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has people so concerned. >> reporter: city workers discovered it this morning, someone cut a hole in that link chain and snuck in. it was a security breech that brought investigators to the radio towers today. vandals cut a hole in this fence to get inside the perimeter. they did not make it into the building but were able to cut some exposed cables. possibly air-conditioning. >> i just thought that some of the smaller wires were cut but no essential city services were impacted. >> reporter: san francisco police and fire as well as emergency services rely on radio transmissions from twin peaks. none were interrupted. but the fbi was notified because this communication facility is so essential. >> police, fire, medical, public works, utilities things like that. so, exactly what wires were cut and what they went to, i don't know. >> reporter: and no materials such as wiring or metal are missing. police say it appears to be malicious mischief, the motive unclear. but it does illustrate this radio hub in such a public place has a lot of vulnerability. >> nothing was stolen. at this point it's being treated as a vandalism. >> reporter: there are surveillance cameras capturing the comings and goings at these transmission towers. those images are become looked at to see exactly who did this and what they were up to. debora villalon. inexperience is to blame for a jet ski accident that injured two people at the delta. it happened just after 4:00 p.m. in rio vista. a 17-year-old girl was operating the jet ski with a passenger in the back. she was going way too fast, failed to negotiate a turn and drove up an enbankment. >> you have to be 18 years old to operate a jet ski. >> the girl suffered some injuries and her 30-year-old passenger male broke his leg. a dead body was found in a hotel room. officials say the body is that of a man in his 40s. despite the investigation the hotel remained open to new guests including the famous man to earth wind and fire that arrived in two tour buses. one tour member called the scene unnerving. other guests say they couldn't get any answers. >> i haven't heard of nothing. i've asked a couple of staff members and tape said we can't disclose that to you -- and they said we can't disclose that to you. they refused to give up that was the message at a parent based program that wrapped today in oakland. the group is hoping for a new source of support, janine. >> reporter: lake view elementary is scheduled to close for the next school year. you can see there's a chain link fence to stop people from coming on to campus. but that did not stop parents from coming in tonight. >> and they're shutting down our schools. >> reporter: parents, teachers and community members took over splash park. they want the school district to take notice they are not going away. >> the board is losing power every day and we're gaining power. >> reporter: how? >> through the security support. the people are sick of what's going on in this district and they're ready to stand up. >> reporter: district officials say they are closing five elementary schools because of declining enrollment and budget issues. this includes lake view elementary. linda graham worries about the quality of education to her son and having to transport him to a school farther away. >> i'm a single mother, low income. they don't want to give them a free bus pass. it's hard to get them to the school. >> reporter: two police officers watched the rally from behind behind a tpefrpblg. earlier this month, officers cleared out parents who had been camping out there for several days. they want to picket with union members in front of lake view and prevent it from becoming office space for the district. >> they're not just going to allow this to keep happening. >> reporter: i spoke to a district spokesperson tonight who says they are proceeding with their plans to close the schools. he says all the students affected are being transferred to higher performing schools. reporting live in oakland, janine de la vega, ktvu news. a bay area nonprofit is dedicated to helping the youngest victims of afghanistan. tonight raised $100,000 for their cause. homemade international runs a school in kabul. members of the group say many of the 17 boys under their care roamed the streets searching for food in garbage piles. >> it takes $200 a month to take care of these kids that includes food, the cost of clothing, school. >> reporter: the school is now hoping to open a bigger facility that can house as many as 100 children. pháebs are hopeing to raise $100,000 to help that happen -- members are hoping to raise $100,000 to help that happen. the mayor say it is perjury charges are a smoke screen and distraction. mirkarimi wants to subpoena witnesses in the model. meantime mirkarimi supporters have donated more than $1,800 to a online fundraiser to buy his wife a ticket so she can testify in his trial. she is expected toe testify for