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Hourur. Its gusting even higher. Making it the strongest hurricane ever observed in the western hemisphere. Hurricaine patricia is expected make landfall as a category 5. It could do catastrophic damage jake his morning hillaryy clintotojoins other democrat president ial candidates. As presisint obama. At the Womens Leadership Forum in washington. Her appearance comes after a showdown with the House Benghazi Committee investigating the deaths of four americans. Including U S Ambassador to libya Chris Stevens. On september 11th 20 12. Champion wraps up the hearing. Clinton not only defended her actions as secretary of state but also her use of a private email account. s s i did not conduct t st of the business that i i d on behalf of our country on email. I conducted it in meetings. Things got heated when Republican Committee chair trey gowdy asked her about her frequent email exchanges with longtime friend, sidney blumenthal. sot clinton i dont know what this line of questioning does to help us sot gowdy its relevant because our ambassador was asked to read and respond to blumthals dribble in some instances on the very same day he was asking for security. Democrats sparred with republicans and called the hearing a show trial meant to hurt clintons president ial run. sot rep. Elijah cummings were better than using taxpayer dollars to try and destroy a campaign. In the end, chairman gowdy admitted the committee walked away with little new information. sot trey gowdy i dont know that she testified that much different today than she has in previous times she testified i have to go back and look at the transcripts. The latest quinnipiac poll shows clinton still in the lead among likely democratic voters in iowa. With rival Bernie Sanders trailing close behind. Don champion cbs news. Side. The kwin ip e ack leading donald trump for the first time in iowa. The third republican president ial debate is set for next week. Jake Sioux City Police have a warning for us this morning. A man wanted for murder in miami might be here. 28 ear old Jonathan Berrio is wanted on a warrantntor Second Degree murder for a homicide in miami. Sunday october 11th. Police think berrio is in the sioux city area. And theyre asking us to be on hes considered armed and dangerous. We do believe that his family is aiding him, yes. His family is here in sioux city. We have nothing telling us that he has that. Anyone who has information about where berrios is should call the Sioux City Police department or crime stoppers. You could get a reward of up to jake land ownersrsighting a proposed pipeline through northwest iowa have lost legal challenge. But they say the battles going during a hearing in cherokee earlier this month. Three landowners challenged whether the iowa utilities board has the power to grant Eminent Domain to the company that wants to build the Dakota Access oil pipeline. The pipelili would stretch from the babaen oil fields in north dakota. Through south hakota. It would also run from lyon county in northwest iowa all the way to southeast iowa. Judge Carl Peterson dismissed the lawsuit. Ruling landowners have to do everything they can through administrative channels before they sue a state agency. Talked with one of f e plaintiffs who owns land just west of ames. Well, were of course very disappointed but were resolute in our belief that Property Owners have basic rights. The judge did not rule whether Dakota Access is eligible for inent domain. The state utilities board is Holding Public hearings on the pipeline. Then itll make a decision on whether or not to grant Eminent Domain. Jake some folks in siouxland got a chance to enjoy two passions last night. Art. And food. The Sioux City Art Center held its artilicious event last night. It comnes culinary talents. With wine. Beer offerings from hy vee. And a little art on the side. The money raised supports the exhibitionnd Art Education programs at the art center. The fun of food and drink and involves art and so weve got a natural fit and a fun way to engage people and bring people into the art center who have never been here before. Have several people here tonight that really exciting thing for us. There was an auction. Too. There was an auction. Too. This unique piece of art sold for 400 dollars. Jake t tking about the arts. Achers at hunt elememeary school got some lessons in the art of acting yesterda and this might helpem in the classroom. Too. A group of experts called ay a plus schools of North Carolina showed the teachers creative ways to teach students through drama. Dance. Theater. And visual arts. Even presenting a play about the civil wawaera. Itll be shown to 5th grade students who are in social studies. You want students to come to feel engaged, you want them to feel like theyre in a place where something exciting and fun is going to happen and where theyre, obviously, where theyre learning and achieving. The ay a plus Schools Program is the largest and longest running arts based reform effort in the nation. The program was started in 1995. Jake its a new twist on a long time tradition in sioux city. The annual super lat key latke fundraiser for congregation beth shalom is just around the corner. And this year. Matzah balls are new on the menu. And this year. Matzah balls are new on the menu. Matzah balls are a jewish dumpling served in a chicken broth. Organizer dolf ive ner ivener wanted to bring a little soup into the celebration. Theyll also be adding apple cake for dessert. ive ner ivener says the congregation gets the matzah balls and soup ready ahead of time so they dont h he as much to worry about later. It allows the Jewish Community to get together and work as a cohesive group. Share that comradely and brotherhood, and it allows us to let all the Community Come see what were doing here at the synagogue and eat good food. The latke party is from 11 30 to 5 3030. Sunday. November 8th. Tickets will be available at the door. Jake a norwegian hiker stops for a rest on a mountain. And stumbles upon a sword. More than one thousand years old. The 12 hundred year old weapon was lying under some rocks on a well known path across a High Mountain plateau in norway. The viking sword is in exceptionally Good Condition for its age. Experts say its because frost and snow cover the mountains for half the year. Cat the sword was found without a handle. Its a little more than 30 inches long. And made of wrought iron. The artifact is being handed over to the University Museum of bergen for preservatatn work. A Research Expedition to the discovery site is planned for next spring. Cat. Cat. Theres