Transcripts For KLAS 8 News Now At 4 PM 20160114 : compareme

Transcripts For KLAS 8 News Now At 4 PM 20160114

happens at 7:59pm tonight. reporting live...mauricio marin. 8 news now.//// ((paula francis)) mauricio we thought the jackpot would have hit by now? if there is no winenr tonight do we know how large the jackpot will grow for saturday's drawing? ((mauricio to win big. but in case there isn't a winner tonight---lotto officials are projecting the next powerball drawing to be at 2-billion dollars saturday. back to you./// ((paul joncich)) today.. we could be closer to a decision on the rooftop solar debate. the public utilities comissions is expected to make a decision on holding off or reversing course on the new net metering rates... a meeting took place today. and at that meeting, more than a thousand supporters of the solar industry including dozens of laid off workers... and actor mark ruffalo. the new rates are about 40 percent higher than the current rates for solar customers. solar companies laid off employees....mos tly installers ... after the decision. at last check, today's puc meeting was still going...with no decision made yet./// ((paula francis)) > maryland parkway... could soon be getting some upgrades. yesterday... we heard from area businesses... seen better days. today... local developers met with representatives from unlv to discuss changes in the area. some of the proposed upgrades include a light rail that runs along maryland parkway... and added parking for students on campus: (( frank marretti- owner, g2 capital this means so much to the campus and the community and we're lucky to have that because in the beginning we had nothing. nothing from unlv. it was a roll of a dice and the unlv called the day after i purchased the property. )) ((paula francis)) maryland parkway is home to las vegas' first private hospital... sunrise... and the first shopping mall.. the boulevard mall./// ((paula francis)) > we've learned the name of the motorcyclist killed after crashing into an s-u-v. the coroner identified him as 25-year-old adam shields of henderson. police say he rear-ended the s-u-v yesterday afternoon... on lake mead parkway near industrial park. this is the first deadly crash ((paul joncich)) > snow is piling up in areas near the great lakes for the second straight night, causing havoc from indiana to parts of upstate new york. cold air moving behind an alberta clipper weather system is blowing across the warmer- than-average great lakes... kicking up high winds and snow. plows couldn't keep up with the heavy snowfall that covered the roads. and people with shovels and snowblowers seemed to be fighting a losing battle, too. blizzard conditions led to a 40 vehicle pileup along interstate 74 in eastern indiana. another pileup on eye-70 involved 13 vehicles. ((paul joncich)) so relatively speaking.... we have little to complain about other than rather chilly >this is nothing compared to what they're going through out there. chilly again this morning near freezing for many neighborhoods. take a look at our weather headlines for the week. ............................... ............. storms this time stay to the north and away from the desert southwest. we'll show you where they are headed and what our impacts will be. we another cold start to our day tomorrow with temps again near freezing for some. ............................... ............. we are warming to the 60's for our high though and it's going to happen this week. we'll pinpoint what day that's going to happen. and could we see some weekend clouds and showers? ............................... .............. right now we're looking at the low 50's by afternoon with these clouds overnight. milder over to san francisco. and especially down in phoenix in the 60's. ............................... ................. hour by horu forecast shows another chilly night with clouds. 40's mostly this evening but we'll be clearing. we'll pinpoing how cold it will get neighborhood by neighborhood coming up. 10 u-s sailors are free... a day after they're captured by iran. ((paula francis)) the reason their ships ended up in iranian waters and the sailors in custody. /// ((paul joncich)) plus... it's a water emergency... in one michigan town. the reason the lead levels in free after being held in custody in iran. the pentagon says iran released the sailors, who'd been picked up in two small navy boats yesterday. the sailors were returned to the u-s-s anzio this morning, where they were checked and found to be in good health. the iranian navy escorted them to the meeting point. this all started when the american sailors boats supposedly entered iranian waters. but there's no word from u-s officials why that happened. an iranian spokesman claimed the boats' navigational system failed, and they strayed near an // ((paul joncich)) > the national guard is helping families in a water crisis. lead levels in children in flint doubled after the city 2014. michigan's governor, rick snyder is under fire for his handling of the nearly two-year water problem. on monday snyder said it wasn't learned there was confirmed lead in the water. but emails first obtained by virginia tech researchers show that state officials may have known there was a problem months earlier. people living in flint are furious. (( (brianna lewis // flint resident) "you can't drink it, you can't bathe in's ridiculous (eena richardson/flint resident) it's been very difficult. my kids have been getting sick. )) ((paul joncich)) the justice department