller than this anchor desk right here and 400 feet above the ground. >> pull it tight. from the anchor. >> reporter: it's just before sunrise, only two days after tyler and hillary's wedding. the newly married couple gearing up and repelling down for a photo shoot of a lifetime. this is extreme wedding photography, swapping out i do for don't look down. >> that's perfect. >> jay and vicki are the husband and wife duo who work together to create these dramatic shots. their subjects snapped hundreds >> oh, my goodness. >> reporter: their vertigo-inducing work, it's gone viral, grabbing headlines on tying the knot and she's no stranger to altitude. one of the first days was a private plane ride around new england. fresh off i-do, they are ready for the mountain top photo shoot. even for this daring couple, a little anxiety inducing. sessions like this run couples $1,150. >> the difficult was -- and, again, these guys were not climbers. we had to get her looking happy. she wasn't super happy. >> reporter: he's hoping hillary and tyson will be all smiles for their photo shoots. we meet at dark 30. >> pitch black, yes. can't see over the edge. >> already worried about contending with the elements. the rush is on to get in place for the sunrise shot. okay. i'm coming down. we'll use that at sunrise. how are you two love birds doing down there? the team manages to get a few good photos, but the fog rises again from the valley, covering them all in a cloud of white. jay gets creative and works with the weather. so they are dramatic. you see the fog with the outline of the cliff disappearing into nothing. >> reporter: but he still doesn't have what he came for. >> i'm just getting greedy now. i >> reporter: the couple cliff side for hours. but eventually, tyson calls it quits. >> good job, tyson. >> reporter: just as he's coming up -- >> hey, jay, might be opening up again. >> i want some wide ones. get the valley. >> the team rushes to get solo shots of hilary. >> unreal. turn towards this way a little bit. awesome. just keep doing that. oh, too cool. way to go. unbelievable. awesome. great. we got the valley. we got the valley shot. way good. >> nice job. >> easy. you there. >> good. >> yeah. nice work. >> way to go. >> thank you, guys. that was so much fun. >> the view was incredible. i felt like i was right there in the middle of it all. >> you were. >> it was awesome. we did it. >> i mean, beautiful pictures, but i just can't imagine standing on that -- having to change into my dress on the side of a cliff. >> yeah. literally, there was one point where we had to turn our cameras off and go away because she was putting on her wedding gown, that beautiful dress, right there on the cliff. >> in the dark, right? >> yeah. one point, there was supposed to be reporter involvement, but it. >> beautiful pictures, though. >> yeah, absolutely. that stuff s a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. no thank you very much, she's gonna stick with the short-term stuff. 12 hours? guess i won't be seeing you for a while. is that a bisque? i just lost my appetite. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? start the relief. ditch the misery. today you can do everything in just one click, even keep your toilet clean and fresh. introducing lysol click gel. click it in to enjoy clean freshness with every flush. ?when you've got...? ?...nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!? ?nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!? here's pepto bismol! ah. ?nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!? sometimes we use k-y ultragel to enhance my body's natural moisture so i can get into it a bit quicker. and when 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packed two lunches for her son who shared them. >> oh. so he was just being a nice kid. >> correct. well, turns out the mother of that student that he was sharing with found out, offered to pay her for the missing lunches, and rather than accept the money, dylan's mom turned it into a larger fundraiser to cancel all of the debts of all of the students that owed money for lunch. it. >> yeah. here's something that could have made lunch for the entire basketball team of that school or -- and then some. the largest lobster -- look at that! that is, like -- >> that's a monster. >> that is huge. >> it looks fake. >> looks like the size of gary coleman. okay, this is in bermuda. the big joke is hurricane nicole passed through, kind of swept in this monster lobster. it is 14 pounds. >> wow. >> sadly, you can keep the butter away. it was released back into the water. >> how bummed were you? >> i was really wumed bummed. like, wow, that is huge. >> oh, now i don't think they are server lobster here at this particular mcdonald's. however, they were serving up a she frequented mcdonalds on a regular basis with her son before she was too crippled by arthritis to show up, but the folks found out she was turning 100 and decided to do something nights for her. they threw her this surprise party. her son brought her in. they have this big celebration and they have offered her free meals for