Transcripts For KMGH RightThisMinute 20161021 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KMGH RightThisMinute 20161021

discover what's inside. a russian girl speaks flawless english and six other languages. the performance that's leading to internet stardom. plus, get the buzz word for your chance to win a new ipad mini. and a step-by-step guide to the bro hug. see why there's definitely a right and a wrong way to do it. >> you go in >> and they say we're complicated. i love that all of these cameras exist. now we can come along on adventures with people out and about, like with this guy who's about to go paragliding. but watch this. a problem immediately is de detected. >> he doesn't even have ahold of check my gear. >> how do you not? >> your life is on the line. you have to. the problem is at this point it's a little too late. >> how has he not crashed already? that's incredible recovery. >> you can see his right handle is caught on the left-hand side. he's trying to undo it. that's just going to compromise where he's going. >> i think the thing that's parachuting to the ground, he's paragliding. he's got physics on his side to do something to save himself. >> every action has an equal and opposite reaction. there's physics for you. >> he landed in a way that prevented him from major injury because there's no reports on injuries to this guy. in retrospect, you really, really, really, really have to check your equipment every single time. this one in hawaii. relax, this one goes just as planned. and because it's 360, we get to go along with a sky diver and sky dive hawaii. this is nothing short of super awesome. i want to be right there. >> we're there with him right now. >> it's so great. you see the beautiful blue water. you're above the clouds. >> this one has the option for 4k as well. think back a year when the first 360 videos came out, they were kind of grainy. they were a cool concept. now we're getting ultra hd. >> those vr goggles are becoming more and more consumer friendly. within a year, i think we're all going to be stuck in these goggles. >> just stand in front of those fans so you're also getting the wind. >> it's just like jumping out of a plane. >> this is the part of the video i think is neat. now you can see what he's going through as he's underneath this canopy. folding up his wing suit, messing with his other gear. police are looking for this man in turkey because what he did is absolutely disgusting. cctv footage captures him walking with a blanket. inside the blanket is a baby. he walks up on the side of this car, leaves the baby there, and walks away. >> where did he leave the baby? what is this building that he went to? >> well, he left it on the porch of one of the locals. as a result, neighbors in the area saw the baby, picked it up, and took care of it until police and medics came. the thing that makes t the umbilical cord was still attached. >> do they know who the mother of the child is? police are asking these same questions. they have not identified the parents. they're looking for them as well. >> the baby was transported by medics to the hospital. the baby is still at the hospital. if they can't find the parents, they'll turn it over to social services. cal neighbors said the man who dropped the baby off is unidentifiable, nobody knows him, nobody's ever seen him. neighborhood where people could easily find it instead of doing something unspeakable. clearly obvious the driver up ahead is having a problem. now, both of these lanes are going in the same direction, but he's an absolute danger to everybody on the roadway. >> just crawling along at low speed but sll pinballing down the road. you just got to stop him. >> and that's what this driver tries to do because he calls the authorities. but eventually the driver middle of the roadway. when you got to go, you got to go. >> no. >> that's exactly what this driver, identified as 25-year-old philip ramirez, does. he gets out of the car, walks around. the truck driver, he stops his truck. >> in the middle of the road? >> in the middle of the road. >> in the middle of the road you stopped this car and are urinating? >> and relieves himself. >> if you're the trucker, now is your opportunity. jump out, not even attack the keys out of that car's ignition. show this guy to the side. >> emergency services said don't get out of the car, don't get there and take him. even though you feel like you could. >> the guy can't even stand up to pee let alone operate a vehicle. >> he's blacked out. if he doesn't notice a tractor trailer that's stopped behind him with the lights beating down, had e has no concept of we he is. >> i'm sure a lot of people are screaming to go and get the but the reason police say that is you don't know this guy, you don't know if he's armed. if he's making this poor decision, you don't know what else can happen. >> after