still a lot of violence in israel after weeks of gun and knife attacks by paltinians on israeli citizens. Coming up. Nearly being stabbed. Rain will continue throughout the day today with a high of 66. Rain will continue throughout the day y day with a high of 66. Overnight rain will start to taper off and finally end in the Early Morning hours but wind will pick up with gusts to 30mph bringing the low down to 44. This weekend will be dry with mostly sunny skies and temperatures in the lower 60s. The weekend will start dry on monday but our next system will arrive on tuesday bringing rain and wind for a few days next to mid 50s. Jake cat heres what were talking about on facebook this morning. Dominos is getting some custom favorite kind d pizza . Jake wanna be like mike . Now you can. Jamie you cuss yuccas shows us how in our c b s moneywatch. Dealers will replace the ignition switches starting in december. Want to save hundreds of dollars a year . Bundle your car and home a new report from insurancequotesdot com says consumers on average save nearly 300 dollars a year. The state with the highest savings is louisiana. Customers there save nearly 550 dollars. 200 dollars saved. Stocks surged thursday dow closed up 320 points. The nasdaq added 79. A note for all holiday shoppers. Starting sunday, best buy will offer Free Shipping on all purchases through january second. The Electronics Chain normally requires customers to spend at least 35 dollars before it will ship items for free. Best buy is trying to compete with Companies Like amazon. Com, walmart and target. Wanna be like mike . Now you can. Nike is opening a Michael Jordan only store in chicago on saturday. Youll find number 23 inspired merchandise with the tradmarked Michael Jordan jumpman silhouette. New york, la and toronto will all get stores soon. Thats your money watch. For more log on to cbs money watch dot com. In new york imamie yuccas. Jake in hebron. Where arabs outnumber jews. A young arab was shot and killed while trying to stab an israeli woman. Reporter Barry Peterson has more from this neighborhood. Where violence is becoming normal. 1 tzipi schlisel shleesel narrowly avoided being knifed by an arab on her way to morning prayers. cbs bloodstains on street 2 the street is still bloodstained. Youtube Video guy in white and 3 the aftermath caught on video. The jewish man ininhite shot the arab to death. cbs sot outside 16;32;09;13 bp who may have killed you . 16;32;15;28. and i bless god that its my enemy blood and not me. 12 stills father holding her older father with white beard 4 it is not her first taste of violence. An arab stabbed her father to death in his bed 17 years ago in this same neighborhood. cbs area kids Israeli Soldiers on patrol 5 she is among about 800 jews living in the midst of 170thousand arabs in hebron. Under constant watch. cbs general of soldiers roadblocks guy on guard 6 this one place is so much what the arabisraeli conflict is about. Both sides vow that their claim this land goes back thousands of years. cbs nat sot explosions rioting 7 just down the road, palestinian protestors face the Israeli Military protecting the street to e tiny jewish enclave. cbs standup the kids have no advantage here; they have rocks, thats all theyve got. The israelis have weaponry, grenades, and live ammunition. Bs more rioting 8 but they are as determined as ththjews. cbs barry with palestinian kid who is wearing a mask q are you afraid of dying . answers in arabic barry narrates 9 no, he said. I want to be a marty. I want to stamp on the heads of israelis. sot tzipi we dont have any other place to live hear a big boom barry there it goes again, the fighting and the explosions to be or not to be. When sosoone fights on his life, he wont give up. cbs tzipi walking away down the street 10 tzipi says she wont leave arabs have one deadly thing in common. Their vow to never surrender. Bp, cbs news, hebron. Jake after the break on siouxland news at sunrise. After a new york Police Department officer was shot and killed. Well take a look at the business of gun trafficking in a cat. Rain will continue throughout the day today with a high of 66. Overnight rain will start to taper off and finally end in the Early Morning hours but wind will pick up with gusts to 30mph bringing the low down to 44. This weekend will be dry with mostly sunny skies and temperatures in the lower 60s. The e end will start dry o o momoay but our next systst will arriven tuesday bringing rain to mid 50s. Jake the new york City Police Department says that 90 percent of illegal guns in new york come from out of state. Rain will continue throughout theayod wh hi o 6. Erghra wl art peofanfilleninhe rlmoihs t nd llicupitgus 3ph innghowot4 iseendilberyit ynnsksd petus t le0 thweenwi srtryn dabuoune stew arven esy inngai ndinfoa w yse eeanteerur ithlo id0heworci pic Department Says that 90 percent of illegal guns in new york come from out of state. C b s news correspondent Jericka Duncan tries to find out how they getethere. Officer holder is the 4th nypd officer to die in the line of duty in less than a year. And while the police havent yet determined where his shooters gugucame from, the guns used to kill the three other officers were purchased or stolen from pawnshops in georgia. Brooklyn district atty ken thompson. 144818 have the strictest gun laws in the country and when you have lax gun laws like down in georgia it is easy for people to buy guns down there legally and then send them up here where they are destined to end in the hands of criminals. nat sot thompson presser guns on the table track 4 last week, thompson announced a gun ring bust that took 112 illegal g gs off the streets. Investigators say the alleged ringleader, michael bassier, paid people with clean criminal records in georgia and pennsylvania to purchase firearms. Authorities took this surveillance photo of bassier carrying the weapons in a bag and they secretly recorded him on his cell phone sot bassier immelling them when im out of state, like in atlanta and georgia and all that, its all legal, but new york its completely illegal. 