Transcripts For KICU Ten OClock News 20130805 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KICU Ten OClock News 20130805

talks -- and i'm ken pritchett in for ken wayne. >> we've been told that changes have been made on some of the bigger issues. in the past few days b.a.r.t. was proposing a 5-cent raise. that's compared to the union's opening of 4% a year. it's not clear what the negotiation will be because of the gag order. we have live team coverage for you tonight on the looming b.a.r.t. strike. ktvu's jade hernandez has been talking to muters. >> but we begin with deborah villalon live outside the negotiations tonight. >> reporter: they've been talking for more than 10 hours, they are still at it and as you can see, workers are here having a very noisy rally outside. almost no information has trickled out of this building. the last time we had was about 8:00 tonight when i was able to ask b.a.r.t.'s lead negotiator how it is going. >> slowly. >> reporter: is there progress? >> yes, yes. >> reporter: tom hock struggled to be heard over his hecklers. >> there's been some progress. >> reporter: can you get it done tonight? >> i hope so but we'll see. >> reporter: where are you going now. >> i'm going back to talk to more people and get more input. >> reporter: heading back to b.a.r.t. headquarters to speak about where the negotiations are. >> we want him to feel personal just like our passengearrs going to feel it personal. >> we are a part of this community and we love these passengers and this man does not care, period. who would go on vacation for eight days at such a critical time. >> what do we want? >> contracts. >> reporter: with talks no doubt tense upstairs, union workers are letting off steam throughout the evening. >> it's the thought of not knowing. >> reporter: not knowing if they're going to go to work tomorrow or strike tomorrow. >> we're prepared to hit the picket lines tomorrow as well. >> reporter: the mood has seemed to darken over the last several hours. >> this is from lciu to the b.a.r.t.workers. >> reporter: a contract would be the sweetest success from b.a.r.t. and its passengers. >> i would tell them that we are just as frustrated as they are. >> we like our train, we love our passengers. it's much easier actually to run that train than it is to walk that line. >> reporter: we are talking about more than 2,000 train operators, station agents, mechanics, maintenance workers and professional staff. b.a.r.t. says to give them the raises they want fares would have to rise. the union says that b.a.r.t. has millions of the dollars in surplus in passed. b.a.r.t. says they need that money to upgrade trains. these are members of the union negotiating team. we don't know if this signals anything, if they're taking a break or if they plan to make an announcement. we know that last month when they made a truce they made a press conference. right now we do not see them in the lobby. we're going to keep a close eye on this negotiation and come back to you live if there are any developments. deborah villalon, ktvu channel 2 news. something we will obviously be keeping a very close eye on. we want to give you a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. as you can see traffic moving quite smoothly. there's some construction taking place there. you know what things could be drastically different come tomorrow morning if b.a.r.t. workers do indeed go on strike. near the coliseum in oakland traffic hot spots like this one could be gridlocked tomorrow morning if there is a second b.a.r.t. shut down. our team coverage continues now with preparations for a commute nightmare should b.a.r.t. workers walk off the job. our jade hernandez has been talking to b.a.r.t. riders all day about our contingency plan and she's live now at the b.a.r.t. station. >> reporter: when riders say simply the public depends on public transportation. >> reporter: wheeling into the dublin b.a.r.t. station was easy today. but a b.a.r.t. closure cuts off mobility. >> it will affect so many others. >> reporter: during last month's strike, businessman azashi lost precious time on the clock. >> i came, the driver went, then i found out everything was closed. no bus, you know. so i rather go using b.a.r.t. than the car. to avoid the bridge, avoid the traffic. >> i'm on the side of the worker. the every day person. >> reporter: except that's exactly who will pay the price if b.a.r.t. strikes. this family knows personally when they had to look for a different way of transportation at the last b.a.r.t. strike. because throwing out rider schedules also means smaller paychecks. >> i can't get to work together. i would have to pay more for the bus or taxi, pay a friend to get to work. >> reporter: maganago left the b.a.r.t. station today hoping tomorrow trains will still be, running. >> it's not a win-win situation in something like this. >> reporter: we're live at the north berkeley b.a.r.t. station. if a b.a.r.t. strike does occur, b.a.r.t. is scheduled to continue its late night service but come 9:00 a.m. it would not continue its regular trains. that's when they will ask people to take the bus if they can or car pool. jade hernandez, ktvu. >> this is what the traffic looked like the last time of a b.a.r.t. strike. traffic slowed to a crawl. during the evening commute the back up spread through the streets of san francisco as drivers waited to get on the bridge. the last strike took place during a