Accused of operating a doping program. The coverup is worse than we thought. In oak oh, trying to stop an alleged drug thief. Scare on the slopes. A skier dropped more than a thousand feet in less than a minute. Oh, no. All that here is lakalaka doing the forecast for you. Rain, rain, go away, thats what all the haters say. A touchdown by zach miller. One man snatched it on the end. The Chicago Bears got it done in the 4th quarter. And all that matters its been four years if you can believe it. On cbs this morning. I saw photographs of the inside of ben carsons home, some of the stuff hanging on his walls is unbelievable. How great is this painting . This looks like something a record producer would pain in the rehab. This mornings eye opener is presented by toyota. Lets go places. [ music playing ] welcome to cbs this morning. Tonight, the fourth republican president ial debate in milwaukee could be the most important one yet, donald trump is already taking aim at two rivals who are gaining support. This gop prime time debate will be the smallest so far. Only eight of the 15 candidates will be there with trump and ben carson at center stage. Major, good morning. Reporter good morning. This will be one of the last chances for republicans this year to occupy the National Spotlight before a holiday low takes hold and campaigns know big bounces in poll numbers will be harder to come by. Trump and carson remain on top, but survey after survey indicates marco rubio and ted grounds. Donald trump zeroed in on ben carson and marco rubio, telling supporters in illinois, both knew nothing of running a business. These are people that have never done it before, and they dont know what theyre doing. Reporter trump touts political correctness, bashed starbucks for making Holiday Themed cups that made no mention of christmas . You read about starbucks, no more Merry Christmas on starbucks. I have one of the most successful starbucks in trump tower. Maybe we should boycott starbucks. Reporter carson is having lots of inquiries of his lifes story. I hope i got a lot of questions about the economy, given who the questioners are going to be. Reporter a new mcclatchey poll shows the novice effectively tied with trump and rubio a zavent 3rd. Rubio in wisconsin blamed the media into inquiries into his personal sloping spending aed a nevada state legislator. Its more of an effort, particularly from the left and some in the media to distract from the central campaign. Reporter for the first time, chris ty christie and Mike Huckabee are in the lower level. If i do a good job tomorrow night, you will be talking about me wednesday morning. Reporter the mcclatchey polls show trump a 23 . More than half say the more they hear about trump the less they like him. The opposite was true of carson, rubio and cruz. Gay him, that dynamic could prove decisive as campaigns and super packs start unleashing more television advertising. Right. We got it. Thank you, major. Ben scarson insists all the stories he tells about his background are real. Report essay they cannot confirm details. One scientist says the way people remember events from long ago could explain that difference. Jan crawford is in washington to tell us how that may apply to carson. Reporter so carson has been on the defensive for the past five days over questions of some of his memories of 50 years ago, now hes been trying to prove that those events are true. I would much rather lose an election than to lie. Reporter last night ben carson was defiant, but his republican opponents were piling on. This is the only election in history where you are better off if you stab somebody. He should answer the questions forthrightly and directly. Reporter the questions focus on key parts of carsons life, from his childhood to college. In his auto biography, he wrote as a 14yearold, he tried to stab a friend. A cnn report last week found no evidence the incident occurred. Parade magazine, carsons mother said, oh, that really happened. In a radio enter view on pond, a former colleague from john hopkins says carson shared the same story with him in 1987. Story. It wasnt a story to agrandize him. Reporter car material that mentions scholarships and politifact rates his claim mostly true. Whats unique is most of the scrutiny is focused on how people remember events from 50 years ago. Something neuroscientists say is almost impossible to prove. If we need to evaluate someones ability to be a political leader, we should no must cuss more on their abilities than their self reported memories from early childhoods. The wall street journal says a time he was pranked at yale. But last night, buzzfeed backed carsonss account. He found a students there that says it happened. Scientists say thats another example of how people dont gayle. Thank you, jan. Cbs news will bring you a democratic president ial debate moderated by John Dickerson. You can watch it saturday fight at 19 00, 8 00 central on cbs. An airport is up and running after a security scare. Heavily armed officers searched at least one plane at Miami International after reports of a suspicious item. Parts of the airport were locked down while the fbi investigated. Dozens of flights were delayed. Kris van cleave is in washington with the alarming disruption. Chris, good morning. Reporter good morning the fbi says a passenger went through security and something in his luggage raised a red flag. But that passenger was allowed to board a plane. He was removed from that flight and questioned by authorities. They then determined the item was not dangerous and he was let go. Not before hundreds of passengers were impacted. Everybody out everything out, in the front, in the front. Reporter startled passengers inside this plane at Miami International airport