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I need to, uh. Now she knows. She knows it was you. Whats he talking about . What are you talking about, detectiviv you just couldnt resist. Resist what . Letting his wife know that hes the one who framed her. What . Thats not true. Martinez never said that he called your wife that sunday. Um, that was me. I reveved the ststement. The truth is linda was in connecticut with you. Not only did you stop for food, you stopped for gas. 12 worth. paper rustling its right here on his credit card bill. Gorenen maybe he forgot; maybe he didnt, but you could either confirm your wifes alibi or confirm martinezs statement. Its a tough choice. Oh, i. I see. It was brilliant. Peter. Put that little wife of yours in her place her and her big salary, her successful law practice. All the things that she accomplished with no regard when she took the klinski appeal, how did she rationalize it . Did she tell you that there were important constitutional issues at stake . D when she beat you, did she go aw, shucks, honey, its not personal . T who was she kidding . It was personal. She crushed you. And not in the privacy of your own home but in a courtroom in front of your colleagues, in front of the whole Legal Community not only that. Its on the damn record there. Where law students, lawyers, judges. Your friends and neighbors. Can read about it from now until eternity. Everyone knew. Everyone. They would look at her and then. They look at me. My own daughter looks at me like im. Some kind of a joke. sighs well. You showed her, didnt you . Peter bonham, youre under arrest for murder. sighs handcuffs clicking background lice radio dispatchehe how. Long had you suspected . Only a few days. We couldnt take the risk of him finding out. Please, no explanations. Iie got to first deal with peter bonham, but i will get back to you, detective. Hell get over r , just like peter bonham. Captioning sponsored by Universal Studios Domestic Television wolflf center here in new york city, im michelle miller. The battle over benghazi. The chairman versus the secretarar i dont know what this line of questioning does to help us get to the bottom of t deaths of four americans. I will be happy to help you understand that madam secretary. The First American combat death in the war against isis. Gun violence claims another child. Police say a suspect has confessed to a road rage killing. High honors for world war ii heroes immortalized by llywood. This is the cbs overnight news. House republicans have been planning this heararg for over a year. Former secretary of state and now president ial candidate Hillary Clinton testified under oath before e e benghazi committee. The panel is invtigating the 2012 attack on u. S. Diplomatic buildings in benghazi, libya. Four americans were killed. Ambassador Chris Stevens, sean smh, glen doherty and tyrone republicans are searching for any mistakes made on secretary clintons watch. Democrats say the benghazi matter has been thoroughly investigated a a the hearing is only designed to damage her. Her testimony began at 10 00 in the morning on thursday and lasted all day into the evening. Nancy cordes is on capitol hill. Reporter the hearings starteteout cordially with h hd shakes. But things quickly grew tense. Statement i made i clearly said it was an attack. Calling it an attack is look k of course it was an attack. Republicans accused clinton of ambassador Chris Stevens for security. Georgias westmoreland. How many instances would it have taken you to say, we need to look at security over there. No one ever came to me and said we should shut down our compound in benghazi. Im not saying shut it down. I am saying protect it. It was this committee that uncovered clintons use of a private email system. There is 795 emails in this pile. Reporter the Committee Chair focused on the dozens of emails clinton got from her long time friend sydney bloomenthal. Did the president know mr. Bloomenthal was advising you . He wasnt advising me. And you know, mr. Chairman did he know he was yourost prolific emailer we have fund on the subjects of libya and benghazi . I dont know what this line of questioning does to help us get to the bottom of the deaths of four americans. Ill be happy to, ill be happy to help you understand that, madam secretary. It is relevant because our ambassador was asked to read and respond to sydney bloomenthals, drivel. It was sent to him to read and react to. And on some instances he was asking for security. Democrat Elijah Cummings called they set up the select deadline. And an unlimited budget. And they set them loose, madam secretary because youre running for president. California democrat, adam schiff noticed the committee has canceled every hearing the past nine months except for this one. I w wder if you would looooto comment on what it is like to be the subject of an allegation that you deliberately interfered with security that cost the life of a friend. Congressman, it is a very personally painful accusation. It has been rejected and disproven by nonpartisan, dispassionate investigators, but nevertheless, having it continue to be bandied around is is deeply distressing to me. You know, i have, would imagine i thought more about what happened than all of you put together. Clinton seems determined not to show the kind of anger that makes greaeafodder for negative campaign ads. Any time her voice raises she quickly self corrects. We are moving into hour nine of the hearing, scott and shows no sign of wrapping up soon. Nancy cordes, outside the aring room. Thanks. Also watching the hearing today was our cbs news political John Dickerson. Of face the nation. What was your impreseson . Nevev going to be a greatatay for her. Not a portion as her period of secretary of state she wants to talk a lot about. But there were two political pitfalls. The first was any new revelation that called her leadership into question. As secretary of state. The second pitfall a moment where she would lookokallous and dishonest. So far she has been able to avoid the pitfalls. There were no revelations today . Not so far. What about the coittee . The cmittee was fighting like cats and dogs, republicans and democrats. The republicans the majority on the committee had a special challenge to keep the questioning focused on the central idea of why did this happenen that was important for substataive reasons. Because there have been n arges this is political affair. The eighth investigation. Theyre just going after Hillary Clinton. While there were moments that illuminated things we knew about the tragedy, there were also moments where the questioning was quite secondary to that central question of why did this happen . John dickerson, see you sunday on face the nation. Thank yoy. Now today, the First American was killed in combat in the war against isis. He died in a daring raid in Northern Iraq to free dozens of prisoners who were about to be executed by the islamic terror group. Margaret brennan is following this. Reporter just after 2 00 a. M. , five American Helicopters with 30 u. S. Special Operations Forces along with iraqi kurd commandos landed outside a heavily guarded isis prison in Northern Iraq. The troops stormed the compound. In an exchange of gunfire killed around two dozen isis fighters. The u. S. Serviceman was fatally wounded. The commandos rescued 70 hostages about to be executed including more than 20 iraqi soldiers. The raid raised question as but president obamas vow not to put u. S. Soldiers into combat in iraq. Pentagonpokesperson peter cook said the special Operations Forces were only assisting the kurdish fighters. In that support role theyre allowed to defend themselves and also defend Partner Forcesesnd to protectctgainst the loss of innocent life. The raid was launched after u. S. Intelligence e w evidence of mass graves being dug inside the walls of that prison compound. Some of the hostages later told u. S. Officials that isis told them they would all be killed after their morning prayers. Margaret brennan reporting from the pentagon. Margaret. Today west texas got drenched by powerful thunderstormrm nearly 3 inches of rain fell. Dozens had to be rescue from their homes and their cars near forecasters say parts of texas, oklahoma, arkansas, and rain by sunday. The cbs overnight news will be right back. Almost sixty million americans are affected by mental illness. Together we can help them with three simple words. My name is chris noth from maine to maui, thousands of High School Students across the c cntry are gettttg in on the action by volunteering in their communities. Chris young action teams of High School Students are joining volunteers of america and Major League Baseball players to help train and inspire the next generation of volunteers. Carlos pea its easy to start an action team at your school so you, too, can get in on ththaction. Get in on the action at actionteam. Org. cause youll be in my heart yes, youll be in my hehet from this day on now and forevermore. Narrator if animals are our best friends, shouldnwe be theirs . Sit your local shelt, adopt a pet. Youll be in my heart no matter what. If yououere a hippie in the 60s, you need to know. Its the dawning of the age of aquarius. Yeah, and Something Else thats cool. What . Osteoporosis is preventable. All osteos preventable . Right on if you dig your bones, protect them. All cbs cares once again this evening, a childs family is asking that something be done about gun violence. Lily garcia, of albuquerque, started preschool last month. This past tuesday her dad picked her up along with her brother and a short time later lily was in her fathers arms fatally wounded in a road rage shooting. Heres maria villareal. Reporter it started out as a harmless drive home from school. 4yearold lily garcia in the back seat of her fathers vehicle when police say allen gagaia was cut off by toto torres. The two men argued. Torres allegedly shot at garcias truck and hit lily in the head. Police say torres fled the ene. Other drivers called 911. It looked like some sort of medical emergency. An adult holding, it looked like an unresponsive child. Reporter on social media, garcia called his daughter the will ever be. It was traumatic for them. Reporter the officer says the shooting stunned even veteran responders. They literally saw a 4yearold little girl with a severe gunshot wound which she died from. But not only our officers but, the paramedics, the trauma room was just devastated. Reporter in less than 24 hours, several tips came in, it was an anonymous caller that led detectives to tony torres. After being questioned. Police say torres confessed the killing was a road rage incident. Chief gord eden. This should have never happened. This is a complete disrespt of human life. Reporter police recovered the gun they believe that was used in the road rage incident torres home. Scott there were also charges filed against torres in 2006 for another road rage incident. There were no injuries in that situation. And the case never went to trial. Maria villareal, thank you. There is no bail for the man accused of gunning down a new York City Police officer. Randolph holder. It happened on tuesday night. Tyrone howard said nothing as he was charged with murder. He has a rap sheet with 28 arrests. Holder is the fourth officer killed in n w york city this year. And sharika duncan has found most of the murder weapons have one thing in common. Reporter fellow officers lit candles in memory of officer randolph holder. Officer holder was shot tuesday by a suspect he was chasing. The policeceay tyrone howard, a convicted felon, was a legally armed, with a 40 caliber handgun. Holder is the fourth nypd officer to die in the line of duty in less than a year. While police havent yet determined where his shooters gun came from, the guns used to kill the three other officers were purchased or stolen from pawnshops in georgia. Brooklkl district attorney, ken thompson. We have the strictest gun laws in the country. And when you have lax gun laws, like down in georgia, its easy for people to buy guns down