has launched an investigation to figure out exactly how this man- made public health crisis happened. in response to a request for comment from cbs news, governor snyder's office said that though "the governor has apologized, he knows the situation warrants more than an apology." /// ((paula francis)) > mark your calendar... the 8 news now living green super recycling event coming up saturday, january 23rd at the thomas and mack. you can recycle all sorts of electronics.... get rid of your unused and expired medicine, and bring paperwork that needs shredded. goodwill will also be collecting for the complete list of what we'll be accepting -- head over to las vegas now dot com./// ((paul joncich)) > the president makes his last state of the union address. ((paula francis)) what president obama couldn't accomplish... putting it on his list of j@j@ on average, it takes three hundred americans working for a solid year, to make as much money as one top ceo. it's called the wage gap. and the republicans will make it worse by lowering taxes for those at the top and letting corporations write their own rules. hillary clinton will work to close the wage gap. equal pay for women to raise incomes for families, a higher minimum wage, lower taxes for the middle class. she'll get the job done for us. and about 18- million people watched president obama's final state of the union speech. the president has one year and one week left in office before he steps down and a new president is sworn in. during last night's speech... he made a point of recapping accomplishment s during his presidency so far.. but he also took some responsibility for the political divide that has all but shut down washington d-c: ((president obama: "it's one of the few regrets of my presidency, that the rancour and suspicion between the parties has gotten worse instead of better." )) ((paul joncich)) president obama hits the road to tout his vision for the future of america with a stop in nebraska this evening... followed by a speech in baton rouge tomorrow./// ((paul joncich)) > south carolina governor nikki haley followed the president's address with republican response... she says her party needs to resist the -quote- "siren call of the angriest voices." (("all i'm saying is we've got a responsibility and the way we talk about the issues should be towards solution, not towards division." )) ((paul joncich)) texas senator ted cruz skipped last night's speech to stay on the campaign trail. he said he can't wait to give his own address... and claims it will be very different from last night's. cruz is in the fight to win the nomination... a new poll in iowa shows him with a three point lead over donald trump... with less than three weeks to go./// ((paula francis)) > along with all the policy talk... the first lady's dress has also been talked about. she wore a stunning marigold dress by designer narcisco rodriguez which popped out from the sea of dark suits. according to e-online, versions of the sleeveless dress sold out on the neiman marcus website before the president had even finished his speech tuesday night. neiman marcus priced the wool crepe dress at $2,095 but later reduced it to $628, the first lady has famously used fashion to support emerging designers such as jason wu for both of her inaugural gowns. more accessible and affordable choices such as the j. crew clothing favored by her and her daughters. /// ((paula francis)) the dress had many people talking on facebook. michael wrote "a sea of sunshine amongst the black and navy. and marked down too?!? this is my first lady!" anderson said "the most beautiful and elegant first lady ever.. and i don't support this administration.. just keeping it honest." finally add commented... "loved the color, first ladies are suppose to stand out." if you'd like to join the conversation... be sure to like 8 news now on facebook. we may use you comment on air. /// toss to weather overhead today as systems migrate to the north this time. not bringing any rain unfortunately, but that could change this weekend and next weeek. winds staying light as well. ............................... ............ a lot of neighborhoods by afternoon hit the low 40's and stayed cool because of the clouds not warming up too much. 50 for some interior sections of outskirts of las vegas and certainly up at mount charleston. ......... regional temps were already near freezing up in the southern pioche. certainly colder in ely. cool conditions and same cloud cover by afternoon for mesquite all the way down to laughlin where they were milder. cool in pahrump and dropping to the 20's again out there .......... the lake effect snow continues in the great leks with more snow bands from this clipper coming in from canada. snow from michigan over to the ohio valley again. ............................... .......... back weest more precip staying california. clipping northern nevada but not quite reaching us. we do have a parade of storms out on the pacific we're tracking. but futurecast keeping all of them this time to the north and away from the southwest. one after the other. there could be chance saturday with more clouds coming in. ............................... .................... right now no echoes on the radar, but satellite showing some thick clouds over us right now. we'll see in a few hours. ............................... ................. futurecast shows storm after storm hitting the west coast mainly affecting our friends to the north, but saturday some models saying we could get a slight chance of an isolated shower from this one, but mainly in the mountains. ............................... ................... morning temps again cold in the 30's through many neighborhoods with 20's possible in aliante and anthem. certainly out in summerlin and nellis. ............................... .................. 