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Paul does one of those nice tricks again and shows us where he's going with this whole chapter 10 by bringing us to a conclusion that tells us how he's been arguing and reasoning things before the conclusion so that's what we look at right now Collin Koch and how it happens here this is a broadcast on the good news thank you very much for joining me today you're listening to a broadcast that trains faith in the good news of the gospel as we train our faith we learn how to break through various addictions and struggles we have various difficulties in feeling we have any worth to ourselves because God in Christ has given us our worth now and also the conflicts that come into our lives that make us feel that we're being punished all we're we are not being blessed we break through those kinds of attitudes by a faith that says Christ is my righteousness and all things work together for good it's a wonderful message and it enables you to know how to function more effectively in life because all of us are struggling with functioning aren't we one way or another and it also of course gives us the hope the Gospel does have eternal life in Jesus so listen to the program if you can regularly Monday through Friday at 10 o'clock in the evening or repeated at 10 in the 4 in the morning on Calle t.t. Am 674 you can go to Sound Cloud dot com slash faith quest to. Hear the program on your remote devices download the free app and you can hear the program regularly as you're driving to work for example or listen to our to my broadcast on our Web site faith Quest Radio dot com. So here we have Paul saying this. 4 with the hot one believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made on to salvation for the scripture says Whoever believes on him will not be put to shame for there is no distinction between Jew and Greek for the same lord over all is rich to all who call upon him for whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Now this brings us to a very important conclusion it shows us that Paul by this conclusion Paul shows us that he is demonstrating. That God has brought salvation to where ever he wills one group or the other Going to the Gentiles at one time and this group of Gentiles at another time and that group of Jewish people at another time God is not pinned down to a lineage a physical lineage from Abraham that's Paul's point here. Remember want Romans Chapter 10 is all about. Romans Chapter 10 is the link as I've said several times now between Romans 9 and Romans 11. Paul in Romans 9 is explaining to us how God is at work in his salvation process he is electing people from various groups of the world to become exhibits of his wonderful mercy so that they may be exhibits or witnesses to the mercy that God will give to other people people are elected not in the sense that they are elected whereas others are lost and not chosen but rather they are elected to reveal to the rest of the world that they too are elected and that election involves As I said week ago I would say by now that election involves faith watch shall we say then Paul says in verse 30 of chapter 9 the Gentiles who did not pursue righteousness attain to righteousness even the righteousness of faith they weren't even looking for righteousness they heard the good news of God because God revealed that good news to them and they received it by faith and the act of receiving by faith is God's act in us of electing that's crucial to understanding the book the trap Chapter 9 of Romans so then Paul goes into more detail of how this faith takes place and he says Do not say in your heart as I mentioned to you the other day who will go up to heaven to bring Christ down or who will go down to the grave to bring him up because the word is right near you in your heart and on your lips if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus Christ and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead you will be saved. A wonderful simple gospel incredibly simple surprisingly to simple as I mentioned the other day to some people because they think of Paul as very rational and complex and difficult to understand but no he is not really he has come with the good simple message of Christ having stood in for the human race taking the guilt and shame of our brokenness upon himself dying for it in judgment and rising again on our behalf to be a new humanity for us we will be resurrected in his humanity we are saved in his humanity not ours so then Paul is explaining to us or our reemphasizing that with the heart we believe and to righteousness not with the mind not with the intellect not with the understanding but with the heart and when Paul is referring to the heart here he's referring to the place where we have faith for with the heart one believes on to righteousness we are believing something very specific Don't forget that it's not general belief it's not belief in yourself it's not belief in God in a very general vague sense it's of a belief in God in a very specific way that God has brought righteousness to us in Jesus and we acknowledge it in a hot and in our mouth for this is the conclusion again the Scripture says Who ever believes on the on him will not be put to shame so you can see now that Paul in this conclusion is spreading the the Grace all over the world who ever it is who calls on him will not be put to shame. For there is no distinction he says between Jew and Greek this is Paul making it clear that God's plan of salvation has not failed for Israel. For God is working with different groups 1st of all and that lineage between Abraham and us is not a limit to him because anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved but then you see we are tempted to think that therefore salvation is within our hands we call upon the name of the Lord but no be careful because salvation is in the hands of God Who elects and that election is putting within our hearts a faith that leads us to call on the name of the Lord. Always remember that your salvation has been brought about by God's act that's what he makes clear in chapter 9 when he says in verse 16 so then it is not of Him who will nor of him who runs but of God who shows mercy When God shows mercy he puts faith in your heart he lets you know that he has elected you why is this so important not simply to get a good theological idea of how God does things but for you and me to be able to stand firm when everything falls apart when our sins mount up to heaven so high that we feel that we have sinned away the day of grace that there is no help left when you