Transcripts for KION 1460 AM/K266BD 101.1 FM [Powertalk Cent

KION 1460 AM/K266BD 101.1 FM [Powertalk Central Coast 1460 AM and 101.1 FM] KION 1460 AM/K266BD 101.1 FM [Powertalk Central Coast 1460 AM and 101.1 FM] September 14, 2018 070000

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For instance slows weakens but still batters on Jack Callahan Fox News article and Florence has been downgraded to a Category one hurricane maximum sustained winds about 90 miles an hour still just offshore from North Carolina and the forward motion of the storm has slowed to 6 miles an hour at the National Hurricane Center meteorologist Ed Rappaport says that's actually bad news because it has. Slow down and may slow even further we have the risk of catastrophic flooding over North Carolina and South Carolina in inland areas from rain 6 to 10 inches over much of the Carolinas with local areas 15 to 20 inches maybe even isolate spot as much as 35 or 40 inches of rain and because the storm has slowed the bands of Hurricane force winds keep pummeling the coastline with those winds Fox's Griff Jenkins is in Morehead City North Carolina the winds really picking up here in the us even if there's a fish are blowing out of the water and trying to get a real surge of this water now this is more it should be right we're separated by a day from Atlantic Beach and to fire chief over Lady Beach tell us that they're getting hammered by the wind and storm surge and eternally despite the elements the Federal Emergency Management Agency dispatching swift water rescue teams to New Bern North Carolina 200 people have been rescued already 150 more are reported trapped in their homes along the New River near the pelicans sound earlier the storm surge there had been reported at 10 feet there are now $185000.00 the North Carolina Powell households without power another $4100.00 in South Carolina in the dark in nearly $3000.00 in Virginia Power companies say that number could climb to more than 3000000 going back to the situation a new burn the city of New Bern tweeting we are coming to get you advice and people to move to the 2nd floor of their homes for the news. No t.v. Documentary specials and more plus your favorite Fox News personalities this is our for their talks news channel real news real honest opinion a man made disaster in suburban Boston more than 3 dozen homes set ablaze in Andover and also in Andover and Lawrence Massachusetts some homes were just left to burn because there weren't enough crews to fight all the fires and over pressurized the natural gas line is suspected gas has been turned off to the area electricity cut as well to reduce the chance of sparks 8000 people have been evacuated for how long and with and over mayor Andrew Mailer's says they don't are we do not yet have a timeline people should expect this is going to be a while before they're going to be able to return to their home and 18 year old man died when a chimney fell on him from a house explosion as his 2nd criminal trial approaches former truck campaign chairman Paul metaphor maybe discussing a plea deal with a special counsel the pretrial conference is scheduled today in Washington on charges related to Palmetto for its work as a lobbyist but there are reports the 69 year old may try to avoid trial by agreeing to cooperate in the Russia probe man of 40 has been in solitary confinement in Virginia decided to go on trial. Over the summer and bank in tax fraud charges he was convicted of a cancer and he could be retried on 10 more charges a deadlocked a Virginia jury in Washington Rachel Sutherland Fox News Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has cruised to an early victory in an easy victory over primary challenger Cynthia Nixon and New York State's primary election the 2 term governor always led in the polls and heavily outspent his rival longtime activist and sex in the City star Cynthia Nixon and counted on a surge of liberal support which did not materialize but she predicted in her concession speech that a blue wave is coming in relations between North and South Korea continue to warm the 2 Koreas announcing they are opening a liaison office along our common border to facilitate communications between their governments Asian stocks closing higher in Tokyo and in Hong Kong lower in China Dow futures are up nearly 50 points. Fox News Radio. Last Friday a magical mystery event took place in New York City Paul McCartney walked into a packed rush hour at Grand Central Station with his band and played a surprise concert. That was just done commuters watch Bob perform songs from his new Egypt station album and a killer selection of the greatest Beatle songs of all time and he invited us to capture the show the Iowa radio secret session with Paul McCartney live from New York's Grand Central Station appeared on the Classic Rock channel and I hope radio tonight at 7 pm Eastern 4 Pacific if you fallen behind on your mortgage it's time to take control you don't have to lose your home the National Foundation for Credit But I'd rather go. And they go on living with us. From coast to coast and worldwide on the internet this is coast to coast am with George Noory next stop Keith Linda joins us on the bottle Hello house the poltergeist of Washington State it's kind of spooky So get ready we'll have a couple clips of subsidence of whatever this thing is a little bit later on hey I can't stress enough how bad the home security industry is broken the legacy companies are stuck way back in the eighty's 30 years ago still a locking you in the 3 year contracts still hitting you with hidden fees crummy technology doing all the stuff they. 