Transcripts For KMEG Siouxland News At Sunrise 20160223 : co

Transcripts For KMEG Siouxland News At Sunrise 20160223

3 today the clouds will hang on through the first half of the day, but by late in the afternoon we may see some sunshine and afternoon highs will work their way back into the lower 40s. not too bad for late february.yet another chance for rain/snow mix will move in starting late wednesday evening as rain showers and switching to snow as we get close to the freezing mark.highs on thursday will top out in the upper 30s with breezy winds and mostly cloudy skies.we will dry out after that for a few days with temperatures slowly warming into the upper 40s by friday and then the upper 50s for saturday. another cold front comes in on sunday to close out the weekend with another chance of snow. 3 3 3 republicans caucus in nevada today to select their party's presidential nominee. g - o - p front - runner donald win in a row while his rival ted cruz is fighting back against claims he's running a dirty campaign. c - b - s news correspondent don champion has the latest on the campaign from new york. 3 pkg trt: 1:24insert trt: 1:22 chyrons:08-12 donald trump/(r) presidential candidate52-101 sen. ted cruz/(r-tx) presidential candidate108-113 sen. marco rubio/(r-fl) presidential candidate(pkg) after winning primaries in south carolina and new hampshire...donald trump is eyeing a big win in nevada tonight.(sot trump) you better get out tomorrow. you gotta vote tomorrow. you gotta vote vote vote on the eve of the state's gop caucuses ...the republican front-runner did not hold back...slamming a protester...(sot trump) " i'd like to punch him in the face, i'll tell you that." ...and bashing rival ted cruz for what he called dishonest campaign ads:(sot trump) this guy is sick there's something wrong with this guy//(sot cruz) god bless the great state of nevada after finishing in third place behind marco rubio in south carolina, cruz is going into today's contest without his communications director. rick tyler was asked to resign monday for sharing a false news story on social media that suggested rubio dismissed the bible. (sot cruz) i have made clear in this campaign that we will conduct this campaign with the very highest standards of integrity speaking on a flight to vegas ...rubio called tyler the 'fall guy' for cruz's deceptive campaign.(sot rubio) "you feel bad for the guy//he was basically a guy who's executing a culture that exists in that campaign. " rubio is leading cruz in the silver state. both are vying to be the main alternative to trump...with super tuesday just a week away. don champion 3 on the democratic side... bernie sanders and hillary clinton will be part of a town hall event tonight in south carolina... ahead of the state's democratic primary this weekend. 3 folks living in a west side neighborhood say they're fed up with a dangerous situation and they're worried it *could* cost one of their neighbors his and west 14th streets are dirt roads that lead to some homes... the people who live around there say those roads haven't been passible since the blizzard a couple weeks ago... with ruts more than a foot deep in some places. they say you can't even get through that with a four wheel drive. people say they've called the city... but they've been "passed around." now... an elderly neighbor who uses oxygen can't even get to the doctor. 3 "i have an appointment, for tomorrow morning and there no way i can get there. because i could never walk up and down this hill, it's impossible."3 john heyward has lived in the neighborhood for 13 years. he's angry the city sold a nearby section of road they used to use during bad weather. the new owner blocked it off. 3 "we can't get home. we're parking three blocks away, walking , all the neighbors are walking to get home, through the woods, through the mud, and it's pretty dark up anything."heyward and his neighbors hope something can be done to get edwin gilbert to his doctor's appointment at 11 this morning. now... city councilman dan moore saw this story when it first aired last night on our sister station kpth - fox - 44. councilman moore says he's told other city officials about what's going on... he hopes to find a quick solution for the neighborhood. 3 more news from the city council this morning... looks like saturday in the park won't be the only big event at grandview park this summer.yesterday the mayor's youth commission announced it's raised enough money to build a beginner's disc golf course. the course would cover most of the southeast portion of grandview park... people say it's great for folks who want to learn how to play the game. the project will cost 45 - hundred dollars... and all that money came from private donations. 3 an old sioux city school's getting a new life.yesterday the school board approved the sale of the on the city's west side to the radiant life community church. the church will pay the district 25 - thousand dollars for the building. the church is at west 4th and george streets right now... that's where the westside coalition meets. buying the former school gives the church room to expand and serve a larger congregation on the west side. 3 and a sioux city high school's getting a big gift to help build a new building.the estate of don gill... a longtime iron worker... is donating 1 point 4 million dollars to bishop heelan high school. 3 about one million dollars of that will help pay for the new building. the rest will go to a science scholarship for students looking to enter the health field. heelan's fundraising chief says gill... a 1951 graduate... wanted to name a library for his mother mary... so the new library and media center at heelan be named after mary gill. the new classrooms construction plans... and will add - on to the new fine arts building that opened in 20 - 14. 3 it's an award handed out to fewer than 2 - thousand people since 1989. the boy scouts of america "certificate of merit." and now a young boy from siouxland is one of those recipients. our own siouxland news reporter kayla novak has his story. 3 "um i jumped in the pool without a life jacket // then 3 kaden went in the water and then he saved me." at just 12 years old, kaden nieto (nee-eh- to) became a hero, when he saved liam murphy from drowning in the south sioux city ymca swimming pool. that's when liam's mom, kayla boy scouts of america national certificate of merit. the award is given to a youth member or adult leader who has performed a significant act of service that is deserving of special national recognition. "but he is just such a role and for my other son. my other son is a scout as well and they both look up to kaden. so hopefully they can grow and learn and be the scouts that he has grown to be." last week, kaden was shocked when the mid american council presented him the award in omaha. "i would hope it would show other cub scouts and boy scouts to do great things some day and that they can do anything as long as they set their mind to it." nieto is currently a life scout... and just has a little more paperwork...before he becomes an eagle scout. kayla novak siouxland news 3 a texas grooming company is trying to give pets at amarillo's animal shelter a better chance of finding a forever home.shear luxury mobile pet spa is now grooming pets at the shelter for free. some shelter are in desperate need of grooming... which can reduce their chances of being adopted.the volunteer groomers plan on bringing their services to the shelter at least once a month. 3 3 3 3 we had an above average day yesterday and we will end up a little warmer today as well. your forecast is next. 3 3 coming up on siouxland news at skeptical as we get closer to this weekend's planned ceasefire. we'll show you why the citizens don't trust the promise of peace. 