Transcripts For KLAS 8 News Now At 4 PM 20151219 : compareme

Transcripts For KLAS 8 News Now At 4 PM 20151219

the commerce part of the faraday deal. the initial hang up last night that brought everything to a halt was a problem with part of the bill that touches on water rights. senator pete goicoechea spearheaded the opposition that we're told was fairly large... leading to the senate adjourning relatively early last night. that led to a new bill being drafted and sent over to the assembly as a-b 2. ((ryann juden/city of north las vegas: cwhile we stand in support of sb 1, we're very appreciative to this body for all the work they've done, section 28.4 is an area that does cause some issues for nlv, it's something we hope we can try and work out on the other side.")) ((patrick walker)) that part city of north las vegas assistant city manager ryann juden is referring to... relates to the city of north las vegas being on the hook for bond payments. george knapp joins me now... and george... what do you make of the public testimony? ((george knapp)) it reinforces what we've been reporting up here about the sensitivity any time water is involved...... > now lets get a first check of your forecast with tedd florendo. he's live at the 7th annual marine corps toys for tots benefit at the orleans. ((tedd florendo)) we warmed up a little today, still a little on the chilly side but a little more near seasonal temps, that means near average temps which are typically around 56 degrees this time of year. milder in phoenix and la if you're traveling to those mild locations. ............................... 10 hour forecast shows temps his last press conference of the year... before going on vacation. ((paul joncich)) how president obama says the military will continue the fight against isis... and terrorists into the new year. /// ((denise valdez)) > and santa is hitting the street... but he's not handing out presents. how the man in red... is working with police... to help to keep our roads safe. /// funded...until next year. president barack obama signed a 1- point-1 trillion dollar measure that will boost spending for defense and non-defense programs. republican leaders and the white house said they feel good about the outcome and have described the deal as the best they could do under divided government. the president fended off any array of riders that included efforts to halt federal money for planned parenthood and place greater restrictions on syrian refugees. republicans secured an end to the ban on most crude oil exports. the signing of the budget bill caps months of negotiations and averts a government shutdown. ((paul joncich)) > president obama wraped up business at the white house before leaving for vacation with a wide ranging q-and-a in the briefing room. this year the isis-inspired mass shooting in san bernardino was one of the major topics of the president's year end press conference. craig boswell shows us how the president tackled the issue of lone wolf attackers going after targets in the u-s. in his final scheduled press conference of the year president obama said he will be anything but a lame duck in his final year in office. (sot: president obama) "in 2016 i'm going to leave it out all on the field." he defended his administration's strategy against isis saying the terror group will be defeated.. (sot: president obama) "we're going to do so by systematically squeezing them, cutting off their supply lines, cutting off their financing, taking out their leadership, taking out their forces, taking out their infrastructure. " but even the president admits isis- inspired lone wolf attacks like the one in san bernardino that killed 14 people are tougher to detect. going to have to recognize that no government is going to have the capacity to read every single persons texts or emails or social media." (standup: craig boswell/cbs news/the white house) president obama tried to reassure anxious americans that intelligence agencies are on the job and there are no credible threats. but he says americans will need to remain vigilant. the president says he is not giving up on closing the detainee facility at guantanamo bay something he calls a terrorist recruitment tool. he thanked congress for passing a trillion dollar spending bill to keep the government funded for much of 2016 and promised to work with lawmakers on criminal justice reform. craig boswell, cbs news, the white house. ((paul joncich)) president obama heads to hawaii tonight for the start of his christmas vacation. /// ((paul joncich)) > getting fit... like a jedi knight. ((denise valdez)) the gym offering light saber training... that guarantees to slice off the pounds. /// announcer: now nevada's first ((paul joncich)) > today... metro police put on a santa suitit to remind people to slow down. ((denise valdez)) multiple law enforcement agencies across the valley teamed up for today's the valley teamed up for today's enforcement near sahara and valley view. that's where michael stevens has the story. ((michael stevens)) in recent weeks there's been a number of pedestrian's killed on these roads. in the short time... between thanksgiving to today... 11 people have been killed. in an on-going effort to stop these things from happening... officers from metro... c-c-s-d police and the nevada highway patrol are teaming up to do pedestrian enforcement. the goal is to remind drivers to watch out for pedestrians: ((trooper loy hixon patrol: these types of campaigns is just that one thing to make sure that we let them know, remind them one here in our valley. )) in an effort to combat the issue. safety advocates say both the county and city have been working on a number of projects to make our roads safer. they're doing it through initiatives... like the safe roads project... and the strategic highway safety plan. ((michael stevens)) at today's pedestrian enforcement... police dressed as santa have been walking up and down this street looking for anyone breaking the law... and handing out tickets. ((paul joncich)) > now lets get a check of your forecast with tedd florendo. ((denise valdez)) he's live at the 7th annual u.s. marine corps toys for tots benefit at the orleans. ((tedd florendo)) cool again today, but with mostly sunny skies and winds remained nice and calm again. and calm again. a little warmer than yesterday at this time but still chilly at times. we're now entering near seasonal temps at this hour. ............................... ................. weekend forecast looks milder some locations