Transcripts For KMGH 7 News At 5 PM Saturday 20161029 : comp

Transcripts For KMGH 7 News At 5 PM Saturday 20161029

he has run hard today. he's run hard in between the tackles and you don't realize, that time he outran the safety chance waz. >> steve: 32-yard gain. >> brian: see how he goes down. take a look at the speed. there's waz 18, runs right around him, 250. he's up, it looks like he's going to be all right. >> steve: he's been all right up to this point, 25 t 15 15 yards a new career high for the junior from texas city. ninth consecutive 100-yard games. >> todd: he makes a lot of calls in terms of how many guys are in the box and he's like i said protectors of the running backs in the country. so, the versatility is there. >> brian: great point, todd. he has a freshman quarterback, help him out. >> steve: tyrone swoopes is in the game with buechele. they fake it to him and buechele throws. and could not connect with devin duvernay. we're going to see more out of duvernay today, we haven't really. >> brian: he's had had some 60-plus yard touchdowns. it's been hit or miss with duvernay. >> steve: still a lot of time left to see him. >> brian: and tyrone swoopes out there giving a blow to foreman. >> steve: buechele doesn't look like he's real patient there with that play call. five on the play clock. throws it out and completes to warrick. >> brian: without foreman out there, on this third down, let's take a look at how shane buechele manages the protection because foreman isn't there to help him. maybe swoopes being a former quarterback would be able to help. >> steve: warrick's first catch. >> brian: swoopes has been great. selfless players, anything for his team. >> steve: he's there for his team right there. the ball carrier, swoopes is bounced backwards with authority. edwards sends a message along with xavier jones. >> brian: and this is an example of how valuable foreman is to football. without foreman in the game they kind of lose direction. >> steve: sterlin gilbert the offensive coordinator said of swoopes, one of my favorite players to coach. he said he's one of those kids you would let marry your daughter. one of the ultimate compliments. talking about foreman. it. no, they're going to say touchback. >> brian: that was kris boyd trying to make an athletic play to keep that ball but it's where the ball is that matters, despite the fact that it's a great athletic player, unlike the nfl it's not where the person is but where the ball is >> referee: illegal formation on the kicking team, five in backfield, five-yard penalty. >> steve: early stages of quarter number four. it's been, let's say, an eventful afternoon. we got a whole lot more football for you still to come. enjoy your phone! you too. 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[ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. hurry in and lease the 2017 passat s for just $199 a month. studio update. couple of top ten with some skaers, pettis, 58-yard punt return would be the difference as number 4 washington survives, 31-24 to remain unbeaten. number 6 ohio state with the four-point win over northwestern and steve, it wasn't delivering finals to rub it in at all. the whole fourth quarter still to come for you, cassidy. kd cannon reintroduced himself to this offense. boyd with the coverage. >> brian: pretty win by the huskies. >> steve: second and six after the short completion. here's terence williams. >> brian: he almost lost that football. >> steve: yes, you hear the >> todd: he lost it and then just got it back. >> brian: really? geez. both teams have had turnovers. lot of footballs on the ground. >> steve: fortunate bounce. russell, the good play fake and hits zamora and he loses possession. right by the out of bounds marker. >> brian: haven't had a whole lot of passing in the game. seth russell has only attempted 24. shane buechele 18. >> steve: williams, the ball carrier. >> todd: williams has been in the whole second half. >> brian: yeah, i don't know if there's something wrong with shock linwood on the sideline or hot hand. >> todd: he has his helmet off, he is standing be i the coaches. >> steve: throwing across the middle, off the hands, couldn't hook up with chris platt, threw the fast ball in there. >> brian: that was a heater. he's anticipating. right around the linebacker 45 wheeler. little too high and hard. 17. >> steve: baylor with 343 yards on the ground today. and again, still a ton more football to be played. and a five-point game. it's williams. tackled from behind. >> todd: texas has more to a single-hig an extra body inside the box to defend the run. they realize that baylor is working them up front defensively and so they're trying to get that extra guy in. you wonder when they're going to take that shot vertically off the play action. >> steve: we got a good shot there of shock linwood watching from the sideline. hasty is in the game. >> brian: there has to be some reason, i don't know if he was is linwood's spot. >> steve: another great fake by russell. leaps a defender and stays on his feet. down at the 5. seth russell! showing all the athleticism, a gain of 29. >> brian: lamar jackson who? i mean, this is unbelievable. this is a guy that broke his neck last year. almost was paralyzed and that's dylan haines, goes right over. he needed to be 6'#". here's hasty the ball carrier. >> todd: that's why he doesn't like to go down. >> brian: my goodness. what an athlete, we talked a lot about him throwing the football. but what an athlete, speed, 4.5 speed at that size, to be panel to do that pretty unbelievable. move, jackson is 185, this is a big kid. >> todd: when you add that element to the offense when you can run with the quarterback, that's an advantage. >> steve: time-out baylor. where is seth russell on the nfl radar? we'll find out. ? [ rear alert sounds ] [ music stops ] ? just can't wait to get on the road again ? [ girl laughs ] ? on the road again ? ? like a band of gypsies we go down the highway ? 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[ rear alert sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] ? on the road again ? ? like a band of gypsies we go down the highway ? [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. hurry in and lease the 2017 passat s for just $199 a month. hey guys. hey! oh is this the new boyfriend? yes. we haven't met yet! you're the sweetest, yes. hold my baby, man. so easy to dip. so hard to put down. rolled chicken tacos. tasty shredded chicken all rolled up with your choice of dips. back at taco bell. hey, do we have any more dr pepper? (?pepper? echoes) shh! i gotta go. what is it, larry? guess i'll just drink this. nooooooo! hey, thanks, man. you invented the playoff. >> steve: baylor has scored 13 unanswered points to take their biggest lead of this afternoon into the early texas evening. there you see charlie's record when trailing after the third quarter. >> brian: first time for everything. >> steve: looking iffer a signature win, a comeback win. >> brian: just looking for a win. >> steve: any kin do. in texas. they got all the alum, the boosters here this weekend for this one. here's warrick, out to the 15. trying to make the big return play, he's out to the 