Transcripts For KMEG CBS Morning News 20160106 : comparemela

Transcripts For KMEG CBS Morning News 20160106

grab tonight in the jackpot drawing. good morning from the studio 57 newsroom at cbs news headquarters here in new york. good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. thorngs north korea says it conductedity first test of a hydrogen bomb. the claim came after an earthquake was detected close to the north korea test site. if confirmed, it would be north korea's fourth nuclear test and escalation of the nuclear program. seth doane is in beijing where the chinese say they will protest the nuclear test. >> reporter: as you point out, the big question is here if this is, indeed, proven tor a hydrogen bomb test, what north korea claimed it carried out early this morning at 10:00 local time, if, indeed, that is true, it would be a major advance in nuclear technology for the north. hydrogen bomb is far more powerful, much more difficult to through the day, we have seen the south koreans begin to cast doueds on whether there is some confirmation of this. the north came out in early december, december 10th and said it will hydrogen bomb capabilities. that claim was widely dismissed by the international community but we saw a handwritten note from kim jong-un are a hydrogen test after making that claim. this test has taken neighbors here in the region by surprise. >> seth, how do we interpret this move? what does it mean? >> reporter: well, it would be a we were in north korea in october and we had seen really what -- what apparently was a warming in relations between china, the major ally of the north and north korea. china sent a top government official to a military parade that we attended. china has really been pushing nonproliferation issues here on the korean pens will and a major al lip. it appeared the two were getting closer and the relations were warming but china condemned these tests today, as has south korea and japan. it would be a major step back for stability in the region. >> indeed. seth doane in beijing, thank you. back here at home, rainfall records are falling in southern a powerful storm is shifting east after drenching los angeles and the region. the el nino conditions in the pacific promomise new rain stararting totoday. heavy downpours swamped streetsts in san diegogo. stranded dririvers were abandon their cars and flooded roads and intersections. >> i saw cars going through it, so i thought, oh, i'm fine, until i felt my car slightly lift off and then i felt all the water and then i was, like, i can't move, i can't move. >> water poured over a wall into a san diego parking garage leaving cars under water. catastrophic floeds in two dozen illinois counties. water is receded along some parts of the mississippi river. the flooding is blamed for at least 25 deaths, though, in illinois and missouri. health officials are warning about hidden risks from sewage and other pollutants in the water. well, it didn't take long for critics of president obama's plan to curb gun violence in the national rifle association says the proposal for expanded background checks was right for abuse. the president had tears streaking as he recalled the massacre at the sandy hook elementary school, but his speech was also with fire and anger. >> every time i think about those kids, it gets me mad! >> reporter: president obama let his emotions show tuesday after 13 mass killings during his tenure in the white house. >> and from every farmer who never imagined that their loved one would be taken from our lives by a bullet from a gun. the gun lobby may be holding congress hostage right now but they cannot hold america hostage. >> reporter: the president's reaction require gun dlers, including those at gun shows and online to be licensed and conduct background checks. currently about 40% of sales >> we won't be able to operate our website the way we have in the past from here on out. >> we are interested in keeping firearms out of the hands of people who should not have them. >> reporter: no executive order associated with the president's plan, likely making it the responsibility of various government agencies to complement any changes. but the president's comments have put gun control front and center in election politics. >> he can abuse his power all he wants. he has a phone and he has a pen, but if you live by the pen, be you die by the pen! >> what he is basically doing is issuing things and ignoring the legality of it. >> the second amendment, the second amendment is so important. they are trying -- they are not going to take your guns away, folks, they are not going to take your guns away. not going to do it. they are trying. >> i will take on the gun lobby. >> reporter: the president also wants to increase funding for atf agents all that would require approval from the republican-led congress. the nra has tweeted a warning to lawmakers fyi, all nrr grades. >> a just released national poll of republican or republican leaning voters finds donald trump with a sizeable lead over other gop candidates. but ted cruz has gained ground and trump is taking note. the gop front-runner is raising concerns over