Transcripts For KMGH World News Now 20161005 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KMGH World News Now 20161005

so far the storm's blamed for at least 11 deaths. >> anticipation of the arrival on the east coast is underway. residents are urged to line up three days of food, water, and medications. >> so matthew right now is start to go spin away from cuba. it's now spinning towards the bahamas with winds of at least 130 miles per hour. we're going to check the storm's track in a moment. first, how americans are getting ready. >> reporter: from the florida keys to the carolina coast, ready for the worst. >> if you're able to leave early and go today, do that. don't take a chance. >> reporter: the florida governor joining north carolina, georgia, and florida calling for a state of emergency, ordering all coastal resident toes begin evacuating -- can >> wherever you are on the coast, get a hundred miles away from that. >> this seems so big and it's headed our way. >> reporter: officials warning prepare now before it's too late. >> right now, the message is be prepared for tropical storm force winds on thursday. make sure you have food and >> all south florida is stocking up. >> reporter: residents in florida taking that warning seriously. >> crazy. all the water gone. >> the destruction could be catastrophic. and everyone needs to be prepared. >> reporter: at this home depot in florida, these tables set up for hurricane supplies now empty. in hollywood, cars lining up for gas and plywood. matthew could be the mass evacuation america has seen since floyd in 1999 with when 2 million residents in five states were ordered from their homes. the last hurricane to make landfall in florida was wilma in 2005. a lot of people moved to the state in those 11 years. and clearly, those people will be experiencing a hurricane for the first time. those are the residents the authorities are worried about. >> thank you. let's get a sense of what to expect from the hurricane. >> good morning. we track all the models, all in agreement marching across nassau. that's the next path of matthew, skipping right along the east coast and causing problems th there. but on the way there, it's going to impact the bahamas with power outages, dangerous storm surges, damaging winds and that storm is going to affect the northeast with heavy rain, high winds and flooding saturday going into sunday, even all the way up other parts of the country, looking for the northwest corner, breezy and rainey conditions for washington, oregon, as well b, and into portions of montana. and a strong set of storms are marching into st. louis reaching up to the great lakes region. diane, kendis? >> thank you. coming up, we're going to have the rest of this morning's headlines. >> including tense moments in los angeles where police commissioners were met by black lives matter protesters. plus, newly released video and also ahead, we're going to have more coverage of last night's vice presidential debate. the two candidates much less famous than their running mates, but did either of them break through on the national stage? remember, weigh in on facebook at, and on twitter @abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." twitter @abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." gone sayonara. earts what! she washed this like a month ago! how's a guy supposed to move on! the long lasting scent of gain flings. (coughs) that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. i investigators looking into the new jersey commuter train crash should soon have major new the video and data recorders are both being analyzed after being recovered from the front of the wrecked train. the key question will be answered, how fast the train was going when it hit the station. engineer said he was traveling the speed limit, but investigators say it may have been two or three times that. also in new jersey, a powerful gas explosion rocked a neighborhood in patterson destroying two homes, and another building so badly dama taken down. fire crews who have been called to the scene because of a gas smell evacuated nearby residents of the northern new jersey city before the blast. the los angeles police department has released video of an armed teenager just before he was shot dead by a police officer. the video shows the young man crouching behind an suv behind a strip mall and pulling a handgun from the waistband of the sweat pants. now, it does not show the actual shooting, which has touched off days of protests, including at this police commission meeting. right now, you are, again, going to be the cause of this meeting ending for everyone. we're going to come back and try to continue the meeting. >> the meeting was closed to the public after protesters refused to stop chanting "black lives, they matter here." police in charlotte released the remaining video of the keith scott shooting. his death by police led to two violent nights of protests. the video shows the final steps before he was shot the family's attorney says the tape created more questions than answers. stunning news about a popular e-mail service, word, yahoo! scanned customers incoming messages last year. the scans took place after a request from either the fbi or the national security agency. the report says yahoo! secretly built custom software for the job. it's not known what information intelligence officials were searching for. and google goes hard core into hardware introducing its the company is selling the first phone with google assistant built in. they're xating with google's new daydream virtual reality headset. both are available for preordering. >> interesting. iphones just came out, so many new gadgets coming out. >> exactly. samsung. all right. coming up after the break, we're going to have more on last night's first and only vice presidential debate. >> between the many interruptions, tim kaine and mike pence clashed on everything from terrorism to abortion, but did either one of them come