Transcripts for KLTT 670 AM KLTT 670 AM 20170701 130000 : co

KLTT 670 AM KLTT 670 AM July 1, 2017 130000

d comer City Denver No 95 point one and streaming worldwide at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. You on the look up but he had century who say Ah . Ah. Ah ah. Ah ah ah ah ah ah. Ah ah ah ah. American history revealed that our nation has been built by young men with a vision this vision was based upon a sincere reference of both God and Country such a man of today is a person Crawford whom God has raised up to challenge the youth of the 20th century to preserve that foundation and to build upon that for a greater. Why how do you do ladies and gentlemen you are just in time to witness youth on the March coming here from Philadelphia coast to coast on this a.b.c. Station college some of your friends night and asked them to do. As someone who plays every large day even if there's time 1st on the program the wire p.c.s. Cortex sings for you I'll never be lonesome roof over my wife at the piano. Just leave. Me. a young man who loves to make time. But the question has found the secret to joy is living in the script. Not on the. I am. 'd I am I am. 2 good it. 'd Oh of. War and I was well we're glad to have as our guest this evening a big meaty rather Reverend big media I guess we should say from the Ocean City Baptist Church in ocean city of Baghdad where certainly happy to have you on our telecast you for Christ youth on the minds tonight and we're glad to have you given a test a minute that people when you when you tell us whether you're really glad your question they'd like to know how you came to know Christ when you do that or sank you personally I'd be delighted back in 1932 I received the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior I came to Jesus as I was weary and born and sad I found in him a resting place and he has made me glad I came to Jesus and I drank of that life giving story my thirst was quenched my soul revived and now I live in him shortly after my conversion the Lord lead made to the Pine Brook Bible conference which proved to be one of the providential circumstances which God used to lead me into full time Christian service and I'm so happy tonight to stand before you as a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ happy in the service of the cave and give a why that's well you know you folks might be understood now to that we just opened our buying bread Bible conference today and we have then rolled out our cams find room shout of a good mountain brook the largest enrollment we have had in 18 years we have had them we're so glad for that and some of the weeds of past filling up and if you'd like to come to the beautiful Pocono mountains of Pennsylvania why come up near Stroudsburg it is and visit does and write to box one Philadelphia Pennsylvania for literature and we'll be happy to mail it to you there's room for everyone young people 14 years of age and of a prime broken boys and girls 6 to 14 and. Now a bill and chalk and Ruth play for you Rock of Ages. Thank you you know this week we're offering to send to our television audience lovely new picture which we've taken on by our own family and all the 4 boys Don Dick Dan and Dean that you see on this telecast every Sunday night and up. If you're of our new daughter our 6 months older daughter and also one of Mrs Crawford and yours truly I mean the post 7 of us are on this individually made photograph and we will send you one of these if you are right for yours to night to you thought on the March on a March post office box one Philadelphia Pennsylvania one of these individually made photographs are yours for the asking so don't forget to write for yours not we're going to sing on his ways are best in our new radio request number 2 songbook sing in front of people boys and girls. Who I. Am the. Law by a are right that was pretty well done but you know you folks out there should sing this one live with his mum and the word to sing about now with his come. Back yard I am. Who I Am. I am. You know we're thrilled at the wonderful way God has blessed these telecasts for these 39 weeks that we've been on the air 38 I guess with this telecast and we're glad for the way he used and why today at our opening I'm Bob I have a conference there were 60 young men and women gave their hearts to Christ and our boys and girls camps 123 gave their hearts to Christ are going to come back home better. Boys and girls for that case and these telecasts ever reach them it goes into countless thousands of homes that never darken a church door and we ended use them to Jesus Christ we're glad to purchase this radio time in faith in this television time on faith believing that you folks well backers up and pray for us and help us and send your letter off and let us know that you're back of us and help the youth reach the youth with the truth we want to wind up this contract in a real good shape and will appreciate your helping our mailing address youth on the youth on the March or Percy Crawford post office box one Philadelphia Pennsylvania from. Your letter from California Dear you home in March I want to tell you how