could get a chance of showers saturday but the system coming in not carrying a lot of moisture with it and it will zip across the region fairly quickly. cooler sunday but still just few digits below seasonal temps. ............................... .................. radar looking clear right now. but upriver we're keeping our eye on the rain moving into the northern california expecting to and tahoe. again could see winds ahead of it a little tomorrow but not wind advisory criteria. we will get a slight chance of some shower specifically tomorrow evening. ............................... ...................... expect more snow in the mountains which is why you need the ski report. you can get your ski report for website and 8 just go over to sections tab, then scroll down to weather and head on over to the ski report to get an update on the snow totals in your local mountains. ............................... ......................... tonight expect temps near 38 and under mostly clear skies keeping us a little on the chilly side overnight with those calm winds. tomorrow 58 our high and just a few degrees above average. look for both sun and clouds tomorrow with winds picking up a little later in the day and evening. ............................... .............................. extended forecast show unsettled weather coming next week in time we'll have a mix of sun and clouds all week with more wind christmas eve and day. the holidays look sto get a lot cooler by late next week. in hawaii... inspired a new workout style. "jedi-training" has caught on in honolulu with "precision parkour" gym. at "hawaii jedi saber academy," participants prepare for battle. the objective in this fight: slicing through fat. (( keith mylett/precision parkour, "it is a good upper body workout, core work out. after and hour you feel the burn." )) ((paul joncich)) the gym says it tries to make the exercises mirror the film action as closely as possible. star wars: the force awakens... opened last night. /// ((paul joncich)) > darth vader... storm troopers and imperial officers invaded our studio this morning. ((denise valdez)) the folks from "vader's fist 501st legion" joined our morning team. it's a group that has about 8-thousand members world wide... 50 of them here in the valley. ((paul joncich)) but dressing up as star wars charcters isn't just for fun... they do a number of charity 7:51 brian it's like a scene straight from star wars in the 8 news now studio. sherry: it certainly is, we have imperial officer kris king, also ray chua, from vader's fist 50first legion brian: let's get right into it, the movie premiered last night, you guys are die hards, did you like it? kris: awesome ray: we loved it, loved it, i am ready to go back again. 9:50 brian: when they see you are they star struck? i know when i first saw you this morning, it was like the 8 year old version of myself was present. ray: we get a anumber of reactions some people are really in disbelief- oh man i am standing in front of darth vader, their jaws drop, other people get excited, there's the can i get a picture with you guys? but what they don't know is that we are enjoying it also, we are smiling behind the helmets, and as they say we are the bad guys doing good. sherry: kris this has got to be time consuming a lot of energy for the group talk about marching in the rose bowl parade events, what is it that excites you about participating in a group like this. kris: the kids, i love the kids, there is nothing like the reaction you get from the kids. sherry: but you have to be a star wars fanatic to put in the time and energy kris: certainly, yes, by all means. brian and the love you have for this, what is+ it about this movie that has become so epic, what is the reason behind such lasting now 3, 3 and a half decade popularity. ray: it's the story of good and evil, there is redemption, personally i just love the toys, the light sabers the spaceships, and it is just like being a kid, no matter how old you are you get to play. brian: i don't know, you mention being a kid, i don't know the next time we'll be in a room with lord vader, before we finishe up today, may i request a light saber 11:17 11:49 light saber turns on sherry: oh my lord vader to a duel. brian: oh my goodness, my little brother would be so jealous, when do i turn sherry any recommendation here? sherry, i say take the lords cue, lord vader's cue brian oh its on 12:12 ((paul joncich)) again this is a national group, with a local chapter... while they bring together star wars fans, they also give back. whenever the local group gets paid to be at an event, all of that money goes to make a wish. to learn more go to las vegas now dot com in the links we mentioned section./// ((denise valdez)) > procrastinator s listen up... there's plenty of time to shop for christmas presents. ((paul joncich)) the store that will be open until 8 on christmas eve for those looking to pick up some last minute gifts. of those people who puts off buying christmas gifts to the very last second... walmart has you covered. all walmart stores will be open until 8 :00 p-m on christmas eve. for those who prefer online shopping, you can place holiday orders on walmart- dot-com as late as december 20- th for standard delivery. and as late as december 22-nd for rush deliveries. store pick-up orders will be available until six p-m, local time on december 23-rd. /// ((denise valdez)) > president obama had a chance to show off his adventurous side. the potus made an appearance last night on the reality show... "running wild with bear grylls." the alaskan adventure offers a slice of life we rarely see. it even included mister obama eating some scraps... left over by one of natures most fearce predators. (( bear: this is half eaten by a bear. obama: why wouldn't the bear finish this. this looks like a nice looking piece of fish. bear: you try a little of this. obama: yeah let's try it out. mmm that's tasty. ((denise valdez)) the show was filmed in september on the president's trip to alaska. his goal was to highlight the effects of climate change. /// ((paul joncich)) > fighting back against the rhetoric... the rhetoric... while more and more muslims are becoming the victims of hate crimes. ((denise valdez)) how islamic communities are working to spread a message of peace... as many are becoming targets ((denise valdez)) > a research group finds that hate crimes against muslim americans have tripled since the most recent terrorist attacks. and that has added to the fear and anxiety within muslim communities across the country. ((paul joncich)) in minneapolis, people of all faiths gathered this week to talk about this.. but as jamie yuccas reports, even their message of peace brought new threats. 