Transcripts for KLTT 670 AM/K236CQ 95.1 FM KLTT 670 AM/K236C

Transcripts for KLTT 670 AM/K236CQ 95.1 FM KLTT 670 AM/K236CQ 95.1 FM 20180905 090000

Answer this question. Do. You ready for jury duty it's the retrial of all the centuries Welcome to a day of testimony as we begin an unusual lesson called What shall I do with Christ it's the question posed by ponchos pilot the Roman governor who delivered Jesus up to be crucified Adrian Rogers poses that question again today and asks you to be part of the jury one when you do with Jesus Christ maybe as you consider this someone will come to your mind who needs to hear today's lesson let them know they can go to L.W.'s dot org and hear it at their convenience and they'll find some great resources for spiritual growth there l w f dot org If you can turn in your Bible to look now in Matthew Chapter 27 verse 22 as we hear Adrian Rogers reopen this case today. We're going to ask a question today it's a question that pilot ask had a Roman governor who delivered Jesus up to be crucified What shall I do then with Jesus which is called price what shall I do with Christ's Jesus was standing before a pilot. But at the judgment pilot stands before Jesus. Jesus is standing before you today through the Spirit and through the word but one day as surely as I stand here you will stand before the Lord Jesus Christ and so this question has a very pertinent or a very personal a very pressing question watch I do with Jesus who is called Cross So today we're going to put Jesus Christ on trial again I'm going to ask you to listen to the testimony of people concerning Jesus Christ. But 2 great questions are What think ye of Christ. The 2nd question is What shall I do with Jesus. Who is called the crisis 1st of all I want to bring a man called the forerunner of Jesus a wilderness man. John the Baptist. John the Baptist's. You are related by blood to the Lord Jesus Christ in some ways John that you were the one to baptize the. John I want to ask you a question. What think ye of Christ. And I want you to hear that rugged individualists John the Baptist's. As he looks at the one in the prisoner's dog. And this is what John has to say about him. Be holding. The Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. Thank you job I appreciate that testimony. I want to call now one of the greatest intellects the world has ever known a man who would have the equivalency if you live today of a triple Ph d. a Man conversant in many languages a world traveler a scholar. A philosopher. Paul the Apostle stand before this jury. And tell us. What do you think of Christ's. I see the Apostle Paul as he says he. Is Be image of being visible God. Thank you call him I call one of the Roman soldiers us and Turion. You watched him die. You placed him all that hellish cross you watched as they drove that spear into his side. I think he of Christ truly. This was the Son of God. But somebody says but Pastor these are people who lived so long ago. Don't you have any modern witnesses who can speak yes witnesses will you take the stand please. I have some here today. Who would like to tell you. What they think of Christ. Because you're saying he's not dead he's alive. I'm going to ask witness if you'll take the stand give your name and actual the question What think you of cross. My name is Don Graham you know I know Jesus is alive today and he's still changing lives today because I grew up in a home where my dad was an all pro linebacker but he's also a drunk reprobate. You know who mentally and physically abused my mom. You know we had everything the world would say success we had fame we had fortune and we had a house before people lived in but we didn't have a home and you know I had a mom who was a good lady who did all the right things but through the study she learned to do the right things and was going to get her to trust in Jesus was the only way that mom was going to be able to get. And after Mom trust in Jesus she immediately started praying for my dead through prayers to be shared with over with my dad and through their visit a star rating as. We came to a verse of scripture John 316 that we all know when he came to the word whosoever that whosoever made him. In death became a Christian that night maybe they saw a change made and started to come home without a cop's over he started to tell my brother and you know how much you love this he would hug us and kisses you not only that you know even him to even today we still hug and kiss each other until it's over how much we love each other because I want to be like my dad so much I have you know walk the aisle church is bad tasked with my life never change that didn't have that personal relationship with Jesus. You know watch today for 2 years and share verse scripts with the secretary's fast seventy's is therefore for the man be in Christ is a new creature all things are passed away behold all things become the through that verse I went to bed that night and I trust in Jesus as my personal size. Lord