fourth of july holiday and traffic was lighter than usual. more traffic is expected this go around. and then there was the work stoppage in the heavy month of september of 1999. back then b.a.r.t. carried 40,000 less passengers than it does now. >> and b. -- and ac transit are trying to make adjustments. they will add buses. the ferry will have 13 boats in the water instead of the usual eight. and drivers beware, like last time car pool lanes will run all day. our coverage of the ongoing b.a.r.t. talks continues throughout the this newscast. we do have a live picture here and an update from looks like union members. >> my name is josie mooney, i'm one of the chief negotiators for aciu 10 to one. i also have george papiac who is the vice president of apsme. on behalf of aciu i want to announce that the governor has requested a seven day board of inquiry or board of investigation. we want to say that we have been here for the last 24 hours. and we only got a very regressive proposal from b.a.r.t. in the last 45 minutes. we're extremely disappointed at their continued pasturing, their continued negotiations which are in very bad faith. their continual failure to address a single safety proposal on behalf of the union. i want to ask my president roxanne sanchez to make a comment on behalf of aciu. >> we heard from the mayor of san francisco how it was unnecessary to keep the public on pins and needles and it's absolutely true. there's no reason why we have to continue this drama, continue this stress on the public and on the work force. it is so discouraging but we do appreciate the governor's concern and we will unfortunately it takes our attention away from the bargaining table because now we have to put together a case to present before the board of inquiry. so i don't know how much it does for the bargaining table but perhaps this will shed the light on just exactly what we've been trying to tell you the press, that this employer has worked in bad faith and created the first strike. >> on behalf of acu i'm antoinette bryant, for local 1555. we are extremely disappointed that this even has to happen. from the very onset we said we did not want to disrupt the riding public f. -- if the district would come to the table and bargain for us in good faith for a equalable contract. we're very disappointed that at this juncture we do not have a contract. our riding public deserves it. we're going to go to the inquiry to prove that from then onset we've come with reasonable proposal that is should have been agreed to june 30th. not today but june 30th. it is disappointing that our members that are here representing the rest of our workers, they are here, we're here to let the public know we're going to continue to do what we need to do to get a fair contract but it's disappointing that this even had to happen because this could have been resolved 35 days ago, thank you. >> do we have a strike? >> no we have a cooling off that the governor called today. we have mixed feelings. i share both antoinette's and josie's opinion that this should have been resolved long ago. we have the public on pins and needles for another who knows how long. we have the board of inquiry. we went through this for example in 2001 where we had the board of inquiry then we had the long cooling off period then we had the drum beat strike blooms. people don't deserve that. we're happy they won't be disrupted tomorrow. but the anxiety of what's going to happen next and it puts it back to another difficult time for people in 60 days. it's regrettable but it's also regrettable that there hasn't been a settlement. >> reporter: how long will the trains run? >> the trains will run until the cooling off period. >> it's not a cooling off period. we have to make that very clear. this is only a seven day board of inquiry. at that time there's going to be a review of all relevant facts germane to the contract situation and everything that's gone on. after that seven day board -- the five member seven day board convenes there will be a determination made that the time then we'll know what's going on. so right now we're looking at seven days once the panel is convened. >> what about the determination? >> we have no way of knowing what that determination will be. we will go there and present the facts of what we will represent as our full and fair bargaining. >> are they unfortunately not negotiating -- >> too many questions. >> can that board then determine what kind of contract there should be going forward? >> they will determine whether or not there is reason to extend the period to a 60 or a 30 or 60 day cooling off period that's its and that's all for them. >> at some point you have to come back and deal with b.a.r.t. and deal with them again. >> we have a contract that we have to bargain. >> we're going to be asking on the controllers help to come in and do an audit. anybody that can come over here and help and prevent the kind of conflict that we've seen that's so unnecessary. >> so for the next seven days there will be no negotiations between you and b.a.r.t. >> for the next seven days there can be. but unfortunately all parties must present their case. so you can see that we will always be involved in getting the case ready to present to the inquiry. >> so the trains will be running normally. >> for the next seven days, yes, sir. that's the only good thing out of this. . i imagine these are questions for the governor's office but