100 people of all faiths packed one of the oldest mosques in minneapolis this week to try to address the backlash against muslims here. following the terror attacks in paris and san bernardino, muslim leaders say they're feeling growing hostility against their community. jibril: things are really difficult these days after the threats. (jibril afyare/somali american citizens league) basically hate message that we got, it's really. really hurtful (jamie yuccas/minneap olis) a growing number of muslims here in minnesota are afraid to speak out because they're worried about becoming targets. (imam abdisalam adam/community leader) people being chased with cars, at least two we heard from. jamie: people being chased with cars? imam: yea somali leaders say donald trump's call for a ban on all muslim immigrants entering the u.s escalated the tension. jibril: it's time for all of us to wake up, it's getting down to a serious borderline women report being the biggest targets because wearing a hijab calls attention. imam abdisalam adam says islamophobia is worse now than after the 9/11 terror attacks. (imam abdisalam adam) islamic groups nationwide are saying it's the worst they've ever seen muslim leaders say the backlash together to speak out for peace. jamie yuccas cbs news minneapolis. ((paul joncich)) > hillary clinton visited the twin cities on tuesday and privately met with both men and other somali and muslim leaders. she praised their work in trying to stop online terror recruitment and emphasized more funds are needed. /// ((denise valdez)) the campaign manager for hillary clinton says its voter data was "stolen" by the campaign team of her democratic rival, bernie sanders. this as the sanders' campaign threatened to take the democratic national committee to federal court if the party organization doesn't restore their access to the voter database. this all comes after the d-n-c cut sanders off from the database and charged that the vermont senator's campaign exploited a software error and accessed confidential voter information -- which was collected by hillary clinton's team. sanders campaign manager jeff weaver vowed to fight the d- n-c in federal court if access is not quickly restored: ((jeff weaver- individual leaders of the dnc can support hillary clinton any way they want but they are not going to the strongest grass root campaigns in modern history . )) ((denise valdez)) the sanders camp says there was a similar breach in october and is calling for an independent investigation of the d-n-c and the vendor that built and maintains the list. the sanders campaign says it did not download or copy any other campaign information. clinton's campaign says that "this was a very egregious breach and our data was stolen" ... adding... the actions of the sanders staff involved "may have been a violation of the law." /// ((denise valdez)) > now lets get a check of your forecast with tedd florendo. he's live at the marine corps toys for tots benefit at the orleans. let's check out your first forecast. we warmed up a little today, side but a little more near seasonal temps, that means near average temps which are typically around 56 degrees this time of year. milder in phoenix and la if you're traveling to those mild locations. ............................... ................... 10 hour forecast shows temps will chilly this evening in the 40's if you plan to go out and spend time with family or friends. by the time we go on for our 11 o'clock newscast we'll be right around mid to low 40's. temps are expected to drop in the 30's again by morning but will not be the coldest morning of the week like we saw ((denise valdez)) > avoiding the pains that can come with your new tech gadget. ((paul joncich)) the advice doctors have that could keep your favorite device from becoming a real pain in the but the way you use them could be hurting your body. especially if you're using an e-reader or tablet on a long flight or car ride. you can end up straining your neck and shoulder muscles... causing extreme pain that you might end up needing to go to a doctor for: ((dr. sharon bergquist/emory school of medicine) we're dubbing it smart phone finger, some other problems are mouse tendonitis, or sometimes just a tablet neck . )) ((denise valdez)) doctors suggest you always hold a tablet or phone so the top of the screen is at or just below eye level... relax your shoulders, keep your elbows close to your body... and keep your thighs parallel to the floor. also... be sure to take frequent breaks so you don't injure yourself./// ((paul joncich)) > what would you do if you found 32- thousand thousand dollars just lying on the floor? erika gonzales says her mother lost her grandfather's life savings. the pair were going to deposit it in the bank before they lost it while eating at an area applebees. thankfully an honest employee found the money and called 9-1-1: (( the dispatcher i think she thought i was kidding because she said 'that much cash are you sure?' and i said 'yes, three of us counted it."// erika gonzalez- i'm so glad they found it. i really appreciate it.")) ((paul joncich)) the employee who found the money did not want to be identified, but told her manager that it was the right thing to do. after the money was returned... the gonzales family went straight to the bank to deposit it. ((denise valdez)) > the holidays can be a hard time... for those who've recently lost a ((paul joncich)) the organization looking to bring a little cheer... to those grieving during christmas. /// are a time for being with family. but they can be a painful reminder for those who have lost a loved one. the group "in 12 days" aims to ease that pain. the founder of the organization... suzanne lea... joins us in studio. suzanne... you lost your husband in 2008 -- and several months later -- something special happened for you and sons? -- took that generosity gave it a name -- in makes the holidays an especially painful time for families who who have lost loved ones? - in 12 days do? - how can people help out? ((denise valdez)) thanks ((denise valdez)) thanks suzanne for joining us. we'll put a link up to your website on las vegas now dot com. look under the links we mentioned tab. /// ((paul joncich)) > now lets get a check of your forecast with tedd florendo. he's live at the 7th annual