Transcripts For KICU Bay Area News At 7 20131115 : compareme

Transcripts For KICU Bay Area News At 7 20131115

bart said it is currently coasting at the impact of the provision, and adding the bart board will have to defact this item into the ratcasion this week. >> it's disheartening to hear -- i assumed the issue was already resolved but now that it can happen again it makings you think a bit. >> i depend ongoing to school every day, so maybe not knowing how i'm going to get to school every day is a little frustrating. >> better says it will discuss this at a closed door meeting tomorrow, expected to vote next week. we're working on more for 10:00 news, including reaction from the board. and a school yard fight looking at possible hate crime charges in hercules. it may be a student being fed up with bullying. >> a fight on the hercules high school campus wednesday afternoon in between classes. four students involved, all girls, all sophomores. >> there was lots of hair pulling, hitting, slapping. >> the assistant principal is leading upon up to the fight a transgender student said she was being bullied by a group of class as well as in the yard. it continued yesterday and frustrated with being teased, he says the student reacted. the transgender student walked over to the other girl and as far as we can tell, slapped the other girl. >> all i heard was one person was transport to the hospital for a slight arm injury. >> they're investigating as a possible hate crime. >> it's very disheartening and breaks my heart to have to see our students be effected. >> rachel delgado works on the bullying campaign. >> we support all our students and making other students aware. it's a new time, a lot of changes personally for that individual, but also for the individuals that are surrounded by that student. >> the assistant principal says the transgender student has never been in a fight before on campus. the other three girls have been involved in other altercations. >> there's no often fights so it's a crazy day. >> sier -- sierra and kimry are juniors at the school. >> you can talk to the counselor fist there's any problems. >> all four opportunities were not in class today. authorities say they were on campus being interviewed. all four could possibly be extended and expelled. mike miback. and the burn injury student wrapped up in oakland in the past 30 minutes, a march just finished. a crowd of students and supporters from three different schools march the along mcarthur boulevard at the spot where 18-yard luke sasha fleishmam was started on fire. oakland high is where the alleged attacker went to school. and police say michael skinner was arrested last saturday night. investigators say he groped a woman on telegraph heavy. about 25 minutes later they say he grabbed another woman and through her to the ground on bank croft near oxford then attacked a 3rd woman about 20 minutes after that. the santa clara sheriff's office released this sketch today resembling the suspect at diaanza college. the man who may be known as johnny assaulted a 19-year-old student last week in cupertino. the victim told investigators she believes he is a student but says he wasn't someone she knew well. happening now a group of five bay area nurses is headed to the philippines after last week's typhoon. maria gutierrez is one of them. we a call the up with her as she packed up to leave part of registered response network. they plan to meet with filipino healthcare workers in manila and head to the disaster zone. the death toll is 2,300. it had risen to more than 4,400. dozens of family ares areies are setting up shelters on in stadium seats and on the court. submit 600,000 people were -- some of the 600,000 people were displaced from the storms. damage to roads and infraƱ structure and leaving leaving much stranded in manila. and a group of young people with a close connection to the philippines is trying to lend a helping hand. tara. >> reporter: take a look around at how many donations came in this afternoon. some of center's teens or some of the folks who helped pack some of this stuff up earlier. kids in the west bay filipino centers after school program were packing up canned food, flashlights and medicine in addition to doing homework. >> they have no food, no water. they won't survive if there's no food or water. >> it was hard work because we have to put all the stuff in those boxes. >> the center's received a steady tree of donations since launching a typhoon relief effort on sunday. it's been a good opportunity to teach kids about their roots, and the impact of the disaster, as well as why they can't eat the sweet treats that were donated. >> hi to explain to them that a lot of these people are going to people who don't have food and they just need to learn to package it and organize and help in any way they can. >> many of the children are needy themselves. >> they have been without and they know what the, and so when -- when they come over here and started the donations campaign, it's sort of like an empowering thing for them. >> i know they have everything and there they don't have anything. i want to help them get everything. >> organizers say it will