Transcripts For KMEG CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 2016

Transcripts For KMEG CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20160108

to be el chapo, being led by mexican authorities to an airplane bound for mexico city. after a massive operation in the town of los mochis early this morning, mexican marines captured the drug lord. he was wearing a dirty white undershirt and did not appear wounded. he may have tried to escape through the sewer after a tip led authorities to this white house. inside they found a small army ready for war. these are just some of the weapons seized, including a loaded rocket-propelled dwra naid -- grenade launcher. five of el faro's men were killed during a violent firefight with marines. [gunfire] mexican president pena nieto announced el faro's -- el chapo's capture on twitter saying, "mission accomplished. we have him." on television he called el chap yes's capture the result of days and nights of unequivocal commitment to bringing him to justice. chapo" guzman escaped from the most secure prison in mexico. this surveillance video shows his last moments in his cell stall. that's when he criemed into this mile-long tunnel when he hopped on a metrofitted motorcycle and rode these tracks to freedom. this was his second escape from prison. arturo fontes is a former f.b.i. agent who investigated el chapo for nearly 20 years. >> it was unconscionable. there was so much embarrassment on the second escape, there was so much pressure both from mexico and the u.s. at least to be able to apprehend him. >> reporter: el chapo, which means shorty, may just be 5'6", but he was also one of thehe biggest and most violent drug lords in the world. he's run the notorious sinoaloa drug cartel, worth about $3 billion. the cartel is responsible for much of the violence that has plagued the streets in parts of mexico. it also controls nearly half the illegal drugs flowing from that country to the united states. guzman is believed to be 34,000 deaths. sources tell cbs news that the tip that led to el chapo's arrest came from u.s. law enforcement. he is wanted in six states in this country on drug-related crimes, and, charlie, in chicago he is considered public enemy number one. >> rose: thanks, ben. for a "60 minutes" report, bill whitaker got a looooinside the prison guzman escaped last year. >> reporter: during the last manhunfor el chap, you his pursuers discovered this. it's a tub. look at this. a tunnel entrance also concealed in the plumbing, in this case beneath the tub. that's amazing. chapo devised ingenious smuggling meth odds. he packed drugs into fake cucumbers and bananas and mixed them in with shipments of real produce. but the thing he worked hardest on was making sure he could always get away. guzman was first mexican drug and mining engineers to build a elaborate super tunnels complete with ventilation system, electricity and railways to ferry drugs under the u.s.-mexico border. mexican authorities led us to a tunnel they found unfinished and just short of the border fence in tijuana. this tunnel was discovered just a couple weeks after el chapo's great escape. his cartel wasn't just focused on building his escape tunnel. they continued building these drug tunnels at the same time. >> rose: our entrip pit reporter bill whitaker. he'll be at it again this weekend. bill will take us to the main russian air base in syria for an inside look at russia's battle against the enemies of dictator bashar al-assad. that's this sunday on "60 minutes." a muslim man from suburban philadelphia is in custody tonight after he allegedly attempted to assassinate a police officer. he apparently was inspired by isis. jericka duncan is in >> reporter: surveillance video shows the horrifying moment when 33-year-old philadelphia police officer jesse hartnett was ambushed at point-blank range. >> shots fired! i'm shot. i'm bleeding. >> all cars stand-by. we have an officer shot. >> reporter: police say the suspect, 30-year-old edward archer, fired at least a dozen times. here you see his arm inside the patrol car. even though officer hartnett was struck three times in the left arm, he bravely exited his vehicle and pursued the suspect on foot, firing his weapon and wounding the perpetrator. philadelphia police commissioner richard ross. >> that is chilling, absolutely chilling when you watch that. and if that doesn't just make the hairs on your neck just raise when you see that, it's scary. that's all i can say. >> reporter: police say that archer admitted guilt, identified himself as a muslim, >> according to him he believe the police defend laws in contradiction to the quran. >> reporter: the firearm used was stolen from a fellow police officer's home in 2013. how concerning is it when you hear that that gun that the suspect used was that of another officer? >> things happen, but it cuts even deeper. >> reporter: hartnett remains in the hospital in critical but stable condition. his father robert hartnett says his son always wanted to be a police officer. >> he's okay. he's an actual philadelphia officer. >> reporter: cbs news has learned that the suspect