her husband then immediately return to venezuela. mirkarimi first asked that city money be used for the ticket, the mayor denied that request. the shooting happened friday night on sixth street. the victim is identified as 25- year-old gary smith of oakland who died at the scene. the arrest came yesterday in union city. the suspects 24-year-old anthony pratt of union city and 24-year-old trumillion ballard are in custody facing murder charges. there's no word yet on a motive for the shooting. oakland police have yet to make any arrests in a pair of shootings that injured two men. the first happened at 12:30 this morning on foothill avenue. the second happened about an hour later on 98th avenue. one man was shot there and taken to the hospital. police say he was uncooperative and his condition has not been released. there's word of a protest planned for tomorrow involving san francisco's muni. demonstrators plan to mark the anniversary of the death of kenneth harding who died in a shooting with police after refusing to pay his fare. the medical examiner found if bullet that killed harding came from his own gun. that's something harding's family and some witnesses dispute. tomorrow's demonstration could block rail or bus lines used by an estimated 70,000 riders a day. an east bay man was sentenced to prison after pleading guilty to scamming aid meant for the sur -- survivors of the san bruno explosion. davis claimed to be a victim. he pled guilty to perjury and identify theft. bennett is the second and final such case of fraud involving the san bruno explosion. pg & e has announced it will conduct pipeline tests in redwood city. the hydrotesting will evaluate pipeline section between willington way and sam hill road. gas will be vented out of a pipe section. residents in the area may smell gas during that testing. the state budget crisis has threatened to shut down several parks and today there's a report of unauthorized spending. they found more than $270,000 spent on unapproved vacation buy outs. 50 employees took part of that buy out. some requests were submitted on postit notes apparently as a way to avoid a paper trail. and just days after making news of signing with the new york jets, kidd slammed into a pole. he was the only one in the vehicle and was treated for minor injuries. we're in benicia where crews are helping arrest a man wanted for shooting one of their own. we'll show you exclusive video of that arrest. we're learning more tonight about a deadly crash in santa rosa that ended with an arrest. what police say happened what police say happened mome [ male announcer ] it would be easy for u.s. olympian meb keflezighi to deposit checks at the nearest citibank branch. ♪ like this one. ♪ or this one. ♪ or, maybe this one. ♪ but when it's this easy to use citibank mobile check deposit at home...why would he? 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[ male announcer ] citibank mobile check deposit. easier banking. every step of the way. back in '08, we didn't have these u-verse wireless receivers that let you move the tv around wherever. no siree, bob. who's bob? and if you didn't have a tv outlet, well then you couldn't watch diddly-squat. you talk a lot. you have no idea how good you have it. that's not working. [ grunts ] [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver only from at&t. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible. the robbers fire in placer county points to 2,600 acres with 20% containment. the fire started last wednesday. it has destroyed one home and it is currently threatening a few dozens others in the brush creek community. some families are now under evacuation orders. almost 2,000 firefighters are battling the flames. a man accused of opening fire on police after a car chase is now behind bars. ktvu's lorane blanco was there as the man was arrested and has the exclusive video. >> reporter: police say the suspect shot at a venecia officer. ktvu was the only camera there as police arrested folster. >> it's awesome news. we're excited about that. it went down without incident, nobody was harmed. a female officer pulled over the suspect in a stolen car. when she tried to get him out of the honda, he drove to a near by apartment complex and shot at her car. this morning police say he tried to run away. >> when they tried to move in to arrest him he took off running on foot, jumped some fences and ended up on gentleman's bar. >> reporter: investigators worked through the night and followed a tip to this neighborhood. lieutenant scott shekura says good work led to what you see here. >> very quiet town. generally we don't see this type of crime especially toward one of our police officers. >> reporter: benecia police tell us he's facing numerous charges. you can go to to see the raw video of that suspect's arrest. just look under latest videos on our home page. we have new information tonight about a deadly crash in sonoma county. we have learned that a 28-year- old