take weeks to get most of these boxes over there. right now their focus is on cash contributions that can go to the red cross and the philippines in hopes of getting help to the victims as quick as possible. of the center at 7th and mission will be open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. until next wednesday collecting donations. live in san francisco ktvu channel 2 news. >> can you go to to find ways to make a donation. look for the link under hot topics. and thieves stole diesel fuel from its facility. the second harvest food bank said thieves cut the diesel lines at san carlos getting away with 90 gallons of fuel and left behind $17,000 of damage and two disabled trucks. the vehicles were filled with food. >> what we care more about is meals. that means 34,000 meals we won't be able to provide. >> second harvest said they deliver more than a million pounds of food a week serving more than 250,000 people in santa clara and san mateo counties. and a lockdown at nearby schools, police served for a robber. he held up the west america branch at mount diablo boulevard and the schools listed the lockdown of the just an hour ago, investigators released this surveillance photo of the robber. white man, fight feet 11 inches, weighing 160 pounds. >> lockheed martin says it's cut it would go hundred jobs in the bay area as part of nation wide cutbacks. the maryland defense contract says it's shutting down four sunnyvale campuses and closing camps in pennsylvania, ohio, texas, and arizona. lockheed martin says the move is necessary in light of ongoing defense cuts in washington. >> the ohio patrol is looking for a hit-and-run driver who took off running on a multicar this afternoon on the highway 280 changing a tire and that's where a toyota 4runner slammed into his car and another vehicle stopped to help. five people suffered minor injuries, the suspect drove off and ran into a truck. he was seen running away. some people who live and work in san francisco, south of market neighborhood say they're seeing an increase in rats near the central subway construction site. some neighbors say rats have been running wild since construction began there at forth and bryant. one mechanic said rats chewed their garbage cans in search of food. >> they climb in and out. they look like spider man coming down the chain-link fence. >> while they're a top concern in general they haven't received calls about rats. crews have placed traps throughout the site. the federal government weekly jobs shows hiring is still lagging. weakly claims fell by 2,000 last week, but many economists expected it to fall even more. at the same time the numbers for the previous week were adjusted higher. analysts say it appears recovery in the labor market remains gradual. u.s. stock markets moved higher, dow gained 54 points for another record hi, nasdaq added 7, and janet yellen, the nominee to head the program. and after the botched launch of the affordable care act, he understands the frustration and a offered a solution. the president announced new rules that should allow people to keep their health insurance even if those policies are being canceled because they don't comply with the new law. he says put the blame on him. >> i get how upsetting this can be after assurances hurt from me if they had a plan they like they could keep it. john boehner describes is to scrap the law completely but for now the republican controlled house plans to vote tomorrow that would allow insurers to continue the coverage they've been canceling. the tunnel set to open this weekend, what needs to still get done before commuters drive-thru. and flashing lights and acrobatics how san francisco's being transformed into gothham city for one little boy's wish to come true. a big drop off in bay area temperatures for today. coming up when gusty winds push into the region and i'll highlight the warmest day of the upcoming weekend. an suv went off the street at interstate eight880 across the street from the oakland colosseum. the water was low and no one was hurt. it did impact traffic along 880 as drivers passed by and slowed down to take a look. the cal decot's tunnel's expected to open this weekend. before it does, there's some last minute details. tom's tonight on the last leg of a long journey. >> reporter: another day, another battery of drills in preparation for the opening. the tests of the state of the art heat, toxics gas and video sensors, as well as fire suppression, emergency ventilation and exit systems have performed as well. the state of the art center which monitoring all four tunnels, as well as alameda and tunnels is ready for emergencies if they arrive. the ceremonial ribbon cutting will take place friday afternoon a few tests still remain. >> our goal is that we are still able to open that after the weekend for the monday commute. if we can't finish earlier we're going to open it up as soon -- that it is ready so the public has the earliest possible use. >> as soon as board 4 opens, the next will be shut down for a few hours to complete restriping into the altered lane alignment. >> you won't want to predict a switch anymore. you'll have two bores in each direction