there, legally, and then send them up here where theyre destined to end up in the hand of criminals. R`porter last week, thompson announced a gun ring bust that took 112 illegal guns off the streets. Investigators say the alleged ringleader, michael basssser paid people to purchase firearms. Authorities took this surveillance photo of bassiler carrying weapons in a bag and secretly recorded him on his cell phone. Im senenng them the right way and the wrong way. When i am out of state, atlanta, georgia, all that, it is all legal. New york it is completely illegal. Does it ever feel like you are fighting a losing battle . I dont think we are fighting a losing battle. I think it is a very c cllenging endeavor, because each gun we get off the street we potentially save a life. 90 of guns found at new york city crime scenes, thompson told secretary of state john kerry began a new mideast Peace Mission today when he met with israels Prime Minister netanyahu. Kerry will meet with palestinians over the weekend. This is following weeks of gun and knife attacks by palestinians and Barry Peterson is in the west bank. This is where the, our terrorist came with the knife and reporter she thought she could haha been stabbed by an arab on the way to morning prayers. The street bloodstained. The aftermath caught on video. The jewish man and wife shot the arab to death. I feel it could be my blood here and i bless god that it is my enemy blood and not me. Reporter it is not her first taste of violence. An arab stabbed her father to death in his bed 17 years ago in the same neighborhood. D. She is among about 800 jews under constant watch, living in the midst of 170,000 arabs in hebron. This one place is so much what the arabisraeli conflict is about. Both side vow w at their claim to this land goes back thousand of years. Just down the road, Palestinian Protesters face the Israeli Military protecting the street of the tiny jewish enclave. The kidsdsave no advantage her they have got rocks. They have israelis with weaponry, grenades and live ammunition. But they are determined as the jews. Are you afraid of dying . No, he said. I want to be a martyr. I want a stamp on the heads of israelis. We dont have any other place to live. And for us its a fighting fighting to be. The fighting and the explosions. To be or not to be. And when someone fight on his life, he wont give up. Reporter she says she wont leave here where the jews and the arabs have one deadly thing in common. Their vow to never surrender. Barry peterson, cbs news, hebron. In sweden today, a masked man with a sword attacked four people in a school. A teacher and a student were killed. Police shot and killed the attacker. His motive is not known. Some witsses say they thought it was a halloween prank. Devices supposed to help drivers focus on the road may be doing just the opposite. And the skydiving father and his free falling son. Back. In 14 states and washington, handheld cell phone while driving. But a new triple a study says even hands free phones are dangerously distracting. So, we called in transportation correspondent kris van cleave. Reporter j. C. Goods life was changed by a driver making a phone call using a hand free device. Grgruation day, the crasaskilled her parents and doctororgave her a 10 chance of surviving. Figuring out how to live without parent is a daily struggle. Beyond that the e ain injury. Has left me with, permanent handicaps. One in 10 fatal crashesn 2013 involved distraction. Distracted drivers were blamed for more than 3100 deaths and estimated 424,000 injuries that year alone. Oh, my gosh, i guess that is a stop sign. Reporter researchers outfitted drivers with devices to measure distraction, brain activity, heart rate. They found many hand free voice command systems in cars are ones built into smart phones can be so complicate theyd leaveve drivers th a sort of lingering technology hangover. That is a mentally demanding task, as demanding as trying to balance your checkbook driving down the road. Reporter David Strayer found Driver Distraction lasting up to 27 second after finishing a task. Lag time, dialing back in. Im on this street. Going this fast. This is what is going on around me. Get plugged back in. All thehehings that make you a safe driver are temporarily put on holder when you are engaging. You hang up. You have to pick up all the things you have been letting go. Older drivers tended to do worse. The duration of the distraction depended on how difficult the cyst temperature was to use. Would cover three football fields of distance during the 27 second of distraction. When police in texas pulled over they noticed something missing thth story is next. It is frightening for a father to watch his son jump out a dad skydiving over poland saw his son spinning, in danger of becoming disoriented. So dad, swooped in, grabbed him, by the arm and the leg. And steadied him. Father and son landed safely. They were dressed in blue, but their hearts were pure gold. Cedar park, texas officers, justin and kale used their money to buy three child safety seats. For a needy driver. He had been pulled over. The cops decided he needed the seats for his daughter more than a ticket. The grateful dad called it a miracle. It was trick or meet day at the fort worth zoo, the lion cubs celebrated halloween early with carved pumpkins filled with meat. Ththzoo says placing novov object in the cubs environment improves their psychological well being and boy they sure do look happy. Some very special hunters were honored today by congress. They didnt hunt big game, but stolen treasures. Of weight on your chest. Severe shortness of breath. Unexplained nausea. Cold sweats. Theres an unusual tiredness and fatigue. Unusual pain in your back, neck, jaw, one or both arms, even your upper stomach, are signs youre h hing a hehet attack. Dont make excuses. Make the call to 911 immediately. Learn more at womenshealth. Gov heartattack. Bipolar disorder is a brain condition that causes unusual or dramatic mood swings. It affects millions of americaca and compromises their ability to function. When diagnosed, bipolar disorder can be eectively treated by mood stabilizers. But most people with bipolar disorder suffer for years without help because the symptoms are missed or confused with other illnesses, like depression. Learn how easily you can help keep this from happening to a loved one. Today Congress Gave americas highest civilian honor, the congressional gold ii. Julianna goldman has the monuments, men and women. Reporter harry honored as one of the experts turned military officers who rescued treasures looted by the nazis. The 89yearold discovered this rembrandt self portrait stashehe in a german salt mine. I was in charge on what was goinon out there. I said lets open the box. Reporter before the war the masterpiece had hung in a museum in his home town. Because he was j jish he was never allolod to visit it. He and his family fled germany for the u. S. Now thanks to him the painting is back in his hometown. What did you think . For me to be abab to go into that parxicular museum and take a look at it, get a photograph of it. Made me feel good. Made me feel good. Monuments men. Brought new attention to the Monuments Men, based on a book the good guys. Who are the men and women . Reporter one woman was this commander. Arennyou a little old for that . Yes. I think George Stiller is handsomer. Reporter she was a typist. Until last month she didnt real realize the field report she worked on related to the famous group. I was absololely flabbergasted. The Foundation Set t to honor Monuments Men has run out of money. Todays ceremony is bittersweet. You are the reason the award is happening. Nine years of work realization of a dream i have held so closely. We struggled to got to this moment. Reporter preserves of the past awarded a monumental honor. Julianna goldman, cbs news, washington. Thats the cbs overnight news for this friday. For some of you the news continues. For others, check back with us just a little bit later for the morning news and of course cbs this morning. Im scott pelley. Overnight news. Welcome to the cbs overnight news, im michelle miller. Former secrery of state and democrat president ial candidate Hillary Clinton spent a long day on capitol hill. She was summoned before the the 2012 attack on the u. S. Four americans died in the attack including ambassador Chris Stevens. Nancy cordes has the story. Reportete the hearings starteteout cordially with h hd shakes but things quickly grew tense. I think if you look at the statement i made i clearly said it was an attack. Calling it an attack is like of course it was an attack. Reporter republicans accused clinton of ignororg requests for more security. Georgias westmoreland. Have taken you to say,y,e need to look at securury over there. No one ever came to me and said we should shut down our compound in benghazi. I am saying protect it. It was this committee that uncovered clintons use of a private email system. There is 795 emails in this pile. Reporter the Committee Chair focused on the dozens of emails clinton got from her long time friend sydney bloomenthal. Did the president ntnow mr. Bloomenthal was advising you . He wasnt advising me. Anyou know, mr. Chairman emailer we have found on the subjects of libya and benghazi. Questioning does to help us get to the bottom of the deaths of four americans. Ill be happy to, illbe happy y help you understandnd that, madam seseetary. It is rerevant because our respond to sydney bloomenthals, drivel. It was sent to him to read and react to. And on some instances he was asking for security. Democrat Elijah Cummings called it a show trial. They set up the select committee, with no rules, no deadline. And an unlimited budget. And they set theheloose, madam secretary because youre running for president. Reporter california reporter california democrat adam schiff noticed the committee has canceled every hearing the past nine months except for this one. I wonder if you would like to comment on what it is like to be the subject of an allegation that you deliberately interfered with security that cost the life of a friend. Congressman, it is a very personally painful accusation. It has been rejected and disproven by nonpartisan, dispassionate investigators, but nevertheless, having it continue to be bandied around is is deeply distressing to me. You know, i have, would imagine i thought more about whaha happened than all of you p p together. Clinton seems determined not to makes great fodder for negative campaign ads. Any time her voice raises she quickly self corrects. We are moving into hour nine of the hearing, scott and shows no soon of ending soon. Will Hillary Clintons testimony affect her president ial bid. Scott pelley spoke with John Dickerson of face the nation. John, high h akes day for Hillary Clinton whatatas your impression . Never going to be a great day for hez. Never as h r portion she want to talk about. Two political pitfalls. The first was any new revelation that called her leadership into question. As secretary of state. The second pitfall a moment where she would look callous and dishonest. So far able to avoid the pitfalls. There were no revelation today . Not so far. No. What about the committee . The committee was fighting like cats and dogs, republicans and democrats. The republicans the majority on challenge to keep the questioning focused on the central idea of why did this happen . That was important for substantive reasons. Because there have been charges this is a political affair. The eighth investigation. Theyre just going after Hillary Clinton. While there were moments that illuminated things we knew about the tragedy, there were also moments where the questioning was quite secondary to that central question of why did this happen . John dickerson, see you sunday on face the nation. Thank you. A taiwanese woman who gave birth on a flight to the United States has reportedly been denied entry into the u. S. And is separated from hechild. It was an heroic delivery aboard a China Airlines flight. New details could