i imagine he will move on it immediately. >> you have been listening to the latest on the ongoing b.a.r.t. talks. the important thing everybody needs to know right now is there will not be a strike tomorrow morning. >> we just heard from that representative of the union that the only good thing as she put it to come out of this is that the trains will run. b.a.r.t. trains will run over the next seven days that follows a request by governor brown to hold a board of inquiry or investigation as was originally put. but this board of inquiry will hear both sides and make a ruling on where this goes from here. so we're in a bit of limbo as to what happens next until we have some ruling. a five member panel they mentioned. >> this will take at least seven days. b.a.r.t. trains will be running for the next seven days. as you all know this was coming down to the wire. deadline tonight midnight. as you heard the unions still quite upset about the way that the negotiations have gone so far. >> that's the really interesting thing we heard almost right off the bat as soon as they walked out that we had been hearing all day long. both sides were working, they were being constructive. but then we heard from the union members that they were very disappointed. they felt that b.a.r.t. negotiators were acting in bad faith. as they put it. a reminder, we have not heard from b.a.r.t. on this yet. now the negotiations for the next seven days they may go on, sounds like both sides will be preparing for this board of inquiry. >> again, mayor brown stepping in on this board of inquiry. and we have will much more when we come back. new details emerge about yesterday's terrifying hit-and- run at the veni breaking news right now. b.a.r.t. contract talks off for right now. governor jerry brown a short time ago calling for a seven day board of inquiry. that means b.a.r.t. training will be rolling tomorrow morning. so no strike. we are getting -- we are hearing the very latest from union officials. this is union members, chief negotiators that you have probably seen for the last couple of weeks speaking to the media. our crews are there talking with them, asking them questions about this rare move. i think many people were anxious for the governor to step in and now he has. >> it really came out of the blue for the governor in the last round of this. there were talking of the governor getting involved and decided not to. and now all of a sudden we hear from governor brown. >> for those of you who are just now joining us. i think the main thing people want to know, were trains going to be running. because of the governor's actions yes they will be. normal b.a.r.t. service has been scheduled for tomorrow. so no disruption in service. as you see there the mayor calling an injury in negotiation talks. now to some other news and especially in southern california and the driver who police say plowed into the crowded venice beach boardwalk has now been booked on murder charges. we want to show you some surveillance video. it was taken yesterday right before the crash. you can see the driver getting into the car and then barreling off with people following. then you see the car crashing into a shocked crowd gathered there on the boardwalk. christien kafton is live now in the newsroom. he's been listening to witnesses who describe that attack as intentional. >> that's right witnesses are saying that the driver steered into the crowd aiming for heel. 38-year-old nathan campbell has turned himself into authorities. more charges will follow. >> reporter: surveillance video shows a man getting into a parked car. moments later that black car takes off. people in the area jumped out of their seats, scrambling to avoid it. by the time it was all over an italian woman reportedly on her honey moon was dead. 11 others injured. >> he just drove and took that center turn on to the boardwalk. bodies were scattered and flying into the air. people were screaming and it was absolute mayhem. >> reporter: witnesses say the suspect was a blond man wearing sunglasses who ditched the car. investigators now believe that man is 38-year-old nathan campbell who turned himself in hours after the incident. >> reporter: for right now they booked him on the murder charge. further charges will come when they consult with the district attorney's office and also defining of the murder charges. >> any indication why he did it? >> no. >> reporter: witnesses said the driver accelerated into the crowd and swerved to hit as many people as possible. >> reporter: tires started screeching. i saw him and he was looking for blood. that guy was, that guy intentionally wanted to kill people. >> reporter: this is not the first time something like this has happened. in 2003 an elderly man killed 10 people and injured 69. city leaders are looking at putting barricades along the board walk to try to avoid something similar from happening in the future. on to other news, an a.c.e. hardware employee is dead and his suspected killer is in custody. deputies responded to a report of a robbery at oliver's ace robbery at 9:00 this morning. there they found the 49-year- old man lying in the parking lot with multiple stab wounds. he was pronounced dead at the hospital. the suspect fled but he was found at his home. officers say there was no robbery and the motive is under investigation. other employees were not hurt. surfers in santa cruz are being warned about a bacterial threat in