so you won't have to say, do they have 1 or 2 bores open and how long is it going to really take. >> that'll facilitate much easier counter commutes between contra costa and alameda counties between both sides of the cal decot. this $420 million project comes in $3 million under budget and on time. channel 2 news. technology unveiled nasa aims in mountain view could help change the design of airliners in the future. for months nasa scientists and boeing engineers have been testing a simple concept inside this giant wind tunnel. they've sent jets of air across the tail section of a 757 airliner. they found ways to make minor modifications that can reduce the drag on the tail. that means a plane could use less fuel saving money and putting fewer pollutants into the atmosphere. google won a victory in effort to create the largest online library. they've scanned more than 20 million books and makes experts to read for free. -- exerts for free. that counts as fair use. . fox says it will start showing highlights from some prime time shows on twitter. fox says it will be the 50 broadcast network to post scripts from tv shows as soon as they air. so you think you can dance, and glooe -- glee. users will see ads, as well. a canadian person was convicted of sending baldwin massive amounts of e-mails leaving his many as 30 voicemail messages a night on baldwin's phone and showing up unwanted at various places the actor was including his home on long island. it has all the makings of a movie, a super hero movie at that. tomorrow the city of san francisco teams up with the make a wish foundation for a young cancer patient who a is big fan of batman. people are going to great lengths to make this wish come true. >> this blinking red bat light is a tool he'll need tomorrow but they aren't saying how. >> it's a mystery what exactly it does. >> 5-year-old miles can already be considered a super hero. he's battled leukemia most of his life and he's winning. the make a wish foundation is making it happen. miles wants to be batman or bat batkid. >> the wish that he expressed carried so much in it that we are able to have so much fun with. if you really want to be batman you've got to have the skills to fight crime so he's coming here to learn some tumbling and some acrow battic -- acrobatics. >> he'll stop the riddler before eating at a burger bar. batman's going to be waving his hands and he's going to say, hey, i need your help. >> the penguin will be kidnapping our beloved mascot. people from as far away as egypt posted signs of encouragement and tweets are nonstop. >> never in my wildest dreams did i think that san francisco would respond this way. >> reporter: we're told the little kid crusader doesn't know all that's in store for him tomorrow. rob ross, ktvu channel 2 news. we'll be following that for you-all day tomorrow and we'll have that on the 7:00 broadcast right here. >> you have been very busy today mark tracking winds picking up. >> not everywhere other gasia, but near the coast and the hills that will be the area we are expecting the areas and the strongest winds for tonight and into early tomorrow morning. in advances of the stronger winds temperatures really cooled off today, only 50s for pacifica, and san francisco. warmest locations in the 70s toward antioch and livermore. some rain showers way up to the north, but we just have the clouds in place with partly to mostly cloudy skies and current wind speeds if you can't pick out here are fairly light winds out of the south at three miles an hour. the stronger wind targeting sfo out of the west at 24 on miles an hour. so, forecast headlines, patchy fog, winds pick up tomorrow. partly sunny will continue to cool things off. dry weather forecast with a cool weather pattern remains in place. here's our live camera looking toward the bay bridge and the san francisco and the plan for san francisco for tomorrow morning at 7:00. 49 degrees, by 12:00, 28, 4:00 we'll go with 60 for an afternoon high. >> definitely want to bundle up. partly cloudy skies in the north bay, santa rosa and napa. this low pressure system drops in from the north. this will be the cooler weather highs tomorrow in the 50s and 60s. still a bit of a breeze tomorrow but the strongest winds are basically in the coastline of the higher terrain. right now the immediate coast around 30 to 40 -- 30 to 40 miles an hour gusting to the strongest winds here just offshore for the boaters out there and also out for the north bay hills and the east bay hills. winds tomorrow back off a bit, but still a bit of a breeze around 25 miles an hour. forecast highs, san francisco 59, santa rosa, 64, and some more neighborhoods, upper 50s near the immediate shoreline, and we're showing you the highs here. overnight lows to the 40s and basically the upper 30s for the coolest locations of the inland valleys. for the weekend, your weekend headlines coming up. a dry weather pattern, partly sunny and breezy. no rain clouds on this day with a slight chance of a showers. >> santa clara public health officials say quick action at stanford kept the noro virus outbreak from spreading. as we reported last month, 62 students who live at florence moore