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Bathroom floor. Even though its 10 years, it feels like it was yesterday. The pain is still there. We also wanted to live jennys life for her because she doesnt have the opportunity to do that. And we love her so much. We want her to carry on. Reporter more than 150 people came to help the family carry on showing love and support. Even the sheriff who was commander that night when jenny was killed. The officers also live with this and take it tot heart that this has not come to a resolution yet. Reporter as the family through the Jenny Lin Foundation try to give hundreds of other Children Free music programs and other opportunities that they wanted for their own daughter. And still wondering if someone some day will step forward and help them find justice. Were still keeping hope. Reporter jenny lin would be 34 years old now. Theres a memorial concert in her honor. Proof that people can live on in the hearts and the lives of the people they touch. Work is continuing on interstate 280 where caltrans is replacing a hinge that helps the road with sand. Police were out today to help drivers who didnt know about the detour. Southbound 280 is a favorite route for giants fans leaving at t park and there is a game tonight. Caltrans has been urging fans to take private transit instead. Getting across the bridge was tricky today. For some reason the metering lights came on about five minutes to six. Normally those meterrering lights are only on during the off rush hour. We monitored the to toll plaza and throughout the bridge and the back up was bad throughout the morning and right into the afternoon. If youre going to be heading out for this long Holiday Weekend you can always get more traffic information. Plans are moving forward for a movable traffic barrier. The Transit District board of directors awarded installation contracts today for the 30 million project and they changed installation dates. The bridge does have to be shut down for two days for that area to be installed. Itll be the first time the bay area bridge will be closed. A Police Officer is under investigation following investigations that he is working all while collecting government money. Reporter he gets paid to be an fbi agent in boston. Mcthat are land retired from the force in 2004 from leg injuries mcfarland. I was surprised that he would be allowed to continue at the capacity of Law Enforcement with especially the fbi. Reporter miguel gallo says its not right that mcfarland is double dipping even though hes doing it on a loophole. Attorney john burress feels mcfarlands case is a look into the future. They should be looking more carefully, and they should track them to see if the disability persists. Reporter here in oakland he was the focus of four internal affairs investigation. Buress sued him in that situation. The investigation will look into whether he is still doing his job. Its a misstatement and misuse of funds. Because at the end of the day im paying for that pension retirement as a resident. That either needs to be corrected or needs to be stopped. Reporter i asked calpers if they could consider adding raj language to the rule. They say thats something that lawmakers would have to draft and pass through the legislature. Cristina renton. He wasnt near the scene of a deadly head on collision but a danville man has been arrested a year later. Police say an intoxicated under aged driver drove the wrong way in lafayette and crashed into another vehicle. Now state control operators have arrested dresher. They say he provided the alcohol. He was married with two children. Homicide it cans in oakland are calling the death of a homicide detectives in oakland are calling the death of a infant suspicious. One man said he didnt know anything about a baby. Police told us they think drugs were being used inside the home and a neighbor told us when the mother found the boy he wasnt breathing. Thats horrible. He woke up. He looked and the baby was gone. Reporter neighbors say theyre heartbroken that the little boy they would sometimes see playing outside is now gone. An autopsy will now be done to try to determine the cause of his death. New developments tonight in Donald Sterlings ownership of the clippers. Sterlings remarks also got his will be also got him suspended. Reporter there had been discussions between shelley sterling and the nba. This looks like itll be the beginning of the end. Reporter publicly the nba is holding the af points. Its going ahead with its own process of terminating sterlings ownership. Privately the nba may want to avoid the vote or any possible court proceedings. Its going to be very expensive. Politically disastrous for the nba if they have to go through a prolonged fight for the sterlings and this is the best solution for everyone. Reporter age itselfs say the sterling are also motivated to maximize the value of the clippers and the potential Million Dollars from the sales. But if they were to drag this out. Chances are sponsors will continue to leave