he's done, he gets in the car. the good thing is he doesn't go anywhere. watch what comes up on the left side. >> no way. >> this guy is trying to get into the passenger side of the car. that goes to show you what state this man is in. couple minutes later, you see office as their deputies show up on the scene. he was booked for dui and disorderly conduct. the good news is you got somebody off the roadway. >> don't get no better than this on the road, man. francis is the latest winner in the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. >> you can win too. just have the buzz word, be at least 21, and a legal resident stand by for the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. she's on a tv show called "incredible people." like, why is bella so incredible? she walks up to this first guy, starts asking her questions. >> what are you looking for? >> i'm looking for my present. >> if you pass a little test, we can help you find your present. >> so a question pops up on the >> stegasaurus. >> that's incredible. >> keep watching. bella is russian, but she can speak fluent english. and german and spanish and french and chinese and arabic. she's completely fluent in all of these languages, and this video from the tv show in russia is going so viral. it's facebook. she works her way down and does this. [ speaking foreign language ] >> the whole time she's just skipping around on stage. >> this seems so impossible to me. maybe she just memorized the answers to this. >> i've actually got the subtitles because i don't speak these languages. they're having full-on conversations with her. wait until she gets to mandarin >> just language after language after language. [ speaking foreign language ] >> wow. >> i'm stunned. i have difficulty with my own native language. >> i know. >> yeah, cave man is hard. >> she gets this little gift. but really, it doesn't really matter. to be fluent in seven languages. just imagine. something is lurking in the >> what's going on? >> find out what it is. >> what is that? and lips with bling. >> so they mix gloss, lip gloss, with glitter. it takes on that -- the color of the gloss, but the texture of crystals. >> check out the new crystal lips inspired trend. my trainer didn't believe me that trop50 could taste so good and still have 50% fewer calories. can i stop, jane? no. tastes so good you won't believe it has 50% fewer calories. after brushing, listerine? total care strengthens teeth, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine? total care to the total family. listerine? total care. one bottle, six benefits. by -- allegra? gelcaps... not just fast. allegra? fast. what could be lurking in the dark? >> are we under water right now? >> what's going on? >> yes, you're under water. >> what is that? oh, it's a lobster. >> it's a huge one. >> oh, yeah, it's a huge that poor lobster has a hook in its claw. so the people at sanctuary marine bermuda want to help this lobster out. they begin a rescue attempt. first, let's take it back to the shop. >> look at the size of it? >> you want to know how big it is? get the scale out. >> oh, my -- no way. >> 13.98. let's just say 14 pounds. >> that's almost the same size as him. >> the caught ought to be to boil it. >> true, but they actually returned it to the sea. >> good for them. >> yes, i'm happy to hear that. now another rescue. this one is from back in july, but it was recently posted. this was in brazil. you can see there is a giant sting ray stuck on the beach. you can see it's stuck in that netting. it needs help. the woman who shot the video, she said her husband and the restaurant owner decided, you know what, we got to help this guy out. they get out there and try to people show up to help. but this thing is heavy. >> grab the tail. >> somebody does grab the tail because you don't want the barb to get you. the barb isn't at the tip. it's closer to the body of the sting ray. somebody does eventually come and hold that up. >> it's so beautiful. look at that thing. >> and finally, you see that the sting ray is back in the water, bailey found a new playground. ? ? you guys know i love my lipsticks. >> no. >> one color for each day of the week. i think i'm going to be adding this little trend. this video put together by buzzfeed. that is a crystal-inspired lip design. i'm even going to call it lip art. instagramers are now using glitter to create these looks. so they mix gloss, lip gloss, texture of crystals. then in this gold one, they just start adding gold around the lips to make it look like you're licking up quartz. >> it's really fascinate. they make all things glitter now. the polishes, eye shadows. add lipstick to the list. >> but look at this. it's not terribly difficult to pull this look off. all you need is a ton of glitter, your lip gloss, a little outline. this instagrammer different looks that look like crystals on your