life. >> well, that's quite a gamble, mcdonald's. see you do that for your kid's 1st birthday. >> that wo >> good for her. beautiful, cute picture here. take a look at this little koala. it's at a sanctuary there who loves belly rubs and who really doesn't like belly rubs. the photographer made the video in hopes of educating people on the importance of caring for and protecting koalas and -- >> i like when he stops, the koala moves the hand, like, hey, hey, keep it up, keep it up. >> apparently, they have all this morning on "world news now," donald trump one-on-one after a busy day on the campaign trail, the republican candidate talks directly with our tom llamas who asked if trump ever crossed the line with women. we'll have that answer in just a moment. summer scorcher in mid that's right. halloween less than two weeks away, and millions of americans feeling record heat with more record breaking temperatures on the way. new this half hour, what do you do when the price is always right? >> it means everyone's a winner. look at that. so that happened. after the contestants went crazy at the big wheel, we'll show you what happened and what would bob barker do? the ballroom was smoking last night for latin night on "dancing with the stars," plenty worldwide himself stopped by as a judge. but which couple got the boot? a complete wrap up on "the skinny" on this tuesday, october 18th. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> they wereot messing around. >> no, they were not. i think i need a shower after that. that was some interesting stuff. good to see it. all right. >> you're excited to see more on that coming up. >> exactly. can you believe it, we're only three weeks away. it's almost over, this election. and with three weeks to go, donald trump revving up supporters with escalating allegations of a rigged election. >> trump held a rally last night in wisconsin calling on supporters to keep app eye out for fraud at the polls and vowed to end government corruption if elected. after lashing out at house spooep speaker paul ryan, trump suggested ryan may actually want him to lose the election. here's what trump had to say to abc's tom llamas. >> i don't know if you heard or not, but before you got here, around the time you got here, there was a chance inside, paul ryan sucks. is paul ryan hurting you or helping you? >> well, i don't want to be knocking paul ryan. i think he could be more supportive to the republican nominee. we're doing well. i think we're going to win the election. >> reporter: do you think he wants you to win? >> well maybe not. maybe he wants to run in four years or maybe he doesn't know how to win. maybe he doesn't know how to win. who can really know? >> reporter: have you cross the the line in the ever? >> i don't think so. i have great respect for women, tremendous respect for women. they come up for fame, another reason, or maybe they are part of the clinton campaign, and i think a couple of them were involved somehow with the clinton campaign. the one that i met on an airplane 30, 35 years ago, i mean, nobody can believe that's a believable story. listen to that story. in addition to that, there's even a witness, but, i mean, can anyone really believe that a thing like that took place? it's ridiculous. the point is, it's lies. pure lies. even you asking the question, the media's playing it up, but i don't mind because i like telling people, pure lies, it was fabricated stuff in all cases. >> last question. big debate on wednesday. which donald trump are we going to see in we saw an aggressive, in your own element, that sec debate, will we see that candidate in the next debate? >> well, i think so. there's a lot to be aggressive about. she's done a terrible job. look at isis even mosul, why do they attack mosul with all the four months notice, attack. why not just go in and get -- now what happened? one of the primary reasons, maybe the primary reasons, we wanted to get the leaders of isis. they are gone. they left. what are they doing -- >> reporter: saying it was a waste? >> saying they are attacking mosul for the primary reason to get the leaders of isis, but if you want leaders of isis, go in surprise and you do, like, you know, you want to surprise people. don't go in and announce it all over abc and every other place. i think it's ridiculous. i think the way our country's being run, tom, is so ree dick yuls. but mosul is an example. they are fighting for mosul. the leaders have left. i'm saying, what are you going to do? frankly, who is going to be the winner of that battle? iran. because iran is unfortunately taking over iraq. so they are doing that, really, in my opinion, because they want to have some kind of a littl skirmish prior to the election. that's all it is. >> reporter: thank you, mr. trump, thank you for your time. appreciate the time, thank you. >> yeah. >> donald trump talking to abc's tom llamas, and trump's wife is speaking out ten days after the video was released to the public after an avalanche of allegations. melania trump told cnn that she doesn't believe the women accusing her husband of kissing or