Transcripts for KJMT 97.1 FM [Mountain Talk 97.1] KJMT 97.1

Transcripts for KJMT 97.1 FM [Mountain Talk 97.1] KJMT 97.1 FM [Mountain Talk 97.1] 20171028 010000

You can reduce the risk do your part go to fire adapted or get signed a gap to learn what you can do now to reduce wildfire damage at fire and tap into. A public service message bought by the u.s. Forest Service and the Ad Council learn more and fire. On. A glitch when the newest i Phone went on sale today within 10 minutes of preorders beginning there was already a shipping delay Apple's says orders were off the charts but we don't know exactly how many were made available to begin with and there are already been delays associated with reported production problems Mario Allen he's got his order in on time and he's excited and forgiving of any issues including ones yet to be seen I do like the idea of improved camera and things that you can do and. She said Last year he like others noted the Apple App Store was not working for iphone 10 preorders for several minutes but he got his order in through the company's website says Jessica Rosenthal Amazon and Intel stock had the Nasdaq surging up $144.00 points today vigorous gain of the year a get out of jail card for Tiger Woods superstar golfer Tiger Woods pleading guilty to a reckless driving charge Friday all in Palm Beach County Florida striking a deal with prosecutors agreeing to enter a year long diversion program that will allow a DUI charge to be wiped from his record for good arrested back in May when he was found asleep behind the wheel of his Mercedes Benz on the side of the road at 3 am a toxicology report revealed Woods had Vika didn't Dilaudid Ambien Xanax and t.h.c. In his system at the time of his arrest but 0 I'll call doctors prescribing the gall for the pain medications as he healed from a recent back injury in Palm Beach Gardens Florida Phil Keating Fox News game 3 of the World Series the Astros hosting the Dodgers tonight in Houston lifting. The spirits of a city that got sucked by hurricane Harvey just 2 months ago right now in the bottom of the 2nd inning Houston leads l.a. The score 2 to nothing the series tied up at one game apiece in New York. Have a great. Music. And so much more to the 2nd. Baxter County. 20th anniversary this incorporated featuring live music from start is. Purchase tickets visit the kind of corporate office. Called 704256. M ride channel one for today we have a freeze warning in effect without patchy frost around dawn with clear skies a low should be 31 Saturday will have a sunny day with a high of 50 again without a freeze warning in effect Saturday night with widespread frost to be clear and cold with little 29 somewhat of a sunny day with a high of 61 to be clear and milder Sunny that with a level 40 Monday should be sunny with a high of 64 here weather around the clock on this h.p.r. Network station thankful for our listeners for those listening on line or can Academy of Neurology. Your. Radio addiction starts now. Laura Ingraham Show. Love to sad that. Talking about it is come on I'm just wondering was one of these groups are here. That have been a certain parties but you can still say that this is appalling right all except of all disgusting behavior I never met. And. It's very confusing when someone is on. A major national cable show. And says they haven't met Harvey Weinstein. And then it turns out. Earlier they actually had met Harvey Weinstein and she said well I don't I've never met Harvey wants to wait a minute so what we need to do is a play the 1st bite where she says I've never met him then we show well we're all really then you play Yeah then you play all well high r.v. Because you said she didn't know him and then we go back in time check the archives and found. Yeah actually has met him. With his I don't know about it is come on I'm just wondering was one of the producers are working here. Ok yeah he had a 3 book. Miramax right there memento and we were in Weinstein employing Weinstein in print which Harvey Weinstein and his company. Boned It's like what maybe she just got I have I can be forgetful Flora you don't forget I bet Harvey Weinstein I met him when he did that get rid of me with the I met him too he didn't he didn't approach me in the robe thank goodness mom and that would have been a horror show I mean just in time growing like I did how many years of think how many terrycloth or old do you think we're going to see this all over the people running around in terry cloth robes Well my rhinestone cowboy hat is ready for all of it I mean really are you doing the full Fredricka I'm totally ready I have the right song cowboy I gotta lot of a lot of passion a matching rhinestone. Suit I got I got all suit it's like a whole Vegas number Well I got it all set it's going to look really good the so I'm totally spoiling my. I'm spoiling my surprise for now no you can have a little plastic foam coming out of your purse where you've stopping on the presidential coals Mike my kids had this trunk or treat what is last night at Regal Well here's trunk or treat. The parents. Have to decorate the back of their car they open up the hatchback or that trunk of the car and then they they decorate it because this is Christmas present hollowing are now but it to people treat home in like Christmas. People but. This is like at the end of the day because we have a half a day yesterday at school and now today they're all going to make room for trunk or treat now and today they're off. And it was fun I got to say it was really fun and so all the cars they back up into the parking lot it's like a hollowing tailgate it's a very apt description of well it was failed and of course I'm roaming around trying to find the kids and then all of sudden I say Oh son there seem to be adult beverages. I ran into I ran into someone and I said what's going on in the back of that truck was the trunk or treat he said treat for the parent he opens up he has a whole bar in the back and this is he came for a drunk or a tree. Now but the kids are the kids are going car to car and they're in there getting their treats and it was fun and they all dressed up in all the crazy outfits they have a contest and the kids just love it they're running around and and so at this particular trunk where they had the full bar I said I said Well we're sure Candy and all we know we ran out of candy the kids are coming along to be like oh have