u.s. marine corps toys for tots benefit at the orleans. ((tedd florendo)) cool again today, but with mostly sunny skies and winds mostly sunny skies and winds remained nice and calm again. at this time but still chilly at times. we're now entering near seasonal ............................... ................. weekend forecast looks milder saturday with a little wind. some locations could get a chance of showers saturday but the system coming in not carrying a lot of moisture with it and it will zip across the region fairly quickly. cooler sunday but still just few digits below seasonal temps. ............................... .................. radar looking clear right now. but upriver we're keeping our eye on the rain moving into the northern california expecting to bring more snow to the sierras and tahoe. again could see winds ahead of it a little tomorrow but not wind advisory criteria. we will get a slight chance of some shower specifically tomorrow evening. ............................... ...................... expect more snow in the mountains which is why you need the ski report. you can get your ski report for the local mountains on our website and 8 just go over to sections tab, then scroll down to weather and head on over to the ski report totals in your local mountains. ............................... ......................... tonight expectemps near 38 andder mostly cleases keeping a little on the chilly side ernight with those calm winds. morrow 58 our gh and just a few degrees above average.look for both sun a cloudstomorrow with winds picking up a ttle later in the day and evening. ............................. .............................. tded forest show unsettled weather coming nt week in time r christmas. ' ve a mix of sun andouds all ewith more windristmas eve a y.the holidayso sto get a lot cooler by late next week. 8 news now wants to y your mortgage orase for up to 1- year! we've amed up with our sponsor... gavish real pay up to 15- thousddollars.we'll randomly choose 8nalists to attendhe zowiewie show at redock on new ar's eve...d we'llnnounce the winner ring our live special! toenter...shead to our o 8 new nowcebook page, community pridecebook page or las gas nowt com website.u must be at least a mortgage or lease on ame anbe in good stanngwith the lender and owner.///denise valdez)) > baldingdenise valdez)) > balding denise valdez 8 news nowwants to pay yo rtgage or administration is proposing new rules to ban minors from using tanning beds. the f-d-a proposal would restrict the use of sunlamp products at indoor tanning facilities to people over 18 years old. the agency is also proposing stricter safety regulations for adults, including a requirement that users sign a risk acknowledgmen t form. indoor tanning is a known contributor to skin cancer, including the most deadly form of melanoma. but still, one- point-six million children use indoor increasing their cancer risks. /// ((paul joncich)) > forty percent of hair loss sufferers are women, but there aren't many treatment options for them. minoxidil, more commonly known as rogaine, is the only f-d-a approved medication for female pattern baldness. ((denise valdez)) but as cbs news correspondent danielle nottingham reports, a common accessory is offering women more choices when it comes to re-growing their hair. pharmicist seema patel's hair loss made her feel embarassed around her customers. (seema patel/hair loss patient) " no matter what you do, put on makeup, dress up, do whatever you want, but your hair doesn't look right" nine months ago, dr vineeta keswani introduced her to lasercap lcpro. it's a battery operated baseball cap with a special disc inside the dome. just flip the switch and more than 200 pulsed lights hit the scalp and stimulate hair growth. (dr. vineeta keswani, hair restoration specialist) "it's basically low level laser light, which goes tprough the scalp and acts on the cells and stimulates so it produces an energy rich , oxygen rich environment for the hair follicle" the device has been on the market for 6 years but was recently fda- approved to promote hair growth. patients can take the cap home instead of visiting their physician's office several times a week for laser therapy. (danielle nottingham, cbs news, los angeles) "doctors recommend patients wear the cap three times a week for 15 minutes while they do routine activities" patel wears it on her drive to work. she combines the treatment with vitamins and other scalp therapies. the 43 year old says nearly half of her hair has grown back. (seema patel/hair loss patient) "people are like wow you look really good today. so it feels good" and she feels confident facing her customers again. danielle nottingham cbs news westlake village, california ((denise valdez)) there are other f-d-a approved laser caps on the market. lasercap lc-pro retails for only available through a doctor. /// ((paul joncich)) > 8 news now wants to pay your mortgage or lease for up to 1- year! we've teamed up with our sponsor... gavish real estate... to pay up to 15- thousand dollars. we'll randomly choose 8 finalists to attend the zowie bowie show at red rock on new year's eve... and we'll announce the winner during our live special! to enter... just head to our our 8 new now facebook page, community pride facebook page or las vegas now dot com website. you must be at least 21.. have a mortgage or lease on a home and be in good standing with the lender and owner./// paul joncich > that's all for us at 4. denise valdez 8 news now at five starts after this. ((denise valdez)) > our first look at the man accused of shooting a metro officer. accused of shooting a metro officer. 8 news now has the exclusive surveillance video of the police chase and how authorities were able to track the suspect down. ((paul joncich)) extra security to see mickey and minnie this holiday season: ((park visitor- it definitely speaks to the times. )) the items now banned at your favorite theme parks... and why getting inside will take a little longer than you're used to. ((denise valdez)) a holy war in las vegas. we're live downtown as utah and b-y-u fans face off ahead of tomorrow's big bowl game./// ((voice over: "now, nevada's

Related Keywords

Carson City , Nevada , United States , Alaska , Vermont , Westlake Village , California , Minnesota , Honolulu , Hawaii , Syria , San Bernardino , Valley View , Phoenix , Arizona , Somalia , Paris , Rhôalpes , France , Utah , Americans , Syrian , Alaskan , Somali , American , Seema Patel , Danielle Nottingham , Michael Stevens , Barack Obama , Denise Valdez , Patrick Walker , Loy Hixon , Ray Chua , Las Vegas , Mister Obama , Erika Gonzales , Los Angeles , Kris King , George Knapp , Craig Boswell , Suzanne Lea , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For KLAS 8 News Now At 4 PM 20151219 :

