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The case of the serial killer, far worse than first thought. Accused in ten deaths, now linked to several others. What was discovered in his home. And mike check. America loves adele, but millions watching wondering, what happened . Tonight, adeles own explanation, right here. Good evening. And its great to have you with us here on a tuesday night. And we begin tonight with a very dangerous commute home. A storm hitting in the east, another one about to hit in the west. And in the south tonight, multiple tornadoes, the pictures just coming in. An ef1 tornado confirmed outside miami. Which means winds about 100 miles an hour. Drivers there on i95 in the middle of it all. And you will see the rescues in a moment, playing out elsewhere. Meanwhile, the Chain Reaction crashes further north. A mix of rain and sleet, a coating of ice in pennsylvania. I81 outside scranton, trucks we begin tonight with abcs gio benitez live along the west side highway here in new york city tonight. Gio, good evening. Reporter david, good evening to you. This storm has been pounding the east coast all day long, from tornadoes in the south, to dangerous high winds right here in the northeast. Tonight, a dangerous commute home in the northeast. In philadelphia, winds over 50 miles an hour knocking over this tractor trailer on the walt whitman bridge. The threat extending all the way south. A violent tornado captured on camera in pompano beach, florida. Watch as this driver approaches a massive twister. The street becomes an obstacle course. Security cameras catching the storm move in. Planters and debris becoming projectiles, even destroying the security gate. In all, 20 reported tornadoes across five states in 24 hours. Near pensacola, a miraculous rescue. An elderly woman pulled from under the rubble after a tornado hit her home. Chain to get her out. Hallelujah reporter just north of scranton, pennsylvania, a massive pileup. Eight tractor trailers slamming into each other on black ice and crushing small cars. Incredibly, only minor injuries. Im all shaken up, but from what ive seen, thats a miracle. Reporter and further north, in rochester, new york, whiteout. Nearly 18 inches of snow, making for a harrowing commute. Horrible. The way its coming down now, fishtailing all the way down. Reporter in the air, over the past 24 hours, more than 2,500 flights cancelled, and counting. More than 200 people stranded at the philly airport, including a High School Band from michigan, spending the night at the terminal. And david, you can still see it, the wind is still gusting here in new york. But the real concern tonight is flooding. And when temperatures drop, icy roads. And, of course, as you know, that is what causes all of those accidents, david. Yeah, because its so difficult to tell. Fwee gio benitez, thanks. Lets get right to rob, watching first, rob, the system in the east. Reporter its been really dynamic. Tremendous contrast in temperatures feeding this thing. And the low itself now is across upstate new york. It will be exiting into quebec. The snows will wind down behind it. The front will push the squall lines offshore. For eastern new england. Be aware of that. Heres that dramatic contrast of temperatures. Record cold sunday morning. Below zero, into the 50s this morning. So, huge warmup. Cooling back down tonight, so, its going to be slick spots in the morning. Just an incredible swing. In the meantime, in the west tonight, you are watching Something Else . Reporter getting more active there, after a break in el nino. This is going to impact the entire west coast, from canada all the way down to mexico. It arrives tomorrow afternoon with ran, wind and some mountain snow. Not a ton of moisture for southern california. Still behind in the Rainfall Department for los angeles. All right, watching the west, too. Rob, thanks. Now, to breaking news in the race for 2016 tonight. New polls on both sides. First, the republicans and where they stand in South Carolina. Donald trump, well ahead of the cruz at 22 , and marco rubio, back in third at 14 . And former president george w. Bush taking aim at donald trump, with a message clearly directed at trumps tactics on the trail. And late today, a photo tweeted by jeb bush now making headlines. Abcs tom llamas is in South Carolina. Reporter in South Carolina today, a flash of anger at a donald trump rally. [ booing ] a protester surrounded and escorted out. Trump then inviting the men who led the charge up on stage. Where they pledged allegiance to him. My man, donald trump. Ill tell you what. I aint going to lie to you, donald. When you first got into this, i was kind of a little iffy. I aint going to lie. I said, i dont know, donald trump . You the best we got by far. If it wasnt for mr. Trump right here, i dont think any of us would have the voice that we have. Reporter but now, from the last republican president , a sober warning to voters dont and i understand that americans are angry and frustrated. But we do not need someone in the oval office who mirrors and inflames our anger and frustration. Reporter former