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sasaki live in the neighborhood with what happened next and the tv show that's responsible, john. >> reporter: frank that is the house that sustained most of the damage from this cannon ball. it was clearly an unwelcomed guest that came crashing through the front door. just after 4:00 p.m. a cannon ball came crashing through this house at dublin. >> it's scary. >> reporter: it started at the sheriff's bomb range. that's where a crew from the tv show myth busters went shooting a cannon ball when something went wrong. >> this cannon ball was supposed to go through water to slow it inertia. it missed it. >> reporter: it shop through the front door up the second floor and exited through a back wall. then it blew over the roof and cannon balled into another roof. >> i just got out of the van a few minutes earlier. my kids were inside the van. >> so lucky. >> yeah, so lucky. >> reporter: the sheriff's department talked with the myth busters crew. >> they're very sorry this occurred. they have safety measures in place, they did have a misfire and they have insurance for these kind of things. >> reporter: amazingly no one was hurt. in fact, the family who's home sustained the most damage was asleep at the time and didn't realize anything had happened until the dust started to settle. i'm john sasaki, ktvu news. more details now on that myth busters show that was being taped during today's incident. the program was shot in san francisco and shot mostly throughout the bay area. it showcases science experiments to test the validity of rumors and myths. the show is currently in the ninth season. they found more than flames when they responded to a house fire earlier today near the base of hamilton. they discovered marijuana plants at the home of tunas avenue. the flames were mostly contained to the garage and no one was hurt. the electric meter had been bypassed and crews needed to call pg & e to turn off the power. new at 10:00, amber lee is at the jack-in-the-box restaurant where they have just learned that they must stop their 24 hour operation. >> reporter: the restaurant has operated this business for year, but authorities have asked him to place this -- they say it attracts drunks and unruly patrons that come out of bars. >> that's where drunk people go. >> reporter: early thanksgiving morning, al bartel a firefighters with calfire was involved with another man inside the jack-in-the-box. another man followed bartel striking him with a vehicle at a near by gas station. now bartel is fighting for his life hospitalized in critical condition. >> this is really the straw that broke the camels back. >> reporter: he told us the owner does not have a permit to operate the business round the clock. >> we're clear and the owner is clear is that they do not have a valid permit to go beyond 2:00 a.m. so the expectation is that they seize expectation immediately. >> reporter: the opener -- the owner is out of town. we learned that the restaurant changed ownership in 2008. we were told the new owner did not know he had to apply for a new permit to run the restaurant 24 hours. he says if the owner applies for an afterhours permit they will fight it every step of the way. >> it creates an environment where people feel unsafe. >> reporter: jack-in-the-box says the owner has worked to make the restaurant safer by installing lights and hiring a security guard for thursday, friday and saturday. amber lee, ktvu channel 2 news. former giant star barry bonds is due in court in 10 days to be sentenced for obstruction of justice. today his attorneys asked for probation. in court papers filed in san francisco, bonds defense attorneys pointed to a federal probation report that is supposed to be secret. they say it found bonds felony conviction an aberration. they say the report recommends community service and possibly home detention. prosecutors are to file their recommendations by the ends of this week. the occupy protesters changed tactics turning their attention to home foreclosures during a so called day of action. a group of activists marched to a vacant home. it's been in foreclosure for several months. the group just cause took over the property and say it isn't doing anyone any good sitting empty. >> there doesn't make sense for there to be vacant properties while these properties they can be put to good use. today it's saying we're going to put this property to good use. >> reporter: the activists plan to stay as long as they can and use the building to provide focus on bank foreclosure classes. rallies took place today in cities across the country. in 10 minutes the frustration aimed at the banks and the question of criminal liability. only on 2, we learned that a task force busted a ring. the crimes occurred here inside the elm wood jail. the inmates would withdraw the money on santa clara county issued checks effectively using the county to launder stolen funds. we've learned there are at least 34 stolen credit card victims totaling more than $17,000. vulk and 11 others are being charged with identity theft