Transcripts For KLAS 8 News Now At 4 PM 20151219

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the commerce part of the faraday deal. the initial hang up last night that brought everything to a halt was a problem with part of the bill that touches on water rights. senator pete goicoechea spearheaded the opposition that we're told was fairly large... leading to the senate adjourning relatively early last night. that led to a new bill being drafted and sent over to the assembly as a-b 2. ((ryann juden/city of north las vegas: cwhile we stand in support of sb 1, we're very appreciative to this body for all the work they've done, section 28.4 is an area that does cause some issues for nlv, it's something we hope we can try and work out on the other side.")) ((patrick walker)) that part city of north las vegas assistant city manager ryann juden is referring to... relates to the city of north las vegas being on the hook for bond payments. george knapp joins me now... and george... what do you make of the public testimony? ((george knapp)) it reinforces what we've been reporting up here about the sensitivity any time water is involved...... > now lets get a first check of your forecast with tedd florendo. he's live at the 7th annual marine corps toys for tots benefit at the orleans. ((tedd florendo)) we warmed up a little today, still a little on the chilly side but a little more near seasonal temps, that means near average temps which are typically around 56 degrees this time of year. milder in phoenix and la if you're traveling to those mild locations. ............................... 10 hour forecast shows temps his last press conference of the year... before going on vacation. ((paul joncich)) how president obama says the military will continue the fight against isis... and terrorists into the new year. /// ((denise valdez)) > and santa is hitting the street... but he's not handing out presents. how the man in red... is working with police... to help to keep our roads safe. /// funded...until next year. president barack obama signed a 1- point-1 trillion dollar measure that will boost spending for defense and non-defense programs. republican leaders and the white house said they feel good about the outcome and have described the deal as the best they could do under divided government. the president fended off any array of riders that included efforts to halt federal money for planned parenthood and place greater restrictions on syrian refugees. republicans secured an end to the ban on most crude oil exports. the signing of the budget bill caps months of negotiations and averts a government shutdown. ((paul joncich)) > president obama wraped up business at the white house before leaving for vacation with a wide ranging q-and-a in the briefing room. this year the isis-inspired mass shooting in san bernardino was one of the major topics of the president's year end press conference. craig boswell shows us how the president tackled the issue of lone wolf attackers going after targets in the u-s. in his final scheduled press conference of the year president obama said he will be anything but a lame duck in his final year in office. (sot: president obama) "in 2016 i'm going to leave it out all on the field." he defended his administration's strategy against isis saying the terror group will be defeated.. (sot: president obama) "we're going to do so by systematically squeezing them, cutting off their supply lines, cutting off their financing, taking out their leadership, taking out their forces, taking out their infrastructure. " but even the president admits isis- inspired lone wolf attacks like the one in san bernardino that killed 14 people are tougher to detect. going to have to recognize that no government is going to have the capacity to read every single persons texts or emails or social media." (standup: craig boswell/cbs news/the white house) president obama tried to reassure anxious americans that intelligence agencies are on the job and there are no credible threats. but he says americans will need to remain vigilant. the president says he is not giving up on closing the detainee facility at guantanamo bay something he calls a terrorist recruitment tool. he thanked congress for passing a trillion dollar spending bill to keep the government funded for much of 2016 and promised to work with lawmakers on criminal justice reform. craig boswell, cbs news, the white house. ((paul joncich)) president obama heads to hawaii tonight for the start of his christmas vacation. /// ((paul joncich)) > getting fit... like a jedi knight. ((denise valdez)) the gym offering light saber training... that guarantees to slice off the pounds. /// announcer: now nevada's first ((paul joncich)) > today... metro police put on a santa suitit to remind people to slow down. ((denise valdez)) multiple law enforcement agencies across the valley teamed up for today's the valley teamed up for today's enforcement near sahara and valley view. that's where michael stevens has the story. ((michael stevens)) in recent weeks there's been a number of pedestrian's killed on these roads. in the short time... between thanksgiving to today... 11 people have been killed. in an on-going effort to stop these things from happening... officers from metro... c-c-s-d police and the nevada highway patrol are teaming up to do pedestrian enforcement. the goal is to remind drivers to watch out for pedestrians: ((trooper loy hixon patrol: these types of campaigns is just that one thing to make sure that we let them know, remind them one here in our valley. )) in an effort to combat the issue. safety advocates say both the county and city have been working on a number of projects to make our roads safer. they're doing it through initiatives... like the safe roads project... and the strategic highway safety plan. ((michael stevens)) at today's pedestrian enforcement... police dressed as santa have been walking up and down this street looking for anyone breaking the law... and handing out tickets. ((paul joncich)) > now lets get a check of your forecast with tedd florendo. ((denise valdez)) he's live at the 7th annual u.s. marine corps toys for tots benefit at the orleans. ((tedd florendo)) cool again today, but with mostly sunny