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There I'm here for my flu shot Well there's an option for people 65 and older there is but you actually have to be 65 very flattering thanks I'm Judith Light you know who I am right I just turned 65 and I know your immune system gets weaker with age and I don't want to miss a day of work or risk spreading the flu to other people I don't think we've met before but what I do know is you can't be successful Ok what if I said I only have one life to live and I need protection against the flip no hollow who's the boss of my health I am. Flu season is here and people 65 and older need to ask about the vaccine made specifically for their age flu vaccination is especially important for people with chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease which could worsen with the flu I'm so sorry about that I thought you were like 35 don't upset this at the National Council on Aging it and see a way dot org slash flu to learn more and talk to your doctor about vaccine options for people 65 and older. We all come together and stand together to serve out their chins we invest in latest technology we take. The town to train the next generation of doctors and nurses who work together to make sure we heal their bodies and their minds this is our mission more than 300000 of us working as one together with families and loved ones no matter where they live in this country will be there we stay I'm strong united stand with us in caring for our veterans. This is your source for breaking news and what to make of it all this is the Mike Gallagher show you've been great Mike and I appreciate it very much you know it is I walk over here very quickly now from the relief factor dot com studio Here's Mike Gallagher. Happen over the last week or so since I've been away. You know you want perspective over scenes and watch snippets on c.n.n. In a hotel imprint in parish and you'll think the whole country has collapsed it is the craziest person fact of and I was keeping up and thank goodness I was connected on social media Lord knows that my cell phone is going to be my cell phone bill look like. I can buy in some travel pass for $10.00 and I'm thinking this in $10.00 this is going to be a 1000 by the time it's all over $10.00 a day but I'm convinced there's going to be all kinds of other fees and and charges in there but it was weird because I'd watch 5 minutes of c.n.n. Melting down over oh I don't know the president joking about being the chosen one and then and hours long and Alice says of how he is a psychotic with a messianic complex and I'm watching and thinking why don't you just play the video and you can see he's joking around about I'm the chosen one on the list and you're sure he needs to be institutionalized. You get the most fascinating perspective that way to see how nuts they are how much things have become and they're going to get worse they're going to get worse thank and I mean this sincerely I mean this literally thank God for this radio show where I get to come to work and you and I it feels like the normal people can gather and I'm I'm all about a place where normal Americans who love this country who care about our sovereignty who care about conservatism who know those of us who know that conservatism works we know that conservatism is better than socialism or communism or the extreme left leaning ideology and a world view that we don't recognize this is a place for us to sort of get together and be comfortable with each other and be be kind of I don't want to use the word Schafer because that invokes that whole goofy shape space thing but in a way a place where. We can be among like minded people fighting for our country and this is a wolf or man is in a war now Joe Walsh wants to run for president the talk show host and challenge trump the former Trump surrogate Anthony Scaramucci is it def con one going after Trump William Weld in Massachusetts marks and Mark Sanford from South Carolina I mean listen these they none of them believe they can become the nominee they know that they're not but they're willing to just March off the proverbial cliff if it will stop Trump. Joe Walsh I mean knows he can't be a radio host he's running for president I don't know how that plays out and that's way above my pay grade but let me let me be very blunt it's more important to him to up end his life personally if it can stop and crippled and end the Trump era and you know incidentally a quick note about that. I'll say one thing about about these guys what Weldon Sanford and Joe Walsh. Their put their money where their mouth is listen if they think they can do a better job than throw your hat in the ring and you run good for you good for you that's a great move when you've got a 90 percent when you got to present the 90 percent approval rating among the Republican Party it's a real good move you got a great opening here got a good chance the president had 90 percent there are you there is there you can't find Republicans except the ones with the megaphone who are never Trumper . Who don't want the president to succeed it just it just has hit me and I've been thinking about it all week and when I got back incidentally I went to I don't know big secret or mystery here although. Pav Lena's trip turns this into this subterfuge trip I did make a big deal about where I was going because I was I went with some friends and I just wanted to visit Paris again I went a few years ago with some very dear friends of mine and I really have kind of fallen in love with parish and I get that the French don't have the same view we do where they're socialists and everything else I feel sort of a kinship with France because I think maybe the the terror attacks the burning of Notre Dame and incidentally still don't really know what happened there do we there's