21 yard line. take a look at today's good hands play brought to you by allstate. i use the term good hands sort of loosely there. >> brian: change it to the good feet play. >> steve: check with allstate on that. >> brian: that looked like 41 inches right there. >> steve: right. and poor dylan haines, how many times is he going to have to see that? >> brian: that's going to be a poster, no question. >> steve: buechele off the play fake, he's throwing. too high, in the hands of duvernay. can't bring et down. >> brian: here in the third quarter, the baylor defense? he loves to cook up pressure. true freshman quarterback, a new offensive system for texas. true freshman at center. phil bennett is going to feast on this. it hasn't worked on that way because foreman has really controlled this game on the ground. what is phil bennett going to dial up? >> steve: buechele, the pitch to >> brian: you know, it's been interesting to match the wits between coach bennett and sterlin gilbert, first-time offensive coordinator for texas. but, coach gilbert has an ace in his back pocket in a form of 250-pound d'onta foreman. >> steve: third and five. buechele all by himself in the backfield. pressure up the middle. able to get it away and complete. finds lorenzo joe down the middle. lorenzo joe, welcome to the game. >> brian: talk about the chess match right here. shane buechele has to see this pressure coming and he has to identify it quickly and get rid of the football. great identification, we saw get it to joe, break a tackle and a big gain for the longhorns. take a risk, phil bennett, you know he's going to do this to a young quarterback and you prepare, see it, identify it and then make the throw. >> steve: just a little shuffle to the left by buechele, that one step makes all the difference. >> brian: see chance waz coming up gingerly. >> steve: he brought him down in the end after the big >> brian: we see quarterbacks mature in the fourth quarter when the game is on the line. >> steve: first down and ten. foreman banging forward to the 10 yard line. this game is begging for overtime. just thinking about it. it's had everything else. foreman will slam it up there in the middle again. edwards will meet him halfway. >> brian: my whole high school career i was used to an extra guy in the box. eight, nine times with a guy in box, i got used to it. if i'm one-on-one with that last guy it's my job to make him miss. he's s physical. he's got great feet and speed that's >> steve: third and four. buechele. passing. to andrew beck! got there, touchdown! we're a two-point conversion away from a tie game. >> brian: great play call by sterlin gilbert. play action, get it to your pylon. now, the all-important two-point conversion. i'm not so sure if i don't give it to foreman in some way, shape or form on the two-point attempt as well. >> steve: baylor the only team in the fbs to not allow fourth quarter points. >> referee: baylor calls their first time-out. >> steve: now they have. >> referee: 30-second time-out. >> steve: andrew beck had one catch and the touchdown coming into the game. he has two catches for 23 yards and the potential of the game-tying score. >> brian: they got beck singled up on a defensive end and greg roberts, a great design, you got to respect -- you got to respect this guy right here but this is the guy right here, greg roberts playing on the outside, that ends up in man to man coverage mismatch every time. that's an easy touchdown. >> steve: six plays, 79 yards, only took 1:51 off the clock and of course the key play was the 61-yard pass play to lorenzo joe. >> brian: yeah, shane buechele having to use his brain, right, use your brain to make that play, not a physical play but mental one but certainly nets an opportunity here for them to this game. >> steve: texas is coming, probably next year, charlie strong said whoever's in this chair they'll win ten games. >> brian: no foreman on the field on this play >> referee: substitution infraction. penalty is half the distance to the goal. >> brian: that's a huge penalty, steve. foreman wasn't on the field. your 18-wheeler package and you're able to run the football. >> steve: out of a baylor time-out. >> brian: penalties. jim grobe said at halftime penalties have killed the bears. certainly this one puts them at risk. >> steve: foreman's in there. so is tyrone swoopes as you suggested, gries. >> brian: but foreman is split out wide, this is foreman down here. >> steve: snap to intoops, trying to crash in there. waiting for the signal. the indication. nothing yet. over the texas players are signalling they got the two-point conversion. none of the guys that count in the zebra stripes. >> referee: ruling on the field edwards, see him right here. both he and -- here comes blanchard back in, i think that's great call. i don't think he got across that plane. and that's 250 tyrone swoopes coming downhill. >> steve: with momentum, yeah. against an undersized baylor front. >> brian: give him some credit. job, the iso in that situation you got to stand your ground. >> steve: the margin is two. ? ? ? [ "on the road again," by willie nelson ] ? on the road again ? [ rear alert sounds ] [ music stops ] ? just can't wait to get on the road again ? [ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] ? on the road again ? ? like a band of gypsies we go down the highway ? [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. the 2017 passat s for just $199 a month. tonight's been great. yeah. you look, amazing... you take after your mom.... she's hot. know when to shhhhhhh the subtle fragrance of axe black. (doorbell ringing) trick or treat! 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williams has had the opportunity -- looks 100%. he's kind of favoring that right leg. i don't know. >> steve: and he's still in there. i know you're not a doctor. you play one on television. second and six. >> brian: unless shock linwood did something, missed a block or he's in the dog house. i don't know. >> steve: russell keeps it again. his play fakes are among the best i've seen. seth russell's, he's really good at hiding the football. >> brian: boy, again, 17 rushes for 137 yards and averaging eight yards a clip and that is -- that's impressive. >> steve: third and one. running or throwing here? >> brian: there's a huddle here. >> todd: the second one today. we got the over. >> steve: very good. williams. gets just enough. and a whole lot of burnt orange will jump on top of him. he has the first down. >> brian: it's been a slugfest in the trenches this offensive line for baylor, blake blackmar slow to get up after that last play, thrift, mo porter, you got to give those guys some credit up front. we've been talking about these backs and seth ruel offensive line for baylor since last year. >> steve: coming in they only allowed four sacks on the season, too. 30th baylor first down of the game. speaking of sacks, there's the sack. they drop seth russell in an ugly fashion. this is a miss. i don't know if it's hasty's job or the right tackle's job or seth russell's, you go down like that and you're risking serious injury. >> steve: loss of six on the play. >> brian: that could have been seth russell's job, it could