Transcripts For KLAS CBS Evening News 20160228 : comparemela

Transcripts For KLAS CBS Evening News 20160228

( cheers and applause ) we-- we are going to compete for every vote in every state. we are not taking anything, and we're not taking anyone for granted. ( cheers and applause ) >> reporter: clinton camped out in the state all week, working to run up the score. from here, it's a race to hit as many super tuesday states as possible in three days. clinton will stick to the south, visiting tennessee, arkansas, and virginia. she even popped over to alabama today before returning to south carolina to watch the results. sanders will campaign in minnesota, vermont, and colorado. and while polls show clinton has a big lead in texas, sanders can't afford to ignore the delegate-rich state. that's where he went today and was greeted by a crowd of 10,000. >> i believe that donald trump's idea of dividing us up is a >> reporter: he wasn't the only one talking about the latest twists in the g.o.p. race. >> you wouldn't know anything about it because you're a lousy businessman. >> i don't know anything about bankrupting four companies. you bankrupted four companies. >> reporter: the voters we met were transfixed, too. >> i don't want my son to look at those debates and think that's the way he should behave in society. >> reporter: malcolm harris is a veteran and former republican. >> it doesn't look like a party. it looks like a w.w.f. fight going on, on stage, and no policies. none. >> reporter: in a statement, sanders said he was proud of the campaign he ran here, pointing out that the race is still just beginning, with only four states having voted so far. jim. >> axelrod: nancy cordes in columbia, thank you very much. now to the republicans and the sniping between donald trump and marco rubio. what started in thursday night's here's julianna goldman. >> he couldn't get elected dog catcher in florida. >> he's flying around on hair force one. >> reporter: for the second day, donald trump and marco rubio hurled the kind of insults more often heard in a school yard than a presidential campaign. >> rubio, total lightweight. and little mouth on him-- bing, bing, bing. >> donald trump, a con artist, will never get control of this party. >> i see him starting to sweat. thank god he has really largee ears, the biggest ears i've ever seen, because they were protecting him. >> the guy with the worst spray tan in america is attacking me for putting on makeup. on ( cheers and applause ) donald trump likes to sue people. he should sue whoever did that to his face. >> reporter: rubio is betting on mudslinging to defeat the g.o.p. front-runner, but others in the party fear a trump victory is inevitable. >> it is my honor and privilege of america, donald trump. >> reporter: as trump rewrites the campaign playbook, he's forging new alliances with republicans betting he's the winner, like with chris christie, and maine's governor paul lepage who, according to the "new york times," just last week said a trump nomination "would deeply wound the republican party." meanwhile, republican leaders, like senate majority leader mitch mcconnell, are working on a backup plan. the "times" says he's given republican incumbents the green light to break with trump if he's the nominee. but the republican party may be too decentralized. various attempts to stop trump went nowhere, like a superpac proposed in this memo that was circulated last fall to top donors, including billionaire sheldon adelson. "if trump wins," it says, "everyone loses." trump's opponents do seem to have unified around calling onse him to release his tax returns to up the pressure. showing he and his wife made $2.3 million from 2010-2014 and paid about $526,000 in taxes. but, jim, these are just summaries of those filings. they're not the complete has provided and like mitt romney provided in 2012. >> axelrod: julianna goldmanth with the latest on the republican side of the race. thank you. senator ted cruz has promised to release his tax returns soon, and he's pressing donald trump to do the same. in an interview with john dickerson for "face the nation," cruz suggested trump's refusal to show his returns raises ethical questions.ti >> reporter: why is it a problem if he doesn't release his taxes? >> well, he said in the debate, he said, "gosh, i'm being audited for two years," then he said three years, then he said maybe five years. listen, if there's a problem in. his taxes, the voters have a right to know because come september, october, the general election, folks in the media are going to make a heyday about any problems with his taxes, and i think primary voters have a right to know. >> axelrod: you can see theig rest of john's interview with ted cruz tomorrow morning on donald trump, marco rubio, and bernie sanders are also scheduled to appear. the town of hesston, kansas, is still reeling tonight, two days after a gunman murdered three people at a plant and wounded 14 others before police killed him.4 today, manuel bojorquez spoke with some of the survivors. >> reporter: zach naylor returned to excel