one of those I'm like no no no that's the that's the adult treat. But people are really going to go all out for this trunk or treat this was people somewhere there was one woman who made a for an entire police like phone booth like him on the old fashioned ones you call the police and the booth and she but I said How did you bring this to the school how did you to go we assembled it here who has time for this they had they had loved people had light some light sources a different type of orange and black sent. All the web and then and then I reached in because I like the you know I like the $100000.00 bar that's my favorite and I like the mountains I like the mountains Almond Joy and 100 $1000.00 Those are my favorites so I reached in and then they had one of those Chinese hands that grabbed my hand oh I screamed I said You mean it was a in effect like it was one of those comes out at you when you're reading in hand I was made in a refugee came in and they put him in the bottom of the cauldron something he got a clarity I'll going to translate for the you know Nico by the way when he goes into stores pick stuff up we went into have a hard time start to go. This is cheap junk made in China and he says it really loud in there Asian people are like walking down I'll make sure you can stop saying that I think this is junk made in China Mommy says it really loud so bad but I mean it was scary I just showed Lisa a picture of. Dimitri and me and. I don't even know what that is he's wearing but it's terrifying a stranger things 3 you know it's very. So we were talking about this issue of sexual harassment which is dominating all the news and it's I don't know which is a worse national crisis the opioid addiction and emergency or sexual harassment but they're treating both as the biggest historical pivot that we've taken since you know whatever. And so Mika Brzezinski made this point today on her show to say that Mark Halperin we take these allegations seriously however. And we. People are innocent until proven guilty and we have the sound bite that somewhere we can maybe play it the president was asked if O'Reilly was being treated fairly he responded he's a person I know well he's a good person I think he shouldn't have settled I don't think Bill did anything wrong. Couple of things Mark Halperin what do you make of the notion of the president addressing this in the Oval Office and taking it a step further doing what he did yesterday in commenting on Bill O'Reilly to reporters in the Oval Office right before his statement on Syria is not normal for president there's no reason for him to address it. So it's Ok for me to say you are innocent until proven guilty and we stand with our friends but the president couldn't do that that was them commenting just a few months ago but was Prince saying it wasn't right for him not to address it or it was inappropriate for him to address it at all no president should do this so the president apparently loses his 1st Amendment right to defend his friends until proven guilty but meek and Joe reserve the right to defend their friend until proven guilty yes we do remain a nation of laws where everyone is considered innocent until proven guilty did that apply to. Donald Trump that applied to all Riley ales all these other people or is it just apply to your friends. We asked this question. Last hour and then we had Chris Christie and we talked about opioids addiction which is powerful and. He's got to be in the cabinet he's got to be in the trunk cabinet. And we can't he's he's just too smart not to be and I hope I hope they find a place for him I'd like I'd like him at d.h.l. Sunlight I would love him a d.h.l. Serve you know he's people that maybe h.h.s. Because of Christie. So we had him and we got we got off our topic that we were on namely that if you're a man today. Do you feel hesitant about hiring women or being alone with any woman without a man present a witness present because you're worried that years later something you said oh you look nice today I guess you can't say that anymore you look nice today you can't say that I think that's one of the things you can't say I don't know if you can't say can you say that to people I have no idea the rules are just odd that I'm going to moving and it is creating a certain sterility sterility that you can't hug someone thanks so much for your for being here thank you for all the help and you know you you look beautiful to do your hair your hair's different looks good thanks I think I look really good today well is that sexual harassment not that I say that feel uncomfortable and if I'm your boss have I made you feel uncomfortable twice sterility. An antiseptic quality of the workplace there has to be a middle ground where you're not you're not sexually harassing someone but you can have a a nice cordial relationship that's professional. There hat that there is a way to do that I think that does not however obviate the need to have 8 honest conversation about when men are hiring people are in a position of supervising people given the climate given the concern and a lot of it is justified given these allegations and given what we're what we're now understanding really does happen if you if you didn't know it before you know it now. Does it make people hesitant about hiring women or being in a room with a woman without and witness 10 years 12 years 15 years from now some of you know something when I when I asked for a promotion and I didn't get it he said this to me he put his hand on me and I rushed out the door and cried and I didn't tell anyone because I was ashamed now I'm sure that does happen by the way where of course it happened there that if there is. There is sin we're all fallen people and things happen in the workplace but. This is it does beg the question of what is this doing to our just comfort level at all and working out here on the relations of human relationships you do have to complain at the time I do think you can't well I am woman hear me roar you're in the workplace you've got to have the confidence to complain at the time about people you can't complain 10 years later that is it's impossible it's impossible we have the Secret Service agent who jumped on the car during the assassination of j.f.k. Protecting Jackie Kennedy Clint Hill is going to join us a given this the news about these 52 documents not previously seen of the thousands that Donald Trump of