have beenhasty's. it could have been anyone's. >> steve: second and 17. here comes the pressure right up the middle. run blitz. chris nelson stepping in to fill the hole. >> brian: i mentioned blake blackmar going out of the game. >> referee: texas calls their first time-out of the half. >> steve: i like that texas time-out. >> brian: his replacement is thrift. he'll miss this inside move. that's his job allows chris nelson to get a tfl. >> steve: tackle for loss. >> brian: thanks for clearing >> steve: not everybody at home might know what tfl is. i like the time-out there. >> brian: well, we've seen this. we've seen texas give up big plays defensively. when they get inside the red zone fringe area, they bode up. they kept out them out of the end zone when needed. i wouldn't be surprised if baylor uses four downs here. >> todd: this may be a situation considering how poor the kicking game situation has gone for baylor. they've been talking with coach earlier, jim grobe said chris callahan's great in practice, their field goal kicker but has struggled in games in that pressure. >> steve: third and 1. >> brian: all-out pressure look. safeties coming down. >> steve: here they come. don't get there. russell's throw, could not from seth russell. but this ball is thrown inside of kd cannon it's an easy touchdown. we mentioned the all-out blitz, if this ball is thrown toward the middle of the field, over here, that's going to be a touchdown to kd cannon. >> steve: and of course the incompletion stops the clock as well. cannon has been talking 11 times now, making four catches. they elect to punt it here. drew galitz. is standing just on his side of midfield. the pooch kick. gets the bounce. it looked it just crossed. the signal for the touchback. patrick levels was there. not early enough. >> brian: great effort. levels. that's where the football is remember, if any part of that football crosses the front of that fringe right there. >> steve: the momentum of levels takes it with him. >> brian: young shane buechele, true freshman, number 18 in the country here at home. has already thrown for 253 yards and three uchdowns on on the day. nice thing he has plenty of he's got two time-outs left and three minutes. >> steve: from their 20, foreman. looking for a big gain, not there. tyler young saw to that. brings up second down. texas taking a lot of time here. buechele doesn't even look as he hands it off to foreman. and he's stopped out at the 36 by orion stewart. matthew mcconaughey is not trying to beat the traffic, he's still here. that's a serious look. 2:3020 play. here's buechele, takes a shot down the sideline. a has. 50/50 and armanti foreman says, i'll take that! >> brian: 12 men on the field for pais lor. great job by shane buechele noticing that and take advantage of the opportunity to take a shot downfield to foreman. >> referee: ruling on the field is completed pass for a first down. substitution infraction as well on the field on the defense. >> steve: veteran job by foreman there, armanti foreman there, the wide receiver, getting separation here. pushing off the defender. not late where the referee would wind up seeing it. >> brian: again, todd, a great job of foreman coming back, he had that big drop last week in the game against kansas state for touchdown. comes back and makes a play. >> steve: hand off to foreman. and now, if do you think about spending your time-out? >> brian: good point. >> steve: under 2:00 to play. texas trailing by two. trent domingue, his long is 43-yard field goal. you see they're already inside his target line. >> brian: the last thing that charlie strong and gilbert want to do is leave it up to the kicker. they want to score here. keep giving it to 33. brings up a third down. >> steve: they'it c >> brian: their going to bring in tyrone swoopes in this situation. >> steve: the clock has stopped. >> rer clock at 1:15. >> brian: i think they had orion stewart, they were looking at him on defensive side. they're taking him off the field. that's why the clock stopped. >> steve: charlie strong told us that trent doesn't care which side of the field the ball is on to kick it. the hash mark, such a factor so many kickers does not seem to so watch for that. >> brian: he had three extra point blocked in the oklahoma state game. so, charlie strong i think wants to get this first down and get the touchdown. >> steve: didn't miss three extra points. all three blocked. we've had a lot of conversations on the field today. this has been a complicated football game. >> brian: but fun, i'll tell you that. >> referee: please put 40 seconds on the game clock and start on my ready. >> steve: cooper's not fooling around. start on my ready. >> brian: that's important. if texas wanted to run time off the clock the game clock is running as well. that's why they want to make >> steve: here's swoopes. running to his right. slips down more than he was taken down. >> brian: wow, i'm not sure what that was, steve. didn't even look like he was trying to get up the field for the first down. it looked like -- >> referee: baylor calls their final time-out of the half. 30-second time-out. please put 50 seconds on the clock. 5-0. >> brian: that's a head you don't put swoopes in there to run lateral you run downhill. >> steve: baylor has used their last time-out. here's our pacific life game summary. where do you want to start? four touchdowns in the first 5:30 and it's been chaos ever since. the good kind of chaos. there you see d'onta foreman, 249 yards. on the ground and with his arm. eighth ranked baylor up two, here on the road in austin, texas. >> brian: those three extra points that were blocked they were coming right over the snap. this is jack holbrook, he's 5'10," very small for a snapper, i would anticipate something from baylor coming right over the center to get some pressure to block this field goal. >> steve: domingue came over give it a whack. >> brian: got to be smart, you can't contact that center immediately, right? >> steve: holbrook the snapper, trey holtz will hold it for trent domigue. to give texas the lead and he texas, by one. with 46 seconds left. all right, all right, all right, he's saying. >> brian: what a big-time kick from trent domingue that's big time. we have seen at will of kickers in college football in this situation not able to convert and give him all the credit in the world to come back from those blocks and trust in your leg, trust in your preparation middle. how good does that feel for charlie strong? >> steve: i'm wonder if charlie can enjoy anything until it's ov over? he's a true fan. >> brian: a real fan. charlie, we talked with him yesterday, he said obviously, all this talk, he doesn't pay attention and i honestly believe him. he understands the situation. he said, you know what, i want to go out and i want to be true and honor these kids and how hard they're going to play. i want to enjoy it and they should enjoy it, too. >> steve: you understand what you get when you sign up for any head coaching position in the country but especially here at texas. >> brian: still a lot of time on the clock. 