lips. prepare to be entertained. >> i give you 15 continuous minutes of hollywood's best horror movie screens. >> it's like sitting next to charity. plus, today may be your lucky day so don't go anywhere. the buzz word for your shot to win an ipad mini is coming your it's back and bigger than ever! endless combinations of your favorite pastas, sauces and toppings. and for the first time ever, chicken alfredo. plus unlimited salad and breadsticks. for a limited time. at olive garden. after brushing, listerine? total care strengthens teeth, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine? total care to the total family. listerine? total care. one bottle, six benefits. power to your mouth?. (achoo!) did you know you can pick up cold & flu viruses for up to 48 hours? it's like having a sick family member that you didn't even know was there. and we all know what happens when one family member gets sick. but lysol spray and lysol wipes kill 99.9% of germs including 8 common cold & flu viruses to help protect your home. this cold and flu season help keep your home happy and healthy promotional considerations provided by -- and 25% less saturated fat. only eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. pain strikes at the nerve level. and so does new icy hot lidocaine. desensitizes aggravated nerves with the max strength lidocaine available. new icy hot lidocaine. shudder. [ screaming ] i give you 15 continuous minutes of hollywood's best horror movie screams. [ screaming ] >> it's like sitting next to charity. [ screaming ] >> this brought to you by they're calling this their ultimate halloween play list, but there's more. they also have four hours of continuous horrifying sounds, should you want to creep the babysitter out. >> see, that is creepy right there. all up under the bed. you watch that and go to bed and can't sleep. >> what you're saying is this isn't for you. >> no. >> of course there's some messed up stuff happening on screen. they chose the 100 some of them come from movies where there's some messed up stuff happening. >> hold on. they're paying for the hundred best screams? bring me some money. >> the interesting thing is they have a horror essentials collection. they have all these classic films you can watch that are essential to the horror fanatic. or they've acquired their first series called "beyond the wall," >> sounds horrifying. going out to the lake on a boat. relaxing. hanging up a hammock. relaxing. put those two together and you've doubled the relaxation. check out the mellow ship. created by a guy named james womack. it looks super cool. two small pontoons with outriggers for your hammock. he's even got a solar panel. >> you had me at solar powered motorized hammock boat. >> the hammock can stow, and you can pop out a couple little stools, put a little table in there. look at all the uses. fishing off of it, paddling with it. >> but the best thing to do on the mellow ship is nothing. >> if i was mark cuban on "shark tank," i'd be handing over a million dollars it right now. >> james could probably use a little help for his idea because sadly, his time seems to be running out. he's raised merely a fraction of his $350,000 goal. i don't think we'll be seeing any mellow ships coming waterways near you any time soon. >> hang on, he's still got 99% of the way to go. i could tweet this to mark cuban right now and you never know. >> you never know. and yes, it is remote control. he's got a little hand remote connected to the boat. it'll steer for you. just left and right. you can leave yourself to the >> we need to get this out there. wake up america to the genius that is the mellow ship so we can all have one. it's time to give away another ipad mini. to enter, you need the buzz word, be at least 21 years of age or older, and a legal resident of the united states or canada. >> then head to and click on the win ipad button. >> enter the buzz word on facebook, twitter, or both. >> let's reveal thursday's buzz word. click the win ipad button and enter the buzz word love. >> you're going to love it even more tomorrow because it's bonus giveaway day, where someone could win a flat screen tv. good luck, everybody. giving hugs could get especially awkward for men. >> apparently there's rules on how you hug another man. >> it's true. there's things. >> like what? >> find out the prope >> a hug is a hug is a hug. just hug. ff around without pulling them out. make it pretty. i'm a hugger. >> you're a scrumptious hugger too. i like giving you some hugs. >> and for women, hugging is simple, right? >> yeah, we do it all the time. >> not for the bros. robbie is going to show us how to hug another man. >> what? >> there's a line crossed. it gets weird, okay? >> there's a right way and there's a wrong way. robbie says the first correct way is the common slap shake. >> the majority of your mass, of your body