land the new mother in legal trouble and cost her a fortune. Reporter taiwanese reports say the woman concealed her pregnancy from Airline Officials so she could give birth to her baby girl in the United States a trouble with officials in native taiwan. On october 8, cell phone video taken on board China Airlines boeing 777 shows what passengers describe as a a ce in a live time moment. A newborn baby girl. Rn high above the papafic ocean, delivered with the help of the flight crew and fellow passengers including a los angeles physician. The flight crew was very helpful bringing me any medical equipment that i needed helping me with the patient. Basically like stand in nurses. China Airlines Flight 8 flying from taipei to los angeles when the woman went into labor two months early. The flight was diverted to alaska. But the baby arrived before the plane touched down. Theyre disinfecting scissors collecting buckets. Blankets and whatever they can find. Reporter this week several news agency reported the woman had been denied admission to the United States and had returned to taiwan without her baby. According to the taipei times, China Airlines is seeking compensation from the woman for the cost and delay caused by her babys birth. They may be keeping the child here until the doctors determine it is okay. A california based immigration lawyer, he says that even though the mother was denied entry into the u. S. , the baby could still have the right to remain in the country. If she was born within a 123 mile radius of the United States. If for some reason the people, custom and border protection, decided she shouldnt be in the United States, they would then send her back on the next plane. And then the child who is an american can stay here until the child is able and to be repatrioted back to taiwan. Cbs news reached out to the Alaska Office of Children Services and u. S. Immigration officials regarding the whereabouts of the baby the they said they would not discuss individual cases. It is unknown when and if the mother and child will be reunited. Be right back. Your clever moves wont stop the cold and flu. But disinfecting with lysol can. Because lysol wipes and spray are approved to kill more types of germs thth clorox. Including those that can make you sick. For a healthy home this cold and flu season. Take a look at these bbq trophies best cracked pepper sauce. Most ribs eaten while calf roping. Yep, greatnesssseserves recognition. You got any trophies, cowboy . Whoomp there it is uh, yeah. Well, uh, well theres this one. Best insurance mobile app . Yeah, two years in a row. Well ill be. Does that thing just follow you around . Like a little puppy the awardwinning geico app. Download it today. Many cars may today have technology that is supposed to fight distracted driving. A new study shows that going than previously thought. Kris van cleave has the details. Reporter the aaa study looked at systems they can be mentally taxing akin to balancing your checkbook while driving and leave you distracted after the fact not to go one football field but three. Reporter j. C. Goods life College Graduation from a perfect day to a nightmare in second. Thanks to a distracted driver on a hand free device. He turned left through the red light. As he did that the 1wheeler served to try to miss him, still clipped the car and slammed full force into the family car. Goods parents were killed instantly. She was given a 10 chance of survival. She beat the odds but suffered a lasting brain injury. I dont have the brain cells s that know how to move my wrists or fingers or ankle or toes. And im lucky i can walk. Reporter j. C. Now advocates against distracted driving which killed 3100 and injured estimated 425,000 in 2013 alone. A Study Released this morning find new hand free systems that work with voice command leave drivers with a technology hangover. You are kind of getting out of the distracted zone into a much more alert driver. That takes time. Up to 27 second. Reporter university of utah professor, David Strayer, evaluated 250 adults in 10 vehicle. My gosh, i guess that is a stop line. Lingering distraction found across the board. How long depend on how hard the system is to use. Tch you are now talklkg to your car, talking to your phone, you are now focusing on one task to the exclusion of attending to the driving environment. When you hang up, well you dont come to right away. You now have to say where am i . Reporter second of distraction, good knows can be deadly. I know whatever that young man was talking about on his phone, absolutely was not more important than my parents lives. The study also looked at the voice commands by the three ading cell phone platforms. They found those to be just as distracting. Bottom line the researchers say just because your car can do all of these things like voice to tweet, doesnt mean you should do it while e u are driving. Wisconsin is the only stat in the nation where you can get caught driving drunk and get away with a slap on the wrist. As Peter Greenberg reports for cbs this morning a policy that costs the state millions. First time drunk drivers in wisconsin are typically given a ne and released aftethey sober up. Those incidents cost an estimated 6. 8 billion each year. Thats 1200 for every man, woman and child in the state. It is game e y at the university of wisconsin. And these badger fans are off to an early start. While there is no alcohol in the stadium. The party y tside is in full swing before 10 00 a. M. Tailgates look this will happen all weekend across the country. But wisconsin is the only state where first time drinking and driving offenders will not be criminally prosecuted. We have one of the biggest problems in the naon. Yet we have some of the few solutions. Wisconsin state senator Tim Carpenter coauthored four of six bills to toughen drinking and driving laws. The assembly passed legislation lala time, it came in front of ththSenate Transportation committee, then senator fitzgerald wouldnt sponsor any of the bills. Scott fitzgerald is leader of the state senate. If you had everyone appear it would be very difficult for the s stem to deal with that right nono what you said if i interpret the numbers correctly. There are so many people drunk out there theyant handle the system. If you want to felony conviction not sure what difference that would make. We are trying to take an approach we think would be more measured and the way to do that is get the people clean. Last time we were all together as a family was in november. Reporter beyond the politics often in the debate are the families forced into advocacy. You were immediately disrupted in the worst way . Immediately. Reporter judy and paul jenkins lost their daughter jennifer, granddaughter courtney and unborn granddaughter jennifer w w carrying in the 20000 accident. The man who killed them mark benson was sentenced to 30 years in prison the his fourth offense for operating a vehicle while intoxicated. He received among the states stiffest penalties. That is a pretty current picture of them. Reporter the jenkins say mandatory minimum sentences on first time offenders may have prevented this tragedy. Reporter i iyou get pulled over for a dui or owi. Traffic ticket. Reporter dont lose your license, your car, or go to prison . No. You dont have to show up in court to answer the ticket. Reporter so, fraternity row. Julia sherman coordinator for the wisconsin alcohol policy project. Despite little action in the state legislature, progress is through volunteer programs like police saturation patrols. These are task force. They let the public know when road. Reporter a show of force. A show of force. But also they can pull over any one that breaks any traffic laws. Reporter in a state that prohibits Police Sobriety check points. Saturation patrols have shown success. Since brown county launched the federally fundnd program in 2011, year over yeye reductions related crashes, injuries and deaths. More and more communities are adopting things and it is going to come done to the communities lead the way and then the leaders in madison are going to end up following them. Tim carnter in the state legislature for 31 years says any significant change to wiwionsin drinking and driving laws will take more time. Give me the reality check . Is anything ever going to change . To be honest with you the i dent see meaningful drunk driving legislation pass this session or next session, probably after the next Gubernatorial Election in 2018. So, you are saying nothing for at lest three years . At least. The cbs overnight news will be right back. Today you can do everything ininust one click, even keep your toilet ean and fresh. Introducing lysol clicgel. Click it in to enjoy clean freshness with every flush. Lysol. Theres moving. And theres moving with move free ultra. Ititas tripleaction support for your joints, cartilage and bones. And unlike the big osteobi flex pills, its all in one tiny pill. Move free ultra. Ththhistorical drama brgs brgs suffragette opens in theaters today set in early 20th century london where women of all classes came together to battle for the right to vote. Nearly all the cast anancrew are female including oscar nominee Carrie Mulligan who sat down for a chat with nora o oonnell. How much did you know about the suffragettes . I knew a really basic school version, a paragraph in the history books saying women got the vote eventually. A couple lines. Lots of images. Will in with flowers looking very peaceful. History goes down differently on the set of suffragette. A new film about womens fight for vovong rights in britainin that stars 30yearold carry mulligan. You cant stop us all. Mulligan best known for her role as Daisy Buchanan in the great gatsby. And received an oscar nod for her r le in an education. Mr. And mrs. David goldman. Mr. And mrs. David goldman. You are married. Now plays the fictional maude watts, laundry worker, wife and mother whose daily life is dismal before radicalized to fight for womens suffrage in 1912. This is a film. That was w wtten, produced and directed by womenen how unique is that . Completely unique. And costume designer. Set designer. Were all all women. I have never been a part of anything like thth before. We werera group of women who were very excited totoe telling the story. I think about maude, very poor. Loses her husband. Loses her son. She loses her job. Anani think. I dodot know that i would have as her . Do you think you would have the same courage . Because i have been lucky enough havent had to fight for anything. The point of our film sort of says if you wont throw a rock for yourself an you will throw one for some one else. Well have been left with nono alternative but to defy the government. Leader of the militant Suffrage Movement who called for the use this movie is not about aright to vote. These women are militants. That theyre rebellious. After 50 ars of peaceful campaigning. Rejected. Pushed away. Swept under the carpet. And being denied. Denied. Hold rallies. They set off bombs. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, they blow stuff up. Are they terrorists s some ways. Not in a modern day sense. Because they were very clear. And very clear that no human life should be in danger. They only risked their own lives. Never surrender. Never give up the fight. These suffragettes they face sexism, police brutality. Losing their jobs. Force feeding. Jailed multiple times. Why was it important to show all of that . I think because we have had such a sanitized version of our history the i left school and vote because my parents voted the i didnt really understand the weight of what i had with my vote. The film sparked a strong reaction at t s uk premiere where protesters lay down on the you said you thought it was awesome. Yeah. We felt kind of excited bybyhat. I think, you know. Again being part of a film that sparks debate. Has people talking. Inspired people to, stand up and do something. It is great. How is it personal for you . The first time i felt really proud to be a woman. I grew up with a brother. I was s tomboy as a kid. I was surrounded by really, really great, strong, intelligent thoughtful wom making this film we all felt was so important. I felt really proud of that. Really proud to be a woman. Really proud to be a feminist. Inspired by her experience making the movie, lligan got a tattoo, a tribute to Emily Davidson one of the first martyrs of the movement. The kings horse in this unhappy incident is running third from last. She was killed after she threw herself in front of the kings horse during derby day in 1913. What does it say . Thats old. That one that says love that overcometh. When Emily Davidson died, the suffragettes, they had a weekly magazine. Called the suffragette. Over her head a halo, love that overcometh. Why did you want that is a a tattoo . Why did you i had a feeling with suffragette it was a job that would stay with me forever. It wasnt a job. I think it will be something that will stand out, something really important to me for a long, long time. Be right back. When the engines failed on the plane i was flying, i knew what to do save my passengers. S. But when my father sank into depression, i didnt know how to help him. When he ultimately shot himself, he left our family devastated. Dont let this happen to you. If you or a loved one is suicidal, call the National Suicide prevention lifeline. No matter how hopelessssor helpless you feel, with the right help, you can get well. franklin d. Roosevelt the inherent right to work is one of the elemental privileges of a free people. Endowed, as our nation is, with abundant physical resources. And opportunities available for the enjoyment of all. We approach reemployment with real hope of finding a better answer than we have now. Narrator donate to goodwill where ur Donations Help Fund job placement and training for people in your community. When jon stewart left the daily show. A lot of his fans were surprised what he would do next. Retire to a farm in new jersey with his wife tracy and a house of animals. Tracy stewart has a book out, called do unto animals. And the couple invited gayle king along for a visit. Do you miss it the way people miss y y. The daily show, do you miss . I miss the people that i wowoed with. Because you know, and so we, email. And we emoji back and forth. Material galore on your show. Do you watch and say i wish i was doing,g, wish i was on . I h hnt heard. What is going on. You dont miss it at all . Not for a moment. Where is honey . Where is honey . I look outside in the backyard likekehis. He is just sitting there. Not even a little bit . I ieel like i completed it. When you feel look you complete a project to the best of your ability. When you have done the best that you think you are able to do, i didnt think so, i cant i cant regret all i can do now is be happy that i had that opportunity. The joy is in creating it in growing it and in evolving it, mataining it is the part that when it becomes wrote or redundant, then i feel like i am not adding value anymore am i. Are you takakg the kids to hool. Hanging out. Reading a good book . No no. I take them to school. Pick them up. Go to the car wash. I get smoothies. I call her on n e road. I i eating a slice in t t car. You know . Thats happyness for you. I am the mayor at the smoothie store. Mayor of the smoothie store. Goen there. Talk about mango infusion. This is awesome. I still work. I still, i get to write. But you know, the flexibility of schedule. Its not like i dont feel productive or creative. In the book i says, the unto others as you would have them do unto you. The pope just told us the you put the message out to your children as well. Always. And put it out to the pope. His s iginal message was much different something, get it while the getting is good. I think i told him you might want to try do unto. Miss us, jon. You are so damn quick and so damn funny. At home. You seem convinced. At home this all the time. Im surrounded by manure. What could be better than that . The battle over benghazi. The chairman versus the secretary. I dont know what this line get to the bottom of the deaths of four americans. I will be happy to help you understand that madam secretary. The First American combat death in the war against isis. Gun violence claims another child. Police say a suspect has confessed to a a road rage killing. High honors for world war ii heroes immortalized by hollywood. This is the cbs overnight news. Housee republicans have been planning this hearing for over a year. Former secretary of state and now president ial candidate Hillary Clinton testified under oath before the benghazi committee. The panel is investigating the 2012 attack on u. S. Diplomatic buildings in benghazi, libya. Four americans were killed. Smith, glen doherty and tyrone woods. Republicans are searching for any mistakes made on secretary clintons watch. Democrats say t t benghazi matter has been thoroughly investigated and the hearing is only designed to damage her. Her testimony began at 10 00 in the morning on thursday and lasted all day into the evening. Nancy cordes is on capitol hill. Reporter the hearings starteteout cordially with hand shakes. Ings grew tense. I think if you look at the statement i made i clearly said it was an attack. Calling it an attack is look calling the sky blue. Republicans accused clinton of ignoring requests from ambassador Chris Stevens for security. Georgias westmoreland. How many instances would it have taken you to say, we need to look at security over there. No one ever came to me and compound in benghazi. Im not saying shut it down. I am saying protect it. It was this committee that uncovered clintons use of a private email system. There is 795 emails in this pile. Reporter the Committee Chair focused on t t dozens of emailss clinton got from h h long time friend sydney bloomenthal. Did the president know mr. Bloomenthal was advising you . Headvising me. I dont know what this line off questioning does to help us get to the botm of the deaths of four americans. Ill be happy to, ill be happy to helpou understand that, madam secretary. It is relevant because our ambassador was asked to read and respond to sydney bloomenthals, and on some instances he was democrat Elijah Cummings called it a show trial. They set up the select committee, with no rules, no deadline. And an unlimited budget. And they set them loose, madam secretary because youre running for president. California democrat, adam schiff noticed the committee has canceled every hearing the past nine months except for this one. I wonder if you wouou look to comment on what it is look to be the subject of an allegation that you deliberately interfered with security that cost the life of a friend. Congressman, it is a very personally painful accusation. It has been rejected and disproven by npartisan, dispassionateinvestigators, but nevertheless, having it continue to be bandied around is is deeply distressing to me. You know, i have, would imagine i thought more about what happened than all off you put together. Clinton seems determined not to show the kind of anger that makes great fodder for negative campaign ads. Any time her voice raises she quickly self corrects. We are moving into hour nine of the hearing, scott and shows no soon of e eing soon. Nancy cordes, outside the hearing room. Thanks. Also watching our cbs political John Dickerson. What was your impression . Never going to be a great day for her. Not a portion as her period of secretary of state she wants t t talk a lot about. Two political pitfalls. The first was any new revelatio that called her leadership into question. As secretary of state. The second pitfall a moment dishonest. So far able to avoid the pitfalls. There were no revelation tuesday . Not s s far,o a awe what about the committee . The committeeas fighting the republicans the majority on the committee had a special challenge to keep the questioning focused on the happen . That was important for substantive reasons. Because there have been charges this is a political affair. The eighth investigation. Clinton. While there were moments that illuminated things we knew about the tragedy, there were also moments where the questioning was quite secondary to that central question of why did this happen . John dickersoso see you sunday onn face t t nation. Thank you. Now today, the First American was killed in combat in the war against isis. He died in a daring raid in Northern Iraq to free dozens of prisoners who were about to be executed by the islslic terror group. Margaret brennan is following this. Reporter just after 2 00 a. M. , five American Helicopters with 30 u. S. Special Operations Forces along with iraqi kurd commandos landed outside a heavily guarded isis prison in Northern Iraq. The troops stormed the compound. In an exchange o o gunfire killed around two dozen isis fighters. The u. S. Serviceman was fatally wounded. The commandos rescued 70 hostages about to be executed including more than 20 iraqi soldiers. The raid raised question as but president obamas vow not to put u. S. Soldiers into combat in iraq. Pentagon spokesperson peter cook said the special Operations Forces were only assisting the kurdish fighters. In that support role theyre allowed to defend themselves and also defend Partner Forces and to protect against the loss of innocent life. The raid was launched after u. S. Intflligence saw edence of mass graves being dug inside the walls of that prison compound. Some of the hostages later told u. S. Officials that isis told them they would all be killed after their morning prayers. Margaret brennan reporting margaret. Today west texas got drenched by powerful thunderstorms. Nearly 3 inches of rain fell. Dozens had to be rescue from their homes and their cars near odessa. Forecasters say parts of texas, oklahoma, arkansas, and louisiana, could get a foot of rain by sunday. Right back. Once again this evening, a childs family is asking that something be done about gun violence. Lily garcia, of albuquerque, started preschool last montnt this past tuesday her dad picked her up along with her brother and a short time later lily was in her fathers arms fatally wounded in a road rage shooting. Heres maria villareal. Reporter it started out as a harmless drive home from school. 4yearold lily garcia in the back seat of her fathers vehicle when police say allen garcia was cut off by tony torres. The two men argued. Torres allegedly shot a garcias truck and hit lily in the head. Police say torres fled the scene. Other drivers called 911. It looked like somee sortf medical emergency. An adult holding, it looked like an unresponsive child. Reporter on social media, garcia called his daughter the light of my life, wiser than i will ever be. It was traumatic for them. Reporter the officer says the shooting stunned even theyiterally saw a 4yearold little girl with a severe gunshot wound which she ed from. But not only our officers but, the paramedics, the trauma room was just devastated. Reporter in less than 24 hours, several tips came in, it was an anonymous caller that led detectiveseso tony torres. After being questioned. Police say torres conssed the killing was a road rage incident. Chief gordon eden. This should have never happened. This is a complete disrespect of human life. Reporter police recovered the gun they believe that was used in the road rage i iident at torres home. Scott there were also charges filed against torres in 2006 for another road rage incident. There were no injuries in that situation. And the case never went to trial. Maria villareal, thank you. There is no bail for the man accused of gunning d dn a new York City Police officer. Randolph holder. It happened on tuesday night. Tyrone howard said nothing as he he has a rap sheet with 28 arrests. Holder is the fourth officer killed in new york city this yeye. And sharika duncan has found most of the murder weapons have one thing in common. Reporter fellow officers lit candles in memory of officer randolph holder. Officer holder was shot tuesday by a suspect he was chasing. The police say tyrone howard, a convnvted felon, was a legally armed, with a 40 caliber