out a clear winner? and later in our next half hour, the scary clown craze that's ignited a national phenomenon. with clown sightings is more than two dozen states, what the white house is now saying. you're watching "world news now." "world news now" continues interesting about nuclear proliferation back in the 1980s. he said the problem with nuclear proliferation is that some fool or maniac could trigger a catastrophic event. i think that's who governor pence's running mate is, who president reagan warned us about. >> oh, come on. senator, senator, that was even beneath you and hillary clinton. and that's pretty low. >> well, that was one of the many intense exchanges last night during the only vice presidential debate. and it was one that was energetic than many expected. >> yeah. they didn't seem to pull many punches. thank you so much for being here, and what did you make of the candidates' styles last night? because they seemed very different. >> they were so different. couldn't be more different. mike pence was a calm choice and demeanor, and tim kaine came to fight. i think both of them were effective. is quite feisty. i i think he was trying to reassure voters who are not sold on donald trump that he is a steady, calm choice. where tim kaine wanted to remind viewers of who was the top candidate on the ticket is, of the comments trump has made during the course of of this campaign and he made them over and over again. >> it was almost as if tim was channeling trump from the last debate and pence candled hillary clinton. how effective were the styles? >> i think they were effective. i think that there's a lot of voters out there worried about both choices, donald trump and hillary clinton. i think for mike pence, he really needed to assure voters that he can be the steady choice for that ticket. but for tim kaine, he sold hillary clinton to the voting public, but he also brought the fight. >> one comment getting attention this morning is when asked about one of trump's comments on trump is not a polished politician. given how many people distrust politicians, do you think that works for them or can that comment come back to haunt him? >> i think that they've said this a lot through the past campaign. and i think a lot of voters like that. that's why donald trump voters are so loyal. but at this point, we're just over 30 days from the enof the campaign, i think the voters are worried about donald trump and want more of those polish ed politician comments as those other comments have been getting him in trouble even through last week. >> speaking of comments, there were so many interesting moments last night. what did you think stood out the most? >> well, one of the moments, i think, that we'll talk about and remembering is the back and forth over this insult-driven campaign. tim kaine and mike pence accused each other of an insult-driven campaign, and mike pence tried to turn it around on the clinton campaign, which, of course, is interesting because insults have really been a hallmark of donald trump and his campaign, so much donald trump was retweeting insults on tim kaine, and hillary clinton pointed it out by tweeting it out during the debate. it's a hard argument for pence to get away from. >> absolutely. >> quickly, how did this impact the race now that the debate is done? >> there's no clear winner from this. i think both came to do what they had to do. for tim kaine, hillary clinton had a bump from the last campaign. he wants to continue that momentum. and for mike pence, he wants to assure voters that this is a steady choice for voters. >> it does set up excitement for sunday's big showdown, debate -- >> oh, absolutely. >> -- number two between the presidential candidates. shah shawna walsh, thanks for being here with us. gh doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ?living well? rise above joint discomfort with move free ultra's triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... many sleep-aids have pain medicine but zzzquil is different because why would you take a pain medicine when all you want is good sleep? time now for "the mix, time now for "the mix," and a lot want to go on vacation, swimming with dolphins, but this is a man who swam with orkas. his name is andreas hyde. he teamed up with a man he calls an aquanaut who invented this, it's propelled by a boat, which is dragging him behind and it allows you to swim under water. the interesting part is when orcas see it, they are interested. and they swim up behind him to see what it is in the water. he looks back to check it out. he said it's the first time he was the one on the swimming end of it. he was worried about being bait, but, luckily, no one was harmed in the filming of the video. 240,000 views. >> it's beautiful. you can see it in the background. >> yes. >> this is a beautiful moment, a 92-year-old song writer, linda rhodes. she writes different gospel songs, she's popular online. her son recorded video of her with an interesting moment. listen. >> you wrote it? >> yes, i did. >> who's singing it? >> mr. willie. >> willie who? >> mr. willie nelson. >> all right. >> mr. willie nelson. so this is her first time hearing willie nelson perform her song there called "little house on the hill." she started singing along, her voice barely there. >> oh, i love her. >> tapping the toes and giggling like a teenager. >> oh, how cute is she? from one cutie to another. only eight weeks old. however, he has a very, very full head of hair so he's been nicknamed baby bear. his mom says that's what the family thinks he looks like, a little baby bear. when she walks by, it takes forever to go through the store because people ask about this baby. he was born with a full head of hair, and they said it'll fall fall out, it's baby hair. he hasn't lost any of it yet. >> how old again? >> only eight weeks old. >> with that hair? >> eight weeks old, and she's a former hairdresser, believe it or not. she has no intention of cutting it. she wants to let