mass, is the no even connecting with him, so it's actually going past him and then he is coming past you. it's almost like square dancing. >> you block with the arms and go bam. >> it's like an extra, i see you, dog. >> i could kill you. i'm pulling you in first. i'm establishing dominance. >> that's what a back slap is as well. >> the pat is the saying i want to touch you, but i'm not fully comfortable with what we're doing. what's interesting about that pat is it's replacing what would be a rub. honestly, i think a lot of people would prefer the rub because rubs feel pretty good. >> it can rub people the wrong way. >> i think the most important reason you guys greet each other like this with the body off to the side is to keep your certain parts away from each other. >> that brings us to the second >> this is where you get your arms completely around each other. you bring it in, heads to the side, and then also do the double pat. >> the big hugs like that are for your bros, your best friends. >> do they talk about the establish distance between groin areas at all? >> why don you tell us? >> six inches minimum. >> you go in and you just -- >> and they say we're complicated. >> i'm not a big fan of the hugging has really become more i come up to a guy, i go for the handshake, he's like, nah, bro, come here. >> i'm the exact opposite. i've always been a hugger. everyone was hugging in asia. i came to america and everyone is like get out of my space. >> just shake my hand, man. thanks for hanging out with us today for the best viral videos. for more, go to or check us out on the next episode of "rtm." donald trump and congressman coffman and coffman tried to redefine rape to mean only forcible rape. in coffman's bill, victims who were drugged, even minors, victims of statutory rape, would not be considered rape victims. coffman and trump are too dangerous for colorado. . "dish nation." hey y'all. welcome to "dish nation." it's thursday. >> yay. >> coming to you today and porsha and everybody welcome trina braxton. we're going to check it out.

Related Keywords

United States , Porsha , Vologodskaya Oblast , Russia , Germany , Brazil , Turkey , Colorado , China , Hollywood , California , Cuba , Spain , France , Hawaii , Bermuda , Russian , America , Spanish , French , Chinese , Cuban , German , Philip Ramirez , James Womack , Trina Braxton ,

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Transcripts For KMGH RightThisMinute 20161021 :

Transcripts For KMGH RightThisMinute 20161021

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discover what's inside. a russian girl speaks flawless english and six other languages. the performance that's leading to internet stardom. plus, get the buzz word for your chance to win a new ipad mini. and a step-by-step guide to the bro hug. see why there's definitely a right and a wrong way to do it. >> you go in >> and they say we're complicated. i love that all of these cameras exist. now we can come along on adventures with people out and about, like with this guy who's about to go paragliding. but watch this. a problem immediately is de detected. >> he doesn't even have ahold of check my gear. >> how do you not? >> your life is on the line. you have to. the problem is at this point it's a little too late. >> how has he not crashed already? that's incredible recovery. >> you can see his right handle is caught on the left-hand side. he's trying to undo it. that's just going to compromise where he's going. >> i think the thing that's parachuting to the ground, he's paragliding. he's got physics on his side to do something to save himself. >> every action has an equal and opposite reaction. there's physics for you. >> he landed in a way that prevented him from major injury because there's no reports on injuries to this guy. in retrospect, you really, really, really, really have to check your equipment every single time. this one in hawaii. relax, this one goes just as planned. and because it's 360, we get to go along with a sky diver and sky dive hawaii. this is nothing short of super awesome. i want to be right there. >> we're there with him right now. >> it's so great. you see the beautiful blue water. you're above the clouds. >> this one has the option for 4k as well. think back a year when the first 360 videos came out, they were kind of grainy. they were a cool concept. now we're getting ultra hd. >> those vr goggles are becoming more and more consumer friendly. within a year, i think we're all going to be stuck in these goggles. >> just stand in front of those fans so you're also getting the wind. >> it's just like jumping out of a plane. >> this is the part of the video i think is neat. now you can see what he's going through as he's underneath this canopy. folding up his wing suit, messing with his other gear. police are looking for this man in turkey because what he did is absolutely