residence hall became ill. the university sanitized the hall which kept the highly contagious virus from spreading. frequent hand washing is the best defense. it is one of the hottest shows trending at a first look at this victoryia fashion show in new york city, and a new muppet with a pretty intriguing back story. now trending at a sneak peak at victoryia secret's fashion show featuring the best known fashion models including guessel bunchen and heidi klumb. see some of the more outrageous outfits. >> the sesame street character brought smiles today to a place they can be in short supply. elmo paid a visit to san quentin to children who's parents are en encars rated in the face of difficult circumstances. >> thank you for making ktvu your choice for news. we'll see you the next time news breaks. i'm gasia mikaelian. our coverage continues with the 10:00 news and the bay area frightening encounter. they tell us what happened when masked men broke into their home. tmz is up next on tv 36. [ female announcer ] welcome one and all to a tastier festive feast. so much to sip and savor, a feeding frenzy to say the least. a turkey from safeway is just what they crave. a hero of the table, "so delicious" they'll rave. fresh, natural, frozen. it's the best selection around. spend $30 and a frozen safeway turkey is just 59 cents a pound. so raise your glass, pull up a chair, grab a plate. this tastier thanksgiving is well worth the wait. safeway. ingredients for life. >> today on "tmz" -- >> there is evidence that andy kaufman, one of the most famous comedians of all time, may be alive. >> i wanted to honor my dad. >> before he died, he talked about faking his own death. >> this is the ultimate prank, he's a performance artist. >> at what point would you admit you're wrong? >> at what point would you admit you're wrong? [laughter] yesterday was the sexiest event of the year, the victoria's secret fashion show. who really looked hot was taylor swift. she looked so pretty. well,

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Stanford , California , United States , New York , Canada , Philippines , Oakland , Texas , Turkey , Washington , District Of Columbia , Bay Hills , Maryland , San Francisco , Arizona , Manila , Egypt , Pacifica , Mountain View , Alberta , Pennsylvania , Ohio , San Quentin , San Mateo , Rizal , San Carlos , America , Filipino , Canadian , Rachel Delgado , Michael Skinner , Janet Yellen , Maria Gutierrez , Andy Kaufman , Luke Sasha , John Boehner , Florence Moore , Santa Clara ,

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Transcripts For KICU Bay Area News At 7 20131115 :

Transcripts For KICU Bay Area News At 7 20131115

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bart said it is currently coasting at the impact of the provision, and adding the bart board will have to defact this item into the ratcasion this week. >> it's disheartening to hear -- i assumed the issue was already resolved but now that it can happen again it makings you think a bit. >> i depend ongoing to school every day, so maybe not knowing how i'm going to get to school every day is a little frustrating. >> better says it will discuss this at a closed door meeting tomorrow, expected to vote next week. we're working on more for 10:00 news, including reaction from the board. and a school yard fight looking at possible hate crime charges in hercules. it may be a student being fed up with bullying. >> a fight on the hercules high school campus wednesday afternoon in between classes. four students involved, all girls, all sophomores. >> there was lots of hair pulling, hitting, slapping. >> the assistant principal is leading upon up to the fight a transgender student said she was being bullied by a group of class as well as in the yard. it continued yesterday and frustrated with being teased, he says the student reacted. the transgender student walked over to the other girl and as far as we can tell, slapped the other girl. >> all i heard was one person was transport to the hospital for a slight arm injury. >> they're investigating as a possible hate crime. >> it's very disheartening and breaks my heart to have to see our students be effected. >> rachel delgado works on the bullying campaign. >> we support all our students and making other students aware. it's a new time, a lot of changes personally for that individual, but also for the individuals that are surrounded by that student. >> the assistant principal says the transgender student has never been in a fight before on campus. the other three girls have been involved in other altercations. >> there's no often fights so it's a crazy day. >> sier -- sierra and kimry are juniors at the school. >> you can talk to the counselor fist there's any problems. >> all four opportunities were not in class today. authorities say they were on campus being interviewed. all four could possibly be extended and expelled. mike miback. and the burn injury student wrapped up in oakland in the past 30 minutes, a march just finished. a crowd of students and supporters from three different schools march the along mcarthur boulevard at the spot where 18-yard luke sasha fleishmam was started on fire. oakland