were ordered to place their hands on their heads and evacuate as heavily armed police searched this American Airlines flight. Sections of one of the worlds busiest airports were shut down for hours as the fbi investigated the threat. I have been seeing different officer, they have been out here, Walking Around with m16s and assault rifles. Its kind of scary. Reporter police show a man in a red shirt left away in handcuffs. The passenger was not arrested and will not face criminal charges. They came in and told everybody to get out. So we all came outside. We have been sitting here ever since. Reporter but as police swept the airport, 50 flights were delayed. Another nine were diverted. Several people were locked inside this restaurant with the gates closed during the police search. Displaced passengers missed several flights. Long lines. My flights probably delayed. Lets see if we even get on a flight. Lets see if i leave tonight. So a big headache. The fbis the xaengs passenger they detained was cooperative during questioning. Norah. Thank you so much. The university of missouri is looking for a few president and che Football Team played a key role. Good morning. Reporter good morning, the school stood to lose millions of dollars to the Football Team. Student activists say this is just the beginning. They want the percentage of black faculty to increase from 3 where it is today to 10 in two years. They say their resignations are an important step in that direction. We shall overcome reporter it was a stunning and emotional victory for students at the university of missouri. Their calls for change were answered monday morning with the sudden resignation of School President tim wolf. I take full responsibility for the inaction that has occurred. Reporter by Late Afternoon the chancellor of the colombia campus followed suit, saying he would step down into a research te role at the end of the year t. Protests drew the spotlight of the national media. On monday, some activists faced off with journalist, including this exchange with a campus newspaper photographer. Sorry, these are people, too. Back. On campus. It is our duty to fight for freedom. Reporter missouri graduate student john sa than butler was so outraged, he went on a Hunger Strike last week. Empowered. Reporter after wolfs resignation, wolf had a message. Reporter after all the tweets we sent, im telling the administration about our pain, it should not have taken this much. It is disgusting and vial we find ourselves in a place that we do. Reporter saturday, missouris Football Team with the backing of coaches, vowed not to play again until butler resumed. Today theyll return to practice. Was there any fear or hesitation whats on the line when you go play games . No, a life is way more valuable than a game. Sometimes extraordinary circumstances require extraordinary measures. Are we going to solve every issue, every problem this way . Absolutely not. Reporter the schools governing board announced steps to improve the Racial Climate on campus. Among them, the schools first diversity officer t. Students are demandsing a say in choosing gayle. Adriana, tha no one is yet willing to say definitively that the crash was caused by a terrorist bomb and not mechanical failure, the search is increasingly looking like a crime investigation. The egyptian focus is now on airport staff and others who may have had access to the plan. They are reportedly questioning even hotel workers, especially those involved in catering. Control of that. There is enough other evidence to convince u. S. And british officials to go with the bomb theory. Our conclusions and the decisions weve taken have been based on the review of all the Information Available to us. Some of it open source, some of it intelligence information. Reporter prompted in part by the hammer blow the plane crash dealt to the tourist industry, the egyptians smell a conspiracy. The newspaper splashed the headline, egypt will not cave into pressures. And egypt stands up to the wests terrorism. The sinai based isis affiliate that claimed credit for downing photo montage showing the aftermath of air strikes to portray the government as the bad guys. Isis continues to operate with impunity in a small by vital area of the desert peninsula. Investigators are searching for new clues this morning in the attack that killed two americans in jordan. The shooting does not appear to be terror related. The death toll stands at six including the gunman. The gunman is identified as a Jordan Police officer. New details in the shooting of a sixyearold boy in louisiana. There is a connection between officers. Jail. Reporter those deputy marshals are being held in isolation for their own safety. This morning we are learning more about their Law Enforcement histories including lawsuits that allege Police Brutality by the deputy marshals. It has been nearly a week since that shooting happened in marksville and state investigators still dont think theyve gotten an honest answer as to why they opened fire. Deputy marshals are charged with attempted Second Degree murder, this nearly a week after sixyearold Jeremy Mardis was shot and killed in his fathers suv during a police chase. The boy with autism died as he sat buckled into his seat next to his father. To figure out why the marshals opened fire. Last week his fiance said she argued with him the night of the shooting. He knows chris. He dont like chris. Reporter stafford and greenhouse were named in a civil lawsuit claiming they used Excessive Force in an arrest. The case is still pending. La tasha murray says she knewsows the family. A lot of stuff is being swept under the table. Reporter Doug Anderson disagrees. He is the parish sheriff. Theres no dirty business that happens around