46 seconds. not but for baylor it's an eternity. >> steve: they have no time-outs. we have seen how explosive seth russell has been. 215 passing yards. >> todd: if you're charlie strong you got some tough decisions to make in terms of how much pressure you want to bring, how soft you are in coverage and how much you're willing to give up. >> brian: i would let seth >> steve: you saw chris callahan if you're thinking about baylor, his career long is 46 yards. keep an eye on that target line. here's russell. running out. he'll get out of bounds after he has the first down. edwin freeman forced him out. gain of ten. >> brian: there was a hold on that play, malik jefferson got held right here. he's trying to get out there, he g gets yanked by the they normally don't miss those on the edge. >> steve: russell trying to run out of the pressure and he swung around and he's swung down by freeman. >> brian: i don't get it, you're not going to get where you need to go running the quarterback at this juncture. >> steve: 24 seconds left. no time-outs. the football pops up. picked up by malik jefferson to >> brian: malik jefferson has been much maligned. he was benched for this game by charlie strong as a motivational tactic and the biggest moment in this game, malik jefferson has made back-to-back plays and seals it for the longhorns. >> steve: and there are no flags. >> brian: these officials are -- >> referee: ruling on the field there was forward progression before the quarterback threw the ball. it's fourth down. please put 17 seconds on the clock. folks, that is not reviewable. >> brian: wow, desperation there from seth russell. but let's move forward. >> steve: charlie strong asking what else could go wrong here. here's kd cannon down the sideline. >> brian: all this did was set up a hail mary opportunity. >> steve: two seconds left. >> brian: they're going to make, they're going to make texas play every second for this win. >> steve: we had an untimed at the end of the first quarter. >> referee: previous play is under further review. >> brian: of course it is. it can this can entire game is under review. >> brian: look at malik okay, what could we possibly be reviewing here? >> brian: third down play, throw it out here to kd cannon, they're checking to see if he got the first down. but it doesn't matter at this point. there's only one play left in the game. >> steve: two seconds left on the clock. and baylor's season in terms of the playoffs -- still a great season but if they want to make it to the college football be a crusher. >> brian: the big 12 had a tenuous hold on a potential playoff spot as it stood >> referee: after further review, the runner didn't make the line to gain it's fourth down. >> brian: the loss of west virginia already today, their grasp even became more tenuous certainly the big 12's prayer, if this isn't complete in the end zone will be over for the cloej football playoff. >> referee: please reset the 3 seconds. >> steve: comes down to a final play in a one-point game in a rivalry game. and the crowd will tell you the story! and the smile on charlie texas for at least one day, one college football saturday, can breathe a sigh of relief and enjoy a victory. hard-fought over their rivals from waco. >> brian: charlie strong challenged his team and his defense and it wasn't all pretty but they made enough plays in the end to win. i don't know if it's going to save charlie strong's game, i don't he's going to enjoy this game. bigger games down the road, west virginia and tcu he'll certainly need. >> steve: todd, i can't wait to hear this interview. >> todd: hey, coach, lose four out of the previous five games, how important was this one to you. >> we have been through so much and so much criticism, our guys battled today. way through. >> todd: you've been working on your defense on tackling, fund namtales, are you pleased with the effort. >> very pleased. we came one turnovers. we were able to get pressure on the quarterback. i'm just proud of how we battled. >> todd: you guys were able to grind it out on the ground offensively. how big was foreman in this one. >> big. get 1,000 yards. he got it. >> todd: congratulations on the win, coach. >> tnk you. >> steve: all right, todd, charlie strong, he'll enjoy his meal, whatever he chooses to drink tonight, at least tonight he'll enjoy it. >> brian: they earned it tonight. they was some sort of college football game, started in the afternoon wound up in the early evening. unbeaten baylor, 35-34. tune in to abc in the next couple of minutes for saturday night football presented by walmart. it's clemson and florida state. that's coming up. but for now, we'll send you back to our studio. what a day, what a night in austin. steve, baylor knocked from the ranks of the unbeaten. bowl subdivision in yards from scrimmage. west virginia trying to remain among the unbeaten. first 7-0 start for them in ten years. that's what they wereooking for taking on oklahoma state. >> oklahoma state takes down the first unbeaten in the big 12 to stir that race up a little bit. >> third quarter, west virginia trailing 20-10. howard intercepted by richards. >> watch the convoy, blocked for state played some defense in this game against west virginia. >> we came in talking about the west virginia defense. the cowboys put 37 on them. mike gundy with his 100th career win at oklahoma state. oklahoma state takes the 37-30. welcome into the studio. i'm stan verrett with mack brown and mark may. guys, let's talk about the situation in the big 12 no oklahoma is sitting atop the conference. >> did i tell you that texas would probably beat baylor? did i not? >> close game. probably a texas win. >> yes, now, baylor has a loss. west virginia's got a loss. only oklahoma with two losses out of conference. >> oklahoma state back in it after their win. that could come down to a huge they're not going to get a team in the playoffs unless total chaos happens across college football. two nonconference losses. no way oklahoma is going to make it to the 14th playoff team. basically you're talking about big picture, yes, new year's six, congratulation and big 12 out. >> big 12 out. the first college football playoff rankings coming out next week. we'll see who the top four teams are. charlie strong, big win today. >> he got the big win. you got to keep winning. i talked to charlie a lot. he understands the deal. >> he has four games left. if he can get pick up another win, six wins to a bowl game. >> you could hear the relief in his voice after the win. nebraska trying to stay >> great wide feet, great hand placement, great technique, huge hole in the middle for wisconsin. >> 7-0, wisconsin, over nebraska. couple of other unbeatens to talk about michigan, got a game from michigan state. michigan state went down and scored early. but michigan able to put them away. washington and utah. washington what about tonight? >> i think clemson wins because of deshaun watson but they've got to do a better job of stopping dalvin cook than last year. >> who do you like. >> charles kelly the defensive coordinator from florida state get this bunch to play the last two games they've got a chance to win inspect the last two games they put up a 25 points. >> the winner of this game has deondre francois. and the noles trying to protect their home stur of.