the team. Chances are players would not renew their contract. Some players would boycott. What would that mean as well. When the team visited certain arenas, people might not show up. The value of the team would go down. Reporter and again that was bryan todd reporting. Shelley sterling is reportedly making some demand before a deal goes through. Among them she wants to keep a minority ownership of the team. Tonight 2 investigates claims the city of pleasanton isnt doing its pard to help conserve during californias drought. And they say this flooded street is proof. After our story last night on mandatory Water Conservation we heard from viewers that said that they are angry to know that precious water is being wasted in the city. Reporter this is west has positas boulevard, a flood of city water here last night angered neighbors. Water Drinking Water flowing more than an hour inches deep on the street. This photo sent to us by monica tong. 5 30 they were watering and there was a big flood of water. We were shocked. That angered me because i planted drought ready plants, i conserved. Reporter daniel smith did confirm Drinking Water is used to irrigate city sports fields. That rankles residents who are under mandatory 24 water cuts and could face fines. One thing i noticed is the very wealthy people still have green lawns. I would be very surprised if they let this one die, they have sports here. Reporter the city says hold on its con certaining water big time. Showing me new figures that compared to last year. The water use is down 70 . The city says concerns still havent sunk in. And todays Water Supplies are going down the drain. If we cob serve we can make it. If we dont conserve we literally could have times this summer where we have to shut the water off. Reporter they want callers to report problems like the one here last evening. They say we are all in this drought together. John fowler, ktvu channel 2 news. Hes an east bay boy genius. How this young man managed to finish a College Program at 14. Your memorial day weekend forecast. Looks like a warm one. I will lay out the pattern. And exactly one week ago today. A third grader was shot exactly one week ago tonight an 8yearold girl was shot while playing in her front yard in east oakland. Tonight her mother is talking publicly for the first time to our amber lee. Amber is at Childrens Hospital with how this one act of violence has really shattered that familys life forever. Amber. Reporter frank, mom has been spending long hours here at the hospital. Her daughter is in Critical Condition up on the third floor in the intensive care unit. This is a photo of jack olansunes taking this evening. Mom speaks spanish. Through a translator she toll us that a shot to her neck paralyzed her from the neck down. She paralyzed her throughout the body but her mind is still working. Theyre going to give her therapy so she can use her hands and have some mobility moving forward. But its going to be a long process. Reporter silvia tells me shes devastated that this happened to her daughter but with the help of god she will get through. Mom says she was inside her home cleaning while her children was playing outside. She heard gunshots and ran to get them. By the time she got to her. Her daughter was asking for water and said she couldnt breathe. She said she had a stomach ache and said she kept saying, dont leave me. Reporter mom relies on her janitorial job to pay the bills. She has a lot of hope and with the police doing their job shes hoping that the perpetrator to be caught. And that her daughter did not deserve this. Reporter the third grader turned nine on sunday two days after she was shot. Mom describes jaqueline as a happy girl who loves school. Her room is adorned with cards and balloons made by her classmates. Reporting live in oakland, ktvu channel 2 news. Thank you amber. The search continues tonight under a statewide amber alert for a missing little boy and his father. The Highway Patrol says 2year old edwin tkpwar vargas was kidnapped in los angeles. The boys mother has a restraining order against the boys father. She says she was putting her boy in the car when vargas who was hiding near by took off with the little boy. The man owned as the pillow case rapist is being released from prison to live in Southern California despite protests against that. Christopher hubbard must be released by july 7th and will live in the city of palm dale. Authorities say he is linked to as many as 100 rapes in in Southern California. New details about a deadly shooting last night many hayward. Hayward police are asking for help finding whoever killed a 27yearold man. A second shooting victim later turned up in the hospital. He is expected to survive. A man who owns a repair shop tells us what he heard. I didnt think it was gunfire. I thought it was a car backfiring or Something Like that. But the people who were on the outside said it was gunfire so i came down. Reporter police have not released the name of the man who was killed. A man tells us there were