But it's just there's so much and there's even characters that aren't really around as much that I care about a lot like when I back what I was watching back in the day and then in the late ninety's around you know in 99 in 2000 when I was really when I was a 5th grader and that was all I wanted all I wanted was wrestling it was excellent and fun there was a dude in Al Snow who was a crazy man who talked to a mannequin head named head who had helped me written on its forehead backwards he was like kind of in love with it it was kind of his tag team partner he thought it was alive he would use it as a weapon he would team up with other crazies he nobody trusted him he was unreliable he lost a lot. But he was fun and I really liked seeing him and he never you know he was never one he only wanted when they needed to show that someone was weak. Like there's like there's a guy right now Adam Rose who. I don't get I don't get why he's what his purpose is and then I did some reading up on him because he's thing is he's the party pooper any ruins things and I was like why is that but then turns out that he used to be the party guy he used to show up in matches with a whole college or a of people he called his rose buds and they would all die and including one in a bunny costume on a firefighter costume one and they would all just like you know women in bikinis and they all just kind of dance around and party and then he would be like don't be don't be a lemon be a rose bud and he tried to get people to party with him and then he'd go in the ring and beat the hell out of people because that's that's that's the it's the absurd thing about wrestling is that every character no matter what they are is someone who beats the hell out of other people and that's what they want to do and that's what they need that's what's necessary for the story to move forward I feel like I can look at this coming at this from an outside perspective it's it's such a. It's such a it's so silly but I you know I can't I can't like it's I've been into superhero comics since I was very young and I see there's a lot of similarities because if somebody develops these powers for decades the assumption was Oh well then you put on a mask and a costume and you have a secret identity and you go out and you fight crime because you can't explain your powers to people because then you'll be no big return into the government be taken over be an ally you just have to use your abilities for good in secret because that's just how it is because that's what Superman did and because that's a superman and that's how all heroes subsequently have to work and based off that one example that's where entire genre was born. And wrestling didn't really start off that way it was I mean in a way it did be but it was more of a i i i feel like I should go back and look at the like what was professional wrestling like in the turn of the 20th century and then how how was it off until the formation of the us the Worldwide Wrestling Federation founded by Vince McMahon Jr Vincent Kennedy McMahon the one the one that we know that's that's his name. I really should talk about Vince McMahon on here because he's just such an interesting interesting person and also he has maybe the best. It's music. In the show so when you're here that is check this out. Later. Live. Live. Live. Live. live . Vince McMahon is a legit. Insane person but you have to admire the attention and the craft that he's paid to creating this so he created this thing almost from scratch like he took smaller wrestling promotions from all across the world I'm getting some facts here wrong this is. My comic book store has a new biography on Andre the Giant that sort of explained how how this came to be and really I could just go and make a p.d.f. Of this is just this is how I figured that it worked there was a much smaller wrestling promotions they were all independently doing their thing and wrestlers would travel and perform and get paid and then Vince was like What if we made one big show and essentially created an a list for wrestling for which there wasn't really one before I guess there could be you could it was just a local show there was no televised there wasn't really televised wrestling and then he made it and then he made Wrestle Mania and then he made all of this and then that led to weekly shows that led to other weekly shows that led to this entire conglomerate I mean now and now he's a billionaire we're tapping into this but he is a an actual and same person because he had to put himself into the narrative to explain the narrative you take the Montreal screwjob which I'm not going to get into you can read all about it I personally find the constant constant returning to discussion among those who would be kind of boring because I'm new and I get that it was important I get to see it explained many things about the business but I'm just like well we can't just keep coming back to the most because the Montreal screwjob we're so far past that now that we don't need to use the Montreal screwjob as a benchmark for why wrestling is the way it is even though it is but the business is has evolved and changed and we got what we needed what we needed was for after that happened Vince McMahon had to had to become a part of the show to take that level of corruption. And then that established what's been the one of the longest running. Premises in which was the authority figure as the antagonists have the authority figure is always in charge and now they're literally called the authority. Stephanie McMahon and then whoever they have working for them like South Rawlins or big show or Randy Orton or Kane or whoever. They're there they're the authority and they they try to they run the biz they they run they run the show and they show up and they say this is the match it's going to happen tonight it's been this person this person and it's no d.q. And if you lose then you have to shave your head and sell a child like that's and that's just how how it works and it's silly but it makes sense because that's what we needed coming out of the most of it's a plan was that for many years and now he's sort of pulled back into it he's still the boss and he will continue to be the boss until he dies or until he's in a place where he can never get hit again where he can never get Superman punch he got Superman punch on Raw a week from today. By Roman Reigns as Roman Reigns claimed to be World Heavyweight Championship it was a great show that that night man that was a really really good show New Day I love the new day out of their engines music I can't play it but we're Vince McMahon and his his the way that he inserted himself and forced his children and most astonishingly his wife into this show is so. Odd like he's like I'm going to create this amazing television program with will be recorded live multiple times a week in front of thousands of fans and the biggest villain will be me and my assistants will be my family my blood family whether they like it or not and that you know and so he brings in Shane McMahon who I think has I'm just going to just for a 2nd his entrance music is also funny as hell but check this out. So . That. We don't need you give me. The money makes. Things that would say See the. See. What