He gave it. Bob, talk about now, the challenges for sum within as they transition from booing a candidate to trying to govern and becoming filling that office, the awesomeness of the office and the responsibilities that go with it. I think we are kind of in unchartered territory now. We, really dont know. This is this is a totally new and different group. Than we have seen arrive in washington before. And i dont think where this goes from here. I mean it is different. Its this was a different campaign. And what happens now is different as well. I think it is encouraging to say he wants to reach out to all americans. Campaign is over. The work is just beginning. That he wants to do a good job for everybody. We havent heard him speak that way before. Because he said he wanted partnership, not conflict. Which was also something that, the first person to become president of the United States without having held Previous Elected Office since dwight eisenhower. He did it without the advantage of having won world war ii. Here is the immediate challenge for him. The rhetoric was basically about as good as we have heard from him and you could deliver. He will have a Supreme Court seat to fill right Hillary Clinton would probably not have. Talking to republicans in the senate. They would have voted him through. So he has a Supreme Court. Supreme court fights get nasty pretty fast. There is that. Plus, the, dismantling of obama care. The building of the wall. His policy agenda. Right away. Is is one that, that is going to require some, some massaging. So that will be interesting. Where he puts his marker as he starts to talk about. And a republican congress. There is a filibuster in the senate. They filibuster the senate. His Supreme Court nominee. Which will return the court to being a conservative majority. Then you are going to have a fight in washington. You dont know where the other part its. This is going to be. I dont care what you see. This is going to be greet with surprise. Around the world. Maybe, maybe, russias pleased with it. As as we were hearing. From, from our reporter. Inos i dont know how the rest of the world is going to react with, to this, except with surprise. Theyre going to find it hard to believe. I think. Theyll probably react depending on how he maintains a sense that he did in this speech or in terms of the people that he chooses, selects to be in his cabinet. That will be an indication of what kind of government he wants to have. Major garrett is at the Trump Campaign headquarters. Major. Panel. Talking governing. My sources within the Trump Transition Team tell me that, as of last thursday, all of the work set before that Transition Team had been completed. Meaning they put together all of the policy binders. Put together all the binders on possible cabinet and subcabinet nominations apin theees. Put together all of the bindings on other political appointis that a future Trump Presidency should it occur might have to have ready for the work to begin rather. So that team, has been completed. And is ready for donald trump, now president elect of the United States. So when donald trump told the country tonight, he is going to got to work. He has plenty of binders and plenty of staffers on that Transition Team. Who have done the work for him. To begin that process. Couple of other observations. Donald trump has said from the very beginning of this campaign, that he saw something in america and in terms of people who wanted to be a part of a rejuvenated American Dream but felt that was no longer open to them. He tried to speak to those people. Before he spoke to anyone else. In a way. That they fundamentally understood without any filtering from any other source. And even when controversies would arise. And trumps poll numbers would dip or there would be some defections from the Republican Party over something that trump said. Those people, who heard trump trump was speaking to them tonight when he talked about a country to be proud in. A country that will aim for the best. Never accept anything less than the best. Those word always rez nated with his supporters. One last historical analogy that i have never forgotten since newt gingrich. Long term trump supporter put before me several months ago. To understand donald trump, you have to understand three american figures. Andrew jackson. A populist president who toppled a republican president who challenged the existing republican approach to business. And was a person of strength and projected strength. And pt barnum. Some one who marketed himself for the benefit of his business and image of himself. Newt gingrich told me, donald trump is a combination of all three of those figures. And his upside potential is enormous. And Downside Risk is also rather sizable. Even in the last days of the campaign, gingrich ftt would undercut the potential upside. It did not. The upside now lays before the country. Lays before trump. And his Transition Team. Guys back to you. And, nancy cordes is over at the Jacob Javits Center in new york where Hillary Clintons watch party broke up about an hour ago. Nancy . Scott, the lights are out here the they have already apart. What is so fascinating is that for all of the talk over the past many weeks about the possibility of donald trump not accepting the outcome of this election, in the end, it was Hillary Clinton and her campaign chair, john podesta speaking for her who came out after 2 00 eastern time and told everyone to go home because things were still up in the air. Yet a short time later, we can now confirm, Hillary Clinton did call donald trump to concede. So, at the end of the a concession speech at least on Election Night. I am told that there are number of Clinton Campaign officials still at brooklyn headquarters, crunching the numbers. Trying to figuree out what went wrong. Trying to figuree