Transcripts For KLAS 8 News Now At 4 PM 20161104 : compareme

Transcripts For KLAS 8 News Now At 4 PM 20161104

and they know it was tough for guests. they're working to make it right. as you can see it's hustling and bustling again at paris hotel and casino. it was a different sight this time yesterday. >> hotel guests made their way back to the hotel today after 3-thousand people were evacuated. many had to stay at other hotels because the power didn't come back on until close to midnight. paris hotel manangement tell us they're focus today is working with guests displaced...paying for any missed flights, mailing had to leave town, and also offering up two free nights stays beyond any rooms they comped last night. gaming experts estimate paris could have lost about 1-point-8 million dollars having the casino shut down. and there are likely even more losses because of the massive power outage. (( richard broome/caesars entertainment corporation: "there will be considerable costs associated with this event but we haven't even begin to calcuate them because it's been all about getting the power restored and taking care of our customers." )) ((mauricio marin)) metro police for helping during the ordeal. firefighters had to rescue 11 people from elevators that got stuck. clark county fire had 55 firefighters on site. they checked every floor and room to make sure everyone got out once the evacuation orders were given. ((mauricio marin)) >> one of the things they're looking at is why the back up power didn't go on as it should have when the main power line was cut. we're looking into that coming up on 8 news now at 5. reporting live...mauricio marin. 8 news now. ((christianne klein)) >> mauri employees? we saw alot of folks showing up for work? what role were they playing to help guests out? ((mauricio marin)) >> as you can imagine it was an ordeal to help get guests to other hotels with a busy week like this in las vegas. some employees stayed on site to help however they could. others scheduled to work were still paid for the they're not losing out on wages. back to you./// ((christianne klein)) not everything about the blackout was a negative... this heart-warming moment is brought to you by the clark pup named jax from a room on the fifth floor during the outage and reunited him with his family. you can see that happy tail wagging. the video has been viewed about 17-thousand times on ccfd's facebook page since yesterday./// ((christianne klein)) the outage became quite the talker on social media and many of you took the facebook page with your thoughts. jessica wrote... someone's gonna get fired!! maricel said in part... i feel sorry for the hotel. that's a lot of money even if it's by accident. bill posted... here in las vegas, how would you like a power outage during a chicago winters day? and john jokingly replied... oceans fourteen "silly face"/// ((tedd florendo)) sunny and milder today with temperatures above average again for another straight day. winds also increased a little again, but should subside again later in the evening. time but rain seems to be staying to the east. ........... ........................ .................... tonight hour by hour shows temps i the 70's then 60's later in the evening. more sunshing tomorrow with sunny skies and calmer winds for your friday. expecting clear skies as well with possibly some clouds developing east county and over mohave county arizona. ((paul joncich)) early voting ends today. a lot of people have been taking advan so if you're planning on heading out to the polls, you may run into long lines. 8 news now reporter karen castro is live near tropical and centennial parkway. karen, how's it looking out there? ((karen castro)) >> we've been told this is one of the busiest polling places in the valley. there's been a steady flow of voters coming through all day. here's what it looks like right now.... there are about 30 people in along fairly quickly. throughout the day, we've visited a number of different locations. some busier than others. here's a look inside the east las vegas community center from earlier this afternoon. several voters told us they got in and out in about 15 minutes. meanwhile, here at the centennial center, the wait has been longer. despite the lines, e voters... many even snapping selfies with their "i voted" stickers. we spoke to citizens who are excited about casting their ballot early and avoid the crowds during election day next tuesday... while others are happy the this election cycle is almost over. ((rocksandra morales voter: i don't want to me here the election day and just be stuck here for the whole day. juan ramirez voter: i prefer to vote early, sometimes people don't have time because i understand everybody i just can't wait for it to be over with. oh my god, i cant wait until next wednesday. i can turn on my tv and quit seeing all this hype. )) ((karen castro)) >> in case, you're wondering about voter turn out... the last numbers from clark county show more than 430-thousand people have voted so far. that's around the same amount as the last presidential election