Cathy ballots well exceeding the 47 percent turnout in the same elections or years ago early returns show pro democracy candidates taking a significant number of seats I'm Julie Walker defense secretary Marc esper today fired the Navy's top official ending a stunning clash between President Trump and top military leadership over the fate of a seal accused of war crimes in Iraq esper said he had lost confidence in the v.a. Secretary Richard Spencer back home for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg after her release from a hospital earlier this morning the court's public information office said Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was admitted Friday night to Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore she was initially evaluated at Sibley Memorial Hospital in d.c. Before being transferred to Hopkins for further evaluation and treatment of any possible infection however with intravenous antibiotics and fluids they say her symptoms subsided Ginsberg has been treated for cancer twice in the past year and 2 other times since 1999 over the summer she received radiation for a tumor on her paragraphs last winter she underwent surgery for lung cancer Shelley after Washington right now it's $3023.00 it the Packers losing to the 49 er Sunday Night Football misses townhall dot com. 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Politically correct it just may learn so it does say Larry Elder. Larry Elder here the sage from South Central the prince the eagle you know the guard common sense the great elder ski don't know Renzo Welcome to the program don't make the friends aloud because we've got a country to say that it's guaranteed a. Gold triple 8971 s. a Ged triple 89717243 Larry Elder real effective dot com studio after protests chick fil a promises to stop giving to groups that oppose gay marriage. Chick fil a says it's not a retreat but it sounds like a retreat to me. A Democratic activist says race plays a pole plays a role plays a role in everything when you check into a hotel when you get into a car. Really. Julian Castro one of the Democratic hopefuls is slamming Mayor Pete the new front runner at least in the Iowa caucuses. You never hear what he actually did while he was mayor says Castro. Joe Biden has issued a warning Trump's not going to be easy to beat we better be careful about who we nominate I wonder if he's thinking about himself. But 1st. This is now week number 2 in the impeachment inquiry. And 4 witnesses testified today 3 of them were in on the infamous phone call with the president said Do me a favor so Republicans can no longer say that only witnesses have testified who had 2nd and 3rd hand knowledge and there were 2 sessions the morning session and the evening session the evening session had witnesses that were at least originally on the Republican witness list morning session featured Jennifer Williams a career State Department staffer who worked with the vice president didn't pinch the staff and Lieutenant Colonel Alexander venom and the Ukraine specialist on the National Security Council. Those to testify that they were. Surprised shocked put off offended by the president's request but when asked did the president ever so that a bribe or request a private prison doing thing criminal things got a little interesting before we get into all of that. Now you know that this impeachment train is pretty much unstoppable all lol there is a Democrat name Jeff then Drew he is a Democrat in the house in New Jersey he appeared on the Maria Bartiromo show on Fox Business and admitted that well some in my caucus are having 2nd thoughts I wonder if it has anything to do with this morning consul poll that came out this morning headline opposition by independents to impeachment inquiry jumps 10 points. And guess what there's been a net drop of 5 points in those who support the impeachment inquiry altogether so a decline in 5 points among people who support the impeachment inquiry and a. Opposition to the inquiry among independents increased 10 points it doesn't look like it's going all that well and House Democrat Jeff then drew from New Jersey apparently is a little worried. Then Julie you were just saying why you voted against the impeachment inquiry does that mean you are poised to vote no on impeachment we're expecting impeachment vote sometime in December how will you vote I would imagine and I'll be voting no no I always you know have a cost of soul if there's something new something we haven't heard something that really rises to the level of treason or you know a high crime and believe me there was nothing new today it was a snoozer that would be different but we don't see that we've got a little different variations here discussions somebody heard something that somebody else said impeachment you know that our founding fathers had the basis of whether they would even allow women in the Constitution you don't disenfranchise voters millions upon millions of voters voters choose their leaders in America and are you hearing from some of your colleagues in some of the states that President Trump one that they may also vote no are you hearing some concern amongst your colleagues or are you sort of a lone wolf in all of this so I don't know how other folks will vote because in all honesty Originally I thought there were going to be a few more not that it matters to me if I'm one or a modern one I do what I believe is right good for you there there is some discussion among some of them quietly privately of concern. Quietly privately of concern concern certainly I mean what I'm hearing out in the 3 to the end with most people is they're kind of tired they're kind of worn out they're kind of bored your folks and they really want to move on unless there's something new and amazing the polls are showing that opposition to the impeachment inquiry is increasing. Support for the impeachment and removal of the president is creasing. The d.n.c. Chair is Tom parisite and he is defending against charges that the Democratic Party is soley obsessed on impeachment and talks about how they can get things done while also focusing on impeachment In other words they can walk and chew gum at the same time I think what the Democratic Party is going to do over the course of the next 18 months is walk and chew gum and what do I mean by that Bret we must as Democrats walk and chew gum and that's exactly what we're doing well Democrats can walk and chew gum and we can walk and chew gum at the d.n.c. As I said walking and chewing gum Rev And I think Democrats can walk and chew gum I get the tenor of your question and I understand that but actually the American people can walk and chew gum put got to walk and chew gum and frankly the American people walk and chew gum and all of our