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This xxx morning. Jake cat. Jake his morning people are talking about the first dedecratic president ial l bate of the campaign season. Hillary clinton. Bernie sanders. And Martin Omalley scored the biggest points of the night. C b s news correspodnent vegas nevada. sot the American People are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails. Sanders the most searched candidate duriri the debate according to googlgl scored major points for steering the discussion away controversy. And back to the issues. sot chaggaris sanders v. Clinton. sot sanders you know and i know that if i had attacked Hillary Clinton viciously it would be on the front cover of every paper thats not what the American People want. Nat sot omalley senator, it is not about rurara senator, it was not abouourural and urban. Nat sot sanders its exactly about rural. Lower polling candidate Martin Omalley, who took sanders to task on gun control, says the night proves the contest is more than a twoperson race sot omalley this is the opening kickoff and for the first time tonight, people see they have a choice. standup nielle nottingham cbs newswslas vegas, nv none of the five candidates on stage mentioned Vice President joe biden. Who has yet to announce whether he will launch a white house bid. sot chaggar on biden some analysts say the Vice President is waiting to see how clinton handles her testimony before the house benghazi committee, scheduled for later this month. Danielle nottingham cbs news las vegas. Jake other big political names were giving reactions to the debate on twitter. Republican president ial front runner donald trump wasnt impressed by any of the candates. Former president bill clinton tweeted hillary proved she was the most qualified candidate. Jake and people who support different t ndidates were at watch parties alalacross siouxland for during last nights debate. In sioux city. Hillary clinton supporters came together at el fredos pizza on the west side for a watch party. In sioux city. Hila cnt spoerca together at el fredos pizza on the west side for a watch party. Hillarys Regional Campaign manager was there. And he says the debate gave the Democratic Front runner a great opportunity. You know the debate is great and its a great form toalk to so many people but we reallyly believevthat we will win the iowa caucus by t tking to caucuses goers talking to people on the phone at their homes, online. Supporters of former Maryland Governor Martin Omalley watched the debate at his Campaign Office in sioux city. And there was another pro Clinton Watch Party down in blencoe in monona county. Jake and this morning. Hillarys campaign is holding another event here. With a big name. Former secretary of state madeleine albright. Who had the job when bill clinton was in the white house. Will speak at an organizing event for hillary here in sioux city. Thats happening at the peirce mansion on jackson street at 8 45 this s rning. Jake an old downtown Sioux City Bank will soon be on the move. Literally. The building that once housed Liberty National bank at second and pearl was closed months ago. The city wants the site for commercial development. And to add parking for the Hard Rock Hotel and casino. Ho Chunk Incorporated bought the building frorothe city. Withthlans to move it to winnebago. But its too expensive to move it across the veterans bridge. So. Ho chunk sold the building for a dollar to Bishop Heelan catholic schools. Itll replace heelans 100ear Old Administration building. A basement will be added. Which will double the buildings size. Its hoped the project will be finished by next year. Jake and this momoing it looks like the woodbury courthouse needs more repai. Lamt week we told you the buildings two elevators nd replaced. But thatll cost more than 400 thousand dollars. Last night the supervisors were told a piece of marble fell from a courtroom ceiling. And you can even see daylight through the hole the piece left behind. D water damage is mamang some of the windows rust and bow out about an inch. Just those window areas is all we are concerned about at this point. I have to think that we should be looking beyond just those windows to where there might be some other damage might be going on to make sure that we dont have issues elsewhere. An architect from des moines has already inspececd the windows and building. The board is waiting for his report. Jake this morning we know twenty one people in oha will most likely face charges after a crackdown on human trafficking. Part of crack down across the nation being conducted by the f b i. And as reporter caiti blaze blas . Reports from our sister station in omaha. Two pepele were saved from b bng forced into huamn slavery. The bust was parof a tionwide program opation Cross Country. This is video shot of the raids last week in alexandria, virginia. It shows the steps investigators have to take to help people and find those responsible for human trafficking. I love that its happening nationally and were getting things accomplished. Olson says this is just the first step. Shes hohong that the community undedetands this as well a a stepup to help the fight. Not only is this happening in other places but this is happening right in our backyard and that theyre own child, your child could be a victim of trafficking. While olson says its a victory for omaha she says the city still has a long way to go. She says she wants to see every single child and adult rescued from this crime. Jake nationwide. The f b i says 149 children were saved from being sexually exploited. And more than 150 pimps were arrested. This years operation Cross Country was the largest in its nine year history. Jake a jury has ruled a ainst a new york woman who sued her o o nephew. Jennifer connell says her nephew caused her to fall and break her wrt after he jumped into her arms for a birthday hug. He eas eight when this happened in 2011. Connell wanted 127 thousand dollars from the boy. The only defendant in the case. T she testified shshloves him. Cat she testified d e loves him. But thinks he should be held accountable for her injury that made it hard for r r to hold a plate of hors doeuvres. It took the jury less than half an hour to return their verdict cat. Dutch investigators released their report into the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight 17 over ukraine last year. They dont know for sure. Today, afternoon