America just like the Catholic Church they start taking over. And then people can't believe it will bring down the church and bring down Boy Scouts of we get so pervasive and then you start turning a blind eye now you're complicit and now they take over the whole shooting match. That's how you compromise something she can't compromise with any of it to say full speed attack. That's why I always say our frontal attack I could get all Macchiavelli but that's a mental illness and creep around to side things and dirty tricks I always think I'm doing that the levels of a show freaked out all these lawsuits they haven't found any dirty tricks in the secret of does any manipulations because I've chosen to go full broad daylight frontal attack because I don't want to play games with my brain to get into a position where I operate like they do even in the name of good because then you spend your energy and you know all these other manipulations instead of just full bore attack it's the spectacle I want of us crashing into them and exploding and burning quite frankly and it's not that I'm a sadist or want to get hurt or want to be a martyr I just cannot merge my energy mentionable essence with get all worshipping statements come back to my will is assault them with everything I've got in that I get destroyed in the process and torn inside out that's good because I will certainly not be with them. I want to. Explode. Operation. In the way of feeling I have to bring them out. And tell the giant. Would be to take them I want to be. Taken. Out of I need to go. If you're living with diabetes and using insulin you know the pain of pricking your fingers over and over again by wearing a small remote device called a continuous glucose monitor or you can reduce the pain of pricking your fingers right away if you're testing your blood sugar for more times per day injecting insulin 3 or more times per day or using an insulin pump called the diabetic health hotline today and learn about the latest technology a c.g.m. Can immediately reduce pain it's accurate easy to use and helps you make better diabetes treatment decisions and if you have Medicare you can get a new c.g.m. 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I like really all I wanted to say in regards to that whistleblower in Texas this is something that we hear quite frequently and if you mostly with people who are just completely uninformed and you could hear the far away in that person what in regards to having the president you can heal you can hear that conceded power trip of someone that's powerless to to hear that weakness. Absolutely absolutely and as somebody who just left Austin Texas I can tell you that is something that I heard quite a bit I just left Austin and that bad little snarky tone it's something that has very much invaded the great state of Texas Texas is in trouble the whole country is in trouble he was one of the liberals from my family from. The liberal 1820. And. And just to watch Texas fall to the sickness the same snag that California is to be as conservative as we are now as to whether over here and people say why do they bring it with them because they're the ones that California dried they're the soulless vampires and now they're here. Yeah absolutely and you know for someone to just blurt out that they believe or they do not believe that state actually and this just goes to show you that they did not read the Economist they did not read the agenda 2030 it's all the public's money is all times Atlanta Monthly the globalist admit that I was being offered 20 years ago $10000000.00 a year and book deals and Glenn Beck's job before he even existed and I mean I had it on paper from the of the big corporations I mean that guy would fall over in a 2nd if somebody offered him $10000000.00 but nobody's offered him to $1000000.00 because he doesn't have any talent or the spark of leadership they're all a bunch of sycophants that think if they kissed but long enough they'll finally be a real man when they'll never be a real man God bless you I appreciate your call it at 10000000 dollars years pretty cheap now ha takes what $3040000000.00 a year to run in fours all the band with all the crew all the legal. Pressure was a 1000000 then $3000000.00 then $10000000.00 in the book bills and all of it is I want to be somebody else's man I want a $1000000000.00 a sellout humanity or bullet in your head I'll take the bullet but I'll die trying to stop you because it's the soul it's the as singe it's your will that transcends don't let them have your will don't bow your will do them Ballad of God and then instantly you'll go not Ballenger God I just join with God and I've got so much power now it's insane but you want even want the power like the metaphor in the Bible of strolling down there crowns after. 1000 years was you know Christ God I don't want these crowns I don't want these awards you don't want it because it isn't matter anymore he goes gone it's all the real plan Ok seamanship you want to bring up the channel because a smart guy has been out there time of the deep state have to go yeah the CIA leftist globalist arms of it are carrying on a debate overthrow the America they run the media and it's unbelievable that all Americans don't instantly join with Trump and with him for wars against it even if you disagree with the policies of Trump and not what they make up in the news it's still about us running our own country it's outside forces trying to destroy the nation state and turn it into a vassal state of the Globalist we must say no it's ridiculous I'm surprised we're not winning by a long shot we're barely beating them right now crunch right we're taking their ass but you know what they are squeezing the hell out of America and putting an authoritarian censorship in control and if they take Trump out they'll try to complete that because they're scared they're going to accelerate the authoritarian takeover and we can't let them do that Casey in Mississippi control the go ahead thanks for taking my call a clipper ship Thank you well you know anyone that says there isn't a deep state or shadow government it's either disingenuous or like the last caller said that about their eyes open this up paying attention to the very clear and. Propaganda that they put out on the No he did it to disrespect doesn't play gaslighting games and I guarantee you guys probably an educator something and does that to little kids all day I mean you can hear them oh that's my that misleads people that somebody that enjoys leading people astray Absolutely and you know really what it what I would look at as if they were it was a movie that came out a while ago I can't think of the name right now but they called it a college of corporation. And. You know I think that that hopefully it is that it's a college corporation that's what it you know kind of like the banking headmaster if you will. That's network and Rollerball the original We can show you how they really run it and that's actually written by folks that were externalizing the method that's actually what it is it's a college of corporations. Trade human just stock just as the Bible says they traffic in the souls of men not just the bodies and ideas and they want a one world government system where you have to have their currency to live which is the global cashless societies are final dream I agree with you 100 percent I think a lot of the Kabuki theater that we see coming out of d.c. Is distracting us from. You know that control grid which pairs with the cashless society the cybernetic control grid but I you know that is 5 g. That is. All the smart devices basically. You know for my understanding private use