Transcripts For KLAS CBS Evening News 20160125 : comparemela

Transcripts For KLAS CBS Evening News 20160125

shovel steps at the homes of two elderly neighbors. >> senior citizens can't get out here and walk in the snow like this. >> so he dug them out. then cleared the steps and sidewalks for eight more neighbors. >> you have to be the hero of the neighborhood. >> i don't know. that's up to them to decide. >> reporter: huge amounts of snow are being removed from freeways and some area suburbs are buried under three feet of snow. the airports are working around the clock to clear more than 1,000 miles of pavement making up the runway, tacki wares and tarmacs before reopening. so far the storm is responsible for more than 11,000 flight cancelations. washington's airport. >> the storm of this magnitude affect sog many airports across the country. it's going to take awhile for the air travel system as a whole to get back to normal. >> in what's become a huge d.c. tradition, when the snow stops, hundreds gather. and the snowballs fly. >> who wouldn't come to a big >> d.c.'s snow fall total comes from reagan national airport it recorded 17.8 inches of snow but vinita the news learned the weather center is launching an intellectual investigation over reports it got the total wrofnlg the nearby national zoo recorded 22.4 inches of snow and learning the federal government has decided to stay closed again tomorrow. >> nair: kris van cleave, thank you. new york got more than two feet of snow and is moving forward like it was little more than a dusting. here's jamie yuccas. >> reporter: at the crack of dawn, the shoafling started. by midday, some started to move. >> what are you doing? >> going to work. >> reporter: just six hours after the snow stopped, all major roads were cleared. broadway reopened and trains and buss are back in service. governor andrew cuomo lifted a travel ban at 7:00 this morning. >> we survived. and then some. >> reporter: about new york officers busy but none were fatal. jfc and laguardia are back open after canceling almost 3,000 flights saturday and today. mayor bill de blasio. >> they did an extraordinary job, even though the storm came early, and was in some ways obviously greater than anyone expected. >> reporter: there is still cleanup in some spots, in queens they're still working to clear streets. >> even as people can get out, they first have to find their car and then they are going to have to go ahead and dig it out. >> oh my goodness. >> the mayor is asking people to keep their cars parked so flows can clear the roads but kevin valdez says not one had touched his street by noon. >> what did you think yesterday when the snow started coming down, two, three inches an hour. >> i thought it was kind of beautiful, you know, it looked artistic, it was kind of nice. but then i thought wow, the cleaning process is going to be a long process for me. majority of new yorkers, it was a good old-fashioned snow day. while families had so much fun with all this snow in central park, the mayor says students are headed back to class tomorrow. and vinita, more than 850 plows are still out targeting the hardist hit areas. >> nair: jamie yuccas tonight, thank you. on the jersey shore full moon high tides sent sea water and chunks of snow and ice flowing through the streets. injurica duncan is in wild wood, new jersey. >> the water in wild wood is so high in some places, cars can't get through. >> it gets to be a real mess in here. >> reporter: mayor troyiano dloaf us through the neighborhoods hit the hardest saying this storm's tides were higher than superstorm sandy. >> there are hundreds and hundreds of cars caught in these tides. >> reporter: marissa rigby >> we had beautiful snow for all of a few hours before it became a river of icebergs. >> reporter: restaurant owner dave bannon spent sunday drying out. he says the water was up to a foot during the height of the storm. >> as you can see, it is gone. when i came in, the water was about up to here. >> reporter: at one point more than 18,000 customers lost power along the jersey shore. most shoretowns saw minor to moderate flooding and new jersey governor chris christie said overall, his state did well. >> we look forward to a normal, regular workweek starting tomorrow. >> yeah, we got some water this time. >> reporter: but for people in southern new jersey, forced to truj through flood waters, the storm was another reminder of how vulnerable coastal communities still are. >> did he do better up there cuz we didn't do so good down here. >> reporter: the mayor of wildwood says about a hundred people were forced to evacuate from this neighborhood. he's hoping that by tomorrow, vinita, most of those people will be able to return home. thank you. well, now to the presidential race which was dominated today by the talk of another name brand new york billionaire who may jump in as an independent. here's julianna goldman. >> as of now he is just a private citizen who owns a big company. >> reporter: with michael bloomberg exploring a third party bid, presidential candidates dismissed what would be the latest curve ball in the 2016 race. >> if that takes place, i'm confident that we will win it. >> reporter: the former new york city mayor