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Good morning and welcome to another edition of The Patriot Radio News Hour we are rock on and fire and live on k x x th and Jan am in the Valley of the sun broadcasting come the mothership through cyberspace double a right up here at 1316 gauge and see in the beautiful range Rockies the shows you buy the Patriot training group and all Number 7 Jack Daniels all Jack Daniels write a kick back and relax and leave the driving to us Jack Daniels has they sell 16000000 cases a year and they've got about 500 employees Well here's the good news the good news for you people are trying to watch your weight there's only $65.00 calories in a single shot but this is a pedo grab. The most and reports on we've got that one wind up the back today so welcome it's a beautiful day to be alive and I got to tell you the front range all weekend before I get into that got Joe Jake. The owner of patriot trading group he bought it from me I happened to take a to go they've dusted me off they've unretired me and Motley Crue So I got for that so I don't feel so bad I've had people coming in here all day all week oh and I yeah I'm retired socks and it does don't do anybody talks into it don't do it so you're better off to have something to do because if your wife's working and you're not it just doesn't work out. Your mastery of all this many gonna happen with John put this together what difference why do you say what a difference a day makes what a different a week of weeks make this place is clean nice the lights are on people are coming in it's just amazing to be part of this network and you know thanks brother well you know what it's not a throwback thursday but it is a Jack Daniels flight a dust and it all off that in one when Obama was president let's face it by Friday you were ready but we bring it out today because the president I mean let's face it he's not a drinking man that I understand. But if he needed ever knew the shot on a Friday it would be this well this Friday for sure absolutely all the madness that the impeachment know all that stuff go on on course we got trade trade war news no one is even really sure there are some kind of agreement nobody really knows what it is and I've actually heard they may not even write it down. Right you know I don't I think I think that we're going to say there's a deal but they want that they want to see how we go Well rumors rule the world you know what they say file in the rumor and sell on the facts so that's why everything just works backwards but today Donald Trump graciously firey Republican lawmakers who defended him during 2 Thursday's marathon 14 hour impeachment hearing the 2 articles passed on a vote this morning party line votes 23 to 17 All right straight down the there were no defectors on either side now so now they're asked to go all the. You know that the once abuse of power and obstruction of Congress they were able to have that passed last night that well it sure wasn't sure this guy is man so he just goes I would say they figured the hearings would end at 5 o'clock d.c. Time they're still there at 10 o'clock and they all figure they're just going to get the vote done and you know so now he had germs of meeting without without saying anything or I don't know nothing so we're taking up this morning now here I know people watch you why didn't do it in primetime right nobody's watching your show oh all show Soul and what you'll understand is you know all these people these senators or Republicans or the House of Representatives they all whether you're Democrat say all they all roll their eyes like you see the footage watching it last night but you have to be present to vote you can't phone in it you just can't do it got be there either. So all these guys had plane tickets booked Friday and all they just wanted a self I mean what a jerk just to be just a jerk you know and if you are if you're an elected official if you're a senator or a house or perhaps if you're a diplomat of some sort that you can you can then you're allowed to speak join them to they had the guy in Arizona because you're allowed to well if you got to get to a vote you could be driving 150 miles an hour in a school zone and they got to let you go I want to tell you that's the 1st I've heard of being an elected official that's about the only power I can think of they had a guy in in Arizona that they kept catching him on the photo radar and he was saying Yeah I've got I got to go and I got in like $107.00 on I 10 and they interview them and they're like oh yeah he had to get there for a vote so that once turned out he had a vacation all about I'm going to say only on 107 that's only about 10 miles an hour faster than most people drive on the field for the way down there so and then being up here all week where you're from Arizona you don't get snow if you're beautiful Colorado front range Johnstown Johnstown last night I just stood there and. Took it all and we had dinner and it was the sun set it was dark and they've got the town all lit up Christmas decorations on the main strip down and some are coming and sets and the sun rises here in Arizona it's beautiful don't get more just gorgeous but call it something to say about it just take a lot of different colors in the sky as this comes as the sun's coming down here in Colorado just awesome finds out that a lot of people go from here and the winner to Scottsdale in the summer or in the winter if you are right and back in the summer so that leads me to a commercial for the cedar sugar. If you need any real estate help down to get it down in the Phoenix area or anywhere in Arizona call Ryan Buckley of point 004404541 where you go to see her from group dot com I just can't bring myself to read my wife's phone number out on the 1st time I saw it on the side of Scottsdale Road I went. For a good time no I don't I don't know I want you can see her wipe and do it they put it out there on the side of the road and then somebody ran over somebody that she thought I didn't I didn't do you hate somebody that's fine. Bam pause part of gun just celebrated 25 years of business here a family owned and family operated store and the only non corporate pawn shop in. The