the water. doctors told the santa cruz sentinel that one young surfer is recovering of e.coli. there's no way to know for sure if the infection came from the ocean. but health officials are advising swimmers and surfers to be cautious. they are recommending medical attention at any sign of a problem. and state lottery officials say someone in the south bay bought a power ballot reu ticket now worth more than $1 million. the ticket was sold at the arco station on landis avenue in milpitas. the south bay ticket matched the numbers 24, 36, 21, 45 and 42. missing only the power ball number of 15. no one hit all six numbers so wednesday's drawing is now estimated at $400 million. the president celebrating a big day. but first a jubilant survivor is cheered. and we have just learned a short time ago that governor jerry brown has steped in and stopped a strike tomorrow. we will have a live update coming up for you in just moments. in weather, a bit [ female announcer ] when you asked us to remove high fructose corn syrup from yoplait original and light, we were like, "sure. no problem!" and you were like, "thanks, but what about thick & creamy and whips!" and we were like, "done and done! now it's out of everything yoplait makes." and you were all, "yum!" and we're like, "is it just us, or has this been a really good conversation?" and you were like, "i would talk, but my mouth is full of yogurt." yoplait. it is so good! living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch 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[ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] add a wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. gina de jesus one of the three young women who survived decades of kidnapping participated in the puerto rican parade. de jesus was kidnapped at 14 years old and was held until she was rescued at 23. her kidnapping ariel castro was sentenced to life in prison. president harani named a cabinet or moderates. he is looking at food shortages and sanctions. the nomination brings hope for a -- and in amsterdam, tens of thousands of people celebrate gay pride at the annual parade. while there was a great deal of celebrating and outrageousness there was also a serious side to the event. several floats carried messages denouncing russia's stand on same-sex marriage. white house officials haven't released details about president obama's birthday celebrations but he did play a round of golf. he will head out to california for an appearance with jay leno. some of the world's fastest dautson's kicked off the annual weiner races. this is the start of the weinersnitzel celebration. 16 dogs will advance to the final rounds which will take place on september 1st in del mar. returning to our breaking news. we have just learned the breaking news right now, there will not be a b.a.r.t. strike tomorrow. however it's not because b.a.r.t. and its unions were able to reach a deal it's because of what governor jerry brown did just moments ago. >> governor jerry brown released a statement, b.a.r.t.'s request that he is calling a board of inquiry that will take place in seven days which means the strike will be diverted for seven days. governor brown said he did this because it would endanger the public's health and welfare. >> we did see the gridlock the last go round. we want to get an update from deborah villalon. deborah you've been covering the negotiations. you can hear there when the union came out. your take away from all of this. >> reporter: it's not surprising because of what we have watched in the last couple of days. glimmers of hope but over all not really a change in the willingness to compromise. if you talk to the union folks, they will tell you that the last offer they got was not less than four years ago but less than a couple of days ago. in their view this has been moving backward in the last day or two. they welcome an opportunity for an outside look at this bitter negotiation that has been so entrappable now for a couple of months. now to get some perspective we're joined by pete castelli. representing more than 1,000 b.a.r.t. workers, this board of inquiry a good thing? >> well, i think the governor intervened because he saw that the lack of leadership from b.a.r.t. through their management. the lack of the leadership and district that he had to intervene because we hat here, we want to get a contract that's our goal. not go to a panel or have a seven day period where we can't bargain or who knows what's going to happen. we think that b.a.r.t.'s failure to negotiate in good faith and actually today they were only in the room for 15 minutes. the last day of bargaining and they're in the room for 15 minutes and they bring a proposal that's worse than several days ago. maybe this was the intent by the governor to say b.a.r.t. is incapable of bargaining and we must intervene at some level. because we want a contract. we don't want to keep extending this, we don't want a cool off period. we want a contract and to go back to work. >> reporter: so the trains will run. what can we assure people on how long these will run. >> we as a union and the other unions have to look at what are the parameters of that. what does it mean in terms of bargaining will b.a.r.t. be at the table in front of us or will it all be done through -- there will be a panel. we know there will be a contract. the absolute failure. b.a.r.t. has brought in this high paid negotiator, brought