traveled to the middle east in 2011 and 2012, but, charlie, officials say it is still too early to know for sure whether the suspect had any direct connection to a terrorist organization. >> rose: thanks, jericka. debate over refugees fleeing middle east wars settling in u.s. two have been arrested connected to terror, one in texas, one in california. here is jeff pegues. >> reporter: omar al hardan appeared in a courtroom today to face charges he attempted to provide material support to isis. the 24-year-old, an iraqi refugee, who lives in houston, has been in the u.s. since 2009. in sacramento, agents arrested another iraqi refugee, aws al-jayab. and in court papers they say he had traveled to syria the fight with rebels opposing president assad. the 23-year-old came to the u.s. in 2012, but investigators alleged soon after he was communicating via social media with terrorist organizations in syria. in march and april of 2013, he messaged, "i am coming to syria. i am eager to see blood." in november of 2013, he flew from chicago to turkey and then traveled to aleppo in syria up arms with terrorist organizations and concealed that conduct from immigration authorities when he returned to the u.s. the next year. investigators call al-jayab a foreign fighter. according to u.s. intelligence officials, more than 36,500 foreign fighters have traveled to syria. 250 have come from the u.s. the two arrests have reignited the political debate over admitting refugees from the region into the u.s. house homeland security chairman michael mccaul. >> they're ticking time bombs. how many ticking time bombs are we going to bring in, in this refugee program without a proper vetting system in place? >> reporter: the white house today called the current screening process rigorous. lawyers for the two suspects could not be reached for comment. charlie, according to court papers, the two communicated through social media and discussed going to syria to fight. >> rose: thanks, jeff. maine is under fire for remarks he made while talking about the state's heroin epidemic. republican paul lepage spoke at a town meeting wednesday night. >> these are guys that are named d-money, smoothie, shifty, these type of guys that come from connecticut and new york. they come up here. they sell their heroin. then they go back home. incidentally, half the time they impregnate a young, white girl before they leave. >> rose: today lepage told reporters it was a slip of a tongue. he did not mean to inject race into the scurks but he also said this. >> instead of saying, maine women, i said white women. if you... i'm not going to apologize to the maine women for that because if you go to maine, you will see that we're essentially 9 a 5% white. >> rose: the head of the regional naacp called the give's comments terrible and divisive. released nearly 3,000 more pages clinton's personal account. one of these e-mails is receiving extra scrutiny. it contains an unusual request. here's nancy cordes. >> reporter: republicans argue the newly released e-mail proves that former secretary of state knowingly shared sensitive information on her private account. in an exchange from 2011, a top aide alerts clinton that staffers are having issues, sending her some talking points via secure fax. clinton responds, "if they can't, turn into non-paper," in other words an e-mail with no non-secure. the topic and sensitivity of the talking points are not clear. that part is redacted. still, the republican chair of the senate judiciary committee called the exchange disturbing and called for a criminal enquiry. late this afternoon, the clinton campaign told cbs news it is for classified material to be sent over a non-secure system. the exchange was among 2,900 pages of clinton's e-mails released by the state department at 2:00 a.m. the agency said it is simply trying to keep up with an ambitious schedule established by a federal judge. just this week the state department's own internal watchdog said the agency's responses to questions about clinton's e-mails have been inaccurate and incomplete. state department officials say they just don't have the resources to keep up with all the requests from the public and the media, charlie. >> rose: thanks, nancy. to the economy now. more employers are putting out the help wanted sign. they added 292,000 jobs last month. and the unemployment rate held steady at 5%. more about that now from our senior national correspondent anthony mason. >> rose: charlie, hiring was surprisingly strong in december, added 2.6 million jobs together with the 3.1 million added before, that's the best two-year gain since the late '90s, but wages were flat again in december and manufacturing, which add more than 200,000 jobs in 2014, added just 30,000 last year. and the strong jobs report could not lift the markets out of their funk. the dow, which tumbled again, lost more than 1,000 points for the week, the worst start ever to a new year. turmoil in china and the global economy continues to worry investors. the s&p 500 is down almost 10% from its all-time high set back in may, charlie. >> rose: thanks, anthony. still ahead tonight, a