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The bodies of the neighbor were discovered in the rule akron home in 2014, and the autopsy has determined that he died of natural causes, and the new neighbor was arrested in july july 2014 in charged with the murder. The northeast nebraska man is accused of murdering his wife this weekend. The police in oneil, nebraska have arrested the 37yearold on a charge of seconddegree murder. Around 9 0000saturday y night, he and d his wife werearguing when eduardo stabbed her multiple times before injuring himself. He was taken to hospital and transferred to the Medical Center and omaha where he was arrested, being held in a 2 million cash bond. Live in update in the story we searched and brought you since the big blizzard. The city crews have come to the rescue, and we have more. You may be surprised to learn that the sioux city has 67 miles of dirt streets, and they are difficult to maintain. The people that live on them say that simple daily tasks become morbid chore during bad weather. The crews begin working on west seventh straight overnight, packing the dirt and ground of asphalt on west seventh straight to make the road passable, and the dirt road haha been out of commission since the blizzard earlier this month with ruts more than 1 1 ot deep it is a muddy and rough mess decline. Even in for will drive, and i have a four will drive, and most people have trucks, but it is still hard. For as long as the residents dirt road, and the city has no plans to change that. Some residents are satisfied to live on a dirt road, and they make it work. Others want to have pavement of some sort, a hard surface so that they dont running to the problems that these folks rann into, which i hink the ty is timely correcting. Sioux city has a total of 67 miles of dirt road, a continual and difficult task to maintain. They say that it is a constant struggle, but one that the city tries to keep up with. Pickens says that some people make the mistake of hiring private contractors to put salt on the dirt road which the city will not do, because the salt simply turns the dirt into a wet and muddy mess, making it more difficult to maininin. It is a clear challenge for the city to maintain, but also makes a simple task next to impossible to complete for some somebody has to pick me up and take me to the hospital. I cannot walk down. I cannot get to the Grocery Store and everything. Pickens says that the city workers work with local emergency providers to keep the streets open, and he knows that the residents and his own department will like to see more of the streets paved, but it is a very expensiviv proposition. Thehesioux City City Council is going ahead with the plans did construct a new cell tower, and the 900 block of south western street. A petition of the residents that are opposed, and returning the proposal to the Committee Last month, and one resident that ascended attended the Council Meeting said that the lowered by that tower. And in the morningside area, getting specialized lessons at the schools, the Elementary School becomes the fifth space of the school at the site of the 201617 school year, and it will focus on Environmental Sciences. We will have and outdoor classroom when we complete this work, and we will have handson gardening, agricultural components to the work that they do outside, and they have great spaces outside and inside, and will bring the Environmental Sciences to liff and the fields ehind this al will also play role in the designation. Supervisors looking to restore the courthouse before the centennial in 2018, including replacing the 31 light globes inside the building, and the board is looking for company to do the need to be replaced entirely, and the new molded glass must be approved by the historical society. They become very brittle, and most of them have cracks in them, and it is difficult to even change a lightbulb without damaging them m further they help to update the stained glass windows during that process. The funding for the project will be approved by the board within the next six months. It is a good time of the year to go on a cruise, but when you cannot afford it, you can create your own, and that is what they had been doing for 20 years, and this year is the greek cruise week, and among the members of the celebrity judges, testing greek desserts and appetizers. It is a good idea, and it is a way to bring in some of the members that maybe do not get a chance to travel, or to do some that you do during the cruise week and it gives them the opportunity to do some of these things. And there are Area Care Centers in Nursing Homes that had participated, and in our judgment, they were all winners. We really enjoyed that. We would like some more sunshine, especially pushing the upper 40s like they did in sioux city, and heres a look over at the casino, and plenty of sunshine, looking at the satellite, most of the cloud cover is