disgusting. cctv footage captures him walking with a blanket. inside the blanket is a baby. he walks up on the side of this car, leaves the baby there, and walks away. >> where did he leave the baby? what is this building that he went to? >> well, he left it on the porch of one of the locals. as a result, neighbors in the area saw the baby, picked it up, and took care of it until police and medics came. the thing that makes t the umbilical cord was still attached. >> do they know who the mother of the child is? police are asking these same questions. they have not identified the parents. they're looking for them as well. >> the baby was transported by medics to the hospital. the baby is still at the hospital. if they can't find the parents, they'll turn it over to social services. cal neighbors said the man who dropped the baby off is unidentifiable, nobody knows him, nobody's ever seen him. neighborhood where people could easily find it instead of doing something unspeakable. clearly obvious the driver up ahead is having a problem. now, both of these lanes are going in the same direction, but he's an absolute danger to everybody on the roadway. >> just crawling along at low speed but sll pinballing down the road. you just got to stop him. >> and that's what this driver tries to do because he calls the authorities. but eventually the driver middle of the roadway. when you got to go, you got to go. >> no. >> that's exactly what this driver, identified as 25-year-old philip ramirez, does. he gets out of the car, walks around. the truck driver, he stops his truck. >> in the middle of the road? >> in the middle of the road. >> in the middle of the road you stopped this car and are urinating? >> and relieves himself. >> if you're the trucker, now is your opportunity. jump out, not even attack the keys out of that car's ignition. show this guy to the side. >> emergency services said don't get out of the car, don't get there and take him. even though you feel like you could. >> the guy can't even stand up to pee let alone operate a vehicle. >> he's blacked out. if he doesn't notice a tractor trailer that's stopped behind him with the lights beating down, had e has no concept of we he is. >> i'm sure a lot of people are screaming to go and get the but the reason police say that is you don't know this guy, you don't know if he's armed. if he's making this poor decision, you don't know what else can happen. >> after he's done, he gets in the car. the good thing is he doesn't go anywhere. watch what comes up on the left side. >> no way. >> this guy is trying to get into the passenger side of the car. that goes to show you what state this man is in. couple minutes later, you see office as their deputies show up on the scene. he was booked for dui and disorderly conduct. the good news is you got somebody off the roadway. >> don't get no better than this on the road, man. francis is the latest winner in the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. >> you can win too. just have the buzz word, be at least 21, and a legal resident stand by for the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. she's on a tv show called "incredible people." like, why is bella so incredible? she walks up to this first guy, starts asking her questions. >> what are you looking for? >> i'm looking for my present. >> if you pass a little test, we can help you find your present. >> so a question pops up on the >> stegasaurus. >> that's incredible. >> keep watching. bella is russian, but she can speak fluent english. and german and spanish and french and chinese and arabic. she's completely fluent in all of these languages, and this video from the tv show in russia is going so viral. it's facebook. she works her way down and does this. [ speaking foreign language ] >> the whole time she's just skipping around on stage. >> this seems so impossible to me. maybe she just memorized the answers to this. >> i've actually got the subtitles because i don't speak these languages. they're having full-on conversations with her. wait until she gets to mandarin >> just language after language after language. [ speaking foreign language ] >> wow. >> i'm stunned. i have difficulty with my own native language. >> i know. >> yeah, cave man is hard. >> she gets this little gift. but really, it doesn't really matter. to be fluent in seven languages. just imagine. something is lurking in the >> what's going on? >> find out what it is. >> what is that? and lips with bling. >> so they mix gloss, lip gloss, with glitter. it takes on that -- the color of the gloss, but the texture of crystals. >> check out the new crystal lips inspired trend. my trainer didn't believe me that trop50 could taste so good and still have 50% fewer calories. can i stop, jane? no. tastes so good you won't believe it has 50% fewer calories. after brushing, listerine? total care strengthens