145434 d does it feel like does it ever feel like you are fighting a losing battle . I dont think that we are fighting a losing battle i think that it is a very challenging endeavor because each gun that we get off the street we potentially save a life. track 6 90 of guns found at new york city crime scenes, thompson told us, originate from out of state. Jericka duncan, cbs news, brooklyn, new york. A School Principal is being called a hero after a student collapsed during gym class. Still to come. Well show you the quick thinking that saved a young mans lifefe at sunrise. Good morning everyone, thanks forortarting your morningng with us. Im jacob heheer. Taylor. Jake this morning a teenager in utah is alive thanks to the quick actions of some middle school Staff Members. They saved theheeenagers life when he collapsed during class. As c b s news correspondent surveillance video. sot thu0411 Alan Nakagama pe teacher 03 i rolled him over he was gasping for air his eyes were in the top of his head 09 it happened last wednesday when the 14yearold was in pe class. sot thu0411 dixie garrison principal 43 he wasnt with us, and he was gone 47 white flash to sot thu0411 48 he had just dropped down heart had stopped 51 thats when Staff Members including g ic price, the vice principal, sprung into action and started cpr. Price had just been through training days before. sot thu0411 eric price administered cpr 17 at that time the adrenaline just kicks in and you just kinda do what youve been trained to do 22 with the help of the schchl rereurce officer, skylereras eventually brought back to life then rushed to the hospital. Turnscout he was born with a heart defect that is genetic. Skyler says he barely remembers what happened. sot thu0411 skyler nelson collapsed at school 1 32 i feel fortunate and like i get a Second Chance so im fine id just like to thank all the this 41 at last check, skyler was set to undergo surgrgy to put a defibrillator in his chest. Don champion, cbs news. Jake Health Experts say what happened is a remind of why its important for School Employees to get c p r training. Jake stududts at Briar Cliff University got some health andnd wellness tips yesterday morning. This years health and Wellness Fair was held during the fall semester. Health and wellness related businesses from across sioux city set up booths at briar cliff. Showing off their products and services. Used to always do it in the spring. This is the first time doing it in the fall becausesee wawa the students know a aut ese different business. While they are here during their Academic Year they can use them. Briar cliff thinks about 200 students visited each booth at the fair. Jake and across town. Western Iowa Tech Community College Hosted a different kind of Wellness Fair yesterday afternoooo the e Wa Department for thth blind teamed up with local providers for the sioux city vision loss resource fair. Visitors got to learn about the different products and Services Available to people experiencing vision loss and or blindness. We just find there is an ongoing need for our services. Particularly wititiowas aging population. Mcular degeneration in iowa is the leading cause of visual impairment and blindness. We want to make sure that seniors that are experiencing these conditions realize there are Services Available for them. The resource fair had information on large print or audiobooks from sioux citys public library. Public transit options for the blind. And information on vocational rehab. And doing everyday tasks non visually. Jake yesterday governors from around siouxland came together here in siouxlananto talk over and plan for the future. Almost 200 people were at the 14th tri state g vernors conference at the Marina Inn Conference Center in south sioux city. South dakotas Dennis Daugaard said he was worried about what he calls the federal governments overreach into the operations of state government. Iowas Terry Branstad talked about the impact of the bird flu. And nebraskas Pete Ricketts wants to improve education and create more job opportunities. The tri state governors conference is held every two years here in the metro area. Jake a f fmer staff member on ron pauls 20 12 president ntl campaign has been convicted of secretly paying an iowa state senator to switch his endorsement for president. A federal jury in des moines found former Deputy Campaign manager Demitri Kesari guilty of causing a false record. But not guilty of obstructing justice. The jury also acquitted pauls former campaigigchairman jesse benton of lying to the f b i. The two had been charged with illegally hiding a 73 thousand dollar payment to former state senator Kent Sorenson for switching his loyalty from Michele Bachmann to ron paul. Sorenson could be in prison for 25 years. After he pleadeduilty. Y. Jake Iowa Republicans have a new favorite ahead of februarys caucuses. In the latest kwin ip e ack Quinnipiac University poll retired neurosurgeon doctor ben carson comes in on top at 28 percent. Donald trump drops to second with 20 percent. Followed by florida senator marco rubibiwith 13 percent. And texas setor ted cruz with carsons biggest gains come from women and white evangelical voters. The white evangelicals tend to dominate caucus voting. And drove Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee to wins in the 20 12 and 08 caucuses. And it looks like donald trump isnt very happy about the news hes no longer on top inhe pos. Morning. Thats been deleted. Trump asked if too much monsanto in the corn creates issues in the brain. After deleting the tweet. Trump posted another tweetet saying the young intern respononble apologizes. Jake after months getting ready. Hillary clinton spent yesterday in the hot seat in front of a special house Committee Investigating the 20 12 attack on an american consulate in libya. As reporter scott thuman shows us. Republicans were looking for the former secretary of state to answer t tir questions about the conditions that led to thehe deaths of four americans. Specifically, over why ambassador Chris Stevens requests forordded security, were ignoreded Hillary Clinton i did not see them, i did not approve them, i did not deny them. Clintons emails, again under scrutiny. In this case, a lack of emails that might provide Hillary Clinton if you were in my office atathe stste department, i didnt have a computer most of mymyork was not done on emails. Democrats on t`e committee, decried this as nothing more than a way to ruin Clintons Campaign for president. rep. Elijah Cummings D Maryland everyone on the panel knows these accusations are baseless. Theyve even put up a rolling tab for the committees spspding, somewhere just under 5 Million Dollars they claim. scott standup the committee to investigate benghazi has been active for almost a year and a half now, thats longer than the Watergate Committee and wont end just because Hillary Clintons testiony does. Nats the members, often fighting with each other, more than clinton. Though there were e enty of those moments as well like this exchange over the administrations initial stance as to what prompted the deadly attack and if politics was prioritized above