high is where the alleged attacker went to school. and police say michael skinner was arrested last saturday night. investigators say he groped a woman on telegraph heavy. about 25 minutes later they say he grabbed another woman and through her to the ground on bank croft near oxford then attacked a 3rd woman about 20 minutes after that. the santa clara sheriff's office released this sketch today resembling the suspect at diaanza college. the man who may be known as johnny assaulted a 19-year-old student last week in cupertino. the victim told investigators she believes he is a student but says he wasn't someone she knew well. happening now a group of five bay area nurses is headed to the philippines after last week's typhoon. maria gutierrez is one of them. we a call the up with her as she packed up to leave part of registered response network. they plan to meet with filipino healthcare workers in manila and head to the disaster zone. the death toll is 2,300. it had risen to more than 4,400. dozens of family ares areies are setting up shelters on in stadium seats and on the court. submit 600,000 people were -- some of the 600,000 people were displaced from the storms. damage to roads and infraƱ structure and leaving leaving much stranded in manila. and a group of young people with a close connection to the philippines is trying to lend a helping hand. tara. >> reporter: take a look around at how many donations came in this afternoon. some of center's teens or some of the folks who helped pack some of this stuff up earlier. kids in the west bay filipino centers after school program were packing up canned food, flashlights and medicine in addition to doing homework. >> they have no food, no water. they won't survive if there's no food or water. >> it was hard work because we have to put all the stuff in those boxes. >> the center's received a steady tree of donations since launching a typhoon relief effort on sunday. it's been a good opportunity to teach kids about their roots, and the impact of the disaster, as well as why they can't eat the sweet treats that were donated. >> hi to explain to them that a lot of these people are going to people who don't have food and they just need to learn to package it and organize and help in any way they can. >> many of the children are needy themselves. >> they have been without and they know what the, and so when -- when they come over here and started the donations campaign, it's sort of like an empowering thing for them. >> i know they have everything and there they don't have anything. i want to help them get everything. >> organizers say it will take weeks to get most of these boxes over there. right now their focus is on cash contributions that can go to the red cross and the philippines in hopes of getting help to the victims as quick as possible. of the center at 7th and mission will be open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. until next wednesday collecting donations. live in san francisco ktvu channel 2 news. >> can you go to to find ways to make a donation. look for the link under hot topics. and thieves stole diesel fuel from its facility. the second harvest food bank said thieves cut the diesel lines at san carlos getting away with 90 gallons of fuel and left behind $17,000 of damage and two disabled trucks. the vehicles were filled with food. >> what we care more about is meals. that means 34,000 meals we won't be able to provide. >> second harvest said they deliver more than a million pounds of food a week serving more than 250,000 people in santa clara and san mateo counties. and a lockdown at nearby schools, police served for a robber. he held up the west america branch at mount diablo boulevard and the schools listed the lockdown of the just an hour ago, investigators released this surveillance photo of the robber. white man, fight feet 11 inches, weighing 160 pounds. >> lockheed martin says it's cut it would go hundred jobs in the bay area as part of nation wide cutbacks. the maryland defense contract says it's shutting down four sunnyvale campuses and closing camps in pennsylvania, ohio, texas, and arizona. lockheed martin says the move is necessary in light of ongoing defense cuts in washington. >> the ohio patrol is looking for a hit-and-run driver who took off running on a multicar this afternoon on the highway 280 changing a tire and that's where a toyota 4runner slammed into his car and another vehicle stopped to help. five people suffered minor injuries, the suspect drove off and ran into a truck. he was seen running away. some people who live and work in san francisco, south of market neighborhood say they're seeing an increase in rats near the central subway construction site. some neighbors say rats have been running wild since construction began there at forth and bryant. one mechanic said rats chewed their garbage cans in search of food. >> they climb in and out. they look like spider man coming down the chain-link fence. >> while they're a top concern in general they haven't received calls about rats. crews have placed traps throughout the site. the federal government weekly jobs shows hiring is still lagging. weakly claims fell by 2,000 last