and conspiracy charges. thieves may have come up with a new way to steel cooper, this time for copless. it is not only dangerous it can also place passengers in danger. >> reporter: with cooper at high price, thieves are placing passengers in danger and their lives. b.a.r.t. police have leads. on friday, b.a.r.t. police stopped two people in a truck who were acting suspiciously. they let them go but took down their license plate numbers. >> we're targeting one individual at the moment we have a couple other people's interest. >> reporter: on sunday at 10:00 in the morning, a train conductor got a good look at the train in the crash. just before 4:00 a.m. this morning, a b.a.r.t. employee noticed the latest theft along the tracks near jack london square. >> it is an example of the type of cabling that's in the b.a.r.t. system. >> reporter: the cable 1 inch in diameter conducting electricity over 1,000-volts. replacing what has been stolen this year will cost b.a.r.t. $90,000. a burden on taxpayers that can cause firings. b. fires. >> reporter: they're asking the public to help keep watch over these 104 miles of track. in oakland, patti lee. the bay area air quality district has issued it's first winter season spare the air alert for tomorrow. with this cold weather we've been experiencing a lot of people may be temped to use their fireplaces or wood stoves to keep warm. un unfortunately the cold air traps particles on the ground. tomorrow it'll be illegal to burn wood or solid fuels indoors or outdoors. back here in 10 minutes for a look at tomorrow's forecast. it's going to be a very cold night. freezing temperatures in some locations. its first and goal as the 49ers drive toward a new stadium in the sout [ male announcer ] for andy, tracking his spending with citibank is as easy as... making breakfast. omelet? sure. scrambled eggs. [ male announcer ] actually, it's easier. citi financial tools. easier banking. standard at citibank. [ beep ] hi. dave here. [ male announcer ] for dave, using citibank's online bill pay is as easy as setting up voicemail. hi, it's dave. [ male announcer ] actually, it's easier. hi, it's dave. i'm out of the office. [ male announcer ] online bill pay. easier banking. standard at citibank. the san francisco 49ers are winning on the field and off. the team has reached an agreement with the owners of the great america amusement park and now appear to be first and goal on the drive to build a new stadium in the bay. lloyd lacuesta is live where details are being presented right now, lloyd. >> reporter: julie the city council just ended the first of two public hearings into the stadium deal. but it doesn't appear likely that the 49ers are going to be thrown for a loss. a stadium sign is already up but the great america amusement parking lot where the 49ers want to build their new home. >> today is where we can start to really chant that it's no longer about if it's going to be built but it's about when. >> reporter: the cost of the 68,000 seat stadium has risen to $1.02 billion. but the 49ers say they have money committed. goldman sachs, and bank of america are financing the loan. >> you think that you will get the return? >> we wouldn't be lending the money if we didn't feel confidence about the loan we've committed to. >> reporter: it's $850 million in loans. 150million in payments from the 49ers and the nfl and the rest from the city stadium authority. >> there is no exposure, the bondholders and the loan is not looking to the city in any way shape or form. >> reporter: but the city of santa clara will get $30 million a year in rental and own the stadium. >> all the risk is born by the 49ers. >> reporter: but stadium opponents aren't ready to play ball yet. >> the city council has had 2.5 years to fix the deal instead they're going to make that deal worse by putting more debt on a santa clara agency. >> reporter: today fair the owner of the great america ballpark says it is not selling the park and is dropping a lawsuit against santa clara clearing the way for the ball stadium. they could be kicking off an nfl game here by the year 2015. live in santa clara, lloyd lacuesta, ktvu channel 2 news. san francisco city leaders say they are still hoping for a miracle to keep the 49ers and have been working quietly on a new stadium plan of their own. >> we have to come up with something at the 11th hour. >> san francisco planning commissioner says an architectural firm is coming up with a rendering of an open roof dome. on our facebook page today we asked 49ers fans if they would go to santa clara to see a game. navaroo says i will boycott my favorite team once they leave my favorite city. but gloria young is faithful she says absolutely i have to travel an hour to see them now, it's okay to travel to see them there. feel free to join our conversation on the ktvu channel 2 facebook page. san francisco supervisors delayed their vote on whether to expand the current plastic bag ban. the 2007 law bans supermarkets and stops pharmacies from giving out plastic bags. it calls for a 10-cent fee for every paper bag. they wanted