3 "you're watching siouxland news at sunrise, with jacob taylor"3 3 today the clouds will hang on through the first half of the day, but by late in the afternoon we may see some sunshine and afternoon highs will work their way back into the lower 40s. not too bad for late february.y.yet another chance for rain/snow mix will move in starting late wednesday evening as rain showers and switching to snow as we get close to the freezing mark.highs on thursday will top out in the upper 30s with breezy winds and mostly cloudy skies.we will dry out after that for a few days with temperatures slowly warming into the upper 40s by friday and then the another cold froro comes in on sunday to close out the weekend with another chance of snow. 3 3 3 here's what we're talking about on facebook this morning... we have a story about some very detailed scale models. what's your hobby?3 3 amazon's free shipping will cost you more if you don't have prime... (hen - nuh) hena daniels is in new york with our c - b - s moneywatch. 3 a good start to the week on wall street monday. oil prices jumped lifting energy stocks. the dow closed up 228 points the u-s economy continues to grow and consumers are more confident about it.that's according to the president's council of economic advisers. the group's annual report shows the best two year job growth in the us since the 1990's. but it also predicts future problems because of slow growth in other countries. ///amazon's free shipping may cost some customers more.customers now have to pay 49 dollars to qualify for free shipping. that's a ten dollar increase. amazon prime members, who pay an annuall fee, still get free shipping.///a new survey finds only 52 percent of americans have morereemergency savings than credit card debt.bankrate dot com says that number has held steady in the past five years even though the economy approved.the study also found one out of five americans have no credit card debt - but they also don't have any savings./// that's your cbs moneywatch report. for more log onto cbs 3 3 the u - s and russia agreed to at least a partial ceasefire in syria that'll start saturday. but terrorists with isis and al nusra... part of al - qaeda... aren't part of the agreement. actually... as reporter elizabeth palmer shows us... isis just claimed responsibility for bombs that killed at least 100 people over the eekend. 3 standing just a couple of yards from the biggest bomb. it was car a bomb..about 4 o'clock in the afternoon - just as the kids were getting home from school.the scale of the destruction is epic - the fronts of the buildings have been blown clean off, and all the people who lived in those apartmentsand the merchants who ran the shops on the ground floor they're all dead. (rescue video, bloody kid etc) this video shows the frantic moments right after one of the explosionssurvivors rushing to help the wounded(weeping women, more funeral)you might think people who've witnessed such carnage - and who today are burying more than 100 family members and friends - would welcome a pause in the violencenot so.3550 liz: are you optimistic that there will be some kind of truce?no way, abu mahran tells me .and everyone in the crowd agrees. we don't want a ceasefire until all the terrorists are out of our country.(guy to camera.)it's not a good sign for this proposed tre when even the citizens aren't onside. 3 3 after the 3 break... at least one lawsuit has been filed against megabus. the company had 29 maintenance violations in the last 24 months. we'll take a look at the latest... a weekend fire. 3 this morning looks almost identical to yesterday morning, we just don't have the fog. another chance for next.3 3 "first alert weather with meteorologist cat taylor" 3 today the clouds will hang on through the first half of the day, but by late in the afternoon we may see some sunshine and afternoon highs will work their way back into late february.yet another chance for rain/snow mix will wednesday evening as rain showers and switching to snow as we get close to the thursday will top out in the upper 30s with breezy winds and mostly cloudy skies.we will dry out after that for a few days with temperatures slowly warming into the upper upper 50s for saturday. another cold front comes in on snow.3 3 a blown tire started a fire that completely engulfed a megabus outside of chicago sunday. all of the passengers got out all right... this isn't the company's first tire - related disaster. c - b - s news correspondent don dahler shows us why safety officials don't think these accidents are a coincidence. 3 (pkg)(video of bus on fire) (narr) sunday's megabus fire began with a blown tire that caught fire, flames engulfing the bus.(unnamed passenger 00:41/ mon0131) (00:41)"it was horrifying. everybody running down the highway, it was terrible!"(graphic or vid) (narr) this wasn't the new jersey-based company's first brush with tire-related disasters. in 2012, a 25-year old graduate student in illinois was killed in this crash allegedly caused by a blown tire. 47 passengers were hospitalized. there have been at least five other incidents involving blown tires on megabuses, including this one to slam into a guard rail on i- 95.(narr) at least one lawsuit has been filed claiming there's a problem with the buses carrying too much weight. clarence ditlow is with the center for auto safety..(ditlow 14:30:15) one or two fires in a bus may be a coincidence, but when you hit three there's something going on and the government should investigate.(ditlow 14:31:06) d: how does weight affect tires and tire safety? c: well, if a bus is overweight, // in a worst-case scenario the tires can rub against the wheel-well which generates friction, heat, and ultimately a fire. (megabus)(graphic) (narr) in the last 24 months, safety inspectors found 29 maintenance violations considered an imminent hazard to megabus drivers or passengers. megabus says it carries 10 million people a year in its fleet of 275 buses....and released a statement saying "safety is our top priority and is fully cooperating with the authorities.(megabus on fire) (narr) the federal agency that oversees bus travel issued an advisory about overloaded buses in 2012. but ditlow says that's not enough.(ditlow 14:31:27) if one of these buses had been in heavy traffic before it could pull off to the side of the road, it might have been a catastrophic fire before the people could get out of the bus to safety.tag 3 still to come... the uber driver accused of deadly shootings over the weekend was in court in kalamazoo michigan. we'll show you how the community is starting to heal. you're watching 3 "this is siouxland 3 good morning everyone,thanks for starting your morning with us.i'm jacob heller...and i'm meteorologist cat taylor. 3 today the clouds will hang on through the first half of the day, but by late in the afternoon we may see some sunshine and afternoon highs will work thehe way ba into thlower 40s. not too bad for late february.yet another chance for rain/snow mix will move in starting late wednesday evening as rain showers and switching to snow as we get close to the upper 30s with breezy winds and mostly cloudy skies.we will dry out after that for a few days with temperatures slowly warming into the upper 40s by friday and then the upper 50s for saturday. another cold front comes in on sunday to close out the weekend with another chance of snow. 3 this morning a michigan mom is talking about her daughter's fight to live. 14 - year - old abigail kopf is on a ventilator and in critical condition after she was shot during a ooting rampage that killed six people in kalamazoo over the weekend. and as reporte don champion shows us... the man accused in the shootings has supposedly alreayd confessed to the whole thing. 