never that's and that's never Yeah yeah construction action something very mysterious there but to go there and to see those that damaged beautiful building which is described as the soul of Paris and to go to verse I and just in the museums I went to the I don't say write music a day or say. They went to the top of soccer Couper and looked out over Paris and it was just a great trip and then of course I find out that Pavlina Yes Put yourself on camera if you're watching the show at Mike Online dot com She's jet lag like I am she's off in Paris as well so people who know me knew that I was in Paris and then she passed Lee's Instagram and she she's Instagram from Paris you know all my can Catalina ran off to Paris which is terrible I know what I did I didn't know she when she didn't know I went and not only were we in Paris at the same time we went to 1st try apparently the same day on a tour and didn't even know we were both there I should wear but hey you know. Lonely guy that I am I could have worse things allege that this beautiful young woman who works on our team and I went off to Paris and had a vacation we didn't so don't worry I don't want to have leave his boyfriend or whatever to come after me because I got enough drama in my life. But what a what a week and what a what a funny story actually come somebody said to me what did you do with Kathleen or I should have leave we talking about who Palin is in Paris should have leaders and what do you mean she didn't tell me and I guess I didn't tell Eric Eric did you Are you honestly telling me that I never told you where I was going because I didn't tell you you're all crazy John you're not all current You're like you're like William Weld in it and Sandra Walsh you're all crazy Well let's pull back the curtain a little bit sure every time Mike goes on vacation we say hey mike where you going on vacation and I say None he says not yet because it is not your business I don't want you to know I don't know your business this is kind of a game we play I don't know why it's and I mean I'm not that concerned I mean you know everyone ought to be able to go on vacation and go wherever they want and you can certainly go on vacation Well I'm a little bit and I'm a little bit embarrassed because it's Paris France France you know what I mean it's kind of like I know how the French are although they were very nice that whole that whole image about the French treat Americans badly I didn't get any of that over there this week and can I say I've been to Paris twice I've been in nice twice new just unbelievable and I'll just say this and I can take take whatever criticism is coming Paris France is one of my favorite places yeah me too I could go there and stay there for I just feel the same way and mean from the food to the to the history to the to the beauty to the to the shut shank to the I don't know any way sure back and I said it was great to have and many thanks to Dan proft and sham alone for filling in last week you guys all did a great job in my absence and it is wonderful to be back in the saddle my number for you to join us is 18655 Mike is I want your voice I got to hear so I got to hear from some normals because I want to see if you are with me in terms of acknowledging the enormity of what they're trying to do this president in stopping him having came up with a great trade deal with the g. 7 with Japan issue that oh no you're reading about the messianic complex He's got you're reading about his his his reversal. I watch reached the Meet the Press yesterday morning I personally like it they're just sitting around I mean the the strategy to take this into to build on this machine to build on this machine this enormous. Trump resistance I knew it was going to be bad I don't think I thought it was going to be this bad and we haven't even got to 2020 that we haven't even gotten there yet and the good news is plenty of Americans are willing to fight but it seems to me and you do you correct me if I'm wrong it seems to me that Americans are going to have are we're going to have our eyes wide open to what they're trying to do from the media to the to the never trippers like like these guys that Joe Walsh yesterday the big announcement I don't mind talking about it it's kind of awkward because he's a radio host for this company so it's it's sort of it we kind of he kind of puts us in all in an awkward position but I'm not going to run from it I'm certainly willing to talk about it I mean from from like guests on c.n.n. Lined up to say that President Trump has killed more people than Stalin and Hitler and now I mean their same stuff that is so profoundly insane but it's all part of a desperate shrill effort to stop this guy to stop him and I just want to know if I want to get from you the 1st thing I want to hear from you is you join me at 1865 Mike and we've got actually 2 lines open which is kind of rare so let's get going 806556453 Do you believe that the average that that enough Americans are recognizing the ginned up effort to stop this presidency . And are enough Americans. Who are going to who are are enough Americans going to be aware of this to make sure he gets reelected or are they going to beat us down because they're trying to break us let's be real honest you know what they're trying to do and they're doing everything they can to break us. To to beat us in the ship mission to put a lizard with Warren and that's who I'm convinced is going to be the nominee into the White House which will be one of the most ghastly chapters of American history that we will ever experience in our lifetime Bill Clinton Hillary Clinton would be a walk in the park compared to Elizabeth Warren. But let's dive into 818-0655 Mike one open line where the relief factor dot com studios and to the texter who said Mike you know how few men go to Paris