in 20-12. but we've been told the last day of early voting is the busiest so up. for example, in 20-12... more than 48-thousand people voted on the last day. ((karen castro)) >> as we give you a live look at the line outside the centennial center voting place, there are still a few hours left to hit the polls. but remember, every location is closing at a different time. for more information on the specific times, go to las vegas now dot com. reporting live, karen castro, 8 news now. analysts say the race for president could come down to which candidate is able to get their supporters to the polls in huge numbers next tuesday. hillary clinton and donald trump are making their final pitch for votes in the states that will likley decide the outcome of the presidential election. both candidates are in battleground states making the argument that the other is unfit to run our nation. ((hillary clinton: he has a long history of insulting people and it didn't just start with the campaign.)) ((donald trump: how can hillary clinton manage this country, when she can't even manage her emails.)) ((ri turnout what he's been calling his silent majority... while clinton needs to turnout her base which includes man african americans./// ((paul joncich)) and on election day... people along the strip will be able to keep track of election results. the miracle mile shops at planet hollywood will air cnn's live coverage of the presidential election results on the big screen overlooking the strip. in the past... many used that venue to view the president's inauguration. the election coverage will begin at three p-m./// ((paul joncich)) 8 news now is your local election headquarters for all the races and political news that matter to you... on air and online at las vegas now dot com./// ((christianne klein)) today is a momentous day for journalists especially us here at c-b-s. legendary c-b-s news-man walter cronkite would have been 100 years old. --- and in looking back at the highlights of his career, we noticed one that's partu the first national broadcast of a presidential election in 19-52 race between dwight eisenhower and adlai stevenson. walter cronkite was in the anchor chair. that day also marked the first time the network used a computer... called the univac... to predict the outcome of an election. nearly 30 years later... cronkite handed over the anchor chair and continued reporting as a special correspondent for cbs. cronkite passed away in 2009./// ((paul joncich)) politicians were accused intentionally creating a traffic jam on a new jersey bridge. ((christianne klein)) >> well, the verdict is in. what each side had to say following the trial. that's next on the leader./// ask yourself: if joe heck was on your side, why did he threaten to shut down the government on his crusade to defund planned parenthood? side with the wall street banks when he called nevada's foreclosure crisis a "blip"? and why did joe heck put payday lenders and their shameful interest rates first when he took their money? nevada, it's time to put people before the corporate special interests. it's time to vote no on joe heck. nate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message. i don't know what i said, ahh, i don't remember. narrator: and joe heck says i have "high hopes we'll see donald trump become president." trump: you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. narrator: heck says he "completely supports" trump. i love war in a certain way. narrator: and heck? reporter: do you trust him having his finger on the nuclear button? heck: i do. reporter: why do you say that? this is 8 news now at four. ((christianne klein)) on its fifth day of deliberations, a new jersey jury has reached a verdict in the bridgegate case. ((paul joncich)) >> two former aides to the governor were accused of helping intentionally create traffic on the world's busiest bridge as an act of political revenge. brook silva-braga is in newark, nj with the verdict bridget anne kelly and bill baroni were found guilty of cause a massive traffic jam on the george washington bridge. the charges include both fraud and conspiracy. both defendants former aides to governor chris christie - promised to appeal. :15-:24 (bill baroni/found guilty) i am innocent of these charges and i am very very looking forward to this appeal :24-:28 (michael critchley/kelly's attorney) this is the first step in the process. this is not over the days long backup in september 2013 became known as bridgegate and cast a shadow on governor christie. wildstein eventually admitted to organizing the lane closures in fort lee, nj to punish that city's democratic mayor for not endorsing christie when he ran for re-election. governor christie said he knew nothing about the scheme by his former aides. in a statement after the verdicts, christie said, let me be clear once again, i had no knowledge prior to or during these lane realignments, and had no role in authorizing them. :58-1:07 (brook silva-braga/newark, n.j.) christie's name came up throughout the six week trial, the judge instructed the jury not to consider the governor in its deliberations baroni's attorney hinted the wrong people were charged. 