santa rosa woman could be charged with vehicle manslaughter. the highway patrol says initial reports indicate healther anne howell was chasing the motorcyclists yesterday afternoon after the two had a domestic dispute. howell hit a triumph car. his name has not yet been released. turning to election 2012 news, the obama campaign refuses to apologize for suggestioning that mitt romney may have broken the law when he kept listing himself as the ceo of bane capital. meanwhile mr. obama today admitted washington is still broken and reveals what he considers the most frustrating thing about his first term. >> it's not the hard work, it's not the enormity of the decisions, it's not the pace, it is that i haven't been able to change the atmosphere here in washington. to reflect the decency and common sense of ordinary people. >> reporter: bane capital listed romney as the ceo as late as 2001 which would mean romney was at the helm while the company reportedly outsourced american jobs. the romney campaign says he left the company in 1999 to work on the winter olympics. mitt romney's vacationing in new hampshire this weekend, this morning the former governor attended church services with his wife, two sons and grandchildren. tomorrow he is scheduled to appear at a fundraiser in louisiana alongside bobby jindal. the wall street journal reports governor jindal is on the list of potential vice presidential candidates. the man who got in trouble for allegedly tweeting nude pictures of him wants to return to congress. he has been spending money on offices and phones. the mayor democrat had been exploring a mayoral run when that sexting scandal broke and he was forced to resign. this week city councilman ignacio de la fuente would ask the city to place a measure on the ballot. proposition 29 lost by about 30,000 votes out of 5 million votes cast. a san francisco surgeon asked for a recount. the registrar said an electronic recount will start tomorrow ahead of a manual recall set for wednesday. the international red cross makes a key declaration in syria. also ahead video of a tornado touching down. and it's what happened next that shocked many. >> 15,000 people set out on foot for this year's san francisco aids walk. coming up we'll tell you what organizers say are the challenges and progress made in east palo alto police are asking for the public's help to try to find a gunman who opened fire at a teenager. the shooting happened today and it hit the 19-year-old in the leg. it happened this morning on the 300 lock of azalia drive. the victim is hospitalized and is expected to recover. police have no suspects at this time, they will take tips to their text message line. reiser was found guilty of killing nina reiser and hiding her body in the hills. reiser's children are asking for $25 million in damages. the international red cross today formally declared the 16 -month-old conflict in syria a civil war. the declaration comes as the assad regime denies using heavy weapons, tanks and weapons this past weekend. united nations agents said they saw such evidence of heavy weaponry. 100 to 250 people died. today the assad campaign took aim at president obama. >> we would like to say to the president, waiting until election day is a mistake. >> the civil war distinction sets up the basis for war crimes prosecutions especially if civilians are abused or killed. these amazing images of a tornado were caught. it was just one in a series of tornadoes part of a freak summer storm system that hit today in northern and western poland. one man was killed when he was crushed by his house. at least 10 others were injured in all about 100 homes were destroyed. in egypt u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton met with egyptian federal chief tantawi and asked him to work with the country's newest elected leaders. but just hours after the meeting, tantawi warned he would not let the new leaders run the country. and in china, floods have claimed the lives of 11 people. the rains began last wednesday. so far 980,000 people have had to leave their homes seeking higher ground. the rain is expected to continue through tomorrow. thousands gather this morning for the annual san francisco aids walk. this year's event raised $250 million for the san francisco aids foundation. as allie rasmus reports, dozens of other bay area foundations benefit as well. >> reporter: a sea of people shuffle through golden gate park for the san francisco's aids walk. the atmosphere was cheerful, festive but for many people walking the walk is somber. >> this is my uncle john, they lost their battle with aids. >> reporter: richard and his kids a came to walk. her family raised $200,000 for the cause. >> i'm doing for them. as i'm walking i talk to them, i can do this, i can do this because it's a long walk. >> reporter: this year 250,000 people signed up. in the event's history they've raised $250 million to pay for free services. >> helping people with regards to