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Call 602-242-1195 he wanted to be a teacher when you were little but you grew up and things changed when it's time to put it back on your list innovative things are happening in teaching today and you can be a part of make more teach teach. Thanks heaps and. Every day men and women from communities across this nation serve as a reserve citizen Airman I am proud to defend our know how to be part of a team that helps I'm proud to be part of something larger than me and this are my country we celebrate those who have served and those who are probably serving in the Air Force Reserve. Fight and. Space and cyberspace out to be my morale to protect I have to serve in the u.s. Air Force Reserve patriot app Tip number 2 set the patriot as an alarm clock open the app click in the upper right hand corner and select alarm clock it's that easy and now you'll wake up to the Patriot download the Patriot app at your app store today you have questions let us be the answer 960 The Patriot. From policy to culture principles to politics this is the Seth leaps and show. Comeback Monday Nov 11th 2019 that trends day. Rob Henderson in the Wall Street Journal today quote Don't you ever feel like a sucker for serving close quote fellow military veteran asked me this question a couple years ago when I was a senior at Yale like me he had recently completed his service and was studying at a top university he said he was mystified observing that the predominantly working and middle class people in the military swear an oath to defend with their lives the Us Constitution including the 1st 2nd Amendments Meanwhile affluent college students regularly trashed the 1st seek to dismantle the 2nd our veterans being duped he questioned into believing they are upholding American values while the richest kids in the world the ones being groomed for success and power try to undermine them he's not the only one who feels that way many veterans I know who went to college should be wilted by what they see students from top income death Sile expressing the Rishon for the values that service members signed up to defend perhaps they could be forgiven for feeling like suckers seeing our peers question the Constitution isn't the only jarring experience for veterans for many the treatment of race on campus is a major cultural shock the military is perhaps the most meritocratic institution in the Us women and men of all backgrounds come together united in their purpose to defend this great country the best research we have shows that women and non white service members report greater job satisfaction and quality of life than do white male members arbitrary physical features like race and sex were treated in consequential because we were evaluated primarily on rank and performance and college however there are clear social and Senate's incentives to disparage people for their race I repeat I recall being stunned when one student with a gleeful expression bellowed to a classmate You know what your white tears begins with the f. Word. Other students around or snap their fingers to express approval one sex is Fair Game 2 for preference trying to integrate on campus insulting men signals coalitional solidarity with those who adhere to the dominant dominant campus idiology This works even perhaps especially if you are a white man the intent behind the insult matters in the military we exchanged insults often it's a form of social bonding a way to strengthen relationships with the target of the insult helps to bring us together college students also insult each other to bond socially but not with the target of the insults they wish to impress the onlookers they're looking for bystanders to snap their fingers or share their social media posts the purpose is to vilify a transgressor in order to bond with observers and it's effective veterans who 1st serve in the military and then attend elite colleges learn to navigate both moral worlds on campus we learn to blend in even at the cost of feeling betrayed we keep our love for America to ourselves we don't want to give veterans a bad reputation we want to make friends we try to understand campus protesters to see where they're coming from maybe their grievances are a bit overblown but still they're young they're still maturing just like we were when we volunteered our lives for this country just like our friend was when he hanged himself after returning from his 2nd deployment in truth many of the rich kids at elite colleges love American values too but they know that love in the Constitution and its 1st 2 amendments marks one is working class or low status and that being against those things codes as educated so they rail against those values to distinguish themselves from run quite well from run crowd and fit into another this Veterans Day we can reflect on the sacrifices made by those who volunteered to defend the United States but let's also find time to consider that these sacrifices were undertaken to defend values that are ruling class and waiting seeks to undermine it. Many students at elite colleges are duping themselves too they don't realize that they are protected by the very principles they despise and the people to whom they condescend Quite right quite right he's colleges and universities afford these liberties as those who are there try and take fundamental liberties from the rest of America but they're afforded because men are willing to wage war on behalf of them and thank God for them we salute them all today Danielson Phoenix Hello Daniel a sort of thanks Ted MCO of course. If you want to talk about laws hall impeachment inquiry that's been going on pretty much since President has taken all sorts you know the taxpayers' dollars I mean why shouldn't we have just as tax. My concern is shouldn't she those people be doing something else other than going after which on the person well of