week, but many economists expected it to fall even more. at the same time the numbers for the previous week were adjusted higher. analysts say it appears recovery in the labor market remains gradual. u.s. stock markets moved higher, dow gained 54 points for another record hi, nasdaq added 7, and janet yellen, the nominee to head the program. and after the botched launch of the affordable care act, he understands the frustration and a offered a solution. the president announced new rules that should allow people to keep their health insurance even if those policies are being canceled because they don't comply with the new law. he says put the blame on him. >> i get how upsetting this can be after assurances hurt from me if they had a plan they like they could keep it. john boehner describes is to scrap the law completely but for now the republican controlled house plans to vote tomorrow that would allow insurers to continue the coverage they've been canceling. the tunnel set to open this weekend, what needs to still get done before commuters drive-thru. and flashing lights and acrobatics how san francisco's being transformed into gothham city for one little boy's wish to come true. a big drop off in bay area temperatures for today. coming up when gusty winds push into the region and i'll highlight the warmest day of the upcoming weekend. an suv went off the street at interstate eight880 across the street from the oakland colosseum. the water was low and no one was hurt. it did impact traffic along 880 as drivers passed by and slowed down to take a look. the cal decot's tunnel's expected to open this weekend. before it does, there's some last minute details. tom's tonight on the last leg of a long journey. >> reporter: another day, another battery of drills in preparation for the opening. the tests of the state of the art heat, toxics gas and video sensors, as well as fire suppression, emergency ventilation and exit systems have performed as well. the state of the art center which monitoring all four tunnels, as well as alameda and tunnels is ready for emergencies if they arrive. the ceremonial ribbon cutting will take place friday afternoon a few tests still remain. >> our goal is that we are still able to open that after the weekend for the monday commute. if we can't finish earlier we're going to open it up as soon -- that it is ready so the public has the earliest possible use. >> as soon as board 4 opens, the next will be shut down for a few hours to complete restriping into the altered lane alignment. >> you won't want to predict a switch anymore. you'll have two bores in each direction so you won't have to say, do they have 1 or 2 bores open and how long is it going to really take. >> that'll facilitate much easier counter commutes between contra costa and alameda counties between both sides of the cal decot. this $420 million project comes in $3 million under budget and on time. channel 2 news. technology unveiled nasa aims in mountain view could help change the design of airliners in the future. for months nasa scientists and boeing engineers have been testing a simple concept inside this giant wind tunnel. they've sent jets of air across the tail section of a 757 airliner. they found ways to make minor modifications that can reduce the drag on the tail. that means a plane could use less fuel saving money and putting fewer pollutants into the atmosphere. google won a victory in effort to create the largest online library. they've scanned more than 20 million books and makes experts to read for free. -- exerts for free. that counts as fair use. . fox says it will start showing highlights from some prime time shows on twitter. fox says it will be the 50 broadcast network to post scripts from tv shows as soon as they air. so you think you can dance, and glooe -- glee. users will see ads, as well. a canadian person was convicted of sending baldwin massive amounts of e-mails leaving his many as 30 voicemail messages a night on baldwin's phone and showing up unwanted at various places the actor was including his home on long island. it has all the makings of a movie, a super hero movie at that. tomorrow the city of san francisco teams up with the make a wish foundation for a young cancer patient who a is big fan of batman. people are going to great lengths to make this wish come true. >> this blinking red bat light is a tool he'll need tomorrow but they aren't saying how. >> it's a mystery what exactly it does. >> 5-year-old miles can already be considered a super hero. he's battled leukemia most of his life and he's winning. the make a wish foundation is making it happen. miles wants to be batman or bat batkid. >> the wish that he expressed carried so much in it that we are able to have so much fun with. if you really want to be batman you've got to have the skills to fight crime so he's coming here to learn some tumbling and some acrow battic -- acrobatics. >> he'll stop the riddler before eating at a burger bar. batman's going to be waving his hands and he's going to say, hey, i need your help. >> the penguin will be kidnapping our beloved mascot. people from as far away as egypt posted signs of encouragement and tweets are