pushing to the east. As we head toward wednesday, i think the cloud cover would be coming back. 43 in sioux city, 47 and lincoln, and sioux falls as temperatures in the upper 30s through the afternoon. It is going to be a quiet night and a chilly start with temperatures in the low to mid 20s. And what does the rest of the week old in store for us, in siouxland, coming up in just a minute. Continuing to show they can do amazing things, and accepting an offer to attend the National Deaf college and washington dc in the fall, and he says that he, in tennessee cannot wait to go, and he will never forget the journey it took to get there. A while back, i really wanted to be a hearing person because i wanted to be like everybody else. But now im getting more used to understanding that i am a normal person, i am just different in the way that i communicate. Here the story of connor and how he handles the trash talking on the basketball court, pm. The decision on the pipelines crossing the state, this is a point of contention and has been for nearly 2 years with the environmental and copyrights in opposition, and the proposal would run the pipe line between the south dakota and illinois borders. This is the last state to regulate and make a decision on the project, and they say they will make the final decision in early meeting in early march. Fewer people are getting trapped in the nations grain bins, only 47 incidents took place in 2015, the lowest level in a decade, seven of which were in a while but in iowa, and 25 were killed nationwide in those 47 incidents, down from 31 in 2014. They cost and at this number may be higher because not all the governor is meeting, against the proposed law that would force the students in south dakota schools to use the bathrooms of the genders assigned to them at birth, and taking place outside of the state capitol. It was caitlyn jenner, formerly known as for his gender, when in and sending a letter urging the governoro veto the bill. If they do not block the bill by monday, it will automatically become in law even if they do not specifically sign it into law tomorrow. The senior u. S. Senator says that no nominee by president obama to replace scalia will be considered this year, and they cosigned a letter to the Senate Majority leader mitch mcconnell, saying that the committee would not hold any confirmation hearings court and the other 10 republicans wrote that they intend to exercise their constitutional power granted to the senate to ensure that the American People are not deprived of the opportunity to engage in a pool and robust debate over the type of jurists they wish to decide on these Critical Issues of our times. Democrats were lacing wasting no time responding, and the executive director of the Democratic Party said they preemptively tonight hearing on the qualifications without even waiting for the president to name a nominee is part decision obstruction at its worst. Partisan obstruction at its worst. The latest health emergency, the u. S. Is working overtime. We go inside one of the labs that is leading the fight to create a zika virus vaccine. Meteorologist chad sandwell and sports director chris neyenhouse. 3 with nearly 100 confirmed virus in the united with nearly 100 confirmed cases of travel related zika virus is in the u. S. , they are frantically trying to get a ccine. Reporter white powder in this glass viral glass vial is the zika virus, and at this medical branch in galveston, he is known about its is the 1960s. Until the virus got to brazil, there were not a lot of cases and nobody was interested in the zika virus, and times of change, and now we realize how much we do not know. Reporter it may be connected to the birth affected babies that will stunt the brain growth. They are at ground zero in the doctor Shannon Rossi recently traveled and saw firsthand th destating effects of the virus. It idevastating. Reporter the university of Texas Medical Branch is home to one of the Worlds Largest connection to viruses, nearly 7000 samples stored at the facility, and they are working on a quick test to detect the virus in humans, and eventually developing a vaccine. Are we closer to a vaccine . Es. Every single day, me and my colleagues are one step closer to developing a vaccine. Reporter they say there could be zika vaccine bybythe end of 2017. The laboratory is working on a possible vaccine for the zika virus. The childrens miracle twork has received a cuddle and it is a cooling blanket that preserves the state of the infant for the family to spend possible. Jeremy and lisa carter nored their little girl elizabeth that was stillborn by donating this and a check for over 2000 in her memory. In a perfect world, this would sit unused at the hospital for ever. But i know it is not a perfect world, and hopefully the people that have to use it can get comfort from it. Today marks the onear anniversary of elizabeth carters birth. Temperatures 10 degrees above average for this time of the low, and first alert weather with siouxlands chief meteorologist chad sandwell. 