groping them, but acknowledged his language was unacceptable, but chalks it up to boy talk. >> i don't know that person that would talk that way, and that he would say that kind of stuff in boy's talk. i -- the boys, the way they talk when they grow up, and they want to sometimes show each other, oh, this and that, and talking about the girls, and -- but, yeah, i was surprised, of course. >> mrs. trump also blamed billy bush of egging on her husband in a 2005 recording. last night, billy bush was fired from the "today" show. >> trump and clinton, as we heard, are poised to face off tomorrow night. it will take place in las vegas. and as clinton continues to prepare for the showdown, her friends on broadway held a fund-raiser. and it was hosted by billy crystal and among them julia roberts, sarah jessica parker and hugh jackman, as well. private server. an fbi staffer accused a state department official of pressuring the bureau to declassify an e-mail about benghazi. in exchange, more fbi agents were to be sent to iraq. without a problem. a thousand dollars for him, and then, you can guess. it's day two and the pentagon says the iraqi forces are ahead of the military warns the operation could take some time. isis captured iraq's second largest city more than two years ago. the 30,000 government and kurdish troops advancing on mosul are backed by the u.s.-led coalition and air strikes. united nations agencies say that's not enough time. the announcement came on the same day syrian air strikes people, 14 of them members of a single family. back here in the u.s., the east coast can look forward to more record-breaking heat today. it will be a second straight day of unseasonably warm weather with temperatures in the 80s stretching into new england. some areas will be as much as 20 degrees above normal. forecasters say it could even be warmer in the northeast tomorrow, as well. so here's the map. here are the readings. and the 80s for miami and to the northeast, as i mentioned, boston coming in with 79 degrees. new york and d.c. in the low 80s. before we enjoy the warmth too long, experts remind us that cooler temperatures can come along as quickly as the warmer ones did. if you like it warm out, enjoy it now. >> yep. two new studies about diet and exercise may entice you to enjoy that warm weather by taking a stroll after dinner. researchers in the uk say 150 minutes of exercise each week cuts the risk of type ii and they say the best time to exercise is after a big meal. it will lower blood sugar levels. in sports, cleveland may be one win away fro the world series. a home run broke a 2-2 tie and put the indians ahead for good. the tribe now leads the playoff series, three games to none with game four tomorrow night. off as a bloody mess for cleveland, literally. it's kind of cringe worthy, actually. some of the pictures from it. so that is starter trevor bauer, who cut his finger last week on that personal drone that you saw. and the cut opened up during the first inninning. bower only made it thigh 21 pitches before he was pulled from the game. pulled him out but, you know, many of the officiating crew, the umpires, it was dripping. >> you can't have him bleeding on the mound. >> but he was like, beyonce did an entire concert the previous day without any problem. >> exactly. >> they're like, nah. >> hopefully he gets a chance to redeem himself. not a lot of luck for the blue jays, but there was plenty of luck on yesterday's edition of "the price is right." first up, a woman named cathin comes up with a dollar. a dollar total on her second spin, which means she won at least $1,000. she celebrated with lots and lots of enthoou thus amp. >> but then there was this guy, manfred. yeah. yeah. his total after two spins was also $1, so $1,000 for them. >> and then it was jessica's turn. you can probably guess -- >> no. no. no. come on, jessica. come on. >> three-way tie. three-way tie. >> three-way tie! >> whew! >> oh. >> i wonder if that's the first time we've seen a group hug on the price is right. >> that is great. >> now, when they finally calmed down, they did have a tie-breaking spin-off. which manfred won and he also went on to win the showcase showdown. >> way but good for catherine and jessica. this is so exciting. my friend actually spun a dollar on the wheel once. >> really? >> and he won the showcase showdown. however, he was auto a college student at the time and he won a china set, lifetime supply of eggs and a self-playing pea ano. >> he got ripped off. >> it wasn't the best showcase we digress. and the new information we have this morning about that dramatic rescue that we showed you yesterday of good samaritans forming a human chain to pull a driver free from his burning car. you're watching "world news now." ? world news now weather brought ahh...still sick, huh? i'll take it from here. i'm good. i just took new mucinex clear and cool. ah! what's this sudden ot a menthol burst. you can feel it right away. wow, that sort of blind-sided me. and it clears my terrible cold symptoms. ahh! this is awkward. new mucinex fast-max clear & cool. feel the menthol