morning to Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms they are the state's 2nd highest volume firearms dealer green pos has over $500.00 guns for sale at this time plus an excellent writer of archery equipment I think season is just around the corner and protecting your family is always in season pos staff has over 100 combined years of experience including Chris Lewis and Brady to pale who are licensed consciousness with $25.00 clicks of yours would be grandpa's Jason here I've known Rob The owner of Grandpa's pond since the mid 1990 s. When I manage his watch at Pizza location the moment he has a 1st advertiser occasion see he is trustworthy and honest I trust him and you will 230-377-2795 extension 2 that's 303-772-7952. Society today is completely dependent on technology almost all services we count on including food water and transportation computers or operating our power grids and yes even the cars we drive in the event of a massive power surge or an electromagnetic pulse in the atmosphere this could render the country completely helpless the president has just signed the 1st executive order to identify problems with critical infrastructure in the USA and prepare the United States in the event of an e.m.p. Attack the power and water may come back on but your home and all your computer managed devices may be ruined forever e.m.p. Shield dot com has a solution they offer the world's 1st home e.m.p. Protection device made in America they can protect your home office auto solar R.V.'s campers generators and the list goes on and on as a listener to the American Freedom Network you can enter our call letters cage and see into the order code box and receive additional listener discounts it pays to listen to k.h. And c Go to e.m.p. Shield dot com and find out. Yeah yeah thanks for tuning in on this beautiful fly day it's Friday the 13th 2019 you're horrified of thirteen's always been a lucky day for me because you know if you're if you swim against the stream like I was the rethinks opposite So anyway this shows what you buy the Patriot trading group and thank you for all support we receive in here on the station the company and I said you know up you will know there's a gold company here in Colorado he offices here and there in Phoenix so that's like everything you've got the old and the new here so I took the back way home last night. Sun moon rising up over the the prairie with the snow the the snow fields you know when the moon is reflected off and the full moon coming up and the drive thru and up here on the back roads and then you hit these areas where there's been no always plan new development coming in and the old ranch is today coming in there's an old building a house of a Cal operation like ours up here and it's got a life sized Cal up on top of the building you know like I do all of the plastic Our whatever it's made of it's life size a gun see up there and then right next door is a brand new industrial park on end so you've got the battle of old and new and the old timers we had cart in here yesterday was right over a loud great guy my customer supports a network made a donation game in here I mean and you know he's he's one of the people caught in the crossfire and so you know it's not he can do about you can't stop it so you know trying to to live with it is. Zing but it is beautiful I mean the to see the Rockies I watch the moon set this morning over the Rockies and it's just it's stunning it's it's it really draws you and you can see why this mass migration is happening here and you know where it goes the east is going west of you or what you wonder what's going to happen you want to have here's the best way and you can see it right here in the office take a look of a map a road map of the United States. And then look over to the east side of the country and you can I mean if you just leave that map behind you look into the roads it's a new kind of goes all the way gets to about doubling Iowa or so and then notice how the roads become more 'd sparse Well take a picture of that map about 50 years from now. An update Yeah it's going to be just commerce with wet roads everywhere it's just well you just can't stop it the east has come West and I'm proud I got to grow up where I did in Arizona and in the desert we were you know just we're out there by yourself being a small Scottsdale small town up here when I 1st start coming to Colorado pick up trucks in the right lane doing 40 miles an hour with the opossum set up they were everywhere you know sadly that's what's happening same thing here in the states radio station we bring it back but we understand that we have to combine the old in the new and that's what we fully intend to do and that's what's happening you wouldn't believe the lineup the lineup that that's coming here Joe I can't I just can't I just can't say enough for the work that that you're getting done and this is this is all him you know I was supposed to do it but you know I wouldn't I'm not that good at it I mean I have I have my position here and we're and Joe and the way we always did it patriots who sustainment and that's what's landed again yes so we're excited we got a great new lineup come in we're going to have Dr Corke if you guys have not heard Sebastian Gorka you're going to love him for you old timers out there sounds a lot like wabi know well for those of you out there and I know there's a lot of you out there that remember Robbie he's great to pick a fight with people you know not afraid just great he's going to be all morning guy for the farmers Yeah all you farmers out there all you watch truckers out there from 4 to 70 and Dr court is going to lead us off court you know you've been hearing why kill me. From 7 to 10 and then the course this great program of the Patriot trading group the paper Radio News Hour we're staying right where we've been for 23 years there from 10 to 11 and then of course the open for us we got Dr Savage savages coming Michael Savage is going to be returning to the Colorado airwaves right here with 1360 k.p.h. And see how he's going to be on followed by horse Alex Jones we got Chris Plante If you never were Chris Plante he's going to be on late night so we got some just amazing rates