course of course in my view yes and of course in your view yes now the Democrats have ratcheted up a phone call to the president of a country no one on any street in Phoenix can find on a map into an impeachable offense of a high crime or a constitutional misdemeanor. And I think it goes to something we're kind of seeing in the Democratic Party in the quest in the race for the presidency generally Daniel there has to be some kind of an assessment that the field they have now of those running for president aren't going to be able to get the job done there are all these polls the New York Times reported on last week from the battleground states you know the states like Michigan and Wisconsin and Ohio and Pennsylvania where the Democrats don't do very well against Trump on the things they're proposing and believe in and when you look at the considered entrance into the Democratic field of someone like Michael Bloomberg there's obviously an assessment that he's needed because the others can't do it and there are all these conversations about whether Hillary Clinton is seriously thinking about getting in or not I can't believe there are these serious conversations about her but there are because they are desperate evidently to find someone who can get rid of Donald Trump Al Green the Democratic congressman from Texas in May said if we don't impeach him he'll get reelected I think just so Daniel I think that's what this is about there was impeachment talk from the day he was inaugurated in January or 17 but I think that they have turned up the heat quite high right now and are quite serious about it because I don't think that they can find the usual the usual rules of the Republican form of government namely elections able to give them what they want the rhythms of Don. What no one is really contemplated and I find really interesting is what it will look like if the House does impeach him and the Senate exonerates and the Senate doesn't convict him by whatever means the Senate goes because there's no way in hell that the Senate is going to convict done a chunk that requires a $67.00 person vote in the Senate to act with a supermajority vote they're not going to get that in the Senate. So then I suppose Donald Trump I think if you think it through logically we'll be riding higher than even before when he goes into November of 2020 because he will point out that the Democrats who took over the house right in 2016 excuse me in 2800 have wasted 2 years on something they knew would never happen and meanwhile have done nothing but try and thwart and stymie his every public policy move that he's gotten through despite them and without them I think the Democrats are going to look really really badly going into 2020 having done this I really do especially when you consider that it's going to amount to nothing you know it's going to amount to non-conviction they'll say they impeached him and they'll blame it on the Republicans but I don't think it's I think the larger narrative is so what so what he's still in office he's still running for president what does it matter what does it mean and truly I mean I just I think it would be a fun experiment with all your friends Daniel I really do walk around with an app and ask them to point or the Ukraine does no one cares about this no one really cares about us to look and they see some accountability for the amount of energy and resources. Why should. These people get it. If things are these things well found any reason to attack this president. So what resources no money why should I must have been what they were why student should be an investigation into the. Well being of heart well this is why they want to call Adams possibly call Adam Schiff is a witness you know Adam Schiff has made perhaps himself a witness by working with this quote unquote whistle blower and concealing it from the American people and sitting on the whistleblowers information for a month he in a way becomes a witness that the Republicans in the Senate will be able to call and I think you know it you know what did the miller investigation cost $40.00 I think that I think they got the bill up to about $40000000.00 between $30.00 and $40000000.00 Who knows what this will cost but. You know the interesting thing is. The interesting thing for the Democrats is when you read the columns of all the Democrats right now who are upset with Michael Bloomberg dancing around running for president they're all saying Can you imagine how many problems he could solve this if he would just commit the money he's going to plan on committing to run for president to the problems in America well we'll just use that argument against them can you imagine Bill you know how many how many how many crisis health centers could we have funded how many how many Urban Urban schools could we have built to fix Yeah the Democrats they don't have a they they don't have any policy or any public plan that's going to mean anything in Michigan is going to mean anything in Wisconsin so anything in Philadelphia in Pennsylvania or for that matter Arizona I think I think Donald Trump's going to do a lot better in 2020 then he didn't 2016 and you can thank the Democrats and they can think themselves for the straighter. Than you do. Dennis Prager see what is the best choice inning of America there is no institution the left doesn't poison universities high school. Which. There was no single of those employed liberals are still believe the rhythm. Of the word Fortunately the love for the will explore along with the conservatives but Prager Show weekdays at 10 on intelligent talk $960.00 The Patriot. Would you call your doctor to fix a leaky pipe How about a mechanic to cater a meal would you hire a barber to watch your dogs of course not you need the right person for the right job so who do you call to help you reach your financial goals. President of Grand Canyon plenty associates and