3 chyrons:vicki kopf/abigail kopf's mother(pkg)(sot mon0473 :26) "breathtaking" (-:27) vicki kopf described feeling her 14-year-old daughter abigail squeeze her hand. (sot tue0041 vicki kopf/abigail kopf's mother :03) "she is alive, and she is fighting for her life" (-:05) authorities initially thought abigail died after she was shot in the head in kalamazoo, michigan over the weekend. abigail's heart stopped at one point, but her mom calls her, a fighter.(sot tue0041 vicki kopf :08) "abigail is strong and was a vibrant, beautiful young lady who did not deserve this" (- :13) abigail was with her adoptive grandmother, barbara hawthorne, when police say 45-year-old jason dalton opened fire on them and three other women in this cracker barrel parking lot. abigail was the lone survivor of that attack. (mon0254 :55) two men, a father and son, were killed within the same hour while car shopping.(sot tue0054 :21) nat "i'm gonna let it shine" (-:22) monday night, community members fought tears at a candlelight vigil for the victims at a kalamazoo church. (dalton arraignment monday) jason dalton now faces 16 chchges, including six counts of murder. monday, he sat expressionless on closed circuit tv from his jail cell during a brief court appearance.(sot mon0295 :12) "do you understand the charges being made against you and the maximum sentences i just stated yes sir" (-:19) prosecutors say he admits to carrying out the attacks. a 3 a second survivor... a woman who was shot at an apartment complex is still in too. 3 police in holt county nebraska are investigating a stabbing over the weekend that killed one woman and leftft man in the e hospitalthe o'neill police department says it went to a home because of a knife injury just before nine o'clock saturday night.two people were taken by ambulance to the hospital in o'neill... where a 37 - year - old hispanic woman was pronounced dead.a 37 - year - old hispanic *man* was taken to the hospital... too. no word on his condition... though.policeceren't releasasg the names of either victim. the nebraska state patrol is helping local investigators in the case. 3 3 the sheriff's office in madison county nebraska is trying to identify human miles east of tilden nebraska sunday afternoon.hunters found them... the sheriff's office says the body looks like it'been there for at least a couple looks like the body of a man. forensic tests are being done to indentify the remains.right now foul play is *not* suspected in the death. 3 and in nebraska... business leaders in *south sioux city* got a lesson on the effects of human trafficking in siouxland yesterday.sister shirley fineran from the siouxland coalition against human trafficking spoke to the south sioux city legislative@ committee. she says human trafficking is one of the most common crimes in the u - s. the coalition is trying to bring more awareness to the problem *here in siouxland*. if you want to report suspected human trafficking... the coalition operates an 800 phone number. we've got it in this story online at siouxland news dot com. 3 later today the next battle in the long - running legal fight between the owners of sioux city's former riverboat historical development... and state regulators gets started.the iowa court of appeals will hear arguments from penn national gaming. penn says the iowa racing and gaming commission was wrong to grant a license to the project that eventually became sioux city's hard rock hotel and casino. because of that... the argosy closed in july 2014. the casino boat was sold to an illinois firm and left sioux city later that year. 3 the sioux city air and transportation museum is pairing history with the technology of the 21st century. 3 now the museum's using a new q - r code system to give you a virtual tour of most of the items on display. this app is compatible with iphones and android devices. the musuem also has tablets available for check out for anyone visiting the museum. 3 "it kind of gives people a little more information. we do have printed information with each of the displays, but it also, by using the qr app on their cell phone, they can see type 3 item."the museum is partnering with leadership siouxland to make this new experience available. 3 and when we talk about siouxland... we know winter can be deadly if you're exposed to the cold for too long. a place called "the warming shelter" provides a spot for thehehomeless to stay during cold nights... and in that... it saves lives. in this special report... our own siouxland news meteorologist cat taylor takes us inside. 3 "if we need anything at all always at anytime."chanel trudell doesn't technically have a home and siouxland zero.she worries about mperatures likekehese because they can be dangerous to anyone exposed to the elements for a long period of time.that's where the warming shelter comes in..."we're not going to turn you away. we will give you a bunk or bed to stay in. our goal is to make sure nobody freezes to death." just a few weeks ago, the warming shelter didn't have help homeless citizens.that all changed with a facebook post and hundreds of generous siouxlanders."48 hours...this including what i still have next door in a store room nene people like me would be nowhere.""onn average night the warming shelter has over 100 residents, and 2 service togedher, you know, you don't realize how many homeless are actually out there until we unfortunately congregate them together""i think people of sioux city is doing a lot for us homeless people. and i'm time i can't even walk."with supplies, the warming shelter has enough materials to last the rest of the winter.but it continue to serve the community..."right now we have the end of march. we want to be op until the end of april because iowa winters, you just don't know what's going to happen."lebowich says that it costs about 17,000 dollars a month to run the shelter."all the money that we get, it goes to pay our bills every month. we have security that stays, two attendants during the night, electric, gas, water, laundry services, and stuff like that. average household has an average of four people in the household. our average houshold is at an average of 100. so you figure 50 showers a night or more, 50 loads of laundry or more, it just adds up."donations increase the quality of life of sioux city's homeless during these cold nights."when they come in, they check in, we don't ask names. we don't ask any questions. you'll get a bunk, or you'll get a bed. if you request laundry services, we'll wash your clothes for you that you have. you can get a shower. we don't have a kitchen but we'll offer you a snack. we've got ramen noodles, we've got crackers, we've got basically any snack foods you'd see in a regular lunch box."citizen generosity is the only way the warming shelter stays afloat."being a non-profit, we do not take any funds from city, state, federal, county. we are all basically personal donation." "you take for granted the stuff that you don't have. can you imagine not being able to can you imagine no clean clothes? can you imagine not knowing where your next meal is going to come from? that's where the moral compass comes in. if i can push and give versus taking and taking""this place helps me get to work, and get to have somewhere that i cago to and from work. and be able to set my goals a little further than what i have.""i just want to say thank you. i appreciate everything they do, try to do 3 3 if you'd like to help the warming shelter... here's how...the best way to donate is by mailing a check to916 nebraska street... sioux city iowa... 51105you'll get a letter back... with a reciept....and your donation is tax deductctle. 