president george w. Bush making the case for his brother, jeb. Strength is not empty rhetoric. It is not bluster. It is not theatrics. The strongest person usually isnt the loudest one in the reporter trump has blamed president george w. Bush for leaving the country vulnerable on 9 11. Now, jeb bush firing back. No one envisioned 9 11. I dont care what donald trump says. The guy is a complete loser. Reporter today, trump mocked his opponents, saying theyre selling him short. This guy, cruz comes out, well, i dont think hes going to win. This guy is so strident and so nasty. Hes going to lose every single state. And then bush, poor bush, he comes out, he goes, i can. I say, well, why arent you beating me . Reporter senator ted cruz brushing it all off. I think the people of south chief who wont engage in the insults, who wont roll around in the mud. Reporter cruz later talking tough. When radical islamic terrorists wage jihad on the United States of america, the answer is not to tweet insults at them. Reporter and jeb bush sending his own macho message. A oneword tweet, america, with a picture of his new gun. A gift. His name printed right on the barrel. And tom llamas with us live at a trump event behind him tonight. And tom, you saw those numbers today. Trump well ahead in South Carolina. He has said, if he wins there, hell run the table. But president obama today was asked about the idea of a President Trump . Reporter thats right, david. Today, president obama addressed the trump campaign, saying, quote, i continue to believe mr. Trump will not be the president. I have a lot of faith in the american people. That said, trump is still South Carolina. And david, just seconds ago, he addressed with the president said, saying president obama is lucky he didnt run four years ago instead of romney, because president obama would be a oneterm president. David . Tonight. Meanwhile, to the democrats the south, and in particular, voters. New numbers tonight showing of sanders in South Carolina. In nevada. And just a short time ago, Hillary Clinton, launching an assault on republicans in defending president obama. Arguing race has played a role in their battles with the president. Abcs cecilia vega with what clinton just said. Reporter Hillary Clinton today implying racism is behind the threat to block president Obamas Supreme Court nomination. Some are even saying he doesnt have the right to nominate anyone. As if somehow hes not the real you know, thats in keeping what weve heard all along, isnt it . Many republicans talk in coded racial language about takers and losers. They demonize president obama and encourage the ugliest impulses of the paranoid fringe. This kind of hatred and bigotry has no place in our politics or our country. Sanders with their eye on the africanamerican vote. You cant just show up at election time and say the right things and think thats enough. Reporter but her speech nearly derailed by a coughing fit that went on more than four minutes. Too much to say. Reporter sanders today attending a Prayer Breakfast in South Carolina. If we didnt dream, does anybody here think that wed have an africanamerican as president of the United States today . Reporter and a day earlier struggling with that water crisis in flint, sanders with another appeal to black voters. Well, if we can rebuild villages in iraq and afghanistan, we can damn well rebuild flint, michigan. A real battle between sanders and clinton. Cecilia with me now. And you saw the new poll in South Carolina, but youre covering this campaign. Hillary clinton has spent a lot of time in nevada. What does this tell you . Reporter well, it says that shes certainly feeling the pressure there. In fact, shes heading back to nevada. You can hear in her voice today how grueling this campaign is. Her campaign is telling me they tight race in nevada, david. Turnout. Well see on saturday. All right, cecilia gave vega with us tonight. Cecilia, thank you, as always. Now to the battle over the Supreme Court tonight. Just a short time ago, president obama doubling down on his promise to nominate a candidate to replace justice scalia. And this image tonight, Justice Scalias chair, his bench, his courtroom door all draped in black. And democrats pointing to this president reagan in 1987, nominating Anthony Kennedy with just 13 months to go in his second term. Kennedy, of course, later confirmed. But republicans tonight are rejecting that argument. Correspondent Jonathan Karl on the president s message to the senate, just moments ago. Reporter it will be in the great hall of the Supreme Court where antonin scalias body will lie in repose friday, a public viewing not far from that chair, now cloaked in black, he used for his 30 years as a justice. Today in california, president obama paid tribute to scalias legacy as a Supreme Court giant, but also made it clear, hes ready to fight to replace him. I intend to nominate somebody to present them to the american people, to present them to the senate. I expect them to hold hearings. I expect there to be a vote. Reporter but republicans remain dug in, insisting the next president should name