1:11-1:17 (michael baldassare/baroni's attorney) they should have had courage to go after powerful people and they did not prosecutors say they brought the best case they could at the time. 1:22-1:26 (paul fishman/u.s. attorney) we only indicted the people we believe we had evidence beyond a reasonable doubt to convict in this courthouse kelly cried quietly as the verdict was read. sentencing was scheduled for february..with guidelines calling for more than two years brook silva-braga, for cbs news, newark,nj announcer: you're watching 8 news now at four. watching 8 news now at four. with all of the shenanigans danny tarkanian's pulled in nevada -- failing to pay thousands in property taxes, losing $17 million in a failed development scheme, then sticking taxpayers with the bill -- imagine the shenanigans tarkanian would pull in washington. it's why we can't afford tarkanian in congress, ever. the springs preserve is kicking off its 9th annual day of the dead festivities in just a few hours. the dia de los muertos celebrations run from 4 to 9 p-m daily through sunday night. ((paul joncich)) >> the party includes a live theater, face painting... sugar skull decorating and much more. three-thousand years... honoring and remembering the spirits of departed loved ones. ((christianne klein)) >> it's 8-dollars for adults and 5-dollars for kids... that's where tedd florendo is tonight. ((christianne klein)) >> tedd florendo is down there to tell us about it.. and of course the weather... tedd? >> tedd florendo is down there to tell us about it.. tedd? ((tedd florendo)) as windy as earlier today as forecasted. temps climbed higher again with comfortble 70's outside this afternoon. gusts did peak up to 30 or more in some spots down the colorado river valley. ................................ ... ................ neighborhood temps in the 70's through many parts of the valley, with mildest temps over to the eastside where we're lower in elevation and typically warmer. west side not as mild and cooler than the rest of the valley with temps only in th 50's for the mountain this afternoon after a chilly morning start near the freezing mark. ............gionatpalso stayed d bullhead city. warmer in death valley with high near 80 today. chilly temps exist up in the central great basin and far north portions of the state. ................................ ... ................ cool here to the pacific northwest, but warmer weather continues in the southern plains over to the southeast where they're breaking records for heat for early november. ....... ............................ ...................... satellite and radar shows clearer skies than yesterday and no chance for showers as they stay down towards mexico and arizona. we'll begin to see that low wrap around moisture tomorrow towards northern arizona but we should remain on the dry side with some cloud cover. could sneak in slight chances in sunny with breezes still continuing down the colorado river. ................. .......... ... tonight expect lowsn the mid hid and decrease through the evening but still remain breezy down the la riv. morrow milder near 80 tr veradays. n not as strong tomor tould be breezy still for osnthe lley. .......................... . ...................... ighbhd by nehborhoodmps will beo e high 70's fothe west side of . ......... ...............................d 's f a several days even as we e weekdut otherwise ould be mild eant. ads for joe heck are attacking my time as attorney general. the thing they left out is the truth. that's why i've been endorsed by law enforcement across nevada. i'm proud of my record cracking down on meth, protecting seniors from scams, and holding banks accountable for defrauding homeowners. i'm catherine cortez masto. i approve this message because i've spent my career solving problems. isn't that what we need more of in washington? as you make up your mind, remember -- heck took all that money from wall street and predatory payday lenders and voted their way. he even wanted to privatize social security, risking it on the stock market. congressman heck just doesn't care about people like us. hundreds of thousands remain in town for the final day of this years sema show at the las vegas convention center. ((paul joncich)) >> and right now paradise near the convention center has been shut down as they celebrate sema ignited. that's where we find our sports reporter jon tritsch. ((jon tritsch)) ((jon tritsch)) stopped in chicago. today thousands of cubs fans welcome home their world series heroes. ((paul joncich)) >> the cubs, of course, broke 108 years of championship futility by defeating the cleveland indians in extra innings of game 7 of the series... breaking the so-called "curse of the billy goat" that so many believed denied the franchise a championship all these years. cubs third baseman and las vegas native kris bryant played a key role in the team's win. 8 news now sports director will have more with bryant in our later newscasts./// coming up... local high school