Transcripts For KICU KTVU News At 7pm On TV36 20140430 : com

Transcripts For KICU KTVU News At 7pm On TV36 20140430

faced the golden state warriors, good evening, i'm gasia mikaelian. half an hour, but this pivotal game is being overshadowed by a bigger story, by clippers owner donald sterling, now banned by the nba for life. donald sterling, the maximum punishment possible for racially charged comments he made to his former girlfriend. sterling has owned the clippers longer than any owner of any major professional sports team for more than 30 years. so far, here are the penalties against sterling, he is banned from life for any association with the clippers or the league. the nba also fined him $2 and a half million, the maximum fine allowed, also urging the nba to force sterling to sell the team, a move embraced tonight by the warriors head coach, mark jackson. >> the views expressed by mr. sterling are deeply offensive and harmful. that they came from an nba owner, only heightens the damage and my personal outrage. >> i don't think this is something that, you know, we rejoice in. or anything like that. um, you know, i told the players, you know, about the decision, and, um, you know, i think they were happy there was a resolution and it's over. >> that of course, the l.a. clippers coach mixed emotions, some said even today's extreme sanctions aren't enough. >> reporter: a sign of the donald sterling backlash, we found crews today removing a large clippers banner in the plaza right across the street from the staples center, just hours before tonight's big playoffs game. the banner that featured blake griffin was in pieces, headed for the trash. >> what we just heard today wasn't about basketball. this is about los angeles. >> reporter: we were at los angeles city hall as the mayor joins former mayor in applauding the commissioner's actions against the clippers owner for his racist remarks. >> i hope that every bigot in this country sees what happened to mr. sterling, and recognizes that if he can fall, so can you. >> reporter: johnson said while he backs the tough response from the commissioner, players demand a change in ownership. and so do some fans, we found. >> i'm partially satisfied. he still received something from the clippers, just because his face is not here, he still receives a piece of it. and you know, that's not right. >> lifetime banning ain't enough! that man got to go! he still signing pay checks. >> gave him the maximum fine, 2.5 million, ban. i don't know what else you can do with him. i mean, is there more severe punishments that you can add on to him? i don't know. >> reporter: we are seeing a few demonstrators out here outside the staples center, some of them are carrying signs, ranging from those thanking the commissioner for the actions, others saying he didn't go enough. aside from the protests, this is the playoffs, folks. whoever wins tonight's game takes control of this series. go warriors! in los angeles, i'm heather holmes, ktvu news at 7:00. >> tonight's announcement lit up the twittersphere, standing ovation for silver, big time decision for the league and players, now got to see it there. it will take 23 of the 30 team owners or ownership groups to approve the ouster of sterling, one of thep the owner of the sacramento kings. >> i will 100% support the commissioner on this, i have no doubt that he will get the votes that he needs on this. the league is color blind. all we care about if you have game. >> reporter: he says he encourages adam silver to hand out a harsh punishment, kings owner says nba ownership is a privilege that should be taken away if abused. what's your take on sterling's punishment? a lot of our viewers are commenting on the facebook page, go to, on facebook. boy, it was a warm, sunny day, the temperatures started to climb as people headed outdoors to enjoy the weather. cooled down by playing in a water foun. ktvu meteorologist is here to tell us, rosemary. >> yes, as expected, summer filled the bay area, 90 degrees this afternoon in santa rosa, san santa raphael, upper 80s like livermore, antioch, fairfield 86, 86 in oakland, 81 in san francisco, and we're not done, we'll get hotter as we get into the wednesday, maybe a record or two shattered. we'll have a look at your wednesday temperatures, see how long the heat up is going to last. >> rosemary, thank you. a lot of people in the bay area may be welcoming the heat, but not firefighters. preparing for what could be a very dangerous fire season. two of its aircraft ready, active wild fires so far this year, cal fire has counted 1,100 fires, twice as many as last year. conditions are only going to get worse as the weather heats up and everything gets drier. presenting a unique problem, popular location where the water is staying off this week. to the south bay where san jose homicide detectives are investigating the fatal stabbing of a woman inside of a home. this happens on hose spigares avenue, police say 3:00 that afternoon therks were called to a home where they discovered a woman had been stabbed. pronounced dead at the scene. no arrests and no suspects been identified, this case marks san jose's 13th homicide this year. san jose police say they've arrested two people and are looking for two more in the shooting death of a 27-year-old father. eric mendoza's wife found him slumped over in his car early april 3rd. family members say he was coming back from his overnight shift and moving his car to avoid a ticket. he may have been shot simply for driving a red car in a gang neighborhood, was a newly wed and a 16-month-old baby. a san jose woman was charged for the fatal stabbing of her son. they found ashley newton holding a lifeless baby in her arms. investigators say they believe newton crashed her car then went in to the