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Collection efforts once and for all due to the financial hardship consumers are facing throughout the country the Internal Revenue Service has made it easier to settle delinquent tax problems and open phone line has been established by community tax for consumers to call and see if you qualify take down this number or store it in your cell phone but call the community tax helpline at 803057083 if you are back taxes to the i.r.s. And cannot afford to pay them back or even if you have years of on file tax returns there's no need to fear any more but you have to call the community tax helpline today at 803-057-0834 the help that you need don't take on the i.r.s. Alone they can attack your wages savings pension home and even your social security check call 803-057-0834 your free consultation and to see if you qualify that's 803057083. When you listen to him and he really starts to lay out the prob. This morning and then present the solution our talk for 260 and 101 of them. And welcome back to coast to coast George Noory with you I'm going to introduce Keith Linder here he's an i.t. Professional back in 2012 he and his girlfriend moved into a house in a suburb of Seattle the phenomena he witnessed while there would change his life forever for believers or nonbelievers the evidence and stories he has shared and will share have altered what many think or know about the paranormal and supernatural Keith walk of the program looking forward to this. George thanks for having me tonight it feels good to be off how is your life after his 6 peer. Oh it's still believe it or not I mean it's a lot better now that after I moved out of the house but I mean you never totally totally totally. Get to 2 feet back a minute by landing on 2 feet so it gets sick at times. But I was a roller coaster for years of it it was a roller coaster now your girlfriend her name is Tina right Tina yes tuck and now you you 2 moved into a house and you thought hey this is going to be great this is going to be fun watch started happening. You know we had the mind set we moved into the house May of 2012 and the mindset of like most people was hey this is going to be great going to be fun where we're making a commitment we're taking our relationship to the next level and had kids not the day we got the keys to the house from the homeowner. Here recently left and it's just meant to and we're sitting in the living room on the floor the house is empty doesn't have electricity running and we're getting a lay of the land we're talking we're planning was scoping out the house and during the middle of our conversation I kid you not we hear a kid cough Now the interesting thing about the kid cough I tell everybody is soon as we heard it we stopped talking and looked at each other man tanned and we said at the same time was that a kid cough. And the houses and the it sounded like it came from one of the rooms up stairs. We were too busy house high so we didn't really go investigate but we did talk about it for 5 minutes that it was weird that we heard something interject our conversation it was very loud very distinct. There by the nose in the House of ritually empty sound bounces off walls pretty well so we heard a pretty clear but we disavowed it we thought it had to have come and I thought the word hadn't capital letters because it had to have come from outside what else to that be the kid outside so we shrug it off in a week or 2 weeks later we're not moved in and subtle things start happening and things start of gradually and subtle and by subtle I mean we started finding objects missing I mean things that I all that my 1st set of car keys or my spare set. Went missing I thought that was because these are your spare set you don't use these keys every day right in you and you know where you put on so you're in an argument in the glove box and I remember seeing these keys when I moved because I saw the hand carried them from my other location to here and I was looking for something else to reach them I love glove box and those my keys were gone but I thought shrug I may be lost during the moving process Hey it happens. Then Tina George start coming to me saying hey have you seem a jury have you seen this necklace this is a ring. This bracelet. And I'm saying no and then minting of both around suppertime found ourselves looking for silverware because we started to notice our silverware leading them and were now searching for forks and knives and spoke at any point keys were either one of you kind of looking at each other like. That kind of thing. No we weren't out of them were and I tell you the reason why is because and it was sort of good that we didn't have children because we would have resorted to the children what a boy I am now little Johnny or little Sarah's taken the whatever you know cause when I was a kid I sort of threw it away when I threw my dish out but when I looked it Tina she looked at me we both knew heck he's not on the ways of where women were that age now when we went out for silverware when we clean our plate but no thank God it was tennis Drury that I mean it was missing so it was nothing to she was saying the fair is about you taking my jury some of the jury that she was missing I gave her and my car keys to the valley think to know those car keys existed because there my spare them in the glove box so yeah I was never a finger point and not yet finger point it comes to years later but not yet but an ass at this point it's just like mischief right. Yeah it takes on how things moving things things like that moving things. They want the question they want to questioning yourself your sanity your memory because I tell you there are times I will come out my room I will come back in it and the lights are off or the t.v. Is off and I could have sworn I left both of those things on was that off so yes sort of like a trickster 1st say we're pranking you are full We're trying to reduce the trying to weigh you the try to weigh me at t. And see what we go for what we don't go for and we're totally oblivious I mean for the 1st 2 months I'm questioning my own self of well maybe I did turn the light off maybe I did. Turn a t.v. Off maybe you know but finally I guess the gloves had to