scalias replacement. The president today pointed out there is precedent for the Senate Confirming a justice president reagans nominee, Anthony Kennedy, was confirmed in february 1988. But kennedys case is an unusual one. The vacancy came the previous year, in july 1987, when Justice Lewis powell resigned. Reagan first nominated robert bork, who the senate rejected after a long, bitter debate. Reagan then nominated the less controversial kennedy in november 1987. The Senate Confirmed him three months later, 970. Democrats say with 11 months left in obamas presidency, theres plenty of time to confirm a justice. And jon karl with us from the white house tonight. And jon, a reporter asking the president , should we assume you will nominate a moderate . How did the president answer . Reporter well, he said we should make no assumptions. But the bottom line here david, is that the president has a choice. He can nominate a liberal who would energize democrats during had election year, or dominate a moderate who has had bipartisan support. I expect he will go in that republicans to reject that person, because its somebody who republicans have supported in the past. Making it clear that nomination is coming. Jon karl live at the white house. Thank you. Jon, thanks to you. Now, now, to that major Health Headline we reported on last night here. A report linking popular antacids to dementia. Products like prilosec, nexium, prevacid. Researchers say they are linked to a possible 44 increase in the risk of dementia. Abcs chief medical editor dr. Richard besser tonight answering your questions, and if you are concerned, what you can do about heartburn instead. Reporter tonight, reaction to a study that hits people where they hurt heartburn and forecasts what they fear the possibility of dementia. Basically, my entire family takes prilosec daily. And its very disturbing. Reporter but the study only looked at those over age 75 who took prescription heartburn drugs like prilosec or prevacid on a regular basis. And while it found an increased risk of dementia, it doesnt prove that the drugs were the cause. Get in the way . Reporter americans spend more than 10 billion a year on these two main classes of heartburn medicines. Protein pump inhibitors and h2 blockers. Available by prescription or over the counter. But look at this its on the label. Youre only supposed to use the over the counter ones for two weeks. The prescription ones, for most people, just for a few months. And rich is with us now. Because i want to get back to that point he just made. A lot of people take these drugs directions, as you point out, are really important here. Reporter yeah, thats right. Clear. You shouldnt take these drugs for more than 14 days. If you still have heartburn at that point, see what else your doctor can suggest. And for folks at home who might be concerned about these drugs after thisstudy, is there anything else we can do about heartburn . Reporter well, if you are overweight, losing weight will help. Raise the head of your bed when and look for any triggers for for many people, its acidic things like coffee and spicy food. To bed . Reporter that can help. All right, rich besser with us tonight. Thanks, dr. Besser. Return to the stage in paris this evening. Performing their first full concert there since the terror attacks last november. Tight security in place, as you might expect. Chanting with the crowd, dont be scared. 130 people were killed in the attacks, including 89 attending the show at the bat la aclan theater. In an interview, the bands frontman saying everyone should be allowed to carry a gun. There is still much more ahead on world news tonight this tuesday. New developments tonight in the case of a serial killer making national headlines, worse than first thought. Accused in ten deaths, now linked to several others. What was discovered in his home . The new details coming out tonight. Also, the consumer battle now playing out this evening. Dunkin donuts may reign supreme in a big part of this country, new england in particular. Well, now the other name coming to town, and who will you pick . And were you watching adele last night, did you hear this . A lot of folks asking what happened with her sudden change in voice . Well, adeles own explanation, as we continue. On your Airline Credit card. Now you just book a seat, right . Not quite. Sometimes those seats are out of reach, costing an outrageous number of miles. Its time to switch. To the capital one venture card. With venture, youll earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, every day. And when youre ready to travel, just book the flight you want, on any airline and use your miles to cover the cost. Now thats more like it. Whats in your wallet . So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. 