burst. and clear your worst cold symptoms. start the relief. ditch the misery. today you can do everything in just one click, even keep your toilet clean and fresh. introducing lysol click gel. click it in to enjoy clean freshness with every flush. lysol. start healthing. ? yeah, click ? now with some new details about a fiery rescue that we told you about yesterday, of course. a group of good samaritans jumping in to save a man's life after his car plunged over a hill. >> but this morning, we're finding out police had to use extreme measures to subdue that rescue him. here is abc's linzie janis with more. >> fire extinguisher. fire extinguisher, somebody. >> reporter: these strangers are trying to save a man stuck inside a burning suv, the driver veering off a road, going down this steep embankment. one man, tom seyes, prepares to crawl through the car's rear window. >> you guys have to get away from that car. >> reporter: when police arrived, they pull that driver out together. but he resists their still, they carry him up that hill with the flames getting closer. >> you guys need to help. >> reporter: a group of bystanders working together to make this human chain, pulling each other and that driver to safety. that driver only suffered minor injuries. police are still investigating what happened and why he resisted. linzie janis, abc news, new york. when we come back, who got the boot last night on dancing and martha stewart teams up with snoop dogg. ? skinny so skinny ? we're going to start the skinny on this tuesday with latin night on dancing with the stars. >> so pit bull opened the show light before he joined the judges table. >> miss worldwide. last night's top performance was jana and glenn who, we're told, they were in jeopardy right before they killed it with their argentine tango. to a very latin song. they won b the perfect score of 40. >> just -- the dance was unbelievable. >> wow, yeah. >> the whole audience, i think, was just sitting there with their mouth open. one point? >> yeah, she's been doing well. they certainly came back from that. coming in a close second, james and sharna performing the the rumba. got them a 38 out of 40. >> it was very good. then, there are those at the bottom. >> oh. >> it was next to last was tara and sasha, scoring just 30 out of 40. >> i thought she did really well. yeah, some good moves. >> the judges were saying that she's been doing so well up to this point, that this was not her forte. >> but then coming in dead last, amber and max, scoring just a 28 before they were told it would be their last dance of the season. >> i think that a lot of people assume i'm a certain way, and i'm glad i had an opportunity for people to see me in a different light and actually who i am and the fact that, you know, i am very shy in a lot of ways. i don't like a lot of attention, so i probably shouldn't have got on stage. >> she doesn't. isn't that amazing? >> it's so weird, like, oh, it's too much. >> all right. two more couples are in jeopardy. jana and glenn and calvin and lindsay. next week, lynn goodman returns to the judges table. next, days after announces they awarded dob dylan the nobel trying to reach him. >> so far, dylan has responded only with deafening silence. nothing. he gave a concert in las vegas the night of the announcement and made no mention of the honor. >> the academy's secretary called and sent e-mails to dylan's closest kwor rater and received friendly replies. for the ceremony scheduled in stockholm in december. >> cross your fingers for than. >> an embarrassing situation for a late night giant. >> abc's jimmy kimmel apparently forgot quite a bit of stuff on a transcontinental flight. so he took to twitter to try and resolve the issue. >> dear virgin america, i left two books, an important note pad and ipad on flight 366 l.a. to on boston. i am dumb. please help. >> jimmy, what did you carry off the plane, i wonder? he tried to circumvent customer service by phone. or if the they're just going to hold on to his stuff. >> so it makes you wonder what he did leave with on that plane. >> makes you want to know. finally, a tantalizing sneak peek at martha stewart and snoop dogg's new show. >> an interpretive dance in a trailer for their vh1 cooking show. check it out. ? lo a martha stewart and snoop dogg are buds. >> and martha is still wearing stripes. so many years after she left the pokey. >> now, each episode will feature snoop stew. that's what they're calling it now. they're preparing a dinner party for celebrity guests. so martha stewart and snoop's dinner party premiers december >> i can't wait to watch. >> curious to see snoop in the kitchen. >> we know what he'll be baking. >> brownies, anyone? or, take mu. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. no thank you very much, she's gonna stick with the short-term stuff. 