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Provides a lifetime of support helping veterans of every generation get the benefits they've earned I am a veteran I lost all flakes in Vietnam every year d.a.b. Helps more than a 1000000 veterans so they can reach victories great and small my big break with getting my benefits and a good education I'm a veteran and I got out I felt like nor was safe I Victor was fine the help I needed but there is more to be done and more victories to be won thanks Davy I feel like I'm human again. Help support more victories for veterans go to da v dot org. Welcome back to the Catch Up next we have Nico Nico is a member. The shelter pet group that's right a group known especially for those sunspot sleeping ball chasing late Robin couch purring bed leaping and of course companionship wonderful I what. I have to go with a tad is Persian kind of mix tremendous cat I also like to point out her coach wonderful mix of colors is a black grey grey black brown somewhere in between indeed you know it's over especially when we get to see a catwalk to just look how she struts and such owns the place and how she so incredibly cute in the difference to command a strong willed feline Ah and see how she curls up and cuddles her purse and. The pitch on her purring is simply perfect nice one. Fantastic cat fantastic indeed but really the best way to know an amazing shelter pet like Nico is to meet one visit the shelter pet project at all today adopt. The Humane Society of United States in the Ad Council. This is the sound of salmonella gyrating when you're under cooked. And it looks like mom might be taking it out a little. Don't let someone else get fucking with a chicken on average one in 6 Americans will get a food borne illness this year so use a thermometer to cook each type of meat to the right temperature keep your family safe at food safety dot gov brought to you by the u.s.d.a. H.h.s. And the Ad Council. Indeed sir. Less than 20 minutes ago the White House officially quoted out of out of context comments for 2 earlier by Mr Morris and in your judgment. Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the dentist Praeger show another day of hearings that few Americans are watching. I would love to know the percentage of Americans who know the name Alexander been. Think the percentage is 10 percent means less. This whole thing is fascinating. The the country was transfixed with Russian collusion in the American election including collusion with the Trump campaign for 2 years that's all the Democrats spoke about and it's all their media from the New York Times The Washington Post and westward spoke about Turns out it was nothing truly nothing country was bathed in lies for 2 years not a word of apology they move on to the next hysteria to remove the president they thought that would work they thought that the middle report. Would be grounds for impeachment that was the whole point of it they didn't care about the mole or report of such they care that it would provide reason for impeachment it didn't so they look for a new reason for impeachment. This is what we have been dealing with since 2016. I don't know who will write history 50 years from now because generally history is written by the victors So will find out or. One find out as the case may be but if history is written with any objectivity the assault on the foundations of this country by the left will be the dominant theme of the history of post World War 2 America and 21st century America they talk about the president undermining democracy you know they never give an example let's all they say is all the foundations of our country who exactly wants to change the 1st Amendment the left of the right who exactly wants to change the 2nd the back amendment the left or the right who exactly wants to get rid of the Electoral College the left of the right assault on democracy by the by Donald Trump you may not like his temper his mode of communication what does that have to do with assault on democracy what freedoms have we lost as a result of his presidency compared to the freedoms we would lose if an Elizabeth Warren were president. I know it sounds trivial but I live in California where you can't get a plastic stroll you know the absurdity of that did you ever see the picture there was some graph on the Internet of how many straws there are in the ocean and it sounds like a big number it is a big number compared to the size of the ocean if you look at the ocean is actually invisible on your screen the speck is smaller than you can see on your screen maybe people do not have a real sense of how big the ocean is anyway you might agree you might disagree with the policy but let's be honest when it comes to assault on freedoms nothing nothing assaults the freedom from the Republic. It's an absurdity. The only. The only freedom Jim Jordan let's hear him you know. Hired a legal team that I just talked about that I just talked about one of the steps in the whole impeachment who asked his legal team has said. This is scary what these guys are putting our country through it is it is it is sad it is scary it is wrong and the good news is the American people see through it all they know the facts are on the president's side as represented Steffanie said for facts will never change we got the transcript which they never thought the president would release shows no coordination no conditionality no linkage we got the 2 guys on the call President Tom presence Lenski who have said nothing wrong no pressure no pushing here we got the fact Ukraine is didn't even know AIG was held up at the time of the call and most importantly we had to have one witness tell us that the any any evidence from anyone that the president's Lenski did anything on investigations to get the aid released those facts will never change the facts are on the president's side the process is certainly not it has been the most unfair process we have ever seen and the American people understand that those 63000000 Americans they understand and frankly I think a lot of others do as well they see what this is this for what it is and they know this is wrong especially wrong just 11 months before the next election you know back well Mr Welch thank you. You know as you know so leave has now come back you know it is fascinating they never answer. Or any of the others. All those facts those facts dispositive the president want to use Ukrainian aides to ensure an investigation. In Ukraine of the of the by. He may well have. This is a fascinating thing about this is a new thing that Democrats Balts not new the leftists have always done this what do you think is worthy of prosecution North Korea is the most is the most extensive of this totalitarian framework but all leftists believe in that what did you intend to do what was it is that we just had this or was with the president what he intended to do it was in another matter as well and it was that was the whole the whole case was based on what he intended to do. The Left