park and stabbed her baby to death. records we've obtained show newton told detectives quote, i'm sorry i killed my baby. the sheriff spokesman says newton's arraignment today was postponed due to medical reasons. the fuselage of an airport that went down, inland empires from a robot -- images from a robotic camera appear to be the fuselage. may attempt to pull the wreckage, they believe the pilot's remains may be inside. investigators say the pilot of this korean war era fighter reported his tail hit cessna's left wing, the pilot of that plane managed to land his plane safely. wider streets, narrow fire trucks, the best way to protect san francisco pedestrians, ktvu's live in san francisco, you talked to one calling for a review, as well as the fire chief. >> reporter: yeah, gasia, they both say this is not an either/or situation, essentially the flip side of the same coin. they both want firefighters to be able to do their jobs as well as have people able to cross the street without being hit. in matters of public safety come down to increments of time and measure. a debate brewing over san francisco firefighters should give an inch or more to pedestrians. >> we have had, um, an epidemic of pedestrians being hit. >> reporter: at today's board of supervisors meeting, scott weiner called for a review. looking at whether the city trucks are too big down city streets. >> the fire trucks are really large. and one could argue, more appropriate for a suburban setting. >> i know he was talking about suburban-sized rigs, fairly standard for an urban setting. >> reporter: they want the firefighters to increase from 20 feet to 26 feet. >> we're all about the growth of our city, but we need to do it responsibly. >> reporter: fire chief johann hayes white points to last year's fire, where trucks were sandwiched in to 52 foot and 40-foot wide streets. >> to extend this ladder safely, you need to put out these jacks and so when you do that, it needs at least 17 feet. >> reporter: the chief says streets 20 feet across won't give firefighters room to let another truck through. >> we won't do anything to reduce fire safety. but the fact is that right now, in addition to the need to protect against fire, which is critically important, we also have pedestrians getting hit and killed. >> reporter: seven so far this year. everyone's goal is to get that number down to zero. so the city does have a few of those smaller trucks stationed in bernal heights and telegraph hill, the chief told me she's not sure they make those trucks to today's emission standards they're calling for the review. noele walker,le walker, ktvu news. >> receiving phone calls from someone from calisto firefighters. they say people who receive a request to the donation to the fire department should call the police. someone requesting they change their tactics. and a transportation project on hold, 2 investigates the delay and why some residents are so frustrated. outside our doors, temperatures are running 10-15 degrees warmer than yesterday, your current conditions, your number for tomorrow and when temperatures will fall back to normal. . 11 people injured today at an explosion in the commercial building at a los angeles suburb, the city of la habrab happened, a biddup of lint -- buildup of lint or dust may be to blame. many received burns to their face and arms. animal control officers in san francisco expressing concern following the shootings of three pit bulls this year by police. shot by san francisco police last week and is tomorrow set to have a hind leg amputated. these cases may illustrate a shoot first, ask questions later mentality when it comes to the breed. >> i think there's this perception that the minute you see a pit bull, it's going to attack. and that's just not how it is. >> any dog that approaches in a menacing and aggressive behavior, you only have a certain buffer. in which to react. >> officer john denny trains other officers on how to respond. a $3 million promise by bart still on hold. bart managers told ktvu they were about to open a long delayed contracosta project designed to help commuters. but eric rasmussen says it's not ready and that still frustrates people. >> this is it. this is our new look. >> reporter: nancy scott knows it will take years before landscaping covers the tracks in walnut creek. but also the project that caused all of the upheaval will ever be ready. >> they're spending money and haven't fulfilled in the promise. >> reporter: the promise, two crossovers to head back over the tracks without having to go to the end of the line. it's key to increasing capacity on bart's busiest line. in february, 2 investigates found the cost of the project had climbed to $43 million, plagued by delays. but a bart spokesperson insisted one of the two crossovers was ready to go. >> we're going to be able to put that in use as early as march. >> reporter: and now? >> we don't want to put a date out there, we want to make sure it's going to be a safe system before we open it. >> reporter: bart cites new software problems and the department of key engineers. neighbors and riders, disappointed before are tired of hearing excuses. >> if you're not living up to what you're supposed to go, then you need to be accountable. if you're not accountable, there's something that needs to be done. >> reporter: even the landscaping a problem. cypress trees that had to be torn out soon after they were planted. cover bid a warranty, but planting alone cost $500,000, managers plan to meet with neighbors in the next couple of weeks. in walnut creek, eric rasmussen, ktvu 2 news. twitter tanking after it released its earnings report, its number of monthly users up 25% from one year ago, but that did not satisfy investor's concerns about slowing growth. the shares are down 10%, more