are in that kind of situation you remember. That it is God who elect it is not of you who will it is not your will power and the strength of your will the drug determines your salvation yes you called upon the name of the Lord but why and how did you come to call on the name of the Lord when somebody else didn't because God put His Spirit within you and chose you not because he chose you as opposed to somebody else but he chose you to represent him to somebody else. And that is how the wonderful Gospel works God is not going to save people's through angels but through human beings who will experience His grace because he puts that grace within us. Now this is important for us to understand so that we will not be overwhelmed by our own humanity our humanity is a block between God and man. It is a block between us and God until God by His power through Jesus Christ breaks through that block and he is fully able to do that the Scripture then says whoever believes in Him on him will not be put to shame for there is no distinction between Jew and Greek Now when Paul says between Jew and Greek he's between He's talking about between the chosen people the people of Israel and the rest of the world the Greek the word Greek here is used to refer to the rest of the world Paul says God makes no distinction. How good is that because you and I know that some of us feel that we have no goodness in us and we are worse than anyone else in the world. Some of us have felt that we are under enormous disadvantage. That somehow we have an upbringing that has weakened our sense of. Discipline and willpower and ability to function well in this world some people are addicts in a way that is almost impossible to break the habit because of the wounded Innes of their childhood but in God's eyes there is no distinction he is not limited by our weaknesses that's so important and this lines up remember with the Romans Chapter 3 where Paul says there is no difference verse 22 for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and being declared innocent freely by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus and so if you feel you've gone too far if you feel you are too bad for God If you feel that there is no hope left for you remember that salvation is the instrumentality of God not you and God is Love and God is mercy and he is putting faith in your heart even now as you listen to this broadcast take out and say to God And yes I believe that Jesus is my salvation and that not even my addictions will get in the way of your love. It's now the 21st of December September and we're looking towards the end of the month and the plan that hopefully you have to send a donation for the radio rent for next month the deadline for next month is the 8 of the month I send the check in then it gets to the local office on the 10th and they send it to the head office which draws on it between the 17th and the 20th so thank you very very much for taking care of the radio rent for this month which was $860.00 and that's the $29.00 per broadcast. Would you now please consider a sitter a donation for next month you can take care of your donations by sending it sending them to the through the mail p.o. Box 366 Littleton Colorado 80160 that's faith Quest p.o. Box 366 Littleton Colorado 8 o 160 or if you like you can take care of the donation online by going to our website faith Quest Radio dot com faith Quest Radio dot com Preston on nations button and it will take you to the Pay Pal service. Once again thank you very very much for taking care of this broadcast throughout the years and this month so I'll see you next time cheerio and God bless. How low dear friends column cook here your host and how it happens 15 minutes to fortify your faith here my friends in Jesus Christ the atoning work of God in Jesus for the struggle that we have with various addictions I urge you to tune into this program Monday through Friday on Calle t t 10 o'clock in the evening and I'll see you next time cheerio and God bless. Your tune am sick 70 Commerce City Denver k o t t h d and streaming worldwide at 670 k l t t dot com. Be. Glad you could join us today for the concept of faith broadcast this program is dedicated to teach you how to put the word of God to work so that it will make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life and. Charles caps . Is a substance of things ha. Ha. So this is why it's important it's very important to have hope. Now you remember Abraham the Bible says that when there was no hope Abraham believed in hope. Missing there may be something you in that situation the doctors may have told you the no hope for you medically. Well knew what Abraham did go to the Word of God get you some hope. Now see what I mean but no hope nor hope Naturally Speaking see see certain things doctors can't do thank God for doctors they've been able to do a lot of things. But there are certain things they will tell you we limit we just frankly limited and when we've done what we can do that's all we can do. Abraham when there was no natural hope now you've got to realize here's a man that was 75 years old when God talked to him about the promise job and then 24 years went by that he had the problems all this time had the promise all the time 24 years went by and he still does now on the promise job. Now they counted teamed up together and decided hip God out you know this. But not get into that but anyway we come up with an issue and we've been paying for it ever since but 24 years later when a broom is 99 years old God appears to him and says that I am Almighty God. And he says I've made you the father made in Asia. You got to be kidding. I mean the man's 99 years old God said I've already done it. See to believe he is the way Jesus is talking about believing going to all things whatever you ask in prayer believing you shall receive you've got to consider it down. As far as the spirit room is concerned now don't care that over in the natural get yourself in trouble say well if I believe that God is met my needs and I believe it's already done then I'll just go ahead and write this faith chick. Not a faith take it's a hot chick. Where I'll do this and in God I have to put the money in the bank because you see that proves I had faith that may prove you were ignorant. Nessie the Bible does say faith without corresponding action is did but half or can you go with the corresponding action as far as you have manifestation. It's all right to rat chick. Even when the money is not in the bank but put it in the dresser drawer and don't need a lip to get the money in the bank somebody said well