highs will rebound in the lower to mid 70s with plenty of sunshine. Today, afternoon highs will rebound in the lower to mid 70 with plenty of sunshine. Another dip in temperature is expected to start tomorrow with partly cloudy skies and breezy winds as canadian High Pressure builds in to the area. Highs near 70 degrees. Temperatures will continue on the downward trend for friday and sasarday with highs in t t uppepe50s to near 60 and l ls dipping down near freezing. Temperatures will start to rebound again on sunday, though winds will be breezy with our tuesday. Jake cat heres what were talking about on facebook this morning. We have a story about a house for rent with an incredible view. Where is your dream place to live . Jake starbucks is testing coffee delivery and air b and b is offering a unique halloween experience. Jamie you cuss yuccas is in new york with your c b s moneywatch. The compmpy is starting in manhattans Empire State Building where 12 thousand people work. The pilot progwam is called green apron delivery. You can only order 15 items on a dicated website, there is a two dollar fee and it takes 30 minutes for delivery. On wall street yesterday, stocks were down. The dow lost 49 points. The nasdaq lost 42. Apple is adding retina displays to its imacs. That will enhance the text andnd image e ality of photos andd videos. Apple says the imacs will also have new Storage Options and more powerful processors and graphics. Trick or treating not for you . Air b n b is offering a unique halloween stay. How about visiting paris famous catacombs, the final resting place of 6 million souls . The winners of the website competition will get a stay for two in a real bed, dinner with private concert and breakfast included. Ths todays moneywatch, for more head to moneywatch. Com. In new york, im jamie yuccas. Jake dutch investigators annonoced tuesday that Malaysia Airlines f fght 17 was hit by a missililmanufactured by russss while flying over a war torn part of ukraine. C b s news correspondent findings. Upsot flight mh17 crashed because of a 9m31414warhead detonated outside the airplane above the left side of the cockpit. graphic section the russian made buk missile was fired from the ground. Said the board. A simulation showed the blast a yard away from the plane pierced the plane with chunks of shrapnel and tore the cockpit clear off. end graphix the pilots died instantly though some passengers may havee been conscious for up toto minute and a half. cbs archive pictures the plane crashed on ukraini territory controlled by russianbacked separatist militias. Dutch investigators recovered as many pieces as they could and transported them to a hangar in the netherlands. Where like a grim jigsaw puzzle they were reassembled. That revealed what caused the crash. But not who. A separate criminal l quiry will decide that. But Defence Analyst Elliott Higgins, who provided social media evidence to the dutch investigators, upsot something about the launch site . Says that photos and satellite data show a buk missile launcher was driven into rebel territory from russia and fired just before the crash. Elliott Higgins based on our research, it looks like that missile launcher came from russia and was manned by a russian crew. And thats a huge problem for russia tag russia has always denied that. It matains the Ukrainian Army probably launched the missile, and today the Foreign Ministry said it has serious doubts about the d dch conclusions. . Los Angeles Police are looking for ways to crack down on reckless drone use. After the break. Well show you why theyre worried about mid air cat. Today, afternoon highs will rebound in the lower to mid 70s with plenty of sunshine. Anotr dip in temperature is expected to start tomorrow with part cloudy skies and breezy winds as canadian High Pressure builds in to the area. Highs should be in the upper 60s to near 70 degrees. Temperatures will continue on the downward trend for friday and saturday with highs in the upper 50s to near 60 and lows dipping down neaeafreezing. Temperatures will start to rebound again on sunday, though winds will be breezy with our next chance of rain starting monday and continuing into tuesday. Jake los Angeles Police have been looking for ways to crack down on reckless drone use. Today, afternoon highs will rebound in the lower to mid 70s witpltyf nsne noeripn mate exct tstt moowit ary ou sesnrey dss naanigprsu budsn t aa. Ig eng osaythghwi bbrzyitououchcef intain yd ntui io. Eloanlepoca been looking for ways to crack down on reckless drone use. A review of f a a data shows heki or ara t spot for reports of drones flying in airspace reserved for aircraft. A close call this summer led to police trying a new tactic on the problem. Heres c b s news correspondent kris van cleave. For lapd officer James Schwedler and pilot kevin cook a drone strike could be catastrophic. sot schwedler 020841 a drone is like trying to spot a gnat sometimes, it could totally sneak up on you a danger thats with the crews of the lapds 17 choppers every time theyre in the air. They fly low and fly fastwhile ththes yet to be a collision, pilots espececlly fear even a relatively small 10 pound drone striking the windsheild, the main rotor or the one on the tail. sot cook 020320 if we impact a drone, were going to have 3550 pounds of aircraft with 130 pounds of jet petroleum coming down into a residential neighborhood. sot kvc inair chopper standup 023412 right now, were about 800 feet over downtown los angeles. This should be space free of drones but more than 1010have been sighted by pilots at this altitude and even thousands of feet above. Thats breaking the rules. In late august this drone came within 50 feet of an lapd chopper hunting for an armed suspect. The pilot dove 200 feetan evasvive manuever to avoid a midair collision. Air Division Commander captain al lopez sot kvc q right now there is not a law you can use to go afafr someone for breaking when it comes to a drone . sot lopezez11624 e inoa nipaco ei res t pel e ctn. eris puititoth c b sebuits lydoed t t cy tinsthg li mdomochgigntalgeopat 5 olminheonor inaotontfe wh i it eecd ba sta ohue. E pdayitou le see Drone Operators held to the same standards as any other pilot, which would give them options to prosecute reckless behavior. Rescue crews are looking for some missing people after a small plane crashed into a Mobile Home Park in florida. Still to come. Well show you how security