plans for a small memorial tonight. If youre headed to tahoe except a lot of company. The city is bracing for the busiest holiday in years. Many people made their reservations months in advance. We have a meteor shower tonight. And its going to be good. We have good visibility out there right now. You can see the sky out there right now. Tomorrow night around 12 30. It looks like its going to be an interesting meteor event. If you get a chance next couple of nights were in the perfect spot to see this, the right latitude. Everything is perfect except right at the coast where theres fog. If i come in real close you will see the cloud cover right there now. These cloud you can see through but these clouds in the north bay for the next couple of hours will obscure your visible. As you get into one and two in the morning they should scurry out. That fog is going to be there nights and mornings right through the bay area weekend so thats going to keep temperatures down. Currently its 61 in napa. 64 in walnut creek. Theres the warmth inland and the cool you can see the sea breezes. The weekend is going to be warmer. Overnight lows will be in the 50s. It warmed today about 5 degrees. Tomorrow it warms another five degrees. Heres the fog right along the coast. This is 8 00 a. M. Tomorrow morning. If you are headed out to the pinch, i out to the beach, i think stinson will be fine. Late in the day you see the fog clearing here. So when i come back i just told you today was a little warmer. Tomorrow is going to be a little warmer still. When i come back im going to lay out sunday for you. Because thats going to be the hottest day of the bay area week end. Ill give you specific numbers and well be back here at 10 45. Talk about smart, were going to introduce you to a 14 yearold boy from the east bay. Ive always believed that i was born to do science. He sure was. Coming up after the break you will find out what hes just accomplished. Broken, bruised and fighting for his life. Thankfully i didnt keep going that way. A 70 a 14yearold boy from the east bay are celebrating an accomplishment that not many can say. Cara liu spoke with the young scholar and his family. Reporter at 14 years old shes by far the youngest person to complete this high training program. Alongside students two or three times his age, 14yearold kindred jr. Took home two certificates at a merit College Graduation tonight. He learned about microcoachs and make specimentt. Inference contrast. Reporter the east bay teen has his heights set at becoming a pediatric surgeon. In his home books, internet and face to face conversations were encouraged. There were no video games. The only way you do video games if you can make them. My idea was to bring out their talent. The only way youre going to do that with the kids is allow them to create. Reporter he hopes to encourage other African American kids. Thats important to me because not that many people see an African American boy my age, in college, doing all this hard work. King is finishing the ninth grade in independent study right now. He hopes to graduate high school by the time hes 16 and maybe even have his Associates Degree by then as well. Live in oakland, cara liu, ktvu news. In and out burger is being sued by a woman who claims workers refused to call 911 after scalding hot coffee spilled on the womans lap. The woman says she was handed a cup of coffee that was so hot she couldnt hold it causing her to drop it. In and out management says that any worker can call 911 during emergency situations. Working for so little money and working so hard forly for for little money is stressful, it can feel stagment and under valued. Theyre trying to get an initiative on a November Ballot to raise the minimum wage to 12. 25 in oakland. Right now its 8 an hour. Wall street closed the week with across the board gains and one new record. The dow jones added 63 points the nasdaq added 32. And a fraction over the 1900 mark for the s p. And the unusual way a young man is trying to find a kidney for his mom. What calfire wants you to know about high fire danger too. And hugs and tears as new rules for bonfires in ocean beach in San Francisco are now in effect. After 9 00 p. M. Bonfires are no longer permitted. The previous curfew was at 11 00 p. M. The five existing fire pits will be replaced by 10 larger pits and on spare the air days no fires will be allowed at ocean beach. Memorial someday is unofficial start to summer. A lot of people will be heading to lakes or hiking trails. Fire danger is also a big part this Holiday Weekend. Debora villalon has the story. Reporter frank last years big yosemite fire an illegal campfire that got away. Thats not likely to happen here tonight. Not with that big steel ring. But people cause nine out of 10 wildfires and campfires make up most of them. Time o get reacquainted with the tent and the bug spray and for this rose dale family one of the first things to set up, the propane fire pit. The camp site has a fire ring but with two young boys, they feel safer avoiding