their medication. >> reporter: the ceo of san francisco's aids foundation says funding those programs is an uphill climb. last year the nonprofit saw their funding cut. >> hiv prevention is something that needs to happen. >> reporter: contr era s was diagnosed hiv positive three years ago he say events like this raise awareness. >> i definitely do feel the attitude has sheufed. in my opinion i think it's shifted for the better. >> reporter: which says he's walking this event for the first time. microsoft announced today it's ending its relationship in msnbc. microsoft is selling its shares of msnbc to nbc. the break it happened today. msnbc says it's redirecting users to the road has been rocky for the two. rumors are circulating that apple is almost ready to release a new iphone. the website know your mobile suggests the gadget will be available on august 7. the site says the new phones will look a little different. the website's face lab has posted this photo which says shows what the new phone will look like. well [ male announcer ] olympic tennis players bob and mike bryan are always on the move. so they can't get to the bank to deposit a check. instead, they use citibank mobile check deposit. it's easy. they just snap a pic... ♪ hit send... and their checks are deposited right to their account. well almost all of their checks. stand back. seriously? [ male announcer ] citibank mobile check deposit. easier banking. every step of the way. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] what's the point of an epa estimated 42 miles per gallon if the miles aren't interesting? the lexus ct hybrid. this is the pursuit of perfection. the tough job market is leading to a revival of an old fashion all american tradition. inventing your own business. what the strength of silican valley the bay area has become a global headquarters for just that. in tonight's official report, alex sadvidge introduces us to those hoping to start a new career. >> reporter: michael keeton has two careers, a pleasant professional way about him and a cool new scooter to jet around. but he doesn't have a job. >> i think the industries are clanging very quickly and not everybody is learning in school what they need to know. >> reporter: instead he is inventing his own. keeten like a lot of young people in the bay area are starting their own business. >> i started a new business called scoot networks. >> reporter: times are tough for almost anyone trying to get work, especially someone just out of school with no proven record. >> we're taking these great little electric scooters and making them easy for people to use in the city. >> reporter: the worldwide epicenter for the new entrepreneur is right here in the bay area and ground zero in the area is arguably here in the lower peninsula. sanford university. >> there's so much buzz on creation. it's a beautiful thing. >> reporter: sheryl o will be loughlin is the professor at the university. >> it's because people have gone out, they've practiced they've tried they've learned. >> reporter: although everyone is focused very much on success. oloughlin stresses that success starts with failure. >> it's not just a one shot deal. >> reporter: michael keaton says he is a testimony to that philosophy having failed in two previous attempts. >> if you're trying to do something for the first time, you have to accept failing a couple of times. you shouldn't be an entrepreneur if you are not okay with failing. >> reporter: there's also a hub where young dreamers gather to have access to computer software. for some best of all is the kind of enthusiasm you get from brainstorming with other hard working dreamers even if our interconnected internet age. >> there's nothing like just working with people face to face. being able to interact with people and get energy. >> reporter: santiago holti grew up in argentina but was born in the united states. >> yes there's a way to make money and be good at the same time. the mother of the black panther party is celebrating her 106th birthday today. >> seeing her through thick and thin with us. always there. always there. 16years old. >> reporter: reverend cecil williams wished this woman ruth jones villa a happy birthday at glide memorial church in san francisco this morning. she's been an active member at guide for more than 140 years and is well known among the congregation and she's well loved among her extended family. >> grandmother, how does it feel to be still in the mix at 106? >> just wonderful. i forget i'm 106. >> 106 amazing. jones villa helped create many black panther programs. she also helped accomplish the league of black voting women. a new skate park just got a new inversion of cash that will keep it running. >> reporter: there were high flying stunts today all around the regional skate park a park that just a year ago was slated to close due to budget cuts. chris corpuz says this is the best skate park in the area. >> this is huge and has a lot more