20's again in pahurmp and mesquite. very cold up in the central part 's for ul by morning ............................. ................ tonigh3overnight andearing up. ld by morning again with winds staying lit thankfully. morro55 again r the high d both sun and clouds tomorrow. staying below normal with light wis's your extended forecast.rtly nny until this weekend re clouds saturday with shower chances mainly in the mountains. clouds to sun by sundayternoon.ancef owers again,ight chance on tud.))paul joncich)) > is conezone annoyed some of you last year, and it's sticking around for a good chunk of the new year. demetria obilor has an update on the always busy eastern avenue in "what's driving you crazy?" (( )) major, construction zones have followed you into the new year. based on the amount of emails i've received, the worst one is along eastern. lane restrictions continue on eastern between sunset and warm springs as crews continue building the county's paradise- whitney interceptor. it's a 13-mile, $165 mile pipeline that's being built in three segments. work on eastern, as well as work on sunset between eastern and mcleod, is part of the central portion. the county anticipates crews to finish with sunset this march and pick up the cones on eastern in september. the county says sometimes crews encounter conditions that require them to change sequencing or to wait for a resolution, which could alter these dates. hey! what's driving you crazy? question to traffic eight at las vegas now dot com. ((paula francis)) > two sisters are in search of a loving home... with enough room for both of them. ((paul joncich)) dave courvoisier gets to know them a little better... he's taking them to hang out with some real farm animals... in today's wednesday's child. /// for this week's wednesday's child. ((paul joncich)) dave courvoisier introduces us to them... and their hope to find a new home. ((dave courvoisier)) there's this great mini ranch- style farm on the outskirts of town where we took our two wednesday's child candidates. the place is full of animals the owner has adopted. and guess what?... [dave courvoisier] the mckee ranch south of town is a mini-microcosm of farm animals...goats, pigs, horses, sheep, and lots of chickens. oddly enough, it was the "chickens" part that concerned our two sisters the most. retta and cici just thought they were about the most scary things they'd ever seen... once we got past the fear of the roosters and hens, though, these two were able to enjoy all the other fun things about the mckee ranch. cici is the older sister at 9, but she's not always the one in charge. [cally, case worker] "it depends. sometimes bretta acts like the older one. i think they do an amazing job of taking care of each other." [dave courvoisier] "bretta" is labretta...the younger of the two at seven. they're both very active...they like sports and school, and especially going to the park. they love being together. [cally, case worker] they do, you can tell when they are together, their bond is really strong. they feed off each other a lot of the time with emotions all that. [dave courvoisier] right now foster care, but they talk to callie all the time about adoption. [cally, case worker] we have had so many conversations about adoption and family. they've been really perfect about giving me tons of feedback. they are open to little siblings big siblings lots of different types of parents and family systems. so there really going to do well. [dave courvoisier] these girls would need a placement that going to nurture and direct them. [cally, case worker] so i'm looking for a single or a two- parent home.. i definitely feel very structured home would be able to set clear boundaries, but a fun family that's going to take them out, they're going to be active, enrolled in sports everyday after school. ((dave courvoisier)) > you can start the process by calling the adoption exchange... > the number is 702-436-6335. /// ((paula francis)) > nevada's attorney general announces who he's backing for president. ((paul joncich)) the candidate who now has adam laxalt's announcer: "now, nevada's first choice for news. this is 8 news now at 4" ((paul joncich)) > cuban immigration to the u-s and nevada has skyrocketed in the last year. a pew research center study during the 20-15 fiscal year. ((paula francis)) here at home, nevada has taken in almost 30-percent more immigrants from the island nation during the same time. 8 news now reporter karen castro takes a closer look at what may be triggering the mass exodus. ((karen castro)) yohan martinez escaped from cuba last august. the 24-year-old is among the tens of thousands of immigrants to leave the caribbean island... after the u-s announced it will begin normalizing diplomatic relations with the communist government in late 20-14. ((yohan martinez - cuban migrant: muchas personas se querian ya irse previendo estos cambios.)) ((karen castro)) he says: a lot of people wanted to leave now foreseeing these changes. a pew research center study says more than 43-thousand cubans entered the u-s during the 2015 fiscal year... compared to just more than 24- thousand during the previous year. ((yohan martinez - cuban migrant: sabiendo que despues la migracion es un poquito mas dificil de asilio publico aqua. )) ((karen castro)) he says: immigrating at a later time, may be more difficult to get asylum here. under the cuban adjustment act island nation receive a path to citizenship after reaching u-s soil. ((carisa lopez- ramirez - immigration & migration services, catholic charities: certainty we're seeing an increase in the migration numbers.)) ((karen castro)) in the last decade, the number of cuban migrants in nevada has almost tripled. the biggest increase during that period of time was in the 20-15 fiscal year... en almost 17- hundred cunssettled in the state. at's aost 4-hundredocompared to the previous year. ((carisa lopez- ramirez - immigration & migration services, catholic charities: due to the increase of numbers, right, tt wasn't something at we wereeing last year the point that ouwalk in takes we're actually taking upto 4 weeks to schedule their appointment.)) ((karen castro)) in response, catholic charities has received extra funding for an additional staff member. wait times are now down to seven days. as for martinez.... ((yohan martinez - cuban migrant: no me sorprense.)) ((karen castro)) he's not surpised by the increasing number of cubans migrating to nevada. karen castro, 8 news now. ((paula francis)) catholic charities is the only agency in the state that provides federally funded services to asylum seekers and refugees. about 75- percent of the people they help are cuban. /// ((paul joncich)) > the attorney general of nevada has endorsed a presidential candidate. picked texas senator ted cruz today. the first term republican made the announcement on a conservative radio show. laxalt's administration has prioritized a fight against what he calls "federal overreach" by president obama. he called cruz a courageous conservative. /// ((paula francis)) > and g-o-p candidate.. carly fiorina will visit las vegas on sunday. the former hewlett- packard c-e-o plans to host an event at siena community center on sunday at 11:00 am. that's near flamingo and hualapai. then monday morning... she'll be at the peppermill. no word yet if the events are open to the public... but we will let you know... /// toss to weather this is nothing compared to what they're going through out there. chilly again this morning near freezing for many neighborhoods. take a look at our weather headlines for the week. ............................... storms this time stay to the north and away from the desert southwest. we'll show you where they are headed and what our impacts will be. we another cold start to our day tomorrow with temps again near freezing for some. ............................... ............. we are warming to the 60's for our high though and it's going to happen this week. we'll pinpoint what day that's going to happen. and could we see some weekend clouds and showers? ............................... .............. right now we're looking at the clouds overnight. milder over to san francisco. and especially down in phoenix in the 60's. ................. hour by horu forecast shows another chilly night with clouds. 40's mostly this evening but we'll be clearing. we'll pinpogocold itillt neighborhood by neighborhood ming up. the leader the militia group occupying aderal buildinioregon sayse protesters are sick and red of being taken ranted. mon bundy spoke to reporters day. says the ptters have assage...m bundyrest leader, "we and here aaeople who havebeen ignored for many aohsd even years. violated and that the constitution in many ways have been violated. )) bundy is referring to father-and-son ranchers dwight and steven hammond, who were convicted of arson on federal lands in oregon. a march supporting the hammonds led to the armed occupation of the wildlife refuge ... with protesters decrying what they call government overreach with federal lands. the protesters say they will reveal their departure date friday during a meeting with community members. ammon bundy is the son of cliven bundy... the bunkerville rancher who led and armed standoff against the b- l-m in 2014 over grazing rights. /// ((paul joncich)) > khloe kardashian makes an unscheduled stop in las vegas... after her flight made an emergency landing at mccarran. the reality t-v star posted this photo on instagram yesterday saying she was safe. she was on her way to the big apple for a tv appearance.. to promote her new show airport officials tell us the plane was diverted because they could smell smoke in the cockpit. it was given the all clear about 10- minutes later. no one on the flight was hurt. /// ((paula francis)) > a local man's passion.. is helping kids struggling with the pressures of daily life. ((mary hafner/prinicpal at roy martin middle school:" we hope our kids can learn from him." )) ((paul joncich)) coming up... the man who's personal struggle... has helped prevent teens from at, we're always looking for ways to speed up your car insurance search. here's the latest. problem is, we haven't figured out how to reverse it. for now, just log on to plug in some simple info and get up to 50 free quotes. choose the lowest and hit purchase. now...if you'll excuse me, i'm late for an important function. acts of kindness recipient is a warrior against drug addiction. ((paula francis)) he's been visiting our area schools for almost two decades. " do not become a high school dropout." ((kirsten joyce)) the hour that marty gruber spends inside health classes like this one at roy martin middle school, is life changing for many