3 in san antonio now... alamo squadron of the international plastic modeler's society held 'modelfiesta 35' at the san antonio event center over the weekend.folks who love scale models came toegther to face off in qutie a few categories... like aircraft.... ships... and automobiles. this year 147 folks from texas... neighboring states... even mexico... submitted hundreds of models for competition and display.this year's theme was "kit - bashed"... model makers had to combine parts from two or more kits to create a completely different 3 3 3 3 3 the wait is over! samsung and l - g have announced their newest phones. we'll take a look next in your c - net tech update. 3 "you're watching siouxland news at sunrise, with jacob 3 "first alert weather with meteorologist cat taylor"3 3 today the clouou will hang on rough the first half of the day, but by late in the sunshine and afternoon highs will work their way back into the lower 40s. not too bad for late february.yet another chance for rain/snow mix will move in starting late wednesday evening as r rn showers and switching to snow as we get close to the freezing mark.his on thursday will top out in the upper 30s with breezy winds and mostly cloudy skies.we will dry out after that for a few days with temperatures slowly warming into the upper 40s by friday and then the upper 50s for saturday. another cold front comes in on sunday to close out the weekend with another chance of 3 it's new phone season and one new phone has a detachable battery. here's your c - net tech update. 3 "theheait is over, samsmsg and lg have annonoced their newest phones!. i'm iyaz akhtar ***""[smile] first up, let's talk about samamng's new phones. no more rumors, no more leaks -- the galaxy s7 and the s7 edge are now official. so what's new? both phones bring back a microsd card slot, which means you can increase the storage on these devices once you get them. both also feature always-on time and other data on the lock screen. the s7 and s7 the s7 edge still has a screen that curves around both right and left sides. the display is a pretty big at 5.5inches.the s7 edge also has new software to take advantage of those curves with larger icons and new swipable categories for tasks. preorders start on february 23rd and samsung's announced an interesting deal. if you preorder between february 23rd and march 18th, samsung will givivyou a free gear vr virtual rereity headadt and six games. the phones will ship on march 11th. ""[smile] in non-phone news, (source: samsung: 01;12;05 - 01;23;21)samsung camera which can capture spherical, 30-megapixel images and very high resolution video as well. those images can be viewed on a vr headset later. there's no pricing information on this camera launch in the second quarter of the year. " "[smile] not to also introduced its newest flagship out of aluminum for a high-end feel and it also features an time and other info. on the back are two cameras. one is a 16 megapixel shooter, the wide angle lens so you can capture more stuff. the lg g5 you take the g5 ananpull on e bottom chin. this will pop atatched. this is where the g5 gets pretty cool. sure y can replace the battery, but lg also introduced some accessories that can plug into the g5 to make it do more. say module brings a camera grip with a physical shutter button ""[smile] lg also introduced a new virtual reality headset. it's called the lg 360 vr. your face, the lg 360 vr connects to the lg g5 using a power is coming from the resembles glasses with foldable arms. inside, are two full hd oled screens. lg says it's like looking at a ""130-inch television from 2 meters away.""both the g5 and the 360 vr are expected to arrive in april. "that's it for this tech news update, for everything else headadver to rom our studios in york, i'm iyakhtarar 3 3 leonardoicaprio has a leonardo 3 3 3 leonardo dicaprio has a plus size doppelganger... and that doppleganger has his own reality show. . it's (time) this morning. thanks for watching siouxland news at 3 current conditions in spencer.?3 3 good morning, (onawa)... it's (32 degrees) 3 outside at (time)... as we take a look from our (skywatch) camera. 3 leonardo dicaprio has a plus size twin and he's already had an oscar handed *at* him... by a bear. he also has his own reality show. c - n - asks... "do *you* see leo in him?" 3 --reporter pkg-as follows-- hold your horses, leo! a 33-year old russian security guard is living large as leonardo dicaprio.leo right this way roman burtsev is definitely a more portly version...nothing mini me about him.he's leo's "mega-." but buried in there somewhere, his heart belongs to leo.(nats) "my heart will go on."the resemblance exploded on social media last month, the two looks described as "friday night, saturday morning."perez hilton captioned the real l l saying "i don't see it." whwhe his twtw replies "i do." and now the channel "moscow 24" has given burtsev a show called "romance with dicaprio." (jeanne moos/cnn correspondent) "his tv show is a sort of modified makeover. leo's look-a-like does things like with a dietitian."he hits the treadmill and undergoes cosmetic procedures to look more like dicaprio. ananjust a athe real leo crawled his way through "the revenant",his twin is crawling his way to fame. the producers even built a mock titanic prow at a russian shopping mall....young women took turns posing with the pretend dicaprio. though the couples didn't get quite as swept away as in the movie. (jeanne moos/cnn correspondent ) "now for those of you who think the two don't bear much of a resemblance."take this... leonardo's twin ....did a re- creation of the revenant's bear scene with an alternate ending.involving the e bear polishing an oscar far no response from leo's pr people.does he find it unbearable to have his likeness mauled by an impostor? jeanne moos cnn(nats)new york. to you by window world"3 3 today the clouds will hang on through the first half of the day, but by late in the afternoon we may sesome sunshine and afternoon highs will work their way back into the lower 40s. not 3 too bad for lateteebruary.yet another chance for rain/snow mix will move in starting late wednesday evening as rain showers and switching to snow thursday will top out in the upper 30s with breezy winds and mostly cloudy skies.we will dry out after that for a few days with temperatures slowly warming into the upper 40s by friday and then the upper 50s for another cold front comes in on sunday to close out the weekend with another chance of snow. 3 3 3 time for a trip to the sunrise's one way to wake up... with a face full of fresh snow! the toronto zoo posted this video of giant panda (duh) da mao last week.the zoo says he woke up to see the snow and got excited. you can see the panda come out of his cave and tumble down the snowy hill. he liked it so much... he climbed up half - way and did it again. 3 coming up this morning in your 6 o'clock hour... more and more children are being born out of wedlock. we'l show you why some say parenting with the your morning news, weather and sports are all coming's now (time) as we take a look outside (xxx) on the (xxx) cam.keep it right here on siouxland news at 3 3 3 good morning, this is sgt todd sassmann with your siouxland news traffic to goofficers will be running radar r outer drive and hwy 20have a safe drive to work and school this morning, for siouxland news, this is sgt todd sassmann 3 3 here's a look at your news to go ... 3 3 republicans caucus in nevada today to select their party's presidential nominee. after winning primimies in both south carolina andnd new hampshire... frontrunner donald trump is looking to beat rivals ted cruz and marco rubio once again. cruz is going into today's contest without one of his top aides... after firing him over a misleading video suggesting he insulted the expected to stage rallies s apple stores across the country today... in the middle of the company's encryption battle with the f - b - i. apple is refusing to comply with a court order to create a back door that would let the f - b - i access data from the i - phone of one of the san bernardino terrorists. the company's appeal is due friday.and... the pentagon submits a plpl to congress to finally close guantanamo bay prison in cuba. it would call for some detainees to be moved to other countries... while others would be sent to facilities in the united states. the move comes just days after the white house announced plans for president obama to visit the island nation. 