I buy nerves something great my lungs will fill in the plate with the fire Excel desire I know it's my time today. So often I had to replace it with one I once bought because somebody stole my car radio and now I just silent. Your listening to k.h. t X f.m. Conway Arkansas the interests college can watch our power on the air on 93 point one f.m. In Conway and online. D x dot f.m. . And now the news. You can take a turn here and profile managing editor Jessica Emerson. Alone Hello this is and now the news on this beautiful October 27th 22nd 2017 and Jacob Turner Katie x. Station manager and I just recently profiled me did you get it or and so we've got a lot of news coming up for you here today. First things 1st of course is our news from the office of marketing communications. A recent agreement signed with keep Delta public schools will be offering new Hendrix aspire scholarships to cover the full cost of attendance for a number of eligible students graduating from kept Blytheville schools this is the agreement signed on October 12th and this is an expansion of again the Hendricks aspire scholarship program at stablished in 2015 the interest will be an initiative will be introducing a lecture and interactive workshop a psychologist and wellbeing scholar Dr Dr La cattle ino of Scripps College on October 25th this will be in a Worsham hall in the student life and technology center of interest college. Dr Kelly No we'll be discussing the myths and science about happiness and lead a pretty for shop on how to apply the science of happiness to everyday life we begin at 5 30 pm with a brief research survey in the lecture workshop will run from 6 to 7 pm event is free open to the public and if you want more information please contact Dr Lindsay Kennedy at Kennedy at Hendrick study edu. 6 centric students recently presented their research at the national interest Institutes of Health South East Regional institutional development award meeting that was on October 11th 13th at West Virginia University in Morgantown West Virginia 2 of them received awards for their work students and faculty from 6 states and Puerto Rico attended the idea meeting to discuss best practices and share ideas to promote biomedical research Hendricks attendees include Dr Andrew shirk o Meghan Hunter Emily's seminar and Sarah Gilmore care Steve McClellan and award winners Myra Murdoch and Taylor Stone and for the latest news from the office of marketing communications please feel free to go to dot edu forward slash news for these release these press releases and others and also follow official college social media accounts on Facebook Twitter and Instagram and you can find the Hendrix College social media accounts they are at Hendrix College on all platforms so want to thank again the office of marketing communications for their news releases that they submitted to us today and how it turned over to Jessica to bring us information from the Profile for this week so the profile had their on line meeting this week and we're about to find out some new stories on our website and some of those include I'm working a story for. The future section and it's on advocates for World Health and cultural appropriation and some of the controversy that we've seen on campus and the forums that I know that student leaders are putting together in order to overcome. The controversy and the discussion on campus and giving students the opportunity to talk about those things and so that's all going to be on the website and I expect that soon and I'm excited to see where the story goes in the content we get from students on campus and getting to see their voice written online and you know see that impact. And other things going on campus the Hendricks mall being initiative is having their 1st ever who go week coming up this week and there's event every day and it is in promoting well being on campus and so students who just kind of want to relax and kind of learn more about themselves and what a healthy mindset is and it's in these events and on Monday there's going to be a French cafe in the Murphy house from 4 to 6 and there's a Coggs movie night that night that guy is really promoting and Tuesday he can decorate cookies with the site club from 4 to 6 in the kitchen and you can come to a war some south from 78 short stories and poems and there's other events like this throughout the week in order to get involved on canvas and that's just something the profile and. Hendricks is promoting So we're excited. And some other things going on with the profile our newest issue will be coming out soon and we're just really really excited for some things I think is going on this week and I have an agenda but. Yeah there's there's just so much going on it Hendricks it at this time of year kind of between October and November months because it's enough past midterms for students to have a little bit of free time but enough before finals that we're not studying for them so there's a lot going on on campus and I know the profile has definitely been keeping up with all of that going on with the week and just all the different things are going on like we had a like a concert let's a concert that we just had this past Friday the Kates the experts are just so many things going on campus right now so and I believe I've heard some really really positive feedback about. Everyone had a good time and on Tuesday the Hendricks movie foundation inducted 3130 new software's Murphy own program that's really used 1st time I've ever had 3 scholars . I've heard it was a very orange class to share and they've only been doing this is their 3rd cohort I believe so this is a very fairly new program on campus and they're already hitting these numbers the 30 people that's a maximum class size