has told associates he wants to run as a centrist, if the election comes down to donald trump or ted cruz versus bernie sanders. >> well, i'm going to relieve him of that and get the >> reporter: trump encouraged his fellow new yorker to get in. >> then i will have to deal wednesday hillary if she doesn't go to jail or i'm going to have to deal against bernie, or somebody, or bloomberg comes in, which would be great, i would i love the competition. >> reporter: with the caucuses just eight days away, candidates texas center ted cruz are bealting for conservative voters. the republican frontrunner attended church on sunday and continue to raise questions about cruz' eligibility to be president. >> will run for president, then will run for prime minister of canada. and so we have an opportunity once again to make america great again. >> reporter: over the weekend, iowa senator charles grassley appeared at a rally with trump. while it wasn't an endorsement t is a sign that the establishment is warming to the idea of trump as its nominee. even as he doubles down on yet another controversial comment. >> you said yesterday you could shoot someone in fifth avenue and wouldn't lose voters. are you that confident, huh? >> well, i have a very great group of people, john. i mean i have people that are so loyal. >> reporter: over the weekend the des moines register endorsed senator marco rubio and hillary clinton it could give rubio a doos but the endorsement is probl probably less influential over the summer the paper's editorial board called for trump to get out of the race. didn't exactly hurt his poll numbers. >> nair: julianna goldman, thank you. just over a week before the iowa caucuses a cbs battleground tracker poll shows donald trump has regained his lead over ted cruz in iowa and now has a five point lead. here with more on the presidential race is elections director anthony salvanto. so anthony, what is behind trump's surge? >> he's made gains with key groups in iowa, evangelicals, tea party voters and added that to his existing support which he has retained over this campaign better than any other candidate. his voters tell us they want two things. shake up the system and fix the economy. and then almost 80% of iowans say they feel like trump just gets it, understands how they feel. that may be the kind of emotional connection that explains why the recent attacks on him just aren't working. >> reporter: well, the emotions and numbers are two very different things. when you look at those numbers in the mols, do you see anything that could derail him? his voters do say though that they're strongly committed to him and ready to caucus. but he may have a hard time convincing those on the fence. people who aren't already with him, largely say in the poll that they won't consider him. so his challenge is really to grow support beyond that base, vinita as we get deeper into the primaries. >> nair: on the democratic side right now hillary clinton is one point behind bernie sanders in iowa. what does she need to do? >> sanders has been making gains by trying to tie clinton to big donor money. in fact, most iowa democrats now say she might side with donors over regular people. but her supporters see her as electable and her plans more realistic. i think that's the argument she'll continue to press in this final week. >> nair: one of the big headlines today was certainly the possibility that former new york city mayor michael bloomberg could be running as an independent. >> it's a challenge for any independent candidate. remember, the presidency is won state by state. d the hurdle is getting to 0. at needs to win states that e reliably democratic or liably republican, places like xas or california. 's not just about swinging the battlegrounds from the middle, vinita. >> nair: all right, anthony salvanto, thank you. >> thank you. >> nair: a powerful earthquake rattled anchorage alaska overnight, magnitude 7.1 centered about 160 miles west of the city. one home near the epicenter was damaged by a gas explosion that followed the quake. but there were no reports of injuries. a community in canada is in mourning after a mass shooting, rare for that country. a teenager killed four people in the remote village of laloche, sas sas, with more details jonathan vigliotti. >> residents here are doing something they have never done before. mourning a mass shooting. the remote aboriginal community of 2600 has long been known for its rampant drug abuse and long-standing poverty, until now the town has remained immune to on friday, scenes once thought foreign shatter the already fragile town. it began at this house around noon. police say the 17 year old attacker whose name is being withheld, shot open the front door and killed two teenage brothers. done don herman is their uncle. >> it's hard, it's hard for me to talk about this right now. >> reporter: the violence continued at the suspect's local high school where he shot through the front door and opened fire. seven people were injured, two kilted. canadian media identified 35 year oldeacher adam wood and 21 year old educational assistant marie janvier as the two vic im, kel esha janvier is her cousin. >> she was-- i seen her smile, i walked past her and said hi. that was the last time. >> reporter: police arrested the gunman at the school. silent guy who usually kept to himself. it's still unclear what fueled his attack. jonathan vigliotti, cbs news, london. >> an intense manhunt is under way for three escaped prisoners. officials reveal how they broke out. and an officer calls for basketball backup and gets shak. when the cbs evening news continues.d nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. raise your expectations. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, control is possible. when you're living with diabetes, steady is exciting. only glucerna has carbsteady, clinically proven to help minimize blood sugar spikes. so you stay steady ahead. when you have a digital notebook to capture investing ideas that instantly gives you stock prices, earnings, and dividends... an equity summary score that consolidates the stock ratings of top analysts into a single score... and $7.95 online u.s. equity trades, lower than td ameritrade, schwab, and e-trade, you realize the smartest investing idea but who you invest with. [ cough ] no matter what nasty cold symptoms you get, alka seltzer plus liquid gels rush liquid fast relief to your tough cold symptoms. and they outsell mucinex liquid gels 2 to 1. alka seltzer plus liquid gels. good news. you're down with crestor. alright! now there's a way you can get crestor for $3. adding crestor, along with diet, lowers bad cholesterol. crestor is not for people with liver disease, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness; feel unusually tired; have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of serious side effects. ask for the crestor $3 card. ask your doctor about crestor. >> nair: a manhunt continues for three es kaippedz inmates in southern california. they broke out of a maximum security jail in santa ana on friday, as mireya villarreal reports they are considered armed and dangerous. >> we will not stop until these individuals are back in our custody. >> reporter: authorities say jonathan tuu, ba the three may have spent months planning their daring escape from the orange county jail. sheriff sandra hutchins. >> it appears to be a very sophisticated operation. metics will says the sheriff. >> it seems that the inmates cut through half inch steel bars, cut their way through the pluming tunnels and ultimately gained access to an unsecure area of the roof. from the roof the inmates rapels down to the ground. >> reporter: authorities say it's likely they used bed sheets and other clothing to fashion a make shift rope. as to what tools they used to escape, how they got them or if they had help, all those questions got the same response. >> we are still looking into that. >> reporter: they're also looking at whether a disturbance inside the jail just prior to the nightly head count may have been a ruse by other inmates to help the three men escape. and now says sheriff hutchins, there's a more immediate concern. >> we have notified the victims of some of these crimes and the people that investigated those crimes to insure that everybody who was involved in these cases is safe. >> reporter: authorities don't they say tips tips have poured in but so far no confirmed sightings. mireya villarreal, cbs news, los angeles. >> nair: up next, airlines are making more money than ever. are they about to give passengers a break? just switch from denture paste to sea-bond denture adhesive seals. holds stronger than the leading paste all day... without the ooze. feel secure. be yourself. i'm here at my house, on thanksgiving day and i have a massive heart attack right in my driveway. the doctor put me on a bayer aspirin regimen. be se to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. go talk to your doctor. >> nair: lower fuel prices have airline profits soaring to record highs, united airlines reported profits 64.5 billion for 2015. southwest reported nearly 2.5 billion in profits. both airlines at least doubled what they made in 2014. so does this mean ticket prices will come down? here is cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger. we all hopefully think they will come down. is there a chance? >> think about this, the major airlines saved 46 billion dollars on jet fuel costs last year. unfortunately, just a fraction of that gets passed along to the passengers. according to the transportation statistics bureau, we know that the average domestic flight last year, 385 dollars, that was down 2.8% from the year before. so a little bit. now it seems pretty good though highest airfare inflation adjusted, 473 bucks. >> nair: what about the little fees, we've gotten so used to paying them. do you think those could come down. >> i think we're going to continue to get nickeled and dimed. some of the numbers are pretty remarkable. we've got the sixth largest u.s. airlines making $18 billion in fees and that's a 19% increase from 2014. it's up 163% from 2010. now globally, all airlines make about 59 billion dollars from these ancillary revenue sources. so i don't think those fees are going away any time soon. it's such an important component. >> nair: with all that profit, how are their stocks performing. >> amazingly. profits soaring, stocks not so much, the airline index down 