to hold off until more outreach was done for more agencies. the board is expected to vote on that proposal in february. today lawyer, gay and lesbian activists all gathered in san francisco for an update on the situation. the evening was designed to give a brief overview of the challenges to the act. the defense of marriage act is a law that defines marriage as a legal union between a man and a woman. it was signed into law in 1986. >> this law is outdated and i think its days are numbered. >> it could not defend the defensive marriage act. so how republicans hired attorneys to defend it for them. protesters rallied against banks blaming them for taking their homeless. but as ktvu's rita williams reports in washington the blame is shifting in several different directions. >> reporter: they took to the streets to take back their homes. >> we got sold out,. >> reporter: protesters around the country aimed their rapid banks and wall street where not a single high ranking executive has faced criminal charges since the economy fell. president obama today did not mention the lack of prosecution. he blamed republicans for not helping fix the middle classes financial pain. >> after the worse economic crisis, the worse financial crisis since the great depression, they want to return to the same practices that got us into this mess. >> people can say you've been president for three years why hasn't your justice department, why hasn't your fcc prosecuted these people. this is not a republican administration going easy on wall street. this is a democratic administration. >> reporter: morris says after 40 years of teaching he's never been so pessimistic, so concerned about the future of this country. rita williams, ktvu channel 2 news. federal aviation administration chief randy babbit resigned today following his arrest for drunk driving. babbit was arrested last saturday night for driving on the wrong side of the road in fairfax city virginia and then failed an alcohol test. in a statement babbitt said he didn't want to cast a shadow on the work done by the faa. huerta will take his place. in may 2010 rima faki became the first arab american miss usa. she was also arrested for suspicion of drunk driving. they found a half empty bottle of champane on the floorboard behind the drivers seat. san francisco city council voted for the closure of sharp golf park. it would turn the 18 hole golf park into the parks service. they are not interested in operating a golf course. ed lee can veto the proposal and he is said to be leaning in that direction. meantime san francisco supervisors voted down a controversial proposal to give tax breaks for hiring exfelons. ross micallini wanted a tax break. the senator said it was a slap in the face for americans looking for jobs every day. no freeze warnings but there is one in the valley. it'll still freeze in many inland bay neighborhoods. in the north and east bay. in the north bay look for temperatures down in the upper 20s and around the east bay look for some low 30s and freezing. frost a real possibility in many neighborhoods. look at the current temperatures, already 2 degrees above freezing in napa. it's a cold one out there tonight. most likely you're going to see frost on some bay area windshields or some of your windshields tomorrow morning. these are some of the forecast overnight lows, 29 for napa, 32 in concord, 33 in vallejo. temperatures could be cooler than this in your neighborhood. so lots of very cold temperatures. as the kids head out to school tomorrow morning. we'll be back here in about 10 minutes, we'll look at tomorrow's forecast high and the five day forecast start looking at some rain there for you. she was killed in what's being called a hate crime. up next the cand a candlelight vigil was held on the peninsula tonight for a transgender person who was killed last night. vickers was shot on november 18th in what los angeles police are investigating as a hate crime. the 32-year-old's mother says investigators have a description of the gunman. >> he murdered my son and cold- blooded and i want justice for my son. my son was a good child. i raised him well and he had lots of friends. >> reporter: the family has started a memorial fund at bank of america under the name nathan henry vickers to pay for funeral costs. vickers is to be laid to rest at mount olive church at menlo park on saturday morning. a santa cruz family man was found guilty for the murder of a pregnant woman and her unborn baby in a case that stunned the small mountain community of ben lomen. michael mclish was married with three children, prosecutors say mcclish veil's baby might be his and that he killed her to keep it a secret. this is where the tree was standing -- >> reporter: but not standing anymorement sally bronbot says the three came crashing down last week. >> it came down about 5:00 in the morning and it made that woosh sound. >> it could have came right through my bedroom. >> reporter: the only thing that stopped it from coming down was this oak tree. now other problems loom. >> it was going like that, back and