industries today for the first time since the shooting. a bullet pierced his foot. >> i'm upset that we lost some close people that we work with every day. it's hard to deal with. >> reporter: three of his coworkers were killed, including his friend joshua higbee, who was trying to save others. >> i would consider him more of a hero than anybody because he died trying to save someone else. >> reporter: lorettar: sadowsky's son, brian, was also killed. >> when he didn't answer me, he usually does, and about 10 minutes, i sent him another text, and said, "please call me." from him. >> reporter: police say cedric ford's rage was triggered by a protective order taken out by an ex-girlfriend. he carjacked and shot people as he made his way to the plant thursday and fired at d.j. britton is in intensive care after he was shot through the leg. the suspect was not only his coworker, his parents' dentist and linda lived two doors down from ford. >> he heard a pop and went straight to the floor, and w that's when he realized he'd been shot. >> reporter: ford was a convicted felon. investigators say the weapons he used in the attack, an assault rifle and pistol, were given to him by a former girlfriend, sarah j. hopkins, who is now in jail facing charges. her pastor, donna voteau, said hopkins came to her church while she was trying to get out of a troubled relationship. >> right now, it's awfully easy for sarah to become the face of o why this happened. and i know sarah. i can't imagine how her heart is broken. >> reporter: hearts are broken community. the machines made at the plant now stand as part of a memorial. and the town will hold a memorial service tomorrow night, just a block away from the plant, which is still considered an active crime scene. jim. >> axelrod: manuel bojorquez in the devastated community of hesston, kansas, thank you. it was relatively quiet in syria today, the first day of a brokered cease-fire involving russian and syrian forces and some rebel groups. elizabeth palmer is in damascus, where she's been talking to people shocked at the break in the fighting. >> reporter: here in damascus, after the partial cease-fire took effect, we did continue to hear sporadic shelling and mortaring from the city suburbs. but, overall, day one has gone better than anyone expected. although, of course, there is no official monitoring. we went down into the center of damascus to a park that's both a campsite and a hangout for some of the thousands of syrians who had to flee from other areas. lives have been shattered by the war, they hope today's lull might actually somehow lead to lasting peace. they are tired, and they just want to go home. throughout the day, there were several reports of violations, rebel groups accusing the army of breaking a truce, but there were no major incidents. russia actually grounded its bombers for the day. but president putin has only promised a 24-hour pause, so itos is quite possible those russianhe planes will be in the air again tomorrow hitting the al qaeda-linked nusra front andn isis fighters, the two groups that were explicitly excluded from this cease-fire. jim. >> axelrod: elizabeth palmer, thank you. this week, a study confirmed the methane gas leak in porter ranch, california, was the largest in u.s. history. more than 100,000 tons of methane leaked before it was capped. the people who live there haveit been told it is safe to return home, but as carter evans c skeptical. >> you guys can play for a minute while i unpack a coupleth of things. >> reporter: sandy crawford has been trying to make this hotel room feel like home for more than a month. >> are you going to play with me or not? >> reporter: her family, like so many others, was elated when officials last week declared the crisis over. >> the leak in the aliso canyon storage field is permanently >> reporter: when you drove back into the neighborhood, could you smell the gas? >> no, couldn't smell it. i was hopeful. i thought we were good. >> reporter: but within hours of returning home, crawford says her youngest son had trouble breathing again, and worse. >> i looked at him, and there'sown just blood down his face. i put it on our facebook group for porter ranch, and the parents are just-- everyone is coming in saying, "we're having the same problems. our kids are having the same issues." >> reporter: crawford says she had no choice but to move back to the hotel. when you left, did all of those symptoms go away? >> 100%. >> reporter: late this week, a los angeles judge ordered three more weeks of hotel bills to residents like crawford. the gas company says that will a cost $2 million a day and is appealing the ruling, saying the air quality in the area has never posed any long-term health risks, and with the leak gone, related symptoms should be gone. what do you think is contaminated that's causing this? >> i believe there's something in our house. i don't know if it's the air inside of our house, because we've tried to air it out.. i don't know if it's in our mattresses or the drapes. i don't know what it is. i want to be home. we want to be