3 and be sure to check out siouxland news dot com all day at work andndome for the latest news, weather and sports. 3 and here is what the folks in studio 57 are working on that you'll see in an hour on cbs "this morning".i am charlie rose. coming up, living with an artificial heart. how the technology keeps people alive amid a shortage of organ donors. that is coming up, on cbs this morning. kmeg 14"3 3 good mning everyone and welcome to siouxland news at sunrise.thanks for starting your morning with us.i'm jacob heller.and i'm meteorologist cat taylor. 3 today the clouds will hang on through the first half of the day, but by late in the afternoon we may see some sunshine and afternoon highs will work their way back into the lower 40s. not too bad for late february.yet another chance for rain/snow mix will move in starting late wednesday evening as rain showers and switching to snow as we get close to the freezing mark.highs on thursday will top out in the upper 30s with breezy winds and mostly cloudy skies.we will dry out after that for a few days with temperatures upper 50s for saturday. another cold front comes in on sunday to close out the weekenwith another chance of snow. 3 3 3 only seventeen percent of american children whose parents are separated or divorced have "shared parenting" according to the u - s census bureau... even though most of the research for the last 30 years shows kids thrive when they're parented equally by both mom *and* dad. when our family 4 - 1 - 1 series last year focused on the issue of shared pareing... we got a tremendous response from parents who have children out of wedlock. as special correspondent sheila gray reports in this family 4 - 1 - 1... those parents say the law hasn't kept up with the trends. 3 ((package)) ((package))1:37:35 gets times greg - i shouldn't spend every minute of every day with his sons hunter and that. you try. but greg's no longer with their mom, and he says she decides how often he can see his kids.super greg gross1:29:17 - greg - basically she said you get these days. if you don't like it, you're not going to see them.1:31:40 basically, she has what they call legal custody because we weren't married.7:10 what do you think barger and the father of herer son aren't together either, but they're cocoitted to parenting jordan equally.super jessica barger00:00:46 jessica him growing up to see that you know we do get along.01:54 jessica - i think he's very lucky to have his dad so involved and have such a great relationship with his dad. super sheila gray 2:31:00 the number of americans who are married has been declining for decades.. so now about 40 percent of the country's children are born out of wedlock - four times the number about 40 years ago. foror the most part, laws treat those parents s ke divorced parents when it cocos to child custody.1:49:27 do- i think there's still a bias in many courts. don hubin iwith the national parents organization. the group's pushing for laws in every state to make shared parenting routine.super don hubin1:45:21 children get to see both parents in the parenting role.e. it breaks dowwthe gender role dads have the money and send the child support. kids should see both parents cooking dinner, booking breakfast, getting ready for school, helping with homework. hubin says having both parents involved is also better for kids' financial well-being. his s group would like to see the end of temporary custody orders when parents head to court.8:05 this is gonna take awhile both parents we talked to agree the laws should be changed.04:36 jessica - there are a lot of dads out there who do really try and who do wnat to be involved, and i think that mom and dads as along as they're both equally willing to parent and do it the right way that they should be looked at equally in court as well. 1:45454 not only dads that are in this situation right now, but dads who have been ininhis situation. we all need to come together. 1:45:16 and it needs to chan. until it does, greg says he'll spend every minute he's allowed with hunter and miles.. because these moments...18:34 da da! yeah. ... have changed his life. 1:37:53 i know that (cut) i adore my kids.sig3 3 right now 20 states are considering legislation that will push for more equal shared parenting. it's an uphill battle... though. the national parents organization says a lot of judges and domestic relations attorneys like the system the way it is. 3 folks living in a west side neighborhood say they're fed up with a dangerous situation and they're worried it *could* cost one of their neighbors his *life.*sections of west 7th and west 14th streets are dirt roads that lead to some homes... the people who live around there say those roads haven't been passible since the blizzard a couple weeks ago... with ruts more than a foot deep in some places. they say you can't even get through that with a four wheel drive. people say they've called the city... around." now... an elderly neighbor who uses oxygen can't even get to the doctor. 3 "i have an appointment, for tomorrow morning and there no way i can get there. because i could never walk up and down this hill, it's 3 impossible."john heyward has lived in the neighborhood for 13 years. he's angry the city sold a nearby section of road they used to use during bad weather. the new owner blocked it off. 3 "we can't get home. we're parkrkg three blocks away, lking , all the neighbors are walking to get home, through the woods, through the mud, and it's pretty dark up here., and nobody seems to do anything."heyward and his neighbors hope something can be done to get edwin gilbert to his doctor's appointment at 11 this morning. now... city councilman dan moore saw this story when it first aired last night on our sister councilman moore says he's told other city officials about what's going on... he hopes to find a quick solution for the neighborhood. 3 more news from the city council this morning... looks like saturday in the park won't be the only big evenenat grandvieiepark this summer.yesterday the mayor's youth commission announced it's raised enough money to build a beginner's disc golf course. the course would cover most of the southeast portion of grandview park... people say it's great for folks who want to learn how to play the game. the project will cost 45 - hundred dollars... and all that money came fromomrivate donations. 3 an old sioux city school's getting a new life.yesterday the school board approved the sale of the old emerson elementary school on the city's west side to the radiant life community church. the church will pay the district 25 - thousand dollars for the building. the church is at west 4th and george streets right now.w. that's where the weweside coalition meets. buying the former school gives the church room to expand and serve a larger congregation on the 4- 3 and a sioux city high school's build a new building.the estate of don gill... a longtime iron worker... is donating 1 point 4 million dollars to bishop heelan high school. 