teeth, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine? total care to the total family. listerine? total care. one bottle, six benefits. by -- allegra? gelcaps... not just fast. allegra? fast. what could be lurking in the dark? >> are we under water right now? >> what's going on? >> yes, you're under water. >> what is that? oh, it's a lobster. >> it's a huge one. >> oh, yeah, it's a huge that poor lobster has a hook in its claw. so the people at sanctuary marine bermuda want to help this lobster out. they begin a rescue attempt. first, let's take it back to the shop. >> look at the size of it? >> you want to know how big it is? get the scale out. >> oh, my -- no way. >> 13.98. let's just say 14 pounds. >> that's almost the same size as him. >> the caught ought to be to boil it. >> true, but they actually returned it to the sea. >> good for them. >> yes, i'm happy to hear that. now another rescue. this one is from back in july, but it was recently posted. this was in brazil. you can see there is a giant sting ray stuck on the beach. you can see it's stuck in that netting. it needs help. the woman who shot the video, she said her husband and the restaurant owner decided, you know what, we got to help this guy out. they get out there and try to people show up to help. but this thing is heavy. >> grab the tail. >> somebody does grab the tail because you don't want the barb to get you. the barb isn't at the tip. it's closer to the body of the sting ray. somebody does eventually come and hold that up. >> it's so beautiful. look at that thing. >> and finally, you see that the sting ray is back in the water, bailey found a new playground. ? ? you guys know i love my lipsticks. >> no. >> one color for each day of the week. i think i'm going to be adding this little trend. this video put together by buzzfeed. that is a crystal-inspired lip design. i'm even going to call it lip art. instagramers are now using glitter to create these looks. so they mix gloss, lip gloss, texture of crystals. then in this gold one, they just start adding gold around the lips to make it look like you're licking up quartz. >> it's really fascinate. they make all things glitter now. the polishes, eye shadows. add lipstick to the list. >> but look at this. it's not terribly difficult to pull this look off. all you need is a ton of glitter, your lip gloss, a little outline. this instagrammer different looks that look like crystals on your lips. prepare to be entertained. >> i give you 15 continuous minutes of hollywood's best horror movie screens. >> it's like sitting next to charity. plus, today may be your lucky day so don't go anywhere. the buzz word for your shot to win an ipad mini is coming your it's back and bigger than ever! endless combinations of your favorite pastas, sauces and toppings. and for the first time ever, chicken alfredo. plus unlimited salad and breadsticks. for a limited time. at olive garden. after brushing, listerine? total care strengthens teeth, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine? total care to the total family. listerine? total care. one bottle, six benefits. power to your mouth?. (achoo!) did you know you can pick up cold & flu viruses for up to 48 hours? it's like having a sick family member that you didn't even know was there. and we all know what happens when one family member gets sick. but lysol spray and lysol wipes kill 99.9% of germs including 8 common cold & flu viruses to help protect your home. this cold and flu season help keep your home happy and healthy promotional considerations provided by -- and 25% less saturated fat. only eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. pain strikes at the nerve level. and so does new icy hot lidocaine. desensitizes aggravated nerves with the max strength lidocaine available. new icy hot lidocaine. shudder. [ screaming ] i give you 15 continuous minutes of hollywood's best horror movie screams. [ screaming ] >> it's like sitting next to charity. [ screaming ] >> this brought to you by they're calling this their ultimate halloween play list, but there's more. they also have four hours of continuous horrifying sounds, should you want to creep the babysitter out. >> see, that is creepy right there. all up under the bed. you watch that and go to bed and can't sleep. >> what you're saying is this isn't for you. >> no. >> of course there's some messed up stuff happening on screen. they chose the 100 some of them come from movies where there's some messed up stuff happening. >> hold on. they're paying for the hundred best screams? bring me some money. >> the interesting thing is they have a horror essentials collection. they have all these classic films you can watch that are essential to the horror fanatic. or they've acquired their first series called "beyond the wall," >> sounds horrifying. going out to the lake on a boat. relaxing. hanging up a