it grow out and see where it goes. >> the kid's going to have great hair. so take a look at this. this is a concept bike, erroredly the fastest bike around. aerodynamic because of the low center of gravity. the seat is kind of like all the way back there, and it's on your hips opposed to your buttocks. it seems kind of not comfortable. this morning on "world news now," the vice presidential candidates' big night. mike pence and tim kaine battled it out last night, so who did their running mate the proudest? we'll have the latest. matthew makes landfall again slamming into cuba after hitting haiti. it threatened to hit the southeastern u.s. as millions prepare. the latest forecast just in. new this half hour, how the white house is weighing in on the scary clown craze gripping the country. >> the clown phobia that is gripping schools and college campuses over what authorities are now calling a series of pranks gone awry. double elimination on "dancing with the stars," and the surprise of her life no one saw coming. that's coming up in "the skinny" "world news now." >> not laurie hernandez, all right. >> all right. coming up, we'll be talking about "dancing with the stars", but first, we have to get to the vice presidential debate. it was a little heated. >> it was heated. it was fight night. it was the clash of the running mates, you might say, each putting up a fight for the top of their ticket. >> both nominees, mike pence and tim kaine, have mild mannered personalities, but last night, they came out swinging, aiming at immigration to e-mails to taxes. your voice, your vote, abc's david wright has the highlights. >> reporter: in virginia, the jv debate, two men battling it out to be a heart beat away from the presidency made their case. >> six times tonight, i have said to governor pence, i can't imagine how you can defd your running mate's position on one and all six cases, he's refused to defend -- >> don't put words in my mouth. >> reporter: democrat tim kaine fashioned himself the attack dog forcing pence to defend trump. >> i can't imagine how governor pence can defend the insult-driven donald trump. >> senator, you and hillary clinton would know about an insult driven campaign. it really is remarkable. >> reporter: pence, poised and steady, deflected, painting the democrats as mud slingers. >> the campaign of hillary clinton and tim kaine has been an avalanche of insults. >> reporter: pence was put on the spot over donald trump's taxes, specifically why hasn't he released his returns? >> he went through a very difficult time, but he used the tax code just the way it's supposed to be used. and he did it brilliantly. >> how do you know that? you haven't seen the the tax returns. >> he created a runway -- because he created a business worth billions of dollars today. >> how do you know that? >> reporter: kaine hitting back. >> donald trump started the campaign in 2014 saying if i run for president, i will absolutely release taxes. >> reporter: either one of the pence did his best to channel ronald reagan. >> there they go again. >> reporter: kaine tried to ronald reagan him right back. >> he said the problem with nuclear proliferation is that some fool or maniac could trigger a catastrophic event, and i think that's who governor pence's running mate is, who president reagan warned us about. >> oh, come on. senator, senator, that was even beneath you and hillary clinton. and that's -- that's pretty low. >> reporter: in one change, accusing trump of being the political equivalent of a supe >> donald trump believes that the world will be safer if more nations have nuclear weapons. >> reporter: in the middle of the debate, donald trump retweeted that kaine looked like an evil crook out of the batman movies. >> that is absolutely false. and you know -- you know that, governor. >> reporter: for both men, it was a coming out party. the first time they've been tested on the national stage. being a vice presidential candidate may be a thankless job, but for both men, the implications. the one whose boss loses is waiting in the wings to run for the top job four years from now, and the other will be waiting in the wings much, much closer. i'm david wright in new york. donald trump and hillary clinton were both tweeting throughout the debate, as well. >> yeah. trump said pence won big and called to congratulate him. kaine celebrated at a debate watch party calling the experience intense but fun. >> lana zac is joining us from farmville, virginia, and kaine is getting slack about how he interrupted pence. was that a specific strategy by the clinton campaign? >> reporter: dianne, we knew headed into the debate, they wanted him to be on the attack, but even people within the clinton campaign now are second guessing that. we heard from david axelrod who felt like that strategy back fired. what we really saw from kaine was more like buckshot, trying to throw out as.many punches as and it seemed like that really didn't work out for him. >> yeah. axelrod was tweeting throughout the whole thing. he was not happy with how kaine looked. k kaine interrupted pence 60 times. pence interrupted 37 times. so that said, any sense that the debate will have an impact with undecided voters? >> reporter: well, heading into this, we also heard from some people that because of the very high unfavorability ratings of the two people at the top of the ticket, that undecided voters may look at the two candidates to help them decide who they should cast ballots for, but after this debate, i don't think it's going to be any easier for them to decide between hillary clinton and donald trump. instead, we hear a lot of people who are looking forward to the next debate and potentially even the one that follows it. >> and what are the campaigns saying now that this is all over? >> reporter: well, that's easy. they both said they won. >> yeah. >> reporter: but in all reality, donald trump was out saying what a great job he thought his running mate did. we saw the campaign