3 about one million dollars of that will help pay for the new building. the rest will go to a science scholarship for students looking to enter the health field. heelan's fundraising chief says gill... a 1951 graduate... wanted to name a library for his mother mary... so the new library and media center at heelan be named after mary gill. the new classrooms are phase two of heelan's new construction plans... and will add - on to the new >>the new classrooms are phase 2 of the construction plan and they will add onto the fine arts building back in 2014. the southern poverty law center is an organization that combats own hitless it has grown to almost 900 organizations across the country. questioning how the poverty law center defines hate. >> the hate list includes the aryan nation and the ku klux klan that includes nonviolence groups like live family research council, the dc-based group center for policy made the hitless this month. and the president is crying >>data final hate group of his as an organizatiti that attacks an entnte group. on the united states but they are quick to point out a huge group is not necessarily condone violence or criminal activity. >> we don't support the hatred islamic terrorists give two women, homosexuals, minorities, others. some arcade is a very p pent wordrd and depending on who is using it. the constitutional law allows any american organization to define it as it sees fit. >> we have a first amendment so people can say whatever they want to even though we disagree with them. >> we've tried contacting them by phone and email to find out funds. there organization. a 106 rolled woman got to visit the white house. virginia got to meet pres. obama and the first lady, but she got to dance with him a little bit. in 2014. she started a social media campaign to meet the obama's bed>>--meet the obama's. we had a championship game sports. we're checking up with moose again on this thursday morning. what's up moose? good morning. how are you? >> it's tuesday. we have the home show coming up. it's going to be crazy. i'm going to be living downwn there. it's going to be fun. >> we have talked to you a few times about the pets you have had. >> i have only had dogs. >> did they come from the shelter? >> yes. >> there is a company in amarillo, texas. that's giving dogs a better chance of getting adopted because they are grooming them >> that's cool. >> they are dressing them up. smith, that's a good idea. because some of the dogs come in and the owners didn't care about them and they look rough. we et them every friday. another you guys do. >> i think between the two of us. we have a pretty good track record. >> it helps if they are dressed up a little bit. it's not their fault that they look kind of mangy. >> the shelters. most of the time don't have enough money to do that themselves. i'm wondering if we can get something like that going here in siouxland? >>i know when i dropped my mouth, she was mangy. they just shared her down. that's how they fixed her and then we brought her in a got a bad for her and everything, but the owner didn't care. so he said no he didn't want t any informrmion, he said, just take her that's that's it.>> let's lighten the mood a little bit.>> sure. >> she is having a good time. she's got honors that care about her. she gets hang out on the-i for she has owners that care about her. she hangs out on the couch.>> hear some pandas--here is a panda getting excited for some snow. some of that looks like me coming out of the house the other day. i lo that. it's awesome. like tumbling out of bed. at the first snow of the season. >> i don't know if we should do the snow dance. >>after saying that panda do that.>>i try that now. >> we will talk to you later this morning.>>we will talk to you again this morning at 8:05 am. we are looking at our great lakes and countertops camera. everything is quiet out there right now. we had some snow showers move through overnight as well as some wintry mix moving out of the area. our temperatures right now our this time of year. it's 30 foreign sioux city and cooler at t ane and north oak and some of us are below freezing winds are starting to pick up a little bit as we go throughout the morning but the good news is that wendell start to erode the clouds are seeing -i from the clouds so we are seeing. we will get rid of that cloud cover and as we go through the rest of the day, we can see some son but as we head into the afteteoon and evening we will see another chance for rain and snow mix and this could happen in the chance of showers in some areas may get some snow pretty quickly. inch. this showery nature of rain and snow showers. we will stay on the cloudy and cool side and we will talk about it in a second. we are looking at another cloudy start. 430 for a high today. way above average where we should be this time of yyr but we will see so son by the end of the day with breezy winds. tonight a decrease in cloud cover. 20 for by 6 am tomorrow morning and partly sunny skies for the first half of the day in the second half, we will see rain showers and snow showers as it gets colder we will switch over tomorrow night and after that the good news is we will see temperatures reaching 50s. once again. good morning. here's a look at your sports. we tip off our regional championship coverage this morning. a rocking crowded east high school. the wolfpack up by a few points and dreessen puts the eagles up by three. weweern christian, that's a ni move. the sophomore gives them their lead. back. they went point for point with the wolfpack. they haven't lost since december 12 last year. they will 76-i said they will win 76-63. and at the end ofofthe third quarter unity with an offensive buzzer, up by 15. 41-26. after being out by 20 for in the third quarter, 43-26. two minutes left in the game. a nice layup and making the free-throw at the end they defeat trainer 51- 44. first quarter working the ball, dealing a three. panthers up the eagles are directing from downtown with the answer and check out the big board upside down. she drives and scores. they go on to win 55-38. they will travel to des moines for the first time ever in the first time since 1967. a chance to defend state title for the mustangs. mustangs up p five. next time down the court, a 9-2 scored later in the quarter. kate christiansen just off the glass. mustangs go up 13-6. moments later they go on 65-47. get it and as you can see by the state bracket we have to underdogs monday afternoon. the top 18 make it. western christian, potentially meeting okoboji in the second round. the boys actually at the first game in district 2. district 1 and district 3 there is an upset storm lake with spencer. and the boys district sioux city north high school the stars hosting thomas jefferson. justin burks drives gets the file that he would hit the free- billings scores. he would hit a free throw. at that point they missed now will take the two points and they go on to win 76-41. they will pay friday night and the district some ice. -i for they will play friday night at the district semi- finals. --they will play friday night at the district semi-finals. in the first quarter. wolverines out by six. hitting the three, 40-33. a minute later going all the way for the layup. west is up, central ones at t l. have a great morning. back to you, jake. hamilton picked up another trophy. 