cameras might help with the investigation. At sunrise. Good morning everyone, thanks for starting your morning with us. Im jacob hellll. Taylor. Jake developing this morning. The search is still going on near miami for more survivors after a small plane crashed into a Mobile Home Park. Two bodies have already been found in the rubble. As c b s news correspondent don champion shows us. Ficials still dont know how many people were on the plane. Domingo galicia was just outside of his palm springs, florida mobile home when the plane crashed into it. tue0512 11 photos from witnesses show the immediate aftermath with flames shooting into the air. tue0512 19 galicias in her room at the time. sot tue0512 37 the door explodod open and i was screaming, banny, banny, banny 41 white flash to sot tue0512 46 i went outside and i couldnt do anything else 49 bannys body is thought to be one of two that have been found at the crash site. tue0472 the fire that followed the accident spread to a second home and took hours to put out. Officials still dont know how many pple were on the plane. The crash hahaened about three miles away from an airport. Jake National Transportation safety board investigators are expected to get there this jake its an annual chance to introduce siouxland students to the classics of the music world. Sterday. Orchestra held its annual free concert for sixth graders. Yesterday. The sioux city Symphony Orchestra held its annual free concert for sixth graders. Dozens of kids from different morning at the Orpheum Theatre listening to Classical Music performed by the s sphony. The symphonys executive director. Mark francis. Says this is a gat way to introduce the kids to a live orchestra. The arts often are not exactly emphasized very much in schools anymore, and this gives the students a chance to hear, certainly, an important part of western culture. The students also learned about the works of beethoven. Especially his famous 9th symphony. This spring the sioux city symphony will perform the 9th sympny with the help of a few local choirs. Jake a sioux city teenager is facing arson charges after supposedly starting a Dumpster Fire monday afternoon. This is the evidence of that fire. Set in a dumpster full of cardboard outstse the dollar treeeetore on hamilton boulevard. According to Sioux City Police. 18 year old Jeremiah Verbeski of sioux city admitted to lighting a pine cone on fire and throwing it into the dumpster. The dumpster was destroyed. Doing 15 hundred dollars in damage. The outside of the dollar tree got 5 thousand dollars in degree arson and criminal mischief. Hes in the woodbubu county jail on 10 thousasa dollars bond. And police have been looking for the driver of a car that was in a rollover accident yesterday afternoon on sioux citys west side. It happened just after two oclock in the 31 hundred block of edmunds avenue. A couple blocks south of west high school. When police got there. They found the car on its top. But empty. No trace of the drdrer or any passengers. Police say they know w w the car belongs to. And will use that as a startg point in their investigation. Jake its been almost two and a half years since jamal dean shot and hurt Sioux City Police officer kevin mccormick. Jamal dean was eventually captured in texas. And is serving years in prison for the shooting. And drug related charges. Now. A husband and wife who helped him leave town after thehe shooting are going to prison. Too. Our own siouxland News Reporter Jaclyn Driscoll has the story. Jaclyn driscoll reporting. And also paid respects to his hero. Forde fairchild attorney kevin mccormick, who is my hero. I have watched this video repeatedly and i still as you can tell become very emotional community. Jaclyn driscoll reporting however, the hero himself, says he is anything but. I feel like what i did hopefully was not any different than what any other Police Officer in sioux city, in iowa, in the United States would have done in that situation. Jaclyn driscoll reporting and says he is very simply, relieved. Kevin mccormick detective i along with a lot of the people that were involved will probably sleep a little bit sounder tonight, or certainly since this all began 2 and a half years ago. Jaclyn driscoll reporting but his most Important Message his gratitude. Kevin mccormick detective i want to be very clear of how grateful i am to my fellow officers and everybody that had a play in this. In sioux city. Jaclyn driscoll, siouxland news. Jake morris hernandez will serve her sentence at a prison in minnesota. Hernandez will serve his sentence in yankton. Both will self report to those facilities to start their sentences. Jake were getting a first look at blue skies and water ice from pluto. Take a look at this. These pictures are from nasas new horizons spacecraft. Take a look at this. These pictures are from nasas new horizons spacecraft. Ich is studying pluto and its moons. Researchers say plutos blue sky tells scientists about the size and composition of the dwarf planets haze particles. Cat as for the water ice. New horizons detected quite a few small. Cat as for the water ice. New horizons detected quite a few small. Exposed regions of water ice on pluto. But it not clear why the water appears exactly where it does. Cat. Jake the Childrens Miracle Network needs your help well tell you about the radiothon. In talk of the town. Today, aftftnoon highs will rebound in the lower to mid 70ss with plenty of sunshine. Another dip in temperature is expected to start tomorrow with partly cloudy skies and breezy winds as canadian High Pressure builds in to the area. Highs near 70 degrees. Temperatures will continue on the downward trend for friday and saturday with highs in the upper 50s to near 60 and lows dipping down near freezing. Temperatates will start to rebound again on sunday, thoughh winds will be breezy with h r next chance of rain stararng tuesday. The Childrens Miracle Network radiothon is happening soon over at Unity Point Health saint lukes. And it does make miracles happen for a lot of families. Anne holmes joins us for talk of good morning. P jake and a guest or group of guests discuss Upcoming Community events. If you missed this segment. Jake thanks for being with us this morning. If you missed this segment. Or want to find out any more information. You can find everything on our web site. Thats siouxland news dot com slash sunrnre. A a use with an epic vieieis up for rent near