12 hours? guess i won't be seeing you for a while. is that a bisque? i just lost my appetite. why takeicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? start the relief. ditch the misery. if you're approaching 65, now's the time to get your ducks in a row. to learn about medicare, and the options you have. you see, medicare doesn't cover everything - only about 80% of your part b 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the same. >> reporter: how does this little person competing for the mirror ball do it? >> i've never danced with an average sized person before. >> i've never danced with a little person before. >> he's also never met a little person before, so -- >> very exciting. >> reporter: her dance partner small frame. >> she really does, like, inspire me to create bigger and better numbers and there's specific things terra can't do, for instance, one of my steps would be three of her steps. >> this week, like, clap above your head. like, uh-huh. that's really going to happen. >> reporter: all the while balancing motherhood. her 1-year-old, penelope, is also diagnosed with dwarfism. >> i want them to see they can i don't want them to feel like there's limitations out there. >> reporter: and opening up about her newborn son, grayson, delivered on camera. she is anxious to see his results, to see if he's average height or a little person. >> i called and i was like, this was done eight weeks ago. what's going on? and they said the results still aren't in. it almost felt like an elimination. >> reporter: her mission now is for america to see her more than just a little person. >> in the beginning, i said there's a moment where i hope you no longer think of me as, like, you're dancing with a little person. you're just terra. and sasha's now looking at me like terra, which is great, and i hope america does, too. >> she said her biggest fear going into the competition was that she wouldn't make it past the first week. >> she's done great. >> certainly a job done. she's an animal rights activist rescuing and fostering more than 40 dogs. >> all right, good for her. this is abc's "world news now" informing insomniacs for good morning, i'm kendis gibson. >> and i'm diane macedo. here's the top headlines this morning on "world news now." donald trump's wife is speaking out labeling his comments about women in 2005 as boy talk, and she says the voice on that tape is not the man she knows. meanwhile, trump is stepping up allegations that the election is rigged against him. we have much more on that coming up. new outrage following this video of a white police officer arresting a black man for walking in the street of an affluent neighborhood outside of minneapolis. but the mayor says that officer was following protocol. and record warmth expected today from washington, d.c. all the way into new england. readings in some areas will be as high as 20 degrees above normal. and forecasters say it can could even be warmer in the northeast series after beating the toronto blue jays, 4-2. they lead the series three games to none. those are some of our top stories on this tuesday, october 18th. from abc news, this is "world news now." good tuesday morning, everyone. we're going to start with politics, and specifically donald trump and his wife. now present ago united front in the face of a string of explosive allegations. >> trump has told supporters in wiscon apologize for things that he did not do. and he continues to say his accusers are seeking fame. in an interview with abc's tom llamas, trump steadfastly denied any wrongdoing. >> reporter: since the debate, at least nine women came forward to accuse you of sexual misconduct, and on friday, you said something that caught my ear. you said, in almost all cases it's nonsense. what do you mean by that? >> it is nonsense. >> reporter: you said almost all cases. >> well, because, in the case magazine, the butler said it was absolutely perfect. i mean, why wouldn't she have written it at the time? if you had a story like that, talking many, many years ago, but if you had a story like that, tom, you would have written it. would have written it 12 years, you don't come up the night before, never told anybody at "people" magazine. it was totally made up. all of these things were lies. they were made up lies. now -- >> reporter: have you cross the the line in the past with women ever? >> i don't think so. i have great respect for women. i have tremendous respect for women. little fame or maybe for some other reason or maybe because they're part of the clinton campaign. >> and trump's wife, melania, is standing by her man. she's dismissing his vulgar comments as boy talk and accusing the media of trying to derail his campaign. it's your voice, your vote. we get now more now from tom llamas. >> reporter: silence through the campaign, now speaking out to cnn about her husband's comments you first heard it, what did you think? >> i -- i said to my husband that, you know, the language is inappropriate. it's not acceptable. and i was surprised because that is not the man that i know. and as you can see from the tape, the cameras were not on. it was only a mike. and i wonder if they even knew they were kind of a -- a boy talk. and he was lead on, like, egg on from the host to say dirty and bad stuff. >> reporter: you feel the host, billy bush, was sort of egging him on? >> yes, yes. >> reporter: donald trump has dismissed his conversations with bush as, quote, locker room talk. >> when you're a star, they let you do it. >> grab them by the [ bleep ]. >> reporter: is that language you heard him use before? >> no, no. that's why i was surprised because i said i don't know that person that with would talk that way and that he would say that kind of stuff in private. i heard many different stuff, boy's talk. i -- the boys, the way they talk when they grow up, and they want to sometimes show each other, oh, this and that, and talking about the girls, and -- but, yeah, i was surprised, of course. >> reporter: no word yet on melania's response to multiple women accusing trump of groping them. but she did echo her husband's claim, the system is rigged, a message he repeated more than 20 dimes over the weekend. >> it's a rigged system. it's a rigged election. it's rigged like you've never seen before. they take these lies, and they put them on front pages. >> reporter: trump tweeting, of course there's large scale voter fraud happening on and before election day. for some of trump's loyal followers, that's a call to action. >> she gets in the government, i'll do everything in my power to take her out of power. which i have to be a patriot, i will. >> reporter: trump's running mate, mike pence, trying to cool the waters when asked if he'll accept the results of the election. >> we will absolutely accept the results of the election. >> reporter: so far the republican nominee providing no evidence of voter fraud, but trump is still pushing it, along with the idea that the media is conspireing against him, and that includes "snl." alec baldwin mocking trump's rooming the debate stage. trump calling it all hit job, adding, time to retire the boring and unfunny show. alec baldwin's portrayal stinks. media rigging election. now some top republicans are to be rigged. the secretary of state of ohio, that key important battleground state, saying the election will not be rigged in his state, calling trump's comments irresponsible. tom llamas, abc news, green bay, wisconsin. the pept gone warns that it may take some time for iraqi forces to recapture the city of mosul from isis. the extremist group has held the northern still for more than two years. this is the second day, however, of the massive operation troops and kurdish fighters with support from the u.s.-led coalition. abc's alex marquardt reports isis is not giving up. >> that was one of the rockets heading down into the plains around the city. the sun has come up. >> isis sent suicide truck bombers towards iraqi forces. it's believed the islamic state still has about 4,000 to 8,000 fighters within iraq's a vigil for the murdered daughter of track star tyson gay. trinity gay was caught in the gunfire in lexington, kentucky. three men have been arrested in connection with that shooting. the reservation system problems for several airlines have been resolved for now. it affected southwest, virgin america, jetblue and other airlines served by saber corporation. passengers and travel agents were unable to make new domestic reservations, modify existing ones, or check in online. depending on the airline, that is. hours last night. it's said it was a technical issue and probably not a hack. choppy waters in lake michigan. this wind surfer found himself in trouble after his mast broke. thankfully, he had a cell phone and called for help. the coast guard was able to pull him to safety, but rescuers said the man was lucky to be spotted since he was wearing a dark colored wet suit and flotation device. firefighters jumped into action to pull this soot-covered man from his chimney. he entered the chimney after leaving had keys inside the house, but he got stuck halfway down. neighbors heard him screaming and called the police. >> wow. we have to give a shoutout this morning to report setting runner. he's 85 years old. ed whitlock. >> on sunday, he sttered the marathon record for his age group. >> that choice of the photo, where it was taken. >> he's not there yet, just running by. running the toronto marathon in unbelievable. more than half hour faster than the previous record. whitlock says he did the race in sneakers he's had for about 20 years. >> wow. >> and here's a great quote. he says i'll keep running for as long as i can. >> keep running, indeed. >> unbelievable. i'd still be trying to finish the marathon right now. >> in great time. all right. how about an athlete that's much older than edward whitlock, right? getting inside that dinosaur suit is defensive back patrick peterson. >> an explanation? he warmed up against the jets in this. the ridiculous outfit. this whole thing apparently was peterson's punishment for losing a bet against some teammates. >> yes. the quarterback always has this betting contest he has with teammates, and if you lose, they get to decide what you dress up as. or in some cases, dressed down. some of the players ran around in their underwear. >> there's apparently video evidence that carson palmer lost a similar bet and dressed up in a snowman outfit. >> yep. coming up, growing chorus for support