home. our kids want to be home playing with their games and toys and living our normal life. >> reporter: for now, it's anything but normal. carter evans, cbs news, los angeles. >> axelrod: up next, the zika outbreak prompts a new travel warning ahead of the summer olympics. and surge pricing heads to disneyworld when the cbs evening news conditions. song: "that's life" song: "that's life" song: "that's life" that's life. you diet. you exercise. and if you still need help lowering your blood sugar... ...this is jardiance. along with diet and exercise, jardiance works around the clock to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. it works by helping your body to get rid of some of the sugar it doesn't need through urination. this can help you lower blood sugar and a1c. and although it's not for weight loss or lowering systolic blood pressure, jardiance could help with both. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. other side effects are genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections, changes in urination, kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have 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warning about travel to brazil is the strongest one the c.d.c. has issued to date, and it's triggering new concern for athletes planning to attend the games in august. >> at some point, i do want to start a family. >> reporter: appearing on "cbs this morning" this week, two-time olympic gold medalist hope solo says she's kickingst around the idea of staying home. >> i don't want to be worried. i don't want those anxieties.. i don't want the constant tests. >> reporter: the american women's wrestling team was competing in rio just last month. u.s. wrestler adeline gray. >> i think if i was planning on having a child in the next month, i would be extremely uneasy about this. >> reporter: her teammate, alyssa lampe, in an interview with a.p., said she's trying to stay focused focused on competing. >> i haven't really within i think that's really helping. it's scary. there's nothing really you can >> reporter: most olympians of are of childbearing age, making them an especially vulnerable group. dr. william shatner is an infectious disease specialist. do you think there's a scenario in which an athlete should not travel to the olympic games? >> the only scenario that might concern me is if a woman athlete is pregnant or thinks she's pregnant at the time of the games. and then they need on talk about that with their partners, their husbands, and their physicians, and make that decision. >> reporter: at least 400,000 cases of zika have been reported in brazil. here in the u.s., the c.d.c. says there have been 107 c confirmed cases, all of them travel related. jim. >> axelrod: marlie, thank you. disney is taking a page from the uber playbook. starting tomorrow, the company's theme parks will be priced according to demand. the costs will go down slightly in less-busy times of the yearr, july and december. the company says its version of surge pricing is designed to relieve overcrowding. coming up, another sea lion pup lost in the city. what's being done to help her? get 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tomorrow. typically, sea lions keep to thep beaches in southern california. but last night, one little sea lion pup went rogue, leaving authorities with an adorable reminder of a serious problem. here's contessa brewer. >> reporter: she cried alone, starving, in strange surroundings. the tiny sea lion struggled over street curbs, around bicycles, shaking, hiding under cars. san diego police corralled the dangerously malnourished, dehydrated eight-month-old until eric ochin from the sea world rescue team arrived. t >> we'll get him the help me such and get him nice and fat and chubby. >> reporter: the sea lions are facing a food shortage. el nino's record warm water is driving fisk into the deeper, colder parts of the ocean. >> females are weaning the pups >> reporter: and they're struggling to fend for themselves. earlier this month, another pup was found in a la joya restaurant. she's lucky. marina has gained almost 10 pounds. 375 have been found stranded this year, far fewer than the00 1,200 found in the same time period last year. is that good news? >> unfortunately, those numbers are down because the pups are dying, so they're not making it to the shores where we're rescuing them. >> reporter: a rescue doesn't guarantee survival. as many as 40% still but getting them into that crate is a crucial first step. el nino's only part of the problem.'r experts say they're at a loss to explain fully what's happening. until the crisis ends, they're relying on the public's calls to alert them to stranded animals. touch. >> axelrod: contessa, thank you very much.o up next, a 21st century uniquely inspiring.uely inspiring. ly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right everyone's lookin' red carpet ready. my man, lemme guess who you're wearing... toenail fungus!? whaaat?!? fight it! with jublia. jublia is a prescription medicine... ...used to treat toenail fungus. 