san frfrcisco. But. Get ready to pay a steep price. Its time this morning. News at sunrise. Jake good morning, norfolk . Its 43 degrees outside at time . As we take a look from our square tire camera. Jake how much h uld you pay for a home with a view . The National Park service has a place that has a great view of two San Fransisco bay area landmarks. Much it will set you back. Welcome to what is simply known as quarter 17. This house, and the two next to it, were built in the early 1960s as living quarters for a lifesaving unit operated by the coast guard. The house is on a cliff in the Marin Headlands with the Golden Gate Bridge out front and the Point Bonita Lighthouse overer the backckence. David alexander property manager, gaetani real estate with the economy where it is now, i think the National Park service and the coast guard said, i think we can achieve higher rent with the private sector. So the park service is offering the house for rent to a member of the public. After the remodeling bill is paid, it will help fund renovations of other park facilities. Officially the place is being offffed at 6500 to bidders, bubuthey figure some will p more than that to live with perhaps the greatest view in the bay area. Gordon uhlmann is itching to bid on it. Gordon uhlmann prospective bidder would that be worth it to you for this view . Three times. laughs well, dont tell em that laughs but whoever gets it will have to live with some government bureaucracy. For some reason, the house has been deemed historic so these oddlooking louvers have to stay. As well as the clotheslili poles in the back yard. E next door neighbor is only described as a highranking Park Service Law enforcement officer. So wild parties may be out. Ut all of that probably wont matter because who ever lives here will be doing it for the 3 most Important Reasons in real estate. Location, location, location. And now, your weaeaer on the ones today, afternoononighs will rebound in the lower to mid 70s with plenty of sunshine. Another dip in temperature is expected to start tomorrow with partly cloudy skies and breezy winds as canadian High Pressure builds in to the area. Highs should be in the upper 60s to near 70 degrees. Temperatures will continue on the downward trend for friday and saturday with highs in the upper 50s to near 60 and lows dipping down near freezing. Temperatures will start to rebound again on sunday, though winds will be breezy with our next chance of rain starting momoay and continuing inin tuesesy. Jake time for a trip to the sunrise watercooler. A hunter stranded in the australian desert for six days says he survived by eating ants. But thats not the most remarkable part of this. After a massive land and air search. Rescuers found 62 year old from where he went missing. Caca he was extremely dehydrated and a bit delusional. But otheheise doing well. Survival experts say it is even more extraordinary that foggerdy survived without any water in a region with temperatures that rise above 90 degrees. Pretty soon. Folks who say thth read playboy for the articles wont be lying. Coming up. Well show you why the magazine is getting rid of the pictures that made it famous. Cat plus your morning news, weather and sports are all coming up. Its now time as we take a look outside xxx on the xxx cam. News at sunrise. L weather to go. For siouxland news, th is Sergeant Terry ivener. Jake heres a look at your news to go. Jake people are reacting to the first democratic president ial debate of the campaign season. Last night. All five candidates. Including Hillary Clinton and bernie sanders. Discussed a lot of issues. Both foreign and d destic. Whwhe many pundits belieie enthusiasm is back on clintons side. Sanders is winning praise. And more twitter followers. For his strong debate performance. Jake federal officials are investigating what made a small plane to crash into a Mobile Home Park in Palm Beach County florida. Quite a few people were hurt in the deadly incident tuesday. One mobi home was completely destroyed. The red cross is on the ground. Helping displaced families. Jake and. A top russian official is ququtioning what was found for a report into the downwng of malaysian Airlines Flight 17. Jake and. A top russian fials questioning what was found for a report into the downing of malaysian Airlines Flight 17. Tuesday. A dutch led investigation found the plane was shot down by a russian made surface to air missile. Fired from eastern ukraine. M h 17 crashed in the region last year. Killing all 298 aboard. Jake and be sure to check out siouxland news dot com all day at work and home for the latest news, weather and sports. Jake a here isishat the folks in studio o are working on that t ull see in an hour cbs his morning. Welcome to siouxland news at sunrise. Thanks for starting g ur morning with us. Im jacob heller. Cat and im meteorologist cat taylor. Jake but first, cat, the weather . Temperatures will start to rebound again on sunday, though next chance of rain starting monday and continunug into tuesday. Jake cat. Jake this morning we know playboy magazi is going to stop using nude centerfold. And focus on editorial content. Stories. Trying to stay afloat in an age with fewer subscriptions. C b s news correspondent Anthony Mason has the story. Narr he called his magazine a pleasure primer styled to the masculine taste and it touted a smart, swinging lifestyle that hef himself came to embody. A decade ago, on playboys 50th anniversary, he said hefner in a very real way, certainly in terms of pop culture and sexual culture, we do live in playboy world now. 23 25 26 narr but the magazine that t ve the american male the playmate of theheonth, the nude centerfold that became its signature. Has declared gfx in the era of full nudity over why . playboy explained in a statement the short answer is times change. gfx out Dominic Patten is Senior Writer at Deadline Hollywood Dominic Patten theyre looking to go to a younger demographic. The reality is hugh heffner is 89 years old. Hes an icon. Hes a leader in the battle for sexual liberation. But hes not the person advertitirs want to read or buy the magazine. 2 02 46 narr in a way, playboy was overtaken by the revolution it helped unleash. gfx as the internet made pornography easily available. The magazines circulation has opped from more than 5 and a half million in 1975 5,663,149 to a little more than 800,000 readers today 819,926 gfx out patten look, the real bas of change is the bottom line. Theyve got to do something. Theyre losing readers. 