nonstop. >> never in my wildest dreams did i think that san francisco would respond this way. >> reporter: we're told the little kid crusader doesn't know all that's in store for him tomorrow. rob ross, ktvu channel 2 news. we'll be following that for you-all day tomorrow and we'll have that on the 7:00 broadcast right here. >> you have been very busy today mark tracking winds picking up. >> not everywhere other gasia, but near the coast and the hills that will be the area we are expecting the areas and the strongest winds for tonight and into early tomorrow morning. in advances of the stronger winds temperatures really cooled off today, only 50s for pacifica, and san francisco. warmest locations in the 70s toward antioch and livermore. some rain showers way up to the north, but we just have the clouds in place with partly to mostly cloudy skies and current wind speeds if you can't pick out here are fairly light winds out of the south at three miles an hour. the stronger wind targeting sfo out of the west at 24 on miles an hour. so, forecast headlines, patchy fog, winds pick up tomorrow. partly sunny will continue to cool things off. dry weather forecast with a cool weather pattern remains in place. here's our live camera looking toward the bay bridge and the san francisco and the plan for san francisco for tomorrow morning at 7:00. 49 degrees, by 12:00, 28, 4:00 we'll go with 60 for an afternoon high. >> definitely want to bundle up. partly cloudy skies in the north bay, santa rosa and napa. this low pressure system drops in from the north. this will be the cooler weather highs tomorrow in the 50s and 60s. still a bit of a breeze tomorrow but the strongest winds are basically in the coastline of the higher terrain. right now the immediate coast around 30 to 40 -- 30 to 40 miles an hour gusting to the strongest winds here just offshore for the boaters out there and also out for the north bay hills and the east bay hills. winds tomorrow back off a bit, but still a bit of a breeze around 25 miles an hour. forecast highs, san francisco 59, santa rosa, 64, and some more neighborhoods, upper 50s near the immediate shoreline, and we're showing you the highs here. overnight lows to the 40s and basically the upper 30s for the coolest locations of the inland valleys. for the weekend, your weekend headlines coming up. a dry weather pattern, partly sunny and breezy. no rain clouds on this day with a slight chance of a showers. >> santa clara public health officials say quick action at stanford kept the noro virus outbreak from spreading. as we reported last month, 62 students who live at florence moore residence hall became ill. the university sanitized the hall which kept the highly contagious virus from spreading. frequent hand washing is the best defense. it is one of the hottest shows trending at a first look at this victoryia fashion show in new york city, and a new muppet with a pretty intriguing back story. now trending at a sneak peak at victoryia secret's fashion show featuring the best known fashion models including guessel bunchen and heidi klumb. see some of the more outrageous outfits. >> the sesame street character brought smiles today to a place they can be in short supply. elmo paid a visit to san quentin to children who's parents are en encars rated in the face of difficult circumstances. >> thank you for making ktvu your choice for news. we'll see you the next time news breaks. i'm gasia mikaelian. our coverage continues with the 10:00 news and the bay area frightening encounter. they tell us what happened when masked men broke into their home. tmz is up next on tv 36. [ female announcer ] welcome one and all to a tastier festive feast. so much to sip and savor, a feeding frenzy to say the least. a turkey from safeway is just what they crave. a hero of the table, "so delicious" they'll rave. fresh, natural, frozen. it's the best selection around. spend $30 and a frozen safeway turkey is just 59 cents a pound. so raise your glass, pull up a chair, grab a plate. this tastier thanksgiving is well worth the wait. safeway. ingredients for life. >> today on "tmz" -- >> there is evidence that andy kaufman, one of the most famous comedians of all time, may be alive. >> i wanted to honor my dad. >> before he died, he talked about faking his own death. >> this is the ultimate prank, he's a performance artist. >> at what point would you admit you're wrong? >> at what point would you admit you're wrong? [laughter] yesterday was the sexiest event of the year, the victoria's secret fashion show. who really looked hot was taylor swift. she looked so pretty. well,

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Stanford , California , United States , New York , Canada , Philippines , Oakland , Texas , Turkey , Washington , District Of Columbia , Bay Hills , Maryland , San Francisco , Arizona , Manila , Egypt , Pacifica , Mountain View , Alberta , Pennsylvania , Ohio , San Quentin , San Mateo , Rizal , San Carlos , America , Filipino , Canadian , Rachel Delgado , Michael Skinner , Janet Yellen , Maria Gutierrez , Andy Kaufman , Luke Sasha , John Boehner , Florence Moore , Santa Clara ,

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