stuff. >> reporter: herr era says grass roots efforts made a lot of difference. and after a year of hard work, the park is safe. >> we reached to private nonprofits and also profit companies. >> we're very excited to get this check from county regional skate park. >> reporter: herr era was on hand to accept a big check from coca cola. today brought out tony hawk who wowed the crowd and later talked about the importance of funding parks just like this one. >> skating gives so much for kids. especially those who don't find their way in mainstream sports. >> reporter: $100,000 is up for grabs, the key is your vote. coca cola is giving the money away to the park which gets the most votes. folks should have the reports in two weeks. christien kafton, ktvu news. we have a little proof that salsa can spice up your life. and we're not talking about the salsa that goes with chips. there they go. this was the scene at the s alsa festival. splash pad park in oakland was transformed into a big giant dance floor. people of all ages were welcomed to join in the fun. not only was the event free but anyone who wanted could get a salsa lesson free of charge. if you need an excuse to indulge in a big bowl of chocolate ice cream, there's only a few minutes left. it's national ice cream day. the popular piedmont avenue shop was packed this afternoon when we stopped by. customers were treated to a special sunday for just 119. that's a penny for each of the 118 years that fenton's has been in business. >> why are you eating ice cream today? >> because it's national ice cream day. >> reporter: did you eat ice cream even if it wasn't national ice cream day? >> yes. >> a dj was also in hand along with the parlor mascot mertyl. president reagan a big ice cream fan founded national ice cream day. hear you don't exactly have that green thumb. but your siding? that's pro. finish like a pro with cabot wood stains. cabot...that's pro. well we have been tracking a bit of a tropical roller coaster for the last week and the ride is not over yesterday. there's a closer inspection of our storm tracker. santa rosa airport reporting mostly cloudy skies. the sonoma airport there you can't pick out some of the overcast. temperatures this afternoon, today was the warmer day of the weekend. you can see a few spots around 90 degrees. san francisco in the cool side and pacifica some stubborn fog for most of the coastline right around 60 degrees this afternoon. this was the case today we have shallow marine layer changes overnight. as a result you notice a change as we head into your monday. temperatures cooling off a good eight to 12 degrees on average from today's highs. first thing monday morning those readings will be in the low to mid-50s and once again we could have some drizzle right around the coast and also right around the bay. possibly some wet roadways out there. courtesy of that drizzle. there's a very cool weather system, will cool for this time of year developing to the north and this will be dropping into the state as we head into monday and tuesday and a sharp drop off in temperatures by tuesday. that will be the coolest day. warmest locations inland only in the low to mid-70s. i've also pointed in our forecast model, the rainfall. some rain showers north of the bay area from mendecino county to the north up toward eureka. here's our forecast model showing fog first thing tomorrow morning. everyone a few drizzles early in the day. we are going to hold on to that partly cloudy forecast. and the coastline only in the mid- to upper 70s. no 90s in the forecast, no 80s in the forecast. 15 to 25 miles per hour, san francisco the clouds in the morning becoming partly cloudy into the afternoon. a forecast high of 60. here is a look ahead your five day forecast and temperatures continue to drop into tuesday. we warm things back up beginning wednesday and thursday and friday with your weekend always in view. the minor warming trend continues but healther and ken this is the kind of forecast i like because it is something you will notice out there. a little cool out there, a major cool down for monday and tuesday and it's hopefully just in this forecast. >> bring out the jacket. it was an ugly silent moment for bruce springsteen and guest paul mccartney as they wrapped up a concert in london. take a look. well you can hear plenty of applause, but concert managers they actually turned off the mics because the concert violated a noise ordnance. >> kind of weird -- i haven't seen that silence, strange. the oakland a's keep hitting a home run and they're inching closer [ male announcer ] ever wonder what's behind two little fle the next generation and then countless more. how do you kill them? frontline plus. it uses two ingredients. one kill adult fleas and ticks. plus another to eliminate flea eggs and larvae, annihilating the next generion of fleas. and, frontline plus works non-stop for thirty days. no wonder it's the number one choice of vets for their pets and yours. ask