of donald trump from a local group of women and why they toot their own horns in support of the republican nominee. the attempted police ambush at a starbucks near san francisco. the suspect in body armor who pulled out an assault weapon. what happened next, but, first, "world news now" weather i asked my dentist if an electric toothbrush was going to clean better than a manual... he said sure, but don't just get any one. get one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head! go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b crossaction delivers a clinically proven superior clean vs. sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels super clean! oral-b. know you're getting a superior clean. i'm never going back to a manual brush. today you can do everything in just one click, even keep your toilet clean and fresh. introducing lysol click gel. click it in to enjoy clean freshness with every flush. lysol. sometimes we use k-y ultragel to enhance my body's natural moisture so i can get into it a bit quicker. and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel. as you can see, lifting off on top of its its mission to deliver supplies and science -- >> nasa's rocket delivery system back in operation with last night's launch from virginia. its dissenvisible up and down the east coast. it's scheduled to arrive on sunday. back here at home, a man near san francisco is recovering this morning from gunshot wounds that he suffered after he targeted some police officers at a starbucks. pulled out an assault weapon. neal kalinski has the latest. >> reporter: in vallejo, california, the dramatic video. officers chasing a man they say tried to attack them at a star with bucks. >> a man with a rifle just tried to ambush us at starbucks. >> reporter: police saying the man was in body armor, a handgun, and assault-type rifle on him. the gun apparently jamming -- >> a 41-year-old tried to assassinate the officers with an assault weapon. >> reporter: hall was a person of interest and the alleged attempt on police, one of several targeting officers in recent weeks. sunday, another officer ambushed in fairbanks, alaska, responding to a call of shots fired when there's a man on the right washingtoning towards him. and the man rushes in front of the patrol car with the gun raised, shooting the 11-year veteran. the search is on for this man described by the police as a serious condition and lucky to be alive. this year already, the number of officers shot and killed on the job is up more than 50% from last year. neal harlinski, abc news, seattle. come up, we return to our top story. melania trump isn't the only woman speaking out in support of her husband. >> why the trumpets are drumming up support for the presidential nominee. you're watching "world news as melania trump speaks out in support of her huts, a growing chorus of women are adding their support, as well. >> we often hear his backers are mostly noncollege educated men. there' stumping for trump. we're "up all nightline" with abc's nick watt. >> reporter: despite eight women alleges sexual advances from mr. trump, many female supporters still unphased. >> guys don't go to hooters for wings and salads. les get it straight. >> why now? what's driving them at this point now to come forth and say something? >> reporter: melania trump asking that same question in an husband's words in that now infamous tape as boy talk. >> the boys, the way they talk when they grow up, and they want to sometimes show each other, oh, this and that, and talking about the girls, and -- but yeah, i was surprised, of course. >> reporter: we wanted to find out how the latest headlines turned trump's most loyal female supporters sgens him. >> make america great. >> crooked hillary takes the >> reporter: a few weeks ago, the women who call themselves trumpets were die hard. >> he's superman, a hero. >> reporter: wealthy women who don't attend rallies, but stump for trump. >> with all the inside news, this is tony holt in hollywood. >> reporter: that's tony holt cramer, a one-time entertainment reporter. pictures with her with the >> do you have to be a trumpette? >> well, i don't belong to the group because i'm not a millionaire, right? but i'm a republican. >> okay. >> this is what i'm going to vote for him. >> reporter: and that's karm carol connor, a successful song writer and one-time singer. >> reporter: finally, rhonda sheer vegan. >> fund raising -- >> how much have you raised? >> i can't tell you that. i'm doing well, though. >> hi, everybody, welcome to another installment of usa, up all night. >> reporter: she used to host "up all night," now a very successful lingerie entrepreneur. we did reach out to carol connors. she says since hearing the leaked tape, she's now an undecided voter. so she's not officially a trumpet any more, but still supports her friends. the new poll shows 68% of women has made unwanted sexual advances towards women, but two-thirds of registers voters male and female say the 11-year-old "access hollywood" tape does not affect their vote. >> at times, men can be blustery, and donald is an