takes your freedoms not not not President Trump the only freedom I can think of that the left could point to that Republicans are in any way involved in is the freedom to abort one's baby or fetus at any time for any reason or no reason that's true and I can't think of any other. For the left to present itself as the as the protectors of them ocracy makes you puke sorry to be so graphic I really am sorry. It's disgusting the life that is freedom is removed by all leftists not by liberals by leftist liberals help them but it is it is inherent in leftism to take people's freedom away the only thing that stops the left from taking more and more freedom away is is those who oppose the left that is not conscience not policy not not philosophy nothing and then when Democracy doesn't go their way they love that Bret's it was democracy they want to one do it correct yes or no folks. The people of California voted that the evey amendment to the Constitution of California that that. Marriage be defined as a man and a woman they undid it thanks to judges left wing judges don't give a damn about democracy it is it is so vile to hear the left speak about its love of democracy it only loves democracy when the vocals that way that's it. The help of Californians vote the hell with the Brits the Brits vote well on do it and here it's on it's undone by judges. Tell us any aspect of government including obviously the media to indoctrinate just as the schools do there's a real battle of been saying this for you for decades a civil war in the United States 11 months before an election they're having impeachment proceeding over over a phone call essentially all the president was a foreign country to try to to. Help his campaign let me ask you a question folks let's say Joe Biden was not running for president. Ok with the president with the president then b. Would it be Ok. Hey folks you've got a lot of corruption in Ukraine and one of it involves the Americans the the sitting vice president the United States you gave His Son a lot of money. Why why why is it why wasn't that alone worthy of investigation by the United States. The son of the of the sitting vice president of the United States gets money for doing nothing from a foreign government and that's not worthy of investigation. When they Prager 776 will be back in the spring. From the relief sector pain free studio. 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There are a lot of kids in this country who didn't have a parent to their baseball games or recitals because their parents were serving in faraway places but now their parents are coming home from battle some with wounds you can see and some with wounds you can't see like post-traumatic stress disorder every day Wounded Warrior Project assists wounded warriors and their families with the Warriors to work program in a program that helps warriors translate their military experience to civilian job experience and they help employers find the right warrior for the right job my money is to be attained programmer Now she watches computers I'm really glad she's home because I can eat my dad's marshmallow macaroni anymore and I'm List tonight Dad went away to war he was there for 3 in my birth now he's and he's alone. With If you're looking for proven professionals contact wanted Warrior Project at find w w p dot org Welcome Home the brave. Opportunities for suit themselves every day. 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Let's take a photo of you. 2 I'm in the middle when it comes to parenting there are no perfect answers but that's Ok because you don't have to be perfect to be a perfect parent teens in foster care will love you just the same for more information on how you can adopt visit adopt us kids dot org a public service announcement from the u.s. Department of Health and Human Services adopt us kids and the council. By everybody Dennis Prager here. To get the big picture again because it's very important countries is preoccupied with whether or not the president. Made a performance contingent on the country investigating corruption. That involved the president former vice president's son this is what the country is now preoccupied with. The contempt for America that the left has read my column today does the left hate America I will for 66 proofs. Proofs that the left not liberals are make that clear as usual there are many liberals love America. Reading this 300 comments on my column some of which of course have contempt for my column they don't refute a single point not a single point that I made they never do. This is contempt for America what's happening now we want to get rid of this president and win the next election so we will do anything possible we will corrupt government using the incredibly incredibly rare idea of impeachment and we will corrupt it in cheapen it even if it's true it is unworthy of impeachment if you think the president is corrupt don't vote for him 11 months from now. Ok but impeachment This is a high crime and misdemeanor when that when the government is involved the Craney government itself didn't even know that that this was an issue. This is what the country is preoccupied with and you on the left and those of you who supported are proud of yourselves because anything anything may be done in order to undo the last election to hear hatred of Donald Trump is so great after all he did something that is truly inexcusable he defeated someone you were certain would win they had a glass ceiling prepared acted the headquarters at the hotel and they were going to shatter it to show look we've shattered the glass ceiling that women have had a woman is now elected president of the United States my understanding of moral issues is defective if Hillary Clinton is not far more corrupt than Donald Trump. Ok I hereby sed i state before you my moral compass is truly defective in saying that she is far more injurious to this country and far more thus far I don't I can't predict what Donald Trump will do in the future but as as of this moment there is no comparison the good he has done to this country to the corruption that she has that if if a Republican if everything were reversed there would have been national hearings and people in jail 30000 e-mails scrubbed from her own server while serving as secretary of state and it is nothing what the what the left relies on is the media to report what they wish and they get it 100 percent and the American ability to have amnesia because people are preoccupied with the latest event you notice how things this is the way it works hysteria takes over this week with this news item hysteria takes over the next week with that news item and they just hope some will stick How long was it reported that in Ferguson a racist policeman had murdered a had a wantonly murdered a black kid how long was that reported and repeated by President Obama who would say Ferguson as code for racist police when there was no racism involved whatsoever a black jury found found that to be true. The rape of the n