host of the word on well I've been assisting my clients for over 25 years with their financial state and tax planning needs and I can help you as well so if you want to reach a comfortable retirement don't call your doctor mechanic or barber call me at 480-991-1055 or visit us on line at Grand Canyon planning dot com for a complimentary consultation call 911-1055. Reminding you don't run out of money before you run out of time secure isn't an offer to be a member. Hey folks at least in here are you tired of the I word I know I am you know who else is our friends at guns etc That's why they've created a $10200.00 square foot tribute to the 2nd Amendment and American freedom and no impeachment talk thousands of guns the most damage holsters knives in a full safe store even an indoor air conditioned shooting simulator run started his store 32 years ago right here in the valley he didn't have a lot of money but he wanted to create a place where patriotic Americans could gather to share their love of freedom guns etc isn't almost school just south of quite a loop in Mesa and it's worth the drive some people spend hours there and if you think what's happening to our president is a disgrace and believe in the principles that America was founded upon the same values our president fights for every day guns etc is for you take it from me Sept leaps and this is it Ron and his crew of guns etc and leave the impeachment talk at the door when it comes to retirement planning there are a lot of companies that would love to take your hard earned money and offer cookie cutter advice but very few that provide unbiased solutions and highly customized personal service types Mike Gallagher for Roberts tax and retirement planning when you meet with owners David Amanda Roberts you'll feel comfortable knowing that they'll never make a recommendation without thoroughly understanding your retirement needs concerns and goals they have integrity and therefore you see areas to stay must act in your best interest minimizing conflicts of interest Dave and Amanda also understand the importance of implementing attack strategy that works hand in hand with your overall wealth and estate plan every decision is viewed through tax efficient lens when you work with Robert's tax and retirement planning you're supporting a veteran owned business for comprehensive tax and retirement planning founded on honesty integrity and open communication just call 480-027-0280 extension 2 that's 480-027-0280 extension 2 Roberts tax and retirement dot com That's Robert's tax and retirement dot com everyone. Knows it's hard to stop a train but even the best equipment available still has wear and tear parts and let's face it this is Phoenix Michaeli here again from Benefit air to tell you that when you buy a top quality train system from OS for residential application not only do you get a warranty of at least 10 years on the parts we also include an extended 10 year labor warranty that includes refrigerant parts exchanges and Freon recovery with no co-pays or deductibles Most companies offer a standard to your labor warranty and may not cover refrigerant diagnostics or parts exchanges and after 2 years you may be on the hook for thousands of a compressor coil fails at benefit our goal in selling you the best train equipment is to insure your peace of mind in knowing that should something go wrong you're covered just call us and we'll come fix the problem call benefit today to see how we can provide you with the best train system with a hassle free 10 year warranty that will leave you feeling comfortable and secure 602-840-9229 that's 602840929 or find us on the web at benefit Air dot com x. . Don't miss a thing with the all new Patriot app just visit your app store and download today. She said. She would. Talk. With you. She says. Doesn't sound like a great night a lobster tank chicken fried steak so I don't I don't know what a slow chip fizz would taste like Earth there anyone knows how to make them anymore slow is s.l.o. Belief slogan Sloe Gin Fizz Dave as in surprise Hi Dave welcome to the show thank you so much sir. Another disappointingly go Horwitz the Derma board and it's a concern for me because I I think we're going to miss the opportunity to change the narrative the Democrats are very good at messaging and. I don't see a reason why 40 percent of them will vote against Trump I think it should be a reelected but I'm afraid without people standing up in the sense that we're not going to be able to change the narrative well what would you recommend right now Dave to change this narrative well I've written the senator of or I don't like Sally Senator Graham. For some reason I think the Republicans and they may be want to be some person from within and they were fused to open any investigation and meanwhile Nancy Pelosi and I don't just hand out subpoenas like Ok we can't get anybody to stand up in our party that has any power that the guys in the House or Representatives are great but they're Ham strong because they don't have the majority. Well yeah I mean look I think I think Lindsey Graham could be holding hearings from the Justice Committee right now from his chairmanship of the of his chairmanship of the Committee on justice I to the committee on the judiciary I think I think he could be Dave and I and I wish he were if you listen to him on the on the interview shows he's he's I don't I don't think this is something from within that they're trying to hedge their bets he's been pretty strong and he's been talking about how the House impeachment is not to be taken seriously by is not going to be taken seriously by the Senate because of the procedures they've been engaged in that's that's a pretty strong limb to be out there on so I give him credit for that I do wish he'd be holding hearings because I think you're right Dave you can't fight something with a nullity with a nothing and we have bee