The bombing of a Soofi Muslim shrine claimed by the Islamic state group. Security need. Every week being proper security there so with the subsequent killing of 35 suspected militants by the Pakistani army help provide that security also scientists say they have identified a massive new continents surrounding New Zealand is the world vulnerable to a deadly new pandemic Bill Gates tells News Hour that he certainly thinks the advances in biology made it easier for somebody with more of an intent to construct something like a flu or a smallpox and the romance that started over a garbage bin more than 40 years ago and has ended in marriage that's out of the news. Hello I'm Marion Marshall with the b.b.c. News for says Cristina the sister of King Philippe of Spain has been cleared in a tax fraud trial but her husband has been given a 6 year jail term he was found guilty of fraud and tax evasion namely grimly reports this case centered on accusations that the princess is husbanding Yaquis a dangler and had seized his role connections to win inflated regional government contracts to stage sporting events prosecutors had alleged that Princess Christina was in league with her husband and it helped Fife and off nearly 5000000 pounds Vajra front company to help fund that lavish lifestyle including renovations to their match an empath you know both the princess and her husband have denied the charges the us food group Kraft Heinz has proposed a merger with the Anglo dodge consumer goods company Unilever the board of Unilever has rejected the proposal Andrew Walker reports the 2 companies account for a large number of popular brands Heinz ketchup Philadelphia Cream Cheese 6 household cleaning products and many more craft Heinz proposed the merger with a view to creating what it called a leading consumer goods company who were the offer was turned down Kraft high and said it was looking forward to working to reach an agreement although the company acknowledged that there's no guarantee that any further proposal will be buried if a merger does take place it will be one of the largest ever the former leader of Hong Kong Donald John has been found guilty of a charge of misconduct while in public office the jury's verdict makes Mr John the 1st chief executive ever to being convicted at a criminal trial he's been accused of accepting free renovations to a luxury apartment in China a South Korean shipping company that was once one of the world's largest has been declared bankrupt by a court in Seoul shipping has nearly $6000000000.00 of debt problems 1st surfaced in August leading to ports across the world refusing to handle its ships and its acids are now being sold off. Russia's most popular newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda has accused Donald Trump of making contradictory statements about NATO amid reports that the Kremlin has ordered state media to end months of coverage praising the Us president Steve Rosenberg reports from Moscow for months the program in media had nothing but praise for Donald Trump but today Russia's most popular tabloid accuse President Trump of making contradictory comments about NATO it concluded you need to be drunk to understand the true position of America's president the Russian government paper complained that under Donald Trump the White House had been making many contradictory and incompatible statements on foreign policy there are reports to that state t.v. Here has been instructed to scale back its coverage of the Us president but today the Crimean dismissed the reports as fake news insisting that Russian media had total independence to decide their own editorial policy b.b.c. News a South Sudanese minister has resigned from the government to rejoin the rebel movement led by the former vice president react much are the minister Gabrielle drop lamb was appointed last year as part of a peace deal he initially did not join Mr match are when he fled the country following days of fighting in the capital Juba last July but has now changed his mind the defection follows the recent resignation of a senior general Thomas serialize who are. About 200 specialist doctors have withdrawn their services from Zimbabwe's state hospitals because of a junior doctors strike over working conditions Obstetricians and Gynecologists says no longer safe to work without the striking doctors the government has urged the doctors to return to work while negotiations continue. The rising tension between the United States and Iran will be set aside in the hours ahead when asked Leeds from the 2 countries clash in a wrestling tournament Alan Johnston has the story the Iranians initially said the American wrestlers wouldn't be able to take part in this competition they were denied visas in retaliation for president Trump's travel ban which included Iran among the affected countries but when a u.s. Court suspended the ban the Iranians relented the Americans were told they could participate and they've been warmly welcomed at the tournament the 2 countries are wrestling powerhouses and the supporters help to ease diplomatic tensions between them in the past officials in the Indian state of Bihar which last year banned alcohol have been told they can't drink when they're outside the state or even abroad they face as bench and dismissal or salary caps if they flout the new rule which applies even if they're not on duty the amendment had a state alcohol ban or the initiatives have been hard chief minister he's called the ban a revolutionary step that's reduce crime and improve people's eating habits in a single step. B.b.c. News. Hello and welcome to News from the b.b.c. World Service coming to you live from London I'm Julian marshal today after dozens of people are killed at a super Muslim shrine in Pakistan will assess the threat that the Islamic state group poses there also a favorite question a quiz masters around the world how many continents are there if you think you know the answer you might now have to change it and the polygamist daughter we were taught to live off of him as the one true prophet on earth and we were also taught that we were celestial children having been born from the prophet or all that even though we were treated talk. We still believe we were the last of. Me to women who fled a deadly cult run by her father. But we go 1st to Pakistan where hundreds of people have been killed in militant attacks over the past 3 years including many women and children it's a steady drumbeat of violence this year alone there been nearly 20 incidents which every now and again then reaches a crescendo the perpetrators are from different