truth. rep. Jim jordan r ohio we know the attack in libya had the American People . clinton i did, im sorry it doesnt fit your narrative congressman. On capitol hill, im scott thuman. Jake your extra large Pepperoni Pizza is about to get a sweet new ride. Dominos announced wednesday it delivery vehicles in 25 markets across the United States. The vehicles. Known as the dominos d x p. Are modified chevrolet sparks. Theyve got a warming oven and extra storage areas in the front the company said the only seat in the c c is the drivers. Cat dominos said the vehicles can hold up to 80 pizzas at a time. The company said bostov. New orleans. San diego. And detroit getting d x p soon. Jake. Is going on now. Find out how you can give. Next. Your weather on the 1s brought to you by bomgaars. Rain will continue throughout the day today with a high of 66. Overnight rain will start to taper off and finally end in the Early Morning hours but wind will pick up with gusts to 30mph bringing the low down to 44. This weekend will be dry with mostly sunny skies and temperatures in the lower 60s. The weekend will start dry on monday but our next system will arrive on tuesday bringing rain to mid 50s. If youve never helpedut the United Way Campaign before. Why not start this year . Heather hennings joins us for good morning. Jake and a guest or group of community events. Jake thanks for being with us this morning. If you missed this segment. Or want to find out any more information. You can find everything on our web sitete. Thths siouxland newdot com ash sunrise. Jeb bush is getting heat for calling supergirl hot. Its time this morning. News at sunrise. Jake good morning, city . Its temp outside at time . Jake shes faster than a a and shes also easy ononhe eyes. At least to one president ial c n ns genie jeanne mows moos takes a look. Who is your favorite superhero . Were going down. Brace for impact. Jeb should have stuck with his first answer, which was batman. Oh come on. But instead he brought up the young female caped crusader who can lower a crashing jetliner to a safe landing reminiscent of the e racle on the hudson. Jeb bush r president ial i saw theres supergirl is on tv. I saw it when i was working out this morning. There was an looked kind of, pretty hot. laughter now hot is a term president ial candidates usually apply to, say, the weather rather than a 27year old actress named melissa benoist. Even jeb didnt need xray vision to see. Jeb bush r president ial candidate thatll make the news. Wrote one commentator. Ugh. The woman is abobo the same age as hisishildren. What a creep vers the counterargumenso he said that tv supergirl was hot. Whats wrong with that . To be a superhero you need a crime. Theres a car chase on the 112 freeway. I can do a car chase. Maybe jeb should follow the lead of donald trump when it comes to superheroes. nat soundnd mr. Trump, are yobatman . I am batman. reporter standup but supergirl and jeb bush do have one thing in common. Let me show you something. Both seem to have a penchant for unbuttoning their shirts to reveal their true selves. Jeanne moos cnn. W york. Ones rain will continue throughout 66. Overnighghrain will start to taper ofofand finally end in t t Early Morning hours but wind will pick up with gusts to 30mph bringing the low down to 44. This weekend will be dry with mostly sunny skies and temperatures in the lower 60s. The weekend will start dry on monday but our next system will arrive on tuesday bringing rain to mid 50s. Jake cat. Rain will continue throughout the day today with a high of 66. Overnight rain will start to taper off and finally end in the earlyorngou d l ckpthu 30h ngg e w wno. E t. Ti f aritohe nre teoor. Animals at the Los Angeles Zoo were joined by a brand new male masai giraffe earlier this month. The calf doesnt h he a name yet. It weighs in at around 130 pounds. And its a little under six feet tall. Hes the first baby born to the four year old mom. Cat the mother is doing a great job as a first time mom. She loves her baby and keeps licking and missing him. Giraffes are the tallele land mammal. And masai giraffes can grow up pounds. The congressional gold medal was given to 345 Unsung Heroes of world war 2. Comingp. Well meet some of the men who rescued treasures looted by the nazis. Cat plus your morning news, weather and sports are all coming up. Its now time as we take a look outsidedexxx on the xxx news at sunrise. Cat heres a look at your weather to go. Jake heres a look at your news to go. Jake Hillary Clinton joins other democratic president ial candidates. And president obama. At the d n c Womens Leadership Forum in washington today. Clintons appearance comes after an 11 hour showdown with the republican led house committete. Investigating the 20 12 benghazi attacks that left four amicans dead. After her testimony. Republican Committee Chairman trey gowdy admitted the hearing gave no new information from clinton. Jake wisconsin congressman paul ryan says hes ready and eager to run for speaker of the house. The chairman of the house ways and Means Committee formally declared his candidacy thursday. After getting the support of three key republican groups. Ryan will face election next week. Jake and. Parts of the southwest are etngea f tndstms d asfldi tt ul asfoque feda. An. Rtofheouwe getting ready for thunderstorms and flash flooding that could last for quite a few days. Thursday. Parts of texas were drenched by powerful stotos. Dozens of people had to be rescued from their homes and their cars. A lot of of the moisture is being fueled by hurricane puh tree see uh patricia. Jake and be sure to check out siouxland news dot com all day at work k d home for the lateses newswsweather and sports. Jake and here is what the folks in studio 57 are working on that youll see in an hour on cbs this morning. Im jacob heller. Good morning everyone and welcome to siouxland news at sunrise. Thanks for starting your morning with us. Im jacob heller. Cat and im meteorologist cat taylor. The weekend will start dry on monday but our next system will arrive on tuesday bringing rain week and temperatures ininhe low jake cat. Jake Harry Ettlinger was experts turned military officers who rescued treasures looted by the nazis. You could see men like ettinger in the movie Monuments Men. Soldiers charged with recovering art that the nazis stole during now, thanks to ettlinger, the painting is back in n s hometown. Jg what did you think . Sot for me to go into that look at it and get a photograph of it, that made me feel good 823 it made me feel good, yknow, in my heart thumps chest George Clooney you want to get into the war. Matt damon the 2014 film brought new attention to the Monuments Men. It was based on a book by robert edsell. 