him from out of town and here we are. we would like to put the blame on b.a.r.t.'s feet. i believe that's why the governor got involved. >> if the board of inquiry would not have happened do you think you would have been back on strike tomorrow. >> potentially. >> how far were you headed in that direction. >> we were headed in that direction. we feel, the workers feel helpless. we're not a huge you know -- -- we're not a huge comglomarates like b.a.r.t. we believe that hock and kernigan have a plan to break the union. not bargain in good faith and so fast that's what played out. >> we're going to try to get response and reaction tonight from b.a.r.t. representatives. and we'll come back to you with that if we can find them here in the building. reporting live in oakland, deborah villalon, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, deborah for the very lathest lathe -- latest on what's going on there. and ktvu will bring you the very latest on what's going on. join us at 4:00 a.m. for all the latest information and up to the minute traffic update well a bit of a drop off in bay area temperatures for today. that trend will continue over the next few days because we have lots of this. low cloud and fog increasing over the last few hours. not only coast side but surging locally back into the bay. so a big blanket over san francisco. south san francisco, oakland and hayward at last check. this is at the 6:00 hour. partly cloudy skies well inland and this will be a constant because of the marine layer. mainly in the low to mid-50s. areas of fog coast side right around the bay. even a few patches well inland. i think we will have some drizzle again near the shoreline. some wet roadways driving highway 1 tomorrow morning. tomorrow not too much changed. the morning overcast gradually slowly clearing the coastline. looks like the coolest days of the week will be thursday and friday and we gradually bump up those numbers for the upcoming weekend. here is our forecast model showing you some of the overcast. lots of cloud cover for the beaches, out toward san francisco and oakland even a few patches well inland. we'll put this into motion into the afternoon hours. the clouds pull back to near the shoreline. but once again we're going to see fog at the shoreline. upper 60s and head inland you will find 80s out toward livermore and brentwood. san francisco only in the lower 60s with patchy fog into the afternoon hours. look ahead your five day forecast you will notice temperatures trending down a little bit for tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday. if you want the warmer readings you will have to wait for the weekend especially by sunday. we could be talking about more mid- to upper 80s. once again you want to bundle up tomorrow morning. the clouds are back and drizzle as well. >> all right. thank you. twitter heats up a rivalry between the a's and the [ male announcer ] hear that? 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[ female announcer ] zero to pizza. pronto. good evening everyone thanks for joining us sunday night edition of sports wrap. the oakland a's have held on to first place in the american league west for more than a month now. but their offense has gone on hiatus recently. the rangers they are riding high right now. in fact, the second place texas rangers took two out of three this week. griffith should have had a one, two, three first-inning. looks like cespedes has a beat on him. what the? cespedes just plain drops it. a's made two errors today in this first one. lets beltre comes to the play. singles to left and kinsler scores the first one of the game. it just should not have happened. little did we know it would have been enough runs for the rangers any way. and cruz with a deep pop. and the league may suspend cruz tomorrow. mitch moorland with a two run dinger. rangers defense was sharp today. a's get shut out for the ninth time this season. they're idle tomorrow. they play in cincinnati on tuesday. >> it's a concern. it's just like two pitches every game. i feel like i pitched very well all game. and pretty frustrated like we said. but you know, that's how it goes. we have a good line up. i felt like i pretty much dominated them for 6-2/3. but moorland just hit a homeland. oakland bunted four times against texas pitcher garza. the a's scouting report said that garcia had a problem bunts. but garza called out zogart's wife and wrote, certain people can't shut up their women. well, other derogatory comments followed. zogart shrugged it off and said he considered garza's tweets a joke. so who's the bigger man here? and troy wins his eighth straight. white sox win their tenth in a row. recent triple a call up mascoso started against tampa bay against barry zito. and the giants have been stumbling on the road all season. koe did that in front of a tropicana field in tampa. buster posey gets the better pitcher, rays pitcher hernandez. marco scutero scores. but mascoso walks the lead off hitter. myer just whips this ball in submission. red hot rays lead 2-1. and both scored today. and runners in the corner in the fourth. tagging hernandez in the gap. it sends belt and kisnick home. giants regain the lead. giants hitters were done for the day. rays tie the game and retake the lead from the bullpen. he take this is off speed pitch to deliver if two-run single. ray's bullpen held the giants to one hit in the four plus innings. an torrez swinging, that's