cruz's eligibility to be president. brian webb is here in new york. brian, good morning. >> good morning. >> reporter: you'll remember trump was front and center among those questioning whether president obama was born in kenya and not eligible to be president. now he is questioning whether ted cruz's birth in candidate could be a liability. >> all i know is a lot of people are talking about it. i hope it's not so. i hope it doesn't come about. trump said cruz's canadian birth place was very precarious. >> the problem is that if the democrats bring a lawsuit, the lawsuit could take years to resolve and how do you have a candidate where there is something, you know, over the head of the party and that individual. >> reporter: cruz was born in calgary while his parents were working in the oil business. his mother is from delaware, his father from cuba. the u.s. constitution says only a natural born citizen may be president. >> i hope it wouldn't be the truth. i hope that wouldn't be what it is. and we will find out, i guess. i mean, ted will be able to answer the question hopefully satisfactorily. i hear a couple of states have a problem with it too. >> reporter: most legal scholars agree the description natural born citizens cover parents of the u.s. others have run with president with no serious legal challenges. cruz made light of trump's >> reporter: cruz reacted on twitter, post ago video link from the 1970s tv show "happy days." the scene became known as jumping the shark and has come to refer to something that has run its course. trump has also increased his attacks on democrat hillary clinton, questioning her stamina and strength. >> why he does whatever he does? i can only tell you what i hear from people and what i hear from people is really about their lives and their future. >> reporter: some see trump's attacks on clinton as sexist. and he has changed his tune on cruz. during an interview in was eligible restocking food a snap. this is the "cbs morning news." a golf ball. i drive to the hoop. i drive a racecar. i have a driver. his name is carl. but that's not what we all have in common. we talked to our doctors about treatment with xarelto . xarelto is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. xarelto is also proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. you know, taking warfarin, i had to deal with that blood testing routine. i couldn't have a healthy salad whenever i wanted. i found another way. hey, safety first. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. while taking, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer 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strip which instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right a run-away baggage cart is blamed for trouble at seattle-tacoma international airport. officials say the driver climbed off the cart to put a bag on the plane but the brake wasn't set. it rolled away and hit the jet's engine. no one was hurt. state of emergency in flint, michigan, over tainted water. a suspect in the murder of a designated driver. on the morning newsstand. "dallas morning news" reports on the arrest of a marine in the apparent road rage shooting of a texas college student. johnson was taken into custody on tuesday at an arizona military base. he is accused of killing 20-year-old sarah muclechner on new year's day. she was her friend's designated driver and crashed after being shot in the head. "the washington post" reports curious locals and reporters. the group has refused to say how many there are. they took over the national wildlife refuge on saturday. they want the federal land returned to local government. the "detroit free press" reports michigan's governor declared a state of emergency over contaminated water. the declaration includes flint and the surrounding county. the drinking water became contaminated with lead in 2014. the order came yesterday, the same day the u.s. attorney's investigating what happened. up next, what would you do with $450 million? we will hear from powerball lottery players who hope to hit the jackpot with tonight's big drawing. feeling of feet so silky smooth that you can't help but touch them. discover the latest innovation in the amope foot care line. the new amope pedi perfect with diamond crystals and extra coarse roller head. it softens callouses effortlessly and efficiently for beautiful, soft feet in an instant. feel it yourself! with amope pedi perfect with diamond crystals. amope. love every step. 