open flames and smoke. I do, i do in fact. Because we can control it. Again its portable we can move it around. Versus that over there. You set it on high and its nice and warm reporter not a red flag weekend. But they know it can only take a spark. Everything is drying out. Sooner than normal i believe etch is believe everyone is going to be more cautious. Reporter this barbeque next to tall grass catches the chiefs eye. That if it happens to tip over it may catch fire. Reporter these deep fire pits reduce risk but its never safe to leave a fire unattend as this mar i said n marin couple knows. We lived where it was very dangerous. So were aware. Reporter the only drama or near disaster should be getting the tent up. Oh the sound of nature. With 30 state parks in Northern California theres something for everyone but roasting marsh mellows may become more difficult as fire restrictions kick in. Reporting live in napa county, debora villalon, ktvu channel 2 news. I can just smell the campfire. And First Responders are practicing a drill. Police, firefighters and other Emergency Responders from several agencies practiced how they would react to an active shooter on a school campus. We really need to make sure that all the different disciplines are working much more collaborative in responding to these type of events. Reporter there was no school today so the drill did not include students. Anzelin Garcia Torrez was in court for the First Time Since prosecutors announced they plan to seek the Death Penalty against him. Hes charged with kidnapping and killing sierra lamar from morgan hill. We saw supporters who attended the hearing. They say they hope the fear of a death sentence will lead torrez to reveal the location of sierra. We would hope that he would would tell us where she is in order to take the Death Penalty off the table. Reporter the hearing an immediate request to unseal certain evidence was postponed. Garcia torrez next court date is set for june 27th. Breaking news now out of the east bay where there are reports of a deadly crash. It happened at broadmoore and san leandro boulevard. Ken pritchett is on the scene now with the very latest, ken. Reporter that is the san leandro boulevard you see there. This red building here on the corner. You can see a car that has crashed into the front of that building. Now this is about the best Vantage Point we can get from here because of the crime scene tape. Take a look at some video that was shot a little bit earlier that showed that car crashed into the front of that building. I talked to the man who lives in that apartment. He says tonight he just happened to be next door having dinner when about 90 minutes ago he heard a very loud bang. He came outside to see that car crashed into his apartment and he also says that he saw a man and a woman who had been ejected from that car. Both of them on the ground. He said the woman was not moving. He said the man was moving and the man who was ejected was taken to the hospital. Now there was a Police Pursuit involved here. More on that in just a moment. But first lets hear from a witness who says she was outside when she saw that car speeding down the street and crashing into this building. This guy came around out of nowhere. Avoided swerved missed me and slammed into the building. Now i talked to a San Leandro Police lieutenant just minutes ago. He said that there he couldnt be specific but said there was a crime of some type that happened at Washington Plaza Shopping Center in san leandro. There was a pursuit. The San Leandro Police say that per suit was a high speed chase but that it was called off but that the driver of the car that they were pursuing was showing excessive speed and reckless driving. Again that was called off. And then those officers came upon the scene to find this car crashed into this apartment at this point. Oakland police are investigating. Reporting live in san leandro, ken pritchett, ktvu news. There was an extremely emotional meeting today in San Francisco for two families linked by a tragedy that resulted in saving a womans life. Safe to tell net for the first time the mother and father of a young man who in death donated his organs. I thank them for what hes thought me about enjoying every second of life. To live a child that was not in vein. Vain. That something did come out of his life. A family on vacation goes to the beach and snatches a newborn sealed pup and throws her right into an rv and takes off. The rescue operation to get her into the right arms. This memorial day weekend will be a hot one. The trend that will heat up your weekend and when temperatures will love them or hate them, the giant metal sculptures at crissy field are going up. Opponents claim that the works interfere with the view of the golden gate. An incredible story of survival after an american professor fell 70 feet down in the himeleyans. Still he managed to climb out of that crevase. He says it took five hours of agonizing pain to get to the surface then another three hours to reach his