teens... marty gruber/acts of kindness recipient: " a lot of these kids go through this program and become anti -drugs for the rest of their life.. and they go out and help other people stay off of drugs." ((kirsten joyce)) marty is the real- deal. he's seen the ups and downs of life. mistakes he wants these teens to his passion to help others... developed out a very painful life... full of years of drug abuse. marty gruber/acts of kindness recipient: " it ruined our ruined the life of my family. " back to back "my youngest son died from drugs... ((kirsten joyce)) marty shares his personal story in an effective "scared straight approach" that principal mary hafner says works with today's teens. mary hafner/prinicpal at roy martin middle school: "he has spent years, learning how to live, and how not to live. and how to change and make his life better. " " we hope our kids can learn from him." ((kirsten joyce)) marty does this voluntarily.. all he asks for in return, is a letter from students, he considers them his "report card.. " feedback from the students. awn borjas /nominated "it's personal to him, and it makes it real for the students." ((kirsten joyce)) money presentation :kirsten marty kindness award.... clapping.. white flash.. you'll also be getting an 800 dollar check.. good lord... i'm speechless.. which is unusal for me. " i've been doing this for 16 years, and i've never asked clark county schools for one cent for doing this, and never will.. and its helped a lot of kids, and as long as there is a buck in my pocket.. keep on doing it, to try and help kids. " kirsten joyce > marty has received 165- thousand letters from students over the years. if you would like to nominate someone.. kirsten joyce > marty has received 165- thousand letters from students over the years. if you would like to nominate someone.. just head to las vegas now dot com... or send us an email... acts of kindness at las vegas now dot com./// ((paul joncich)) > knowing the signs of a concussion. ((paula francis)) the symptoms of concussions parents should know... announcer: now nevada's first choice for news. this is 8 news now at 4. ((paula francis)) > the runnin' rebs won their first game without dave rice. they beat new mexico 86 to 74 at the thomas and mack. this past weekend, rice and the university agreed to part ways. assistant coach todd simon is now leading the team until they find a permanent head coach. the runnin' rebs take on the air force falcons saturday. at 8 pm at the thomas and mack./// ((paula francis)) > california is getting another football team. n-f-l owners voted yesterday to let the saint louis rams move to l.a. the deal also gives the san diego chargers a chance to join the rams. both teams would play in a multibillion dollar...state of inglewood...abo ut 10 miles from downtown l-a. the biggest losers in the deal might be the st louis fans.... who are now left without a team to cheer for on sundays. (( disappointed rams fan, "it's just depressing to see a team that i love that i poured all my sunday's into for years, just leave." )) ((paula francis)) the rams will start playing in l-a next season. ((paula francis)) > speaking of football... the countdown is on to super bowl 50! you can watch the big game right here on channel 8 february 7th. and stick around because 8 new now is giving away 25- hundred dollars during our special newscast after the game! to enter.. just head to las vegas now dot com and click the banner at the top. while you're there check out our newly launched super bowl page./// ((paul joncich)) > tackle football can be serious business ... especially when it comes head injuries. even more light has been shed on the topic since the release of the movie "concussion." will smith plays dr. bennet omalu who discovered c-t- e... which is an illness found in a number of pro athletes. joining me to talk more about the subject of concussions... especially in young athletes... is pediatric specialist... doctor eileen shi... nevada. let's start off with the basics... explain exactly what is happening when a concussion occurs... and how do they vary in severity. - we often hear about concussions in young it's important not only for them to be able to explain their symptoms but also that parents know what to look what are we looking at as far as symptoms? - the movie concussion discusses the findings of cte and how experts now thinks it's lead to the death of many pro athletes, could young athletes see the early effects of this type of severe trauma during sports? - most important how can young help protect athletes from and better detect when a concussion has occurred? thank you very much for joining us today. let's toss to over to tedd now... /// < tedd florendo thick clouds overhead today as systems migrate to the north this time. not bringing any rain unfortunately, but that could change this weekend and next weeek. winds staying light as well. ............................... ............ a lot of neighborhoods by afternoon hit the low 40's and stayed cool because of the clouds not warming up too much. 50 for some interior sections of the valley but colder to the outskirts of las vegas and certainly up at mount charleston. ............................... ......... regional temps were already near freezing up in the southern great basin in rachel and pioche. certainly colder in ely. cool conditions and same cloud cover by afternoon for mesquite where they were milder. cool in pahrump and dropping to the 20's again out there overnight ............................... .......... the lake effect snow continues in the great leks with more snow bands from this clipper coming in from canada. snow from michigan over to the ohio valley again. ............................... .......... back weest more precip staying in the pacific northwest and california. clipping northern nevada but not quite reaching us. we do have a parade of storms out on the pacific we're tracking. but futurecast keeping all of them this time to the north and away from the southwest. one after the other. there could be chance saturday with more clouds coming in. ............................... .................... right now no echoes on the radar, but satellite showing some thick clouds over us right now. but clearing behind this which we'll see in a few hours. ............................... ................. futurecast shows storm after storm hitting the west coast mainly affecting our friends to the north, but saturday some models saying we could get a slight chance of an isolated shower from this one, but mainly in the mountains. ............................... ................... morning temps again cold in the 30's through many neighborhoods with 20's possible in aliante certainly out in summerlin and nellis. ............................... .................. 20's again in pahurmp and mesquite. very cold up in the central part of the state with teens in ely. 40's for laughlin by morning ............................... .................. tonight 34 overnight and clearing up. cold by morning again with winds staying light thankfully. tomorrow 55 again for the high and both sun and clouds tomorrow. staying below normal with light nw winds again. ............................... .................. here's your extended forecast. partly sunny until this weekend more clouds saturday with shower chances mainly in the mountains. clouds to sun by sunday afternoon. chances for showers again, slight chance on tuesday. putting e-coli in the rear-view mirror. ((paula francis)) the reason the restaurant chain believes it's finally got the problem under control.// ((paul joncich)) > a pastor accused of abusing teenage girls... takes the stand in his own defense... coming up at 5... the comment he made that had prosecutors jumping to lawsuit against malaysia airlines for the disappearance of m-h-370 has been filed in the u-s. it comes as the statute of limitations for filing a claim against the airline looms -- in early march. the flight from kuala lumpur to beijing, carrying 239 passengers and crew, disappeared two years ago. and most of the wreckage, aside from a piece of a wing, has not been found. the lawsuit was filed in federal court in washington d-c by the sons of philip wood, who died in the crash. /// ((paul joncich)) > hulk hogan returned to court today in pinellas county, florida. the former wrestling star - whose real name is terry bollea - is suing the website gawker for publishing a sex video of him. bollea is asking for 100-million- dollars in damages. if gawker loses, it could potentially put them out of business. the two sides will argue whether share a very private video - of a public figure. the trial is scheduled to begin on march 7th. /// ((paul joncich)) > chipotle says it is confident that its e-coli crisis is coming to an end. chipotle's c-e-o says its executives met with officials from the centers for disease control and prevention last week. he says the restaurant chain is hopeful the c-d-c will soon declare the e-coli outbreak over. the outbreak begin in october and infected dozens of people in nine u-s states. chipotle says it is taking additional measures to make sure its food is safe, including having more of its ingredients go through centralized kitchens. /// ((paul joncich)) > after a little more than two years on air - the news channel al- jazeera america is shutting down. the decision was announced today at a staff meeting - where al-jazeera america president kate o'brian said their last day would be april 30th. the news channel had been suffering from low ratings since its launch - averaging between 20- thousand and 40-thousand viewers per day. shutdown may be linked to falling oil prices - since the al-jazeera media group is owned by the oil-rich government of qatar. /// paul joncich > that's all for us at 4. 8 news now at five starts after this. don't forget.. we're always on at las vegas now dot com, on facebook and j@j@ on average, it takes three hundred americans working for a solid year, to make as much money as one top ceo. it's called the wage gap. those at the top and letting corporations write their own rules. hillary clinton will work to close the wage gap. equal pay for women to raise incomes for families, a higher minimum wage, lower taxes for the middle class. she'll get the job done for us. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. supporters... making their voices heard. ((nats of protestors)) get a dose of help from hollywood ((know it's a game, it's a rigged game )) the accusations flying against the governor's office... and the power company. ((dave courvoisier)) plus... a pastor takes the stand in his own defense... against accusations he abused teenage girls. the comment he made that had prosecutors jumping to object. ((dave courvoisier)) > and... preparing to make history in nevada... all the eyes of america will be focused on unlv the last presidential debate... what it takes to put on such a big event, and why unlv was chosen./// < first choice for news.

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