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here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. harris goes to deron williams. from the corner. whoa! >> a buzzer-beater by dallas mavericks guard deron williams. the last-second three-pointer gives the mavs a one-point double overtime win over sacramento. the judge refused to stop the nfl from turning a youth soccer field into a media center for super bowl 50. work is already under way to transform santa clara's soccer soccer club says it's worried about damage to the field and complained that they have nowhere to play. >> when the nfl shows up with seven lawyers that they flew in from l.a., you know, it reinforces the david and goliath story. >> the nfl promises to return the field to as good, or better, condition. and is working with the city to find somewhere else for the soccer games. another court hearing is set for monday. baseball fans learned today who will be entering the hall of fame this summr. ken griffey jr. could be a unanimous selection in his first year on the ballot. junior ended his 22-year career with 630 home runs. meanwhile, fomer players linked to peds, such as barry bonds and roger clemens and mark mcgwire could see a boost in votes, but not enough to get in. that could be bad news for mcgwire because he is in his final year of eligibility. coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," this is i'm anne-marie green. this is the "cbs morning news." could stay... bed all day... need the power of...this is i'm anne-marie green. this is the "cbs morning news."is i'm anne-marie green. this is the "cbs morning news."w 'm anne-marie green. this is the "cbs morning news." the power to feel better. resolve to turn heads roc retinol. it's up to two times stronger than imitators try roc retinol correxion night cream... after one week, fine lines appear to fade one month, deep wrinkles look smoother... and after one year, skin looks ageless. only from roc . we all want to be healthier, but lets just get real, we also want to loose weight. what's great about the smartpoints program is you do both, it's not counting calories it's counting points. which actually is like kind of a game. having the points literally gives you accountability. when you realize that you don't have to give up anything, while i was on a combat patrol in baqubah, iraq, a rocket-propelled grenade took my arm off at the shoulder. i was discharged from the army, and i've been working with the wounded warrior project since 2007. warriors, you don't have to be severely wounded to be with the wounded warrior project. we do have a lot of guys that have post-traumatic stress disorder. being able to share your story, i guess it kind of helps you wrap your mind around what did happen over there. my name is norbie, but i'm okay. three rare identical triplets are enjoying their time at home. addison, kensly and savannah harris were discharged from a houston hospital on monday. when they were born december 1st, they weighed between 3 pounds and 3 pounds, 8 ounces. >> they are all 5 pounds. at least it's 15 pounds outside to not sleeping. it was the first set of identical triplets the hospital delivered since it opened in 1963. a clip has received more than 77,000 likes on facebook. mark strassmann reports. >> reporter: this isis hip-hop dance challenge that you can't do it, like me. and, sure, the kids are magic. but you also wonder who is that middle-aged dude who can do it like them? >> once we started, i said, i'm so bad, i said, let's just film y'all and the kids are no, mr. clark, you got to be in it! >> reporter: ron clark, a former teacher of the year, founded the ron clark academy in 2007. it's a profit nonprivate middle school. part hogwarts, part harvard. learning comes to life at work speed here for kids who are academically diversed and often lower income. seventh grader jaden lindndy. >> the message to get out there was to say we can do fun things, while learning at the same time. >> reporter: every student but one in the school's history has gone on to college. mason calhoun, another seventh grader. >> it's very indescribable, the amount of love that is shown from the teachers towards us and it really motivates us to put yourself and be great academically and just be amazing citizens. >> reporter: is there a message in the video? >> i think the message in this video is something about who we are. at the ron clark academy we are about building bonds and showing that you care. when kids know you are tolgwilling to meet with them and if you're willing to learn about their culture and interact with them in a positive way, they are going to respect you more and they are going to work harder. >> reporter: by breaking the mold, ron clark and his kid keep busting the right moves. mark strassmann, cbs news, >> he is looking pretty good. better than i would do any way. coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," dr. david agus with the war on cancer from his new book "the lucky years." and actor damien lewis joins us in the studio. that is the "cbs morning news" for this wednesday. thanks for watching. i'm anne-marie green.

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New York , United States , Santa Clara , Villa Clara , Cuba , Japan , Missouri , Delaware , Beijing , China , Illinois , California , San Diego , Sandy Hook , Michigan , Washington , District Of Columbia , Seattle , Kenya , Iraq , Sacramento , North Korea , Dallas , Texas , South Korea , Texas College , America , Chinese , South Koreans , American , Los Angeles , Scott Pelley , Ken Griffey Jr , Deron Williams , Jack Dorsey , Ron Clark , Arnold Palmer , Seth Doane , El Nino , Las Vegas , Kim Jong , Savannah Harris , Mason Calhoun , Roger Clemens , Hillary Clinton , Ted Cruz , Brian Webb ,

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