students taking the stage with rock royalty .. ((paul joncich)) >> exactly how their show started hitting the high notes with the rolling stones. that's next in what's cool at school./// announcer: now, live...this is 8 news now at it's hard to make the past dissappear, but danny tarkanian is trying. he'd rather you forget about all of his failed runs for congress, senate, and secretary of state. the property taxes tarkanian skipped out on for years... the telemarketing scammers he represented... all those fake charities he helped set up. he can try all he wants, but danny tarkanian just can't bury his past. cbs news has learned about a potential terror threat, four days before the election. sources say u.s. intelligence has alerted joint terrorism task forces that al qeada could be planning attacks in three states for monday, the day before the election. ((christianne klein)) >> it is believed new york, texas and virginia are all possible targets. the credibility of the intelligence has not been confirmed. jeff pegues reports. u-s authorities are taking the threat seriously while still assessing the across the country have been alerted out of abundance of caution. law enforcement sources tell c-b-s news the threat comes from al-qaeda and intelligence points to attacks taking place in new york, texas and virginia. but the threat information provided no specific targets for possible attacks in those states. as election day approaches federal law enforcement is planning for several worst case scenarios. earlier this week an alert to local police warned of "polling places" being seen as attacks by individuals motivated by violent extremist ideologies, sovereign citizen or other extremist activity. a senior fbi official says the bureau is working closely with federal, state and local agencies to disrupt and indentify potential threats. it is not unusual for there to be an increase in the volume of threats leading up to significant events like holidays or even an election and officials say it is jeff pegues, cbs news, washington. ((paul joncich)) the man accused in the ambush-style killing of two iowa officers appears in court. scott michael greene did not speak as the judge outlined the case against him. greene is the sole suspect in the killing of 38-year-old des moines police sergeant anthony beminio -- and, 24-year-old urbandale police officer justin martin. first degree murder and faces life in prison without parole. greene's next court appearance is november 14-th -- he is being held on 10-million-dollars bond. funeral arrangements for the officers are scheduled for next week./// ((paul joncich)) meanwhile... children in the area are trying to wrap their heads around the tragedy. many of them were moved to tears as they placed flowers and gifts over and around a police car. while some of the kids at the event couldn't fully comprehend why and how the tragedy happened. ever. ((they like are super heroes because they actually save the day. they help save people and they put bad guys in jail like in the movies.)) ((boy1: i want to say it' sgoing to be okay. boy2: thanks you for protecting us.)) ((paul joncich)) >> the children with the help of their parents put on the event just to show they care./// ((christianne klein)) this weekend looks to be the perfect weekend to fire up your grill and maybe lie out by the pool. >> but there's some activities you can partake in as well. we find tedd florendo at one of them... "dia de los muertos" ((tedd florendo)) for another straight day. again, but should subside again later in the evening. we were warmer than yesterday at this time but rain seems to be staying to the east. ........... ........................ .................... tonight hour by hour shows temps i the 70's then 60's later in the evening. calmer winds for your friday. expecting clear skies as well with possibly some clouds developing east county and over mohave county arizona. ((christianne klein)) mick, keith, and.....a local high school choir - on stage together... brian loftus has the story in today's "what's cool at school." ((brian loftus)) you can't always get what you want madrigal singers may argue that notion, as they recently took the stage at -t-mobile arena, performing with the rolling stones! flanked by mick and keith, singing for 20,000 stones faithful, truly an epic experience next to legends bailey stephens sophomore "initially, i was like this is going to be a big place, and you get on stage, and and it's a huge place!" will use a college or professional choir. but, the singers at green valley high school are so highly regarded, they got the call..... talia ruiz senior "we were all like.....what.....i knew it was going to be something big, but we didn't know it'd be that big!" ((brian loftus)) and the reactions of relatives......bail ey's grandfather grew up with the stones bailey stephens sophomore "well, when he actually got past the fact that he thought it was all made up - he was really excited and he started sending me all the music that was his favorites, he was super happy, and told ((brian loftus)) the choir prepared to