grandmother gives birth to her own granddaughter. and a mystery at the bookstore. >> rose: this could be a plot for a bestseller. five men who work for a publisher in hong kong have vanished. seth doane reports the only clues may come from the pages of the books they sold. >> reporter: in front of the bookstore tonight, protesters demanded to know why the men went missing. why do you care so much about this issue? "if these five can easily disappear," trin told us, "then one day me and my family can vanish simply for saying or doing something." five men were all tied to the now-closed cauauway bay books. tucked up a cramped staircase, it doesn't look like much of a threat, but the gossipy, salacious titles on the wall criticized china's leader. this book talks about the private lie of madeleine albright, china's first lady, and this book here predicts the collapse of china's president, xi jinping. on december 30th, publisher then days later a faxed letter purportedly written by lee said he was cooperating with an investigation and had made his own way to the mainland. >> we're concerned about an incident of political kidnap. >> reporter: you're calling this a political kidnapping? >> reporter: must be. >> reporter: albert ho is worried lee was snatched and take on the china. what is at stake here for hong kong? >> this incident is explosive. it really touched the nerve of every ordinary citizen, because we... it's more than freedom of publication. >> reporter: but a risk these protesters are willing to take to protect their freedom of speech. >> we will fight for our human rights. >> reporter: seth doane, cbs news, hong kong. >> rose: still ahead, steve hartman on the road, but up love. three spreadsheets later, you finally bring home the one... then smash it into a tree. your insurance company is all too happy to raise your rates... maybe you should've done a little more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. it's the little things in life that make me smile. spending the day with my niece. because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well fitting dentures let in food particles. just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. try super poligrip free. hey i'm here on the red carpet where our next arrival is... whoa! toenail fungus!? with jublia. jublia is a prescription medicine used to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. are you getting this?! most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness, itching, swelling, burning or stinging, blisters, and pain. oh, epic moves, big j! fight it! getting ready for your close-up? ask your doctor if jublia is right for you. visit our website >> rose: a grandmother in texas went to great lengths to deliver on a promise she made to her daughter. omar villafranca explains how three generations were bonded by one birth. >> reporter: kelly mckissack calls the birth of her daughter kelcey a miracle. the 28-year-old shared the moment in the delivery room with her mother tracey. >> she pulled her little head out and it was nose amazing thing i saw. >> reporter: kelley and her husband tried for years to have a baby on their own. they experienced three heartbreaking miscarriages. at any point did you think, we're not going to have kids? >> that was never an option for us. >> reporter: kelley and aaron had four remaining embryos remaining from in vitro fertilization when her mom offered another option to, act as a surrogate and give birth to she's like, i think you need to do this. and i was like, i think you need to think about it. >> reporter: were you hesitant? >> just for her health. >> reporter: tracy was in excellent health, but at 53 she was already seven years into menopause, so dr. joe leveno put her on hormone therapy to enable her to carry a baby. >> she was a star. she exceeded my expectations by a mile. >> when i was in my 20s and pregnant with her and her brother, it was easy. >> reporter: how was it in your 50s? >> it was difficult. it was exhausting. >> reporter: on the big day, tracy has a c-section andave birth to her granddaughter, baby kelcey headed home today, proving a mother's and grandmother's love knows no bounds. >> a miracle. it was a god's little miracle right here. >> reporter: omar villafranca, cbs news, plano, texas. >> rose: up next, steve strongest person in america. >> tonight's "on the road" segment is sponsored by:to love your laxative when that lax loves your body back. only miralax hydrates, eases and softens to unblock naturally, so you have peace of mind from start to finish. love your laxative. miralax. there's a lot of places you never want to see "$7.95." 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Related Keywords

New York , United States , Texas , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , China , Mexico City , Distrito Federal , Mexico , California , Syria , New Light , South Carolina , Aleppo , Lab , Russia , Connecticut , El Faro , Chihuahua , Maine , Iraq , Tijuana , Baja California , Hong Kong , Sacramento , Houston , Chicago , Illinois , America , Iraqi , Mexican , Russian , American , El Chapo , Richard Ross , Paul Lepage , Pena Nieto , Edward Archer , Madeleine Albright , Steve Hardman , Lebron James , Steve Hartman , Omar Al Hardan , Joaquin Guzman , Nancy Cordes , Scott Pelley , Ben Tracy , Vladimir Putin , Michael Mccaul , Chapo Guzman , Bashar Al Assad , El Faro Chapo , Jesse Hartnett , Ray Jones , Seth Doane , Anthony Mason , Robert Hartnett ,