manager for the trump campaign out here, kellyanne conway, sksh was crowing about what a great performance they had. we didn't have the same enthusiasm coming from the clinton side and i think that speaks volumes about what happened here tonight. >> all right. abc's lana zac live from the vp debate. la, tune in sunday night for the second presidential debate, comoderated by our own martha raddatz, full coverage here, and monday morning, we'll be joining you. more breaking news we're following. millions of americans brace for the potential arrival of hurricane matthew. take a look at the scene here. plenty of gas stations from florida to the carolinas as drivers filled up after warnings were issued. and it didn't get any better at some super markets with residents clearing the shelves >> right now, matthew is still drenching parts of cuba and haiti and roaring towards the bahamas with sustained winds at 125 miles per hour. they'll see heavy rain and major storm surge today. >> matthew left behind severe flooding and severe damage in haiti and cuba, and at least 11 deaths are blamed on the storm, but the number is expected rise as the full extent of damage is realized. u.s. airlines have been canceling flights to the caribbeans. many carriers are letting passengers change plans without penalty. elizabeth hur has more on the storm. >> reporter: hurricane matthew first making landfall in haiti as the most powerful hurricane in decades pounding the region with torrential rain. and dangerous storm surges is on the move. after drenching jamaica, now with the bahamas bracing for heavy wind and rain that could trigger massive mud slides and devastating floods. >> we pray everyone's safe, and it's not as bad as they are predicting. >> reporter: the american coast also on alert. four states of emergency and evacuations set to begin on wednesday in south carolina. >> wherever you are on the coast, we want you to get 100 miles away from that. >> reporter: take a look at these empty store shelves and this long line outside a costco in florida. residents are stocking up after warnings from officials in florida to the carolinas. elizabeth hur, abc news, new york. people on north carolina's coastal islands will evacuate this morning, as well. >> because the hurricane is expected to pass up the coast as we hear from accuweather's paul williams. good morning. >> good morning. matthew causes big time problems not just for the bahamas as a category 4, but along the east coast until it begins to strike and slide across the carolin now, this is the problem. as we go into the weekend, watching out for flooding rain, locally damaging winds, power outages along the coast, and coastal flooding. i'm going to show you something unique as far as the product is concerned. this is the wind associated with the projected forecasting models. watch this. as we go into 8:00 in the evening, 62 miles per hour wind in freeport. the center of the storm will continue to ride along portions of florida, still hour, and will continue to stay strong as it approaches the georgia-florida border. kendis, diane? >> paul, thank you. the rest of baseball playoffs like last night's game, we are in for a few weeks of major excitement. >> what an exciting end. last night, the blue jays and orioles were tied at two in the bottom of the 11th when toronto's edwin encar masson came to the plate. one pitch later, they weren't tied any more.. >> his walk-off home run sent the jays and fans absolutely that vi toronto takes it 5-2, and that victory sets toronto up for a division series battle with the texas rangers. that series starts tomorrow. >> and a lot of people are excited about that because the last time these two teams met up, talking about the rangers and toronto, let's just say they had some bad blood. >> a little bit. >> the jays taking one to the face. >> a lot of drama. a back flip, a stolen base, some brawling. >> yep. >> all right. >> somebody knocked to the ground. it's going to be an exciting post season. well, coming up, the scary crown craze that's sweeping the country lands at the white house. what officials there are saying as schools across more than two dozen states deal with a wave of threats on social media. later, why vice president joe biden went undercover at a college frat party. "world news now" weather gh. i used to blame the weather for my frizz. turns out my curls needed to be stronger to fight back. pantene's pro-v formula makes my curls so strong* they can dry practically frizz free.** because strong is beautiful. get even stronger results with pantene expert, our most you know your heart loves megared omega-3s... but did you know your eyes, your brain, and your joints really love them too? introducing megared advanced 4in1... just one softgel delivers the omega-3 power with megared advanced 4in1. the scary clown craze sweeping the country has the white house weighing in saying local law enforcement should take all threats seriously. >> it comes as public schools in new haven, connecticut, well, they are banning clown costumes this halloween after a threat on instagram. >> now the scare is spreading to colleges. here's abc's t.j. holmes. >> reporter: thousands of college students poured out of chant -- >> i got a balloon for you! don't you want a balloon? >> reporter: -- and do some late-night clown hunting. >> what do we want? >> clowns! >> reporter: rumor of clown sightings at penn state on social media created the clown mob, one saying clowns have come to penn state. this is not okay. and the school newspaper shared this photo of a clown projected clown phobia is now sweeping campuses across the country on what authorities call a series of social media pranks gone awry. in massachusetts, a campus on lockdown after a twitter report of a clown with a pitch fork in a dorm. t.j. holmes, abc news, new york. >> oh, there is a real term for this. this may be the first time that creepy clowns have come up in a white house press briefing. >> i wonder what the