your vet about frontline plus. accept nothing less. your mouth has sipped, snacked, ...yellowed... giggled, snuggled, ...yellowed... chatted, chewed, ...yellowed. and over all those years, your teeth...have yellowed. fact is, if you're not whitening, you're yellowing. crest 3d white whitestrips remove over ten years of stains by going below the enamel surface. and, they whiten 25 times better than a leading whitening toothpaste. crest whitestrips. life opens up when you do. good evening everyone and welcome to this late sunday night edition of sports wrap. it's been all good for the giants since the all star break on friday they were a half place out of first place and tonight they're in front by 1- 1/2. they got a sweep today. buster posey lines one the opposite way. he drives in blanco who had led off the inning with a single. giants up 1-0. then it's a 2-0 san francisco lead but the astros got one in the third. then tied the game in the fourth. chris johnson with a shot that ties. and it is 2-2. but the giants made cain a winner in the fifth. posey gets his second hit and second rbi of the day. pablo sandoval digs around from second and slides in. posey had three hits before it was over. cain with runners at first and third and one out in the seventh. posey leans against the rail and makes the catch finishing off the inning and the giants were nearly home free. three other relievers helped nail cain's tenth win. the giants are off tomorrow before heading to atlanta on tuesday. and jendal hits a home run. two runs will come home on the error. l.a. falls a game and half back. the oakland a's of the 1980s were the ones known as the bash brothers. the 2012 a's have been doing quite an impersonation. the a's put their power on display in the second. with jamal weeks, that's homer number 10 of the year for gomes. cespedes came to the plate. he got another one in the second after his 11th home run of the year was 5-1 oakland. next up was chris carter. carter gets his fifth of the year. three home runs in the inning for the a's he led 6-1. the game settled down until seth smith came to the plate against gray. smith joins the home run parade with his tenth of the year. the a's get four homers and all added up to a sweep. right now they're in the middle of the al race for the second wild card spot. pretty good story when ben sheets pitched for the first time in two years. sheets gets his day started with a strike out of the mets tejada. and the braves got all the runs they would need in the fifth. freddy freeman had this three run homer as the braves got six in the inning. sheets gets his first win since he was a member of the oakland a's. this was the most challenging day of the tennis career of cocoa vanaway. her opponent was the defending champion serena williams. at a time like that you turn to your mom for some advice. >> when it counts and it's on the line just take a little more time and decide what you're going to do. you're a phenomenal athlete and you're extremely gifted. >> and people like you. mom's advice worked for a while. mandaway jumped ahead of serena. when she won this point was just two points away from winning. but then serena then rallied. vandaway was serving and could not. serena battles back to win the set. she then dominated the second set. it's match point here. no answer for a strong shot for serena who wraps up the second set 6-3 and the match. the win is the 43rd in an event for williams who ties her sister venus on a lead for active players. coming up, the very unusual way the to [ male announcer ] olympic tennis players bob and mike bryan are always on the move. so they can't get to the bank to deposit a check. instead, they use citibank mobile check deposit. it's easy. they just snap a pic... ♪ hit send... and their checks are deposited right to their account. well almost all of their checks. stand back. seriously? [ male announcer ] citibank mobile check deposit. easier banking. every step of the way. back in '08, we didn't have these u-verse wireless receivers that let you move the tv around wherever. no siree, bob. who's bob? and if you didn't have a tv outlet, well then you couldn't watch diddly-squat. you talk a lot. you have no idea how good you have it. that's not working. [ grunts ] [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver only from at&t. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible. in illinois today the gallery was pulling for a local guy to win the john deere classic. they got a local guy just wasn't the original they were pushing for. stricker was trying to get the win. he made up one stroke with a birdie. look how close he gets on the par-3 home. but another area local zack johnson made his move. johnson started the day three back. he would have won the tournament outright. johnson finished with a 65. troy madison was still to be heard from. madison needs to make up ground and does that with an eagle put. he and johnson headed to a play off. both players double bogeys 18 and playing that hole again. take a look at what johnson does from a fair way bunker. he summed 141 yards out and watched the ball roll as it hits the green. comes to rest just a short birdie put away. johnson nails it for the ninth victory of his career as he becomes the fourth player to win two town -pls this year. - - to win two tournaments this year. and in the u.s. open, chapman shot a 66 which allowed him to come from four shots down and win by two. chapman joins nicholas and -- in an act of vandalism tacks were scattered on the ground where riders were rushing down the hill. leader bradley wiggins trades his whole bike for a new one. the field slowed to let those who had flats catch up. the day was won by luis. nascar in new hampshire this weekend and denny hamlin had the best car in today's race. but during a late pit stop hamlin and his crew elected to take four new tires tires while the rest of the competitors took two. it was casey kahne holding off for the second of his year. matt kenseth remains the sprint cup point leader. the subject of head injuries in football is one that's received a great deal of attention of late. it extends all the way down to youth football where as fred inglis reports kids are being thought now how to play the game more safely. >> alameda players are just warping -- warming up for the next football season. >> this is my favorite sport, football. >> reporter: you're note afraid of getting hurt? >> no. >> reporter: football is second only to hockey for the most concussions to kids that play the game. >> when i was playing it was everything goes. you know but nowadays we're really watching how we use our head. >> reporter: pop warners an 83- year-old national program with more than 400,000 children between the ages of five and 15 playing football. last month pop warner introduced new rules that limits contact drills and bans any full speed head on blocking and tackling drills. >> get that head up kristin. >> i'm okay with tweaking it a little bit but if you tweak it too much it's not really football or trying to change the sport and that's not cool. >> we just need to redeuce re -- reduce some of the thinking of the kids and even nfl players becoming missells, airborne missells and the contact that ensuing. >> alameda wolverine's general manager and coach junior tolatousi spent four years as a runner in the nfl. >> do you think kids see what goes on in the nfl and try to emulate that. >> we do, but we have a five way of hitting. it's head up, eyes open, feet apart, short choppy steps and lock your wrist and that's when you bring them down. >> so as a running back and quarterback, people love to hit you, man. >> if they can catch me. if they want to try to hit me they can try to hit me but i'm just going to get back up. >> when they try to hit me, i hit them harder and they don't try to hit me. >> the key is these helmets that costs $150. and the program upgrades and updates the inside padding. >> people are reluctant because they think they're going to have their kids injured. we're showing them that we're going to prevent that. >> pop warner is making sure that proper conduct is thought in practice and then practiced in games. fred inglis. that will do it for this late sunday night's sports wrap. have a good week everybody. >> boy that last hit was something. >> that was the perfect example of how not to tackle. low you are your head. >> thank you for trusting ktvu news. we'll see you the next time [ male announcer ] ever wonder what's behind two little fle the next generation and then countless more. how do you kill them? frontline plus. it uses two ingredients. one kill adult fleas and ticks. plus another to eliminate flea eggs and larvae, annihilating the next generion of fleas. and, frontline plus works non-stop for thirty days. no wonder it's the number one choice of vets for their pets and yours. ask your vet about frontline plus. accept nothing less.

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New York , United States , Louisiana , New Hampshire , Oakland , California , Argentina , Afghanistan , Redwood City , China , Sonoma , Illinois , Syria , Benicia , Washington , District Of Columbia , Kabul , Kabol , London , City Of , United Kingdom , San Francisco , Lake View , Memorial Church , Santiago , Regióetropolitana , Chile , San Bruno , Egypt , Pacifica , Sonoma County , Poland , Venezuela , American , Egyptian , Denny Hamlin , Freddy Freeman , Bobby Jindal , Troy Madison , Pablo Sandoval , Anne Howell , Gary Smith , Kenneth Harding , Bruce Springsteen , Serena Williams , Ruth Jones , Chris Corpuz , Michael Keeton , Bradley Wiggins , Heather Holmes , Matt Kenseth , Seth Smith , Chris Johnson , Chris Carter , Ken Wayne , Mike Bryan , Linda Graham , Zack Johnson , Nina Reiser , Anthony Pratt , Casey Kahne , Allie Rasmus , Mets Tejada , Fred Inglis , Cecil Williams , Michael Keaton , Hillary Clinton ,

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