forth, back and forth. >> reporter: with one tree in her front yard leaning in the lines and another in the backyard with unstable roots that needs to be removed. this ben lomen resident with a tree on top of her house decided to call a friend instead. >> $2,400 just to get it off the top of the roof and he's doing it for way less. he's going to cut all the wood up and make firewood for us. >> reporter: phone technicians today were still calling to get service. >> i just got my phone turned on about three hours ago. it took three days to get power. i'm glad we have all of our utilities back now i just need to get my house fixed. >> reporter: most of the major obstructions such as this 150- foot tall ponderosa pine has been cleared, there's still a lot of clean up to be done. and one tree service told us they're booked until the end of january. the magic of harry potter is coming to southern california. warner brothers and universal parks and resorts say they are bringing the popular wizardly world to universal studios hollywood. officials announce plan to expand the original park in orlando. more than 100 students and their families showed up tonight at a richmond city council meeting. ok, you guys wanted a space for entertaining your friends, so, open your eyes and check out your new living room! [ gasps ] honey, the tv's over there! yep, we got you the new at&t u-verse wireless receiver so you can put your tv pretty much anywhere you want. and that stand... anywhere? like, we can put it over there? and that coffee... or we could t it on the patio for watching the game with the guys. or in the kitchen? but, these curtains are... i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever. at&t. new at 10:00 a new report shows a disturbing rate of child obesity in contra costa county. jana katsuyama is live where a city councilman says soda is a big part of the problem, jana. >> reporter: also the public county health director says that these sugar reu drinks are really a large part -- sugary drinks drinks are really a large part of this problem. and the council has decided to draft a drink tax that's as students and parents were present. >> we have particularly highlights of obesity. >> reporter: dr. wendell bruner presented a report that shows a large percentage of students are obese. the average teen takes in 160,000 extra calories a year. >> if you converted that to pounds it's 20, 30, 40 extra pounds. >> reporter: the report also says richmond is saturated with sugary drink vendors. about five within a quarter mile of every school. >> i do all kinds of thins with candy, coke and water and halls. >> and where's that? >> in that store over there. >> reporter: i see a lot of kids go up in the morning in liquor stores and buy chips, sodas. >> reporter: tom council member riddleman proposed a tax for the november ballot -- today council member riddleman proposed a tax for the november ballot. >> we would like those funds to build more field in our community. so that it actually goes to anti obesity programs such as sports. >> reporter: the debate tonight lasted more than two hours and some council members said they don't believe a sugary drink tax will solve the obesity problem. jana katsuyama, ktvu news. it's possible the morning after pill could soon be sold to anyone without a prescription. currently the so called plan b emergency contraceptive plan is currently available with a prescription to women 17 and older. now pharmacies want to sell it without a prescription. it's possible that it could end up in grocery stores right along other contraceptives. police say 23-year-old anthony joshua loza was arrested on sunday. he was employed as a cheer leader coach at andrew bill high school and energy athletics both in san jose. the minor is associated with one of those locations but invest investigators are not releasing any details. if you have any information about this case please contact police right away. the lawyer who filed several class action lawsuits against hooters says he's reached a settlement with several of the sacramento restaurants and bars. the lawsuit claimed that workers were denied br in addition the employees named in the suit were paid an undisclosed amount in damageless. one of the hooters class action suits included restaurants here in the bay area but it's still not clear if that suit was settled in this agreement. the san jose bartons may soon leave the national athletics conference for a new conference. the athletic director has been in talks with the mountain west conference. current mountain west conference could both lead by 2013 that would open the door for the spartans and other teams to enter the conference. the contra costa county leaders heard an appeal. the mount diablo school board rejected a petition. the board's recommendation is set to be released next month. some high school students in benetia today held an occupy protest but they're not upset with the 1%. as ken pritchett told us they're upset to what happened to some christmas decorations. >> reporter: this sign mark where is they made their stand. occupy