changed my life. Not only that you know I now want to become more like my Heavenly Father Mars with father you know of has problems you know since the end but of I know I have a problem solver living inside of me you know I like to close by just reading a quick paragraph because all of the Christmas is for my family and me to have a very Merry Christmas like those 2 curses we've had. 3 years ago we were all worried about him and wondered when he would come back while open our presents we were so miserable through those years now we have a happy and merry Christmas to my dad except the Jesus in his heart we have a lot to be thankful for this is all I want for Christmas and I've got it I wrote that in the. Now that's why I know Jesus is alive. My name is Ted modern This is my wife Lily and we're here to testify the faithfulness to Jesus Christ his comfort I've been safe for 25 years but the supernatural powers of Christ that changed me at 13 years old was so evident it was something to happen to me 4 and a half years ago. When a few years ago lost a little daughter 2 and a half year old daughter and I'm here to testify that Jesus Christ that no one could give me the comfort except maybe the son of God. You know as I reached over and picked as a father would do as I picked up my little daughter was a tragic accident as I carried her in that van to the hospital in a before I even cried out to God he was there he was faithful and as I filled my donor in my hands I don't know when the life left her but as I held her in my arms he was holding me in his own and you know the days after that his comfort not only his spiritual comfort his body of Christ and His faithfulness in his word kept us together strong we had a strong marriage before but it's got to see even stronger. As a mom that night when I saw. Joy she I am her eyes were looking for me she knew she was in trouble and my arms can reach her. But I know that even though mine couldn't sees us lifted her and carried her home I thought I would never see mine alone. But God gave me something he gave me a piece he gave me his love his grace that I can't even tell you. Most of all he came used. And I was able to smuggle it can I know I know that I know I can promise you with everything that. Is the Son of God. We know that. There is such pain in that story and yet such hope and coming up next a man who was searching for answers who had a chance encounter that changed his life we'll get back to these witnesses in just a moment now today's lesson is part of an audio album titled spiritual steel for building believers 8 messages that will help you grow as you seek to follow Christ or you can order it individually and ask for what shall I do with Christ for the single lesson or the album spiritual steel for building believers call us at 1877 love God or go to L.W.'s dot org And just a few moments I'll tell you about a special resource we have as a thank you this month for helping us out financially but right now let's get back to another witness in this stirring lesson titled What shall I do with Christ. My name is Ed Rollins and this is my wife Barbara and we would like to testify that Jesus Christ is the Risen Son of God it was 20 years ago that I ask God to reveal Himself to me in a personal way and we see at the time I was a young man with a new home a new car 2 beautiful healthy children. But I was living a lifestyle in the fast lane and going faster all the time and had all but had destroyed our marriage. And it was Mother's Day that I was sitting in church and I asked God to send someone to show me the way it was 2 days later that I was having lunch with a friend in a restaurant and we were discussing how we should live a better life and change our lifestyle nothing really was resolved and as I was leaving the restaurant I was backing out and I looked into the restaurant and I saw a man whom I had never met but I recognize from the newspaper I pulled my car back in and went in and I said pardon me are you Adrian Rogers and he said yes I am and I said I need to talk to you personally so he was there having lunch with breakfast with his wife Joyce we went to a separate table I shared with him my problems and he gave me his telephone numbers that call me in an hour I'll be home I went home and told Barbara what had happened and I called Dr Rogers and he asked me to come to his home I did and invited Barbara to go with me. When we got there in his study he didn't share a bunch of do's and don'ts of marriage the would be shared with us was Jesus Christ he asked us to pray and to receive Christ into our hours our lives were dramatically changed and I learned later that that Dr Rogers was to be at a meeting that morning and that the. Morning his friend had forgotten to pick him up and then he spoke audibly standing there in his kitchen and said Lord what would you have me to do today in that order impressed on him to take Joyce to breakfast and even where to take her. Was this a coincidence no it was no coincidence it