very much we enjoyed your Sunday evening program we have a small hospital here and any of the patients who are able to come into my sitting room and they enjoy the program with me. There's a letter from Michigan Dear Mr Crawford your program but t.v. Help bring me to the Lord Jesus write him in my birth mother. Died tonight I had been under conviction for 2 days worrying night and day about losing my life with a heart in there but God This means of mental anguish to beat me down that night I cried out to God have mercy on my soul I confessed my sins and let them in and now I have the marvelous peace that comes with being They've by grace. There is one who you are their brother Crawford just want to tell you how much we enjoy your television programs you are to be highly commended for the way that you present the gospel in song and story in such an interesting and convincing way when I was visiting 2 weeks ago my host told me that every Monday morning his business associates come into the office saying I heard your friend Percy last night these men have no church can. Actions and ordinarily have no interest in the Gospel whatsoever. Down to Crawford. And occasionally my friend and I walk to the television there were not. Watch other people in that we've also watched with interest the action on the man in your face and he the. New Jersey Dear Mr Belford I am a disabled veteran of World War One and World War 2 and my wife is an invalid all we have left is our faith in God and His blessings we really enjoy the playing and singing of your wife and 4 boys for it brings much happiness to our heart her. For those fine letters and now our 4 sons Don Dick Damn I'm dealing with their mother at the piano they're going to sing when I take my vacation and have a boy sing it out now. Say when you just wait there moment please I want to talk to you you there by your television set I want to read to you a passage just group you're from the Bible you don't today are late again to me and you Chad my sister had some. I don't and a box on the porch lot on lovely little kittens and she was playing with them and enjoying them and she went out just yesterday I believe and stooped down on the parts to pick the little kittens up in the box and our copperhead snake was wrapped around the box in behind where she didn't see them and as she picked up the box with all the little kittens and the copperhead snake reached up and just. When after. Oh I became black and then rushed to the hospital she's in there however in between life and death but they. I'd rather have that happen to my boy and have him died trusting Jesus Christ. Than to be like some of you and go through life without a whole without knowing Jesus Christ as your Savior and be lost and go to hell for all eternity and I want to talk to you about that come on now let me talk to you about that and I back up what I'm going to say I want to read to you from the Bible live the 18th chapter the temp verse to man went up into the temple to pray one of prayers and so on and one of public the public in standing on fire I would not live so much as I have been but smote upon his breast saying the mercy of both to me a sinner. And Jesus said I tell you this man went down to his house justified to man one of their see one of publican and like he had trouble he was in trouble there was a man and a man who was a problem was one who had sold out he was or do but when the Romans came in and took over he turned a tax collector he sold out to the government and as a result was collecting taxes for the Roman government from his own people and they hated it he hated them the Jews hate that he was not turncoat he'd sold out of his own people and he was hated by the Judy was hated by everyone and he was determined to take all the good in greed and sometimes they were very crooked and this man apparently was one of such and he were way down to the bottom but he wanted God He had a hungering for a god he wanted to know reality he wanted to know what sins were forgiven away down at the bottom Jesus said He came one day there prayed to man this man came down church and he stood there and he prayed and prayed God be merciful to me a sinner down the bottom and you know I was thinking as I read that today a man's extremity is God's opportunity when you reach the place where you're desperate when you lose your job when your friends turn against you when you're sick of your sound when you're sick of your sin and you're dead I mean I'm not. A year of things on you and you're all washed up like a man wrote me a while back he said I'm a washout I was right that's the place God does something for you and there are many of you deny just right in that condition Old lot of you have money a lot of you have lecture you've got a lovely television sets and you've got a lovely home your god made in Cardiff or away down the way that you're just like this man you have no job no satisfaction all of these in your heart and you need but this man his plight was desperate Jesus said He came and he stood there and he prayed and I want to swear I was just right here is a prayer he said God be merciful to me a sinner was an elaborate