press secretary thought when he was drafting that statement. >> they asked him about it. he was unsure if the president has been briefed on the situation about clowns. he said law enforcement should review any perceived threats. >> you have to wonder how many of these are just one person here who thinks it's a funny story, and repeats it, and how many are actually threat. >> it would be tough to pick out the wron how do you -- all right. cholorphobia. when we come back, double elimination on "dancing with the stars," and a surprise proposal. i'm still picturing the lineup, enter, and just, like -- >> right? >> the big nose sticking out. ? skinny so skinny ? we'll start "the skinny" with not one, but two couples sent home. >> that's right. first elimination of the night was kenny baby face edmunds and pro partner alison as he monday night's tango but thanked the fans for the support. >> this experience is an amazing experience, learning to dance with everyone. the family here is amazing. everyone is just -- i just want to thank everybody, thank the fans, everything for voting for me. it's been amazing. >> and despite his amazing circumstance due circumstance do lay monday night, it wasn't enough to kp vanilla ice his part they are, whitney, on the dance floor. >> this is a magical experience. i love it. it's great. dancing makes you happy. this is a happy experience. i'm honored to be here, and i appreciate all the fans and the people. >> oh, so enthusiastic and he did so well. >> yeah. >> biggest moment was night was one no one saw coming. >> after their steamy contemporary dance to "just the way you are," the pro-dancer had a surprise for a fellow pro, emma slater. such a long >> i love you. time. i love you so, so much. [ cheers and applause ] will you marry me? >> yes! >> who needs a mirror ball trough tee when you can walk off stage with a diamond engagement ring, huh? >> congratulations to them. >> good luck. now on a lower stunning admission from ben stiller on live radio. >> opening up to howard stern about being diagnosed with prostate cancer two years ago. >> at first, i didn't know what was going to happen. i was scared. you know, i was scared. one thing it does is stop everything in your life when you get a diagnosis of cancer because you can't plan for a movie, you can't -- >> no. >> you don't know what's going to happen. >> reporter: the tumor was surgically removed and stiller controversy. stiller's cancer was detected by a blood test called a psa, which many doctor is shun bause of its unreliability. next, vice president biden goes undercover. >> marked national domestic violence awareness month by teaming up with an actor in a funny video in which they tried to secretly infiltrate a typical college party. >> back at the white house i'm talking to barack obama. i meet him at the frat house. so watching a program about llall llama ss on youtube, you know? >> the video had an important message, though, raising awareness about campus sexual assault. finally, trying to figure out what is up with jude law's hair. >> yeah. so the british actor attempted to pull off a rather questionable mohawk at a literary event last night in london. >> not really a mohawk in the purist sense. a little bit and just used gel on the sides. >> did it work? >> according to the production team, no. we had like it was a fail and then it was called a fail-hawk. ?living well? rise above joint discomfort with move free ultra's triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... (coughs) that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. misery. let's end this. approaching medicare eligibility? don't put off checking out your medicare options until 65. now is a good time to get the ball rolling. medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. the rest is up to you. that's where aarp medicare supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company come in. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they could help save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now and request this free decision guide and explore the range of aarp medicare supplement plans. all plans like these let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. call now and request your free decision guide... and start gathering the information you need to help you go long?. ?living well? rise above joint discomfort with move free ultra's triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... ? so we've been hearing a lot about the taxes that donald trump may not have paid over the last two decades. >> but can a billionaire real estate mogul really get away with paying less taxes than, say, a middle class sanitation worker? abc's nick watt asks, what's up with that? >> what's up with that? >> as a businessman and real estate developer, i have legally leaked returns in the times, donald trump declared a nearly billion dollar loss in 1995, so in theory, could have paid zero in federal taxes for 18 years on a $50 million a year income. >> i have brilliantly used those laws. >> reporter: could i do the same? as a tv reporter in the top 5% of earners who is also refusing to release tax returns, married, two kids. could this sanitation worker of 78 grand a year, married, three kids? >> hi, david. >> david ray, firm handshake, expensive suit, tax wizard. >> half of the american population, give or take, are not paying any federal income taxes. >> how do they get away with that? including retired, disabled, and very low income and super rich like mr. trump. are the loopholes he legally uses, are they open to us? >> good question. >> technically, they're open to you, but they're not things that as a real estate or business owner, the loopholes are put there for people that are making tons of money. >> i just want to make sure there's nothing else i can do, i mean opening an offshore account in lichtenstein, can we do that? >> reporter: you can't really do that. you'll end up in jail. >> other people don't end up in jail. rich people