tent and radio for help. A helicopter came the next morning. He says he now has a whole new appreciation for life. I have looked over the edge into the abyss and i know thats not where i wanted to be. And now i can really, really appreciate living and being with my friends and family. John all was in nepal to do climbing. He says once he recovers he plans to go do more climbing but this time in peru. State Health Officials issued the boil order today after ecoli was found in Drinking Water samples from a portland reservoir. The water reportedly tested positive for fecal matter. An investigation is now under way to invest tkpwaeu investigate how it got there. A boy in vacaville is taking a simple message. His mom needs a kidney. Maria detoso was diagnosed with kid kidney failure two years ago. She is on a donor list. She means the world to me. Shes my mom. Shes been there for me my whole life. So its the least thing i can do. Geoffrey says he will be on street corners and social media hoping someone will be willing to help his mom. Oh that is so sweet. Isnt it. Yeah. It is an unusual case of seal snatching. She is swiming in a pool now but its a far cry from where this little seal was found. Shou she went to the beach how she went from hey there. Did you select these things on purpose . Not a color found nature. Theres nothing wrong with tha. I can hear your arteries clogging. Ok. No. This is tap water. I cant let you buy this. Oh. Crystal geyser please. Crystal geyser. Bottled at the mountain source. Surprise lcome back. Crystal geyser Alpine Spring water. Crystal geyser. Crystal geyser. News flash, its bottled at the source. News flash, we sell it in cases. Oh. Thank you. Oh no no no. Crystal geyser. Bottled right at the mountain source. Cute Little Harbor seal pup is in the care of experts weeks after being taken away from a beach in the caramel area. Volunteers acted on a tip and recovered that young seal from a motor home. Swimming among this pool of seal pups is little beemer cruz and boy does she have quite the tale to tell. Beamer cruz was a Little Harbor seal that was on the beach. Reporter when suddenly a family physically picked up the seal pup from the beach thats located south of caramel and put the pup into an lv and drove off. I have no idea what was in the mind of these individuals. I have to believe they were well intentioned but i have no idea what their plan was. Reporter two of the volunteers in the area got wind of the seal pup snatching and tracked down the family. We tracked down the family, let them know that the pup would have been better on the beach. Reporter even if youre trying to help the animal it is illegal to remove marine wildlife. Theyre so darn cute that people feel compelled to do something to take care of this animal. Unbeknownst to them that the animal needs no care from them whatsoever. Reporter beamer cruz named after the bmw she was placed in after she was rescued is now double her weight and now closer to being returned to the home she was taken from. Astronomers are suggesting that stargazers get in a good spot. Experts say they are not for sure but the number of falling stars could be bigger than those in the past. A good night for this bill. Its going to be a fine night as we head outside. You can see theres a few clouds out there. Those clouds will give you some problems in the north bay. I have to tell you tomorrow night is going to be a good night to see them as well after 12 00. Tonight about 11 30, tomorrow at 12 30. Were at the perfect spot to see them. Were at the right latitude so get out there. Theres fog right along the coast. These clouds will move out of the area within the next couple of hours so if youre up for a late night. Maybe go out about 1 00 or 2 00. Its foggy along the coast. Were getting a little bit of a break along stinson beach. I think the fog is going to be a player the next few days but its going to be limited right at the coast. Its going to stay right at the coast side so with that in mind were going to see cooler much cooler temperatures right along the coast then warmer temperatures inland. Currently 63 degrees in san jose. Nice night out there. Mostly clear in san jose so you can look up and see the meteors in the next hour. 81degrees for a daytime high san jose daytime saturday. Sundays temperatures are going to be warmer. Sunday will be the warmest day on this Holiday Weekend with highs on sunday easily reaching into the mid90s in the warmest spots. Its warmest today by 5 degrees. Its going to be warmer tomorrow by 5 degrees and warmer on sunday. So sunday is your warmest day. Were looking at numbers, for the most part looking at temperatures in the 90s and mid 90s in the warmest spot. And a little cooler on monday. So not a bad looking weekend at all. Just cooling along the coast. This is tomorrow, sunday will be a little bit warmer. 