11 16 00 the story from my point of view was the good guys. Who were these men and women . photo of toko one of those women is motoko huthwaite. She worked for the Lieutenant Commander george stout, played by George Clooney. 12 01 10 well, i think george stout was handsomer laughs but until last month, she never realized she belonged to the esteemed group. 11 17 07 motoko i was absolutely flabbergastst. They knew more about me than i can remember myself the Foundation Set up to honor the Monuments Men has run out of money, so todays ceremony was bittersweet. Jg youre the reason this award is happening today 11 55 23 this nine years of works culminated in the realization of a dream that i have held so closely crying we have struggled to get to this moment. Preservers of the past, awarded a monumental honor. Julianna goldman cbs news, washington. Jake Sioux City Police have a warning for us this morning. A man wanted for murder in miami might be here. 28 year old jonathan berero is wanted on a warrant for Second Degree murder for a homicide in miami. Sunday october 11th. Police think berrio is in the sioux city area. And theyre asking us to be on the lookout for him. Hes considered armed and dangerous. We do b bieve that his family is aididg him, yes. His family is here in sioux city. We have nothing telling us that he has left the area, but we do feel that. Anyone who has information about where berrios is should call the sioux cici Police Department o o crimimstoppers. You could get a reward of up to three thousand dollars. Jake land owners fighting a proposed pipeline through northwest iowa have lost a legal challenge. But they say the battles going to keep going. During a hearing in cherokee earlier this month. Three landowners challengedd whether the iowa utilities board has the poweto grant Eminent Domain to the company that wants to build the Dakota Access oil pipeline. The pipeline would stretch from the Bakken Oil Fields in north dakota. Through south dakota. It would also run from lyon county in northwest iowa allllhe way to southeast iowa. Judge Carl Peterson dismissed the lawsuit. Ruling landowners have to do everything they can through administrative channels before they sue a state agency. We talked with one of the plaintiffs who owns land just west of ames. F well, were of course verer disappointed but were resolute in our belief that Property Owners have basic rights. The judge did not rule whether Dakota Access is eligible for Eminent Domain. The state utilities board is holding g blic hearings on the pipeline. Then itll make a decision on whether or not to grant Eminent Domain. Jake some folks in siouxland got a chance to enjoy two passions last night. And food. The Sioux City Art Center held its artilicious event last night. It combines culiliry talents. With wine. Beer offerings from hy vee. And little art on the side. The money raised supports the exhibition and Art Education programs at the art center. The fun of food and drink and involves art and so weve got a natural fit and a fun way to engage people and bring people into the a a center who ha never been here before. We havee several people here tonight that say this is my first time in the art center, and that is really exciting thing for us. There was an auction. Too. There was an auction. Too. This unique piece of art solol for r 0 dollars. Jake dozens of kurdish fighters captured by isis are free again. After iraqi forces. Helped by U S Special Ops advisors. Launched a raid in northern iraq. The pentagon says the 70 freed hostages were facing execution by the terror group at the prison near kirkuk. One of the u s advisors was killed during the raid. And four iraqis were hurt. The dead u s advisor is the First American Service Member to die fighting isis. And the First American combat death in iraq since 2011. Jakeke speaking of isis. There are new reports that the terror group is to blame for some of the violence going on in israel right now. As our National Correspondent jeff barnd shows us. Terror experts think the Islamic State has its sights on a big piece of desert land directly south of israel. Bill braniff you have the Sinai Peninsula sitting between the border of israel and the egytian state. map these are 2 countries whos truce. Whos peace treaty the middleeast. The Sinai Peninsula is among the latest isis targets. Where isis is linking up with several lesserknown extremists. With the ultimate goal of establishing a caliphate. bridge if the Islamic State gains a strong foothold on this desert land. While cheeeeng on the palestinian viololce. That clearly does not bode well for israel. sot Bradley Byrne the israelis are going to do what the israelis are going to do to defend themselves and protect themselves and they should and we should support vo terror experts say israell retailiating against isiss factions in the peninsula is exactly what isis wants. And weighing a military response should be the last thing sot hopefully they will have thought thru this and they will have communicated with egytian counterparts to mitigate whatever crisis s y occur should the islamic c ate begin to start this campaign of violence. Isis is calling for the killing of americans in america. Isis is people in country after country around the world. So its part of an overall plan which they have. vo and senator markey says the latest mission in that plan appears to be seizing a new region that sits on israels doorstst. Iijeff barnd reporting. Jake when you think texas. You might think cowboys and cattle drives. But get a load of this. Round rock texas aninil control spent most of yeyeerday afternoon trying to catch a flock of emus. The group posted this video to its instagram account. Animal control tried to herd four of the flightless birds to a place where their owner could getem. Kat round rock animal control said it was not equipped to contain the birds. So. Officers said they didnt have any choice but to try and steer the emus toward a field. Away from homes. Cat. All west had to do to make t t playoffs was beat des moinin hoover last night. See if they could pull it off. Chris neyenhouse is next in sports. Us businessman and senior has devoted his life to helping others. . W0 48 c2. 5 g 0 [[ sot from huntsman sit down clip huntsman no man stand alone nat pop of properties creator of the fast food clam shell and the leggs panyhose egg. Turned jon huntsman senior into a billionaire. Who gave almost all of it away. To find a cure for cancer. . W1 63 c2. 