don't. >> they have millions of dollars to spend on attorneys and financial planners that probably wouldn't be as smart investment for you. >> reporter: no point for us to nick watt for "nightline." >> i liked nick's intro for that guy. firm handshake and tax wizard. i want wizard to appear somewhere in a description of me. >> exactly. that and cool hair. he did have cool air. almost jude-lawesque. interesting debate there on taxes. this is abc's "world news good morning, i'm dian good morning, i'm diane macedo. >> i'm kendis gibson. here's the top headlines we're following this wednesday morning on "world news now." hurricane matthew is roaring towards the bahamas after causing catastrophic damage in remote parts of haiti. there's also severe floodinging in parts of eastern cuba, which received about a foot of rain. florida to the carolinas are not taking chances with matthew stocking up on essentials and filling up on fuel. some evacuation orders are already posted. we have full details, straight ahead. the one and only vice presidential debate turned out to by a feisty matchup. tim kaine and mike pence repeatedly interrupted each other as they tried to convince voters why their party's nominee is the best choice. toronto blue jays won last night's american league wild card playoff game. a three-run walkoff home run gave toronto a 5-2 victory against baltimore, and fans were extra excited about that. those are the top stories on this wednesday, october 5th. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> good morning, everyone. we're going to start with that dangerous situation as hurricane matthew tears through the caribbean. >> here's the radar. massive storm is now packing winds of 125 miles per hour. you can see it on satellite. forecasters say it's moving into the bahamas, which will see heavy rain and major storm surge today. >> in the wake, a tremendous amount of damage in cuba and haiti. remote parts of haiti suffering extreme flooding and 10,000 people rode out the storm in shelters. abc's lindsay davis is in the hurricane zone. >> reporter: the most powerful hurricane to hit haiti in more and panic. >> this is matthew! pray. pray for us. >> reporter: matthew made landfill in western haiti just after 7:00 a.m. with winds of 145 miles per hour. the category 4 storm now 700 miles across, but traveling slowly at just 9 miles per hour. winds continue howling across the islands, and the rain, devastating. at least seven killed in the region. this man making the dangerous waters, and this bridge connecting the southern part of the island to the capital city collapsed. this river threatens another of the few bridges lead to go port-au-prince. you see the river absolutely raging, 15 feet higher from normal, and still it continues to rise. concern is so great that police have shut down this bridge. people who are in this area are unable to make it to the poorest country in the western hemisphere ill-equipped to face a hurricane, and residents still reeling after the 2010 earthquake. thousands of people built on this hillside. they have no running water, no electricity. the real concern now is all this rain and mud slides. another danger? tornados like this one caught on camera east of here in the dominican republic. now the wrath is felt in cuba as it travels north. this man said the waves were so loud, they woke him up. the storm surge already destroyed this home. hurricane matthew continues reeking havoc here in western haiti, the hardest hit area of this island nation. this downed tree tells the story of the sheer power. it's going to take at least a week to restore electricity in the area. >> in the u.s., matthew is being taken very seriously, as well. >> understandably, and states of emergency already in place from florida all the way to north carolina. there have been long lines at some store shelves, you see there, are already empty as residents heed warnings about having three days' of essentials ready. >> reporter: south carolina's governor ordered evacuations of coastal communities telling everyone to move 100 miles inland. florida's governor is not mincing words either. >> we n rebuild your home and business, but we cannot rebuild your lives. >> all the forects is not going away any time quickly. details on that from paul williams. paul, good morning. >> good morning. hurricane matthew not backing off any time soon. expected to stay a category 4 this morning at 8:00, and then staying a category 4 as it rips through the bahamas. now, staying a category 3 and 2, saturday morning it targets across north carolina, a direct hit. but on the way there, it's going to cause big-time problems with flooding rains, dangerous winds and dangerous wave surges and power outages. >> a long week ahead for the southeast. thank you, paul. turning to the morning's other big story, the low key vice presidential nominees were anything but that as they faced off in virginia last night in the only vice presidential debate. mike pence and tim kaine clashed onssues, and kaine used donald trump's words to make his point, but pence refused to take the bait. it's your ic abc's lana zac has the latest from the debate hall.. lana, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, diane and kendis. we were told by the clinton campaign we should expect the vice presidential candidates to go on the attack right off from the top, but, still, to some people, even within the campaign, this debate was a surprise. right out of the gate, the battle lines were drawn at the >> you are donald trump's -- >> isn't this is discussion. >> reporter: asked to defend his running mate, donald trump, that he didn't pay taxes for nearly two decades. >> he went through a very difficult time, but he used the tax code the way it's supposed to be used and did it brilliantly. >> how do you know that? you haven't seen the tax returns. >> reporter: senator tim kaine ready to pounce on the topic. donald trump his tax returns to show he was qualified to be vice