was just an answer of prayer from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I too would like to testify about our lord and savior Jesus Christ I know that God is real that Jesus is the Son of God and that he died for our sins and I know that he heals broken hearts and men's broken homes and I am living proof and my husband my children are living proof that Jesus died on the cross for us and that it was not in vain and I'd like to take the opportunity to say thank you Jesus for wearing that painful crown of thorns for me and for all those here who love you and know you. Well today. You've heard the testimony of the witnesses. There were the witnesses of Jesus Friend. You've heard the witnesses of his enemies those who clamored for his bad. You've heard the witness of those who said he lives and he changes lives but now in all reverence and all humility. I want to get very quiet. And very still. Because as one more witness I'm going to call today I'm going to call today. The chief justice. Of the Supreme Court. Of the universe. The one who sits upon the bench for eternity. I'm going to ask. All know my God. What think ye. Of Christ and I want you to hear him as he said is this is my beloved son. In whom. I am well pleased just how Listen to the scripture if you will for him from 1st John here's what God says in His Holy Word or if we receive the witness of man and we have. The witness of God is greater for this is the witness of God which He has testified of His Son He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself and he that believeth not God has made him a liar because he believe with not a record that God gave of his son God Almighty out of the glory says this is my beloved son. And God has given us the written record. And God has given us the witness of the spear. But holy father. Forgive. We don't want to be impertinent but Father. They nailed him on a cross they say he was blood guilty father what do you say. God The Father says he was guilty. Guilty of love in the 1st degree guilty of loving OS and taking our kill upon himself but God. What added in us do you give. God The Father says you won't have it is this. I. Gave you evidence. He is shown to be the Son of God with power. By the resurrection. From the Dead Yet. This is the testimony rock rib evidence Jesus Christ came out of that tomb. Living risen victorious pastor how do you know. How do you know. Perhaps they made up the story perhaps since Apostles were maids and liars oh oh my friend a man may live for a lie but few if any will die for a lie the seal the testimony with their law man lied to get out of trouble not to get into trouble but if you could not keep them quiet because they knew that he had been raised from the grave and to silence then you might as well have told the sun to shine. Cox says this is my beloved Son the evidence that he's not just another religious teacher. Is that God raised Him from the dead in the book of Acts says he was shown alive by many infallible proofs. Now you've heard the testimony today. And now I'm going to ask. The jury to make a decision. I'm going to ask you now to make a solemn decision because I remind you that Jesus Christ is in your hands but I also remind you that one day you'll be in his hands. He is before you today but soon and. Perhaps sooner than you realize you will be beforehand. Now what can you do with Jesus well. You can crown him a crucified. What can you do with Jesus you can accept him are rejected. What can you do with Jesus you can confess Sam are deny him. But you cannot ignore him. Or you are face to face with the unavoidable and abbot of all Jesus Christ and you say well I will not decide you just decided not to decide which was your decision and Jesus said of your decision in Matthew 12 verse 30 he that is not with me. Is against me. You will walk out of this building today. Either under the blood or over the blood cramp of his blood Benita your feet. Or you will be under the blood of the poor goodness of sand. Don't try to pull the trick that pilot tried to pull it didn't work and it never will work the question is. What thinking of crimes watch allied do with cheese us 1st call the crisis. Imagine about it in your hand right now. Is he guilty or was he a fake a fraud an impostor of a liar a charlatan. A name. Guilty guilty of blasphemy was he guilty if so then in your heart and in your mind mark the ballot he's guilty a but if not. If you believe the only guilt he was guilty of was love in the 1st degree. That's his guilt. You believe he's the son of a God who left heaven and came suffered bled and died was buried and rose again if you believe that. In your heart and in your mind Mark you about it that way have you done it. Remember the question is not what will you do with a preacher. Not what will you do with the church not what will you do with a denomination What will you do with Jesus have you decided. Guilty or innocent. Now here's the test of your character. Are you willing by faith today. To live by