christmas an on campus protest. >> i was ready to be suspended if that's what had to happen. >> reporter: it all started on thanksgiving when a group put up christmas decorations on the common area. >> everybody was feeling really good about it. then we had some kids that felt as though they were not being represented. >> reporter: as you can see those decorations are now gone taken down by that same group so as not to offend some students. >> the original intent was not religious at all. they were just trying to make it a happy place. >> but what made a group happy, upset the others. >> i was really upset that they took down the decorations seeing it as a religious thing instead of a cultural demonstration. >> tory and i were threatened with pretty serious reprocautions for staying here. >> reporter: a few scattered after being threatened with suspensions but some stayed. >> very healthy discussion, listen to both sides, i'm very, very proud of the kids here. >> reporter: it remains to be seen if including all religions pleasing everyone. what can be said of the occupy protesters is that they can effective. they were done by lunch. in benecia, ken pritchett. a message from the fire department. your holiday may not be as happy. they set a tree on fire, do not leave unattended burning candles near by. a powerful blast rocks the religious festival in afghanistan. the devastating results from this new kind of violence. back here in 10 minutes, we're going toe talk about that very cold wednesday morning that's coming up and it's about building cars in america. it's all about jobs. it's all about respect. security. the american dream. [ jamaul ] good jobs in tough times. a chance to move up and do better. [ delaunta ] excellent healthcare. [ caletha ] beautiful benefits. what they used to call the american way. it still works here. [ jennifer ] not a single layoff of a u.s. manufacturing worker. [ glen ] not one. not one. doing things the right way. quality. [ jimmeka ] building cars that americans want. [ jamaul ] right here in america. hyundai is an all-american success story. ♪ so i used my citi thank you card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? we talked about getting a diamond. but with all the thank you points i've been earning... ♪ ...i flew us to the rock i really had in mind. ♪ [ male announcer ] the citi thank you card. earn points you can use for travel on any airline, with no blackout dates. the republican presidential hopeful mitt romney is adding his name to those who plan to skip a debate sponsored by donald trump. huntsman is the most outspoken. today an endorsement for romney. >> conservative values need to return to the white house and mitt romney has those conservative values to take america in a new and better direction. that's former vice president dan quail calling romney the quote best hope for the future. the san jose city council voted 6-5 to place a pension reform. the city worked with 11 employee leaders to craft the measure. the proposed reform measure includes placing new employees into a lower cost retirement plan. giving current employees the option to pay more and keep their current retirement plan or to opt into a lower cost plan. also giving the city council the power to suspend cost of living increases during fiscal emergencies. a new ktvu field poll indicates many californians believe retired workers are getting too much money from the state. 41% of registered voters said pensions for retired workers are too generous. 35% pensions are just right, and 14% said rethey don't get enough. a suicide bomber attacked a shiite religious event going on friday. it is the deadliest attack on a religious group in afghanistan since the fall of taliban. afghanistan has generally been free of sectarian violence. the athens, hundreds of protesters -- it includes cuts to salaries and pensions and tax hikes to try to reduce greece' death. hillary clinton announced the u.s. will use foreign aid to help gays and lesbians suffering discrimination aboard. clinton said gay rights are equal to others rights. aleck baldwin is using twitter to express his frustration with american airlines after getting kicked off a flight. the actor tweeted about his experience at l.a.x. this afternoon saying quote, flight attendant on american reamed me out for playing words with friends while we sat at the gate not moving. he also added a hash tag saying no wonder america air is bankrupt. baldwin's rep says baldwin boarded another american airlines flight later today. we want to acknowledge some wrong video we showed minutes ago. the story about college conference showed video of a high school game from delasalle. >> it actually makes me feel [ female announcer ] what's so great about jcpcash? no exclusions! with jcpcash, get 10, 15 or $20 off on the spot storewide! unlike other stores, we don't make you come back to save. get up to $20 off with no exclusions! we make christmas affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney. ♪ trsix geese a-laying... five new tops... i want to be very specific about this because last