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Transcripts For KMEG CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20160108 :

Transcripts For KMEG CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20160108

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to be el chapo, being led by mexican authorities to an airplane bound for mexico city. after a massive operation in the town of los mochis early this morning, mexican marines captured the drug lord. he was wearing a dirty white undershirt and did not appear wounded. he may have tried to escape through the sewer after a tip led authorities to this white house. inside they found a small army ready for war. these are just some of the weapons seized, including a loaded rocket-propelled dwra naid -- grenade launcher. five of el faro's men were killed during a violent firefight with marines. [gunfire] mexican president pena nieto announced el faro's -- el chapo's capture on twitter saying, "mission accomplished. we have him." on television he called el chap yes's capture the result of days and nights of unequivocal commitment to bringing him to justice. chapo" guzman escaped from the most secure prison in mexico. this surveillance video shows his last moments in his cell stall. that's when he criemed into this mile-long tunnel when he hopped on a metrofitted motorcycle and rode these tracks to freedom. this was his second escape from prison. arturo fontes is a former f.b.i. agent who investigated el chapo for nearly 20 years. >> it was unconscionable. there was so much embarrassment on the second escape, there was so much pressure both from mexico and the u.s. at least to be able to apprehend him. >> reporter: el chapo, which means shorty, may just be 5'6", but he was also one of thehe biggest and most violent drug lords in the world. he's run the notorious sinoaloa drug cartel, worth about $3 billion. the cartel is responsible for much of the violence that has plagued the streets in parts of mexico. it also controls nearly half the illegal drugs flowing from that country to the united states. guzman is believed to be 34,000 deaths. sources tell cbs news that the tip that led to el chapo's arrest came from u.s. law enforcement. he is wanted in six states in this country on drug-related crimes, and, charlie, in chicago he is considered public enemy number one. >> rose: thanks, ben. for a "60 minutes" report, bill whitaker got a looooinside the prison guzman escaped last year. >> reporter: during the last manhunfor el chap, you his pursuers discovered this. it's a tub. look at this. a tunnel entrance also concealed in the plumbing, in this case beneath the tub. that's amazing. chapo devised ingenious smuggling meth odds. he packed drugs into fake cucumbers and bananas and mixed them in with shipments of real produce. but the thing he worked hardest on was making sure he could always get away. guzman was first mexican drug and mining engineers to build a elaborate super tunnels complete with ventilation system, electricity and railways to ferry drugs under the u.s.-mexico border. mexican authorities led us to a tunnel they found unfinished and just short of the border fence in tijuana. this tunnel was discovered just a couple weeks after el chapo's great escape. his cartel wasn't just focused on building his escape tunnel. they continued building these drug tunnels at the same time. >> rose: our entrip pit reporter bill whitaker. he'll be at it again this weekend. bill will take us to the main russian air base in syria for an inside look at russia's battle against the enemies of dictator bashar al-assad. that's this sunday on "60 minutes." a muslim man from suburban philadelphia is in custody tonight after he allegedly attempted to assassinate a police officer. he apparently was inspired by isis. jericka duncan is in >> reporter: surveillance video shows the horrifying moment when 33-year-old philadelphia police officer jesse hartnett was ambushed at point-blank range. >> shots fired! i'm shot. i'm bleeding. >> all cars stand-by. we have an officer shot. >> reporter: police say the suspect, 30-year-old edward archer, fired at least a dozen times. here you see his arm inside the patrol car. even though officer hartnett was struck three times in the left arm, he bravely exited his vehicle and pursued the suspect on foot, firing his weapon and wounding the perpetrator. philadelphia police commissioner richard ross. >> that is chilling, absolutely chilling when you watch that. and if that doesn't just make the hairs on your neck just raise when you see that, it's scary. that's all i can say. >> reporter: police say that archer admitted guilt, identified himself as a muslim, >> according to him he believe the police defend laws in contradiction to the quran. >> reporter: the firearm used was stolen