it. that's all. giants lose again. they host milwaukee tomorrow. giants are 21-34 on if road while the dodgers win their 14th consecutive road game today. it came with a price. shortstop ramirez nice hustle play. ramirez left the game in pain. this happens a day after the dodgers rookie puig was injured diving for a baseball. l.a. leads the nl west now by 5-1/2 games. the pirates have the best report in the major leagues. burnett strikes out nine colorado rockies, picks up his fourth complete game in the season. the pirates win 4-1. they've had 14 consecutive losing seasons but the pirates are now 14 games above .500. and take that. >> at least for one more there. tiger woods said he really didn't have his a game today in the final round of the wgc firestone invitational. but he started with a five run lead and drew some inspiration from a 4-year-old boy named charlie. tiger looked to be in calm conditions. parred the first nine holes to maintain the lead then he finally finds the birdie on 10. his approach on that par four goal landed 17th from the hole. extended his lead to eight strokes. the only bogey game when he three putted the 14th. tigers's only three put of the week. over stinson. it was his sixth win of the year. 79th of his career. and that's his son charlie who may just tag along. >> this was the first win he's ever been at. that's what makes it special for both of us. he's never seen me win a golf tournament. they always say dad when are you going to win the tournament. it was a few years there, a couple of years, and i hadn 't won anything in a while. it's awfully special to share that moment. >> the rico british open was much more competitive. asian golfers won the last 10 majors but that streak was snapped today. it was still windy. players had to finish the final round today. park was trying to be the first golfer ever to win the season. but she never contended. tied at 42nd. choy tied the three but she three puts the 14th. bogeys three of the last six holes. last year's l pga player of the year stacy lewis figured out the wind conditions and became the only golfer to shoot an even par round. this is her approach on the 17th road hole. using the five iron to make what she called the shot of her life. then as troy continues to fade, lewis makes one more spectacular putt. she's the first nonasian to win a major since she won the kraft- nabisco. and you're on timeout leo! ♪ ♪ some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof. some things will. save up to 20% on an ikea kitchen. you're o♪ ♪meout leo! some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof. some things will. save up to 20% on an ikea kitchen. 18-year-old swimming sensation missy franklin won four medals in the olympic. she was the lead off race for the usa. usa beats australia and it gives missy her sixth gold medal in these championships. both bay area football teams are already banged up in practice here. but the 49ers host denver thursday and oakland opens its exhibition season friday against dallas. those cowboys already have one game under their buckles. 138 members of the hall of fame stood for a photograph. morris off the hands of bumkis. and holomans is there for the pick. and one other nfl hall of fame and true character of the game, mark donovan died today. donovan spent most of his 12 years in the nfl with baltimore and helped lead the colts to world championships in 1958 and 59. the defense inlineman become the first colt to join the nfl. art donovan was truly one for the ages. and it seems that johnny manziel cannot stay out of the news. manziel is being investigated for getting paid a five figure fee for signing memorabilia. the ncaa had no comment but when asked about if there would be fines they kind of hinted that something was going on. it was a sad day for the hendricks team. jeff gordon will remember his 42nd birthday as the day he let a victory slip away. jimmy had to pit several times to keep his car in the race. he finished 13th but he's still the lead in the over all cup points. casey kahne beats him on the restart. kahne wins his second race. sorry if casey blew out your candles. and the indy car sere -- series is coming to sonoma. and a good day for campbell. kim's racing career has been slowed by his diabetes but today campbell wins his first ever indy race. both the a's and giants not having good days. >> all right, hopefully they can change their ways. >> still a long time. >> all right, thank you. more now on the breaking news you saw right here on ktvu. a looming b.a.r.t. strike that has now been averted. we just got this exclusive video of lieutenant governor gavin newsom. he said he talked to both sides but would not comment on the talks. >> as you saw right here live, governor brown has stepped in and the trains will be running tomorrow. the governor called for a seven day inquiry so no strike tomorrow or in the comes days as this ♪ i like coffee, tea's your bag ♪ ♪ though it makes no sense, it's true ♪ ♪ there's no me without you ♪ brad garrett: 'til death is filmed in front o a live studio audience. okey-dokey. let's do this. wow! what's with the shirt, magnum? well, it's my vacation shirt. you like it? hmm...i don't and i don't. well, you better get used to it, because i bought a 5-pack of these babies at the carwash and this is the subtle one. all right, that's everything. i hope the kids are ready.

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