a computer to computer. That will connect your phone with you know so is t.v. Think with that has but it's already doing it without asking me and people say will just get a Droid is just as bad if you have one it's all the same globalist plan and it's all the government's competing for control of the guy you know the One Ring and it's all that allegory That's how Satanism works they're all building their own destruction hoping they can be finally in control of it suddenly I'm telling it no the phone is down in my car it knows when I need gas where we're going all the sensors I can't turn it off I go into the menus it's still just really uploads this is the end I push we're even if you turn it off it's turned out Apple Google never really turn it off and now they won't let you turn it off they're just letting you know we're in control of everything and they're flipping the switches on right now . Remember you Oh well well go well it's over here you are talking about their form of the army. Really but wait that's right we're all here for even more of them for you right here careful we're probably talking everything over frequency and this control over the cybernetic control grid you know is more or less right on frequency I mean you may have already you all left everything so that's right and what do they gel you in transcendence with Johnny Depp he becomes a I mean comes the dust that is in the sky that is a smart dust where they can have a whole computer system you know way more advanced even a smartphone in a sheen gold molecule and that it will be everything and absorb and that's the end game plan where you can escape it and they're now already putting the binary weapon system into your lemon dockside and the other systems so that the then the when the nanotech hits they believe it will then be able to find a place in your body and bind to that and then through the 678 g.b. They're already rolling out and cast they will then be able to oscillate and program that to basically kill you fry you for the show the game isn't even get control of us it's get control of this long enough to have a spiritually cut off from God because our d.n.a. Has been proven to be a transceiver they want to jam that frequency then program us to worship Satan which maybe isn't just some cosmology of a church it is merged with that Ai synthetic system and that's what he on must be others have told you that their religion is you go to these and now the f.d.a. Just came out said Ok we can do the ambrosia operation where parents will take their kids if they sign the agreement forms the children have their own right that now they want 5 year old start giving blood and the and the biggest people that want the money and are going to roll out all agreement is still a con of Alley will literally now openly be vampires and then everybody living in the Silicon Valley area. 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You know I'm a big fan of the Mr Fish and usually not as big a fan of the mesure band when they have another singer that comes along. But in the case maybe of and I want to say it was better oh same thing with the misfits and Michael Graves a good patriot smart guy official might raise dot com He's here in Austin and he's had his shoulder shows cancelled because of his evil support of him for wars and Alex Breitbart but he's here to give us an update on how that when he had met her about a year ago travels all over the world good to have you here my friend good to be here Alex thank you for having me back thanks for having come to be here Morgan we're going to go to all the callers that are holding like Jeff and Gary and all the folks who will get to you too we've got Will until take about 15 minutes the next hour but but you're you're you're loaded for bear you've got a lot to talk about and how this is all interconnected We've also got a special report of an hour in and I shot it up on a Force dot com It's incredible 10 minutes long or 2 minutes of it in the last 2nd of the shower but she went out Nasheed Ok to be white people said No show you mean this is the brainwashing that the others haven't we'll get to that also what with her other globalist operating with the homeless where people get arrested for nothing when the homeless kids should up heroin and beat people up while there's a. Plan behind that will hit that but obviously Nikki Haley comes out and from what we broke 2 years ago Roger Stone and of course with Mike Sherman of edge who they demonized and the platform a lot of places for exposing the fake also blower but you've got you tie it all together in the last break you were on fire so good to have you here a lot of have it but again the Abyssinian the way that Jeffrey abstain. Suicide has hit it has hit the popular is amazing you hear it everywhere I hear it everywhere every night to the point were making There's means about it's funny right so I so prepare for today and I went to inforce dot com and there's the report of about Roger Stone talking about Steve Bannon and yourself and references and talks about Miles Kwaku is this Chinese national who is who China is looking to extradite back to to China for his for his crimes right and that ties together Steve Bannon and how Steve Bannon was was basically infiltrating the the the trunk campaign for his for his own gain and then I started to think about. That she has ordered if you everything that is on the chess board and I went down the rabbit hole starting with Mark I knew who. The whistle blower's lawyer this guy that has pictures of himself at Disney World and it's clearly a link to some sort of child there's a total rapers oid the divisional wife saying 100 percent he says I represent pedophiles you to my right. And it's and it's still up on Twitter for f. For everybody to see he's fighting it now this guy started what's called whistleblower aid which is a nonprofit that was the trumpet. Ministration took over and in 2016 and went around and advertised for whistleblowers people within the administration to basically buy and come out against the administration right so you're right he organized people that were inside of it to then go out and do what the so-called whistleblowers done something that no the way this is a transcript ever saw. And he's also connected to the James Madison Project which also on the board of the James Madison Project that's connected to John Podesta which is connected to the Center for American Progress which is connected to the Southern Poverty Law Center which is connected to the a.c.l.u. Funded by George Soros and then on the door the next what they show you will not defend free speech they got bought and then according to and this is coming from Again this is this is a mean making it out there it's an Aaron Klein report they're facts right I didn't sit up last night and just analyze this so that within tax documents that were that were looked at in this report you find out that the Open Society which is George Soros is right is funding all of this which then is connected to the United subproject democracy united to protect democracy is a group that has filled with former top lawyers from the Obama administration which does which is does advocacy Madge methods to oppose the trumpet ministration write a letter to the chairs George Soros Hillary and a bunch of globalist and it turns out they had Kelly turns out they had Tillerson because these people are all scared literally working for them and then they brought in make master they brought on Fiona Hill they brought in all these people to fill up the administration all under Trump's And now ban and goes and testifies down and says well you tell me he was talking to you