6:22 am. taylor" we are getting a cool look this morning. our camera getting g a look with -i been getting a look at the cloud cover. it's going to be very cloudy today. we have some fog across the area. --look at the cloud cover. it's going to be very cloudy todada we have some fogacross the arar with some light snow and we had some wintry mix overnight . that's movinout this morning. temperatures are starting to clear out breezy winds are going to tear apart the clouds today and if you look you can see some son oday. tomorrow is cooler but 400 with a chance of wintry mix anywhere could check in with chad tonight. we will be up to 500 by saturday. -i for we will be up to 50 per degrees by saturday. --we will be up to 500 by saturday. >>reporter: don mclean says charges of domestic violencece are tragedy for his family. he pled realty to six counts stemming from his arrest last month. his wife out for protection after that incident. bill cosby's wife, also testified in a lawsuit against her husband. mrs. cosby has publicly stood by her husband has dozens of women have accused him of sexual assault. the hip-hop musical, hamilton, picked up another trophy. they won the edward community tries hi5 that edward kennedy the award comes with a $100,000 prize. to make just days before the oscars hollywood a soul searching for their lack of minorities. -- >> t ts is a second year in a row. there has been a controversy about who has been nominated and who has been ignored. thing god who disobey because now you can never ignore us again. >> the academy awards of this sunday in hollywood. that's your eye on entertainment was suzanne marques in los angeles. > here's what we're talking about on. i siouxland facebojk page. some details models and the modelers that make a. what is your hobby? katie said watching the video that's playing on the screen right now and ricky said the drawing isisis hobby. what you ke to do?>>i work on the house and i watctv. >> ammonites and crafts girl. >> said i had in go to our siouxland facebookpage this morning. hoverboards,s,they are prettyy popular around the holodays. they have had their problems. one group is demanding higher good morning everyone,thanks for starting your morning with us.i'm jacob heller...and i'm meteorologist cat taylor. good morning siouxland. >> we had a full moon. we lost decided that because of some cloud cover but we are eing a gorgeous bright full momo so it's a beautiful site this morning. we are calm and quiet so far and we will have some breezy winds throughout the morning but that's a gorgeous site. here's our satellite. we are so locked in with clouds at the moment but we will get rid of those as we go throughout the next few hours but if you look at our temperature trends we have dipped down a little bit. we will jump right back up there. so 35 x 7 a.m. fog has started to dissipate. we are looking at some sunshine by midday 43 by dinnertime. the hoverboards, the self balancing scooters that were the consumer product safety commission said the toy is responsible for 50+ fires since december. the commission is telling manufacturers to raise safety standards immediately. >>reporter: : is holiday season's hot toys being linked to dozens of fires and 20 for state since december resulting in millions of dollararof property damage e r this home in nashville w destroyed by fire last month them. this christmas celebration was ruined. >> it just blew up and sparks and fire started coming from a toy. >>reporter: on thursday the consumer product safetet commission updated standards for mamafacturers and retailers. boards of don't comply pose an unreasonable risk of fire to consumers serious injury and hoverboards ignite and burn.>> if you are bringing products in and d u are not meeting these standards. we are going to consider them defective. >>reporter: the res seem to stand -stem from excess heat provided by the lithium battery. one of the manufacturers is actively investigating one of the biggest, swag way y hit with a a ass action comomaint over an alleged fire. on sunday, swag way told cbs news that products have always matt safety standards use the industry approved materials. in a statements they said they are in support of comply with new guidelines set forth by the cpsc. >> no hoverboards currently meet the updated safety standards, but the company said it has come up with the standards. esesmate police and nebraska are investigating a stabbing at killed a woman n left a man in the hospital. the nl police department went to a home before 9 pm saturday night. people were taken by a bus to the hospital where a 37-year- old hispanic woman was pronounced dead. 37-year-old hispanic man was taken to the hospital but there is no word on his condition. the victims are not having their names released. investigators are still working in this case. and the sheriffs office and madison county is trying to identify human remains in a field sunday afternoon. hunters found them. the sheriff's office said the body looks like it has been there for a couple of months. looks like the body of a man. forensic tests are.-being done to try to identify those remains herself plays not expected--suspected. city leaders got education on the effects of human trafficking in siouxland yesterday. the coalition against human trafficking spoke to the siouxland legislative committee. human trafficking is on the most common crimes in the united states. the coalition is trying to bring more awareness to the problem in siouxland. if you want to report suspected human trafficking. there is a 800-number the can find in a story online and-- find online at siouxland temperatures can be deadly. but there is a spot for the homeless to stay during cold nights. our own it meteorologist taylor takes us inside the special report. >> if we need anything. they are here for us. at any time. >>reporter: chanel does not technically have a home. reach well below zero. temperatures like this can be dangerous to anyone exposed to the elements for a long time. that's where the warming shelter comes in. >> we will not turn you away. we will give you a pond or a bad to stay up at all goals to make sure nobody freezes to death. >>reporter: few weeks ago the warming shelter did not have enough supplies to help homeless citizens. that change with a facebook post and hundreds of generous citizens from siouxland. >> in just a few hours. this is what we accumulated, not including what we have next- door. >> thank you, without people like you, people like me would be nowhere. >>reporter: on average night. they have 100 residents and service animals. >> the community comes together. you don't realize how many they congregate them together. >> on him. not only homeless, half the time. i can't even walk. >>reporter: with the exception of laundry supplies. they have enough materials to last the rest of the winter but they need one major thing to continue to serve the community. >> right now. we can be open until the end of march. we want to be open to the end of april because i will winters, you don't know what's going to happen. >>reporter: cost $17,000 a month to run the shelter. >> all the money we get goes to pay our bills. electric, gas, water, laundry services, our average household is an average of 100 so 50 showers a night or more 50 loads of laundry or more. it just adds up. >>reporter: donations increase these cold nights. >> they check-in we don't ask names or anything. you will get a buck or a bed. if you request, laundry services, we will wash your close that you have. you can get a shower. we don't have a kitchen. but we can offer you a snack. we have crackers, ramen noodles, and a snappy with cna regular lunchbox. >>reporter: generosity from citizens is the only way the shelter take-i been stays afloat. >> the nonprofit we don't take funds from state, county, federal. we run on all donations. kenny imagine waking up not being able to brush your teeth? or not having clean close? or not knowing where your next meal is going to come from? if i can fish and give versus >> this is somewhere i can go to and from work and be able to set my goals further than what i have. >> i just want to say thank you. i think everything that they tried to do. --i am thankful for everything that they tried to do.