2 09 36 narr gfx in when playboy removed nudity f fm its website last year, traffff jumped from about 4 million to 16 million unique users a month. And the average age dropped from 47 to 30. gfx out . Narr so the mazine will still feature women in provocative poses, but theyll no longer be fully nude. And yes, it will still feature what men always said they really bought it for the articles. Anthony mason cbs news, new york. Jake sioux citys chapter ofof the Susan G Komen foundation has a new home. The organization moved into its new nebraska street facility back in january. But held the Ribbon Cutting yesterday morning since october is Breast Cancer awareness month. The organization is behind activities like the annual race for the cure each summer. We also try to raise a lot of money so that we can grant it to area organizations who do services or have educati about Breast Cancer awareness. 75 percent of what we r rse stays Breast Cancer research. The new office space is bigger. Gives the group more breathing room. Like more space to show off some of the stuff thats for sale. Jake the oldest maker of Girl Scout Cookies in the country is adding more workers. The e terbake foods plant in North Sioux City recently got morerehan 11 Million Dollars in upgrades and additionsns now. The company is hiring at least 60 new workers. Interbake says theres increasing demand for its products. The jobs start at 12 dollars an hour. With the opportunity to earn up to 16 dollars an hour with benefits. Applicants can apply this month at job fairs being held friday afternoons from 1 to 4 at the bakery. Applications are also being taken by state Workforce Services in both i ia and south dakota. Jakeke a siouxland group is alrey working to make su the families of veterans and current winter. Its called operation warming hearts. And its put on by support siouxland soldiers. The Program Provides winter coats for children and grandchildren of veterans and active military personnel the group bought the coats with the help of a grant from the sioux city elks lodge. Thanks to the elks of sioux city 112, they were able to give us grant money to help us gege coats for military veteranan children andndur active military personnene support siouxland soldiers is planning to hold the event again on november 10th. From 11 30 a m until 1 30 p m at the red cross building on war eagle drive in sioux city. Jake a dakota city park damaged in last augusts windstorm is almost back to normal. Thanks to help from lowes. The store gave the city of dakota city a 20 thousand dollar grant this june to help rebubud the Shelter House e beermann park. Now. The rebuilt shelter is bigger storm. Holding six tables. With four electric outlets. And an overhead light. Construction started two weeks ago. With volunteers from lowes doing the roofing yesterday morning. Its very nice knowing how much this park get used. Weve had some people some residents volunteers stop while weve been working during the day. And hey can i come and help, are you going to be here this weekend working . or people have actually wanted to come and help thertaking owner ship in the park and its been very nice. Another new feature . The new Shelter House will also have permanent grills. Another new feature . The new Shelter House will also have permanent grills. Jake work on a new Housing Development in morningside was interrupted because of a gas leakakesterday afternoon. Construction crews hit a 1 and a half inch h s line with a piece of construction equipment. Utility crews sealed the leak letting crews get back to work. That development is called lakeport view townhomes. Its behind the lakeport commons shopping center. Where the old moringside nursing and rehab center used to be. Jake scientists are getting a new look at jupiter thanks to an old telesce. These new maps and spinning globes of jupiter were made from observations performed with nasas hubblblspace telescope. They are t first products to come from a program to study the Solar Systems outer planets. Jupiter. Uranus. Neptune. And. Later. Saturn. The observations are designed to capture a bunch of different features. Like winds. Clouds. Storms. And atmospheric chemistry. Cat the two maps show arly back to back rotations of the planet. Making it possible to determine the speeds of jupiters winds. Alreadad. The pictures have shown a rarere wave j jt north of the planes equato. And a unique filament like feature in the core of the great red spot that had not been seen before. Plus. Great red spot is shrinking. And getting more circular. Something its been doing for years. Jake. Cat. The muskies got off to slow start against their rivals from sioux falls. Chris nyenhouse shows us if they could mount a comeback. Next. Cat were checking up with jake whats up moose . Today, afternoon highs will rebound in the lower to mid 70s with plenty ofunshine. Another dip in temperature is expected to start tomorrow with partly cloudy skies and breezy winds as canadian High Pressure builds in to the area. Highs should be in the upper 60s to near 70 degrees. Temperatures will continue on the downward trend for friday and saturday with highs in the upper 50s to near 60 and lows dipping down near freezing. Temperatures will start to rebound again on sunday, though nds will be breezy with our tuesday. Good morning siouxland heres a look at your morning sports. Today, afternoon highs will rebound in the lower to mid 70s with plenty of sunshine. Anth d iteeruris peedo artrr h tlcldyki a bez in acadi hh esrl itohere hhs ou binhepp 6 t a70eges emrarewi ctie thdowa tndorry sury thig ith 5 tne 6anloid nr eeng errwi srto ou ainn, ou wsle ee wh r a ra srtg daacoinngnt ueay oomoinsixld re okt urornps da aeroni l ou ithlor m wi pntofuninhediinemrrs ecd srtomrow palylyieanbrzy ndaaiahi psseino e eahis ben e pe60to0grs. Mpaeicin o the downward trend for friday and saturday with highs in the upper 50s to near 60 and lows dipping down near freezing. 2 ack comes heelan. Grace hanno with the dig, Taylor Ferguson with the set and paige opsahl throws it down heelan up 97. 3 bl now coming back Kylee Christian bump, Morgan Skinner sets, and brittni olsen touches the sky warriors win the first set 2518. They win the whole thing 31 number 9 wayne state hosting William Jewel in volleyball action. 