than $4 in extended trading. the broader market increased, dow jones 86 points, nasdaq, 29, for merck and sprint, the minimum wage would raise it from $7.25 to $10.25 an hour, over the span of 30 months, democrats need support from republicans and there may not be enough. two days and nights of severe storms in the southeast and midwest have left a path of destruction that spans several states. death toll stands at 31, 16 people died on monday, as tornadoes ripped through mississippi, alabama, and tennessee. while crews assess the damage, people bracing for even more weather. eastern north carolina where funnel clouds spotted. here at home, the bay area experienced its warmest day so far, supposed to be even warmer. local flash spots are keeping their days closed, how the drought is keeping fountains a luxury, some cities can't afford. >> reporter: splashing water and squealing. a delight. they're sounds you won't hear at any of the water play areas in pleasanton. >> good, fresh water that was used and that's why we're turning it off, we need to protect that. >> reporter: earlier this year, city leaders detd -- decided to turn off the tap at the city parks. >> although it's unfortunate for the children, it's really, it's a must. >> reporter: pleasanton gets the water from the zone seven water agency, the city's supply is limited. >> we're only getting water this year from the ground water and reservoir. >> reporter: next week, considering declaring a stage three drought which comes with more restrictions. >> 25%, we're not voluntary, it will be mandatory. >> reporter: they're not the only east bay city cutting back, dublin will close its parks, three this year, only open when it's hotter than 90 degrees. in neighboring san ramone, the fountain at central park uses recirculated water. >> the holding tank all underground. >> reporter: they rebuilt this area four years ago with conservation in mind. >> not just for drought reasons but because water costs a lot. and we didn't want it waste water. >> reporter: but even san ramone reducing the number of hours it operates, from 12-nine hours a day. the hope is these kids won't notice the difference and parent won't mind. >> by the end of the day, this is our planet werks need to watch the resources. >> reporter: also reducing the number of hours its water play area illustrates, concord, pleasant hill and el cerrito not making changes. this dramatic punch in numbers is what you told us to look out for. >> yeah, 10-15 degrees, we're going to inch those up for tomorrow, i think tomorrow will probably be the warmest day for most of us. overall. giving you a look as what's happening out our doors at this hour, a taste of summer out there today, what's nice about summer, the night. take a look at livermore, 85 degrees, 40 minutes away from the sunset, so as we get into is the evening hours, concord, walnut creek, antioch and livermore, still well in the 70s, some areas are beginning to cool down, like half moon bay, that warmed about 70 degrees, now sitting at 64, and over the north, you're feeling more comfortable, the giants game now underway, low 70s reported there, just a beautiful night out at the ball park, the ridge of high pressure that will continue to reign our weather pattern, high clouds, spilling over this ridge and that's really about it. for your day tomorrow as we get going tomorrow, now with this heat in the afternoon, we're going to hold on to some of it for tomorrow morning, take a look at some of the numbers, widespread 50s around the bay, 55, inland and concord, 55 for vallejo, 48 for napa, right around sunrise, we will see a quick rebound once again, a tour of the afternoon highs, 90 degrees for santa rosa, upper 80s for sonoma, san rafael, 92 in walnut creek, danville, livermore, low 90s, san jose, morgan hill, saratoga, mid 80s san mateo, 81 in the city of san francisco, we had 81 today, we'll do it again for tomorrow, upper 70s along the coast, there's a look at your extended forecast, temperatures do begin to pull back a little on thursday, still very warm to hot, it's not until the weekend when we do begin to get a bigger break, starts on friday, mostly sunny and mild for saturday and sunday. gasia? >> rosemary, thank you. looks like one of america's hottest couples getting married, reportedly doing so under the radar. and filling out the car of the new -- cast of the star wars movie, why old is suddenly new again. >> ktvu got an exclusive ride in the newest piece of equipment for the richmond fire department, a quote, the richmond fire department says it's been waiting for years, took part in the cessna that crashed into the bay, but not officially in service, firefighters have to be trained before they can use it along richmond's 32 miles of shoreline. some favorites are re re prising their rolls in the film, carrie fisher, and all are in the new cast, star wars scheduled to hit theaters next year on december 18th. kim kardashian and kanye west getting married, they have a marriage license, planning to get mare id why, they plan to hold a lavish wedding in paris, they got engaged in october. thank you for making ktvu your news. we're always here for you, and you can follow us on facebook and twitter. tmz is up next, on tv 36. happened at the company picnic. oww, that's hot. that is hot! wow daddy like. owww, that is smoking hot! ahhh, hmmm, awww! hi georgia. hey georgia. man this is hot! try jack's hottest sandwich yet. his new blazin' chicken sandwich has spicy crispy chicken, ghost pepper ranch sauce, and sliced jalapeños. owww, that's hot! you better be holdin' a sandwich. [♪] [captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distribution] >> today on "tmz" -- he wanted to hear from is oprah winfrey.

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