eventually come off because Tina was slow on the upkeep because now we're watching t.v. 2 months later me and Tina downstairs and we're watching t.v. Together and tim has this plan to sit by the end of time assess about 4 feet tall and rises up off the floor and the $360.00 degree spin and falls back to the ground and maintain a sitting and we're sitting side by side so we both saw it at the same time and at that point we knew I mean after we investigated the plan for hitting the wires a remote control device because we did think that we were being pranked for Pa But at that point we're now. We have a kid's spirit because we went back to the 2 months before of all that kid cough that's what that was about all the missing items or the items that we're finding throughout the house that neither one of us that's worth all that we have a kid tells us and we thought that we were thinking aloud when we look at the plant laying on the floor we have a kid Spirit in our house and we're talking about one Spirit in your opinion. Not for right now yeah for right now but then it changes then it changes the whole . But time it escalates and rose and you 2 years in yeah gross and then you're counting 5 up to 11 Spears Why do you why did you stay so long. Well keep in mind the 1st time of 2012 did you buy the house arrest we rented the house the houses we rent the house and we moved in and the activity for all of 2012 Summer Fall and Winter 2012. Was relatively missing items loud bang small items being thrown to do you ownership know about this before hand. They should have disclosed to you No I asked them to play dumb in the sense of the house was fine the House about the 2005. Have multiple people living in the house before we arrived and we thought it was meant to and I went to the Internet we start asking around talking to churches and we really like the House to really love the house we don't want to be run out of it and we said maybe if we deal with the spirit because up to now there are this fee Nies the vice we getting from the Internet and from local churches or from paranormal teams is these things tend to fade out and if you talk to them nicely and walk them into the life they'll leave you alone so sure that we would get better we don't want to start running up the house. And right at the time that we ask ourselves the question well maybe this is not working the activity stopped I mean it just totally abruptly came to a stop. Probably about January 2013 and we had no activity 0 for all of 2013 so we thought we dodged a bullet we thought oh it didn't work the steps that we're giving to do have in the house blessed in the reverend a preacher come in and bless certain rooms in the house and say think of smudging Soilwork then there was no activity in 2013 but we were still naive because we didn't know Van was these things. Tend to go away when they come back and that's the thing you have to worry about is when they come back they always come back worse than before they come back with a vengeance yet and then resume where they left off as no pleasantries there's no I won't take you forks and knives we're going to take your car keys again no now when they come back we're back with our friends and thereby knows everybody let's to start throwing larger stuff and now we're going to get you yeah and that and that and that happened I kid you not in spring of 2014 they really kicked up by the fire a guest in a yeah the literally and the way they introduced themselves is we were sleeping one Sunday night we had a armoire and are always 20300 pound on why are made of wood solid oak and we heard a crash in the mill them out about 2 am and meant to and started out of our bed and armoire was now on the other side of the hallway and I left a huge wall a hole in the wall and that was them saying We're back and I thought that in the my book that night and that morning because once they threw that all more every day was activity there was no law or bell curve in activity it was every day and we're back what do you think they wanted to scare you to chase you out of the house what did they want. I think they want to I don't think they want to scare us . But I do think they want to scare us to the point of driving me and Tina crazy these spirits that were in the House and the previous tenants that we finally got ahold of who lived in the house for years before us went to sort of the same. Spirit were really manipulative and good at getting husband and wife and boyfriend and girlfriend fighting each other that's their ruling was so that's their mission they were really good at that I mean there were experts saying applying makeup finger point each other question the other person's due diligence because 2 years in 2 and a half years and we're not questioning each other's resolve question as to his results his question my the just much so I should add to smudge. Kind of lazy and then argument erupts or where's my doubt of that about did you take you know not never I would never take them for all those questionnaires and questionings and every time the tension between me and my girlfriend was elevate So what the activity almost within seconds of our kitchen elevator. What. Things you could say on the radio I guess what what are some of the worst things they tried to do to you to. Try to try to do. Well I mean they did they try to kill you to well they did push me down a flight of stairs January 2nd of 2014. I took a fall we didn't know at 1st that it was paranormal related until maybe a year and a half later when the researchers came in and got a v.p. Is where the spirit the minute to push on me did you feel as if you had stumbled 1st for a while. No it was it was the fall was very quick and it was almost over before it began I was coming downstairs to get a refill a glass of water and on the 2nd tier of the steps out of that the sound you went down I went and tore my rep a tele

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