23% from a year ago. investors fear that these regional airlines are trying to eat into the big guy's business and it could cause a price war. good news for consumers, though. go out and get yourself a cheap fare right now. schlesinger, thank you so much. >> a pickup game in gainesville, florida, had a surprise player, nba great shaquille o'neal showed up as a guest of local police after seeing a viral video of an officer who played with kids instead of yelling at them after a noise complaint. the seven foot big man was rusty, but as you can see, he still had some moves. still ahead, an officer who lost his best friend now gets to pick a new partner. when it comes to the cloud, trust and security are paramount. we're building what we learn back into the cloud to make people and organizations safer. if you have high blood pressure like i do, many cold medicines may raise your blood pressure. it relieves cold symptoms without raising blood pressure. so look for powerful cold medicine with a heart. coricidin hbp. i am totally blind. i lost my sight in afghanistan. if you're totally blind, you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424. or visit did you know that meeting your daily protein needs actually helps to support your muscle health? 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(( mauricio marin/reporter: "all day nevada highway patrol troopers investigating a deadly car crash involving a motorcycle. traffic still stacked up here as authorities and detectives have been investigating on scene all day long.' )) ((mauricio marin)) this is all that remained of a motorcycle that n-h-p troopers say slammed into a semi-truck slammed into a semi-truck sunday morning. the motorcyclist died on scene. and that person's name won't be released by the coroner until family is notified. a driver of the semi truck and a person in a third vehicle involved in the crash were not hurt.. for most of the day traffic heading into las vegas from the north was being diverted to the shoulder of the freeway keeping traffic crawling until lanes reopened once investigators finished collecting evidence on scene. (( mauricio marin/reporter: "now this is the fifth traffic related death that nevada highway patrol troopers have investigated so far in 2016. they're asking everyone to look out for each other. mauricio marin. 8 news now." )) ((sharie johnson)) > millions of people on the east coast are scrambling to dig themselves out of the snow and ice... ...after this weekend's crippling winter storm. grounded thousands of flights...

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Transcripts For KLAS CBS Evening News 20160125 :

Transcripts For KLAS CBS Evening News 20160125

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shovel steps at the homes of two elderly neighbors. >> senior citizens can't get out here and walk in the snow like this. >> so he dug them out. then cleared the steps and sidewalks for eight more neighbors. >> you have to be the hero of the neighborhood. >> i don't know. that's up to them to decide. >> reporter: huge amounts of snow are being removed from freeways and some area suburbs are buried under three feet of snow. the airports are working around the clock to clear more than 1,000 miles of pavement making up the runway, tacki wares and tarmacs before reopening. so far the storm is responsible for more than 11,000 flight cancelations. washington's airport. >> the storm of this magnitude affect sog many airports across the country. it's going to take awhile for the air travel system as a whole to get back to normal. >> in what's become a huge d.c. tradition, when the snow stops, hundreds gather. and the snowballs fly. >> who wouldn't come to a big >> d.c.'s snow fall total comes from reagan national airport it recorded 17.8 inches of snow but vinita the news learned the weather center is launching an intellectual investigation over reports it got the total wrofnlg the nearby national zoo recorded 22.4 inches of snow and learning the federal government has decided to stay closed again tomorrow. >> nair: kris van cleave, thank you. new york got more than two feet of snow and is moving forward like it was little more than a dusting. here's jamie yuccas. >> reporter: at the crack of dawn, the shoafling started. by midday, some started to move. >> what are you doing? >> going to work. >> reporter: just six hours after the snow stopped, all major roads were cleared. broadway reopened and trains and buss are back in service. governor andrew cuomo lifted a travel ban at 7:00 this morning. >> we survived. and then some. >> reporter: about new york officers busy but none were fatal. jfc and laguardia are back open after canceling almost 3,000 flights saturday and today. mayor bill de blasio. >> they did an extraordinary job, even though the storm came early, and was in some ways obviously greater than anyone expected. >> reporter: there is still cleanup in some spots, in queens they're still working to clear streets. >> even as people can get out, they first have to find their car and then they are going to have to go ahead and dig it out. >> oh my goodness. >> the mayor is asking people to keep their cars parked so flows can clear the roads but kevin valdez says not one had