that decision. It would be better never to have heard of him than to believe he's the son of God and refuse to bow the knee he's not looking for admiration. Don't tip the head you must bow the knee . Would you say right now Lord Jesus come into my heart. For a prayer like this Lord Jesus. I believe you are the Son of God. I believe you died on that cross for my sand. And I believe that God raised you from the dead I believe. I believe the testimony. That I've heard today. And now Lord Jesus. I trust you to save me. And I'll not be ashamed of your. Confession as model. Father I pray now that many. Will say yes to Jesus Christ and his wonderful main man. If you have marked your ballot for Jesus Christ if you prayed to receive Him as Savior and Lord would you write us let us know about your decision we love to rejoice with you pray for you and send you some free materials to get you started in your Christian walk and ask for the new Christian study helps when you contact us today write a said love worth finding box 38600 Memphis Tennessee 38183 or in Canada write p.o. Box 152 Maple Ridge b.c. V 2 x. 7 g. One will send you these new Christian study helps as our gift to welcome you into God's family and help you begin to grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ. The purpose of love worth finding is to do exactly what you've heard today introduce people to the person of Christ and get them grounded in rooted in God's word so they can grow and mature in Christ we do that through this broadcast our outreach around the world on television in the Internet and through printed material and we can't do this without your prayer and financial help will you call us today and let us know that your appreciate this ongoing ministry in the powerful teaching of Adrian Rogers Here's our number 187-756-8346 extension 3 our thank you is a booklet by Adrian Rogers perfect for anyone who feels out of place in today's world if you feel like you're living in hostile territory let us send you this world is not my home and though it will encourage you as you join with us financially call 1877 love God or go online to L.W.'s dot org Thanks so much for helping us continue the teaching you hear each day and with that let me thank you for listening and studying along with us in God's word and a big thank you to Matt Bryson Jeremy Williams I crisp a very inviting you back next time for more insights into God's great love work by a. Get a spiritual boost to help you focus on Jesus Christ with Dr Adrian Rogers preacher and teacher of love worth finding every weekday morning at 7 am right here on the nation's most powerful Christian Voice 670. Worldwide at 670 calle t.t. Dot com and all over Colorado in digital h.d. On a m 670. City then. Oh this is David Jeremiah was turning for me here to study the Bible together and find help and encouragement to navigate the world of life with all of its twists and turns turning. Weekend mornings at $730.00 on the mighty $670.00 k. L.t. . This is an grand lot to the daily life are they living in the Old Testament the glory of God appeared to the children of Israel as a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night as they were led in the wilderness sometimes the glory of God would surround the tabernacle and later the temple with a golden glory cloud as a manifestation of God's presence but the Bible says God's glory is no longer revealed than a cloudy fiery pillar is no longer revealed in a glowing cloud the Bible says and 1st Corinthians 316 Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you when we receive Jesus Christ by faith as our personal Savior and Lord we become display cases for God's glory think about it when others look at you what do they see maybe it's turned to clean the display case this is a man Graham Lotz. The c e m network is pleased to present Ronald Eldar and born to when. They say that history repeats itself and I'll have to admit it seems to be true actually there are 2 perfectly good reasons why history it would repeat number one human nature doesn't change number 2 God doesn't change. So in spite of all the changes in technology man still has the same needs the same hopes the same fears the same lust so we make the same mistakes over and over again and God responds to those same mistakes the same way over and over again. But before God does respond he always sins a prophet a real prophet not a fortune teller not someone with a lot of guesswork he actually talks to someone gives him a message as his go tell him there's an interesting little passage in Amos as a matter of fact that goes this way surely the Lord God will do nothing but he reveals his secret to his servants the prophets that's interesting though Amos is surely God is not going to do anything unless he 1st reveals it to the prophets the lion has roared who will not fear the Lord God has spoken who can but prophesied once God speaks to you says Amos you got a prophesies but really until

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