hammock. relaxing. put those two together and you've doubled the relaxation. check out the mellow ship. created by a guy named james womack. it looks super cool. two small pontoons with outriggers for your hammock. he's even got a solar panel. >> you had me at solar powered motorized hammock boat. >> the hammock can stow, and you can pop out a couple little stools, put a little table in there. look at all the uses. fishing off of it, paddling with it. >> but the best thing to do on the mellow ship is nothing. >> if i was mark cuban on "shark tank," i'd be handing over a million dollars it right now. >> james could probably use a little help for his idea because sadly, his time seems to be running out. he's raised merely a fraction of his $350,000 goal. i don't think we'll be seeing any mellow ships coming waterways near you any time soon. >> hang on, he's still got 99% of the way to go. i could tweet this to mark cuban right now and you never know. >> you never know. and yes, it is remote control. he's got a little hand remote connected to the boat. it'll steer for you. just left and right. you can leave yourself to the >> we need to get this out there. wake up america to the genius that is the mellow ship so we can all have one. it's time to give away another ipad mini. to enter, you need the buzz word, be at least 21 years of age or older, and a legal resident of the united states or canada. >> then head to and click on the win ipad button. >> enter the buzz word on facebook, twitter, or both. >> let's reveal thursday's buzz word. click the win ipad button and enter the buzz word love. >> you're going to love it even more tomorrow because it's bonus giveaway day, where someone could win a flat screen tv. good luck, everybody. giving hugs could get especially awkward for men. >> apparently there's rules on how you hug another man. >> it's true. there's things. >> like what? >> find out the prope >> a hug is a hug is a hug. just hug. ff around without pulling them out. make it pretty. i'm a hugger. >> you're a scrumptious hugger too. i like giving you some hugs. >> and for women, hugging is simple, right? >> yeah, we do it all the time. >> not for the bros. robbie is going to show us how to hug another man. >> what? >> there's a line crossed. it gets weird, okay? >> there's a right way and there's a wrong way. robbie says the first correct way is the common slap shake. >> the majority of your mass, of your body mass, is the no even connecting with him, so it's actually going past him and then he is coming past you. it's almost like square dancing. >> you block with the arms and go bam. >> it's like an extra, i see you, dog. >> i could kill you. i'm pulling you in first. i'm establishing dominance. >> that's what a back slap is as well. >> the pat is the saying i want to touch you, but i'm not fully comfortable with what we're doing. what's interesting about that pat is it's replacing what would be a rub. honestly, i think a lot of people would prefer the rub because rubs feel pretty good. >> it can rub people the wrong way. >> i think the most important reason you guys greet each other like this with the body off to the side is to keep your certain parts away from each other. >> that brings us to the second >> this is where you get your arms completely around each other. you bring it in, heads to the side, and then also do the double pat. >> the big hugs like that are for your bros, your best friends. >> do they talk about the establish distance between groin areas at all? >> why don you tell us? >> six inches minimum. >> you go in and you just -- >> and they say we're complicated. >> i'm not a big fan of the hugging has really become more i come up to a guy, i go for the handshake, he's like, nah, bro, come here. >> i'm the exact opposite. i've always been a hugger. everyone was hugging in asia. i came to america and everyone is like get out of my space. >> just shake my hand, man. thanks for hanging out with us today for the best viral videos. for more, go to or check us out on the next episode of "rtm." donald trump and congressman coffman and coffman tried to redefine rape to mean only forcible rape. in coffman's bill, victims who were drugged, even minors, victims of statutory rape, would not be considered rape victims. coffman and trump are too dangerous for colorado. . "dish nation." hey y'all. welcome to "dish nation." it's thursday. >> yay. >> coming to you today and porsha and everybody welcome trina braxton. we're going to check it out.

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United States , Porsha , Vologodskaya Oblast , Russia , Germany , Brazil , Turkey , Colorado , China , Hollywood , California , Cuba , Spain , France , Hawaii , Bermuda , Russian , America , Spanish , French , Chinese , Cuban , German , Philip Ramirez , James Womack , Trina Braxton ,

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