out if there are any voting irregularities that, they should examine or call attention to. Every Single Campaign aide i have seen here tonight, scott, has been shell shocked. They werent just confident at the beginning of the night that she was going to win, they were sure of it. There was no other possible outcome. In their mind. Not because they were cocky or being fanciful but because all of the data that they were looking at was telling them that she was going to win. And that may be part of the reason that you never saw her here tonight. Which is, just like her campaign aides, it was very difficult for Hillary Clinton to accept the news as well. Nancy cordes, thank an interesting point she makes there. About as much data, polling, money, consultants, the whole obama analytics team, could not fend off what has been an incredible uprising for change in this country and for the unique person that donald trump is. You know it will be fascinating when he starts to govern. Because a lot of times when people would say, well you know you are supposed to do it this way. Not doing it that way. Doing it the other way. In fact when things were too calm he some times would create chaos to turn the conversation on his turf. What does that look like when you govern it . May be the route to new success in a number of parts of washington that have been clotted. But it is going to be an exciting ride. And there are going to be a lot of people who need to join in the team who may not know how to work or need to learn how to work in an environment where you have got a leader who leads in that way. That will be, we have never seen a, a chief led like that. In part because the office constrains you, you cant do it. But on the other hand we thought there was a lot in politics that constrained him. Nothing did. Guys, he said all along from the very beginning. This was not a campaign. This was a movement. He made, made reference to that again tonight. A movement he says of hard working people who love their country. And at least from the numbers we are looking at right now. Close to 58 million people, agreed with him. That this is a movement. Has ceased to work. The purpose of government is to improve the lives of citizens. Our government has been just gridlocked. Its been unable to do anything. I said earlier today, you know it took him eight months to approve funds to find the vaccine for the zika virus. This is a reaction to what didnt hap men as much as it was a victory for donald trump and hispl and charlie rose has the insights of our political panel. Charlie. Scott, thank you. You can say that everybody who achieved the presidency, somehow it changes them. They cant imagine what it is look to be there and to feel the burd in of the office. And his First Official act, to accept the concession from secretary clinton, donald trump did it with some grace. And, respect for his opponent. Chris christie told me on sunday been working hard on the transition and that they have reams of books and had thought deeply about what they would do if the opportunity to girch came. I turn next to peggy noonan. Thoughts . I think his victory speech which many people including perhaps he did not know he would be making tonight. Was a very, was one that was worthy to the moment. It showed us a trump who was graver than usual, who was more serious than usual. He said things like, no dream is too big. No challenge is too great. He reached out. I think he was trying very hard, i think he was being sensitive to those he understood he had to reassure the one half of the United States of america that did not vote for him. So i thought it was equal to the moment. And i was glad to see its tone and hear its ring. Michelle . I agree. Have not heard thus far in the campaign. And, and with a cadence that we havent heard. This was perhaps his first demonstration of something as, as a leader that we hadnt seen before. He didnt throw an elbow. But he also talked about rebuilding. It will be interesting to know what that means. Is he just talking about infrastructure . Is he just talking about building the economy . Or also talking about unspooling the legacy of barack obama . Barack obamas presiy and for some people they view it as something that has been quite successful. Will he start taking apart key provisions of the obama legacy . And so it sounded quite graceful. But was he also sending a signal. That change is coming. Big change is coming. Charlie, what i keep coming become to and thinking about trumps victory. The implications we will see going forward. His coalition didnt just College Whites on an activist level, it clued steven ban non, identify themselves as white nationalists, parts of American Life that have been suppressed for a very long time. So looking for ward, i think i am a little less interested in the mechanics of a trump government and more interested what does it moon that a candidate in a lot of ways ran with a nod and wink towards those people is now the president of the United States. But whut do what does that mean for africanaman of people trump targeted in his campaign. I think that is the question that should be driving a lot of us going forward. Because i do not think we should take lightly that, those facts. The question will be will he govern differently than the way he campaigned . Often governing as some one, i think Governor Cuomo said, governing is pros and campaign and poetry. We well now see what the prose is like. That was said that was so important. Governing is one thing. Also the messages that you send. We have this odd moment in america where we are passing the baton from the nations first black president to a candidate who was endorsed by the kkk and did not denuns that. A not denounce that. As president you send a message to the electorate. Governance is one thing. But how people live and