handgun. Holder is the fourth nypd officer to die in the line of duty in less than a year. While police havent yet determined where his shooters gun came from, the guns used to kill the three other officers were purchased or stoton fromm pawnshops in georgia. Brooklyn district attorney, ken thompson. We have the strictest gun laws in the country. And when you have lax gun laws, like down in georgia, its easy for people to buy guns down them up here where theyre destined to end up in the hand of criminals. Reporter last week, thompson announced a gun ring bust that streets. Investigators say the alleged ringleader, michael bassiler firearms. Authorities took this surveillance photo of bassiler carrying weapons in a bag and secretly recorded him on his cell phone. Im sending them the right way and the wrong way. When i am out of state, atlanta, georgia, all that, it is all legal. New york it is completely illegal. Does it ever feel like you are fighting a losing battle . I dont think we are fighting a losing battle. I think it is a very challenging endeavor, because each gun we get off the street we potentially save a life. 90 of guns found at new york , originate from outf state. Secretary of state john kerry began a new mideast Peace Mission today when he met with israels Prime Minister netanyahu. Kerry will meet with palestinians o or the weekend. This is following weeks of gun and knife attacks by palestinians and Barry Peterson is in the west bank. This is where the, our terrorist came with the knife and anan eporter shehe thought she could have been stabbed by an prayers. The street bloodstained. The aftermath caught on video. The jewish man and wife shot the arab to death. I feel it could be my blood here. And i bless god thatt it is my enemy blood and not me. Reporter it is not her first taste of violence. An arab stabbed her father to death in his bed 17 years ago in she is among about 800 jews under constant watch, living in the midst of 170,000 arabs in hebron. This one place is so much what the arabisraeli conflict is about. Both side vow that their claim to this land goes back thousand of years. Just down the road, Palestinian Protesters face the Israeli Military protecting thee street of the tiny jewish enclave. The kids have no advantage here. They have got rocks. They have israelis with weaponry, grenades and live ammunition. But they are determined as the jeje. Are you afraid of dying . No, he said. I want to be a martyr. I want a stamp on the heads of israelis. We dont have any other place to live. The fighting and the explosions. To be or not to be. And when someone fight on his life, he wont give up. Reporter she says she wont leave here where the jews and the arabs have one deadly thing in common. Their vow to never surrender. Barry petersonon cbs news, bron. In sweden today, a masked man with a sword attacked four people in a school. A teacher and a student were killed. Police shot and killed the attacker. His motive is not known. Some witnesses say they thought it was a hall whenoween prank. Devices supposed to help drivers focus on the road may be doing just the opposite. And the skydiving father and his free theres moving. And theres moving with move free ultra. It has tripleaction support for your joints, cartilage and bones. And unlike the big osteobi flex pills, its all in one tiny pill. Moveveree ultra. Get your move on. Huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Yeah, Everybody Knows that. Well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast . You got to know when to holdem. Know when to fold em. Know when to walklkway. Know when to run. You never count your money, when youre sitting at the ta. What . You get it . I get the gist, yeah. Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Theres someththg out there. Itit a highly contagious disease. It can be especially seriouou even fatal to infants. Unfortunately, many people who spread it may not know they have it. Its called whooping cough. And the cdc recommends everyone, including those around babies, make sure their whooping cough vaccination is up to date. Understand the danger your n n grandchild faces. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about you and your family getting a whooping cough vaccination today. Your clever moves wont stop the cold and flu. But disinfecting with lysol can. Because lysol wipes and spray are approved to kill more types of germs than clorox. Including those that can make you sick. For a healthy home this cold and flu season. D. C. , it is illegal to talk on a handheld cell phone while driving. But a new triple a study says even hands free phones are dangerously distracting. So, we called in transportation correspondent kris van cleave. Reporter j. C. Goods life was changed by a driver making a phone call using a hand free device. Graduation day, the crash killed her parents and doctors gave her a 10 chance of surviving. Fog yergiguring out how to live struggle. Beyond that the brain injury. Has left me with, permanent handicaps. One in 10 fatal crashes in 2013 involved distraction. Distracted drivers were blamed for more than 3100 deaths and estimated 424,000 injuries that year alone. Oh, my gosh, i guess that is a stop sign. Reporter researchers outfitted drivers with devices to measure distraction, brain activity, heart rara. They foundany hand free voice command systems in cars are ones built into smart phones can be so complicate theyd leave drivers with a sort of lingering technology hangover. That is a mentally demanding task, as demanding as trying to balance your checkbook driving down the road. Reporter David Strayer found Driver Distractionon lasting up to 27 second after finishing a task. Lag time, dialing back in. Im on this street. Going this fast. This is what is going on around me. Get plugged back in. All the things that make you a safe driver are temporarily put on holder when yur areou are engaging. You hang up. You have to pick up all the things you have been letting go. Older drivers tended to do worse. The duration of the distraction depended on how difficult the cyst temperature was to use. Scott, at 25 miles an hour, you would cover t tee football fifids of distance during the 27 second of distraction. Kris van cleave, thank you very much. When police in texas pulled over a driver. That story is next. It is frighteteng for a father to watch his son jum out of a plane. A dad skydiving over poland saw his son spinning, in danger of becoming disoriented. So dad, swooped in, grabbed him, by the arm and the leg. And steadie him. Father and son landed safely. They were dressed in blue, but their hearts were pure gold. Cedar park, texas officers, justin and kale used their money to buy three child safety seats. He had beenulled over. The cops decided he needed the a ticket. The grateful dad called it a miracle. It was trick or meet day at the fort worth zoo, the lion cubs celebrated halloween early with carved pumpkins filled with meat. The zoo says placing novel object in the cubs environment improves their psychological well being and boy they sure do look happy. Were honored tod every day its getting close going faster than a roller coaster a love like yours will surely come my way hey, hey, hey babies arent fully developed until atateast 39 weeks. If your pregnancy is healthy, wait for l bor to beg on its own. A healthy baby is worth the wait. O0 c1 travel is part of the american way of life. When were on vacation, we keep an eye out for anything that looks out of place. [ indistinct conversations ] miss, your bag. When we travel from city to city, [ cheering ] everyone plays a role in keeping our community safe. Whether youre traveling for business or pleasure, be awarere of your surroundings. If yououee something g spicious, Say Something to local authorities. [ vocalizing ] [ buzzing ] [ tree crashes ] [ wind howling ] visit worldwildlife. Org. Today Congress Gave americas highest civilian medal to 345 heroes of world war ii. Juilianna goldman has the monuments, men and women. Reporter harryry honored as one of the experts turned military officers who rescued treasures looted by the nazis. The 9yearold discovered this rembrandt self portrait stashed in a german salt mine. I was in charge on what was going on out there. I said lets open the box. Reporter b bore the war the masterpiece had hung in a museum in his home town. Because he was jew,ish he was never allowed to visit it. He and his family fled germany for the u. S. Now thanks to him the painting is back in his hometown. What did you think . For me to be able to go into that particular museum and take a look at it, get ahotograph of it. Made me feel good. You know . My heart. Monuments, man. R rorter the 2014 film brought new attention to t Monuments Men, based on a book by robert ed sal. The story from my view was the good guys. Who are the men and women . Reporter one woman was this woman who worked for the commander. Arent you a little o o for that . Yes. I think Georg Stiller is handsomer. Reporter she was a typist. Until last month she didnt real i the field reports she worked on related to the famous group. I was absolutely flabbergasted. The Foundation Set up to of money. Days ceremony is bittersweet. You are the reason the award is happening. Noonine years of work culminateden realization of a dream i have held so closely. Reporter preserves of the past awardrd a monumental honor. Thats the cbs overnight news for thisp friday. For some of you the news continues. For others, check back with us just a little bit later for the morning news and of course cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new york city. Im scott pelley. Announcer this is the cbs overnight news. Welcome to the cbs overnight news, i i michelle miller. Former secrerery of state and democrat president ial candidate Hillary Clinton spent a long day on capitol hill. She was summoned before the House Committee investigating the 2012 attack on the u. S. Consulate in benghazi, libya. Four americans died in the attack including ambassador Chris Stevens. Nancy cordrd has the story. Started out cordially with hand shakes. Things grew tense. I think if you look at the statement i made i clearly said it was an attack. Calling it an attack is look calling the sky blue. Of course it was an attack. Reporter epublicans accused clinton of ignoring requests from ambassadad Chris Stevens for more security. Georgias westmoreland. How many instances would it have taken you to say, we need to look at security over there. No one ever came to me and said we should shut down our compound in benghazi. Im not saying shututt down. It was this committee that uncovered clintons use of a private email system. There is 795 emails in this pile. Reporter the Committee Chair focused on the dozens of emails clinton got from her long time friend sydney bloomenthal. Did the president know mr. Bloomenthal was advising you . He wasnt advising me. And you know, mr. Chairman he was your most pro living emailer we have found on the subjects of libya and benghazi. I dont know what this line of questioning does to help us get to the bottom of the deaths of four americans. Ill be happy to, ill be happy to help yoyounderstand that, madam secretary. It is relevant because our ambassador was asked to read and respond to sydney bloomenthals, drivel. It was sent to him to read and react to. And on some instances he was democrat Elijah Cummings called it a show trial. Committee, with no rules, no deadline. And an unlimited budget. And they set them loose, madam secretary because youre running for president. Reporter california democrcr, adam schiff noticed the committee has canceled every hearing the past nine months except for this one. I wonder if you would like to comment on what it is like to be the subject of an allegation that you deliberately interfered with security that cost the life of a friend. Congressman, it is a very rsonally painful accusation. It has been rejected and disproven by nonpartisan, dispassionate investigators, but nevertheless, having it continue to be bandied around is is deeply distressing to me. You