3 3 3 3 chad, diana and larry talk about toys weather and the upcoming overall not a bad day, andd we actually saw the sunshine. Theyeydid help to rm us up a little bit, was the high today, and 10 grees above average in february, no reason to complain. With some cloud cover to the northeast, and here is the view from the park, mostly cloudy to the west, seeing plenty of sunshine as we wrap up this tuesday afternoon. And we see a few clouds, and plenty of sunshine, allowing the temperatures to warm up nicely through the afternoon. And look for a period of cooler weather on wednesday and thursday, when she gottnto thursday we could see sosoe snow, not looking for the much in the way of accumulation, but it is possible in the overnight hours. Looking for mostly sunny skies, and saturday temperatures topping out at near 60 degrees. A look at the satellite imagery, cloud cover pushing off to the east, but hanging on at the northeast at the arnold spark, and spencer seeing that cloud cover this afternoon. To the west, skies cleared out and turning into a nights into a nice afternoon. Cloud cover making return and wednesday night, potentially lingering overnight wednesday. It will not be around long as we have more cloud cover, and by the end of the day on thursday, high pressu building in. That will bring plenty of sunshine for friday and saturday, and eventually this will help us to warm up. 43 right now in sioux city, winds out of the north at 18 miles an hour, relative humidity at 58 , cloud cover with 34 children, and 45 in norfork, and 43 here in six city, d the winds s are bit breezy this afternoon, out of the north at 10 to 20 miles an hour. The winds will die down through the evening. Partly cloudy skies, a chilly night, 26 for the overnight low, and tomorrow will be cooler as the clouds increase, topping a look at the extended forecast, getting through wednesday and thursday, and friday and saturday look great. Kristin is headed back to the state tournament, and how they think sports director chris neyenhouse. 3 3 tonight the sioux city west and spencer girls will be underdogs tonight the spencer girls were the underdogs, and when they tried to win tir game ticket punched, and it was not without drama. The double digit lead was down to a couple of possessions, before they get the points they needed to ice the game. They reflected on the game that almost slipped away and what it will take to repeat at the state tournament next week. This time of year, it is win and move on. You do not get points for how prettyt was, and hopefully we will learn from this and it will be a good lesson for us. It never gets old. This is our goal. We want to get to the state, and we have unfinished business. We are very excited and we will work hard. The number one western christian girls punched the ticket for the state with the win, and the number one christian voice tried to get final against sheldon tonight. This is the west line high school, bringing your highlights tonight at 10 pm, and the winner of that matchup will play the winner of the sioux center and rock valley in the district final, and we will have these highlights tonight at 10 pm. Back in action tonight, the boys in the whole hull, and the winner of the matchup will play the winner of hms anand central on, and we will have highlights tonight at 10 pm. We will have the metro Girls Basketball teams in the playoffs tonight as well. The south dakota and nebraska districts are also underway. District finals on the line, and hopefully we will have every single score for you that we can get our hands on on the ticker, and here are the games where going to, the Wisner Pilger versus ers, and the winner of f at game will play madison gamewinner. And the winner of these matches will square off in the late game. Randolph will try to get back to the state champions, facing pender. A busy time of the year. A stack of papers. You should see how my eyes lit up when i saw your 7day forecast, in the 60s. Plenty of sunshine, 26 degrees night, and partly cloudy skies, so if youre heading out to one of the playoff games, tomorrow increasing clouds and over the sesese pelley dangerous weather hit the south. Millions of people in five states are on alert for tornadoes. Also tonight, more cases of zika in the u. S. , spread by sexual transmission. Apples lawyers say unlocking the iphone of a terrorist is a slippery slope. Apple knows how to do lots of things, buof but it is not an employee of the united states. Pelley and who let the dogs out . Wait till you see. Captioning sponsored by cbs this is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. Pelley a tough day is turning g to a rough night in much of the deep south. Multiple tornadoes have been spotted, as well as a water spout, near new orleans

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