onus is on come together since about in 2 weeks or so and get it plugged in isn't easy the advertisers are starting become you know hours of listening habits change and be honest with you you know on. This one thing this business is very exciting I'm so proud of my comfort zone I can't see it and yet millions of ideas and we're Jason runs a board here and for nieces moderates father helps out I mean it's again this is a family it was a family affair and just trying to get it all plugged in and put together in a timely fashion it just takes a while so just be patient so I did a special run though do you mind if I know it's old so radio I want to be this is my I don't want special I thought of it we're a we're a we're in a market area here we really got work so no special the no especially I want to build an ark with people so it kind of goes like this I want I'm pretty much the whole Scheibe of radio ads we're going to do a special for people these are 32nd ads you can get 100 ads for 40 days and nights that cover 40000000 households where a 1000000 people this goes to that in the population also goes out on the 13th 60 k. Agency dot com You get an ad there for $400.00 that's a dollar a day and a dollar wall. Dollars It's unheard of you know when we tell you we've got the best rate to Colorado out there you know was it can you God Don't miss our special right that's 400 ads 40 days 4000000 people $400.00 can't be done anywhere oh well we need it we gave the revenue we've been hemorrhaging money it's a good point a special good half a dollar a day. Unheard of you know 32nd spot I'll cut it for you Jason I'll kind of phoria working on voiceovers we got Kara will do it or you can come do it yourself just walk in just walk in here we can knock it out I mean I'm one how to run the equipment so I will say this yesterday it was hilarious we have what we called our production room that is a fancy word for closet and Eric's quasi yesterday with Jason they got the door shut I mean they're in there I'm like I don't know what they're doing in there in next to you know air is are on the software that edits all the commercials and they they're editing couple missiles and. Actually put them into the system and yeah right on I'm on the air I wish my planes just overloaded it was smoking when I went home but Jason's teaching me I learn how to run this equipment and it's just in my blood I've learned you know started the hard way growing up and you if you don't own a company you can ask anybody to do something that you're not willing to do yourself and that includes you know going elbow deep into the commode and keeping the place clean and we've done some cleaning around here this week. There's more to be done. So a copy of that no one special want to build an ark with me if you could be. A dollar an ad for a 32nd spot on for 40 days I mean looking for days or even for you know not to get your business noticed man want a lot of fun with it so you know what happens is that it works it takes a little while and the reason I want to do you know 100 ads is it takes a while and you know people have to hear it over and over again so it's got so many will businesses here and in Johnstown as well so but again you know this is so new format but not really. It's the old in the new we got to count on the building but you know we got a brand new industrial park me and built new years we're doing you know the old where it's going to work I mean we're going to move forward the station has a ton to offer I mean the people that have come through this week it's humbling humbling and you know if we were to run an open house again I said Yeah I try to come when Joe did open house but the wind was out the door and he goes I just I just didn't want to wait hours to come in so I've seen you guys in a long time and that's the type of listeners that are here they're faithful they've been Weston for ever and they want to support they all want to help these people can be your custom Oh absolutely So you know given the tripe wanted box really that's a dinner tab with your family so that's one of the no was special told New York together they would just get on what's the 40 some money. Ok call 970-587-5003 if you have any. Back to business I'm sorry you know we tried not to do that the Colorado radio on Phoenix but it's just that the time clock is filling up so fast so fast year that it's going to be hard to get a word in edgewise you know this morning coming in from but northern Colorado when you put your radio button on scan and I mean by the time it gets to Brian Kilmeade it's just. So we got Jimmy engineer you know that's the battle we were down at 6000 watts for a little bit this week and now he fixed it we're back up and you know just this is the constant rebuilding of this station ultimately we looked at him yesterday and said we don't care what it is or what it takes 6 or so or so we had that was exactly what I said sitting in my office and areas just sitting there you know not focused amid the Chess Life it would just letting Jim know hey there's a new ownership group and we want it fixed I've heard I'm not kidding I ordered over a 100 spear ards that are going to be delivered out to the transmitter so no matter what your shoes are we've got to fix it yeah yeah we're working on that as well so yeah well everything that used to happen hopefully is not going to happen anymore but. We're here and I'm here and I just tell you I mean the Colorado thing just just gets only out of me and. It's stunning it's stunningly beautiful and it's a little bit different little bit you know the people who are it's sped up a lot more on it used to be the traffic obviously is a lot more than it used to be when I 1st started coming up here quarter century ago but but it still has a little bit people are still still what you know wait for you absolutely don't let you turn in they're still a little bit of the old you know it's not if you get down to Phoenix and Scottsdale you know in California they'll kill you they'll run you over I mean that you're getting I see it all the time on the air and if you're driving the speed limit your change arena everybody else down there here or you can still drive the speed limit I got a