5 g 0 [[ 2599 4 29 sot huntsman i know there are people in my condition and others similiar who can change that and m me a difference. A four time cancer survivor himself. Jon huntsman and his wife started the Huntsman Cancer Institute 20 years ago in today. The Huntsman Cancer Institute is the only Cancer Hospital in the world designed by a cancer patient. . W2 63 c2. 5 g 0 [[ sot from huntsman sit down clip 2599 3 56 sot huntsman i dont like to see people suffering. It breaks my heart when i see people with cancer. Honored this month for the carnigie medal of philanthropy. Jon huntsman has vowed to cure for cancer. Willing to give the rest of his fortune away to beat it. . W3 61 c2. 5 g 0 [[ sot from huntsman sit down clip 2599 10 17 the Cancer Institute is a vital part of curing cancer around the world. . W4 64 c2. 5 g 0 [[ sot from huntsman sit down clip 2599 11 0911 23 the largest genetiticancer cat were checking up with moose again on this thursday jake whats up moose . Rain will ntinue throughout the day today with a high of 66. Overnight rain will start to taper off and finally end in the Early Morning hours but wind will pick up with gusts to 30mph bringing the low down to 44. This weekend will be dry with mostly sunny skies and temperatures in the lower 6060. The e ekend will start dry on monday but our next system will arrive on tuesday bringing rain and wind for a few days next to mid 50s. Good morning siouxland heres a look at your morning sports. Rain will continue throughout the day today with a high of 66. Overnight rain will star t a mn rsutin hiwenw drwi 50. D rngogohes ra wlnuhrght d taia ghgh onit inilstt taper off and finally end in the Early Morning hours but wind will pick up with gusts to 30mph bringing the low down to 44. 1 econd quarter its 147 hoover. 4th down for hoover. Thth is a great diving interception by darius moore. That ends the hoover threat. 2 uxt hoover posession though jerry ziaty rushes 17 yards for the td. 207 hoover 3 final drive of the first half noah mcwell cant find anyone open so he takes off himself. A 28 yard scamper. Drive would stalle though 207 at the half. 4 nd then here comes hoover early in the third this is quarterback wilifred kouakou. Hes in from a yard out to make it 277. They would recover an onside kick on the kickoff. 3414 the final. Were the crofton cheerleaders and were ready to take on west holt on kmeg 14 woo jumps yeah this could be for a playoff berth for the warriors 1. West holts first possession. Miscommunication between the quarterback and the running leads to a fumble. Recovered by croftons chase 2. On fourth down. Croftons Tanner Crosley takes the handoff and barrels inin the endzone. Two point cocoersion no good. Warriors up six to nothi. 3. Next crofton possession. Again on fourth down. Crosley again takes it to the house for the thirty yard touchdown. Two point conversion again failed. Twelve nothing crofton. 4. In the Second Quarter. Territory. Nathan crosley goes around the left side for his third touchdown of the night. This time the two point conversion is good. Crofton up twenty to nothing in the Second Quarter and. Gayville volin vs corsica stickney in gayville 1. Alfway through the first, zone. Qb Landon Bruinsma holds onto it for the first score of the game. 2. Ext play, the jaguars are going for two. Another qb keeper. Bruinsma gets to his left all the way for the two point conversion. Jaguars lead 8 to zero. 3. Ut now its the raiders turn. Still in the first, 4th and 1. Qb grant rice hands it off to zach anderson. He finds that opening right there down the middle. He goes 34 yards for a raiders touchdown 4. Ne minute left in the first. Raiders in possession. Rice lobs up a nice one t trunning back cj leee for another touchdown. They go for the 2, but dont succeed. Raiders lead 12 to 8. The comets win 2812. More nebraska football allen over bancroftrosalie 36 to 28. Randolph over osmond number two creighton over hartington newcastle 666. Clearwater orchard o or Neligh Oakdale 3837. Number one Norfolk Catholic 4214 over number 8 boone central newman grove. Cwc over wausa 506. Wynot over Lyons Decatur 5236. And in south dakota dakota valley over wagner 438 the morningside Womens Basketball team lost one game ever last seasononn their way to the schools Fourth National champipiship. The mustangs seemed to have an answer for every opponent they faced a year ago. And theyre returning ten players including all five starters from that team the only thing they may not have an answer for. . How do you improve upon such an epic season . Improve upon last season. Thats a tough question. Um . Jordyn wollenburg um i guess just coming here every day, working as a team, trying to get better every single day. Pushing each other. Lexi ackerman i would say just on every night weve got to bring our game 100 . Last year we had a aew games where we started off a little slow. Werent really focused in the beginning of the game. Jamie sale i think were used to expectations that even through the last year we were number one throughout the year and players learned to deal with that and thats what other people p p on us. We know thee reality that we have our fauaus too. Thehes a lot of things we need to get better at. There several games last year that could have gone the other way if some breaks had went the wrong way. The lady stangs open their defense on the road at william penn. Their home opener is november third against peru state. Lets take a look at the rest of the gpac preseason rankings. Theres morningside at number one. Briar cliff is in third place. Northwestern rounds out the top five. Dordt is picked 10th. Not pictured is wayne states lady wildcats who are picked to finish 2ndndn the northern sun conference. Briar cliffs mens team wants to get back to the National Tournament too. They were just picked as the gpac preseason number one too. Coach nic nelson and his team know last Years Experience can only help. Nic nelson talk about the National Tournament experience from last t ar i think that was really good for our guys jususto get down there and get a taste of it. It made them really hungry this offseason. We had a improvement. Austin lefler oh just getting a taste of it was an unreal experience. Unfortunately for us we got knocked out in the first round by two. Such a closeseame. Could have gone either way. I think that kind of set a fire underneath us. The chargers open up with william penn on the road october 29th. There home opener will be the third game of the season november 4th against peru state. Heres the restof the gpgp presesson mens basketball poll. Dordts and northwestern are picked to finish 2nd and 5th respectively. While morningside is picked