God had put the money in the bank before the check gets there though you be in jail before God puts the money anyway so be careful and I don't take what I'm saying is considered as done and go out and do something foolish I'm talking about done in the spirit realm you have a new ruling inside that I know or that I know that I know that I know that my God has already met my need is just a matter of it being manifest see positive in that area now the only way you can get that way is to study meditate the Word of God. Now do everything else you can do if it's a financial need you know sometimes people say well I'm a believer God numbers go on said I am not even look for a job. Waiting for my ship to come in. Have you said. If you hadn't seen one out I got news for you there's another scripture that says he promised a 100 fold return. But a 100 times nothing is nothing. God most applies our seed sown if we don't so we don't really so be careful in that they don't take something that's been said and just say well obviously going to pull this over into the natural real and I'm just going to act like that it's already done you know like brother to surveil said one time he said God had to act like a good airplane guard go out here and sit on the runway and hold my arms or feet. But has some of the ridiculous things that people do some think it's faith in a lot of this foolishness. But what I'm saying is that it gets in grafted into your spirit like it did Abraham neighbor Ham said the Bible says concerning Abraham when there was no hope. He believed in hope see there was no natural home see your accountant may have told you no hope for you financially. Bankrupt mother will bid the mayor said no natural hope for you will go through to God get you some supernatural hope final have dogs it about your finances. Now is not enough to just find out what God said about it you've got to get it in grafted into it by meditation by speaking the word and in the area of finances but doing what the word said to do so you have to activate a promise. The promise of Luke 638 given it shall be given has to be activated by giving before you can confess that if you're. In flippin for 19 which we all like to quote you must be a giver like the flippin church was or that Scripture is not for you. They gave wants in the game on the false necessity even sacrificial easy. So she there are some things that we need to learn about that Abraham it says of him that he consider not his own body now did know the words he wouldn't consider the thing that disagreed with the Word of God now see when you give in the washing machine breaks down and when something else happened you see Abraham wouldn't consider that . He just let it go where God words it this. Seen as he begun by experience he said I know a lot of folks that were 75 years old never did have a child but he decided to believe in hope when there was no hope natural See believe in God is a decision you make. You found out what he said and you got to make a decision where you go believe it or not now if you do not believe it said Christians the 4th chapter verse 13 says we believe in therefore speak Paul is quoting an Old Testament Scripture Psalm 116 verse 10 where Psalms David said I believe and therefore speak. Now if you realize that you always do speak what you believe. See out of the bunch the heart the mouth speaks now you may pray a beautiful prayer that sound like faith but what you said on Monday morning was no what you believed in what you prayed on Sunday night. Are you listening to him so see he quoted the scripture that David said I believe and therefore speak he says We also believe and therefore speak he says we having the same spirit of faith See that's the way faith does faith when it believes it speaks so what you are really believing is what you're talking daily not necessarily what you prayed that night so check up on when you pray and then you say and see if you get to say and then you pray and again. Because there is power in positive faith the Bible says that Abraham was fully persuaded How did it become fully persuaded he became fully persuaded by saying what god's it now I see a broom was I keep saying neighbor how me was a broom at that time when God appeared to him in 70 chapter of Genesis when he was 99 years old. He said to him I have made you the father minute Nations and he said that your name shall no longer be a broom but Abraham. That mean father of a multitude now he's 9 and years old. And you know what God did it change his name so that Abrams would have to go tell everyone that he met on the father nation did he look like the father nation did he feel like the father nation did it about I think he was a father nations other than God. Didn't matter Dave Brown for the anybody else believed it or not he made a decision to believe in God based not only experience but only the word of the Living God. And see that's why I say that it's always dangerous to go by experience because everybody has experienced things that will prove to you that God's Word won't work. See those people even tell you Well an average redeemed from the curse then nobody would ever be sick or nobody would ever be poor Oh let me ask you something did Jesus redeem us from scene Yes he died for the sinner. Jews this is the cure for the same problem. But can anybody say and certainly they can you sin if you want to this salvation work if you want my experience you can prove that sound mention that work. Is salvation for everyone or yes it's very wrong did everyone get saved No Do you ever know many instances where salvation didn't keep somebody from going to hell. You know a lot of people that didn't receive salvation I even know some that did and went back in the same. Zip through salvation none were no it proves they didn't work. So see if you go by experience you prove his salvation didn't work but thank God it does. Abraham believed God it was imputed to him for Rochester's he became fully persuaded that what God has promised he was able to perform. Yes Jesus said are all things whatsoever you ask in prayer believing you shall receive. Do you believe one of the major problems in the body of Christ and I know in my life for years was that I just prayed about everything before I was ready to pray about it somebody said well it just takes much prayer Well that's true we should pray much but we ought to be ready to pray before we pray because Jesus said all things whatsoever you ask in prayer believing you shall receive Now that is the will of God that the things you pray about you receive but you see the determination of what