year i got some gifts i wasn't exactly feeling. especially from you, uncle dale. were those acid wash jeans? i just hope you all stuck to my list this year. a new digital camera or a new suede shoulder bag would be really ideal. sorry to be so frank. i just don't need another needlepoint throw pillow, aunt carla. ♪ four calling birds, three french hens... when it's on your mind, it's on ebay. no exclusions! with jcpcash, get 10, 15 or $20 off on the spot storewide! unlike other stores, we don't make you come back to save. get up to $20 off with no exclusions! we make christmas affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney. the mayor of livermore says it's not just exciting it's also really cool. ktvu's alex sadvige says how a discovery has added to the city getting a spot on the periodic table. >> reporter: one of the newest -- named after where they live will be added to the periodic table. the periodic table has been temporarily updated with lv for liveromorium. >> it's really special to teach science in a town where science is important. >> reporter: livermorium was first found here when they smashed calcium to cirium. it's created quite a buzz here in town. >> this is really excited. it's unspeakable. >> reporter: don marshon says this is a big deal for his city. >> certainly speaks to the technology and speaks to the community and tremendous scientists in minds that we have to work within our community. >> reporter: livermorium won't be the official name for another six months and they will have to study how the ingredient can be used but those here are already celebrating their place on the periodic table. the san mateo company says it is opening a 75,000 square foot restaurant in china. it's set to open in shanghai earlier next year. they plan to partner with china's lo family. two businesses being forced to move will be getting new homes along the waterfront. major ed lee said today that the teatro sensani and transportation limo will be moved to other property owned by the port of san francisco. in all, 77 businesses will have to clear out over the next two years as part of a massive make over of the city's waterfront for the 2013 waterfront for the america's cup which is expected to draw hundreds of fans. the cuts are 1-1/2% will happen over the next quarter. city bank will have to take a charge in the fourth quarter to cover severance and other expenses. u.s. secretary geithner began a tour. he said the u.s. has no plans to give money to the international monetary fund to boost europe's bail out fund. the markets closed mixed, the dow jones reacted positively to news that the euro may be getting tougher on countries with big debt. it gained 52 points today and the nasdaq edged lower about six points. and it's going to be a cold one tonight. let's go to live storm tracker 2. the first thing you will notice is that freeze warning in blue. it creeps into the fairfield vallejo area. we have frost possibilities throughout the east bay and the north bay and some inland bay valleys. the wind are light, as you can see in napa the temperature is, let me get it out of the way there, 33 degrees in napa. it's going to easily hit freezing. just because there's not a freeze warning or frost advisory doesn't mean you're not going to have frost in the windshields tomorrow morning. if you had it this morning, you will have it again tomorrow morning. if you had below freezing temperatures last night as they did up around anadale and the santa rosa area you'll see it again tonight. cover the plants, take the general precautions that you normally do. these are the forecast overnight lows, it's chilly and cold when the kids go off to school tomorrow and when you go to work as well. bundle them up as you head out the door. it's not going to warm up rapidly it's going to take a while. some where around lunchtime we'll be in the 50s and low 60s at best. there's no rain in the forecast. that was way out on the computer models. things might start to change around a little bit for us and get some rain in here. in the meantime when you don't have rain, you don't have an on sight wind you get a really cool weather out here. very cool weather, very cold weather. as time goes on we will start to see radiation fog start to reform. maybe seeing some now. especially right at the river bottom. the marsh lands and the areas around the bay. we have plenty of wetlands. that's the type of thing that's going to start creeping into the forecast as well. the jet stream stays to the north. at least this week. and into next week, high pressure in charge. and areas of frost and freeze possible tonight are probable tonight for many. and then mostly sunny and kind of mild tomorrow. san jose we go downtown and it'll be a beautiful day. tomorrow is a spare the air night if you will. no wood burning and it's going to be cold. tomorrow night is going to be very cold as well. mid-40s when you wake -- or about 7:00 or 8:00. 