skies and winds remained nice and calm again. and calm again. a little warmer than yesterday at this time but still chilly at times. we're now entering near seasonal temps at this hour. ............................... ................. weekend forecast looks milder some locations could get a chance of showers saturday but the system coming in not carrying a lot of moisture with it and it will zip across the region fairly quickly. cooler sunday but still just few digits below seasonal temps. ............................... .................. radar looking clear right now. but upriver we're keeping our eye on the rain moving into the northern california expecting to and tahoe. again could see winds ahead of it a little tomorrow but not wind advisory criteria. we will get a slight chance of some shower specifically tomorrow evening. ............................... ...................... expect more snow in the mountains which is why you need the ski report. you can get your ski report for website and 8 just go over to sections tab, then scroll down to weather and head on over to the ski report to get an update on the snow totals in your local mountains. ............................... ......................... tonight expect temps near 38 and under mostly clear skies keeping us a little on the chilly side overnight with those calm winds. tomorrow 58 our high and just a few degrees above average. look for both sun and clouds tomorrow with winds picking up a little later in the day and evening. ............................... .............................. extended forecast show unsettled weather coming next week in time we'll have a mix of sun and clouds all week with more wind christmas eve and day. the holidays look sto get a lot cooler by late next week. in hawaii... inspired a new workout style. "jedi-training" has caught on in honolulu with "precision parkour" gym. at "hawaii jedi saber academy," participants prepare for battle. the objective in this fight: slicing through fat. (( keith mylett/precision parkour, "it is a good upper body workout, core work out. after and hour you feel the burn." )) ((paul joncich)) the gym says it tries to make the exercises mirror the film action as closely as possible. star wars: the force awakens... opened last night. /// ((paul joncich)) > darth vader... storm troopers and imperial officers invaded our studio this morning. ((denise valdez)) the folks from "vader's fist 501st legion" joined our morning team. it's a group that has about 8-thousand members world wide... 50 of them here in the valley. ((paul joncich)) but dressing up as star wars charcters isn't just for fun... they do a number of charity 7:51 brian it's like a scene straight from star wars in the 8 news now studio. sherry: it certainly is, we have imperial officer kris king, also ray chua, from vader's fist 50first legion brian: let's get right into it, the movie premiered last night, you guys are die hards, did you like it? kris: awesome ray: we loved it, loved it, i am ready to go back again. 9:50 brian: when they see you are they star struck? i know when i first saw you this morning, it was like the 8 year old version of myself was present. ray: we get a anumber of reactions some people are really in disbelief- oh man i am standing in front of darth vader, their jaws drop, other people get excited, there's the can i get a picture with you guys? but what they don't know is that we are enjoying it also, we are smiling behind the helmets, and as they say we are the bad guys doing good. sherry: kris this has got to be time consuming a lot of energy for the group talk about marching in the rose bowl parade events, what is it that excites you about participating in a group like this. kris: the kids, i love the kids, there is nothing like the reaction you get from the kids. sherry: but you have to be a star wars fanatic to put in the time and energy kris: certainly, yes, by all means. brian and the love you have for this, what is+ it about this movie that has become so epic, what is the reason behind such lasting now 3, 3 and a half decade popularity. ray: it's the story of good and evil, there is redemption, personally i just love the toys, the light sabers the spaceships, and it is just like being a kid, no matter how old you are you get to play. brian: i don't know, you mention being a kid, i don't know the next time we'll be in a room with lord vader, before we finishe up today, may i request a light saber 11:17 11:49 light saber turns on sherry: oh my lord vader to a duel. brian: oh my goodness, my little brother would be so jealous, when do i turn sherry any recommendation here? sherry, i say take the lords cue, lord vader's cue brian oh its on 12:12 ((paul joncich)) again this is a national group, with a local chapter... while they bring together star wars fans, they also give back. whenever the local group gets paid to be at an event, all of that money goes to make a wish. to learn more go to las vegas now dot com in the links we mentioned section./// ((denise valdez)) > procrastinator s listen up... there's plenty of time to shop for christmas presents. ((paul joncich)) the store that will be open until 8 on christmas eve for those looking to pick up some last minute gifts. of those people who puts off buying christmas gifts to the very last second... walmart has you covered. all walmart stores will be open until 8 :00 p-m on christmas eve. for those who prefer online shopping, you can place holiday orders on walmart- dot-com as late as december 20- th for standard delivery. and as late as december 22-nd for rush deliveries. store pick-up orders will be available until six p-m, local time on december 23-rd. /// ((denise valdez)) > president obama had a chance to show off his adventurous side. the potus made an appearance last night on the reality show... "running wild with bear grylls." the alaskan adventure offers a slice of life we rarely see. it even included mister obama eating some scraps... left over by one of natures most fearce predators. (( bear: this is half eaten by a bear. obama: why wouldn't the bear finish this. this looks like a nice looking piece of fish. bear: you try a little of this. obama: yeah let's try it out. mmm that's tasty. ((denise valdez)) the show was filmed in september on the president's trip to alaska. his goal was to highlight the effects of climate change. /// ((paul joncich)) > fighting back against the rhetoric... the rhetoric... while more and more muslims are becoming the victims of hate crimes. ((denise valdez)) how islamic communities are working to spread a message of peace... as many are becoming targets ((denise valdez)) > a research group finds that hate crimes against muslim americans have tripled since the most recent terrorist attacks. and that has added to the fear and anxiety within muslim communities across the country. ((paul joncich)) in minneapolis, people of all faiths gathered this week to talk about this.. but as jamie yuccas reports, even their message of peace brought new threats. 