know, i have, would d agine i thought more about what happened than all of you put together. Clinton seems determined not to show the kind of anger that makes great fodder for negative campaign ads. Any time her voice raises she quickly self corrects. We arereoving into hour nine of the hearing, scott and shows no soon of ending soon. Scott pelley spoke with John Dickerson of face the nation. John, high stakes day for Hillary Clinton what was your impression . Never going to be a great day for her. Never as her portion she want t talk aboutut two political pitfalls. The first was any new revelation at called her leadership into questi. As secretary of state. The second pitfall a moment where she would look callous and dishonest. So far able to avoid the pitfalls. There were no revelation today . Nototo far. No. Whaha about the committee . The committee was fighting like cats and dogs, republicans and democrats. The republicans the majority on challenge to keep the questioning focused on the central idea of why did this happen . That was important for substantive reasonon because there have been charges this is a political affair. The eighth investigation. Theyre just going after Hillary Clinton. While there were moments that illuminated things we knew about the tragedy, there were also moments where the questioning was quite secondary to that central question of why did this happen . John dickerson, see you sunday on face the nation. Thank you. A taiwanese woman who gave rth on a flit to the United States has reportedly been denied entry into the u. S. And is separated from her child. An heroic delivery abrd a China Airlines flight. New details could land the new mother in legal trouble and cost her a fortune. Reporter taiwanese reports say thee woman concealed her pregnancy from Airline Officials so she could give birth to her baby girl in the United States a trouble with officials in native taiwan. On october 8, cell phone video taken on board China Airlines boeing 777 s sws what passeseers describe as a once i i a live time moment. A newborn baby girl. Born high above the pacific ocean, delivered with the help of the flight crew and fellow passengers including a los angeles physician. The flight crew was very helpful bringing me any medical equipment that i needed helping me with the patient. Basically like stand in nurses. China Airlines Flight 8 flying from taipei to los angeles when the woman went into labor two months early. The flight was diverted to alaska. But the baby arrived before the plane touched down. Theyre disinfecting scissors collecting buckets. Blankets and whatever they can find. Reporter this week several news agency reported the woman had been denied admission to the United States and had returned to taiwan without her baby according to the taipei times, China Airlines is seeking the cost and delay caused by her babys birth. They may be keeping the child hehe until the doctors determine it is okay. A california based immigration lawyer, heays that even though the mother was denied entry into the u. S. , the baby could still have the right to remain in the country. If she was born within a 123 mile radius of the United States. If for some reason the people, custom and border protection, decidededhe shouldnt be in the united d states, they would then send her back on the next plane. And then the child who isp an american can stay here until the child is able and to be repatrioted back to taiwan. Cbs news reached out to the Alaska Office of Children Services and u. S. Immigration officials regarding the whereabobos of the baby the they said they would not discuss individual cases. It is unknown when and if the mother and cld will be reunited. Be right back. Many cars may today have technology that is supposed to fight distracted driving. Handffe can be more dangerous than previously thought. Kris van cleave hashe details. Reporter the aaa study looked at systems they can be mentally taxing akin to balancing your checkbook while driving and leave you distracted after the fact not to go o football field but three. Reporter j. C. Gogos life was changed by a driver making a phone call using a hand d ee device. He turned right, the 1 wheeler missed him, clipped the car and slammed full force into the family car. Goods parents were killed instantly. She was given a 10 chance of survival. She beat the odds but suffered a lasting brain injury. I dont have the brain cells or fingers or ankle or toes. And im lucky i can walk. Reporter j. C. Add ve kates against distracted driving which killed 3100 and injured estimated 5,000n 2013 alone. A Study Released this morning find new hand free systems tt work with voice command leave drivers with a technology hangover. You are kind of getting out of the distracted zone into a much more alert driver. That takes time. Up to 27 second. Reporter university of utah professor, David Strayer, evaluauad 250 adults in 10 vehie. My gosh, i guess that is a stop line. Lingering distraction found across the board. How long depend on how hard the system is to use. Itch you are now talking to your car, talking to your phone, you are now focusing on one task to the exclusion of attending to the driving environment. Whwh you hang up, welll you donon come to right away. Reporter second of distraction, good knows can be deadly. I know whatever that young man was talking about on his phone, absolutely was not more important than my parents lives. The study alsoooked at the voice commands by the three leading cell phone platforms. They found those to be just as distracting. Bottom line the researchers say just because your car can do all of these things like voice to tweet, doesnt mean you should do it while you are driving. Wisconsin is the only state in the nation where you can get caught driving drunk and get away w wh a slapn the wrist. As Peter Greenberg reports for cbs this morning a policy that costs the state millions. First time drunk drivers in wisconsin are typically given a fine and released after they sober up. Those incidents cost an estimated 6. 8 billion eacac year. Woman and child in the state. It is game day at the university of wisconsin. And these badger fans are off to an early start. While there is no alcohol in the stadium. The Party Outside is in full swing before 10 00 a. M. Tailgates look this will happen all weekend across the country. But wisconsin is the only state where first time drinking and driving offenders will not be criminally prosecuted. We have one of the biggest problems in the nation. Yet we have some of the few solutions. Wisconsin state senator Tim Carpenter coauthored four of sex bills six bills to toughen drinking and driving laws. The assembly passed legislation last time, it came in front of the Senate Transportation committee, then senatoto fitzgerald wouldnt sponsor any of the bills. Scott fitzgerald is leader of the state senate. If you had everyone appear before the judge. It would be very difficult for the cyst temperature to deal with that right now. What you said if i interpret the numbers correctly. There are so many people drunk out there they cant handle e e system. If you wanan to felony conviction not sure what difference that would make. We are traegying to take an approach we think would be more measured and the way to do that is get the people clean. Last time we were all together as a family was in november. Reporter beyond the politics often in the debate are the fafalies forced into advocacy. You were immediatelyly disrsrted in the worst way . Immediately. Reporter judy and paul jenkins lost their daughter jennifer, granddaughter courtney and unborn granddaughter jennifer was carrying in the 200 accident. The man who killed them mark benson was sentenced to 30 years in prison the his fourth offense for o orating a vehicle while intoxicated. He received among the states stiffest penalties. That is a pretty current picture of them. Reporter the jenkins say first time offenders may have prevented this tragedy. Reporter if you get pulled overeror a duchlti or owi. Traffic ticket. Reporter dont lose your license, your car, or go to prison . No. You dont have to show up in court to answer the ticket. Reporter so, fraternity row. Julia sherman coordinator for the wisconsin alcohol policy project. Despite little action in the state legislatate, progress is happening in town after town and through volunteer programs like police saturation patrols. These are task force. They let the public know when theyre going to be out on the road. Reporter a show of force. A show of force. But also they can pull over any one that breaks any traffic laws. Reporter in a state that prohibits Police Sobriety check points. Saturation patrols have shown success. Since brown county launched the federally funded program in 2011, year over year reductions related crashes, injuries and deaths. More and more communities are adopting things and it is going to come done to the communities lead the way and then the leaders in madison are going to end up following them. Tim carpenter in the state legislature for 31 years says any significant change to wisconsin drinking and driving laws will take more time. Give me the reality check . Is anything ever going to change . To be honest with you the i dent see meaningful drunk driving legislation pass this session or next session, probably after the n nt Gubernatorial Election in 2018. So, you are saying nothing for at lest three years . At least. The cbs overnight news will be right back. In a world thats trying to turn you into someone new. One hair color wants to help you keep on being you. Nicen easy. We only make the most real natural looking color. So even in revealing sunlight, doesnt look like hair color at all. And isnt that the most beautiful part . Choose to move freely. Move free ultra has tripleaction support for your joints, cartilage and bones in one tiny pill. Move free ultra. Get your move on. And now try move free night. The first and only 2in1 joint and sleep supplement. Your clever moves wont stop the cold and flu. But disinfecting with lysol can. Because lysol wipes and spray are approved to kill more types of germs than clorox. Including those that can make you sick. For a healthy home this cold and flu season. The historical drama suffragette opens in theaters today set in early 20th century london where women of all clclses cam together to battle for the right to vote nearly all the cast and crew are female including oscar nominee Carrie Mulligan who sat down for a chat with nora odonnell. How much did you know about the suffragettes . I knew a really basic school version, a paragraph in the history books saying womenot the vote eventually. Somehow. A couple lines. Lots of images. Very peaceful. History goes down differently on the set of suffragette. A new film about womens fight for Voting Rights in britain that stars 30yearold carry mumuigan. You cant stop us all. Mulligan best known for her role as Daisy Buchanan in the great gatsby. And received an oscar nod for her role in an education. Mr. And mrs. David goldman. Mr. And mrs. David goldman. You are married. Nono plays the fektmaude watts, laundry worker, wife and mother whose daily life is dismal before radicalized to fight for womens suffrage in 1912. This is a film. Written. Produced and directed by women. How unique is that . Completelyy unique. And costume designer. Makeup designer. Set designer. Were all all women. I have never been a part of we were a group of women who were very excited to be telling the story. I think about maude, very poor. Loses her husband. Loses her son. She loses her job. She is jailed multitie times. S. And i think. I donttnow that i would have the same courage. Yeah. As her . Do you think you would have the same courage . It is such a hard thing. Because i have been lucky enough to grow up in a life where i havent had to fight for anything. The point of our film sort of says if you wont throw a rock for yourself man you will throw one fofo some one else. Well have been left with no alternative but to defy the government. Meryl streep plays the real life leader of the militant Suffrage Movement who called for the use of violent tactics like arson and vandalism. This movie isot about peaceful protest for the women aright to vote. These women are militants. Thatter ertheyre rebellious. After 50 years of peaceful campaigning. Rejected. Pushed away. Swept under the carpet. And being denied. Denied. Denied. They dont throw rocks and hold rallies. They set off bombs. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, they blo stuff up. Are they terrorists in some wa. Not in a modern day sense. Because they were very clear. And very clear that no human life should be in danger. They only risked their own lives. Never surrender. Never give up the fight. These suffragettes they face sexism, police brutality. Losing thehe jobs. Fofoe feeding. Jailed multipl times. Why was it important to show all of that . I think because we have had such a sanitized version of our history the i left school and vote because my parents voted the i didnt really understand the weight of what i had with my vote. The f fm sparked a string reaction at its uk premiere red carpet. You said you thought it was awesome. Yeah. We felt kind of excited by that. I think, you know. Again being part of a film that sparks debate. Has people talking. Inspired people toto standp and do something. It is great. How is it personal for you . The first time i felt really proud to be a woman. I grew up with a brother. I was a tomboy as a kid. I was surrounded by really, really great, strong, intelligent thoughtful women making thihi film we all felt was so important. I felt really proud of that. Really proud to be a woman. Really proud to be a fm nis. Inspired by her experience making the movie, mulligan got a tattoo, a tribute to Emily Davidson one of the first martyrs of the movement. In this unhappy incident. She was killele after s s threw herself in front of the kings horse during derby day in 1913. What does it say . Thats old. That says love that overcometh. They had a wkly lyweekly magazine. Over her head a halo, love that overcometh. I had a feeling with suffragette it was a job that would stay with me forever. It wasnt a job. I think it will be something that will stand out, something really important to me for a long, long time. The cbs overnight news will be right back. Embarrassed by a prostate exam . Imagine how your doctor feels. As a urologist, i have performed 9,421 and a half prostate exams. So why do i do it . Because i get paid. Und. On this side of the glove so, if you are a man over 50, talk to you doctor to see if a prostate exam is right for you. If we can do it, so can you. When jon stewart left the daily show. Fans were surprised what he would do next. Retire to a farm in new jersey with his wife tracy and a house of animals. Tracy stewart has a book out, called do unto animals. The couple invited gail king for a visit. Do you miss it the way people miss you. The daily show, do you miss . I miss the p pple that worked with. Because you ow, and so we email. And we emoji back and forth. Material galore on your show. Do you watch and say i wish i was doing, i wish i was on . I hadnt heard. What is going on. You dont miss it at all . Not for a moment. Where is honey . In the backyard like this. He is just sitting there. Not even a little bit . I feel lake iike i completed it. When you feel look you complete a project to the best of your ability. When you have done the best that you think you are able to do, i cant regret all i can do now is be happy that i had that opportunity. The joy is in creating it in growing it and in evolving it, maintaining it is the part that when it becomes wrote or redundant, then i feel like i am not adding value anymore am i. Are you taking the kids to school. Hanging out. Reading a good book . No, no. I take them to school. Pick them up. Go to the car wash. I get smoothies. I call her on the road. I am eating a slice in the car. You know . Thats happyness for you. I am the mayor at the smoothie ore. Mayor of the smoothie store. Goen there. Talk about mango infusion. This is awesome. I still work. I still, i get to write. But you know, the flexibility of schedule. Its not like i dont feel pro in the book it says, the Stewart Family live by the do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The pope just told us the you put the message out to your children as well. And put it out to the pope. His original message was something, get it while the getting is good. I think the i told him i didnt think that is going to fly. You might want to try do unto. There is no way you dont miss us, jon. Yoyoare so damn quick and so damn funny. At home. You seem convinced. At home this all the time. Im surrounded by manure. What could be better than that . Thats the cbs overnight news for this friday. R some the news continues. For others check back with us later for the morning news and cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center here in new york city, im michelle miller. The battle over benghazi. The chairman versus the secretary. I iont know what this line of questioning does to help us get to the bottom of the deaths of four americans. I will be happy to help you understand that madam secretary. The First American combat death in the war against isis. Gun violence claims another child. Police say a suspect has confessed to a road rage killing. High honors for world war ii heroes immortalized by hollywood. This is the cbs overnight news. House republicans have been planning this hearing for over a year. Former secretary of state and now president ial candidate Hillary Clinton testified under oath before the benghazi committee. The panel is investigating the 2012 attack on u. S. Diplomatic buildings in benghazi, libya. Four americans were killed. Ambassador Chris Stevens, sean smith, glen doherty and tyrone republicans are searching for any mistakes made on secretary clintons watch. Democrats say the benghazi matter has been thoroughly investigated and the hearing is only designed to damage her. Her testimony began at 10 00 in the morning on thursday and lasted all day into the evening. Nancy cordes is on capitol hill. Reporter the hearings started out cordially with hand shakes. But things quickly grew tense. I think if you look at the statement i made i clearly said it was an attack. Calling it an attack is look calling the sky blue. Republicans accused clinton of ignoring requests from ambassador Chris Stevens for security. Georgias westreland. How many instances would it have taken you to say, we need to look at security over there. No one ever came to me and said we should shut down our compound in benghazi. Im not saying shut it down. I am saying protect it. It was this committee that uncovered clintons use of a private email system. There is 795 emails in this pile. Reporter the Committee Chair focused on the dozens of emails clinton got from her long time friend sydney bloomenthal. Did the president know mr. Bloomenthal was advising you . He wasnt advising me. And you know, mr. Chairman did he know he was your most prolific emailer we have fund on the subjects of libya and benghazi . I dont know what this line of questioning does to help us get to the bottom of the deaths of four americans. Ill be happy to, ill be happy to help you understand that, madam secretary. It is relevant because our ambassador was asked to read and respond to sydney bloomenthals, drivel. It was sent to him to read and react to. And on some instances he was asking for security. Democrat Elijah Cummings called they set up the select committee, with no rules, no deadline. And an unlimited budget. And they set them loose, madam secretary because youre running for president. California democrat, adam schiff noticed the committee has canceled every hearing the past nine months except for this one. I wonder if you would look to comment on what it is like to be the subject of an allegation that you deliberately interfered with security that cost the life of a friend. Congressman, it is a very personally painful accusation. It has been rejected and disproven by nonpartisan, dispassionate investigators, but nevertheless, having it continue to be bandied around is is deeply distressing to me. You know, i have, would imagine i thought more about what happened than all of you put together. Clinton seems determined not to show the kind of anger that makes great fodder for negative campaign ads. Any time her voice raises she quickly self corrects. We are moving into hour nine of the hearing, scott and shows no sign of wrapping up soon. Nancy cordes, outside the hearing room. Thanks. Also watching the hearing today was our cbs news political John Dickerson. Of face the nation. What was your impression . Never going to be a great day for her. Not a portion as her period of secretary of state she wants to talk a lot about. But there were two political pitfalls. The first was any new revelation that called her leadership into question. As secretary of state. The second pitfall a moment where she would look callous and dishonest. So far she has been able to avoid the pitfalls. There were no revelations today . Not so far. What about the committee . The committee was fighting like cats and dogs, republicans and democrats. The republicans the majority on the committee had a special challenge to keep the questioning focused on the central idea of why did this happen . That was important for substantive reasons. Because there have been charges this is a political affair. The eighth investigation. Theyre just going after Hillary Clinton. While there were moments that illuminated things we knew about the tragedy, there were also moments where the questioning was quite secondary to that central question of why did this happen . John dickerson, see you sunday on face the nation. Thank you. Now today, the First American was killed in combat in the war against isis. He died in a daring raid in Northern Iraq to free dozens of prisoners who were about to be executed by the islamic terror group. Margaret brennan is following this. Reporter just after 2 00 a. M. , five American Helicopters with 30 u. S. Special Operations Forces along with iraqi kurd commandos landed outside a heavily guarded isis prison in Northern Iraq. The troops stormed the compound. In an exchange of gunfire killed around two dozen isis fighters. The u. S. Serviceman was fatally wounded. The commandos rescued 70 hostages about to be executed including more than 20 iraqi soldiers. The raid raised question as but president obamas vow not to put u. S. Soldiers into combat in iraq. Pentagon spokesperson peter cook said the special Operations Forces were only assisting the kurdish fighters. In that support role theyre allowed to defend themselves and also defend Partner Forces and to protect against the loss of innocent life. The raid was launched after of mass graves being dug inside the walls of that prison compound. U. S. Officials that isis told them they would all be killed after their morning prayers. Margaret brennan reporting from the pentagon. Margaret. Thank you. Today west texas got drenched by powerful thunderstorms. Nearly 3 inches of rain fell. Dozens had to be rescue from their homes and their cars near odeses. Forecasters say parts of texas, oklahoma, arkansas, and louisiana, could get a foot of rain by sunday. The cbs overnight news will be right back. Almost sixty million americans are affected by mental illness. Together we can help them with three simple words. My name is chris noth from maine to maui, thousands of High School Students across the country are getting in on the action by volunteering in their communities. Chris young action teams of High School Students are joining volunteers of america and Major League Baseball players to help train and inspire the next generation of volunteers. Carlos pea its easy to start an action team at your school so you, too, can get in on the action. Get in on the action at actionteam. Org. cause youll be in my heart yes, youll be in my heart from this day on now and forevermore. Narrator if animals are our best friends, shouldnt we be theirs . Visit your local shelter, adopt a pet. Youll be in my heart no matter what. If you were a hippie in the 60s, you need to know. Its the dawning of the age of aquarius. Yeah, and Something Else thats cool. What . Osteoporosis is preventable. All osteos preventable . Right on if you dig your bones, protect them. All cbs cares once again this evening, a childs family is asking that something be done about gun violence. Lily garcia, of albuquerque, started preschool last month. This past tuesday her dad picked her up along with her brother and a short time later lily was in her fathers arms fatally wounded in a road rage shooting. Heres maria villareal. Reporter it started out as a harmless drive home from school. 