president. donald trump must give the american public his tax returns. >> reporter: kaine forced to defend hillary clinton as well. >> hillary and i believe in comprehensive immigration reform. donald trump believes in deportation nation. >> reporter: attacks coming so quickly, the men talked over each other. >> i'm saying facts about your running mate, and -- >> i'm happy to defend him, senator. don't put words in my mouth. >> reporter: in a surprising on heroism before mrijing he and donald trump would do more. >> i want to give this president credit for bringing osama bin laden to justice, but the truth is, osama bin laden led al qaeda. now we have isis. >> he was calm, but never fundamentally defended donald trump. >> reporter: while kaine and pence interrupted each other continuously throughout the debate, on twitter, another dynamic seemed to be playing out with the account of donald trump and hillary clinton also going head to head. diane, kendis? >> all right, lana, thanks. more coverage later in in half hour, but we turn to other headlines this morning. a u.s. service member has been killed by an ied in afghanistan. it happened tuesday near the pakistan border in an operation against isis. the name of the service member has not been released pending notification of the family. and there are new signs of russia and syria. moscow beefed up the military presence in the country with new air defense missiles. this comes a day after the u.s. broke off talks with russia over a cease-fire. the russians say the system is purely defensive, and no threat to anyone. the leader of the armed standoff in oregon returns to the stand today. alan bundy broke todown as he testified tuesday and was to keep two ranchers out of prison. he's one of seven facing conspiracy charges. emotional day in a courtroom for a dad accused of deliberately leaving his young son to die in a hot car. the defense acknowledged the father is to blame, but insists he did not commit a crime. we get more now from abc's steve osansami. >> reporter: this 35-year-old father crying in court as his attorneys argued his son's death was an accident. >> ross loved that little boy more than anything. >> reporter: justin ross harris died on a hot summer day in 2014 after more than seven hours in a rear facing child seat in the back of his silver suv. >> oh, my god, what have i done? >> reporter: eyewitnesss at the time told us he looked truly destroyed. >> his cries out of desperation and passion and hurt. >> reporter: prosecutors say it was all an act. >> the defendant's own words show he's guilty. i love my son and all, but we both need escape. >> reporter: police say while his son was dying right outside his atlanta office, the defendant was inside sexting with other women. he and his wife are now divorced, but she, too, thinks this was an accident. abc news, atlanta. terrifying moments when a man with a knife attacked it shows the suspect taking swings at employees. the knife in his hand, witnesses said he was yelling that he was going to kill everyone. one employee is knocked to the ground and then several other workers managed to get the suspect outside. no one was seriously injured. and there was some big visitors to one of north dakota's biggest malls. >> a pair of moose on the loose in bismarck. one left town before animal control arrived. smart moose. the other walked around a mall before being cornered at a mcna officials decided to let the 1-year-old bull leave on its own. if he's still around wednesday, they will take him away. >> i would not want to encounter one of those. >> no. they are kind of scary. this is time lapse video of a kitten being rescued from a 12 story building. >> police officers were on the ground with a blanket, and in the meantime, one went up to the 12th floor and managed to get a drag him inside. >> oh! that video. >> oh, man. >> it was sent out by the spca there locally in singapore because they wanted to remind people to keep your windows closed because, you know, especially a kitten could fall right out. and they're curious to go places. >> interestingly enough, the rescue happened on world animal day. how appropriate. >> oh, okay. >> police said they were alerted because someone across the street called in about coming up, one and done. we're returning to the one and only vice presidential debate, one that was marked by numerous interruptions. we're breaking down the top moments. first, a look at today's temperatures. "world news now" weather brought to you by united health medicare options until you're sixty-five, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. the rest is up to you. that's where aarp medicare supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company come in. they could help pay some of what medicare doesn't, saving you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you've learned that taking informed steps along the way really makes a difference later. that's what it means to go long?. call now and request this free [decision guide]. it's full of information on medicare and the range of aarp medicare supplement plans hospital that accepts medicare patients, and there are no network restrictions. unitedhealthcare insurance company has over thirty years experience and the commitment to roll along with you, keeping you on course. so call now and discover how an aarp medicare supplement plan could go long? 