that Hendrix really like freshman level and as many as well taken some classes and I think they plan on having 90 passed 230 every year. Well it sounds like they've definitely gotten to their. Where they want to be then as far as their limit goes because. This current Their 1st class will be graduating this year I guess graduating seniors so yeah they'll be they'll be up to 90 before they know it. So there's a profile have anything else you'd like to add not. All right thank you again Jessica and again you can find the profile online at Hendrix profile that he dot com is a. Dot com All right thank you so much for that just. Some things that are going to be coming up in an area so that Bruno Mars concert we've been talking about for a couple weeks well that's going to be well it will be tonight. It's on October 22nd when we're recording this so after tonight Bruno Mars will no longer be mentioned on the show and lest he comes back to our could solve somehow before the end of the semester. But some other things going on for us in Reno include the $27000.00 cost by Con and an experience which will be happening on Nov 18th at 11 am. And that's going to be one of the bigger conventions that are being held here in the central Arkansas area. It's not one that I'm actually familiar with I know of like Little Rock Comic-Con and things like that but this is if it's going to be a prize and they must be expecting a lot of people and then this is going to be way ahead in the future but you might want to go ahead and get your tickets now if you're interested Katy Perry and Carly Rae Jepsen will be coming on January 12th 2018 to Verizon arena tickets are on sale now for the tour and they started at $50.50 so. Imagine if you if you really wanted to get good seats you probably should jump on that now and then finally here locally in the Conway area we will be having Arkansas says one of the more popular regional groups here in the state of Arkansas performing with Tyler Grady here kings on October 27th which is next Saturday I believe. At 8 30 pm and tickets for that are $5.00 so some Morcombe movies that are also playing right now here in the Conway area so at the center marked on skyline just north of campus. The new movie Geo storm which as I recall See here who does that store again. Drawer Butler That's how it's like you know. That is out right now at the cinema art on Skyline a couple of others that are out are blue to one of the Medea films. Yes the Medea Halloween happy death day foreigner only the brave Blade Runner 2049 is still playing and then there's a number of other movies playing so that's at the cinema arc Talum center on Skyline Drive in Conway Arkansas so what I think you once again for tuning into this episode of and now the news on October 22nd 2017. Keep in mind if you want to submit news that you think is relevant to students or others in the Hendrix community please feel free to send that in an email to k h t x at him study edu or give us a call and leave us a voicemail at 501-450-1339 this is been Jacob Turner for Cage t.x. Jeff. And we will speed sign off now thanks so much for tuning in have a great rest of your Sunday. Elin Lib's Relentless a loveless. Purplish. Pledge election. Lol. Play. Lead. a good stuff. To you on. Today just to. Be. An aluminum one she liked the. Speech. To know that our see the we. Stands to you now when I close my eyes glowing green. To 2 major suit. Sometime. Late from Silver needles. To. See then she. Never seen me. No she didn't mean any help but hear me. Again my mouth to speak but instead. It was me sometimes just. A calamity. The sun on my door warning. And. When she heard. The twist. My parents pretty. Much the. Child to be there but he said he loved me too so I know it is for the king. To teach gran against. There's a. Center I could leave. The screen and. I don't want to leave. Town feels. Like swimming. In a steamy. Tropical storm. I mean. I don't ever have to and you know me. The boys his cheeks and sometimes the tummy Caesar. But I'm small and learn to keep Crouch to the. Kid. So. Down next to them by. My face he said fine. Benchley mug I used to it and feel blue and stay to school. Wraps across. The I'm not really sure which was. The. 3rd grade lose. Lose. About. 10 watts of pure unadulterated power cage d x f in 93 point one Conway Arkansas live and on the web at k h t x dot if it. Really leads me for Saddam to listen to my. I'm sliding the new the eve. Of my me books the I must be more I am now it's the law of sin. I'm anxious or the pain that I am not there I am. The. Whole array with. The rich and even in my. Will always do the same why the law the way the lilting be errors in the eyes of the year against my dad and feel your skin my own in the same. Mode I asked him my man's blood I mean the average. I saw on my. Mom. My. And I him and Dr King and we breeze against. The man he asked on these and it's very it's. On by the chains of my. Lawn this and. I'm going around my office any use. In my. a mother are you. Wondering where head lead. I. And I were. In bed her begging. For. My. Wherever. The leading it everywhere. All those thing. Came in give. Me. Dear old fish she. Say to me. He said Oh he'll. Who. Knows you. To. Write you watch. Be Oh my. Goodness. He is God. You will. Meet soon. You. Me. Making. Me. Mad. Oh. You made one. Here and. Your. You're. Gone you're. Lose. Your organ. To New Orleans to be. Sure. Way down. The alley. Thank. You. 10 watts of pure unadulterated power k So there. Was some of this. Is just. Going. To make. Us. And it's. Going to bring up. Some. Good. But like. She. Looks. Like me even. Know how to. Get me through the. Simpson. Yes. Seems to like. A little. Oh. Good. It's out of. This. Ult. Election. Truck. Illegibly .