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didn't want to tell a story about a muslim or a south asian. we wanted to tell a story about we a young individual coming into their own. >> reporter: to tell that story, amanat drew on her own childhood as a muslim growing up in new jersey. >> i had this one instance right after the world trade center bombing. this kid came up to me and wasn like, "hey, um, can you tell your people to stop attacking us?" it was a big turning point in my life because it was the first the other. >> reporter: she found solace in comic books, like the "x-men," which features a band of mutants who do good in the face of prejudice. in the first issue of "ms. marvel"-- a nod to an earlier series by the same name-- kamala khan shape-shifts into a blonde, blue-eyed hero before her father convinces her that she's perfect as she really is. it's a story that resonated with readers everywhere.t that issue went through an unprecedented seven printings and was a "new york times" bestseller, with over 20,000 copies. he >> first page of the comic ism her smelling a b.l.t. in a local convenience store. and bacon is forbidden in islam. it's just a moment where you are just trying to be something that you're not. >> diversity has always been really important in comics. >> reporter: john jay professor jonathan gray writes >> that marvel is representing this character at a time where we have some, you know, divisive political rhetoric, i think it shows that we can sort of embrace our diversity and not sort of be turned off by it. >> reporter: "ms. marvel" has been a phenomenon. a sign of the character's importance to marvel-- the most recent issue of the franchise series "the avengers" features kamala khan, front and center. amanat says their intention was never political. >> we went in to try to tell a unique story, who muslims are and who muslims can be, but really about who a good person is. >> reporter: in these stories, marvel presents diversity as struggle and strength. their corporate motto could well be, "with great power comes great responsibility." don dahler, cbs news, new york. >> axelrod: and that is the cbs evening news for tonight. later on cbs, "48 hours." for now i'm jim axelrod here in new york. for all of us here at cbs news, thanks for joining us. captioning sponsored by cbs media access group at wgbh> hillary clinton wins big. whats next for the democratic candidates... following the south carolina primary. staying safe outdoors. the tips for those planning to step outside and enjoy the plus... students searching for jobs. what these high school students are learning.. as they sit down for job interviews with local companies./// now, nevada's first choice for news, this is 8 newsnow, weekend edition ((sharie johnson)) > good evening and thanks for joining us. i'm sharie johnson. polls are now closed in south carolina... and hillary clinton is the projected winner in the state's primary. the latest numbers show clinton she had a huge lead over bernie sanders in the polls there for some time. in the last 24 hours... she was joined by her husband and daughter... and held 9 campaign events throughout south carolina. both candidates are now looking ahead to super tuesday when more than 800 delegates will be up for grabs./// ((sharie johnson)) > it's been a week since democrats held their caucus right here in nevada. but some are still upset about the process---they say-- left people from getting to vote. mauricio marin has more on the change some protesters are demanding. (( )) ((nicholas lash/protestor: "we're out here because we feel there were alot of voices stiffled and alot of people that weren't repreesnted. we feel like there's alot of mishandling.' )) ((mauricio marin)) dozens of protesters outside a federal building downtown saturday. they're voicing their frustration about the nevada democratic caucus. some saying people gave up and didn't vote because of how long the process took. (( angie sullivan/protes ter: "my caucus experience was bad. it was extremely bad and a bunch of people got disenfrancished at i started to caucaus at 10am and did not enter building until 1:30>" )) ((mauricio marin)) some nevada leaders fought to have political parties caucus rather than hold a nevada will have more influence on who's chosen to run for president. those who came to rally today say that's a good thing...but at what cost? ((angie sullivan/protes ter: "we're first in the west and i think that's very exciting however if the cost is that you don't get to vote at all then i'm not sure what first in the west means." )) ((mauricio marin)) protestors say those who had to work or who couldn't physically get to a caucus site were also left out. and say that may have given one candidate an upperhand over the other in nevada. so protestors say they want oversight over future caucuses. ((nicholas lash/protestor: "we need to go to a fair system that works for all people." )) ((mauricio marin)) mauricio marin. 8 news now./// ((sharie johnson)) we reached out to the nevada democrats for

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