course wanted released will take a break 85540 Laura How is this Harvey Weinstein's story changed your own workplace or how should it a 5540 Laura the Laura Ingram show. You've heard me go on and on about my favorite game it's called say anything that's because it's so much fun you just sit around the table and ask a question and everyone who's playing just starts talking and laughing really I'm not kidding there's no complicated rules it's basically just everyone sharing their opinions everyone in the family can play together because say anything is great for all ages and when you play you actually connect with people around the table in a fun way I've learned so many things about my family just playing the game I love it it's called say anything it's the best party game that we've ever played and it's a gift that brings the family together so when you're out shopping make sure to get say anything it's the perfect gift for connecting with friends and family we love it in the interim household we play it and I know you're going to love it too more importantly everyone is going to have fun and now's the time to get say anything you can get it at Target or toys r us remember I'm not just talking about being together in the same room I mean talking and really connecting so get say anything today pick it up at Target or at toys r us say anything m j foreigner from Quicken Loans choosing the right mortgage lender involves much more than just a rate Quicken Loans has earned 11 j.d. 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I just wanted to take a few seconds out of the day to tell all of our listeners Thank you Anderson and how important our stations are to you and we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all of this and many an encouraging words we have received recently listeners and community and our hearts so. Dearly said thank you notes into Arkansas. It's where you raise your family or where you grow old it's the place where memories are made in the home is your most valuable asset for more reasons than one so when it's time to buy or sell called Jelly Pegler at Pegler real estate group to help you negotiate your most valuable asset Joey has consistently been ranked the number one real estate broker in the Twin Lakes area year after year when details matter the number one agent working for you called Jelly peddler today at 421-1233 that's 421-1233. The king of rock'n'roll East back in town on October 28th come to the Dunbar auditorium at Milton old high school for Elvis a treaty doors open at 530 in the show begins at 7 there will be a raffle sign the dog door prizes and all proceeds to benefit the Holy Cross Lutheran church food pantry purchase your tickets at the Holy Cross leader in church Chamber of Commerce or any 1st security bank location will see you had held this tribute. Hey this is deal from down in the corner and I am enjoying the best pizza in the tool like serious pizza and guess we'll did you know in 20 Jin Nim is was judged the best pizza in the USA at the International pizza challenge and in 20111213 took regional 1st place wins tended to top it all off in $2151.00 traditional in the additional divisions never before accomplished by a single pizza Ria another back from China winning in 2nd place missing 1st place by a fraction of a point coming out enjoying the best pizza in the toilet Syria. Guess ill. Call Laura now 185540 Laura. You're listening to the Laura Ingram show $85540.00 Laura we have a lot to get to this hour or going to be talking to Henry Olsen these are great piece out about Ronald Reagan and the return of blue collar conservatism it's called. It's called My book billionaire at the barricades a populist revolution Reagan to trump but he wrote his own or called the working class Republican so everybody's jumped on the populism train now but Joining us now I'm delighted he's with us Clint Hill a Clint was a Secret Service agent who was best known for jumping on the car during the assassination of John f. Kennedy protecting Jackie Kennedy and changed the country forever changed history and changed his life he joins us now given the anniversary of the assassination coming out and of course the news about new documents released Clint It is good to talk to you my friend how are you doing today. Despite I know about this Well I'm I'm good Clint if you don't mind my asking how old are you if you're a c. You are 85 You sound like you're 65 but it's cool it's great to talk to you let's tell us let's take us back to that day and November Dealey Plaza and I know you've told the story many times but for my listeners I haven't heard it please share it with us. Well it was a beautiful day in Dallas remember 22nd and he said he had been reading lately earlier today but turned out to be very nice day weather wise crowds were extremely large were driving through the city trying to get the president to his speech cited to trademark he was speak to around lunchtime as we proceeded through the city the crowd was really just really large exuberant friendly. And we got to an area called Dealey Plaza. That was at the intersection of 2 stone and Elm we had to go that way in order to get to our destination we didn't have any real lot good choice from that travel lane so. We were traveling down Elm Street going to Dealey Plaza a little grassy area there and I I was in the car right behind the presidential be a call I was on the outside of the running board in the front position on the left side. Is viewing area where the grass was there were many people there it was a triple underpass we had to go under a reward track there was some police update or so that was any concern to me and. All of a sudden I hear this explosive noise over my right shoulder came from the rear from satellite an elevated position but I didn't recognize it as a gunshot initially and I turned toward it to see what it was and only got as far as a presidential vehicle because I saw President Kennedy grab a distro start to fall to his left. He had a back brace so he couldn't have gone any other direction he was seated immediately behind John Connally and the space was so tight in the car that presents me right up against the back of kind of a strand actually. So I realized then that that was a gunshot and I jumped from my position running toward the President's car trying to get up on the top of the back

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