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>> because he's created a business that's worth billions of dollars today. >> how do you know that? >> donald trump and i would never support legislation that punished women who made the heartbreaking choice to ends a pregnancy. >> why did donald trump say that? >> we just never would. >> why did he say that? >> look politician like you and hillary clinton. >> reporter: pence proving less reactive to provocation than his running mate. >> ronald reagan said something interesting about nuclear proliferation back in the 1980s. he said the problem with nuclear proliferation is some fool or maniac could trigger a catastrophic event, and that's his running mate, who reagan warned us about. even beneath you and hillary clinton, and that's pretty -- that's pretty low. >> reporter: clinton campaign supporters are knocking her running mate's performance, the interruptions did not serve the senator well. next u round two for the presidential contenders who will face off in a town hall style debate forum hosted by martha raddatz days away this sunday. kendis, diane? >> thank you. coming up, actor ben stiller's recent health scare. >> the controversial screening test that he says saves his life. you're watching "world news now." ? ? ? >> what's the matter with you? >> such a good movie. >> such a great movie. it's twaed actually kind of hard to believe that ben stiller's "meet the parents" is now 16 years old. >> hard to believe. >> that's a long time. >> the actor, we don't see his serious side, but he's opening up with his battle with cancer two years ago and the controversial screening test he says saved his life. here's abc's david wright. >> i had prostate cancer a >> reporter: on the howard stern show, actor ben stiller dropped a boshell. >> it just stops everything in your life when you get a diagnosis of cancer. you can't plan for a movie because you don't know what's going to happen. >> reporter: saying his doctors caught cancer early because of a noninvasive blood test called the psa. >> it's a controversial subject the psa test. it's the only early screener for prostate cancer. >> so do you think everyone should get that psa the test in their 40s? >> i do personally. >> reporter: our own dr. rich basser says the government doesn't endorse the test for good reason. >> the problem with the test is that it overdiagnoses prostate cancer. it picks up all kinds of things that never would have caused harm. >> reporter: stiller disagrees. >> i feel it saved my life. >> reporter: stiller had surgery two years and and is now cancer free, but the doctors say the danger of overscreening is you may not need surgery and could have lasting complications. david wright, abc news, new york. court shot. >> oh. >> got to see it. t. me over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. ?living well? rise above joint discomfort with move free ultra's triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... the roses are blooming in herbal essences hair is delightfully fragranced with notes of moroccan rose and the freshness of springtime from herbal essences, blooming now! ?living well? 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(?) when you are suffering from chest congestion but you have got a full day ahead of you, try mucinex 12-hour. only mucinex has a unique bi-layer tablet. the white layer releases immediately. mucinex is absorbed 60 percent faster than store brands. while the blue extended release layer lasts a full 12 hours. ? ? ? what is that? >> a simulator? >> it's a video game of some sort. >> okay. all right. this morning, a generous college student, a patient bride, and one cute baby. >> here's two truths and a why. >> reporter: good morning, you two. we begin with basketball, an amazing shot that was anything but a free throw. in fact, $10,000 was on the line when kansas university's director of basketball operations sank that unbelievable half court shot. ku's sophomore jordan spears who says she's giving that $10,000 to her nana who raised her and her four siblings. she's the first in the family to graduate high school and first to attend college, and she gives all credit to her grandmother. an unbelievable shot there, and an unbelievable story from that family. congrats to that family. up next, good things come to those who wait. and that's why jewel's wedding was so incredibly special. the bride waited two years to get married so her father was the aisle after being badly burned in a welding accident. he was in the hospital for 51 weeks, temporary immobile, suffered two strokes and two heart attacks, but after extensive rehabilitation was able to give his daughter away at her wedding just last month. jewel said her dad has always worked so hard in life, so no, it wasn't surprising to her that he worked so hard to see her as a bride. and, finally, i'd ask why, but looks like this little guy asked plenty of questions of his own 4-month-old danny is the star of a viral instagram account called danny baby faces where some of his most animated expressions caught the attention of sites like the "huffington post" and "daily mail." he has a big personality and elastic face that you see there he got from his dad. goes to show some people are born comedians. something tells me both of your mothers knows something about that, diane and kendis. >> oh? >> how did you see our baby photos? so halloween is coming up. >> i know. and we need your costume suggestions. we are even giving away a mug -- >> the new one. >> -- for whoever is the first to suggest a costume that we pick. #wnncostume on our twitter account, and we got some interesting ones. >> yeah, uh-huh. >> we got frankenberry and count chocula. >> temperament and stamina. making news in america this morning, two big stories right now. tracking hurricane matthew pounding cuba overnight and leaving behind destruction in haiti. the storm is now setting its sights on florida where people are getting ready. >> this is very serious, and you need to prepare and protect you and your families. >> more than a million people getting ready to evacuate. the lines getting longer at gas stations and grocery stores looking like this, cleaned out. and the running mates hit the stage. mike pence and tim kaine set off on their first debate, and it was filled with quite a few clashes and interruptions. >> you are a donald trump supremist -- >> let me talk about this -- >> senator, i think i'm still on my time. >> well, i think -- isn't this a discussion? >> see the moments getting a lot

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