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Miami , Florida , United States , Oklahoma , Nebraska , Texas , Washington , Texas City , Virginia , Wisconsin , Kansas , Ohio , Michigan , Utah , West Virginia , Mike Gundy , Seth Ruel , Matthew Mcconaughey , Trey Holtz , Notre Dame , Andrew Beck , Malik Jefferson , Lamar Jackson , Chris Nelson , Orion Stewart , Chris Platt , Willie Nelson , Jack Holbrook , Phil Bennett , Dylan Haines , Devin Duvernay , Lorenzo Joe , Xavier Jones , Mack Brown , Kris Boyd , Mo Porter , Terence Williams , Seth Russell , Seth Steve , Edwin Freeman , Charles Kelly , Greg Roberts , Brian Todd , Chris Callahan ,

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Transcripts For KMGH 7 News At 5 PM Saturday 20161029 :

Transcripts For KMGH 7 News At 5 PM Saturday 20161029

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he has run hard today. he's run hard in between the tackles and you don't realize, that time he outran the safety chance waz. >> steve: 32-yard gain. >> brian: see how he goes down. take a look at the speed. there's waz 18, runs right around him, 250. he's up, it looks like he's going to be all right. >> steve: he's been all right up to this point, 25 t 15 15 yards a new career high for the junior from texas city. ninth consecutive 100-yard games. >> todd: he makes a lot of calls in terms of how many guys are in the box and he's like i said protectors of the running backs in the country. so, the versatility is there. >> brian: great point, todd. he has a freshman quarterback, help him out. >> steve: tyrone swoopes is in the game with buechele. they fake it to him and buechele throws. and could not connect with devin duvernay. we're going to see more out of duvernay today, we haven't really. >> brian: he's had had some 60-plus yard touchdowns. it's been hit or miss with duvernay. >> steve: still a lot of time left to see him. >> brian: and tyrone swoopes out there giving a blow to foreman. >> steve: buechele doesn't look like he's real patient there with that play call. five on the play clock. throws it out and completes to warrick. >> brian: without foreman out there, on this third down, let's take a look at how shane buechele manages the protection because foreman isn't there to help him. maybe swoopes being a former quarterback would be able to help. >> steve: warrick's first catch. >> brian: swoopes has been great. selfless players, anything for his team. >> steve: he's there for his team right there. the ball carrier, swoopes is bounced backwards with authority. edwards sends a message along with xavier jones. >> brian: and this is an example of how valuable foreman is to football. without foreman in the game they kind of lose direction. >> steve: sterlin gilbert the offensive coordinator said of swoopes, one of my favorite players to coach. he said he's one of those kids you would let marry your daughter. one of the ultimate compliments. talking about foreman. it. no, they're going to say touchback. >> brian: that was kris boyd trying to make an athletic play to keep that ball but it's where the ball is that matters, despite the fact that it's a great athletic player, unlike the nfl it's not where the person is but where the ball is >> referee: illegal formation on the kicking team, five in backfield, five-yard penalty. >> steve: early stages of quarter number four. it's been, let's say, an eventful afternoon. we got a whole lot more football for you still to come. enjoy your phone! you too. 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[ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. hurry in and lease the 2017 passat s for just $199 a month. studio update. couple of top ten with some skaers, pettis, 58-yard punt return would be the difference as number 4 washington survives, 31-24 to remain unbeaten. number 6 ohio state with the four-point win over northwestern and steve, it wasn't delivering finals to rub it in at all. the whole fourth quarter still to come for you, cassidy. kd cannon reintroduced himself to this offense. boyd with the coverage. >> brian: pretty win by the huskies. >> steve: second and six after the short completion. here's terence williams. >> brian: he almost lost that football. >> steve: yes, you hear the >> todd: he lost it and then just got it back. >> brian: really? geez. both teams have had turnovers. lot of footballs on the ground. >> steve: fortunate bounce. russell, the good play fake and hits zamora and he loses possession. right by the out of bounds marker. >> brian: haven't had a whole lot of passing in the game. seth russell has only attempted 24. shane buechele 18. >> steve: williams, the ball carrier. >> todd: williams has been in the whole second half. >> brian: yeah, i don't know if there's something wrong with shock linwood on the sideline or hot hand. >> todd: he has his helmet off, he is standing be i the coaches. >> steve: throwing across the middle, off the hands, couldn't hook up with chris platt, threw the fast ball in there. >> brian: that was a heater. he's anticipating. right around the linebacker 45 wheeler. little too high and hard. 17. >> steve: baylor with 343 yards on the ground today. and again, still a ton more football to be played. and a five-point game. it's williams. tackled from behind. >> todd: texas has more to a single-hig an extra body inside the box to defend the run. they realize that baylor is working them up front defensively and so they're trying to get that extra guy in. you wonder when they're going to take that shot vertically off the play action. >> steve: we got a good shot there of shock linwood watching from the sideline. hasty is in the game. >> brian: there has to be some reason, i don't know if he was is linwood's spot. >> steve: another great fake by russell. leaps a defender and stays on his feet. down at the 5. seth russell! showing all the athleticism, a gain of 29. >> brian: lamar jackson who? i mean, this is unbelievable. this is a guy that broke his neck last year. almost was paralyzed and that's dylan haines, goes right over. he needed to be 6'#". here's hasty the ball carrier. >> todd: that's why he doesn't like to go down. >> brian: my goodness. what an athlete, we talked a lot about him throwing the football. but what an athlete, speed, 4.5 speed at that size, to be panel to do that pretty unbelievable. move, jackson is 185, this is a big kid. >> todd: when you add that element to the offense when you can run with the quarterback, that's an advantage. >> steve: time-out baylor. where is seth russell on the nfl radar? we'll find out. ? [ rear alert sounds ] [ music stops ] ? just can't wait to get on the road again ? [ girl laughs ] ? on the road again ? ? like a band of gypsies we go down the highway ? 