to finish 8th. Shes a five Time National champion in the discus, 3 time Iowa High School state record holder and shes threatening to break the National Record this year too. You name a division one track and field prograra theyeyant Kingsley Pierson Woodbury Central senior kiana phelps. And she has decided where she will be going to college next fall. The first place youll here it is right here on siouxland news at 5 when kiana joins us live in studio to tell us where shell be throwing next year. Thats it for your morning sportscast. And join me right here again tonight for sports at back to you jake. Two hunger games stars are uniting for a new project. Its timeme. Your Sunrise Entertainment is cat. Rain will continue throughout the day today with a high of 66. Overnight rain will start to taper off and finally end in the Early Morning hours but wind will pick up with gusts to 30mph bringing the low down to 44. This weekend will be dry with mostly sunny skies and temperatures in the lower 60s. The weekend will start dry on monday but our next system will arrive on tuesday bringing rain and wind for a few days next to mid 50s. R jake adele drops the first single from her upcoming album. And two hunger games stars get together on a new project. Zanne marques has your eye on entertainment. sot Josh Hutcherson ron howard and canons project imagination sponsored the contest. the coming of age movie diary of a teeeege girl is up for four honors at the ifp gotham independent film awards. The film is up for best feature and screenplay, bel powl is up for best actress. Also nominated for best actress, cate blanchett, lily tomlin, brie larson, Blythe Danner and kristin wiig. The awards will be handed out on november 30th. adele. Today, the british pop diva dropped hello the First Release from her upcoming album, 25. The album, which is her first in four years, will contain 11 tracks and will be released november 20th. Thats your eye on enenrtainment. Suzanne marques, cbs newew jake heres what were talking about on facebook this morning. Dominos is getting some custom favorite kind of pizza . Federal regulators are thinking about taking over the largest auto recall in u s history. Still to come. Well have an n date on that big airbag recall. Cat its now time as wtake a look outside xxx on the xxx cam. Your weather and morning news are all ahead. Good morning everyone, thanks for starting your morning with us. Im jacob heller. Taylor. Jake federal regulators are thinking about taking over the largest auto recall in u s history. To speed up the repair of defective takata airbags responsible for 8 deaths and almost 100 people hurt. As c b s news correspondent Kenneth Craig shows us. Regulators are asking consumers dont let this fall through the safety for you and your narr2 the airbags deploy with rupture sending shrapnel into drivers and passengers. 19pointtwo million vehilces from 12 manufacturers are affected. nats repair nhtsa says less than onequarter of recalled inflators have been replaced nationwide. There arent enough Replacement Parts available meaning some drivers might need to get a temporary fix, and go back again later. sot Jennifer Timian nhtsa recall division the interim part is still much safer than the original inflator part, but it will still eventually have the chance of rupture. narr3 drivers are encouraged to goo safercardotgov and see if their vehicle identificiation number is listed there. If it is, make an appointment with the car manufacturer for a Kenneth Craig, cbs news. Jake affected cars that are older and in high humidity areas. Mainly along the gulf coast. Are getting priority. Jake students at Briar Cliff University got some health and wellness tips yesterday morning. This years health and Wellness Fair was held during the fall semester. Health and wellness related businesses from across sioux city set up booths at briar cliff. Showing off their products and services. Used to always do it in the spring. This is the first time doing it in the fall because we want the students know about these different business. While they are here during their Academic Year they can use them. Briar cliff thinks about 200 students visited each booth at the fair. Western Iowa Tech Community College Hosted a different kind of Wellness Fair yesterday afternoon. The ioWa Department for the blind teamed up with local providers for the sioux city vision loss resource fair. Visitors got to learn about the different products and Services Available to people experiencing vision loss and or blindness. We just find there is an ongoing need for our services. Particularly with iowas aging population. Mcular degeneration in iowa is the leading cause of visual impairment and blindness. We want to make sure that seniors that are experiencing these conditions realize there are Services Available for them. The resource fair had information on large print or audiobooks from sioux citys public library. Public transit options for the blind. And information on vocational rehab. And doing everyday tasks non visually. Jake more than 15 million children in the United States live without enough food in their homes. The American Academy of pediatrics says hunger is an Ongoing Health risk that can cause lifelong impact. For the first time. Should be screened to identify households that might lack adequate food. Jake doctors could have a new tool soon to screen for breast cancer. Scientists at Florida International university have developed an optical handheld scanner to create 3 d imaging in real time. The scanner will go to the food and Drug Administration for approval. Jake and a new Study Confirms major knee injuries are on the rise amoung student athletes. Researchers analyzed insurance billings from the past 20 years and found the number of a c l tears went up almost two and a half percent each year. Larry they say its one of the most dangerous drugs on the streets right now. K 2. A lot of times. Patients get seizures. Ending up at local hospitals. Battles with k 2 addiction. I was scared, confused, i was really paranoid, and it felt like i was having a heart attack. Some patients do have heart attacks. Others, like recent victims, vomit heavily or convulse. Others. Suffer mentally. Courtney former k2 addict youre very skittish, everything can kind of freak you out a little bit. You can get scared of things. Things that normally wouldnt bother you can upset you. And when you have a bad high on k2 its like ten times worse. Both women are making progress in their journeys away from drug addiction. I asked them if theyd ever try k2 again. Kimberly thornton former k2 user no. I would not. Courtney