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Abcs matt gutman in l. A. Reporter in court today, the prosecution claimed the bespectacled Lonnie Franklin was something other than an affable l. A. Auto mechanic. Evidence in this case will tell a story. A story of a serial killer who stalked the streets of south los angeles. Reporter hes accused of violating then murdering ten women since 1985. He is now allegedly linked to six more deaths. He has pleaded not guilty. Between 1988 and 2002, the alleged serial murderer went dormant, earning the mon kerr iker the grim sleeper. Monique alexander was only 18 when her father last saw her walk to the store. Reporter what finally led police to franklins suburban door was dna, but not his own. His dna was not in databases, but his sons was. Franklin until they got a sample. Slice of pizza, i think a fork, there was a napkin. Reporter when they raided his home in 2010, they found pictures of hundreds of other women. Cold case investigators say that among the women he photographed were several others hes suspected of killing. Now, theyve identified some of those women, but disturbingly, not all of them. If convicted, he faces the death penalty. David . Matt gutman with us from los angeles. Matt, thank you. When we come back here, weve got breaking developments coming in. The earthquake rattling the west. Also, a major interstate closed at this hour. A truck trapped in the rocks. Pictures coming in from that scene, as well. More ahead. It takes a lot of work. To run this business. Im on the move all day long. And sometimes, i just dont eat the way i should. So i drink boost to get the nutrition that im missing. Boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. All with a great taste. I dont plan on slowing down any time soon. Stay strong. Stay active with boost. 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Pwhile taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. Pand it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. Pseek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Peliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Ptell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. V eliquis treats dvt pe blood clots. V plus had less major bleeding. Both made switching to eliquis right for me. Ask your doctor if its to the index of other news tonight and some breaking developments now from california. Word coming in of a 4. 8 earthquake, witnesses describing a loud boom and shaking for up to six seconds. One restaurant reporting items flying off the shelves, but no reports at this hour of any major damage so far. And to another development tonight, images coming in late today from colorado. This is a massive rock slide there. Boulders shutting down i70. Drivers forced to detour up to four hours out of the way. Authorities saying tonight that that highway could be closed for days now. The doe now to nut wars heating up tonight. Krispy kreme heading back to new england. The heart of Dunkin Donuts territory. Announcing new stores in maine and new hampshire, more than a decade after they left the region, unable to compete. We know new englanders love their Dunkin Donuts. Theyre going to give it another shot, though. And america strong tonight. 9yearold adam flowers in georgia, targeted by bullies at school because of his tattered his grandmother calling police about all the bullying. The officers warning those bullies to knock it off. And then buying adam a pair of nike air jordans. Adam, were told, so excited, he wore them to bed. Our favorite story of the night. When we come back here on a tuesday night, adele out of tune . How about a mike check last night . What really happened . Adele herself with an explanation, right after the break. Ation, right after the break. 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It made it sound out of tune then added, because of it, though, im treating myself to an innout, so, maybe it was worth it. Nothing like a burger to make it all better. Linsey davis, abc news, new. We are following several stories i70 is closed through thursday. Were asking cdot what needs to be done for again wood canyon to be safe. Thick black smoke fill the sky in denver what caussd there fire. A once in a lifetime chat with a man who Gave National secrets. A surgical tech is in of a massive healthcare. Reporter rocky allen walked into court shackled wearing jeans and a zip up sweater. For the most part he was stoic and polite as a federal judge read his charges. Now allen is charged with tampering with a Consumer Product and obtaining a the u. S. Attorneys Office Investigation and more charges are possible. If a patient suffers serious Bodily Injury or death allen could face 20 years to life in prison. Allen was fired from Swedish Medical Center after he swapped out a syringe. The hospital asked 3,000 patients to get testifyed for hepatitis or hiv. The feds are also looking at other states where allen worked as a surgical tech including two other hospitals in arizona. We also know that he worked as a surgical tech in the navy. Right now hes being held here. He will be held on a 72 hour bond hold until his next hearing on friday. Thats when we will find out if he will be released at allment reporting live in Denver Jennifer Kovaleski denver 7. Swedish Medical Center alone 2900 patient may have been exposed to serious diseases. They say at least 1600 patients

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