87 in vacaville. Maybe a little warmer than you might expect with upper 80s and low 90s out in brentwood and livermore. The fog is going to be there. There will be breaks in stinson. Pacifica youll see some sunshine but theres going to be a will the of fog. In between that fog there will be fog in the morning. Fog at night. Your weekend always in view and looks good. Big Holiday Weekend and i love dishing it up like this because so often you get a couple of bad days in there, you hate to do that. But this is going to be a really spectacular three day weekend in the bay area. And giants are playing baseball at at t. As are in toronto but a great weekend for everything. Thank you, bill. 49ers quarterback Collin Kaepernick and Seattle Seahawks sherman are teaming up but this time its for a video game. Fans can help kaepernick with their support. Online voting goes through next friday. We posted a link on our website just look under web links. California chrome apparently has nerves of steel. Take a look at what the triple crown hopeful almost ran into today when finishing a work out in new york. The horse didnt even flinch he stayed calm and focused as she ran past a cat sized possum out there on the track. Chrome is trying to become the first horse to win the triple crown in 36 years when he races on the belmont stakes. The exercise rider has a really scary look on his face. And the horse is just like, im cool. And fred is here, both good and bad news with baseball. You me whats crazy giants and as have the exact same record at this point. 3018. The giants versus the twins doesnt really roll off the tongue does it. These clubs met tonight for just the tenth time ever. Fans always dress for success. Pablo sandoval has been in fuego. Three run shot from kyle gibson. Tim lincecum was wilder than a labrador puppy. But strikes out dozier. It was 42. Brandon hicks matches his solo home run. Eight of them are home runs. Giants win 62. Oakland as are the best road trip in the major leagues but today in toronto they ran into a very hot team who loved the long ball. Chip hale was acting manager today because bob melvin attended his daughters College Graduation in new york city. As starter cashner gets burned by stousen. What we have here is a failure to communicate. Scott tries to pick off pollar but no one is coming into second place. Scores on an infield out to make it 30. As finally get the blue jays pitcher brenden. Sevenththis month, moss leads the team with 45 rbis. The as get close but not close enough. Jays hang on 31. And harbaugh ge [ man ] theyre big. Strength we can count on. Same with aladdin. The biggest in bail. No one has lower prices, is faster or more professional. Aladdin bail bonds. Bigger because were better. Today was the first day of the 49ers rookie mini camp in santa clara. The last thing harbaugh wanted to discuss are rookie troubles. The draft picks were joinedded by signed and unsigned players. But harbaugh was asked by tim kawakami about the status of alden smith after he plead no contest to three felony counts. Whats your standard then . Felony count. Do you have a standard. I know you probably worked very hard asking that question. I stared in the mirror and lets see how you can answer that. No i did not. Its wrong. You can write your story the way you want the write it. If you want me to answer the question ill be glad to. Its part of a legal process. Im not an attorney, im not a judge, im a football coach. Im not going to get into speculating what could happen, what could happen. You can take bamboo shoots and stick them under my fingernails and theres nothing i would at to discussion. Theres nothing further i could add right now without speculating somewhere hes here hes a coach not an attorney. Thats all hes going to say. Thats all hes going to say. Thank you for choosing ktvu channel 2 news. The ktvu morning team will be here at heat shields are compromised. We have multiple failures. Are those thrusters burning . Thats a negative. Whats that alarm . Fuel cell two is down. Im going to have to guide her in manually. This is very exciting. But im at my stop. Come again . Im watching this on the train. Its so hard to leave. Good luck with everything. With the uverse tv app, the uverse revolves around you the uverse revolves around you safeway gets that staying on budget can be a real bear. Thats why theyve got lots of ways to save. Real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. This week, get a taste of summer with fresh sweet corn, 8 for just 2. Grill up ranchers reserve ribeye steaks, only 6. 99 a pound. And arrowhead water is just 3. 33 a case. Theres more savings to love. At safeway. Ingredients for life. Warner bros. Domestic television distribution] today on tmz, there is one thing we know about tupac shakur, he watched too many tv dramas. Theyre trying to ask who shot and his words [bleep]. The most gangster way to go out. According to the metropolis pd. Metropolis pd. I think thats superman. According to the daily planet Kim Kardashian had her bachelorette party. She went out with all her girls. She has a Makeup Artist with her and shes wearing a mesh top and full on boobs out

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