you know I read a while back some years ago that a man who opened Congress preacher I've made the greatest player ever prayed I don't know about that Jesus made some beautiful bears but this man made a prayer that was a hard lesson he said the most of all to me a sinner God be a Mars of all what a prayer what a prayer of prayer of desperation you know what is going to break gone toward me is that when Dollar lookers upon the mercy seat. In other words when you when you looked on the mercy seat of all did you know that there was forgiveness there and here here was forgiveness and he said not gone be that way be that toward me be merciful to me as sin that opens have them day and my brand God has brought you to that place tonight where you'd wake up to the fact that you're I really helpless in your sound again heaven and he you gotta admit defeat you've got to reach that place that he was so disgusted with him soundly beat upon his breast and said God be merciful to me 1900 years ago Jesus went to Calvary and died on the prosper centers in order to do my be taken by heaven and have your sins washed away and then the paid Jesus said this man not the other one this man I'll tell you about the other one maybe next week this man went to his house just the 5. He'd never see why because you had no tome because someone had taken his place and taken his sins and on the crash Jesus died that you might have like the would have life eternal I went through a cemetery the other day and I saw a lot of a lot of lovely. Things written on the tombstone they were beautiful but. I'd like to have on mine someday justified. Just put all the summons you want done but I won't bother me but I love flowers I won't smell of it maybe I'm bragging think anybody will but a flower on my tombstone. Doesn't make any difference but if you can put justified just visit you have never seen. A rail. And a night there by your television set my friend we offer you are Savior I care not how low down you are you need to pray the publicans prayer that this man prayed God be merciful to me a sinner if you're going to get that when you know that we've done it we're glad we have we want you to do the same thing right now may we have our heads in a word of prayer. You. Are. Heads are bowed and eyes are just before I have prayer. We have nothing to say. We have nothing to advertise on this program except the Son of God the Lord Jesus who wants to come into your heart. How many of you right there now by your television set I know you have your friends around. Don't be ashamed of the Lord. Your head right there now and say God be merciful to me a sinner. Saved me for Jesus a. 100 to doing it throughout the nation. Why don't you. Get on the track know the joy of having your sins forgiven to let us close now remember you are the . Great Father blessed be May there be a great many from coast to coast tonight looking in on this little program may they come to trust state and know that Christ died for their sins and go before the world that God was blunt and let them laugh and sneer. But May they be justified in their hearts because Christ died but we pray in Jesus by the name Amy. Friend you have written by the Reverend Percy. America's nationally known pioneer television. I would like to remind you that this word of you from the March is you know more of work and we need the encouragement of each one of you at this work might carry on. Remember please to pray and help you reach the you with who. This week we're offering to send to those who write in and as far as the new 950 picture of the Crawford family doctor and business proffers their 4 sons and their new little daughter. These pictures that so many have requested during the years I have been taken to Pine Brook each summer Andrew a nice home from the Crawfords to their friends each year at this time right before yours today to Percy Crawford argue on the March post office box one Philadelphia Pennsylvania Be sure to tell your friends to look in on us next Lord's day same time same a.b.c. Station. Or. The preceding program originally telecast by a.b.c. And the ark is Qandil by a special video recording this is a.b.c. The American Broadcasting Company this is k l t t Commerce City Denver broadcasting in h.d. Digital radio and online at 670 k l t t v dot com. The truth is many people are defeated in their life every day because they are ignorant of the schemes of the devil know what is a scheme a scheme is a mob the. And plot all plan with a very specific objective in mind which is to defeat or undermine in some fashion and when we talk about the snare us there is simply a trap and that is say is that attempting to trap to catch us to capture by his scheming underhanded plotting way getting at tension all by Lord Jesus Christ or some. Welcome to in touch with Dr Charles Stanley soldiers where camouflage to prevent easy detection allowing them to get close to their target today Dr Stanley shares how Satan uses a similar method to attack the leaders learn to defeat your spiritual enemy by recognizing his tactics and avoid being smeared by the scheme. Temptation is a fact of life and it's not going away does