1. Pick up action in the first set and heelan alum Leisa Mcclintock with the nice set to elizabeth gebhardt. Who knows what to do with it. Wildcats up sixteen to nine. 2. Next serve. Michaela mestl with the spike. Wayne state up seventeen to nine and they would win the first set twentyfive to fourteen. 3. In the second set. Mcclintock sets up katie hughes who sends it home. Wildcats down early in the second. Six to seven. 4. Later in the set. Junior alyssa frauendorfer. Who leads the team in kills. With the great shot. Wildcats up twentyone to sixteen. 5. Frauendorfer again with the spike. William jewell cant handle it. Wildcats up twentytwo to six and they would win the second set twentyfive to eighteen and. They win em all 3 sets to valley over boyden hull 32. Number two unity christian over remsen saint marys 30. Third ranked dakota valley over lennox 31. Wynot over bloomfied 30. Ridge view over Woodbury Central 31. Number one western christian over spencer 30. South obrien 3, mmc 1. Wausa 3, osmond 2. Kingsley pierson tops mvao 30. Westwood over river valley 30. To college now number 13 dordt over viterbo 31. Number 11 northwestern over morningside 30. Musketeers in sioux falls to take on the stampede. Theyve split their first two meetings with the clark cup champs. Opening period, the muskies crack the scoreboard first. Matt steeves stands on the doorstep and flips it past stefanos lekkas, and the guys in green lead scott owens squad 1nil. Minutes later, sioux falls is on the man advantage, but josh wilkins saunters down the ice, slips past a defender, and goes fivehole on lekkas. Sioux city leads 2nothing. The herd were down, but not out. At the end of a sioux city power play, Eric Macadams slips behind the d, and his first ushl goal is a beauty. 21 deficit to 21 after one. Sioux falls added two goals in the second and four in the third, and wins, 73. Its the third straighloss for the muskies. Yesterdays morning skate marked the musketeers hit the ice for the First Time Since mondays announcement that the team had traded alternate captain and the teams lone returning forward Jake Durflinger to the bloomington thunder for a fourth round pick. It was not however the first time the team had skated without him. Durflinger did not play when the muskies hosted the thunder this past weekend. And the team will not face bloomington in the regular season again this year. At practice before tonights game at sioux falls, head coach jay varady and captain Ryan Zuhlsdorf talked about mondays big move. Jay varady the trade really was just about a change in what were trying to do around here. Its a team we had talked to in the past about jake. And we were able to make a deal. Ryan zuhlsdorf yeah its really hard seeing a guy go like that after playing with him for a year and a half. But things him luck. He knew that same things happen as well. It was hard to see him go. Varady i just think it was a situation we decided to make a move. Like we said bloington is a team that was really interested in jake. Jake is a really tough player to play against for opposition. Its good to see him over in the east as opposed to in the west if were going to make a trade. The toxicology results are in for former iowa hawkeye and new york giants football plaer tyler sash. The results reveal he died sept. 8 from an accidental mixed drug toxicity involving methadone and hydrocodone, according to autopsy results from the Iowa Department of public health. On sept. 9, the state medical examiner tested sashs body, with results showing he died from the mixed drug toxicity. A recent shoulder dislocation and a history of chronic shoulder pain were also significant conditions at the time. In eight to 12 months a study will be concluded that will show if head injuries may have contributed in any way to sashs death. He was 27. The morningside lady mustangs are out to defend their Naia Division two national title. Theyll be replacing just four players from a year ago. Tuesday at practice head coach jamie sale talked about what it will take to put together another championship formula. Jamie sale its just going to take a while. We lost four very good leaders, some great players, but we have a lot of very good players back also. And every year is just a different season to kind of develop your chemistry and to start all over again and thats the fun part of it. Morningsides first home game is their second game of the season, november third against peru state thats it for your morning sportscast. And join me right here again tonig for sports at back to you jake. Vin diesel is bringing another project to the big screen. Its time . After the break. Temperatures will continue on the downward trend for friday and saturday with highs in the upper 50s to near 60 and lows dipping down near freezing. Temperatures will start to rebound again on sunday, though winds will be breezy with our next chance of rain starting tuesday. Jake vin diesel is hunting witches in a new halloween thriller. And taylor swift might want to make room on her trophy shelf. Chris martinez has your eye on entertainment. Actor Vin Diesel is back on the big screen playing an immortal good guy and title character of the new horror film, the last witch hunter. Diesel and costars were in new york last night for a screening. sot vin diesel i think you walk out of this movie goinwow, if i was really immortal how lonely would i be . the last witch hunter also stars elijah wood and michael caine. It opens nationwide next friday. and h. R. Pufnstuf is returning to tv. Fortyfive years after his last saturday morning children s show, pufnstuf and three other characters from the show will appear in an episode of nickelodeons preschool series mutt stuff in early 2016. Thats your eye on entertainment. Chris martinez, cbs news, los angeles. Jake each week we partner with chideo dot com to bring you new stories about helping charities. And this week. The Chideo Causewire takes a record attempt for charity. Sot twentysix minutes in, the sunny skies turned to dense fog approaching the northeast tip of long island, and the fiftytwo foot catamaran hit a green buoy at hundred and fortyeight miles per hour. Cancer survivor stuart hayim saved the lives of he and his crew while bringing funds and attention to cancer research. Gfx search stuart hayim record 0 30 to 0 36 to watch the amazing full video, see the damage and find out how you can help search stuart hayim record gfx courtesy ryot filmmakers are telling the story of a painter in haiti, all shot