an exhaustive level, to ensure they could hold their own.... ((brian loftus)) then, showtime! talia ruiz senior "i was in these giant heels and a dress and i was, like, trying so hard not to fall and i was shaking and i was like so nervous, but as soon as we got on stage and sang the first note, it was just like it all went away and it was natural." kim barclay ritzer director or choral activities "as soon as we got out there i looked across and my colleague and then mick jagger was kind of like right in the middle, and i was like okay....this is real." excited, and i wanted to back on and do it again!" ((brian loftus)) the rolling stones released their first album 52 years ago. being around the band, hearing them live, did they make new fans? bailey stephens sophomore me: "what about keith richards?" bailey: "he was funny." talia ruiz senior "i went home after, and listened to some of their songs and i actually kind of dig it." heather drusedum sophomore "i really like satisfaction." ((brian loftus)) hitting the high notes, smiling in a bigger than life rock n' roll dream.... kim barclay ritzer director or choral activities "my favorite part was as soon as we get off the stage seeing the kids so excited and so enegized, and knowing that the time they put in to learn the music really paid off." ((brian loftus)) and that's what's cool at school ((christianne klein)) to vote for this program or if you know something that's cool at school just head to las vegas now dot com.. it'll be under the community tab under sections. cool at school at las vegas now dot com. the winner will receive 250 bucks for their program./// ((paul joncich)) movember... that's right... i said movember. it's well unda >> and men around the world including those right here on 8 news now will be letting their mustaches come through. but many of you are wondering what's the significance is. we explain straight ahead./// this is 8 news now at four. ((paul joncich)) welcome back. you may have noticed that some of us are sporting a little facial hair. that's because it's movember. health month. this year, the channel 8 mo-bro's include dave courvosier, yours truly, chris maathuis, and patrick walker. we are in the first week, and a good stache takes time. but we will try to make you proud. this is the movember website. it's a very real thing. you can sign up to raise money, or challenge your friends. generally speaking... men don't like to go to the doctor. one reason we die on average six yes men need to be reminded they are not bulletproof. we all get down down in the dumps sometimes. if you have a problem, talk to someone about it. three quarters of suicides are men. poor mental health leads to half a million men taking their own life every year. that's one every minute. so look for our reports all this month, as we focus on men's health issues. we're back after this./// announcer: you're watching 8 news now at four. . danny tarkanian set up thirteen fake charities that preyed on vulnerable seniors... fronts for telemarketing schemes. seniors lost millions from the scams danny tarkanian helped set up. jacky rosen has always led with integrity. in congress, jacky rosen will protect seniors and strengthen social security. and jacky rosen will always be responsible with your tax dollars. jacky rosen: i'm jacky rosen ((tedd florendo)) earlier today as forecasted. temps climbed higher than yesterday and near average again with comfortble 70's outside this afternoon. colorado river valley. ................................ ... ................ neighborhood temps in the 70's through many parts of the valley, with mildest temps over to the eastside where we're lower in elevation and typically warmer. west side not as mild and cooler than the rest of the valley with temps only in th 50's for the mountain this afternoon after a chilly morning start near the freezing mark. .. ........... regional temps also stayed mild especially down the colorado river down to laughlin and bullhead city. warmer in death valley with high near 80 today. chilly temps exist up in the central great basin and far north portions of the state. ................................ ... ................ cool here to the pacific northwest, but warmer weather continues in the southern plains over to the southeast where they're breaking records for heat for early november. satellite and radar shows clearer skies than yesterday and no chance for showers as they stay down towards mexico and arizona. we'll begin to see that low wrap around moisture tomorrow towards northern arizona but we should remain on the dry side with some cloud cover. could sneak in slight chances in east county but otherwise mostly sunny with breezes still continuing down the colorado river. ......................... .......... ................. tonight expect lows in the mid to high 50's and chilly again under mostly clear skies. evening breezes will be isolated and decrease through the evening but still remain breezy down the colorado river. tomorrow milder near 80 tomorrow and should remain that way for several days. winds not as strong tomorrow, but