>> if you want to help them out. donate by mailing a check 2916 nebraska st. in sioux city, ia 51005. you will get a letter in return with a receipt and your donation is tax-deductible. most people go into a hospital to do with a serious injury or illness but they don't expect to leave with one. we will show you what one group is doing to reduce the risk of serious infections earlier in the hospital. it's 280 and getting clearer. "first alert weather with meteorologist cat taylor" 3 today the clouds will hang on through the first half of the day, but by late in the afternoon we may see some sunshine and we are starting off. by the end of the day. we have some clouds in the area. we will see this clear up as we go throughout the day. radar showing that we got cleared up after our wintry mix overnight. we should be at a team but we are at 30 for in sioux city--we are at 34 in sioux city. wind speeds are not too bad that it will increase throughout the day. the breeze will clear out the clouds we have across the area. we will see son had a through the day and we will get cloudy overnight and tomorrow afternoon and evening. there is another chance of this wintry mix starting off as a rain showewe and switching over you can put down a lot of rain or snow quickly. although they don't last very long so you will need to check in with chad at five, nine and 10 because that could change depending on whehe the showers decide to set up. we will be cloudy and cooler but this morning. not too bad. identical from what we saw yesterday. another cloudy start here in siouxland. early clouds was signed by the end of the day. tonight dedeeasing cloud cover will allow us to gegedown n to 20 for degrees and as we head into tomorrow rain showers will switch to snow showers by the end of the day. 38 for thursday and the good news is we will warm up to 58 by saturday. every year, tens of infections that they pick up at hospitals. heather daniels shows how you can protect yourself and your loved ones during your next hospital visit. >>repopoer: heather brightonon had a knkn replacement in 2013. a few days later she knew something was wrong. >> i had diarrhea. i was in the bathroom every two minutes. >>reporter: she picked up a life-threatening infection while recovering in the hospital >> you are not eating, your dehydrating >> tens of thousands die every year from these infections. betsy mccoy found of the committee to reduce infection. she said patients need to be proactive and protect themselves and make sure visitors and dococrs wh their patients are intimidated by those white coats and uniforms but you could be saving her life. >>reporter: dr. should wipe stethoscopes in between patients. research shows what the down surfaces around the hospital bed can reduce infections by 80%. >>wipe the bed rails, the tables, the television remote, the call button. >>reporter: to the hospital and surgeon with low infection rates and the day before surgery days with a chemical that can remove harmful bacteria on your skin. >> i think hospitals trying to make an effort about keeping hospitals as strong as possible but more needs to be done. >> patients need to be their own best advocate. million people get c-diff in patients that are on susceptible. good morning, (ponca state park)... it's (34) outside at (time)... as we take a look from our (hard rock good morning ponca state park. we are getting a live look from the hard rock hotel and casino camera. . it's new phone season and one phone has a detachable battery. >>reporter: the wait is over, samsung and lg have announced their new phones. let's talk about samsung's new phone. no more rumors. the galaxy s7 and dad are official. both phones bring back at microsd card slot, which means you can increase storage on these devices. also displayay's you can view time and other data on the lock screen. there also water resistant. the edge has a screen that curves around the sides. the display is pretty big. 5.5 inches and also new software to take advantage of those cucues. preorders start on february 23 and samsung has an interesting, guilford if you preorder between february 23 of march 18 samsung will give you a free virtual reality headset. the phone will ship on march 11. samsung also introducededa gear 360 camera that captures 3600 images and high resolution video as well. there is no pricing information on this camera. quarter. not to be outdone lg introduced the e g5. it's built out of aluminum and it features and all was on display to see time and other information. on the back are two cameras. one is a 16 megapixel and the other is the eight megapixel with a wide-angle lens. it also has a removable battery. you pull on the bottom chin and this will pull off the bottom with the battery attached. this is where it gets pretty cool. you can replace the battery but they also give the accessories that plug into it to make it do more stuff. this module brings a 10-a camera and a shutter button with a dial for zooming. also a virtual reality headset. instead of mounting a volunteer using a usb see cable. all the powers coming from the phone so the headset r rembles glasses. it's like looking at 130 inch television from 2 m away. both are expected to arrive in april. that's it for your update. from our studios in new york have a good day. . it's 6:53 am. the sun is coming up. we have some cloud cover across the area. if you take a look at our hard rock casino hotel camera our sun is bright and brilliant we are going to see clouds start to erode throughout the morning. radar is looking clear. we did have some wintry mix overnight mostly cloudy skies. we will see those back off throughout the day. thanks to some breezy winds. they are calm right now, but they were pick up through the rest of the day. as we head to tomorrow. a little bit cooler. we have a chance for a rain and snow mix as we go into wednesday afternoon and eveneng. it could be a traceceto an inch. but we will need to check in with chad because that could definitely change. the good news is sunny skies and warm temperatures for friday we will look at your3 it's now (time) as we take a good morning siouxland. getting a live look out of ponca state papa courtesy of our hard rock hotel and casino camera. we had some fog that is starting to go away. our cloud cover is decreasing. dinnertime, more sunshine. good morning. i have your siouxld traffic to go. officers running radar on highway 20 and outer drive. have a safe drive to school and work this morning. here is a look at your news to go. republicananin nevada today. front-runner donald trump is looking to beat his rival marco rubio and ted cruz who fired one of his top aides after releasing a video the suggested rubio insults of the bible. rallies at apple stores even though the company has an encryption battle with the fbi. they are refusing to comply with a border that would create a back door to collect data from an iphone of one of the san bernardino terrorists. the appeal is due on friday. a pentagon submits a plan to congress to close guantanamo bay in cuba. it will call for detainees to be left other countries while others would be sent to the united states. the move comes days after the white house announces plans for obama to visit that nation. estimate check out siouxland for news, weather and sports. is it going to be a sunny day? a gloomy day?>> half-and-half. it will be a breezy day, but the good news is we will get to 430. by the end of the week we are looking at warm temperatures. >> thanks for watching. have a wonderful tuesday. good morning. it is tuesday, february 23rd, 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning." ted cruz fires his spokesman over a video involving marco rubio. donald trump intensifies his attacks ahead of today's nevada caucuses. an uber driver admits to the shooting spree that killed six in michiganan the 14-year-old miracle survivor shows signsf progress. artificial hearts keep thousands of people alive. the new technology that could replace transplants. but we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds.

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