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(?pepper? echoes) shh! i gotta go. what is it, larry? guess i'll just drink this. nooooooo! hey, thanks, man. you invented the playoff. >> steve: baylor has scored 13 unanswered points to take their biggest lead of this afternoon into the early texas evening. there you see charlie's record when trailing after the third quarter. >> brian: first time for everything. >> steve: looking iffer a signature win, a comeback win. >> brian: just looking for a win. >> steve: any kin do. in texas. they got all the alum, the boosters here this weekend for this one. here's warrick, out to the 15. trying to make the big return play, he's out to the 21 yard line. take a look at today's good hands play brought to you by allstate. i use the term good hands sort of loosely there. >> brian: change it to the good feet play. >> steve: check with allstate on that. >> brian: that looked like 41 inches right there. >> steve: right. and poor dylan haines, how many times is he going to have to see that? >> brian: that's going to be a poster, no question. >> steve: buechele off the play fake, he's throwing. too high, in the hands of duvernay. can't bring et down. >> brian: here in the third quarter, the baylor defense? he loves to cook up pressure. true freshman quarterback, a new offensive system for texas. true freshman at center. phil bennett is going to feast on this. it hasn't worked on that way because foreman has really controlled this game on the ground. what is phil bennett going to dial up? >> steve: buechele, the pitch to >> brian: you know, it's been interesting to match the wits between coach bennett and sterlin gilbert, first-time offensive coordinator for texas. but, coach gilbert has an ace in his back pocket in a form of 250-pound d'onta foreman. >> steve: third and five. buechele all by himself in the backfield. pressure up the middle. able to get it away and complete. finds lorenzo joe down the middle. lorenzo joe, welcome to the game. >> brian: talk about the chess match right here. shane buechele has to see this pressure coming and he has to identify it quickly and get rid of the football. great identification, we saw get it to joe, break a tackle and a big gain for the longhorns. take a risk, phil bennett, you know he's going to do this to a young quarterback and you prepare, see it, identify it and then make the throw. >> steve: just a little shuffle to the left by buechele, that one step makes all the difference. >> brian: see chance waz coming up gingerly. >> steve: he brought him down in the end after the big >> brian: we see quarterbacks mature in the fourth quarter when the game is on the line. >> steve: first down and ten. foreman banging forward to the 10 yard line. this game is begging for overtime. just thinking about it. it's had everything else. foreman will slam it up there in the middle again. edwards will meet him halfway. >> brian: my whole high school career i was used to an extra guy in the box. eight, nine times with a guy in box, i got used to it. if i'm one-on-one with that last guy it's my job to make him miss. he's s physical. he's got great feet and speed that's >> steve: third and four. buechele. passing. to andrew beck! got there, touchdown! we're a two-point conversion away from a tie game. >> brian: great play call by sterlin gilbert. play action, get it to your pylon. now, the all-important two-point conversion. i'm not so sure if i don't give it to foreman in some way, shape or form on the two-point attempt as well. >> steve: baylor the only team in the fbs to not allow fourth quarter points. >> referee: baylor calls their first time-out. >> steve: now they have. >> referee: 30-second time-out. >> steve: andrew beck had one catch and the touchdown coming into the game. he has two catches for 23 yards and the potential of the game-tying score. >> brian: they got beck singled up on a defensive end and greg roberts, a great design, you got to respect -- you got to respect this guy right here but this is the guy right here, greg roberts playing on the outside, that ends up in man to man coverage mismatch every time. that's an easy touchdown. >> steve: six plays, 79 yards, only took 1:51 off the clock and of course the key play was the 61-yard pass play to lorenzo joe. >> brian: yeah, shane buechele having to use his brain, right, use your brain to make that play, not a physical play but mental one but certainly nets an opportunity here for them to this game. >> steve: texas is coming, probably next year, charlie strong said whoever's in this chair they'll win ten games. >> brian: no foreman on the field on this play >> referee: substitution infraction. penalty is half the distance to the goal. >> brian: that's a huge penalty, steve. foreman wasn't on the field. your 18-wheeler package and you're able to run the football. >> steve: out of a baylor time-out. >> brian: penalties. jim grobe said at halftime penalties have killed the bears. certainly this one puts them at risk. >> steve: foreman's in there. so is tyrone swoopes as you suggested, gries. >> brian: but foreman is split out wide, this is foreman down here. >> steve: snap to intoops, trying to crash in there. waiting for the signal. the indication. nothing yet. over the texas players are signalling they got the two-point conversion. none of the guys that count in the zebra stripes. >> referee: ruling on the field edwards, see him right here. both he and -- here comes blanchard back in, i think that's great call. i don't think he got across that plane. and that's 250 tyrone swoopes coming downhill. >> steve: with momentum, yeah. against an undersized baylor front. >> brian: give him some credit. job, the iso in that situation you got to stand your ground. >> steve: the margin is two. ? ? ? 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(doorbell ringing) (doorbell ringing) (doorbell ringing) (knocking on door) you totaled your brand new car. nobody's hurt, but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement?, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. we'll replace the full value of your car. liberty stands with you?. liberty mutual insurance. another final for you, notre dame and miami. 13 seconds left, canes down three, brad kaaya saktd. notre dame wins, 30-27. coming up at 8:30, deshaun watson and clemson visiting steve, brian todd, back to you. might want to hold the kickoff on that one. we'll have to slide that one back a few minutes. we got seven minutes left in the fourth quarter. eighth ranked bailor on the road today in austin, texas, up by two. jamycal hasty on the return. won't get to the 25, he's stopped at the 20. our goodyear college football rankings. can't wait for tuesday night. playoff rankings. that will be interesting. >> brian: louisville got a scare on the road against virginia, that game was hanging in the balance until the end. washington/utah. nebraska/wiscon nebraska/wisconsin. >> steve: northwestern hanging around. >> brian: michigan took care of win on the road. i know people thought michigan state wasn't worth anything but that's always a hard-fought win. >> steve: shock linwood is back in the game. >> referee: illegal substitution by number 22. five-yard penalty. it's still first down. >> brian: terence williams was kind of hobbling off the field. shock linwood was on the field and now he's not sure what's going on there. >> steve: baylor the only fbs team with four players averaging 50 or more yards on the ground rushing. that's linwood, williams, hasty and that's quarterback seth russell. williams, the ball carrier there. >> brian: i want to ask todd if he has any knowledge as to why shock linwood is not playing. >> todd: no idea at all. no one said anything from baylor. they put him on the field. so, he's medically cleared to be out there. >> steve: russell, it's complete. kd cannon has it. and he's just beyond midfield. big pitch and catch there. >> brian: a great route by kd cannon. you get lulled to sleep. they raise up. that's so hard on a >> steve: that was good for 39. williams playing great, he's hot. running the football great. maybe that's the reason why linwood isn't in. >> brian: but has ty comes in. >> steve: why did williams get the opportunity to begin with then? williams has had the opportunity -- looks 100%. he's kind of favoring that right leg. i don't know. >> steve: and he's still in there. i know you're not a doctor. you play one on television. second and six. >> brian: unless shock linwood did something, missed a block or he's in the dog house. i don't know. >> steve: russell keeps it again. his play fakes are among the best i've seen. seth russell's, he's really good at hiding the football. >> brian: boy, again, 17 rushes for 137 yards and averaging eight yards a clip and that is -- that's impressive. >> steve: third and one. running or throwing here? >> brian: there's a huddle here. >> todd: the second one today. we got the over. >> steve: very good. williams. gets just enough. and a whole lot of burnt orange will jump on top of him. he has the first down. >> brian: it's been a slugfest