could be bre s valle .........................t rt of the valley and closer to e high0's for the west side of town and coolest. ........... ................... tended forecast swmd's for a se herwise plenty of nshine. ads for joe heck are attacking my time as attorney general. the thing they left out is the truth. i'm proud of my record cracking down on meth, protecting seniors from scams, and holding banks accountable for defrauding homeowners. i'm catherine cortez masto. i approve this message because i've spent my career solving problems. isn't that what we need more of in washington? of a sci-fi movie. next year, a team of top scientists will hunker down inside a classified facility in the nevada desert so they can experiment with a piece of advanced technology. ((paul joncich)) >> the test will focus on a small nuclear reactor and if it works as planned, it could be a huge step toward putting humans on mars. the i-team's george knapp was given the exclusive details. damon has one heck of a time surviving and getting around in the harsh environment of the red planet. scientists and engineers think that getting to mars, and establishing a base, will require a better power system than what was shown in the film. patrick mcclure/los alamos national lab: mars is in the air.....we grew up with the apollo program. we really want to make that happen in our lifetime. we think it would be a great contribution to humanity. members, los alamos nuclear reactor scientist patrick mcclure is bubbling with enthusiasm about the end uses for the small nuclear reactor his team will test in the nevada desert in 2017. the reactor is named kilopower. the experiment is dubbed krusty, and yes, its an acronym named for the character in the simpsons tv show. but the goals are all too serious. the experiment will take place in the device assembly facility, security site. the krusty reactor will produce up to ten kilowatts of electricity, which may not sound like much on earth but could mean life or death out there. mcclure: so we can use it for deep space or the martian surface, and the idea is to build that reactor for future nasa missions. we have a power source that can range in missions, whether that's to the icy moons of jupiter and saturn, or something like encephalus or titan, or to actually provide power on mars, to make fuel, to make oxygen for a small nuclear reactors could power the habitats that form a permanent base on mars and charge up the rovers that could carry earthlings on martian expeditions. mike houts/nasa marshall space flight center there's no new physics required. no giant mysteries to solve. it's very do-able. mike houts is the nuclear outfits involved in the krusty experiment. in addition to developing nuclear reactors as mobile power sources on the ground, he thinks the same technology could act like a turbo-charger for spacecraft bound for mars or beyond. mike houts: the idea behind nuclear thermopropulsion is to try and get the astronauts to mars very quickly. that of course reduces their exposure to galactic cosmic radiation, exposure to microgravity, any of the other hazards associated with deep space travel. might need to run only two hours to achieve enough velocity for a quick trip to mars. the surface power systems could operate for years. the device for krusty, about the size of an oatmeal box, is being built at oakridge lab. the nevada members of the team say hosting the experiment here is a perfect fit. for one, there's no cost to build a new facility,. and two, the nevada test site is where nuclear rocket engines were successfully stands. president kennedy championed the project and visited the site a year before he died. darwin morgan/dept. of energy: it could have happened. you could have nuclear powered rockets taking people to mars by now. that would be the reality of this. mike houts: definitely, in the 2030's, we will have the technology and the capability to go to mars. patrick mcclure: this is exciting stuff. we like it. george knapp 8 news now. >> the exact date for the experiment isn't set but we will keep you posted. on our website, we have more information about the krusty project, and a link to an i-team report about president kennedy's visit to the nerva project at the nevada test site./// paul joncich christianne klein >> 8 news now at five starts after this. don't forget.. we're always on at las vegas now dot com, on facebook and twitter. friday would have been the 100th so what went wrong? wayne kropp/staying at paris: "these places are supposed to have back up generators." we examine what happened after the lights went out... ((denise valdez)) >> an endangered pup-fish killed. it happend six months ago.. and there is video... so why haven't there been any charges? ((dave courvoisier)) >> and voters flocking to the polls. how many have voted so far... and where you still can go to avoid election day lines on chalk up another unseasonably warm day as we head into your weekend. we're live tonight at the springs preserve with an update your weekend forecast coming up

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