on the new iphone6s. Gfx david darg 0 43 to 0 45 sot our mission at ryot is to ignite change through next generation storytelling. Ryots david darg and bryn mooser took the iphone6s to haiti hoping to tell the inspirational story of haitian painter, duval pierre. Sot the documentary we made is the story of monsieur duval, the painter of jalouzi, making the community a better place. Beautifying the community. The painter of jalouzi jahloozee is a short film that follows pierres beautification of jalouzi after the government abandoned the initial project. Gfx bryn mooser 1 12 to 1 14 sot we just got back from haiti and we cant wait for you to see it. Gfx ryot. Com 1 14 to 1 17 you can learn more and watch the film at ryotdotcom. Jake heres what were talking about on facebook this morning. We have a story about a house for rent with an incredible view. Where is your dream place to live . A large Ice Cream Company just started selling their product again after a huge outbreak of listeria. Still to come. Was discovered. Cat its now time as we take a look outside xxx on the xxx cam. Your weather and morning news good morning everyone, thanks for starting your morning with us. Im jacob heller. Taylor. Jake in april. Blue bell ice cream recalled all of its products after a listeria contamination. But. As reporter jim axelrod shows us. It looks like the outbreak went realized. davis yes, stunning. A little scary that those products were going to consumers. narr davis uploaded their findings into pulsenet, a database of dna fingerprints the centers for Disease Control monitors to identify outbreaks nationwide. Dr. Robert tauxe is Deputy Director of the cdcs foodborne disease division. tauxe the listeria germs found in South Carolina in the ice cream matched illnesses at a hospital in kansas. Narr that hospital was via christi st francis in wichita. gfx pulsenet listeria had sickened five of their patients over the past year, but the hospital couldnt figure out where it was coming from. The listeria patterns found in South Carolina solved the mystery in kansas. gfx narr turns out all five of the patients had been served milkshakes made with blue bell standup inmid february blue bell quietly pulled all the ice cream made on the machine that made the ice cream that had tested positive in South Carolina, citing a quality issue but via christi still had plenty of other Blue Bell Ice Cream in its freezers. The Kansas Department of health tested 45 of them. And found another hit. tauxe when that was loaded up into the pulsenet database, it matched 5 other patients, but these werent recent. Narr gfx the five cases came from three different states, going back to 2010. gfx tauxe unknown and unappreciated to anyone, a low level outbreak was going on four or five years. Narr an outbreak no one was looking for, that very nearly went undetected. davis our inspector could have picked two different ice cream products to test. what if we outcome. Jake its an annual chance to introduce siouxland students to the classics of the music world. Yesterday. The sioux city Symphony Orchestra held its annual free concert for sixth graders. Yesterday. The sioux city Symphony Orchestra held its annual free concert for sixth graders. Dozens of kids from different schools spent part of their morning at the Orpheum Theatre listening to Classical Music performed by the symphony. The symphonys executive director. Says this is a great way to introduce the kids to a live orchestra. The arts often are not exactly emphasized very much in schools anymore, and this gives the students a chance to hear, certainly, an important part of western culture. The udents also learned about the works of beethoven. Especially his famous 9th symphony. This spring the sioux city symphony will perform the 9th symphony with the help of a few local choirs. Jake a sioux city teenager is facing arson charges after supposedly starting a Dumpster Fire monday afternoon. This is the evidence of that fire. Set in a dumpster full of cardboard outside the Dollar Tree Store on hamilton boulevard. According to Sioux City Police. 18 year old Jeremiah Verbeski of sioux city admitted to lighting a pine cone on fire and throwing it into the dumpster. The dumpster was destroyed. Doing 15 hundred dollars in damage. The outside of the dollar tree got 5 thousand dollars in damage. Verbeski is charged with Second Degree arson and criminal mischief. Hes in the Woodbury County jail on 10 thousand dollars bond. And police have been looking for the driver of a car that was in a rollover accident yesterday afternoon on sioux citys west side. It happened just after two oclock in the 31 hundred block of edmunds avenue. A couple blocks south of west high school. When police got there. They found the car on its top. But empty. No trace of the driver or any passengers. Police say they know who the car belongs to. And will use that as a starting point in their investigation. Jake women under 55 whove had a heart attack are less likely than men to be prescribed or to fill their heart attack prevention medication. Thats according to canadian researchers who analyzed data heart attack patients. They say more attention should be given to younger women because they have much worse outcomes after a heart attack compared to men. Jake mothers who experience a lot of stress during pregnancy are more likely to have children who struggle with Motor Development and are less coordinated. The australian study found stressful events later in pregnancy had a larger impact. Possibly because thats when the part of the brain that controls motor skills and coordination is developing. Jake and a new study finds most teenage mood swings decline with age. Nearly 500 dutch teenagers were part of the study. Submitting occasional online mood diaries over 5 years. Researchers found as kids got older. They were better able to regulate their emotions with the exception of anxiety. Which seemed to increase as teenagers neared adulthood. Jake new Research Shows that more americans are putting highly contagious diseases. By not getting the proper vaccinations before traveling overseas. Reporter Chelsea Edwards has more on the new findings from los angeles. Frequent traveler ben pratt is going to india in january. And is getting his shots now to make sure he doesnt get sick overseas. nats close up of needle after shot, nurse talking all right, all done sot ben pratt traveler i know friends that have been sick