in the trenches this offensive line for baylor, blake blackmar slow to get up after that last play, thrift, mo porter, you got to give those guys some credit up front. we've been talking about these backs and seth ruel offensive line for baylor since last year. >> steve: coming in they only allowed four sacks on the season, too. 30th baylor first down of the game. speaking of sacks, there's the sack. they drop seth russell in an ugly fashion. this is a miss. i don't know if it's hasty's job or the right tackle's job or seth russell's, you go down like that and you're risking serious injury. >> steve: loss of six on the play. >> brian: that could have been seth russell's job, it could have beenhasty's. it could have been anyone's. >> steve: second and 17. here comes the pressure right up the middle. run blitz. chris nelson stepping in to fill the hole. >> brian: i mentioned blake blackmar going out of the game. >> referee: texas calls their first time-out of the half. >> steve: i like that texas time-out. >> brian: his replacement is thrift. he'll miss this inside move. that's his job allows chris nelson to get a tfl. >> steve: tackle for loss. >> brian: thanks for clearing >> steve: not everybody at home might know what tfl is. i like the time-out there. >> brian: well, we've seen this. we've seen texas give up big plays defensively. when they get inside the red zone fringe area, they bode up. they kept out them out of the end zone when needed. i wouldn't be surprised if baylor uses four downs here. >> todd: this may be a situation considering how poor the kicking game situation has gone for baylor. they've been talking with coach earlier, jim grobe said chris callahan's great in practice, their field goal kicker but has struggled in games in that pressure. >> steve: third and 1. >> brian: all-out pressure look. safeties coming down. >> steve: here they come. don't get there. russell's throw, could not from seth russell. but this ball is thrown inside of kd cannon it's an easy touchdown. we mentioned the all-out blitz, if this ball is thrown toward the middle of the field, over here, that's going to be a touchdown to kd cannon. >> steve: and of course the incompletion stops the clock as well. cannon has been talking 11 times now, making four catches. they elect to punt it here. drew galitz. is standing just on his side of midfield. the pooch kick. gets the bounce. it looked it just crossed. the signal for the touchback. patrick levels was there. not early enough. >> brian: great effort. levels. that's where the football is remember, if any part of that football crosses the front of that fringe right there. >> steve: the momentum of levels takes it with him. >> brian: young shane buechele, true freshman, number 18 in the country here at home. has already thrown for 253 yards and three uchdowns on on the day. nice thing he has plenty of he's got two time-outs left and three minutes. >> steve: from their 20, foreman. looking for a big gain, not there. tyler young saw to that. brings up second down. texas taking a lot of time here. buechele doesn't even look as he hands it off to foreman. and he's stopped out at the 36 by orion stewart. matthew mcconaughey is not trying to beat the traffic, he's still here. that's a serious look. 2:3020 play. here's buechele, takes a shot down the sideline. a has. 50/50 and armanti foreman says, i'll take that! >> brian: 12 men on the field for pais lor. great job by shane buechele noticing that and take advantage of the opportunity to take a shot downfield to foreman. >> referee: ruling on the field is completed pass for a first down. substitution infraction as well on the field on the defense. >> steve: veteran job by foreman there, armanti foreman there, the wide receiver, getting separation here. pushing off the defender. not late where the referee would wind up seeing it. >> brian: again, todd, a great job of foreman coming back, he had that big drop last week in the game against kansas state for touchdown. comes back and makes a play. >> steve: hand off to foreman. and now, if do you think about spending your time-out? >> brian: good point. >> steve: under 2:00 to play. texas trailing by two. trent domingue, his long is 43-yard field goal. you see they're already inside his target line. >> brian: the last thing that charlie strong and gilbert want to do is leave it up to the kicker. they want to score here. keep giving it to 33. brings up a third down. >> steve: they'it c >> brian: their going to bring in tyrone swoopes in this situation. >> steve: the clock has stopped. >> rer clock at 1:15. >> brian: i think they had orion stewart, they were looking at him on defensive side. they're taking him off the field. that's why the clock stopped. >> steve: charlie strong told us that trent doesn't care which side of the field the ball is on to kick it. the hash mark, such a factor so many kickers does not seem to so watch for that. >> brian: he had three extra point blocked in the oklahoma state game. so, charlie strong i think wants to get this first down and get the touchdown. >> steve: didn't miss three extra points. all three blocked. we've had a lot of conversations on the field today. this has been a complicated football game. >> brian: but fun, i'll tell you that. >> referee: please put 40 seconds on the game clock and start on my ready. >> steve: cooper's not fooling around. start on my ready. >> brian: that's important. if texas wanted to run time off the clock the game clock is running as well. that's why they want to make >> steve: here's swoopes. running to his right. slips down more than he was taken down. >> brian: wow, i'm not sure what that was, steve. didn't even look like he was trying to get up the field for the first down. it looked like -- >> referee: baylor calls their final time-out of the half. 30-second time-out. please put 50 seconds on the clock. 5-0. >> brian: that's a head you don't put swoopes in there to run lateral you run downhill. >> steve: baylor has used their last time-out. here's our pacific life game summary. where do you want to start? four touchdowns in the first 5:30 and it's been chaos ever since. the good kind of chaos. there you see d'onta foreman, 249 yards. on the ground and with his arm. eighth ranked baylor up two, here on the road in austin, texas. >> brian: those three extra points that were blocked they were coming right over the snap. this is jack holbrook, he's 5'10," very small for a snapper, i would anticipate something from baylor coming right over the center to get some pressure to block this field goal. >> steve: domingue came over give it a whack. >> brian: got to be smart, you can't contact that center immediately, right? >> steve: holbrook the snapper, trey holtz will hold it for trent domigue. to give texas the lead and he texas, by one. with 46 seconds left. all right, all right, all right, he's saying. >> brian: what a big-time kick from trent domingue that's big time. we have seen at will of kickers in college football in this situation not able to convert and give him all the credit in the world to come back from those blocks and trust in your leg, trust in your preparation middle. how good does that feel for charlie strong? >> steve: i'm wonder if charlie can enjoy anything until it's ov over? he's a true fan. >> brian: a real fan. charlie, we talked with him yesterday, he said obviously, all this talk, he doesn't pay attention and i honestly believe him. he understands the situation. he said, you know what, i want to go out and i want to be true and honor these kids and how hard they're going to play. i want to enjoy it and they should enjoy it, too. >> steve: you understand what you get when you sign up for any head coaching position in the country but especially here at texas. >> brian: still a lot of time on the clock. 