here. Reporter on monday Jeremy Mardis was buried in ill always miss him. I dont want to fathom going on without seeing him again. Reporter the judge in the case is not happy how much inside information is being reported. So as of yesterday he has issued a gag order. Nobody involved in the case is set to talk anymore. We can report this this morning, stafford was indicted on rape back in 2011, two different rape indictments. Both of those indictments and charged were later dropped. The more you hear think about is. In washington stlrthere are Call Security clearances. Navy yard. In a letter, montanas senator jon tester strongly urge the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs to improve the process. A sexting incident on new yorks long island, the sharing of an explicit video. The two families are complaining their children were disciplined just for receiving the video. My son opened it, didnt forward it to anybody, madly erased it from his phone. Kids have been railroaded. Kids who are unwilling participants of a video they never asked for. Police say it shows two teens below the age of consen. It was sent to other high school and Junior High School students. An Oklahoma Police officer stop, of cheating. The news right here this morning on cbs this morning. T know aarp aarp and Aarp Foundation are taking on hunger with 31 million meals donated drive to end hunger teams with local agencies to reach the hungriest among us if you dont think ending hunger when you think aarp then you dont know aarp find more surprising possibilities music the keurig k200 series brewer. One touch, and unlike life, no mess. Your favorites. Your way. Keurig hot. [ male announcer ]sweet sun ripened strawberries. Now weve added even more of them to philadelphia strawberry. Rich, creamy, and delicious. Theres something out there. Its a highly contagious disease. It can be especially serious even fatal to infants. Unfortunately, many people who spread it may not know they have it. Its called whooping cough. And the cdc recommends everyone, including those around babies, make sure their whooping cough vaccination is up to date. Understand the danger your new grandchild faces. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about you and your family getting a whooping cough vaccination today. I didiit. Do it. Take the natures bounty hair, skin and nails challenen. If your hair, skin and nails dont look more beautiful, well give you your money back. I did it. And i feel beautiful. Visit naturesbounty. Com vo new tidy cats lightweight with glade. All the strength and freshness, now easy to lift half the weight, smells great. Find the litter that works best for you. Every home, every cat. How do you stay on top of your health . Ahh. Ahh. Ahh. Cigna customers have plan choices and tools totoake control. So theyre more engaged, with fewer high health risks and lower medical costs. Take control of your health 3 weekend. 3 good mornini siouxland, im jacob heller. Heres a look at your morning news. 3 sioux city is asking for help from the state of iowa to improve roads leading to the new seaboard triumph pork plant. Its a multi Million Dollar project thatll help improve traffic flow around the plant. The Council Voted unanimously to apply for a grant that would pay for most of the project. This comes thousand dollar traffic study last week. The study focused on what improvements and changes wowod be needed with the hundreds of people who would drive in that area every day once the plant opens. The city hopes to win the grant from a program offered by the Iowa Department of transportation. 3 the states rise program, if were successful, will pay for 80 percent of those improvements. Its a Great Program and weve gotten a good indication from the dot that they support the 3 project. 3 the Road Construction project will cost around point 7 Million Dollars total. The grant would cover 4 point 6 Million Dollars. The d o t will make a decision on that request this morning. 3 3 some people call it thrill hill. The section of 25th street where two people were killed in an accident last week. Councilwoman rhonda capron says people have reached out to her about how dangerous that hill it. Capron calls it a death trap. But she says it doesnt have to be. Folks in the neighborhood are worried more lives will be lost. And they want to possible. Thats all for now. Have a great day 3 3 running the race is one thing. Making the race is harder. Ethan hawke, you can do it. No, i cant, actually, please dont tell anyone, but im in a lot of pain and leave me alone. I think this is the guy from new york 1. Maybe he came up with this while you were running. You should have grabbed a lot of high energy atmosphere. What is it like . What is the atmosphere out here . I love this city. What can i say, man, im trying to run. Like he stataed to answer the alone, he was very polite about it. This is not easy. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up in this half hour, russian athletes face the threat of being banned from sporting events, including the olympics. A damaging report accuses them of state sponsored ping. Ahead, how russia is responding. A chronic killer whale show at one seaworld location. Ahead how congress could get involved if protecting these beautiful large creatures. Time to show you this mornings headlines. The Washington Post reports on a setback of president obamas immigration plan. A federal Appeals Court monday upheld a challenge to it. 26 statas filed a lawsuit to block the program. The plan would protect more than 4 million undocumented immigrants from deportation. It likely sets up a possible Supreme Court battle. The Justice Department says it wants to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. The San Francisco