touched his street by noon. >> what did you think yesterday when the snow started coming down, two, three inches an hour. >> i thought it was kind of beautiful, you know, it looked artistic, it was kind of nice. but then i thought wow, the cleaning process is going to be a long process for me. majority of new yorkers, it was a good old-fashioned snow day. while families had so much fun with all this snow in central park, the mayor says students are headed back to class tomorrow. and vinita, more than 850 plows are still out targeting the hardist hit areas. >> nair: jamie yuccas tonight, thank you. on the jersey shore full moon high tides sent sea water and chunks of snow and ice flowing through the streets. injurica duncan is in wild wood, new jersey. >> the water in wild wood is so high in some places, cars can't get through. >> it gets to be a real mess in here. >> reporter: mayor troyiano dloaf us through the neighborhoods hit the hardest saying this storm's tides were higher than superstorm sandy. >> there are hundreds and hundreds of cars caught in these tides. >> reporter: marissa rigby >> we had beautiful snow for all of a few hours before it became a river of icebergs. >> reporter: restaurant owner dave bannon spent sunday drying out. he says the water was up to a foot during the height of the storm. >> as you can see, it is gone. when i came in, the water was about up to here. >> reporter: at one point more than 18,000 customers lost power along the jersey shore. most shoretowns saw minor to moderate flooding and new jersey governor chris christie said overall, his state did well. >> we look forward to a normal, regular workweek starting tomorrow. >> yeah, we got some water this time. >> reporter: but for people in southern new jersey, forced to truj through flood waters, the storm was another reminder of how vulnerable coastal communities still are. >> did he do better up there cuz we didn't do so good down here. >> reporter: the mayor of wildwood says about a hundred people were forced to evacuate from this neighborhood. he's hoping that by tomorrow, vinita, most of those people will be able to return home. thank you. well, now to the presidential race which was dominated today by the talk of another name brand new york billionaire who may jump in as an independent. here's julianna goldman. >> as of now he is just a private citizen who owns a big company. >> reporter: with michael bloomberg exploring a third party bid, presidential candidates dismissed what would be the latest curve ball in the 2016 race. >> if that takes place, i'm confident that we will win it. >> reporter: the former new york city mayor has told associates he wants to run as a centrist, if the election comes down to donald trump or ted cruz versus bernie sanders. >> well, i'm going to relieve him of that and get the >> reporter: trump encouraged his fellow new yorker to get in. >> then i will have to deal wednesday hillary if she doesn't go to jail or i'm going to have to deal against bernie, or somebody, or bloomberg comes in, which would be great, i would i love the competition. >> reporter: with the caucuses just eight days away, candidates texas center ted cruz are bealting for conservative voters. the republican frontrunner attended church on sunday and continue to raise questions about cruz' eligibility to be president. >> will run for president, then will run for prime minister of canada. and so we have an opportunity once again to make america great again. >> reporter: over the weekend, iowa senator charles grassley appeared at a rally with trump. while it wasn't an endorsement t is a sign that the establishment is warming to the idea of trump as its nominee. even as he doubles down on yet another controversial comment. >> you said yesterday you could shoot someone in fifth avenue and wouldn't lose voters. are you that confident, huh? >> well, i have a very great group of people, john. i mean i have people that are so loyal. >> reporter: over the weekend the des moines register endorsed senator marco rubio and hillary clinton it could give rubio a doos but the endorsement is probl probably less influential over the summer the paper's editorial board called for trump to get out of the race. didn't exactly hurt his poll numbers. >> nair: julianna goldman, thank you. just over a week before the iowa caucuses a cbs battleground tracker poll shows donald trump has regained his lead over ted cruz in iowa and now has a five point lead. here with more on the presidential race is elections director anthony salvanto. so anthony, what is behind trump's surge? >> he's made gains with key groups in iowa, evangelicals, tea party voters and added that to his existing support which he has retained over this campaign better than any other candidate. his voters tell us they want two things. shake up the system and fix the economy. and then almost 80% of iowans say they feel like trump just gets it, understands how they feel. that may be the kind of emotional connection that explains why the recent attacks on him just aren't working. >> reporter: well, the emotions and numbers are two very different things. when you look at those numbers in the mols, do you see anything that could derail him? his voters do say though that