it make a difference how young you are or how old you are temptations always going to be with us so you can't run from it that doesn't mean that you're not to fully in the midst of temptation but you can't run an escape from 10 patient in a life and the reason is because Satan has the great tempter is always going to be there attempting to accomplish his purpose and if someone should ask you what is Satan's ultimate bottom line purpose this is it Satan's bottom line purpose in your life and mine and everyone else's is the energy in a does from God that is he wants to alienate does in this life and our fellowship with Him or a person is lost it is the alienate that person from God for all the trying to do but a nation to interfere with f l a ship and to divide us and separate us from God is always his ultimate goal. Whatever the temptation is you and I know that when Satan comes to was with that temptation he has found he already knows that there is an area of weakness there and so what does he do in his. Aiming plotting to defeat he uses what he knows will always at least get our attention so I want to title this message snared by the schemer and I want to talk about in this message what I believe is his choice this method of defeating us if you just think about all the words by which Satan is described and he's called you know the evil one the murderer of the lie the prince of the powers of the air he has many 1000000 names but it's interesting how he's described and what is alluded to him in 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 and verse 11 I want you to turn their problem and if you will 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 verse 11 and Paul is writing to the Corinthians here and talking about their conduct and so forth and he comes to the 10th verse and it's interesting how he links these 2 things together when he says but whom you forgive anything I forgive also for indeed what I have forgiven if I have forgiven anything I did for your sakes in the presence of Christ and all of that noted bandage be taken of us by Satan but we're not ignorant of his schemes and so he says forgiveness is a very important part of a Christian life in protecting ourselves from Satan schemes but notice that last phrase that I want to deal with we are not ignorant of his schemes the truth is many people are defeated in their life every day because they are ignorant of the schemes of the devil know what is a scheme a scheme is an underhanded plot all planned with a very specific objective in mind which is to defeat or undermine in some fashion and we talk about the snare as there is simply a trap and that is Satan is attempting to trap us to catch us to capture us by his scheming underhanded plotting way of getting our tension off of our Lord Jesus Christ and on to something else so what I would like for us to do is to look at the. Scheme that Satan use is and to think about it in terms of maybe how you and I have been tempted and things and how he uses this ad in the best way to describe this is the use and care it is the illustrated with some characters of the Old Testament the 1st of all let me state it say choices way to cause us to be snared in Temptation is the do this. His choice method is the get out of focus of the big picture of life and narrow it down to the one single thing he's going to use this narrow us and what he does is he simply alters their focus get it out the big picture down to the single thing you think about this for a moment when you tempted by anything the intensity of the temptation increases to the proportionate to the degree you focus on the object of temptation . That is to the degree to which your focus is geared and is directed to that object of temptation to that degree is the intensity of that temptation and so what does he do he simply attempts to get our focus narrowed down well let's start if you will in Genesis Chapter 3 with Aids. And notice what the object here is you'll notice that verse 3 the serpent was more crafty he was the schemer and that's why Paul's says inefficient Chapter 6 when to put on the whole armor of God to protect ourselves from us against the schemes the trickery those underhanded scheming tactics of say so he says to her indeed has God said You shall not eat from any tree of the garden and then they carry on the woman said to the serpent from the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden God has said You shall not eat from it or touch it lest you die the serpent said the

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Radio Program , Judeo Christian Topics , New Testament Words And Phrases , God , Christian Theology , Biblical Phrases , Theology , Christian Terms , American Talk Radio Hosts , Television , American Journalists , Jesus , Drawing , Christian Religious Leaders , Hebrew Bible Words And Phrases , Postal System , Names Of God , Hebrew Bible Topics , Shell , Abrahamic Mythology , Christian Soteriology , Sayings Of Jesus , Christian Mythology , Satan , Media Formats , Social Issues , Emotions , Radio Kltt 670 Am , Stream Only , Radio , Radioprograms ,

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