46 seconds. not but for baylor it's an eternity. >> steve: they have no time-outs. we have seen how explosive seth russell has been. 215 passing yards. >> todd: if you're charlie strong you got some tough decisions to make in terms of how much pressure you want to bring, how soft you are in coverage and how much you're willing to give up. >> brian: i would let seth >> steve: you saw chris callahan if you're thinking about baylor, his career long is 46 yards. keep an eye on that target line. here's russell. running out. he'll get out of bounds after he has the first down. edwin freeman forced him out. gain of ten. >> brian: there was a hold on that play, malik jefferson got held right here. he's trying to get out there, he g gets yanked by the they normally don't miss those on the edge. >> steve: russell trying to run out of the pressure and he swung around and he's swung down by freeman. >> brian: i don't get it, you're not going to get where you need to go running the quarterback at this juncture. >> steve: 24 seconds left. no time-outs. the football pops up. picked up by malik jefferson to >> brian: malik jefferson has been much maligned. he was benched for this game by charlie strong as a motivational tactic and the biggest moment in this game, malik jefferson has made back-to-back plays and seals it for the longhorns. >> steve: and there are no flags. >> brian: these officials are -- >> referee: ruling on the field there was forward progression before the quarterback threw the ball. it's fourth down. please put 17 seconds on the clock. folks, that is not reviewable. >> brian: wow, desperation there from seth russell. but let's move forward. >> steve: charlie strong asking what else could go wrong here. here's kd cannon down the sideline. >> brian: all this did was set up a hail mary opportunity. >> steve: two seconds left. >> brian: they're going to make, they're going to make texas play every second for this win. >> steve: we had an untimed at the end of the first quarter. >> referee: previous play is under further review. >> brian: of course it is. it can this can entire game is under review. >> brian: look at malik okay, what could we possibly be reviewing here? >> brian: third down play, throw it out here to kd cannon, they're checking to see if he got the first down. but it doesn't matter at this point. there's only one play left in the game. >> steve: two seconds left on the clock. and baylor's season in terms of the playoffs -- still a great season but if they want to make it to the college football be a crusher. >> brian: the big 12 had a tenuous hold on a potential playoff spot as it stood >> referee: after further review, the runner didn't make the line to gain it's fourth down. >> brian: the loss of west virginia already today, their grasp even became more tenuous certainly the big 12's prayer, if this isn't complete in the end zone will be over for the cloej football playoff. >> referee: please reset the 3 seconds. >> steve: comes down to a final play in a one-point game in a rivalry game. and the crowd will tell you the story! and the smile on charlie texas for at least one day, one college football saturday, can breathe a sigh of relief and enjoy a victory. hard-fought over their rivals from waco. >> brian: charlie strong challenged his team and his defense and it wasn't all pretty but they made enough plays in the end to win. i don't know if it's going to save charlie strong's game, i don't he's going to enjoy this game. bigger games down the road, west virginia and tcu he'll certainly need. >> steve: todd, i can't wait to hear this interview. >> todd: hey, coach, lose four out of the previous five games, how important was this one to you. >> we have been through so much and so much criticism, our guys battled today. way through. >> todd: you've been working on your defense on tackling, fund namtales, are you pleased with the effort. >> very pleased. we came one turnovers. we were able to get pressure on the quarterback. i'm just proud of how we battled. >> todd: you guys were able to grind it out on the ground offensively. how big was foreman in this one. >> big. get 1,000 yards. he got it. >> todd: congratulations on the win, coach. >> tnk you. >> steve: all right, todd, charlie strong, he'll enjoy his meal, whatever he chooses to drink tonight, at least tonight he'll enjoy it. >> brian: they earned it tonight. they was some sort of college football game, started in the afternoon wound up in the early evening. unbeaten baylor, 35-34. tune in to abc in the next couple of minutes for saturday night football presented by walmart. it's clemson and florida state. that's coming up. but for now, we'll send you back to our studio. what a day, what a night in austin. steve, baylor knocked from the ranks of the unbeaten. bowl subdivision in yards from scrimmage. west virginia trying to remain among the unbeaten. first 7-0 start for them in ten years. that's what they wereooking for taking on oklahoma state. >> oklahoma state takes down the first unbeaten in the big 12 to stir that race up a little bit. >> third quarter, west virginia trailing 20-10. howard intercepted by richards. >> watch the convoy, blocked for state played some defense in this game against west virginia. >> we came in talking about the west virginia defense. the cowboys put 37 on them. mike gundy with his 100th career win at oklahoma state. oklahoma state takes the 37-30. welcome into the studio. i'm stan verrett with mack brown and mark may. guys, let's talk about the situation in the big 12 no oklahoma is sitting atop the conference. >> did i tell you that texas would probably beat baylor? did i not? >> close game. probably a texas win. >> yes, now, baylor has a loss. west virginia's got a loss. only oklahoma with two losses out of conference. >> oklahoma state back in it after their win. that could come down to a huge they're not going to get a team in the playoffs unless total chaos happens across college football. two nonconference losses. no way oklahoma is going to make it to the 14th playoff team. basically you're talking about big picture, yes, new year's six, congratulation and big 12 out. >> big 12 out. the first college football playoff rankings coming out next week. we'll see who the top four teams are. charlie strong, big win today. >> he got the big win. you got to keep winning. i talked to charlie a lot. he understands the deal. >> he has four games left. if he can get pick up another win, six wins to a bowl game. >> you could hear the relief in his voice after the win. nebraska trying to stay >> great wide feet, great hand placement, great technique, huge hole in the middle for wisconsin. >> 7-0, wisconsin, over nebraska. couple of other unbeatens to talk about michigan, got a game from michigan state. michigan state went down and scored early. but michigan able to put them away. washington and utah. washington what about tonight? >> i think clemson wins because of deshaun watson but they've got to do a better job of stopping dalvin cook than last year. >> who do you like. >> charles kelly the defensive coordinator from florida state get this bunch to play the last two games they've got a chance to win inspect the last two games they put up a 25 points. >> the winner of this game has deondre francois. and the noles trying to protect their home stur of.

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Miami , Florida , United States , Oklahoma , Nebraska , Texas , Washington , Texas City , Virginia , Wisconsin , Kansas , Ohio , Michigan , Utah , West Virginia , Mike Gundy , Seth Ruel , Matthew Mcconaughey , Trey Holtz , Notre Dame , Andrew Beck , Malik Jefferson , Lamar Jackson , Chris Nelson , Orion Stewart , Chris Platt , Willie Nelson , Jack Holbrook , Phil Bennett , Dylan Haines , Devin Duvernay , Lorenzo Joe , Xavier Jones , Mack Brown , Kris Boyd , Mo Porter , Terence Williams , Seth Russell , Seth Steve , Edwin Freeman , Charles Kelly , Greg Roberts , Brian Todd , Chris Callahan ,

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