100 people of all faiths packed one of the oldest mosques in minneapolis this week to try to address the backlash against muslims here. following the terror attacks in paris and san bernardino, muslim leaders say they're feeling growing hostility against their community. jibril: things are really difficult these days after the threats. (jibril afyare/somali american citizens league) basically hate message that we got, it's really. really hurtful (jamie yuccas/minneap olis) a growing number of muslims here in minnesota are afraid to speak out because they're worried about becoming targets. (imam abdisalam adam/community leader) people being chased with cars, at least two we heard from. jamie: people being chased with cars? imam: yea somali leaders say donald trump's call for a ban on all muslim immigrants entering the u.s escalated the tension. jibril: it's time for all of us to wake up, it's getting down to a serious borderline women report being the biggest targets because wearing a hijab calls attention. imam abdisalam adam says islamophobia is worse now than after the 9/11 terror attacks. (imam abdisalam adam) islamic groups nationwide are saying it's the worst they've ever seen muslim leaders say the backlash together to speak out for peace. jamie yuccas cbs news minneapolis. ((paul joncich)) > hillary clinton visited the twin cities on tuesday and privately met with both men and other somali and muslim leaders. she praised their work in trying to stop online terror recruitment and emphasized more funds are needed. /// ((denise valdez)) the campaign manager for hillary clinton says its voter data was "stolen" by the campaign team of her democratic rival, bernie sanders. this as the sanders' campaign threatened to take the democratic national committee to federal court if the party organization doesn't restore their access to the voter database. this all comes after the d-n-c cut sanders off from the database and charged that the vermont senator's campaign exploited a software error and accessed confidential voter information -- which was collected by hillary clinton's team. sanders campaign manager jeff weaver vowed to fight the d- n-c in federal court if access is not quickly restored: ((jeff weaver- individual leaders of the dnc can support hillary clinton any way they want but they are not going to the strongest grass root campaigns in modern history . )) ((denise valdez)) the sanders camp says there was a similar breach in october and is calling for an independent investigation of the d-n-c and the vendor that built and maintains the list. the sanders campaign says it did not download or copy any other campaign information. clinton's campaign says that "this was a very egregious breach and our data was stolen" ... adding... the actions of the sanders staff involved "may have been a violation of the law." /// ((denise valdez)) > now lets get a check of your forecast with tedd florendo. he's live at the marine corps toys for tots benefit at the orleans. let's check out your first forecast. we warmed up a little today, side but a little more near seasonal temps, that means near average temps which are typically around 56 degrees this time of year. milder in phoenix and la if you're traveling to those mild locations. ............................... ................... 10 hour forecast shows temps will chilly this evening in the 40's if you plan to go out and spend time with family or friends. by the time we go on for our 11 o'clock newscast we'll be right around mid to low 40's. temps are expected to drop in the 30's again by morning but will not be the coldest morning of the week like we saw ((denise valdez)) > avoiding the pains that can come with your new tech gadget. ((paul joncich)) the advice doctors have that could keep your favorite device from becoming a real pain in the but the way you use them could be hurting your body. especially if you're using an e-reader or tablet on a long flight or car ride. you can end up straining your neck and shoulder muscles... causing extreme pain that you might end up needing to go to a doctor for: ((dr. sharon bergquist/emory school of medicine) we're dubbing it smart phone finger, some other problems are mouse tendonitis, or sometimes just a tablet neck . )) ((denise valdez)) doctors suggest you always hold a tablet or phone so the top of the screen is at or just below eye level... relax your shoulders, keep your elbows close to your body... and keep your thighs parallel to the floor. also... be sure to take frequent breaks so you don't injure yourself./// ((paul joncich)) > what would you do if you found 32- thousand thousand dollars just lying on the floor? erika gonzales says her mother lost her grandfather's life savings. the pair were going to deposit it in the bank before they lost it while eating at an area applebees. thankfully an honest employee found the money and called 9-1-1: (( the dispatcher i think she thought i was kidding because she said 'that much cash are you sure?' and i said 'yes, three of us counted it."// erika gonzalez- i'm so glad they found it. i really appreciate it.")) ((paul joncich)) the employee who found the money did not want to be identified, but told her manager that it was the right thing to do. after the money was returned... the gonzales family went straight to the bank to deposit it. ((denise valdez)) > the holidays can be a hard time... for those who've recently lost a ((paul joncich)) the organization looking to bring a little cheer... to those grieving during christmas. /// are a time for being with family. but they can be a painful reminder for those who have lost a loved one. the group "in 12 days" aims to ease that pain. the founder of the organization... suzanne lea... joins us in studio. suzanne... you lost your husband in 2008 -- and several months later -- something special happened for you and sons? -- took that generosity gave it a name -- in makes the holidays an especially painful time for families who who have lost loved ones? - in 12 days do? - how can people help out? ((denise