reaction on the ground is something different. About action not words. Yes, of course. But let me you love words. I do indeed. I think we have witnessed tonight something epical and grave. I think it is the beginning of a new era whose shape and form and content are not known to us. And are not clear. Whose personnel and exact direction are unknown. I want my word to be, god bless our beloved country. It was hand historic night. We all look forward to understanding how it goes from here. Back to scott and norah at the desk. Brilliant conversation there, charlie, and some really interesting points to amplify here. What is barack obama going to say . He has called donald trump unfit. He called him and what will this mean for obamas legacy . It means it is in jeopardy . January 20th, president obama is going to be standing next to donald trump at the capitol watching him being sworn in. Well, i mean, one of the first things that donald trump has said he is going to do is, roll back obamacare. Which was the president s main legacy. And what other things are going to happen here . That as you know, and he is and there are priorities here that is going to have to take place. Were looking closer into the numbers about how trump pulled off this historic victory tonight. Anthony mason has those details. Anthony . Thera. Going to look at three pillars of trumps victory. The first was, male voters. Men, he won them 53 to 41 . He also won whites without a college degree, by more than a 2 1 margin. Voters told us the call they they wanted mosten their candidate. A candidate who could bring about change. Among those voters. Donald trump won 83 . So, huge landslide in that category there. The most important quality. And finally there was a lot of talk after the access Hollywood Tape and a lot of leading republicans pulled back their endorsement from donald trump. That republicans might in fact flee from him. Well that didnt turn out to be the case today. He won nine out of ten republican voter. Gail . Certainly did, anthony. Continuing that conversation. According to the exit poll, 7 in ten said they were dissatisfied with the federal government. 58 of those who made that comment with donald trump. 36 of those went with Hillary Clinton. It goes back to what he said, from when he started this campaign, not a campaign, a movement of people. That certainly bore itself out today. Now Everybody Knows it is only the electoral vote that counts. And donald trump has won that ci the country is. Lets look at the popular vote. 57,600,000 for donald trump. 56,855,000 for Hillary Clinton. Thats the popular vote as it is being counted right now. Donald trump wins in the popular vote. Yes indeed. But its only about 1 difference. Between the two. Yes. You know, we have seen donald speech. But those 56 million who voted for Hillary Clinton there are a lot of them who believe he came to this position by playing on racial fears, he was for five years the chief advocate of the idea that president obama was illegitimate he wasnt born in the United States. There are people on the other side of this who are not just going to accept this. We will see what the shape of that response will be and whose, who becomes the voice of that response. You mentioned barack obama the he will not be the voice thoug but who, who is . Who does . And we have yet to see that part of the story play out. Yeah. Couple things. One this is really an hiss toreic achieve. In america. An historic, nothing like this ever happened. Secondly, you have to give him credit. He has achieved something that no one, from the beginning, ever believed she could do. Elaine . On the point john was making abut racial decisions. David duke tweeted this is one make no mistake about it. Our people have played a huge role in election trump, make America Great again. Now at the same time, as trump was reaching out tonight, i was reminded of the latinos that i met at the u. S. mexico border when i did a documentary, latinos for trump. Among the most passionate supporters the they felt he was the one who was going to affect change in washington they truly believed in him from the beginning despite all the controversies. Bob, what are you reflection on this morning . I remember when Richard Nixon resigned. Cbs news correspondent, roger mudd was part of the panel. After that happened. I said roger what is your reaction. He said, you know i think i want to go home and sleep a couple hours and ill come back and tell you tomorrow. This was totally unexpected. I think certainly from those of politic politics over the years, i think charlie is right. This is, this is historic. But i dont think we can say right now where this goes from here. Unexpected not because of any interest in politics. But unexpected because of the polling. The polls were telling us, polls done by many different organizations, many different times, they were all pointing in the direction of the clinton victory. The polls and the behavior of the candidate that people said was not fit the United States, so many people had found his behavior egregious, at the end of the day it really didnt matter. I take, you know i take some hope in his speech tonight. That he said he wants to reach out. That he wants to build bridges. Stand that he wants us al come together each of think that is a really great way to start in this country. There is a lot of healing that needs to happen today. If you look to your point, gail. On the questions of has the right experience and right judgment. Es numbers. Again not what people wanted. They wanted change over experience and judgment. Theyre fed up. All right. Well yeah. Change is what they will get. And it has been quite a night. We hope rerules by hope rather than fear. Well, his conciliatory victory speech tonight was certainly a very good step in a long, long next four years. We sure ar