alpha male. he definitely is. and i've always had dogs that are alpha, so i think i know how to handle alpha male. i'm worried men, too, women that are single or women that have are divorced, widowed, whatever, you know, they need a kind of strong male who is out for them. and he will do that. >> reporter: meanwhile, rhonda .some other trumpets are en route to a mike pence event. we still want to talk about the top of the ticket. >> okay. so what, guys do that. someone like donald trump who is a good looking man doesn't have to do anything. women are calling. believe me, all day, every day, people try to get to donald really quick. you're a beautiful young lady. what's your name? >> samantha. >> samantha, what do you expect to hear tonight and why are you here tonight? >> i'm here because i think he's going to be a great vp, and he's a great speaker. and he's -- i'm just looking forward to it. >> you want donald trump to win? i'm supporting pence b and i'm supporting our republican nominee, so yes, i want him to win. >> good. >> reporter: the main man tonight, but the vp candidate, he'll do. nick watt, nightline in bell air, california. >> a big debate coming up. >> from las vegas, polls showed that donald trump is only getting about 27% college-educated women. trumpets, of course, trying to change that. coming up, the end of an era tonight at the white house. dinner of the obama presidency. you're watching "world news now." left after i break a dollar. uch, just what's and i never thought i could get quality life insurance with my spare change. neither did i. until i saw a 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(laughing) today you can do everything in just one click, even keep your toilet clean and fresh. introducing lysol click gel. click it in to enjoy clean freshness with every flush. lysol. because i'm a woman... do you think i'm gonna crack under pressure or conquer the field? defy expectations any day with always infinity. made with flexfoam. absorbs 10x its weight. ? preparations in high gear this morning for a landmark event at the white house. >> the italians are coming if you can get by the music. and they will mark president obama's final official state dinner which happens ton here a preview. >> reporter: the white house state dinner is proof the obamas know how to throw a party. tonight, president obama and the first lady wear their host hats one last time for their final state dinner. the guest of on he, italian prime minister mateo renzi. it's the 13th time they welcomed the head of state with a lavish party, from the flowers to the four-course meal, every detail is meticulously planned, but plan for. >> mr. and mrs. salahi. >> reporter: remember those gate crashers? the salahis stole the show when they snuck into the first state dinner, leading to an unhappy president. >> so it was a screwup. >> reporter: by now, they perfected the dinner, rolling out the carpet, inviting celebrities and celebrating a bromance. >> mr. prime minister, after today, i think it's fair to say that here in america, you may well be the most canadian named justin. >> reporter: the first lady stunned in designer gowns, and the first daughters mingled with hollywood stars. the final state dinner should be no different. ? >> reporter: gwen stefani will serenade the guests. even the meal features star power. mario vitali is whipping up dishes with an american twist. and an italian tart for dessert. taste tested and approved by the first lady. >> working with her choosing the dishes, one or another, giving her options was fun, fascinating and a big laugh. we had a good time. >> reporter: but cooking for the president and 400 guests is not a piece of cake. how long have you been preparing for this? >> emotionally? 56 years. my entire life. >> reporter: he'll do it all in the signature orange crocs. >> that's my look, no matter where i go. >> reporter: so we know mario vitale will be wearing the crocs, but everybody is wondering what michelle obama will wear for the state dinner tonight. that's top secret up until the final hours. >> maybe she'll wear crocs. >> i doubt it. >> start a trend. >> probably a designer with some affiliation to the country itself. everyone is preparing for this dinner. >> no shortage of italian designers. >> did you see beau and sonny? they are are ready for the state visit. making news in america this morning, one-on-one with donald trump. overnight the republican candidate discussed a number of issues with abc news including paul ryan, voter fraud and his treatment of women. >> have you crossed the line in the past with women ever? >> i don't think so. >> see his answer plus melania trump talking about her 2005 leaked video on a bus. the mosul offensive. the second day of a campaign to retake the iraqi city. a live update in the critical battle against isis. and some computer problems for a major airlines overnight. the systems crashed and it affected reservations. we have new details on what's happening. caught on camera, a man dodges death when a huge piece of glass falls from the

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