4yearold lily garcia in the back seat of her fathers vehicle when police say allen garcia was cut off by tony torres. The two men argued. Torres allegedly shot at garcias truck and hit lily in the head. Police say torres fled the scene. Other drivers called 911. It looked like some sort of medical emergency. An adult holding, it looked like an unresponsive child. Reporter on social media, garcia called his daughter the light of my life, wiser than i will ever be. It was traumatic for them. Reporter the officer says the shooting stunned even veteran responders. They literally saw a 4yearold little girl with a severe gunshot wound which she died from. But not only our officers but, the paramedics, the trauma room was just devastated. Reporter in less than 24 hours, several tips came in, it was an anonymous caller that led detectives to tony torres. After being questioned. Police say torres confessed the killing was a road rage incident. Chief gordon eden. This should have never happened. This is a complete disrespect of human life. Reporter police recovered the gun they believe that was used in the road rage incident at torres home. Scott there were also charges filed against torres in 2006 for another road rage incident. There were no injuries in that situation. And the case never went to trial. Maria villareal, thank you. There is no bail for the man accused of gunning down a new York City Police officer. Randolph holder. It happened on tuesday night. Tyrone howard said nothing as he was charged with murder. He has a rap sheet with 28 arrests. Holder is the fourth officer killed in new york city this year. And sharika duncan has found most of the murder weapons have one thing in common. Reporter fellow officers lit candles in memory of officer randolph holder. Officer holder was shot tuesday by a suspect he was chasing. The police say tyrone howard, a convicted felon, was a legally armed, with a 40 caliber handgun. Holder is the fourth nypd officer to die in the line of duty in less than a year. While police havent yet determined where his shooters gun came from, the guns used to kill the three other officers were purchched or stolen from pawnshops in georgia. Brooklyn district attorney, ken thompson. We have the strictest gun laws in the country. And when you have lax gun laws, like down in georgia, its easy for people to buy guns down there, legally, and then send them up here where theyre destined to end up in the hand of criminana. Reporter last week, thompson announced a gun ring bust that took 112 illegal guns off the streets. Investigators say the alleged ringleader, michael bassiler paid people to purchase firearms. Authorities took this surveillance photo of bassiler rrying weapons in a a g and secretly recorded him on his cell phone. Im sending them the right way and the wrong way. When i am out of state, atlanta, georgia, all that, it is all legal. New york it is completely illegal. Does it ever feel like you are fighting a losing battle . I dont think we are fighting a losing battle. I think it is a very challenenng endeavor, because each gun we get off the street we potentially save a life. 90 of guns found at new york city crime scenes, thompson told secretary of state john kerry began a new mideast Peace Mission today when he met with israels Prime Minister netanyahu. Kerry will meet with palestinians over the weekend. This is following weeks of gun and knife attacks by palestinians and Barry Peterson is in the west bank. This is where the, our terrorist came with the knife and reporter she thought she could have been stabbed by an arab on the way to morning prayers. The street bloodstained. The aftermath caught on video. The jewish man and wife shot the arab to death. I feel it could be my blood here. And i bless god that it is my enemy blood and not me. Reporter it is n n her first taststof violence. An arab stabbed her father to death in his bed 17 years ago in the same neighborhood. She is among about 800 jews under constant watch, living in the midst of 170,000 arabs in hebron. This one place is so much what the arabisraeli conflict is about. Both sididvow that their claimim to this land goes back thousand d of years. Just down the road, Palestinian Protesters face the Israeli Military protecting the street of the tiny jewish enclave. The kids have no advantage here. They have got rocks. They have israelis with weaponry, grenenes and live ammunition. But they are determined as the jews. Are you afraid of dying . No, he said. I want to be a martyr. I want a stamp on the heads of israelis. We dont have any other place and for us its a fighting fighting to be. Explosions. To be or not to be. And when someone fight on his life, he wont give up. Reporter she says she wont leave here where the jews and the arabs have one deadly thing in common. Their vow totoever surrender. Barry peperson, cbs news, hebron. In sweden today, a masked man with a sword attacked four people in a school. A teacher and a student were killed. Police shot and killed the attacker. His motive is not known. Some witnessss say they thought it was a halloween prank. Devices supposed to helplp drivers focus on the road may be doing just the opposite. And the skydiving father and his back. In 14 states and washington, d. C. , it is illegal to talk on a handheld cell phone while driving. But a new triple a study says even hands free phones a a dangerously distracting. So, we called in transportation correspondent kris van cleave. Reporter j. C. Goods life was changed by a driver making a phone call using a hand free device. Graduation day, the crash killed her parents and dodoors gave her a a chance of surviving. Figururg out how to live without parent is a daily struggle. Beyond that the brain injury. Has left me with, permanent handicaps. One in 10 fatal crashes in 2013 involved distraction. Didiracted drivers were blamed for more than 3100 deaths anan estimated 424,000 injuries that year alone. Oh, my gosh, i guess that is a stop sign. Reporter researchers outfitted drivers with devices to measure distraction, brain activity, heart rate. They found many hand free voice command systems in cars are ones built into smart phones can be so complicate ththd leave drivers with a sort of lingering technology hangover. That is a mentally demanding task, as demanding as trying to balance your checkbook driving down the road. Reporter David Strayer found Driver Distraction lasting up to 27 second after finishing a task. Lag time, dialing back in. Im on t ts street. Going this fast. This is what is going on around me. Get plugged back in. All the things that make you a safe driver are temporarily put on holder when you are engaging. You hang up. You have to pick up all the things you have been letting go. Older drivers tended to do worse. The duration of f e distraction depended on how difficult the cyst temperature was to use. Would cover three football fields of distance during the 27 second of distraction. Kris van cleave, thank you very much. When police in texas pulled over a driver. That story is next. It is frightening for a father to watch his son jump out a dad skydiving over poland saw his son spinning, in danger of becoming disoriented. And steadidi him. Father and son landed safely. They were dressed in blue, but their hearts were pure gol cedar park, texas officers, justin and kale used their money to buy three child safety seats. For a needy driver. He had been pulled over. E cops decided he needed the seats for his daughter more than a ticket. The e ateful dad called it a miracle. It was trick or meet day at the fort worth zoo, the lion cubs celebrated halloween early with carved pumpkins filled with meat. The zoo says placing novel object in the cubs environment improves their psychological well being and boy they surereo look happy. Some very special hunters wewe honored today by congress. Woman what does it feel like when a woman is having a heart attack . Chest pain, like theres a ton of weight on your chest. Severe shortness of breath. Unexplained nausea. Cold sweats. Theres an unusual tiredness and fatigue. Unusual pain in your back, neck, jaw, one or both arms, even your uppepestomach, are signs youre having a heart attack. Dont make excuses. Make the call to 911 immediately. Learn more at womenshealth. Gov heartattack. Bipolar disorder is a brain condition that causes unusual or dramatic mood swings. It affects millions of americans and compromises their ability to function. When d dgnosed, bipolar didirder can be efffftively treated by m md stabilizers. But most people with bipolar disorder suffer for years without help because the symptoms are missed or confused with other illnesses, like depression. Learn how easily you can help keep this from happening to a loved one. Americas highest civilian honor, the congressional gold ii. Julianna goldman has the monuments, men and women. Reporter harry h hored as one of the experts turned military offffers who rescued treasures looted by the nazis. The 89yearold discovered this rembrandt self portrait stashed in a german salt mine. I was in charge on what was going on out there. I said lets open the box. Reporter before the war the masterpiece had hung in a museum in his home town. Bebeuse he was jewish he was never allowed to visit it. He and his family fled germany for the u. S. Now thanks to him the painting is back in his hometown. What did you think . For me to be able to go into that particular r seum and take a look at it, get a photograph of i i made me feel good. Made me feel good. My heart. Monuments men. Reporter the 2014 film brought new attention to the Monuments Men, based on a book by robert ed sal. The storyryrom my view was the good guys. Who are the men and women . Reporter r ne woman was this woman who worked for the commander. Arent you a little old for that . Yes. I think George Stiller is handsomer. Reporter she was a typist. Until last month she didnt real realize the field report she worked on related to the famous group. I was absolutely flabbergasted. He Foundation Set up to honor monuments memehas run out ofofoney. Todays ceremony is bittersweet. You are the reason the award is happening. Nine years of work realizatatn of a dream i have e held so closely. We struggled to got to this moment. Reporter preserves of the past awarded a monumental honor. Julianna goldman, cbs news, washington. Thats the cbs overnight news for this friday. For some of you the news continues. For others, check back with us just a little bit later for the morning news and of course cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new york city. Im scott pelley. Captioning funded by cbs its friday, october 23r 2015. This is the cbs morning news. Marathon testimony for Hillary Clinton. The former secretary of state is questioned for more than 11 hours. But few new details emerge on the benghazi t tror attacks. Killer confession. Police say the man suspected of shooting a 4yearold in a road rage incident has admitted to the crime. Underworld discovery. 22 people are arrested and 12 tons of pot are recovered when authorities uncover a Massive Underground drug smuggling tunnel. And youll meet the Texas Attorney whose ads are lighting up the internet. Someone just call brian wilson good morning from the studio 57 newsroom at cbs news headquarters in new york. Thanks for joining us. Im annemarie green. Well, there were few new

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