must militant groups but increasingly from Islamic state affiliates and as in the latest attack on Thursday the Soofi shrine in Sindh province in which a suicide bomb blasts left at least 80 people dead officials have admitted a security lapse and that certainly the view of relatives of the victims they've been angrily protesting at the shrine wielding batons and torching a police vehicle this man a cousin of one of the victims said calls for more security have been ignored but are glory it was security need. A board every eye is weeping a proper security who was not there we had been telling the dogman Department and the other officials that there was no security and that anything could happen any time but nobody listened now the proper tutors were able to take lives. Well in this particular instance it's already seem to have moved quickly against those suspected of involvement in the attack officials say more than 35 minutes since of being killed in the course of a nationwide security sweep the army is also saying that attacks the have been carried out in Pakistan over the past couple of days be no interest from across the border from Afghanistan and it's given the Afghan authorities a list of 76 high profile militants it wants handed a via Mohammed nuff is a car is Pakistan foreign ministry spokesman in Islamabad Firstly why had the authorities done more to protect the Soofi shrine the palace they are actually tied with is a soft touch if they wish to save the country. And this is what they have carried out this condemn over there to test this a country of 200000000 people so you know you understand that these people can attack it can happen anywhere it happened in many other Western countries also that they have been targeting these soft targets the terrorist attacks which have been carried out in the last 5 days we have been those who are to get a sponsor pretty quickly where the facts were known and then I have vanished and you know where the actions based here in Afghanistan and your government wants Afghanistan to do more to control the activities of these is the missed groups. Well I think what we're asking is that you know that. He has spoken with the National Security Advisor when it's done and what he talked about is that this right is being used by these terrorist elements and we asked them to cooperate and we have gotten them that. We have done some kind of just sharing as well and what we need is a cooperation from their side cooperation not on the grounds of change of intelligence but also in terms of water management because that is one of the big concern for us to cross border with there's a misconception but I mean it is the case is it not to the Pakistani state even if it's not a governmental level has tended to pick and choose in the past of Islam is stuck militant groups did has supported on sinking hit particularly groups in Afghanistan it's so could it not just speed that the chickens are coming home to roost No I think I must say this thing that you need to understand that who is the biggest suffer in this in the case of our terms of I believe everybody north has acknowledged that Pakistan is the biggest victim of terrorism and the terrorism which has been perpetrated by the foreign element in charge time and we have taken very concrete measures and carried out a military operation is again is test elements are down discrimination and that is one reason why we have. Taken you know in numbers tension and the chance going down but could it not be that the Pakistani state needs to take more preventative measures as I think we are doing whatever measures we need to take best to take measures and save the lives and prevent any arguments to carrying out more terrorists. Actually we have been struggling we have lost more than 70070500 citizens including 6001 was for disease your fish of. Fight against terrorism we have been cooperating with the countries we have been doing intelligence sharing with the planet so we have been doing what we can even countries that that was Mohammed nuff easer carriera Pakistan foreign ministry spokesman in Islamabad and a madras Sheed is an expert on Islam is militancy in Pakistan and Afghanistan to see except the government's argument that Pakistan is too big country to protect from attacks Well there's no doubt that there is truth at the time that this campaign launched but it is a nationwide campaign it affected problems it really you know you can't protect everyone but really if you want to take. The government ministry. Out certain terrorist groups to continue operating in. Alibrandi who ensconced. Yardley groups in law or not they're supposed to be. Fighting. But other militant groups are using the relatively rare. So blinding. And they touted so you have a very complicated situation and frankly more and more people I mean yet in Europe are not buying into. Blaming external Potence when clearly internal have been hurling these acts of terror is not the answer so you're saying that the Pakistani state needs to move against a wall is the Miss militant groups in. In the country without fear or favor exactly that is the real crux of the problem we need a comprehensive. Counterterrorism strategy which takes it all group. With some groups and politically that is not taking place during the government launched. An initiative to try to keep what national action plan to do away with terrorism when the American Heart of those points those 20 points have not been implemented. That you're going to conquer terrorism unless you deal with the radical religious school hate speech. Now not to be that you know really think that is the Pakistani government and the Pakistani military to one with this particular threat Well no not really I'm not being around the same time we have a new army come Arbitron who is trying to attack him so you need a better relationship with Prime Minister of Iraq than his predecessor but that. Is very complex the government didn't which is run by. A good relation extremist groups who continue to be left alone and by the military had good relations with other groups such as. The civilian government would like to get rid of me and. Make any corporate head counterterrorism program run accepted by both the government and the army but it does appear that if there is the political and military will the Pakistani state can be more effective in the wake of this most recent attack we've had. A nationwide security sweep which has resulted say the army in the deaths of more than 35 militants We've also got this list of 76 high profile militants Pakistan wants handed over from Afghanistan so it seems as if the will is that something can be done yet certainly what people are hoping or what are needed to learn strategy here all of. Which you know I. Think. You know I hope. Ever. Going to get. That out. There was a madras Cian expert on Islamist militancy in Pakistan and Afghanistan and the author of the book Pakistan on the Brink The Future of America Pakistan and Afghanistan he was speaking from the city of Lahore. 