Transcripts For KLAS CBS This Morning 20151231 : comparemela

Transcripts For KLAS CBS This Morning 20151231

in a drunk driving crash is still in mexico. >> an air canada plane crash left 21 people hurt. >> everything went to the ceiling that wasn't anchored. >> brussels has cancelled its public new year's celebration out of security concerns. paris cancelled its annual fireworks show. security. >> enrique marquez who allegedly supplied assault rifles to the san bernardino massacre couple is indicted on terrorism charges. >> the ball boy stole a game ball. >> trump has a beef with president obama. >> it's a war on hairspray. >> you can't use hairspray because it will affect the ozone. they want me to use the pump because the other one, which i really like better than going bing, bing, bing. >> in sydney fireworks lit up there. >> on "cbs this morning." >> how many world leaders do you think are just completely out of their minds? >> a pretty sizable percentage. at a certain point, your feet hurt and you're having trouble pe evaluating. >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" is presented by toyota. let's go places. welcome to "cbs this morning." i'm jeff glor with kristine johnson of our new york station wcbs. charlie rose, norah o'donnell, and gayle king are off today. legal troubles have caught up with bill cosby. he's free on bail in a sexual assault case. >> the criminal charges are the first against the man once known as america's dad. accused him of past sexual misconduct. theresa duncan is in elkins park, pennsylvania, just north of philadelphia. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the arraignment lasted less than ten minutes. bill cosby appeared composed while he was in that courtroom. he paid the required 10% of his $1 million bail and was ordered to turn over his passport. with two attorneys at his side, bill cosby carefully stepped out of a black suv wednesday to face criminal charges of sexual assault. >> mr. cosby, do you want to say anything? >> reporter: gripping a cane, the 78-year-old stumbled on the curb as he was led into the courthouse in elkins park, pennsylvania. the accusations date back to 2004, when andrea constand says cosby drugged and sexually assaulted her in his according to the 23-page complaint, cosby gave her three blue pills he claimed were herbal, and within a half hour, constand says she experienced blurred vision and difficulty speaking. >> mr. cosby urged her to take pills that he provided to her and to drink wine. the effect of which rendered her unable to move or respond to his advances. >> reporter: constand stated she awoke the next morning partially undressed. cosby gave her a muffin, walked to the front door, opened it, and said, "all right." at the time the district attorney said there was not enough evidence to charge cosby. in 2005, constand filed a civil suit, which was later settled privately. but this past july, investigators decided to reopen the case after a judge unsealed portions of depositions in which cosby admitted to giving drugs to at least one woman. "when you got the quaaludes, was it in your mind that you were going to use these quaaludes for young women that you wanted to have sex with?" cosby replied, "yes." he later said he misunderstood the question. monique presley is cosby's attorney. >> it's sad for his legal team, for his family, that he would be dragged into this. we're 12 years after an alleged assault that was fully investigated. >> reporter: for victoria valentine knowo valentino, one of 50 women who have accused cosby, it's validation. >> it means people have been link to listening to us and hearing us. >> reporter: cosby only shook his head at reporters as he left the courthouse yesterday. with cameras and helicopters taken to a local jail to be fingerprinted and booked. he's due back in court for a preliminary hearing next month. if convicted, he could spend up to ten years in prison and face a $25,000 fine. >> thank you very much. cosby's attorney monique presley is with us from washington. ms. presley, thank you for being with us. >> good morning. >> what was your client's reaction when you heard he was being charged? >> this didn't come as any surprise to us. we've been cooperating with the montgomery county d.a.'s office. >> they are saying there's significant evidence in this testimony that was unsealed by the judge. >> everyone can see that testimony. your network has had it available as well as all others. you know that this was deposition testimony that was the subject of a confidentiality agreement and what is supposed to be remain sealed, not just the portions that were judge's decision, judge robreno. but also the information illegally gained through the release of a court reporter to a media entity, the entire deposition is out there. there is nothing in that deposition where mr. cosby admits to committing any crime. in fact he denies it vehemently and speaks specifically with respect to this incident. >> however he does admit to buying quaaludes to use on women, obtaining these quaaludes to use on women. how are you going to defend that in court? >> why would we have to defend that in court? that's an admission that he makes about offering quaaludes to two specific individuals in the 1970s. ten years ago, quaaludes weren't even being made anymore. they are literally off the market. it's not something that could even be obtained. i'm certain even this hungry d.a. isn't going to assert that medicine cabinet quaaludes that are 30, 40, 50 years old, and that that's what was offered to ms. constand. >> more than 50 women have accused your client of similar acts regarding sexual assault. >> that's incorrect. more than 50 women have not accused my client of similar acts. it's easy for people like yourselves to say that more than 50 women have done that. but that is not true. >> well, 50 women have come forward and publicly stated through the press that mr. cosby allegedly sexually assaulted them, many of them have the exact same stories. how do you plan to defend that in court or will you try to stop that from being admissible in court? >> it certainly isn't admissible in court. but again, 50 women have not come forward and said they had the exact same story. someone saying that he rubbed against them or the front of their breasts at a party is not they were in an ongoing consensual adult relationship and then one evening, after multiple interactions, i believe i was drugged. those aren't the same thing. what this d.a. has to do is prove the facts of this case. >> but ms. presley, as you know, the prosecutors could persuade the judge to allow evidence from other cases into this one. you have to be prepared for that. >> there aren't previous other cases. what you mean -- >> there are allegations, as you know. as you know. >> yes, and those are all allegations for which there's no corroborating evidence, allegations from decades ago, allegations from women who never bothered to go in and make a complaint to police. and in most instances claimed they didn't tell another living soul. if a judge chooses to consider from a prosecutor such testimony, then we will deal with that at that time. >> he took a cane with him to court. is his current health status part of your defense? doesn't have anything to do with the defense for this un unsubstantiated charge. he's a 78-year-old blind man who they have chosen to charge. that's not a defense to a crime. that's just a fact. >> monique presley, thank you very much. the mother of the texas teenager involved in the so-called affluenza case is back in the u.s. tonya couch landed at los angeles airport overnight. she's accused of fleeing the country with her fugitive son. ethan couch was on probation after a deadly drunk driving crash. he's still in mexico. ben tracy is at l.a.x. with a look at the legal maneuvers delaying his return. ben, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. mother and son were separated in new mexico when tonya couch was deported back to the united states. she arrived here at l.a.x. early this morning. company. handcuffed and flanked by u.s. marshals, tonya couch was escorted out of los angeles international airport early this morning. her son ethan left behind in mexico. video from cbs dallas station ktvt appears to show the 18-year-old clad in a dark baseball hat and coat, being moved to a larger immigration facility in mexico city. on monday, mexican immigration officials detained the pair, calling for their deportation. according to u.s. marshals, the mother and son obtained local representation, who filed a appeal. >> it's a request that the court proceedings. >> reporter: mexican officials deported tonya couch for being in the country illegally, while ethan is going through a more complicated deportation process that could keep him there for several weeks. counsel. to, they could pay as much money out. >> reporter: surveillance video captured the pair in puerto vallarta before they were taken into custody. couch filled four people in a young driving accident in 2013. his defense argued that he suffered from the controversial condition "affluenza," claiming his lack of responsibility was a result of his privileged up bringing. a judge sentenced him to probation. he's expected to serve time in a juvenile city until april, when he turns 19. >> welcome to juvenile law in texas. it doesn't make sense. >> reporter: ethan couch will likely remain in mexico for at least a couple of weeks. he was just granted an injunction against his deportation, which will allow him to remain in that country. >> ben, thank you very much. parts of the midwest are under mandatory evacuation orders this morning ahead of historic flooding. already the rising water is blamed for at least 20 deaths in rivers are cresting today at record levels. more than a dozen levees are threatened. anna werner is south of st. louis where flooding just closed a major highway. anna, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. as you just said, a major highway has been shut down. interstate 55 through st. louis shut down by officials early this morning because there's several feet of water over that highway. that leaves one route with all these roads shut down, one remaining route from one county to 94another for people living in this area. this water back here, compared to what we were dealing with yesterday, this is a lot more water. what you are seeing is this is the meramec river coming in and flooding this area. and what's happening is, there are many neighborhoods just like this one where people had to evacuate as the waters rise higher than before. in fenton, raging waters washed in st. louis last night, cars slogged through a flooded i-55, as the meramec river swelled, traffic on the interstate was backed up for miles. go. it's water, but if there's anything. >> reporter: the levels have not been seen in 30 years. the flooding has killed more than a dozen people in missouri, submerging homes, bridges, and prompting dozens of rescues. >> they're our homes. they're my neighbors. we've done everything we can and we still can't beat it. >> reporter: in arnold, they're preparing for the worst flooding this area has ever seen. but their efforts may not be enough. >> we're to the point now that the sandbagging, it's not going to hold it back. we're going to lose probably anywhere from 100 to 150 homes that will be affected by this flood, if not more. the meramec, in valley park, more than 300 families were ordered to evacuate because the water could breach a levee. the severe weather has killed another five people in oklahoma. in the carolinas, floodwaters have torn through roads and forced swift water rescues and evacuations. now, this morning the national weather service is reporting that the meramec river, which is the one flooding this area, has actually crested in another part close to here called valley park. that's good news for the people living in that area. but the mississippi river has yet to crest. flooding continues in many areas. and officials say it could be several days before the flooding recedes and life can go back to normal. >> anna werner, we hope for the best. thank you. new year's celebrations are under way on the other side of the world. fireworks lit up the sky above auckland, new zealand when 2016 arrived just a short time ago. in the world to usher in the new year. security is tight in new york city's times square. a million people or more will gather there to watch the ball drop tonight. and security is also higher than usual across europe due to fears of terrorism. brussels even called off the new year's eve fireworks show. elizabeth palmer is tracking a threat from london. elizabeth, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. that's right, things are already gearing up here in london for the big celebration tonight. that's decidely not the case in brussels, where prosecutors have announced they've detained six people in connection with a suspected plot to attack the new year's celebrations. workers had no sooner built the stage for the traditional fireworks display than it was taken down again. the expected crowd of tens of thousands was judged just too big a risk. after the arrest on tuesday of two men suspected of planning a terrorist attack on the new and this morning, as soldiers were out and on patrol in public areas, there was news of yet another arrest in the brussels suburb of molenbeek, linked to the terrorist attacks in november. it was home to salah abdeslam, the one attacker still on the run. belgium's stepped-up security is a sign that police are working to disrupt the terrorist attack networks. the capital is tense. that don't mean people won't come together to ring in the new. this man manages a brussels nice club. >> i really believe the people from brussels need to go out and party and gather, to bond together. >> reporter: and ken kinsella agrees. >> it's buckling to the threat of terrorism. we should stand up to them. memory of the attacks is still fresh, a planned fireworks display has been cancelled. thousands are expected to come out anyway, according to tradition, to welcome in the new year on the champs elysee. they'll be out here in london too, 100,000 people will be standing right where i am a few hours from now to welcome 2016. >> elizabeth palmer, thank you very much. 21 air canada passengers are recovering this morning from injuries caused by heavy mid-flight turbulence. flight 88 diverted to calgary on wednesday after hitting the rough air. passengers say it was terrifying. >> we felt we were dying. like you see in the movies where they all go up to the ceiling. everything went to the ceiling that wasn't anchored. >> whoever didn't put their seatbelts on was flying up. >> my legs were shaking when it started. like you were in midair. i just fell back down. >> some of the passengers were taken off the plane on stretchers. none of the injuries are considered life-threatening. >> thankfully. some of your favorite toothpaste and soaps are in for a change. ahead, the tiny ingredient that will soon become illegal in order to help the environment.coat this morning if you are going to be out for very long... temps are steadily dropping to near freezing already with clear skies. ............ some neighborhoods will make it to freezing and a little below again by daybreak... then the winds will pick up through the afternoon. we'll keep the sunshine... but then as the day goes on... the winds increase. fireworks? that's the mill bill cosby and his accuser appear in court in a couple of weeks. ahead, rikki klieman on the legal twists and turns this legal case is likely to take. >> the news is back in the morning on "cbs this morning"." announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places!he reliable camry. did you know, 90% of camrys sold in the last 10 years are still on the road today? but hurry, our biggest event of the year won't last long. right now at 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[music] no, no, no, no, people are both soft and strong... yey! which is why our products are too. angel soft. and fever, there's no such thing as a little flu. and it needs a big solution: an antiviral. so when the flu hits, call your doctor right away and up the ante with antiviral tamiflu. prescription tamiflu is an antiviral that attacks the flu virus at its source and helps stop it from spreading in the body. tamiflu is fda approved to treat the flu in people two weeks of age and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu, tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion, or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. anti-flu? go antiviral with tamiflu. discover card. how can i help you? oh, you're real? you know i'm real! at discover, we're always here to talk. some companies just don't appreciate the power of conversation! you know, i like you! i like you too! at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card and talk to a real person. after trying brookside crunchy clusters, @carlybeyar tweeted: at this point, i should just be a brookside chocolate ambassador. well, i am sorry, carly... it's something you earn. brookside. still ahead, the elite italian food fighting fraud in your pantry. a preview of sunday's "60 minutes." >> kraft beer goes to school. the next ((denise valdez)) > just into the newsroom.. we've learned 17 adults and 19 children are displaced after an overnight apartment fire. it happened near maryland parkway and vegas valley drive... the red cross is helping residents to make sure everyone has a place to stay... no word on any injuries. we will update you as soon as we find out more information./// > local law enforcement have a plan in place... to make sure people stay safe on the strip for new year's eve. more than 330- thousand people are expected to come to the valley to celebrate. there will be as many as 14- hundred officers on the strip and downtown... in uniform -- on horseback -- and under cover. clark county is working with multiple agencies to protect against a potential attack: (((john steinbeck, deputy fire chief & clark county emergency manager: "we have the people here from different agencies from the red cross to state agencies to metro, clark county fire, the health district all in one room that can go ahead and provide that support." whether it's a health crisis, if it's a natural crisis, a manmade crisis, we're ready to handle." )) officers are asking people not to bring any bulky bags or strollers to the strip... if you do so, you could be quick check on your commute pecos. lake mead works as an east-west alternate. accident on southbound i-15 past charleston. the right shoulder is blocked, which is slowing down traffic moving through the right lane. < > < ((sherry swensk)) grab your warm coat this morning if you are going to be out for very long... temps are steadily dropping to near freezing already with clear skies. ............ some neighborhoods will make it to freezing and a little below again by daybreak... then the winds will pick up through the afternoon. ................. we'll keep the sunshine... but then as the day goes on... the winds increase. it willtt2waty#`*4 p bt@q4 8 tt2waty#`*4 p "a@q$,\ tt2waty#`*4 p bm@q/'p tt4waty#`*4 r dztq 4* tt4waty#`*4 r entq d.@ tt4waty#`*4 r gzt& ])8 tt4waty#`*4 r hnt& m't tt4waty#`*4 r iztq 'n, tt4waty#`*4 r jntq 5>l tt4waty#`*4 r lzt& -s0 >> 5-4-3-2-1! happy new year! rehearsals. times square underwent last-minute checkup on wednesday. i wonder if people get confused when they are in that area. you don't know what time it is, whatever else. the ball weighs about six tons and put in 32,000 l.e.d. lights and millions of people are expected to gather in times square to see the ball descend at midnight tonight. it's already new year's in other parts of the world. >> it is supposed to be mild tonight. >> supposed to be great the next few days. welcome back to "cbs this morning." this half hour, bill cosby was charged with sexual assault nearly 12 years after an encounter with his accuser. legal expert rikki klieman is in our toyota green room. good morning. we will ask her why prosecutors took so long to file the case. a new law bans microbeads used in every from body scrubs to toothpaste. is threatening america's time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. >> iran officials say it would violate a landmark nuclear deal. it targets companies in iran and hong kong and united arab emirates. >> enrique was charged on wednesday. he was also charged with marriage fraud. marquez faces up to 50 years in prison. the "new york post" reports on the funeral for the new york city detective killed by a suicide bomber in afghanistan. thousands of people in uniform lined the streets of manhattan on wednesday to say farewell to joseph lemm, he was one of six american troops killed ten days ago. his father's casket as it was carried into the st. patrick's cathedral. advocates say it could have prevented the amtrak crash in philadelphia that killed eight people in may. a bill signed this month extends a deadline to install the speed control system until the end of 2020. amtrak says the system is working on its tracks that it owns between washington and new york. "the washington post" says north pole temperatures reached the melting point on0 degrees above average for late december. we want to go back now to the bill cosby case. it is the first criminal charge filed against him. cosby is accused of drugging and the 78-year-old seemed frail as he made his way into court on wednesday. he carried a cane and stumbled on a curb. cbs news legal expert rikki klieman is with uc now. she is a former prosecutor and a defense attorney. good morning. >> good morning. >> we heard his defenseton pretty much shrug off the issue about obtaining the quaaludes that he admitted in his deposition, said that she didn't need to defend that. do you agree with that? >> i think what you have in his defense lawyers are great lawyers who are really fierce advocates and doing what they should be doing now. when you look at the quaalude issue, the deposition that became public in july from a civil case brought by this complaining witness, this alleged victim andrea constand, does not say that he sexually assaulted her by the use of drugs. get quaaludes to use with women for sex. now, that takes us in a whole, what the lawyers would call a frolic of their own. that is not a facetious comment but a lawyer comment. because back in the '70s and '80s, quaaludes were often used by consenting adults so that is what this lawyer is talking about. however, i think the quaaludes are least of anyone's worries when defending bill cosby today because there is so much else that the cosby lawyers have got to attempt too keep out of evidence, and what about all those prospective jurors have heard 40 or 50 men allege some kind of sexual conduct. >> is that an issue? >> i think it's an issue because you have to have people who have not heard of this or people who simply say i've heard about all of this but i can cast it aside. the notion that there are 40 or 50 other women out there. it even came up in your interview with the lawyer, because the vast majority of the public believes that all of these other alleged victims are people who suffered exactly the same fate that this woman, andrea constand, said she suffered, even though the details may be different. and, by the way, the devil is in the details here. so you're a defense lawyer in this case. if you are the defense lawyer, what do you have to do? 2016 is going to be the year of motions in this case. the defense has got to be fast and furious and slow and deliberate all at the same time. every single thing that they do not want in this case, they have got to go to the court early and say keep it out. try the numbers. only what happened between andrea constand and bill cosby. >> one of the things that makes this case so interesting two the wider umbrella case with all of the allegations from all of the other women and the particulars of this case. monique presley doesn't want to talk about any other women right now. >> of course, she doesn't. >> the question is how much do they have to? >> the real question is how this judge will rule. a conservative judge would like to get a conviction that does not get reversed on appeal. so will a conservative judge say i'm keeping out what we call all of the prior bad acts and all of the other alleged victims and only let that in should mr. cosby testify, or will a more open judge say, hey, it's a common scheme plan and it's all going in. >> my suspicion we may be talking to you more about this case in 2016. >> i'm keeping the file. >> rikki klieman, thank you very much. happy new year. >> happy year. >> activists are applauding a new law signed by president obama this week. it outlaws microbeads that are used in personal care products. demarco morgan shows us how the making the rivers dirty. >> reporter: it is known as the microbead free water asked and passed congress by bipartisan support and to eliminate tiny plastics many of us use every day. microbeads are tiny pieces of plastics found in many health and beauty products including soap and body scrub and toothpaste and used to exfoliate or add polish. they are are a big concern for environmental scientists. they say the tiny particles are a source of ocean and lake pollution. >> we know the fish from our great lakes is in their bodies and ts going back tour face and body. >> reporter: he found microbeads in the san francisco bay and in high concentrations in the great lakes. not all water treatment plants are able to filter them out. >> they are absorbing industrial and even oil drops from cars will stick to these micro plastics and microbeads. at that point, they can enter the food chain. >> reporter: a single cosmetic product can contain up to 300,000 nonbiodegradable microbeads. in september they were banned. assembly member is thrilled that congress is following california's lead. >> it's very significant, because you're going to have 50 states doing the same thing. i have no doubt that this is going to spread now to other countries and the longer we have these pollutants in the environment, the harder it is to take action to effectively clean up after them. >> reporter: the law passed surprisingly quickly but not immediate. the new federal law prohibits the manufacture of products of >> i read that microbeads can cover a tennis court daily. >> these products are all over the place. >> but i do like them. therapy great for the skin. >> something wrong with everything. let's he just put that out there. >> italy's government is fighting the mafia. "60 minutes" takes us inside the we will be right back. quilted northern works so well people can forget their bathroom experience. just like they forgot conductor randy, who sees all and forgets nothing. at least he's not constable bob. everyone needs a bff. even your smile. colgate optic white toothpaste goes beyond surface stains to whiten over 3 shades. than the leading express whitening strip. it's your smile bff. italy is known for its high quality food products including extra virgin olive oil but some bottles may not contain what is on the label. and the mafia is to blame. knockoff ofs olive oil and fine wine and cheese and bread is part of a 16 billion dollar a italian authorities call it the agro mafia. bill whitaker went to italy to meet the police who are standing up to the mob. >> reporter: leave it to the italians to fight the mafia with good taste. this panel certifies the authenticity of extra virgin olive oil. a favorite target of the agra mafia. they can tell at first sip whether extra virgin has been diluted with cheap sunflower oil or canola. why do they make that sound like they are sucking in air? >> they need it to meet it on the back of the throat. >> reporter: suck it in to the back of the throat? >> they have to suck it in. >> reporter: major sergio tero is considered one of the top investigators of food fraud in think eliott ness in a uniform designed by giorgio armani. >> most of it's been sdlovereddiscovered. >> reporter: their skills are to expected italian reports will accept taste results as evidence. he has 60 cops trained to do this too. and 1,100 more inspecting fraud investigations. on the day we visited headquarters, officers were monitoring wiretaps and live video placed in suspected warehouse around italy. this looks like the fbi. >> yeah, we can call us the phishfbi of food. >> watch "60 minutes" to see more. that is sunday right here on cbs. you want to get what you paid for, right? >> absolutely. >> some of this olive oil is >> i've never sipped olive oil for that. >> i hear it's wonderful for your complex. >> complexion. >> it's my secret. don't tell anybody. a photographer looks back on the year that was. ahead some of his favor photos of announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by [cough, cough] mike? janet? cough if you can hear me. don't even think about it. i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. yeah...but what about mike? he has that dry scratchy thing going on. guess what? it works on his cough too. cough! guess what? it works on his cough too. what? stop! don't pull me! spoiler alert! only mucinex dm relieves bothwet and dry coughs for 12 hours with two medicines in one pill. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. discover card hey! so i'm looking at my bill and my fico credit score's on here. awesomesauce! the only person i know that says that is... lisa? julie? we've already given more than 175 million free fico credit scores to our cardmembers. apply today at feel a cold sore coming on? only abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. it penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells.. don't tough it out, knock it out, fast. abreva. after trying brookside crunchy clusters, @carlybeyar tweeted: at this point, i should just be a brookside chocolate ambassador. well, i am sorry, carly... it's something you earn. brookside. talk about delicious. (cell phone rings) where are you? well the squirrels are back in the attic. mom? your dad won't call an exterminator... can i call you back, mom? if you're a mom, you call at the worst time. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. where are you? it's very loud there. are you taking a zumba class? this photo right here shows president obama walking through the rose garden in april. on his way to sign a bill into law. white house chief photographer pete sousa chose it as one of the best images he and his staff took in 2015. aid interrupting the congress. you can see his image on the photo on the right. another image shows the president not hesitating to move the oval office furniture around. he also helped pull the sofa back into place after this group photo here. in february he took this photo to highlight the size of nba legend shaquille o'neal! look at that! when he met the president! shaq is 7'1" and the president is a foot short. >> shaq is an enormous man. jerry seinfeld hopped in a corvette to talk with the president. >> just say i'm the president. >> daryl, can you open this up? >> sorry, i can't lie. >> that is unbelievable. >> the car is amazing, isn't it? the president failed to escape the white house after a coffee with the comedian. i want that vehicle!e pro 4. a new screen, for new perspectives. we reinvented the surface pro, so you can reinvent everything else. i don't have like a pair of jeans i'm trying to get into; i've been down that road honey child. and i don't have like a dress or some big red carpet thing i have to do. im really just looking at 2016, as the year of my best body; that's what i want for you too. lets let 2016 be the year of our best bodies. eucerin intensive repair doesn't just moisturize dry skin, it intensively repairs it. with a unique triple action formula that exfoliates hydrates and fortifies skin. leaving it looking healthy and radiant. with intensive repair, the flu virus. it's a really big deal. and with fever, aches, and chills, mom knows it needs a big solution: an antiviral. don't kid around with the flu, call your doctor within the first 48 hours of symptoms and ask about prescription tamiflu. an antiviral that helps stop it from spreading in the body. tamiflu in liquid form is fda approved to treat the flu in people two weeks of age and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion, or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. anti-flu? go antiviral with tamiflu. to do great things, sometimes you gotta break the rules. the all new surface pro 4. a new pen for new masterpieces. we reinvented the surface pro, so you can reinvent bhoolsuwan)) > developing at this hour.. more than two dozen people have been displaced after an overnight apartment fire. michael stevens is just arrived on scene and has the latest near maryland parkway and vegas valley drive. michael? ((michael stevens)) (( )) want to check on your commute after a wreck near charleston. right shoulder still blocked down there, so leave a little early to get to work on time. the strip is pretty quiet right now, but between 5:45pm and 6:00 pm, metro will start clearing traffic off the boulevard to get things rolling for new year's eve. i'm going to be on strip tonight for our big new year's eve show... it's cold now sherry, same deal tonight? < > < > < good morning to ow our viewers in the west. it's thursday december 31st, 2015. more news ahead including the 2016 has all right arrived in australia. we'll show you more of the celebration, but first today's eye opener at 8:00. he paid the required 10% of his $1 million bail and was ordered to turn over his passport. >> there was nothing in that deposition where cosby admits to committing any crime. he denies it vehemently. there are many neighborhoods just like this one where people had to evacuate as the waters rise higher than before. mother and son were separated when tanya couch was extradited to the united states. >> brussels police have announced they have arrested six people in connection with new year's eve plots. >> and some people are recovering this morning from heavy mid flight turbulence. look, look, they get it down what a pass! what a pass from pasol? happy new year too! there it is, happy new year, a happy new year in sidney, australia. there. >> indeed. no new york, charlie, gayle and norah are off. bill codsbycosby's attorney says he will be acquitted of charges. the attorneys walked the entertainer into the courthouse outside philadelphia. more than 50 women have accused cosby of some kind of sexual misconduct. constand. she first told police about her alleged encounter with cosby the complaint says cosby invited her to his home in 2004 to plans. pills. within a half hour, constand says her legs felt jelly like, he can't remember anything because everything became blurry and dizzy. >> and he committed aggravated, indecent assault upon her. >> investigators reopened this case after a judge unsealed portions of his deposition earlier this year, in them cosby admitted to obtaining drugs to give to women. we asked cosby's attorney about that earlier this morning. >> he does admit to buying quaaludes on women. how are you going to defend that in court? >> why do you have to defend that in court? two women in the 1970s. quaaludes are off the market, they cannot be obtained anymore. they are not hiding in his medical cabinet. >> cosby now 78 years old, faces up to 10 years in prison and a $25,000 if convicted. los angeles police are holding the mother of the teenager in the so-called after flue after flew wen a case. she's facing charges for allegedly helping her son flee to mexico. >> a video captured the pair in a puerto vallarta taco shop. couch who's on probation after a deadly drunk driving crash. he's still in mexico, undergoing a more complicated deportation process. and rising rivers in the midwest are seeing flooding not seen in more than a decade. the meramec river river south of st. louis is more than 20 feet above flood level. it forced i-55 to close this morning. more than a dozen levees could be breached. hundreds of families were ordered to evacuate in valley park, missouri. emergency crews have performed dozens of water rescues there. presidential candidates are squeezing in all the campaigning they can before the end of the year. donald trump attacked president bill clinton again in his final rally of 2015. jan crawford in washington looks ahead at how the campaigns are preparing for 2016. jan, happy new year and good morning. >> thank you, happy new year to what we have got here is basically every republican candidate who's not named donald trump is scramble to become the trump alternative. >> the husband is one of the great abusers of the world? give me a break. donald trump bragged about his clinton. >> he's demonstrated a penchant, i demonstrated a penchant for sexism. me. nobody respects women more than donald trump. that i can tell you. nobody. >> reporter: trump had fired back that the real sexist is clinton's husband bill, a point that has the democratic front under changing her tune. >> she gets up and makes a speech that doesn't even mention anything about sex issism or anything else. i wonder why. >> reporter: before his clinton. in 2008, he called the impeachment hearing in the wake of the affair with white house intern monica lewinsky, he said it was his choice, it was monica. i mean terrible choice. i mean other republican candidates stuck the to more traditional attacks against one another. continuing his bus tour across iowa, marco rubio pushed back against chris christie's allegations of him shirking responsibilities. christie stood behind his attack. >> it would be nice if he took a day and showed up. that's all. >> jeb bush had a built of a hard time as he cancelled $20 billion in campaign ads and he jokingly called katrina sheeny he called it a light hearted comment about her forcefulness, he said. seattle's space needle is an icon of the 1960s. edge technology is tak prent president obama takes a shot his comic interview. jane didn't like restrictions. not in life. and not when it came to watching her calories. why settle on taste? jane thought. that's why jane loves light & fit greek nonfat yogurt. bursting with rich creamy awesomeness and 12 grams of protein. all for 80 calories. no settling here. what else does jane love? that you could win a fitbit flex from light & fit. learn more on specially marked packs. light & fit. feel free to enjoy. how else do you think he gets around so fast? you've always wanted during the winter event. hurry, offers end january 4th! i did it.... i did it too... they took nature's bounty hair, skin and nails, it's a vitamin supplement that nourishes from the inside... with biotin for beautiful hair and strong nails. and vitamin c and e for vibrant skin. give it a month, if your hair, skin and nails don't look and feel more beautiful, we'll give you your money back. i did it...and i feel beautiful. take the nature's bounty hair, skin and nails challenge, visit for details. fir the first family will ring in the new year in hawaii. but this morning, we have some new insight into their life at the white house. president obama headlined last night's season premier of jerri signfeld's online series, comedians in cars getting coffee. chip reid is traveling with the president in honolulu. chip, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, usually jerry seinfeld only invites comedians to appear with him on this show that was taped at the white house earlier this month. and jerry seinfeld says the enough funny lines to qualify. >> you ready? >> i got some stuff to do. >> reporter: if you were expecting a conversation percolating with domestic and foreign policy. well, that's just not jerry seinfeld's brand. >> are these washed? >> a lot. let's go. let's go get some coffee. >> reporter: not that there's anything wrong with that. >> i do really well with the zero to 8 demographic. >> oh, really? >> oh, yeah, definitely. partly because my ears are a little bit big and i look a little bitlike a cartoon character. and little kids won't say my name, but it's all one big name. it's barackobama. >> jerry wasn't the only one with an american muscle car. >> you don't have this here. >> reporter: a leader of the comedy world strolls the white house grounds with the leader of the free world and like the coffee, the conversation flowed. >> how far can you wanter around up there in your underwear? how far can you get before cool? wandering around in my underwear. first night, and we're sleeping in the white house. >> right. >> it's not like a hotel room. so you're looking around, you're like, what the hell is this, right? >> now it's a museum. >> that's how it feels for probably the first week. >> reporter: the 61-year-old comedian pulled back the curtain on the 44th commander in chief with a surprisingly candid conversation. >> how many world leaders do you think are just completely out of their mind? you know, you eve made like a ridiculous amount of money. >> so much more than you. and yet, how do i seem to you? do i seem spoiled? out of touch? >> well, i don't know. >> you have a pretty good instinct for people. >> right now you seem like a completely normal guy. >> i'm putting on an act, just like everybody else does for you. >> that's my point. >> watch out people. >> and when you're at the president's house, it's only polite to let him drive. >> i like the hand hanging over the wheel. >> i mean, you got to do that. you can't be doing that. i'm and appreciably cooler than i was two minutes ago. >> reporter: usually when the president does quirky tv shows, he squeezes in a plug for his health care law, but he does by the way that car was a 1963 corvette stingray which was a treat for the president who usually gets to drive nothing but a golf cart. >> that was so funny seeing him behind the wheel. >> especially just doing circumstance isless around the white house. one of america's most famous buildalings buildings is flying higher than ever. >> reporter: i'm on top of seattle in the halo of the world space needle. if you want to do this, we'll show you how coming up on "cbs this morning." did you know that meeting your daily protein needs actually helps to support your muscle health? get the protein you need. each serving has 15 grams of protein to help maintain muscle, plus 26 vitamins and minerals including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones. boost high protein is the #1 selling high protein complete nutritional drink and it has a great taste-guaranteed! help get the nutrition you need everyday with boost high protein. available at these fine retailers. everyone needs a bff. even your smile. colgate optic white toothpaste goes beyond surface stains to whiten over 3 shades. in fact, it whitens more than the leading express whitening strip. it's your smile bff. whiten more just by brushing. [music] no, no, no, no, people are both soft and strong... yey! which is why our products are too. angel soft. when your cold makes you wish... could stay... bed all day... new theraflu expressmax. one mor look at the midnight fireworks over sydney, australia. the first major city to start the new year. happy new year to our friends over there. the display kicks off a wave of massive pyrotechnic shows around the world. seattle will present america's largest structured launched fireworks display and that structure is the world famous space needle and ben tracy shows us how the tower, built more than 50 years ago is using high tech to build a promising future. >> reporter: for more than 50 seattle. a needle in a haystack of downtown buildings. the space needle was built as the centerpiece of the 1962 world's fair. see you in seattle >> reporter: millions came to marvel of the technologies of the future and touch tone dialing and satellite transmission made their debuts here. and the space needle seem to literally point towards progress. >> early '60s, they are doing noon. anything is possible. >> reporter: karen olson is a work for microsoft. she was hired by the space needle to make sure this vision of the future doesn't get stuck in the past. two years ago, this onetime temple of high tech didn't even have an app. >> more and more guests come with a computer in their pocket, either a smartphone or a tablet. >> the largest ipad in seattle. >> reporter: now visitors log into a 20-foot long digital guest book. my name is there and then it shows your hometown on the map. >> it will give you a countdown. >> reporter: of course there are selfies. the regular version or the extra, extra, extra wide taken from a camera mounted on a downtown rooftop, a half a mile away. >> that is pretty cool. >> reporter: up on the needle's point is a panoramic camera that will record a time lapse of seattle for the next 50 years. but some areas are still pretty low tech and off limits for a good reason. so here we are in the bowels of the space needle. it's about to open this door, which apparently is going to take us outside. only a handful of people have ever been allowed out here. i'm just kind of crawling my way out. >> yeah, yeah. >> it's called the halo walk but getting to the halo is more of a am i standing up in. >> yes. >> reporter: they use this platform to do routine maintenance. i tried to simply maintain my lunch. they call this the halo of the space needle. it's 520 feet off the ground antiand it is one of the best views in all of seattle but let's be honest. most people won't be out here and won't let you out here any way. you can now have this experience and this view thanks to technology. >> we are ready. please go. >> reporter: these experts at aerial and panoramic photography are capturing the thrill of the halo walk without the vertigo. michael frantz creating the space needle's virtual reality pieces and end up as an app. >> today we use array of six cameras all pointing out in a of those, put them into a software program and ditch it all together and create a unique experience. >> reporter: using one of these viewfinder, you can see the halo walk while keeping your feet on the ground. you not only get the sensation of walking around it, but you look down and it's as if you're looking down at the ground. >> yes, that is exactly it. we want to give people an experience of somewhere that they can't get. >> reporter: and trust me, this is one walk where you may prefer the virtual version to the reality. although the view is hard to beat. ((patranya bhoolsuwan)) > developing at this hour.. more than two dozen people have been displaced after an overnight apartment fire. michael stevens is live from the scene near maryland parkway and vegas valley drive with the latest. michael? ((michael stevens)) < we've learned 17 adults and 19 children are displaced after an overnight apartment fire. it happened near maryland parkway and vegas valley drive... residents to make sure everyone has a place to stay... no word on any injuries.> (( )) now we want to get a check on your commute < >i-15 at flamingo looks great right now, but this is one of the interchanges closing down at five pm tonight. the spring mountain and tropicana interchanges will close too. open and give you access to i-15. metro will start shutting down roads leading into the strip around 5:45 and plans on having the strip closed to cars and open for pedestrians by 6:30pm. < > las vegas boulevard will be closed between mandalay bay road and sahara. i-15... tropicana, flamingo, or spring mountain exits will be closed. for a full list of road closures and times... just go to las vegas now dot com./// < > < ((sherry swensk)) grab your warm coat this morning if you are going to be out for very long... temps are steadily dropping to near freezing already with clear skies. ............ nice and sunny to start our last day of 2015... and we'll keep the sunshine... but then as the day goes on... the winds will increase. will the winds back off for the fireworks? that's the million dollar question. it will be cold - either way - th or without a wind chill. ............... highs will make it to just under 50 degrees for our last afternoon of 2015 and again new year's day. the weekend will warm up slightly back to normal by sunday... and then as systems slide into the west next week we'll get some chances for rain./// > < welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, how "the new york times" science columnist john tierney is in our toyota green room with simple strategies. box office critics in 2015 talk about "star wars" phenomenon and other stories you shouldn't miss. time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. "syracuse post" standard says sprint and verizon customers have a deadline today to submit a refund claim. the company settled allegations of cramming earlier this year. that refers to putting unauthorized third-party charges on customers' bills. customers who beat today's deadline can get share of the 1 158 million dollar payout. best loved cars on the road report is released. consumers were asked to answer which are the most testifying. tesla model s is number one and followed by the corvette and the least satisfied is r re owe and sentra reason. a cat found two weeks ago with a badly damaged leg that had to be amputated and it was adopted wednesday by a couple who decided the cat would be the perfect companion for their 2-year-old daughter scarlett. scarlett's arm was amputated last year after she was diagnosed with cancer. the miami herald says the college football playoffs are taking over new year's eve. clemson plays oklahoma in the orange bowl this afternoon and alabama takes on michigan state in the cotton bowl and the winners of those games meet on january 11th in the national championship game. a judge dropped charges against a woman who claimed her body is a brewery. her lawyer says his client's blow alcohol level can violate the legal limit even when she rare condition is called auto brewery syndrome and caused by high levels of yeast in her digestive system. dark lickers are more likely to cause a hangover. is that true? >> i don't know. >> eat a hardy meal before you start drinking and stop drinking a couple of hours before you go to bed or maybe don't overdrink. >> one glass is good. millions of us this morning are deciding what changes to make in the coming year. but research shows that 36% of the people will break their new year's rgs byesolutions by the end of january and 56% by the end of july. how do we set ourselves up for success with the odds stacked against us? "the new york times" science columnist john tierney is author of "willpower." thank you for joining us. best of intentions but with the worst of strategies. how do we do this? >> people, too often, overdo it and they overestimate their own will willpower. the first bit of advice is make one new year's resolution and focus on that and after you do that, do neighbor something else. >> maybe i don't want to lose ten pounds but maybe one pound a week? >> you should set specific goals instead of saying i want to save money or i want to lose weight, exactly say that i want to save $200 a month and one pound a week. after you set that one very clear specific goal, you have to monitor yourself. that is really as important as setting the goal. so that if you want to spend less money, keep track of it every week. if you want to lose weight, get on the scale every day. that is one of the few clinically proven ways for losing weight. >> baby steps? >> exactly. >> if you overestimate your own willpower can you get help from other people? >> outsourcing and self-control and controlling your willpower is the key. science used to think willpower was a metaphor. what they found is really is this form of mental energy and it gets depleted as you exert self-control and resist temptation and gets depleted as you make decisions. there is a condition called a desion fatigue and that is we wrote about it in our book. two executives, barack obama and mark zuckerberg of facebook, they both resolve to try to -- try to eliminate small decisions from their lives so they both started wearing the same thing to work every day. one of them would wear a dark suit and the other would wear a gray t-shirt. >> you compartmentalize? >> exactly. by eliminating those decisions that leaves them with more energy with more willpower for the rest of the stuff in their lives. >> we can learn from people who have good self-control because >> exactly. when they track people throughout the day they found the most disciplined people use less willpower than other people because they structure their lives to avoid temptations. they don't go all you can eat buffets or keep a bowl of candy under their desk. all of us can do that. morning and deciding whether or not you're going to work out, you can schedule a workout with your friends and then that way you have to show up to do it and it's not a decision that leaves you with a little more willpower -- >> or go to bed in your workout clothes. you wake up and you have to go! >> exactly. you talk about candy. one experiment that you mentioned that test people's willpower with a bowl of m&ms. what happened? >> some were told they couldn't have any m&ms at all and some said you can have these and just not now. a clever experiment they did the experiment and left them in the bowl afterwards and thinking the experiment was over. they found people who had told it now but i can have it later, those people were the best at resisting the m&ms because -- that is a strategy when the dessert cart comes around, you know? >> right. >> don't say i'm never having that again. just say not tonight, i'll have it the next time. >> maybe one bite if you can hold back, right? >> yes. >> you say that social media and online rousesources can be helpful for people. >> keeping track of yursourself is one thing but a lot of appears that will do the grunt work for you. you can post results at facebook groups and people are watching what you do. you can tweet stuff. great appears on a website called the quantified self that will monitor how many steps you take and how many calories you're burning and then websites you can actually post your new year's resolution and have someone monitor it for you and there could be a financial penalty when you lapse. >> the point is that you're putting it out there. >> right. >> you're saying, okay, i'm sort of feel like, boy, if i don't do it i'm disappointing a lot of people. >> have you people enforcing and they are using their willpower to make you do something and you're outsourcing that self-control. >> do you have a resolution? >> oh, please. my list is like 50. >> just one, just one! just one! >> next 15 minutes we will all come up with our resolution. >> can we meet back here next year to see how we do? >> fail. >> john tierney, thank you for joining us. block busters are packing theaters but smaller movies are generating the oscar buzz. think give it to me i'm worth it baby i'm worth it "star wars: the fce awakens" is lifting hollywood to its best year in box office history. the studio has sold $11 billion worth of tickets in 2015. the seventh episode of the franchise could move to number two this weekend on the list of highest domestic grossing movies of all time. as of right now the force awakens trails four films. >> but this morning's box office conversation goes beyond the block busters. the golden globe awards are less than two weeks away. carol leads the film categories followed by the big short and steve jobs all with four and revenant. dana stevens is with here along with matt singer who is managing screen crush. 2015 is part of 2016 because sgars is still killing it at the box office. no spoilers but till lives up to the hype. >> the stars are at war, we will say that much. >> the stars are at war but as george lucas pointed out yesterday it's not about spaceships but it's about family. >> "star wars" has gotten a warm reception because finally after 38 years, is that how long since the first one? rings those same bells again and i think it's nostalgic for fans who loved it back then and viewers and lets "ussus forget about the early sequels that george lucas created. >> i think so. i was seeing a picture in seattle had a sign up we are sold out through january for "star wars." so i think it's not going to be very long before it is the all-time grocer, at least domestically. it's a huge, huge hit. >> it probably with win this weekend, right? >> by this weekend the number one movie of 2015. >> does it enter the best picture conversation at all? it's a good movie. >> a good question. now they have expanded that category to try to include more popular storms like "star wars" maybe but loovera lot of contenders in space. >> "carol" has the no golden globe nominations. movie of the year and i'm happy and it's getting rewards recognition but doesn't seem like oscar nomination to me because of "the force awakens." i think the golden globes have recognized that and critic groups have recognized that. >> a big year for women on screen. >> i was thinking about making this my top ten list this year. when i looked at who was making the movies, only two of them have been directed by a woman. i don't think there are any big nominees out there for the oscars that are directed by women, right? >> no. >> no woman up for best director. >> presumably, yeah. that's a hurdle that still has to be cleared for sure. >> we wait on the nominations, spotlight has gotten attention and a lot of people love it. is it the front-runner for best picture? >> i would think so. to me it has the most thing voters tend to look for in a best picture winner. and great screen play and it's about something. "star wars" is great, we love it but i think it's the kind of movie that voters can vote to and say hollywood can do more than "star wars" and do more than super heroes and make a movie that is interesting and compelling but also important and it has a story that has some real value and some substance to it and movies tend to win best picture. >> especially behind the scenes and through every step of what it takes to create the story which may be on paper doesn't sound so sexy. >> it's true. it isn't the kind of movie that is and really grabs you on paper. but then you watch it and it is so compelling. story too. that is the amazing thing is that you're watching it and you know the ending and you're still so invested. >> other ones getting buzz here quinton tarantino's movie. is it out? >> i think it's just coming out now on wide release. >> that is getting a lot of attention. has gotten a lot of attention tarantino's movies get. >> it's cinematically smashing. i suggest you see it the road version they say is old school with an intermission and overture. it's very violent and very gory. if you like tarantino you probably should see it but it's very stomach churning. >> i liked it and it is a movie. feel like in an age people are not watching theaters in the movie as much and watching them on their phones and ipads. this is an event and harkens back to a time when movies were big, right? you could see this movie on your ipad but you're going to be missing a lot because it's three hours long and overture and an intermission and made twice as big and you need to see it in a theater. >> what felt that way to me is -- >> a great example of the movie that really marries kind of popular art and audience appeal with just beautiful crafts, incredible practical stunts and >> and nonstop craziness. on the subject of stomach turning, leo dahicaprio. >> very little dialogue for leo. >> if you count aarrgghh dialogue, there is. but you're right. a lot of grunting and groaning! that's true. >> he grunts with the best of them! let's just say that. >> if there was an oscar for best grunting he would be a lock for the century for sure. >> can we talk about one that made my heart melt and i cried inside/out? >> i cried too. >> i'll say it. i cried. let's not -- we talk about it again. >> it was a sweet movie. do you think this one will come >> you know, i think best chances are in the best animated category and that is going to be interesting category because another wonderful movie this year named anoma lisa i loved as well and i feel those two are fighting it out in that >> couldn't be more different. >> two or three movies you're looking forward to in 2016? >> the new cohen brothers movie hail seize you're that is a hollywood comedy. dana? >> pixar, "finding nemo" sequel called "finding dori." >> we will be crying about that one as well. >> batman, superman. >> thanks. the new years's resolution is getting millennial makeover and see how a generation is it's next on "cbs this morning." on this last day of 2015, own spin on the traditional new year's resolution. the digit generation is using the twitter #millennial resolution to poke fun about the store yo types about them. here are our favorites. work on my posture so i slouch more. feel less entitled to feel entitled. and start uber driving with my hoverboard. >> it's not a hoverboard! i'm obsessed with this. i'm sorry. that is not a hoverboard. is not to say ((denise valdez)) > it's a big night in las vegas! local law enforcement are doing eveything it can to make sure people stay safe on the strip for new year's eve. more than 330- thousand people are expected to come to the valley to celebrate. there will be as many as 14- and downtown... and under cover. clark county is working with multiple agencies to protect against a potential attack: (((john steinbeck, deputy fire chief & clark county emergency manager: "we have the people here from different agencies from the red cross to state agencies to metro, clark county fire, the health district all in one room that can go ahead and provide that support." whether it's a health crisis, if it's a natural crisis, a manmade crisis, we're ready to handle." )) officers are asking people not to bring any bulky bags or strollers to the strip... if you do so, you could be searched./// ((denise valdez)) > if you're heading anywhere near the strip tonight... you need to know about several big road closures. las vegas boulevard will be closed between mandalay bay road and sahara. and if you're taking i-15... you won't be able to get on or off at the tropicana, flamingo, or spring mountain exits. we have a full list of road just go to las vegas now dot com./// ((denise valdez)) > and if you're staying home.. you can ring in the new year with our special broadcast, countdown to 2016! coverage begins at 10 pm and we'll be on the air until after the midnight fireworks show. we'll have crews all around the valley... downtown and of course, along the strip. share how you're celebrating.. by tweeting your pics at 8 news now with the hashtag "vegas n-y-e" and you might just see your posts right here on channel 8./// ((denise valdez)) < ((sherry swensk)) grab your warm coat this morning if you are going to be out for very long... temps are steadily dropping to near freezing already with clear skies. ............ to freezing and a little below again by daybreak... then the winds will pick up through the afternoon. ................. we'll keep the sunshine... but then as the day goes on... the winds increase. will the winds back off for the fireworks? that's the million dollar question. it will be cold - either way - with or without a wind chill. ............... announcer: it's "live with kelly and michael." today, mega movie star tom hanks and from "quantico," actress priyanka chopra, plus michael strahan comes face to face with his biggest fear--snakes, and don't miss your chance to win an amazing tropical vacation, but you got to tune in to win. all next on "live"! [cheering and applause]