candidates can walk and chew gum time she called this lawsuit a silly distraction and I wonder if you hear your response to that but we can walk and chew gum and folks let me assure you Democrats know how to walk and chew gum I hear you chew bubble gum and kick. One of the tires from all that walking and chewing gum the Republican counsel is named Steve Castor and he was interviewing cross-examining lieutenant colonel then the Ukraine specialist. And then men describe the president's ask as a demand here is what happened when then was asked about his assertion that Trump made a demand Colonel them and we had some discussion earlier today and also your deposition about whether the president had a demand for president Selenski. And you know I suggested to you in the deposition that the president words are in fact ambiguous and he uses he uses some phrases that certainly could be characterized as hedging on page 3 in the 1st paragraph he talks about whatever you can do he talks about if that's possible. On page 4 he mentions if you could speak to him You talk about the attorney general. And were Rudy Giuliani and then at the end of the 1st paragraph on page 4 he says whatever you can do the president also says you know if you can look into it and and I asked you during your deposition whether you saw all Org knowledge of the fact that certain people could read that to be ambiguous and I said correct yes and I believe you said I think people want to hear what they have already preconceived Is that what you testified. We like to ask for just a page cite 256-2568 line like you just a minute and. Ok Ok we got it Ok and then you went on to say yeah you agreed with me you said yeah I guess you could interpret it different ways sec wrecked. Yes you can interpret what the president said different way than I called his demand the favor in asking. Ok so the money was not held up. The Ukrainians never issued a statement that Hunter Biden was under investigation. Trump has been far more supportive of Ukraine then was Obama far harder on Russia then was Obama and this was somehow an impeachable offense for saying can you look into this can you look into this this hunter and this election and and Ukraine in effect if you look into that. The Ukraine president said he didn't feel pressured the money was not held up no statement concerning Hunter Biden was ever released and you want to impeach the president. Triple 8971 s. 8 d. a Triple 897172 point 3 more on the morning session we come back on Larry oh. 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And gets rid of pests safely and effectively for years it comes with a 60 day money back guarantee and a 2 year warranty Now that's fake ordered to dying at 20 percent off at Go pest free dot com prime my code save 20 that's go past 3 dot com prime occurred save 20 Thanks Brian regret blog and forget with plug in pest free yesterday today and tomorrow covers the current contemporary social issues in the light of our history to understand our yesterday to live fully today and tomorrow through intense research and study our program shares the message that helps us think with our rational and critical mind when we dwell in the past we cannot live fully today but when we forget history we will be doomed to repeat it without being informed listen every Saturday at 5 30 pm to yesterday today and tomorrow on 960 the patriot a message from d.a.p. To all returning veterans. Thank you. Thank you for doing your duty. 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Emma complained of a hit it was a random Aso coma the 2 was very aggressive and it very quickly became clear that since she would was the ultimate place to be since you can se it to the world I think it's the kind of place that could teach the world a couple of lessons about how to cheat people if those lessons could be learnt could be a better place Saint Jude Children's Research Hospital finding cures sitting children learn more at St Jude. All across America the gall Larry Elder Show I very little time or money to buy 3rd car gold morning realizing that the allegation was that your verbal marker but the white presidential candidate William Patey were over in Spain. Trying to interfere with a hostile group trying to get b. Iranians or delay Dr Gridley the last of the November or thank you Election Day Jimmy Carter with had every right to investigate any kind of activity like that by us in a broad and gauging in the ferry. Just like had to write us today what's going on in Ukraine thank you late 971 is each of the late 171-7243 Larry Elder relief circular comes to the shows now available on live video streaming on Townhall t.v. As well as on my website Larry Elder dot com So if you want to watch a show not just listen go to Townhall dot com click on the town hall t.v. Button when it is testified today 2 in the morning session 2 in the evening session we're going to go over the testimony in just a 2nd but 1st Sean is in thier Oaks California Sean you're in the area on the show thank you so much for calling. You know I don't want to ring why all the conservatives are up in arms and saying this is a witch hunt What were the Clinton desiccation how much money did Ken Starr you know spend on sensually investment in the Clintons traveled. You know I just I'm. You know. You're in your point. My point is is this somehow when it's a rich billionaire your book but there's basically an essential you know here you come to the fence but if anybody else you know now also I'm coming to his defense because he's a billionaire Oh yeah I think that well Michael Michael Bloomberg Michael Bloomberg to Bill Michael Bloomberg is a Michael Bloomberg is a billionaire I don't support him in that kind of silly show but promise me you know what if he wrote your check like you know Salem Radio Network you know advertisers still shine Are you employed you know who write your check. You know basically that in your business I see so you're an independent thinker but I'm paid to think the way somebody else wants me to think but you're a free person and I'm not you know I think that basically I think that you know thankfully you know whether it's you know. Possible is it possible somebody could have a good faith disagreement with you is it possible. That you're barking up and I'm in there and therefore I can't I can't I can't possibly back something good faith. From the man at the court of bankruptcy by heart that many people that he contracted with to pay them money. I didn't vote for him as a financial planner in chief Shon I voted for him for all sorts of other reasons I voted for him because I thought he was going to do a better job with the economy I voted for him because I thought I'm going to stop this March toward single payer I voted for him because h