valdez)) thanks ((denise valdez)) thanks suzanne for joining us. we'll put a link up to your website on las vegas now dot com. look under the links we mentioned tab. /// ((paul joncich)) > now lets get a check of your forecast with tedd florendo. he's live at the 7th annual u.s. marine corps toys for tots benefit at the orleans. ((tedd florendo)) cool again today, but with mostly sunny skies and winds mostly sunny skies and winds remained nice and calm again. at this time but still chilly at times. we're now entering near seasonal ............................... ................. weekend forecast looks milder saturday with a little wind. some locations could get a chance of showers saturday but the system coming in not carrying a lot of moisture with it and it will zip across the region fairly quickly. cooler sunday but still just few digits below seasonal temps. ............................... .................. radar looking clear right now. but upriver we're keeping our eye on the rain moving into the northern california expecting to bring more snow to the sierras and tahoe. again could see winds ahead of it a little tomorrow but not wind advisory criteria. we will get a slight chance of some shower specifically tomorrow evening. ............................... ...................... expect more snow in the mountains which is why you need the ski report. you can get your ski report for the local mountains on our website and 8 just go over to sections tab, then scroll down to weather and head on over to the ski report totals in your local mountains. ............................... ......................... tonight expectemps near 38 andder mostly cleases keeping a little on the chilly side ernight with those calm winds. morrow 58 our gh and just a few degrees above average.look for both sun a cloudstomorrow with winds picking up a ttle later in the day and evening. ............................. .............................. tded forest show unsettled weather coming nt week in time r christmas. ' ve a mix of sun andouds all ewith more windristmas eve a y.the holidayso sto get a lot cooler by late next week. 8 news now wants to y your mortgage orase for up to 1- year! we've amed up with our sponsor... gavish real pay up to 15- thousddollars.we'll randomly choose 8nalists to attendhe zowiewie show at redock on new ar's eve...d we'llnnounce the winner ring our live special! toenter...shead to our o 8 new nowcebook page, community pridecebook page or las gas nowt com website.u must be at least a mortgage or lease on ame anbe in good stanngwith the lender and owner.///denise valdez)) > baldingdenise valdez)) > balding denise valdez 8 news nowwants to pay yo rtgage or administration is proposing new rules to ban minors from using tanning beds. the f-d-a proposal would restrict the use of sunlamp products at indoor tanning facilities to people over 18 years old. the agency is also proposing stricter safety regulations for adults, including a requirement that users sign a risk acknowledgmen t form. indoor tanning is a known contributor to skin cancer, including the most deadly form of melanoma. but still, one- point-six million children use indoor increasing their cancer risks. /// ((paul joncich)) > forty percent of hair loss sufferers are women, but there aren't many treatment options for them. minoxidil, more commonly known as rogaine, is the only f-d-a approved medication for female pattern baldness. ((denise valdez)) but as cbs news correspondent danielle nottingham reports, a common accessory is offering women more choices when it comes to re-growing their hair. pharmicist seema patel's hair loss made her feel embarassed around her customers. (seema patel/hair loss patient) " no matter what you do, put on makeup, dress up, do whatever you want, but your hair doesn't look right" nine months ago, dr vineeta keswani introduced her to lasercap lcpro. it's a battery operated baseball cap with a special disc inside the dome. just flip the switch and more than 200 pulsed lights hit the scalp and stimulate hair growth. (dr. vineeta keswani, hair restoration specialist) "it's basically low level laser light, which goes tprough the scalp and acts on the cells and stimulates so it produces an energy rich , oxygen rich environment for the hair follicle" the device has been on the market for 6 years but was recently fda- approved to promote hair growth. patients can take the cap home instead of visiting their physician's office several times a week for laser therapy. (danielle nottingham, cbs news, los angeles) "doctors recommend patients wear the cap three times a week for 15 minutes while they do routine activities" patel wears it on her drive to work. she combines the treatment with vitamins and other scalp therapies. the 43 year old says nearly half of her hair has grown back. (seema patel/hair loss patient) "people are like wow you look really good today. so it feels good" and she feels confident facing her customers again. danielle nottingham cbs news westlake village, california ((denise valdez)) there are other f-d-a approved laser caps on the market. lasercap lc-pro retails for only available through a doctor. /// ((paul joncich)) > 8 news now wants to pay your mortgage or lease for up to 1- year! we've teamed up with our sponsor... gavish real estate... to pay up to 15- thousand dollars. we'll randomly choose 8 finalists to attend the zowie bowie show at red rock on new year's eve... and we'll announce the winner during our live special! to enter... just head to our our 8 new now facebook page, community pride facebook page or las vegas now dot com website. you must be at least 21.. have a mortgage or lease on a home and be in good standing with the lender and owner./// paul joncich > that's all for us at 4. denise valdez 8 news now at five starts after this. ((denise valdez)) > our first look at the man accused of shooting a metro officer. accused of shooting a metro officer. 8 news now has the exclusive surveillance video of the police chase and how authorities were able to track the suspect down. ((paul joncich)) extra security to see mickey and minnie this holiday season: ((park visitor- it definitely speaks to the times. )) the items now banned at your favorite theme parks... and why getting inside will take a little longer than you're used to. ((denise valdez)) a holy war in las vegas. we're live downtown as utah and b-y-u fans face off ahead of tomorrow's big bowl game./// ((voice over: "now, nevada's

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