overseas, and i dont want that for me or my companions. But a new study finds Many Americans are traveling overseas without being fully vaccinated for the measles, mumps, and rubella. Researchers examiedeay 41thousand International Us fliers and found 16 percent needed the mmr vaccine. But only about half chose to receive it. Health experts say most measles outbreaks in the us are caused by unvaccinated people who are infected overseas. sot rayann aziz, executive director, Passport Health most people believe that theyve already had their childhood immunizations theyre just like oh yeah, i would have had that, and no further consideration. Another study finds that a hepatitisa outbreak in mexico earlier this year could have been prevented if the travelers had been vaccinated. sot dr. Amy Edwards University Hospitals Case Medical Center even if youre going mexico, europe, anywhere youre traveling, there are probably vaccines that you should check on. 37 52 doctors say anyone traveling overseas should consult with Health Experts 2 months before leaving the country. Chelsea edwards, cbs news, los angeles. Jake exposure to contaminated food and water is the most common way americans get infected with hepatitis a. Which can lead to fever. Nausea. Stomach pain. And jaundice. Measles is one of the most contagious diseases in the world and can cause pneumonia. Brain swelling. And potentially. Death. Snapchat is giving up on creating its own original content. Well show you why. In your c net tech update. Today, afternoon highs will rebound in the lower to mid 70s with plenty of sunshine. Another dip in temperature i i expected to start tomorrowowith partly cloudy skies and breezy winds as canadian High Pressure builds in to the area. Highs should be in the upper 60s to near 70 degrees. Temperatures will continue on the downward trend forriday and saturday with highs in the upper 50s to near 60 and lows dipping down near freezing. Temperatures will start to rebound again on sunday, though winds will be breezy with our next chance of rain starting tuesday. Jake apples imacs just got an upgrade. Today, afternoon highs will rebound in the lower to mid 70s with plenty of sunshine. Another dip in temperatu i pttta torw th rt cudsks d ee wis adngreur uis tthar. Gh hod itur s ne 7deee teerur wl ntun dnwd enfofra d tuayithis t r s nr a ls dn arrein teu l arto bod aouny,hohilberey thur hae rn arng a ctiinin tud jappsma tt upgrade. Update. Meanwhile, as his own company cant afford to make daily videososthe 25yearold foununr of Snapchat Evan spiegelels baring his chest in the italian version of mens vogueueagazine. The tech billionaire puts on his best attempt at sexy faces by cuddling a puppy and leaning awkwardly in a cordoroy suit. Spiegel is the youngest billionaire in the world according to forbes magazine, worth 2. 1 billion dollars. Lets switch gears to another pillar of social media twitter. The network is laying off more than 300 employees, which is about 8 percent of its staff. One former twitter employeed said he found out he didnt have a job Tuesday Morning because he couldnt get into his email account. You would think a company could talk to you about the loss of your job before cututng off your email, but i g gss a little diginity is too muchcho ask for these days from a major tech company. Apparently twitters hr did leave him a voice mail, which he didnt listen to in time before his email was cut off. So as snapchat and twitter downgrade, apple has released a few upgrades to its imacs giving the Desktop Computers better screens and faster processors. The Mac Computers make up less than 15 percent of apples revenue, but of course the Company Still has to update the models to keep fans happy. Every 27inch screen imac now has a retina 5k dispspy, which is a s srper display than todays ultra highdef televisions. [ix also put a 4k displain the 21. 5inch mac line. ] thats it for this tech news update, and theres more at cnet. Com. From our studios in new york, im bridget carey. Jake when ththmiracle worker opens at the community theatre. Its going be kind of a first of its kind performance in talk o o weather on the 1s. Today, afternoon highs will rebound in the lower to mid 70s with plenty of sunshine. Another dip in temperature is expected to start tomorrow with winds as canadian High Pressure builds in to the area. Highs should be in the upppp 60s to near 70 degrees. Temperatures will continue on the downward trend for friday and saturday with highs in the upper 50s to near 60 and lows0 dipping down near freezing. Temperatures will start to rebound again on sunday, though winds will be breezy with our tuesday. The miracle worker opens this weekend at the Sioux City Community theatre. And its going to be a type of performance thats never been done before. Joanneneox joins us for talk of good morning. Jake thanks for being with us this morning. If you missed this segment. Or w wt to find out any more infofoation. You can find everything on our web site. Thats siouxland news dot com slash sunrise. Jake well take a look at your traffic, news and weher to go coming up after the break. At sunriri jake its now time as we take a look outside le mars on the icon ag turf cam. Cat heres a look at your weather to go. Jake heres a look at your news to go. Jake people are reacting to the first democratic president ial debate of the campaign season. Last night. All five candidadas. Including hihiary clinton and bernie sanders. Discussed a lot of issues. Both foreign and domestic. While many pundits believe enthusiasm is back on clintons side. Sanders is winning praise. And more twitter followers. For his strong debate performance. Jake federal officials are investigating what made a small plane to crash into a Mobile Home Park in Palm Beach County florida. Quite a few people were hurt in destroyed. The red cross is on the ground. Helping displaced families. Jake and. A top russian official is questioning g at was found for a report i io the downing of malaysian Airlines Flight 17. Jake and. T rsi oicl qutiinwh w wndor port into the downininof malaysian Airlines Flight 17. Tuesday. A dutch led investigation found the plane was shot down by a russian made surface to air missile. Fired from eastern ukraine. M h 17 crashed in the region last year. Killing all 298 aboard. Jake and be sure to check out siouxland news dot com all day at work and home for the latest

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