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Transcripts For KLAS CBS This Morning 20151231 :

Transcripts For KLAS CBS This Morning 20151231

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in a drunk driving crash is still in mexico. >> an air canada plane crash left 21 people hurt. >> everything went to the ceiling that wasn't anchored. >> brussels has cancelled its public new year's celebration out of security concerns. paris cancelled its annual fireworks show. security. >> enrique marquez who allegedly supplied assault rifles to the san bernardino massacre couple is indicted on terrorism charges. >> the ball boy stole a game ball. >> trump has a beef with president obama. >> it's a war on hairspray. >> you can't use hairspray because it will affect the ozone. they want me to use the pump because the other one, which i really like better than going bing, bing, bing. >> in sydney fireworks lit up there. >> on "cbs this morning." >> how many world leaders do you think are just completely out of their minds? >> a pretty sizable percentage. at a certain point, your feet hurt and you're having trouble pe evaluating. >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" is presented by toyota. let's go places. welcome to "cbs this morning." i'm jeff glor with kristine johnson of our new york station wcbs. charlie rose, norah o'donnell, and gayle king are off today. legal troubles have caught up with bill cosby. he's free on bail in a sexual assault case. >> the criminal charges are the first against the man once known as america's dad. accused him of past sexual misconduct. theresa duncan is in elkins park, pennsylvania, just north of philadelphia. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the arraignment lasted less than ten minutes. bill cosby appeared composed while he was in that courtroom. he paid the required 10% of his $1 million bail and was ordered to turn over his passport. with two attorneys at his side, bill cosby carefully stepped out of a black suv wednesday to face criminal charges of sexual assault. >> mr. cosby, do you want to say anything? >> reporter: gripping a cane, the 78-year-old stumbled on the curb as he was led into the courthouse in elkins park, pennsylvania. the accusations date back to 2004, when andrea constand says cosby drugged and sexually assaulted her in his according to the 23-page complaint, cosby gave her three blue pills he claimed were herbal, and within a half hour, constand says she experienced blurred vision and difficulty speaking. >> mr. cosby urged her to take pills that he provided to her and to drink wine. the effect of which rendered her unable to move or respond to his advances. >> reporter: constand stated she awoke the next morning partially undressed. cosby gave her a muffin, walked to the front door, opened it, and said, "all right." at the time the district attorney said there was not enough evidence to charge cosby. in 2005, constand filed a civil suit, which was later settled privately. but this past july, investigators decided to reopen the case after a judge unsealed portions of depositions in which cosby admitted to giving drugs to at least one woman. "when you got the quaaludes, was it in your mind that you were going to use these quaaludes for young women that you wanted to have sex with?" cosby replied, "yes." he later said he misunderstood the question. monique presley is cosby's attorney. >> it's sad for his legal team, for his family, that he would be dragged into this. we're 12 years after an alleged assault that was fully investigated. >> reporter: for victoria valentine knowo valentino, one of 50 women who have accused cosby, it's validation. >> it means people have been link to listening to us and hearing us. >> reporter: cosby only shook his head at reporters as he left the courthouse yesterday. with cameras and helicopters taken to a local jail to be fingerprinted and booked. he's due back in court for a preliminary hearing next month. if convicted, he could spend up to ten years in prison and face a $25,000 fine. >> thank you very much. cosby's attorney monique presley is with us from washington. ms. presley, thank you for being with us. >> good morning. >> what was your client's reaction when you heard he was being charged? >> this didn't come as any surprise to us. we've been cooperating with the montgomery county d.a.'s office. >> they are saying there's significant evidence in this testimony that was unsealed by the judge. >> everyone can see that testimony. your network has had it available as well as all others. you know that this was deposition testimony that was the subject of a confidentiality agreement and what is supposed to be remain sealed, not just the portions that were judge's decision, judge robreno. but also the information illegally gained through the release of a court reporter to a media entity, the entire deposition is out there. there is nothing in that deposition where mr. cosby admits to committing any crime. in fact he denies it vehemently and speaks specifically with respect to this incident. >> however he does admit to buying quaaludes to use on women, obtaining these quaaludes to use on women. how are you going to defend that in court? >> why would we have to defend that in court? that's an admission that he makes about offering quaaludes to two specific individuals in the 1970s. ten years ago, quaaludes weren't even being made anymore. they are literally off the market. it's not something that could even be obtained. i'm certain even this hungry d.a. isn't going to assert that medicine cabinet quaaludes that are 30, 40, 50 years old, and that that's what was offered to ms. constand. >> more than 50 women have accused your client of similar acts regarding sexual assault. >> that's incorrect. more than 50 women have not accused my client of similar acts. it's easy for people like yourselves to say that more than 50 women have done that. but that is not true. >> well, 50 women have come forward and publicly stated through the press that mr. cosby allegedly sexually assaulted them, many of them have the exact same stories. how do you plan to defend that in court or will you try to stop that from being admissible in court? >> it certainly isn't admissible in court. but again, 50 women have not come forward and said they had the exact same story. someone saying that he rubbed against them or the front of their breasts at a party is not they were in an ongoing consensual adult relationship and then one evening, after multiple interactions, i believe i was drugged. those aren't the same thing. what this d.a. has to do is prove the facts of this case. >> but ms. presley, as you know, the prosecutors could persuade the judge to allow evidence from other cases into this one. you have to be prepared for that. >> there aren't previous other cases. what you mean -- >> there are allegations, as you know. as you know. >> yes, and those are all allegations for which there's no corroborating evidence, allegations from decades ago, allegations from women who never bothered to go in and make a complaint to police. and in most instances claimed they didn't tell another living soul. if a judge chooses to consider from a prosecutor such testimony, then we will deal with that at that time. >> he took a cane with him to court. is his current health status part of your defense? doesn't have anything to do with the defense for this un unsubstantiated charge. he's a 78-year-old blind man who they have chosen to charge. that's not a defense to a crime. that's just a fact. >> monique presley, thank you very much. the mother of the texas teenager involved in the so-called affluenza case is back in the u.s. tonya couch landed at los angeles airport overnight. she's accused of fleeing the country with her fugitive son. ethan couch was on probation after a deadly drunk driving crash. he's still in mexico. ben tracy is at l.a.x. with a look at the legal maneuvers delaying his return. ben, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. mother and son were separated in new mexico when tonya couch was deported back to the united states. she arrived here at l.a.x. early this morning. company. handcuffed and flanked by u.s. marshals, tonya couch was escorted out of los angeles international airport early this morning. her son ethan left behind in mexico. video from cbs dallas station ktvt appears to show the 18-year-old clad in a dark baseball hat and coat, being moved to a larger immigration facility in mexico city. on monday, mexican immigration officials detained the pair, calling for their deportation. according to u.s. marshals, the mother and son obtained local representation, who filed a appeal. >> it's a request that the court proceedings. >> reporter: mexican officials deported tonya couch for being in the country illegally, while ethan is going through a more complicated deportation process that could keep him there for several weeks. counsel. to, they could pay as much money out. >> reporter: surveillance video captured the pair in puerto vallarta before they were taken into custody. couch filled four people in a young driving accident in 2013. his defense argued that he suffered from the controversial condition "affluenza," claiming his lack of responsibility was a result of his privileged up bringing. a judge sentenced him to probation. he's expected to serve time in a juvenile city until april, when he turns 19. >> welcome to juvenile law in texas. it doesn't make sense. >> reporter: ethan couch will likely remain in mexico for at least a couple of weeks. he was just granted an injunction against his deportation, which will allow him to remain in that country. >> ben, thank you very much. parts of the midwest are under mandatory evacuation orders this morning ahead of historic flooding. already the rising water is blamed for at least 20 deaths in rivers are cresting today at record levels. more than a dozen levees are threatened. anna werner is south of st. louis where flooding just closed a major highway. anna, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. as you just said, a major highway has been shut down. interstate 55 through st. louis shut down by officials early this morning because there's several feet of water over that highway. that leaves one route with all these roads shut down, one remaining route from one county to 94another for people living in this area. this water back here, compared to what we were dealing with yesterday, this is a lot more water. what you are seeing is this is the meramec river coming in and flooding this area. and what's happening is, there are many neighborhoods just like this one where people had to evacuate as the waters rise higher than before. in fenton, raging waters washed in st. louis last night, cars slogged through a flooded i-55, as the meramec river swelled, traffic on the interstate was backed up for miles. go. it's water, but if there's anything. >> reporter: the levels have not been seen in 30 years. the flooding has killed more than a dozen people in missouri, submerging homes, bridges, and prompting dozens of rescues. >> they're our homes. they're my neighbors. we've done everything we can and we still can't beat it. >> reporter: in arnold, they're preparing for the worst flooding this area has ever seen. but their efforts may not be enough. >> we're to the point now that the sandbagging, it's not going to hold it back. we're going to lose probably anywhere from 100 to 150 homes that will be affected by this flood, if not more. the meramec, in valley park, more than 300 families were ordered to evacuate because the water could breach a levee. the severe weather has killed another five people in oklahoma. in the carolinas, floodwaters have torn through roads and forced swift water rescues and evacuations. now, this morning the national weather service is reporting that the meramec river, which is the one flooding this area, has actually crested in another part close to here called valley park. that's good news for the people living in that area. but the mississippi river has yet to crest. flooding continues in many areas. and officials say it could be several days before the flooding recedes and life can go back to normal. >> anna werner, we hope for the best. thank you. new year's celebrations are under way on the other side of the world. fireworks lit up the sky above auckland, new zealand when 2016 arrived just a short time ago. in the world to usher in the new year. security is tight in new york city's times square. a million people or more will gather there to watch the ball drop tonight. and security is also higher than usual across europe due to fears of terrorism. brussels even called off the new year's eve fireworks show. elizabeth palmer is tracking a threat from london. elizabeth, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. that's right, things are already gearing up here in london for the big celebration tonight. that's decidely not the case in brussels, where prosecutors have announced they've detained six people in connection with a suspected plot to attack the new year's celebrations. workers had no sooner built the stage for the traditional fireworks display than it was taken down again. the expected crowd of tens of thousands was judged just too big a risk. after the arrest on tuesday of two men suspected of planning a terrorist attack on the new and this morning, as soldiers were out and on patrol in public areas, there was news of yet another arrest in the brussels suburb of molenbeek, linked to the terrorist attacks in november. it was home to salah abdeslam, the one attacker still on the run. belgium's stepped-up security is a sign that police are working to disrupt the terrorist attack networks. the capital is tense. that don't mean people won't come together to ring in the new. this man manages a brussels nice club. >> i really believe the people from brussels need to go out and party and gather, to bond together. >> reporter: and ken kinsella agrees. >> it's buckling to the threat of terrorism. we should stand up to them. memory of the attacks is still fresh, a planned fireworks display has been cancelled. thousands are expected to come out anyway, according to tradition, to welcome in the new year on the champs elysee. they'll be out here in london too, 100,000 people will be standing right where i am a few hours from now to welcome 2016. >> elizabeth palmer, thank you very much. 21 air canada passengers are recovering this morning from injuries caused by heavy mid-flight turbulence. flight 88 diverted to calgary on wednesday after hitting the rough air. passengers say it was terrifying. >> we felt we were dying. like you see in the movies where they all go up to the ceiling. everything went to the ceiling that wasn't anchored. >> whoever didn't put their seatbelts on was flying up. >> my legs were shaking when it started. like you were in midair. i just fell back down. >> some of the passengers were taken off the plane on stretchers. none of the injuries are considered life-threatening. >> thankfully. some of your favorite toothpaste and soaps are in for a change. ahead, the tiny ingredient that will soon become illegal in order to help the environment.coat this morning if you are going to be out for very long... temps are steadily dropping to near freezing already with clear skies. ............ some neighborhoods will make it to freezing and a little below again by daybreak... then the winds will pick up through the afternoon. we'll keep the sunshine... but then as the day goes on... the winds increase. fireworks? that's the mill bill cosby and his accuser appear in court in a couple of weeks. ahead, rikki klieman on the legal twists and turns this legal case is likely to take. >> the news is back in the morning on "cbs this morning"." announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places!he reliable camry. did you know, 90% of camrys sold in the last 10 years are still on the road today? but hurry, our biggest event of the year won't last long. right now at 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go antiviral with tamiflu. discover card. how can i help you? oh, you're real? you know i'm real! at discover, we're always here to talk. some companies just don't appreciate the power of conversation! you know, i like you! i like you too! at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card and talk to a real person. after trying brookside crunchy clusters, @carlybeyar tweeted: at this point, i should just be a brookside chocolate ambassador. well, i am sorry, carly... it's something you earn. brookside. still ahead, the elite italian food fighting fraud in your pantry. a preview of sunday's "60 minutes." >> kraft beer goes to school. the next ((denise valdez)) > just into the newsroom.. we've learned 17 adults and 19 children are displaced after an overnight apartment fire. it happened near maryland parkway and vegas valley drive... the red cross is helping residents to make sure everyone has a place to stay... no word on any injuries. we will update you as soon as we find out more information./// > local law enforcement have a plan in place... to make sure people stay safe on the strip for new year's eve. more than 330- thousand people are expected to come to the valley to celebrate. there will be as many as 14- hundred officers on the strip and downtown... in uniform -- on horseback -- and under cover. clark county is working with multiple agencies to protect against a potential attack: (((john steinbeck, deputy fire chief & clark county emergency manager: "we have the people here from different agencies from the red cross to state agencies to metro, clark county fire, the health district all in one room that can go ahead and provide that support." whether it's a health crisis, if it's a natural crisis, a manmade crisis, we're ready to handle." )) officers are asking people not to bring any bulky bags or strollers to the strip... if you do so, you could be quick check on your commute pecos. lake mead works as an east-west alternate. accident on southbound i-15 past charleston. the right shoulder is blocked, which is slowing down traffic moving through the right lane. < > < ((sherry swensk)) grab your warm coat this morning if you are going to be out for very long... temps are steadily dropping to near freezing already with clear skies. ............ some neighborhoods will make it to freezing and a little below again by daybreak... then the winds will pick up through the afternoon. ................. we'll keep the sunshine... but then as the day goes on... the winds increase. it willtt2waty#`*4 p bt@q4 8 tt2waty#`*4 p "a@q$,\ tt2waty#`*4 p bm@q/'p tt4waty#`*4 r dztq 4* tt4waty#`*4 r entq d.@ tt4waty#`*4 r gzt& ])8 tt4waty#`*4 r hnt& m't tt4waty#`*4 r iztq 'n, tt4waty#`*4 r jntq 5>l tt4waty#`*4 r lzt& -s0 >> 5-4-3-2-1! happy new year! rehearsals. times square underwent last-minute checkup on wednesday. i wonder if people get confused when they are in that area. you don't know what time it is, whatever else. the ball weighs about six tons and put in 32,000 l.e.d. lights and millions of people are expected to gather in times square to see the ball descend at midnight tonight. it's already new year's in other parts of the world. >> it is supposed to be mild tonight. >> supposed to be great the next few days. welcome back to "cbs this morning." this half hour, bill cosby was charged with sexual assault nearly 12 years after an encounter with his accuser. legal expert rikki klieman is in our toyota green room. good morning. we will ask her why prosecutors took so long to file the case. a new law bans microbeads used in every from body scrubs to toothpaste. is threatening america's time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. >> iran officials say it would violate a landmark nuclear deal. it targets companies in iran and hong kong and united arab emirates. >> enrique was charged on wednesday. he was also charged with marriage fraud. marquez faces up to 50 years in prison. the "new york post" reports on the funeral for the new york city detective killed by a suicide bomber in afghanistan. thousands of people in uniform lined the streets of manhattan on wednesday to say farewell to joseph lemm, he was one of six american troops killed ten days ago. his father's casket as it was carried into the st. patrick's cathedral. advocates say it could have prevented the amtrak crash in philadelphia that killed eight people in may. a bill signed this month extends a deadline to install the speed control system until the end of 2020. amtrak says the system is working on its tracks that it owns between washington and new york. "the washington post" says north pole temperatures reached the melting point on0 degrees above average for late december. we want to go back now to the bill cosby case. it is the first criminal charge filed against him. cosby is accused of drugging and the 78-year-old seemed frail as he made his way into court on wednesday. he carried a cane and stumbled on a curb. cbs news legal expert rikki klieman is with uc now. she is a former prosecutor and a defense attorney. good morning. >> good morning. >> we heard his defenseton pretty much shrug off the issue about obtaining the quaaludes that he admitted in his deposition, said that she didn't need to defend that. do you agree with that? >> i think what you have in his defense lawyers are great lawyers who are really fierce advocates and doing what they should be doing now. when you look at the quaalude issue, the deposition that became public in july from a civil case brought by this complaining witness, this alleged victim andrea constand, does not say that he sexually assaulted her by the use of drugs. get quaaludes to use with women for sex. now, that takes us in a whole, what the lawyers would call a frolic of their own. that is not a facetious comment but a lawyer comment. because back in the '70s and '80s, quaaludes were often used by consenting adults so that is what this lawyer is talking about. however, i think the quaaludes are least of anyone's worries when defending bill cosby today because there is so much else that the cosby lawyers have got to attempt too keep out of evidence, and what about all those prospective jurors have heard 40 or 50 men allege some kind of sexual conduct. >> is that an issue? >> i think it's an issue because you have to have people who have not heard of this or people who simply say i've heard about all of this but i can cast it aside. the notion that there are 40 or 50 other women out there. it even came up in your interview with the lawyer, because the vast majority of the public believes that all of these other alleged victims are people who suffered exactly the same fate that this woman, andrea constand, said she suffered, even though the details may be different. and, by the way, the devil is in the details here. so you're a defense lawyer in this case. if you are the defense lawyer, what do you have to do? 2016 is going to be the year of motions in this case. the defense has got to be fast and furious and slow and deliberate all at the same time. every single thing that they do not want in this case, they have got to go to the court early and say keep it out. try the numbers. only what happened between andrea constand and bill cosby. >> one of the things that makes this case so interesting two the wider umbrella case with all of the allegations from all of the other women and the particulars of this case. monique presley doesn't want to talk about any other women right now. >> of course, she doesn't. >> the question is how much do they have to? >> the real question is how this judge will rule. a conservative judge would like to get a conviction that does not get reversed on appeal. so will a conservative judge say i'm keeping out what we call all of the prior bad acts and all of the other alleged victims and only let that in should mr. cosby testify, or will a more open judge say, hey, it's a common scheme plan and it's all going in. >> my suspicion we may be talking to you more about this case in 2016. >> i'm keeping the file. >> rikki klieman, thank you very much. happy new year. >> happy year. >> activists are applauding a new law signed by president obama this week. it outlaws microbeads that are used in personal care products. demarco morgan shows us how the making the rivers dirty. >> reporter: it is known as the microbead free water asked and passed congress by bipartisan support and to eliminate tiny plastics many of us use every day. microbeads are tiny pieces of plastics found in many health and beauty products including soap and body scrub and toothpaste and used to exfoliate or add polish. they are are a big concern for environmental scientists. they say the tiny particles are a source of ocean and lake pollution. >> we know the fish from our great lakes is in their bodies and ts going back tour face and body. >> reporter: he found microbeads in the san francisco bay and in high concentrations in the great lakes. not all water treatment plants are able to filter them out. >> they are absorbing industrial and even oil drops from cars will stick to these micro plastics and microbeads. at that point, they can enter the food chain. >> reporter: a single cosmetic product can contain up to 300,000 nonbiodegradable microbeads. in september they were banned. assembly member is thrilled that congress is following california's lead. >> it's very significant, because you're going to have 50 states doing the same thing. i have no doubt that this is going to spread now to other countries and the longer we have these pollutants in the environment, the harder it is to take action to effectively clean up after them. >> reporter: the law passed surprisingly quickly but not immediate. the new federal law prohibits the manufacture of products of >> i read that microbeads can cover a tennis court daily. >> these products are all over the place. >> but i do like them. therapy great for the skin. >> something wrong with everything. let's he just put that out there. >> italy's government is fighting the mafia. "60 minutes" takes us inside the we will be right back. quilted northern works so well people can forget their bathroom experience. just like they forgot conductor randy, who sees all and forgets nothing. at least he's not constable bob. everyone needs a bff. even your smile. colgate optic white toothpaste goes beyond surface stains to whiten over 3 shades. than the leading express whitening strip. it's your smile bff. italy is known for its high quality food products including extra virgin olive oil but some bottles may not contain what is on the label. and the mafia is to blame. knockoff ofs olive oil and fine wine and cheese and bread is part of a 16 billion dollar a italian authorities call it the agro mafia. bill whitaker went to italy to meet the police who are standing up to the mob. >> reporter: leave it to the italians to fight the mafia with good taste. this panel certifies the authenticity of extra virgin olive oil. a favorite target of the agra mafia. they can tell at first sip whether extra virgin has been diluted with cheap sunflower oil or canola. why do they make that sound like they are sucking in air? >> they need it to meet it on the back of the throat. >> reporter: suck it in to the back of the throat? >> they have to suck it in. >> reporter: major sergio tero is considered one of the top investigators of food fraud in think eliott ness in a uniform designed by giorgio armani. >> most of it's been sdlovereddiscovered. >> reporter: their skills are to expected italian reports will accept taste results as evidence. he has 60 cops trained to do this too. and 1,100 more inspecting fraud investigations. on the day we visited headquarters, officers were monitoring wiretaps and live video placed in suspected warehouse around italy. this looks like the fbi. >> yeah, we can call us the phishfbi of food. >> watch "60 minutes" to see more. that is sunday right here on cbs. you want to get what you paid for, right? >> absolutely. >> some of this olive oil is >> i've never sipped olive oil for that. >> i hear it's wonderful for your complex. >> complexion. >> it's my secret. don't tell anybody. a photographer looks back on the year that was. ahead some of his favor photos of announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by [cough, cough] mike? janet? cough if you can hear me. don't even think about it. i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. yeah...but what about mike? he has that dry scratchy thing going on. guess what? it works on his cough too. cough! guess what? it works on his cough too. what? stop! don't pull me! spoiler alert! only mucinex dm relieves bothwet and dry coughs for 12 hours with two medicines in one pill. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. discover card hey! so i'm looking at my bill and my fico credit score's on here. awesomesauce! the only person i know that says that is... lisa? julie? we've already given more than 175 million free fico credit scores to our cardmembers. apply today at feel a cold sore coming on? only abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. it penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells.. don't tough it out, knock it out, fast. abreva. after trying brookside crunchy clusters, @carlybeyar tweeted: at this point, i should just be a brookside chocolate ambassador. well, i am sorry, carly... it's something you earn. brookside. talk about delicious. (cell phone rings) where are you? well the squirrels are back in the attic. mom? your dad won't call an exterminator... can i call you back, mom? if you're a mom, you call at the worst time. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. where are you? it's very loud there. are you taking a zumba class? this photo right here shows president obama walking through the rose garden in april. on his way to sign a bill into law. white house chief photographer pete sousa chose it as one of the best images he and his staff took in 2015. aid interrupting the congress. you can see his image on the photo on the right. another image shows the president not hesitating to move the oval office furniture around. he also helped pull the sofa back into place after this group photo here. in february he took this photo to highlight the size of nba legend shaquille o'neal! look at that! when he met the president! shaq is 7'1" and the president is a foot short. >> shaq is an enormous man. jerry seinfeld hopped in a corvette to talk with the president. >> just say i'm the president. >> daryl, can you open this up? >> sorry, i can't lie. >> that is unbelievable. >> the car is amazing, isn't it? the president failed to escape the white house after a coffee with the comedian. i want that vehicle!e pro 4. a new screen, for new perspectives. we reinvented the surface pro, so you can reinvent everything else. i don't have like a pair of jeans i'm trying to get into; i've been down that road honey child. and i don't have like a dress or some big red carpet thing i have to do. im really just looking at 2016, as the year of my best body; that's what i want for you too. lets let 2016 be the year of our best bodies. eucerin intensive repair doesn't just moisturize dry skin, it intensively repairs it. with a unique triple action formula that exfoliates hydrates and fortifies skin. leaving it looking healthy and radiant. with intensive repair, the flu virus. it's a really big deal. and with fever, aches, and chills, mom knows it needs a big solution: an antiviral. don't kid around with the flu, call your doctor within the first 48 hours of symptoms and ask about prescription tamiflu. an antiviral that helps stop it from spreading in the body. tamiflu in liquid form is fda approved to treat the flu in people two weeks of age and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion, or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. anti-flu? go antiviral with tamiflu. to do great things, sometimes you gotta break the rules. the all new surface pro 4. a new pen for new masterpieces. we reinvented the surface pro, so you can reinvent bhoolsuwan)) > developing at this hour.. more than two dozen people have been displaced after an overnight apartment fire. michael stevens is just arrived on scene and has the latest near maryland parkway and vegas valley drive. michael? ((michael stevens)) (( )) want to check on your commute after a wreck near charleston. right shoulder still blocked down there, so leave a little early to get to work on time. the strip is pretty quiet right now, but between 5:45pm and 6:00 pm, metro will start clearing traffic off the boulevard to get things rolling for new year's eve. i'm going to be on strip tonight for our big new year's eve show... it's cold now sherry, same deal tonight? < > < > < good morning to ow our viewers in the west. it's thursday december 31st, 2015. more news ahead including the 2016 has all right arrived in australia. we'll show you more of the celebration, but first today's eye opener at 8:00. he paid the required 10% of his $1 million bail and was ordered to turn over his passport. >> there was nothing in that deposition where cosby admits to committing any crime. he denies it vehemently. there are many neighborhoods just like this one where people had to evacuate as the waters rise higher than before. mother and son were separated when tanya couch was extradited to the united states. >> brussels police have announced they have arrested six people in connection with new year's eve plots. >> and some people are recovering this morning from heavy mid flight turbulence. look, look, they get it down what a pass! what a pass from pasol? happy new year too! there it is, happy new year, a happy new year in sidney, australia. there. >> indeed. no new york, charlie, gayle and norah are off. bill codsbycosby's attorney says he will be acquitted of charges. the attorneys walked the entertainer into the courthouse outside philadelphia. more than 50 women have accused cosby of some kind of sexual misconduct. constand. she first told police about her alleged encounter with cosby the complaint says cosby invited her to his home in 2004 to plans. pills. within a half hour, constand says her legs felt jelly like, he can't remember anything because everything became blurry and dizzy. >> and he committed aggravated, indecent assault upon her. >> investigators reopened this case after a judge unsealed portions of his deposition earlier this year, in them cosby admitted to obtaining drugs to give to women. we asked cosby's attorney about that earlier this morning. >> he does admit to buying quaaludes on women. how are you going to defend that in court? >> why do you have to defend that in court? two women in the 1970s. quaaludes are off the market, they cannot be obtained anymore. they are not hiding in his medical cabinet. >> cosby now 78 years old, faces up to 10 years in prison and a $25,000 if convicted. los angeles police are holding the mother of the teenager in the so-called after flue after flew wen a case. she's facing charges for allegedly helping her son flee to mexico. >> a video captured the pair in a puerto vallarta taco shop. couch who's on probation after a deadly drunk driving crash. he's still in mexico, undergoing a more complicated deportation process. and rising rivers in the midwest are seeing flooding not seen in more than a decade. the meramec river river south of st. louis is more than 20 feet above flood level. it forced i-55 to close this morning. more than a dozen levees could be breached. hundreds of families were ordered to evacuate in valley park, missouri. emergency crews have performed dozens of water rescues there. presidential candidates are squeezing in all the campaigning they can before the end of the year. donald trump attacked president bill clinton again in his final rally of 2015. jan crawford in washington looks ahead at how the campaigns are preparing for 2016. jan, happy new year and good morning. >> thank you, happy new year to what we have got here is basically every republican candidate who's not named donald trump is scramble to become the trump alternative. >> the husband is one of the great abusers of the world? give me a break. donald trump bragged about his clinton. >> he's demonstrated a penchant, i demonstrated a penchant for sexism. me. nobody respects women more than donald trump. that i can tell you. nobody. >> reporter: trump had fired back that the real sexist is clinton's husband bill, a point that has the democratic front under changing her tune. >> she gets up and makes a speech that doesn't even mention anything about sex issism or anything else. i wonder why. >> reporter: before his clinton. in 2008, he called the impeachment hearing in the wake of the affair with white house intern monica lewinsky, he said it was his choice, it was monica. i mean terrible choice. i mean other republican candidates stuck the to more traditional attacks against one another. continuing his bus tour across iowa, marco rubio pushed back against chris christie's allegations of him shirking responsibilities. christie stood behind his attack. >> it would be nice if he took a day and showed up. that's all. >> jeb bush had a built of a hard time as he cancelled $20 billion in campaign ads and he jokingly called katrina sheeny he called it a light hearted comment about her forcefulness, he said. seattle's space needle is an icon of the 1960s. edge technology is tak prent president obama takes a shot his comic interview. jane didn't like restrictions. not in life. and not when it came to watching her calories. why settle on taste? jane thought. that's why jane loves light & fit greek nonfat yogurt. bursting with rich creamy awesomeness and 12 grams of protein. all for 80 calories. no settling here. what else does jane love? that you could win a fitbit flex from light & fit. learn more on specially marked packs. light & fit. feel free to enjoy. how else do you think he gets around so fast? you've always wanted during the winter event. hurry, offers end january 4th! i did it.... i did it too... they took nature's bounty hair, skin and nails, it's a vitamin supplement that nourishes from the inside... with biotin for beautiful hair and strong nails. and vitamin c and e for vibrant skin. give it a month, if your hair, skin and nails don't look and feel more beautiful, we'll give you your money back. i did it...and i feel beautiful. take the nature's bounty hair, skin and nails challenge, visit for details. fir the first family will ring in the new year in hawaii. but this morning, we have some new insight into their life at the white house. president obama headlined last night's season premier of jerri signfeld's online series, comedians in cars getting coffee. chip reid is traveling with the president in honolulu. chip, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, usually jerry seinfeld only invites comedians to appear with him on this show that was taped at the white house earlier this month. and jerry seinfeld says the enough funny lines to qualify. >> you ready? >> i got some stuff to do. >> reporter: if you were expecting a conversation percolating with domestic and foreign policy. well, that's just not jerry seinfeld's brand. >> are these washed? >> a lot. let's go. let's go get some coffee. >> reporter: not that there's anything wrong with that. >> i do really well with the zero to 8 demographic. >> oh, really? >> oh, yeah, definitely. partly because my ears are a little bit big and i look a little bitlike a cartoon character. and little kids won't say my name, but it's all one big name. it's barackobama. >> jerry wasn't the only one with an american muscle car. >> you don't have this here. >> reporter: a leader of the comedy world strolls the white house grounds with the leader of the free world and like the coffee, the conversation flowed. >> how far can you wanter around up there in your underwear? how far can you get before cool? wandering around in my underwear. first night, and we're sleeping in the white house. >> right. >> it's not like a hotel room. so you're looking around, you're like, what the hell is this, right? >> now it's a museum. >> that's how it feels for probably the first week. >> reporter: the 61-year-old comedian pulled back the curtain on the 44th commander in chief with a surprisingly candid conversation. >> how many world leaders do you think are just completely out of their mind? you know, you eve made like a ridiculous amount of money. >> so much more than you. and yet, how do i seem to you? do i seem spoiled? out of touch? >> well, i don't know. >> you have a pretty good instinct for people. >> right now you seem like a completely normal guy. >> i'm putting on an act, just like everybody else does for you. >> that's my point. >> watch out people. >> and when you're at the president's house, it's only polite to let him drive. >> i like the hand hanging over the wheel. >> i mean, you got to do that. you can't be doing that. i'm and appreciably cooler than i was two minutes ago. >> reporter: usually when the president does quirky tv shows, he squeezes in a plug for his health care law, but he does by the way that car was a 1963 corvette stingray which was a treat for the president who usually gets to drive nothing but a golf cart. >> that was so funny seeing him behind the wheel. >> especially just doing circumstance isless around the white house. one of america's most famous buildalings buildings is flying higher than ever. >> reporter: i'm on top of seattle in the halo of the world space needle. if you want to do this, we'll show you how coming up on "cbs this morning." did you know that meeting your daily protein needs actually helps to support your muscle health? get the protein you need. each serving has 15 grams of protein to help maintain muscle, plus 26 vitamins and minerals including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones. boost high protein is the #1 selling high protein complete nutritional drink and it has a great taste-guaranteed! help get the nutrition you need everyday with boost high protein. available at these fine retailers. everyone needs a bff. even your smile. colgate optic white toothpaste goes beyond surface stains to whiten over 3 shades. in fact, it whitens more than the leading express whitening strip. it's your smile bff. whiten more just by brushing. [music] no, no, no, no, people are both soft and strong... yey! which is why our products are too. angel soft. when your cold makes you wish... could stay... bed all day... new theraflu expressmax. one mor look at the midnight fireworks over sydney, australia. the first major city to start the new year. happy new year to our friends over there. the display kicks off a wave of massive pyrotechnic shows around the world. seattle will present america's largest structured launched fireworks display and that structure is the world famous space needle and ben tracy shows us how the tower, built more than 50 years ago is using high tech to build a promising future. >> reporter: for more than 50 seattle. a needle in a haystack of downtown buildings. the space needle was built as the centerpiece of the 1962 world's fair. see you in seattle >> reporter: millions came to marvel of the technologies of the future and touch tone dialing and satellite transmission made their debuts here. and the space needle seem to literally point towards progress. >> early '60s, they are doing noon. anything is possible. >> reporter: karen olson is a work for microsoft. she was hired by the space needle to make sure this vision of the future doesn't get stuck in the past. two years ago, this onetime temple of high tech didn't even have an app. >> more and more guests come with a computer in their pocket, either a smartphone or a tablet. >> the largest ipad in seattle. >> reporter: now visitors log into a 20-foot long digital guest book. my name is there and then it shows your hometown on the map. >> it will give you a countdown. >> reporter: of course there are selfies. the regular version or the extra, extra, extra wide taken from a camera mounted on a downtown rooftop, a half a mile away. >> that is pretty cool. >> reporter: up on the needle's point is a panoramic camera that will record a time lapse of seattle for the next 50 years. but some areas are still pretty low tech and off limits for a good reason. so here we are in the bowels of the space needle. it's about to open this door, which apparently is going to take us outside. only a handful of people have ever been allowed out here. i'm just kind of crawling my way out. >> yeah, yeah. >> it's called the halo walk but getting to the halo is more of a am i standing up in. >> yes. >> reporter: they use this platform to do routine maintenance. i tried to simply maintain my lunch. they call this the halo of the space needle. it's 520 feet off the ground antiand it is one of the best views in all of seattle but let's be honest. most people won't be out here and won't let you out here any way. you can now have this experience and this view thanks to technology. >> we are ready. please go. >> reporter: these experts at aerial and panoramic photography are capturing the thrill of the halo walk without the vertigo. michael frantz creating the space needle's virtual reality pieces and end up as an app. >> today we use array of six cameras all pointing out in a of those, put them into a software program and ditch it all together and create a unique experience. >> reporter: using one of these viewfinder, you can see the halo walk while keeping your feet on the ground. you not only get the sensation of walking around it, but you look down and it's as if you're looking down at the ground. >> yes, that is exactly it. we want to give people an experience of somewhere that they can't get. >> reporter: and trust me, this is one walk where you may prefer the virtual version to the reality. although the view is hard to beat. ((patranya bhoolsuwan)) > developing at this hour.. more than two dozen people have been displaced after an overnight apartment fire. michael stevens is live from the scene near maryland parkway and vegas valley drive with the latest. michael? ((michael stevens)) < we've learned 17 adults and 19 children are displaced after an overnight apartment fire. it happened near maryland parkway and vegas valley drive... residents to make sure everyone has a place to stay... no word on any injuries.> (( )) now we want to get a check on your commute < >i-15 at flamingo looks great right now, but this is one of the interchanges closing down at five pm tonight. the spring mountain and tropicana interchanges will close too. open and give you access to i-15. metro will start shutting down roads leading into the strip around 5:45 and plans on having the strip closed to cars and open for pedestrians by 6:30pm. < > las vegas boulevard will be closed between mandalay bay road and sahara. i-15... tropicana, flamingo, or spring mountain exits will be closed. for a full list of road closures and times... just go to las vegas now dot com./// < > < ((sherry swensk)) grab your warm coat this morning if you are going to be out for very long... temps are steadily dropping to near freezing already with clear skies. ............ nice and sunny to start our last day of 2015... and we'll keep the sunshine... but then as the day goes on... the winds will increase. will the winds back off for the fireworks? that's the million dollar question. it will be cold - either way - th or without a wind chill. ............... highs will make it to just under 50 degrees for our last afternoon of 2015 and again new year's day. the weekend will warm up slightly back to normal by sunday... and then as systems slide into the west next week we'll get some chances for rain./// > < welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, how "the new york times" science columnist john tierney is in our toyota green room with simple strategies. box office critics in 2015 talk about "star wars" phenomenon and other stories you shouldn't miss. time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. "syracuse post" standard says sprint and verizon customers have a deadline today to submit a refund claim. the company settled allegations of cramming earlier this year. that refers to putting unauthorized third-party charges on customers' bills. customers who beat today's deadline can get share of the 1 158 million dollar payout. best loved cars on the road report is released. consumers were asked to answer which are the most testifying. tesla model s is number one and followed by the corvette and the least satisfied is r re owe and sentra reason. a cat found two weeks ago with a badly damaged leg that had to be amputated and it was adopted wednesday by a couple who decided the cat would be the perfect companion for their 2-year-old daughter scarlett. scarlett's arm was amputated last year after she was diagnosed with cancer. the miami herald says the college football playoffs are taking over new year's eve. clemson plays oklahoma in the orange bowl this afternoon and alabama takes on michigan state in the cotton bowl and the winners of those games meet on january 11th in the national championship game. a judge dropped charges against a woman who claimed her body is a brewery. her lawyer says his client's blow alcohol level can violate the legal limit even when she rare condition is called auto brewery syndrome and caused by high levels of yeast in her digestive system. dark lickers are more likely to cause a hangover. is that true? >> i don't know. >> eat a hardy meal before you start drinking and stop drinking a couple of hours before you go to bed or maybe don't overdrink. >> one glass is good. millions of us this morning are deciding what changes to make in the coming year. but research shows that 36% of the people will break their new year's rgs byesolutions by the end of january and 56% by the end of july. how do we set ourselves up for success with the odds stacked against us? "the new york times" science columnist john tierney is author of "willpower." thank you for joining us. best of intentions but with the worst of strategies. how do we do this? >> people, too often, overdo it and they overestimate their own will willpower. the first bit of advice is make one new year's resolution and focus on that and after you do that, do neighbor something else. >> maybe i don't want to lose ten pounds but maybe one pound a week? >> you should set specific goals instead of saying i want to save money or i want to lose weight, exactly say that i want to save $200 a month and one pound a week. after you set that one very clear specific goal, you have to monitor yourself. that is really as important as setting the goal. so that if you want to spend less money, keep track of it every week. if you want to lose weight, get on the scale every day. that is one of the few clinically proven ways for losing weight. >> baby steps? >> exactly. >> if you overestimate your own willpower can you get help from other people? >> outsourcing and self-control and controlling your willpower is the key. science used to think willpower was a metaphor. what they found is really is this form of mental energy and it gets depleted as you exert self-control and resist temptation and gets depleted as you make decisions. there is a condition called a desion fatigue and that is we wrote about it in our book. two executives, barack obama and mark zuckerberg of facebook, they both resolve to try to -- try to eliminate small decisions from their lives so they both started wearing the same thing to work every day. one of them would wear a dark suit and the other would wear a gray t-shirt. >> you compartmentalize? >> exactly. by eliminating those decisions that leaves them with more energy with more willpower for the rest of the stuff in their lives. >> we can learn from people who have good self-control because >> exactly. when they track people throughout the day they found the most disciplined people use less willpower than other people because they structure their lives to avoid temptations. they don't go all you can eat buffets or keep a bowl of candy under their desk. all of us can do that. morning and deciding whether or not you're going to work out, you can schedule a workout with your friends and then that way you have to show up to do it and it's not a decision that leaves you with a little more willpower -- >> or go to bed in your workout clothes. you wake up and you have to go! >> exactly. you talk about candy. one experiment that you mentioned that test people's willpower with a bowl of m&ms. what happened? >> some were told they couldn't have any m&ms at all and some said you can have these and just not now. a clever experiment they did the experiment and left them in the bowl afterwards and thinking the experiment was over. they found people who had told it now but i can have it later, those people were the best at resisting the m&ms because -- that is a strategy when the dessert cart comes around, you know? >> right. >> don't say i'm never having that again. just say not tonight, i'll have it the next time. >> maybe one bite if you can hold back, right? >> yes. >> you say that social media and online rousesources can be helpful for people. >> keeping track of yursourself is one thing but a lot of appears that will do the grunt work for you. you can post results at facebook groups and people are watching what you do. you can tweet stuff. great appears on a website called the quantified self that will monitor how many steps you take and how many calories you're burning and then websites you can actually post your new year's resolution and have someone monitor it for you and there could be a financial penalty when you lapse. >> the point is that you're putting it out there. >> right. >> you're saying, okay, i'm sort of feel like, boy, if i don't do it i'm disappointing a lot of people. >> have you people enforcing and they are using their willpower to make you do something and you're outsourcing that self-control. >> do you have a resolution? >> oh, please. my list is like 50. >> just one, just one! just one! >> next 15 minutes we will all come up with our resolution. >> can we meet back here next year to see how we do? >> fail. >> john tierney, thank you for joining us. block busters are packing theaters but smaller movies are generating the oscar buzz. think give it to me i'm worth it baby i'm worth it "star wars: the fce awakens" is lifting hollywood to its best year in box office history. the studio has sold $11 billion worth of tickets in 2015. the seventh episode of the franchise could move to number two this weekend on the list of highest domestic grossing movies of all time. as of right now the force awakens trails four films. >> but this morning's box office conversation goes beyond the block busters. the golden globe awards are less than two weeks away. carol leads the film categories followed by the big short and steve jobs all with four and revenant. dana stevens is with here along with matt singer who is managing screen crush. 2015 is part of 2016 because sgars is still killing it at the box office. no spoilers but till lives up to the hype. >> the stars are at war, we will say that much. >> the stars are at war but as george lucas pointed out yesterday it's not about spaceships but it's about family. >> "star wars" has gotten a warm reception because finally after 38 years, is that how long since the first one? rings those same bells again and i think it's nostalgic for fans who loved it back then and viewers and lets "ussus forget about the early sequels that george lucas created. >> i think so. i was seeing a picture in seattle had a sign up we are sold out through january for "star wars." so i think it's not going to be very long before it is the all-time grocer, at least domestically. it's a huge, huge hit. >> it probably with win this weekend, right? >> by this weekend the number one movie of 2015. >> does it enter the best picture conversation at all? it's a good movie. >> a good question. now they have expanded that category to try to include more popular storms like "star wars" maybe but loovera lot of contenders in space. >> "carol" has the no golden globe nominations. movie of the year and i'm happy and it's getting rewards recognition but doesn't seem like oscar nomination to me because of "the force awakens." i think the golden globes have recognized that and critic groups have recognized that. >> a big year for women on screen. >> i was thinking about making this my top ten list this year. when i looked at who was making the movies, only two of them have been directed by a woman. i don't think there are any big nominees out there for the oscars that are directed by women, right? >> no. >> no woman up for best director. >> presumably, yeah. that's a hurdle that still has to be cleared for sure. >> we wait on the nominations, spotlight has gotten attention and a lot of people love it. is it the front-runner for best picture? >> i would think so. to me it has the most thing voters tend to look for in a best picture winner. and great screen play and it's about something. "star wars" is great, we love it but i think it's the kind of movie that voters can vote to and say hollywood can do more than "star wars" and do more than super heroes and make a movie that is interesting and compelling but also important and it has a story that has some real value and some substance to it and movies tend to win best picture. >> especially behind the scenes and through every step of what it takes to create the story which may be on paper doesn't sound so sexy. >> it's true. it isn't the kind of movie that is and really grabs you on paper. but then you watch it and it is so compelling. story too. that is the amazing thing is that you're watching it and you know the ending and you're still so invested. >> other ones getting buzz here quinton tarantino's movie. is it out? >> i think it's just coming out now on wide release. >> that is getting a lot of attention. has gotten a lot of attention tarantino's movies get. >> it's cinematically smashing. i suggest you see it the road version they say is old school with an intermission and overture. it's very violent and very gory. if you like tarantino you probably should see it but it's very stomach churning. >> i liked it and it is a movie. feel like in an age people are not watching theaters in the movie as much and watching them on their phones and ipads. this is an event and harkens back to a time when movies were big, right? you could see this movie on your ipad but you're going to be missing a lot because it's three hours long and overture and an intermission and made twice as big and you need to see it in a theater. >> what felt that way to me is -- >> a great example of the movie that really marries kind of popular art and audience appeal with just beautiful crafts, incredible practical stunts and >> and nonstop craziness. on the subject of stomach turning, leo dahicaprio. >> very little dialogue for leo. >> if you count aarrgghh dialogue, there is. but you're right. a lot of grunting and groaning! that's true. >> he grunts with the best of them! let's just say that. >> if there was an oscar for best grunting he would be a lock for the century for sure. >> can we talk about one that made my heart melt and i cried inside/out? >> i cried too. >> i'll say it. i cried. let's not -- we talk about it again. >> it was a sweet movie. do you think this one will come >> you know, i think best chances are in the best animated category and that is going to be interesting category because another wonderful movie this year named anoma lisa i loved as well and i feel those two are fighting it out in that >> couldn't be more different. >> two or three movies you're looking forward to in 2016? >> the new cohen brothers movie hail seize you're that is a hollywood comedy. dana? >> pixar, "finding nemo" sequel called "finding dori." >> we will be crying about that one as well. >> batman, superman. >> thanks. the new years's resolution is getting millennial makeover and see how a generation is it's next on "cbs this morning." on this last day of 2015, own spin on the traditional new year's resolution. the digit generation is using the twitter #millennial resolution to poke fun about the store yo types about them. here are our favorites. work on my posture so i slouch more. feel less entitled to feel entitled. and start uber driving with my hoverboard. >> it's not a hoverboard! i'm obsessed with this. i'm sorry. that is not a hoverboard. is not to say ((denise valdez)) > it's a big night in las vegas! local law enforcement are doing eveything it can to make sure people stay safe on the strip for new year's eve. more than 330- thousand people are expected to come to the valley to celebrate. there will be as many as 14- and downtown... and under cover. clark county is working with multiple agencies to protect against a potential attack: (((john steinbeck, deputy fire chief & clark county emergency manager: "we have the people here from different agencies from the red cross to state agencies to metro, clark county fire, the health district all in one room that can go ahead and provide that support." whether it's a health crisis, if it's a natural crisis, a manmade crisis, we're ready to handle." )) officers are asking people not to bring any bulky bags or strollers to the strip... if you do so, you could be searched./// ((denise valdez)) > if you're heading anywhere near the strip tonight... you need to know about several big road closures. las vegas boulevard will be closed between mandalay bay road and sahara. and if you're taking i-15... you won't be able to get on or off at the tropicana, flamingo, or spring mountain exits. we have a full list of road just go to las vegas now dot com./// ((denise valdez)) > and if you're staying home.. you can ring in the new year with our special broadcast, countdown to 2016! coverage begins at 10 pm and we'll be on the air until after the midnight fireworks show. we'll have crews all around the valley... downtown and of course, along the strip. share how you're celebrating.. by tweeting your pics at 8 news now with the hashtag "vegas n-y-e" and you might just see your posts right here on channel 8./// ((denise valdez)) < ((sherry swensk)) grab your warm coat this morning if you are going to be out for very long... temps are steadily dropping to near freezing already with clear skies. ............ to freezing and a little below again by daybreak... then the winds will pick up through the afternoon. ................. we'll keep the sunshine... but then as the day goes on... the winds increase. will the winds back off for the fireworks? that's the million dollar question. it will be cold - either way - with or without a wind chill. ............... announcer: it's "live with kelly and michael." today, mega movie star tom hanks and from "quantico," actress priyanka chopra, plus michael strahan comes face to face with his biggest fear--snakes, and don't miss your chance to win an amazing tropical vacation, but you got to tune in to win. all next on "live"! [cheering and applause]

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