from a fellow police officer's home in 2013. how concerning is it when you hear that that gun that the suspect used was that of another officer? >> things happen, but it cuts even deeper. >> reporter: hartnett remains in the hospital in critical but stable condition. his father robert hartnett says his son always wanted to be a police officer. >> he's okay. he's an actual philadelphia officer. >> reporter: cbs news has learned that the suspect traveled to the middle east in 2011 and 2012, but, charlie, officials say it is still too early to know for sure whether the suspect had any direct connection to a terrorist organization. >> rose: thanks, jericka. debate over refugees fleeing middle east wars settling in u.s. two have been arrested connected to terror, one in texas, one in california. here is jeff pegues. >> reporter: omar al hardan appeared in a courtroom today to face charges he attempted to provide material support to isis. the 24-year-old, an iraqi refugee, who lives in houston, has been in the u.s. since 2009. in sacramento, agents arrested another iraqi refugee, aws al-jayab. and in court papers they say he had traveled to syria the fight with rebels opposing president assad. the 23-year-old came to the u.s. in 2012, but investigators alleged soon after he was communicating via social media with terrorist organizations in syria. in march and april of 2013, he messaged, "i am coming to syria. i am eager to see blood." in november of 2013, he flew from chicago to turkey and then traveled to aleppo in syria up arms with terrorist organizations and concealed that conduct from immigration authorities when he returned to the u.s. the next year. investigators call al-jayab a foreign fighter. according to u.s. intelligence officials, more than 36,500 foreign fighters have traveled to syria. 250 have come from the u.s. the two arrests have reignited the political debate over admitting refugees from the region into the u.s. house homeland security chairman michael mccaul. >> they're ticking time bombs. how many ticking time bombs are we going to bring in, in this refugee program without a proper vetting system in place? >> reporter: the white house today called the current screening process rigorous. lawyers for the two suspects could not be reached for comment. charlie, according to court papers, the two communicated through social media and discussed going to syria to fight. >> rose: thanks, jeff. maine is under fire for remarks he made while talking about the state's heroin epidemic. republican paul lepage spoke at a town meeting wednesday night. >> these are guys that are named d-money, smoothie, shifty, these type of guys that come from connecticut and new york. they come up here. they sell their heroin. then they go back home. incidentally, half the time they impregnate a young, white girl before they leave. >> rose: today lepage told reporters it was a slip of a tongue. he did not mean to inject race into the scurks but he also said this. >> instead of saying, maine women, i said white women. if you... i'm not going to apologize to the maine women for that because if you go to maine, you will see that we're essentially 9 a 5% white. >> rose: the head of the regional naacp called the give's comments terrible and divisive. released nearly 3,000 more pages clinton's personal account. one of these e-mails is receiving extra scrutiny. it contains an unusual request. here's nancy cordes. >> reporter: republicans argue the newly released e-mail proves that former secretary of state knowingly shared sensitive information on her private account. in an exchange from 2011, a top aide alerts clinton that staffers are having issues, sending her some talking points via secure fax. clinton responds, "if they can't, turn into non-paper," in other words an e-mail with no non-secure. the topic and sensitivity of the talking points are not clear. that part is redacted. still, the republican chair of the senate judiciary committee called the exchange disturbing and called for a criminal enquiry. late this afternoon, the clinton campaign told cbs news it is for classified material to be sent over a non-secure system. the exchange was among 2,900 pages of clinton's e-mails released by the state department at 2:00 a.m. the agency said it is simply trying to keep up with an ambitious schedule established by a federal judge. just this week the state department's own internal watchdog said the agency's responses to questions about clinton's e-mails have been inaccurate and incomplete. state department officials say they just don't have the resources to keep up with all the requests from the public and the media, charlie. >> rose: thanks, nancy. to the economy now. more employers are putting out the help wanted sign. they added 292,000 jobs last month. and the unemployment rate held steady at 5%. more about that now from our senior national correspondent anthony mason. >> rose: charlie, hiring was surprisingly strong in december, added 2.6 million jobs together with the 3.1 million added before, that's the best two-year gain since the late '90s, but wages were flat again in december and manufacturing, which