50 in fairfield. these forecast highs cooler than they were today. the five day forecast with your bay area weekend in view shapes up like this. cool morning. that's the big take here. again the frost own freeze thing tonight. it'll continue the next couple of nights, there's no rain in the forecast at least this week. >> yeah, wow. okay. >> no wind, either. right. >> no the wind is done. >> okay, thank you. microsoft had to temporarily delay a much anticipated software upgrade to its x box consoles today. the automatic online update was supposed to begin early this morning but only began rolling out late this evening. the new software turns the game console into a video entertainment center allowing users to up load movies and access music channels as well as multi player games. verizon is in direct competition with cable tv and netflix. router reports that the company hopes to roll out the service sometime next year to 85 million american households. and a consumer report survey of cell phone customers rates at&t as the worse carrier in the united states when it comes to value, voice quality and customer service. verizon rated 73 out of 100 in customer satisfaction, sprint voted 72, the mobile 67 and at&t came in a distant 59 out of 100. the little ones got a chance to tell santa what they want for christmas during the six áft annual toy's festival. the san francisco firefighters union organized toy drives throughout the year -- christmas during the sixth annual toy festival. three sea lions are at home in the wild tonight after being nursed back to health. two of them didn't need much help finding the ocean once they were released this morning on rodeo beach in marin county. a third was released just minutes early every. minutes early every. biologists rescued keurig has a wide variety of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. keurig is the way to brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew. so with keurig, every cup tastes like it's brewed just for you. because it is. three, two, one. yay. >> with the help of a cub scout from sonora the capital christmas tree was lit tonight in washington, d.c. the 118- year-old 65-foot tall tree came from the stanislaus national forest. johnny crawford won a contest to help john boehner flip the switch to illuminate 10,000 10,000 lights on that tree. >> mark is off tonight, joe fonzi is here. >> reporter: the giants say they don't plan on making a big splash in the winter meetings but tonight they made a little one. san francisco is training a couple of players, most notably andrus torrez. after being one of the players that sparked the giants. torrez fell off this season with a 2.31 batting average. also sent to the mets is reliever ramirez. in return they get angel pagan. pagan a switch hitter to go with a .262 batting average who took over in center field for the mets when carlos beltran was moved to right and later traded to the giants. the sharks have been stumbling of late and the tightly packed division of the nml. that's meant going from first place to fourth place very quickly. minnesota wild reach down tonight in their the áf bay area product coleman who was once part of the junior program. coleman's dad in the house, a former shark. take another look, you can see the effort by povelsky sloth the puck right into the net. and the former danny heatley. then with just 12 seconds left in the period, watch the passing by the wild on the power play, mark brushard minnesota crunches 2-1 and that's how it's shaped for two more periods. turned the sharks down 34 times. san jose now four points back in the pacific division and in fourth place. as we told you last night stanford quarterback andrew luck will be among the five finalists in new york again on saturday. when the winner of of the heisman trophy is announced. he will have to consider the voting too close to call. luck's coach david shaw got to weigh? on his opinion today. you will not be surprised how he feels it. >> i feel he deserves it, this is what we tried to schedule for. we want to have marquee players that are not just great on the football field but also well rounded stanford men as we call them that can be great examples for college football and great examples for the award like the heisman trophy. the golden state schedule came out today. they open at home on christmas night but then have five days on okay, people, let's get started. pete, did you forget yours? me pete, me use pen! (laughter) sorry i'm late, i was in the 16th century looking for pete's pen. (laughter) guys, guys. take it easy, ok? pete's mom is videochatting me, and she wants her pen back! ok, alright, well. i just got one. so... yeah, you've got a little... yep, i can feel the wet patch. don't look at it. when it's on your mind, it's on ebay. give your family the gift they can all share... ... verizon 4g lte smartphones ! like the droid charge. and the stratosphere. don't miss the best deals at the right price. on the network they deserve. get the powerful droid charge by samsung or get the samsung stratosphere for $99.99. and for a limited time get twice the data for the same low price. verizon. these deals make me loco !

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