they're strongly committed to him and ready to caucus. but he may have a hard time convincing those on the fence. people who aren't already with him, largely say in the poll that they won't consider him. so his challenge is really to grow support beyond that base, vinita as we get deeper into the primaries. >> nair: on the democratic side right now hillary clinton is one point behind bernie sanders in iowa. what does she need to do? >> sanders has been making gains by trying to tie clinton to big donor money. in fact, most iowa democrats now say she might side with donors over regular people. but her supporters see her as electable and her plans more realistic. i think that's the argument she'll continue to press in this final week. >> nair: one of the big headlines today was certainly the possibility that former new york city mayor michael bloomberg could be running as an independent. >> it's a challenge for any independent candidate. remember, the presidency is won state by state. d the hurdle is getting to 0. at needs to win states that e reliably democratic or liably republican, places like xas or california. 's not just about swinging the battlegrounds from the middle, vinita. >> nair: all right, anthony salvanto, thank you. >> thank you. >> nair: a powerful earthquake rattled anchorage alaska overnight, magnitude 7.1 centered about 160 miles west of the city. one home near the epicenter was damaged by a gas explosion that followed the quake. but there were no reports of injuries. a community in canada is in mourning after a mass shooting, rare for that country. a teenager killed four people in the remote village of laloche, sas sas, with more details jonathan vigliotti. >> residents here are doing something they have never done before. mourning a mass shooting. the remote aboriginal community of 2600 has long been known for its rampant drug abuse and long-standing poverty, until now the town has remained immune to on friday, scenes once thought foreign shatter the already fragile town. it began at this house around noon. police say the 17 year old attacker whose name is being withheld, shot open the front door and killed two teenage brothers. done don herman is their uncle. >> it's hard, it's hard for me to talk about this right now. >> reporter: the violence continued at the suspect's local high school where he shot through the front door and opened fire. seven people were injured, two kilted. canadian media identified 35 year oldeacher adam wood and 21 year old educational assistant marie janvier as the two vic im, kel esha janvier is her cousin. >> she was-- i seen her smile, i walked past her and said hi. that was the last time. >> reporter: police arrested the gunman at the school. silent guy who usually kept to himself. it's still unclear what fueled his attack. jonathan vigliotti, cbs news, london. >> an intense manhunt is under way for three escaped prisoners. officials reveal how they broke out. and an officer calls for basketball backup and gets shak. when the cbs evening news continues.d nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. raise your expectations. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, control is possible. when you're living with diabetes, steady is exciting. only glucerna has carbsteady, clinically proven to help minimize blood sugar spikes. so you stay steady ahead. when you have a digital notebook to capture investing ideas that instantly gives you stock prices, earnings, and dividends... an equity summary score that consolidates the stock ratings of top analysts into a single score... and $7.95 online u.s. equity trades, lower than td ameritrade, schwab, and e-trade, you realize the smartest investing idea but who you invest with. [ cough ] no matter what nasty cold symptoms you get, alka seltzer plus liquid gels rush liquid fast relief to your tough cold symptoms. and they outsell mucinex liquid gels 2 to 1. alka seltzer plus liquid gels. good news. you're down with crestor. alright! now there's a way you can get crestor for $3. adding crestor, along with diet, lowers bad cholesterol. crestor is not for people with liver disease, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness; feel unusually tired; have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of serious side effects. ask for the crestor $3 card. ask your doctor about crestor. >> nair: a manhunt continues for three es kaippedz inmates in southern california. they broke out of a maximum security jail in santa ana on friday, as mireya villarreal reports they are considered armed and dangerous. >> we will not stop until these individuals are back in our custody. >> reporter: authorities say jonathan tuu, ba the three may have spent months planning their daring escape from the orange county jail. sheriff sandra hutchins. >> it appears to be a very sophisticated operation. metics will says the sheriff. >> it seems that the inmates cut through half inch steel bars, cut their way through the pluming tunnels and ultimately gained access to an unsecure area of the roof. from the roof the inmates rapels down to the ground. >> reporter: authorities say it's likely they used bed sheets and other clothing to fashion a make shift rope. as to what tools they used to escape, how