add more than 200,000 jobs in 2014, added just 30,000 last year. and the strong jobs report could not lift the markets out of their funk. the dow, which tumbled again, lost more than 1,000 points for the week, the worst start ever to a new year. turmoil in china and the global economy continues to worry investors. the s&p 500 is down almost 10% from its all-time high set back in may, charlie. >> rose: thanks, anthony. still ahead tonight, a grandmother gives birth to her own granddaughter. and a mystery at the bookstore. >> rose: this could be a plot for a bestseller. five men who work for a publisher in hong kong have vanished. seth doane reports the only clues may come from the pages of the books they sold. >> reporter: in front of the bookstore tonight, protesters demanded to know why the men went missing. why do you care so much about this issue? "if these five can easily disappear," trin told us, "then one day me and my family can vanish simply for saying or doing something." five men were all tied to the now-closed cauauway bay books. tucked up a cramped staircase, it doesn't look like much of a threat, but the gossipy, salacious titles on the wall criticized china's leader. this book talks about the private lie of madeleine albright, china's first lady, and this book here predicts the collapse of china's president, xi jinping. on december 30th, publisher then days later a faxed letter purportedly written by lee said he was cooperating with an investigation and had made his own way to the mainland. >> we're concerned about an incident of political kidnap. >> reporter: you're calling this a political kidnapping? >> reporter: must be. >> reporter: albert ho is worried lee was snatched and take on the china. what is at stake here for hong kong? >> this incident is explosive. it really touched the nerve of every ordinary citizen, because we... it's more than freedom of publication. >> reporter: but a risk these protesters are willing to take to protect their freedom of speech. >> we will fight for our human rights. >> reporter: seth doane, cbs news, hong kong. >> rose: still ahead, steve hartman on the road, but up love. three spreadsheets later, you finally bring home the one... then smash it into a tree. your insurance company is all too happy to raise your rates... maybe you should've done a little more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. it's the little things in life that make me smile. spending the day with my niece. because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well fitting dentures let in food particles. just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. try super poligrip free. hey i'm here on the red carpet where our next arrival is... whoa! toenail fungus!? with jublia. jublia is a prescription medicine used to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. are you getting this?! most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness, itching, swelling, burning or stinging, blisters, and pain. oh, epic moves, big j! fight it! getting ready for your close-up? ask your doctor if jublia is right for you. visit our website >> rose: a grandmother in texas went to great lengths to deliver on a promise she made to her daughter. omar villafranca explains how three generations were bonded by one birth. >> reporter: kelly mckissack calls the birth of her daughter kelcey a miracle. the 28-year-old shared the moment in the delivery room with her mother tracey. >> she pulled her little head out and it was nose amazing thing i saw. >> reporter: kelley and her husband tried for years to have a baby on their own. they experienced three heartbreaking miscarriages. at any point did you think, we're not going to have kids? >> that was never an option for us. >> reporter: kelley and aaron had four remaining embryos remaining from in vitro fertilization when her mom offered another option to, act as a surrogate and give birth to she's like, i think you need to do this. and i was like, i think you need to think about it. >> reporter: were you hesitant? >> just for her health. >> reporter: tracy was in excellent health, but at 53 she was already seven years into menopause, so dr. joe leveno put her on hormone therapy to enable her to carry a baby. >> she was a star. she exceeded my expectations by a mile. >> when i was in my 20s and pregnant with her and her brother, it was easy. >> reporter: how was it in your 50s? >> it was difficult. it was exhausting. >> reporter: on the big day, tracy has a c-section andave birth to her granddaughter, baby kelcey headed home today, proving a mother's and grandmother's love knows no bounds. >> a miracle. it was a god's little miracle right here. >> reporter: omar villafranca, cbs news, plano, texas. >> rose: up next, steve strongest person in america. >> tonight's "on the road" segment is sponsored by:to love your laxative when that lax loves your body back. only miralax hydrates, eases and softens to unblock naturally, so you have peace of mind from start to finish. love your laxative. miralax. there's a lot of places you never want to see "$7.95." 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