alone I didn't go alone I went with friends from high school please I went with a small group of people didn't go by myself and I didn't go with Kathleen despite the drama that suggests otherwise can't believe only Pavlina just goes oh I'm going to go to Paris which is a global Jetsetter you know. All right welcome to the Mike Gallagher show it's Monday the final week of our food for the poor campaign we got some catching up to do we got it we got it we got to put ourselves over the top but I know you're going to do it we got some good news about my pillow. Theatre news for 2020 I'm excited about can't give you things specifics but there's good news and health settlin buckle and welcome back it's the Mike Gallagher show for the final Monday in August and I'm glad you're here we're live streaming it Mike on Line dot com Call or text 1865 Mike. This is. What I did a lot and I did a lot of. Hands I mean I did I climbed all the way to the top of soccer core I we walked miles adverse side I mean I did I decided I had to see that house that Marie married the the palace What's a call petite petite something tree you know trying to trim in on or something my French is terrible Well that thing is about 9 miles from the actual Palace and we walked it thank goodness I brought my packets of really factor with me when you walk when you die I would be in a coma without really factor aches and pains of life Pete and Chef Paul but the father and son team that that run this company are on a mission to relieve people from any kind of pain maybe it's back pain maybe of shoulder hip or knee pain you have options you know you could take a lot of different choices I want you to take the relief factor choice 100 percent drug free it's natural to get back in the morning a packet of these before I go to bed try for 3 weeks in 1905 really factor dot com Really factor dot com Really factor dot com everyone can hear for 2 years now you've heard Kerry and I use metaphors to test to see if you think your home or your business could use a revenue shot in the back say today because of our new website I can be a little bit more direct income store has 2 doors if you have more time than money you're going to live under door number one you're going to see over 400 digital assets 5 to 20 minutes a piece that will teach you how to manage numbers and lead people or show you 6 growth tips you've never heard of all of this you can start growing your home or your business revenue literally immediately if you have more money than time Door Number 2 is going to be for you you can view some of our managed services look for more done for you packages 34 percent of Americans in 2018 visited one of our managed services Forbes 3 years in a row quoted income store is an expert at generating home or business revenue if you'd love to explore how to check out adding revenue to your home or business just go to income Store dot com That's income Store dot com Hi I'm Scott tenant. 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My Dr does tanning can cause wrinkles age spots and even knowing the cancer that kills one person every hour and using tanning bed significantly increases her risk of developing melanoma tanning doesn't make me glad. My individuality does. Tanning doesn't make me feel better about myself. I got. My confidence does doesn't make you more beautiful it only makes you more at risk stop tanning learn more at spot skin cancer dot org a message from the American Academy of Dermatology so just I was playing that view game prosper gate and it was pretty cool I was running almost like Digital Cafe and I met this digital for all the players all like. And I want playing in this virtual stream or this water that looked almost real reason is her electronic or it's world so what did you do well my parents took me to the forest the real forest when I was running down this well it was an actual path and then I saw this real live frog it was all white rabbit and I saw an owl too then I played in this amazing thing with water around my own things like what water then me and my sister and my parents sat around a campfire and told cool stories all night long oh that's a pretty cool to this weekend. Plug getting closer to nature can get you closer to your family to find the forest near seal you got to discover the forest dot org Roger brought us for service in the Arkansas. My list I did 25 past the hour I have been waiting waiting to get some voices on the show there are normal people after watching a week of c.n.n. International Jon It was torture Sheehan International in a hotel and in France it was it was a beating a baby yes it was done I'm doing great now and you know I'm I'm behind you 100 percent meant if America don't wake up pretty soon it's going to be too late his These people are trying to turn us into Buzz loans and they're trying to take all of our freedoms away and it's not happening in my book The criticism of the criticism is getting so crazy these people are are so insane that it's almost indescribable I mean I can't fathom it myself but it's just I listen to it and I just say what are they not going to let me give you an example John let's yesterday on c.n.n. The number 9 This is from c.n.n. Brian Stelter who's the he's the the bald headed guy that's the media. Reporter whatever you expert he's the expert on all things Trump he's got a guest on former chairman of psychiatry at Duke University Listen to this cut number nines this is this is c.n.n. Polling crazy hides the fact that we're crazy for having elected him and even crazier for allowing his crazy policies to persist companies as destructive a person in this century as Hitler Stalin and Mao were in the last century he may be responsible for many more 1000000 deaths than they were he needs to be contained but he needs to be contained by attacki