6 years ago today the repression of a protest in Libya's 2nd city of Benghazi inspired a revolution that eventually led to the fall of Colonel Moammar Gadhafi today there are more than 1500 armed militias in the country different governments rule in the west around Tripoli and in the East this week on News Hour extra when Ben adjourns and his panel of guests to recessing the country's best chance for peace and stability and asking ordinary Libyans like Hala bogus a lawyer in Tripoli what life is like in Libya 6 years after the revolution. Well it's quite confusing to even be in a daily basis the day it's no mo so we go to. We go out for a coffee and for lunch but when the sun is down as we say things is different we are more careful and we think that it could be more in secure and who is it's in the city that's posing a threat the problem is that more or less there is no role of people you know that is gangs that is people who steal cars that can harm harm you personally so you cannot really locate who is doing this but they did it so many people with their with weapons all around city and we need to be careful actually when typically we say that we don't know what the next hour hold for us so we always try to be careful any of the at neighborhood where you live you know if there is any flights arms flights on anything my family they have to leave the country because they were really worried about this kidnapping of kids and all this insecurity all over the place up was Libyan lawyer Hala reggae's send for more on Libya invade countries search for stability just search online for b.b.c. News extra. Coming up we'll hear from the u.s. State of Kansas in this cattle rancher who believes that the mainstream media in America live in an echo chamber I see a media who does not want this president to succeed at all if the conservative American was listening to so that we can explain where we're coming from I think there would be a lot more understanding within the media about why this happened and the latest headlines from the b.b.c. Newsroom Princess Christine of the sister of King Philippe of Spain has been cleared in a tax fraud trial but her husband is being given a 6 year jail term the u.s. Food group Kraft Heintz has proposed a merger with the Dutch consumer goods company Unilever but it's been rejected and the former chief executive of Hong Kong Donald Tsang has been found guilty of misconduct in office in a case related to his use of a luxury flat in China. This is Julian Marshall with news hour live from the b.b.c. In London. A couple who 1st met over a garbage can half a lifetime ago of finally to get married Joan. And Ken Selway now in their eighty's met back in 1975 in Gloucester west of London Ken was homeless at the time and Joan came across him as he was right feeling through garbage after decades of as they say ups and downs of the couple to wed on Saturday the B.B.C.'s John k. Went to meet them in the little all that was. There for people to sit on the bride and groom Joan and Carol back on the street where they 1st met this story reads like a novel appropriate that it began here in a bookshop. And that with. Joan ram a little shop in the center of Gloucester with her husband and one day in 1975 she saw Ken through the window he was homeless and hungry the been reserved there that's where the been where years ago and took for food what would you find in there was sort of food would you take. Anything there was a turbo if you could always hungry. So Joe gave Camac up of tea that day and sketched this picture of him he was a shy man who'd suffered a head injury working in the coal mines he developed schizophrenia and ended up sleeping rough they always joked. And said he didn't belong in the street. Gentlemanly and he spoke very very nicely I mean look. Joan invited Kent to move into her family home and she helped him find medical treatment over the years he became part of the household drifting in and out of their lives over Joan's relationship with Ken was purely platonic her husband would sometimes be jealous but as the decades passed the 3 of them became good friends then in 1983 Jones' husband Norman died oh. My. Which brings us to today Canon Joan a back to Mary 42 years after that 1st cup of tea how much of a difference it has Joan made to your life picked up and. Security now. Above her head. At times Ken's mental health problems have been severe but Joan has helped him and together they've tried to raise awareness of schizophrenia the voices in my head would have drove me to kill my. Do you think she saved your life yes yes she did. Make me swear so. You know what I think of you I don't have to put it into words. It's just part of me. The happy couple June 9 ingoing can sell way we wish them well the Munich Security Conference is an annual event bringing together friend and foe to discuss international security policy not usually with a military tinge this year the Certainly a lot to chew over Russian cyberattacks the election of President Trump Britain's decision to leave the European Union and with the member states of paying their dues to NATO but a 1st for the 1st time global health security is on the agenda one of the prime movers is the Gates Foundation the man himself is delivering a keynote speech on Saturday which will highlight the health security threats the world is facing bid from pandemics or bioterrorism and the need to do more to combat the museum's James Coomera Sammy has been speaking to Bill Gates or one of the the great threats that we face that could kill you know millions of people it is a natural epidemic or an intentionally caused epidemic which is called bioterrorism in the advances in biology made it easier for somebody with more line intent to construct something like a flu or a smallpox and we've seen even recently although they weren't large scale they can sweep entire world we've seen the whole crisis in the secret crisis and those are actually not as transmissible as something that likely to come along in the next several decades so the question of do we teach the advanced and biology and figure out how we can make vaccines quickly and drugs and diagnostics do we go out and do surveillan