former k2 addict an addiction is a disease and can take over your life. With k2, do not try it. Its not is, it is not worth it. Dangerous. K 2 overdoses can be expensive with emergency transport to the hospital costing up to 13 hundred dollars a de. And with many patients not being thats tens of thousands of dollars thatll never come back. Theres a new way to make jiff s gifs of yourself for well show you some new updates. Next. Rain will continue throughout the day today with a high of 66. Overnight rain will start to taper off and finally end in the Early Morning hours but wind will pick up with gusts to 30mph bringing the low down to 44. This weekend will be dry with mostly sunny skies and temperatures in the lower 60s. The weekend will start dry on monday but our next system will arrive on tuesday bringing rain and wind foror few days next to mid 50s. Jake youtube is letting users pay a fee to skip the ads. Rain will continue throughout the day today with a high of 66. Overnight rain will start tar f d nay d t ey rgurbuwi wi pk wh stto0m brgi t n 4 th ke l d wh tlsuy iean emrareinheo s. E ekd llta d ony t r xysml ri otudabrgi rn wd r feda nt k d mpatesnew m 5s. Tu ileieisseeo iphedsds aiw tie rohoho tdty th hh 66 k utetelti urs update. Which brings me to new emoji. Iphone owners, youll find 150 new emoji characters in the ios 1 software update. Among the new icons are seseral foods, like a taco and chili pepper, animals like a unicorn and lion, and some weird smilies like the money mouth face and yes. Theres a middle finger. If you send it to someone who didnt update, or someone with an android or windows phone, they wont likely be able to see the icons until those operating systems update to support the new unicode e mbols. And theres one emoji in particular that has an interesting story behind it. The eye inside of a Speech Bubble is t an official approved unicode symbol. So, did apple just make it up . No, in fact, it was created by the ad council the same folks who created smokey the bear and mcgruff the crime dog created this symbol to represent an antibullying campaign, and the group asked apple to include it with other emoji. It means i am a witness a witness to bullying and the hope is that itll be used to empower people to send it to stand up to bullies and support their friends to not listen to the hate. Those that dont have ios 9 can also get icons to copy and paste as photos from a seperate keyboard app called i am a and theres a pretty big change giant unveiled a new service that costs 10 a month so you can watch videos without advertisements, Youtube Video 02;18;13 02;35;14 and with that fee, you can also cannot. Popular youtube stars will create videos only subscribers can see. Its called youtube red, and it launches october 28 with a free onemonth trial. There are so many paid services these days netflix, amazon prime, spotify, apple music, hbo now so youtube will have to make those new perks pretty enticing for people to want to pay for youtube which has been free for 10 years. Thats it for this tech news update, and theres more at cnet. Com. From our studios in new york, im bridget carey. Jake theres an animal coming up on the show. Whos living at the Siouxland Humane Society right now. Keep it right here. Up next weather on the 1s. Rain will continue throughout the day today with a high of 66. Overnight rain will start to taper off and finally end in the Early Morning hours but wind will pick up with gusts to 30mph bringing the low down to 44. This weekend will be dry with mostly sunny skies and temperatures in the lower 60s. The weekend will start dry on monday but our next system will arrive on tuesday bringing rain and wind for a few days next week and temperatures in the low to mid 50s. Siouxland humane society. There are many adorable animals available looking for a great family to tata them home. Melissa fischer and gege join us for this weeks sunrise ray of hope. Jake thanks for being with us this morning. If you missed this segment or you just want to catch it again, check out us online at our website. Siouxland news dot com slash sunrise. Jake well take a look at your news and weather to go coming up after the break. At sunrise. Jake its now time as we take a look outside xxx on the xxx cam. Cat heres a look at your weather to go. Jake heres a look at your news to go. Jake Hillary Clinton joins other democratic president ial candidates. And president obama. At the d n c Womens Leadership Forum in washington today. Clintons appearance comes after an 11 hour showdown with the republican led House Committee. Investigating the 20 12 benghazi attacks tt left four americans dead. After her testimony. Republican Committee Chairman trey gowdy admitted the hearing gave no new information from clinton. Jake wisconsin congressman paul ryan says hes ready and eager to run for speaker of the house. The chairman of the hohoe ways and Means Committee formally declared his candidacy thursday. After getting the support of three key republican groups. Ryan will face election next week. Jake and. Parts of the southwest are getting ready for thunderstorms and flash flooding that could last for quite a few days. Jake and. Parts of the southwestar getting ready for thunderstorms and flash flooding that could last for quite a few days. Thursday. Parts of texas were drenched by powerful storms. Dozens of people had to be rescued from their homes and their cars. A lot of of the moisture is being fueled by hurricane puh tree see uh patricia. Jake and be sure to check out siouxland news dot com all day at work and home for the latest news, weather and sports. Jake if youre hittingnghe roro this weekend, hereea look at the cheapest places to fifi up i itown before you go, according to gasbuddy. Com. Looks like regular gas is 2. 15 a gallon at kum and go over on hamilton, cat 2. 38 a gallon at caseys in norfolk jake and 2. 29 a gallon at kum good morning. It is fridid, october 23rd, 2015. Welcome to cbs this morning. Hillary clinton faces a marathon interrogation on the deadly benghazi attack. We ask the House Committee chairman whether he learned anything new. Flash flooding threatens millions in the south and millions. Bradley cooper and Seinna Miller are back in the kitchen. We begin this morning with a look at todays eye opener. Your world in 90 seconds. I dont know whether that is funny. Im sorry. A little notee of levity at 7 15. Reporter how come no one has been held accountable . Privately, your story was much differently privately than publicly. Ive lost more sleep than you all together. What did you learn today

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