they got them or if they had help, all those questions got the same response. >> we are still looking into that. >> reporter: they're also looking at whether a disturbance inside the jail just prior to the nightly head count may have been a ruse by other inmates to help the three men escape. and now says sheriff hutchins, there's a more immediate concern. >> we have notified the victims of some of these crimes and the people that investigated those crimes to insure that everybody who was involved in these cases is safe. >> reporter: authorities don't they say tips tips have poured in but so far no confirmed sightings. mireya villarreal, cbs news, los angeles. >> nair: up next, airlines are making more money than ever. are they about to give passengers a break? just switch from denture paste to sea-bond denture adhesive seals. holds stronger than the leading paste all day... without the ooze. feel secure. be yourself. i'm here at my house, on thanksgiving day and i have a massive heart attack right in my driveway. the doctor put me on a bayer aspirin regimen. be se to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. go talk to your doctor. >> nair: lower fuel prices have airline profits soaring to record highs, united airlines reported profits 64.5 billion for 2015. southwest reported nearly 2.5 billion in profits. both airlines at least doubled what they made in 2014. so does this mean ticket prices will come down? here is cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger. we all hopefully think they will come down. is there a chance? >> think about this, the major airlines saved 46 billion dollars on jet fuel costs last year. unfortunately, just a fraction of that gets passed along to the passengers. according to the transportation statistics bureau, we know that the average domestic flight last year, 385 dollars, that was down 2.8% from the year before. so a little bit. now it seems pretty good though highest airfare inflation adjusted, 473 bucks. >> nair: what about the little fees, we've gotten so used to paying them. do you think those could come down. >> i think we're going to continue to get nickeled and dimed. some of the numbers are pretty remarkable. we've got the sixth largest u.s. airlines making $18 billion in fees and that's a 19% increase from 2014. it's up 163% from 2010. now globally, all airlines make about 59 billion dollars from these ancillary revenue sources. so i don't think those fees are going away any time soon. it's such an important component. >> nair: with all that profit, how are their stocks performing. >> amazingly. profits soaring, stocks not so much, the airline index down 23% from a year ago. investors fear that these regional airlines are trying to eat into the big guy's business and it could cause a price war. good news for consumers, though. go out and get yourself a cheap fare right now. schlesinger, thank you so much. >> a pickup game in gainesville, florida, had a surprise player, nba great shaquille o'neal showed up as a guest of local police after seeing a viral video of an officer who played with kids instead of yelling at them after a noise complaint. the seven foot big man was rusty, but as you can see, he still had some moves. still ahead, an officer who lost his best friend now gets to pick a new partner. when it comes to the cloud, trust and security are paramount. we're building what we learn back into the cloud to make people and organizations safer. if you have high blood pressure like i do, many cold medicines may raise your blood pressure. it relieves cold symptoms without raising blood pressure. so look for powerful cold medicine with a heart. coricidin hbp. i am totally blind. i lost my sight in afghanistan. if you're totally blind, you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424. or visit did you know that meeting your daily protein needs actually helps to support your muscle health? 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(( mauricio marin/reporter: "all day nevada highway patrol troopers investigating a deadly car crash involving a motorcycle. traffic still stacked up here as authorities and detectives have been investigating on scene all day long.' )) ((mauricio marin)) this is all that remained of a motorcycle that n-h-p troopers say slammed into a semi-truck slammed into a semi-truck sunday morning. the motorcyclist died on scene. and that person's name won't be released by the coroner until family is notified. a driver of the semi truck and a person in a third vehicle involved in the crash were not hurt.. for most of the day traffic heading into las vegas from the north was being diverted to the shoulder of the freeway keeping traffic crawling until lanes reopened once investigators finished collecting evidence on scene. (( mauricio marin/reporter: "now this is the fifth traffic related death that nevada highway patrol troopers have investigated so far in 2016. they're asking everyone to look out for each other. mauricio marin. 8 news now." )) ((sharie johnson)) > millions of people on the east coast are scrambling to dig themselves out of the snow and ice... ...after this weekend's crippling winter storm. grounded thousands of flights...

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