that would be. To the west mother of 3 says look. So humans with man is an absurd aspect of the history because it's he he like he's there why is he there because his dad to charge what does he do he gets the hell beat out of them and does ridiculous stunts and spots and just takes absurd amounts of damage and it has never really been like. I will frequently refer to Vince McMahon as nobody's favorite like he's nobody nobody really. Nobody like wants Vince nobody wants Shane to when he can't read he's not really a great heel because he's just kind of this this dork he doesn't have his own gear he just like he'll show up wearing like Debbie w e t. Shirts and hockey jerseys and khakis and like. I don't I don't know he's such and he's such an enigma like nobody's ever like oh great Shane's here now this is going to get crazy he's just kind of this dork he's just this big dork and you can't I don't know you know how you can't hit the rock in the same way you can't like Shane McMahon You can kind of accept Shane McMahon and understand like Yeah he I mean I'm looking at his achievements. He won the European Championship once in a hardcore championship once he couldn't even get his hands on the Intercontinental Championship like you can't be you're not even a b. Lister if you have never touched the Intercontinental Championship as anyone you know like. I don't know apparently that that song Here comes the money by not in my nature that's awesome that's so great. But yeah. What a silly silly gentleman but you haven't but man is the idea of bringing in authority members. Yeah it's something that he needed that kind of needed to happen. To get the show to progress after that what kind of a logical screw job anyway speaking of authority figures let's let's get into a little bit of talk about your voyage. Triple h. . Triple h. Is what he is he is what he needs to be he's what the business needs. I I I as a I hated triple h. When I was a kid I hated him Oh my God he sucked like he would just show up with his Delma hair and is. Weird breathing patterns. And is incredibly eternally punch able phase I think because I popped in after de generation x. Was like past its heyday like Shawn Michaels had been govern the company for a couple you. Years x. Pok is just a blight on existence and then the road dog and Billy Gunn were like. There they were the new age outlaws they had had the belt for a while the belt was kind of bouncing around from like. Edge and Christian and Hardy Boys in the deadly boys like it was the tag team champions were moved around a lot in the time the tag teams I'll talk about tactics I still got well an hour left Thanks for sticking around everybody for those of you just tuning in this is k.g. P.c. 96.9 f.m. We're at p.c. 969 dot org This is comedian Rhapsody I'm Jake Ruben I'm good station if occasion because it's an important thing and I get an evaluation once a year and I'd like to get glowing marks on that yeah. So yeah this is going to rhapsodies Archimedes' about music today it's just wrestling I'm taking what I've been applying to my own personal life and giving it to you full force So yeah he's fine whatever I kind of like having that seeing him get beat to hell by Roman Reigns at the end of tables out of the chairs and the out of what was otherwise a kind of like Lester paper view. Yeah it's let's talk about where we're at right now because I'm I'm wrong is happening as we speak like tonight's Raw is is live somewhere in America. And I'm not watching obviously because I'm here I'll probably watch it tomorrow morning but yet let's let's talk about where out right now just the current biz so we'll start from the bottom belts and work our way up to the United States Championship is still in the hands of Rio nothing is happening like that's it that's where it is and that's why I don't like Alberto Del Rio I don't like him because I don't know why I'm supposed to like him he's apparently a great wrestler but like he doesn't have a whole lot like I if you have if you ask me to describe Alberto Rio The only thing I would be able to say is his race and that's it and that's that's a problem with a wrestler what it's like oh well he's definitely he's definitely from Mexico because. That's they say it when he enters the ring and he has an accent like that's the you like he used to be what Much more of a carrot like he's apparently back in the day his gimmick was that he was like an heir to a fortune so he was kind of like a kind of like a Mexican triple h. In a way like he was this. Pretty Boy type I don't have his music I don't think I do have I working from a working from a limited supply a lot of also knows music made up of that on up but you know what I'm going to listen Alice knows we're going to play also knows music and then we're going to continue talking about overture to Rio Here's out snow Why does everybody want to. Just want to. Ski. Area with. Us. That's another that that's also no any way over to the Rio he when he came back from hell in a cell he was working with Zed Coulter who used to work at Jack Swagger Jack Swagger who is a man who loves America like that's more of a gimmick than from Mexico but you know still not terrifically interesting they had they had a they had a over a wall underwhelming match at tables a lot of the chairs with a lot of people get hit by chairs. Anyway I think that Bell needs to move and I have a theory for what we can do but let's let's continue with the belt so then let's go to the Ok the divas championship the diva circuit we have Charlotte is feuding with . Charlotte is kind of feuding with her own friend Becky Lynch because Charlotte has started to follow after her father Ric Flair and started to play dirty and that's not cool Becky which isn't Ok with that even though wrestling is it's a dirty game and Charlotte didn't get where she is by being dirty but now she decided like I think I should be dirty in terms of her own matches in terms of helping Becky win win Becky's matches. You know removing stuff from turnbuckles tripping. When she deems it necessary and it sort of splintering their relationship but it's all part of the very slow very organic and very interesting transition from Charlotte to from face to heel it's been pretty gradual and having her dad who is. One thing that I replayed the only 2 time Hall of Famer he's in for being Ric Flair and for being a member of the 4 horsemen. Is He was always a heel but the thing is you can't be a heel after you're in the Hall of Fame because it's like oh well he's a bad dude but we're giving him the compliment but now they're sort of realizing there's that we need to address the fact that Ric Flair he was a cheater and a sneak and a jerk and we're going to have that go into his daughter and I was hoping that Charlotte would be able to come out of her storyline and become someone who isn't just Ric Flair's daughter and someone who's their own character like she was when she was on an x.t. Or so I've heard but you know if this is the route they want to take then this is their other going to take so Charlotte is. Very interesting and her music is also Ric Flair's music but with here check this out this is. This is Rick flowers music it's it's just. The Spoke Vera Zarathustra the music of 2000 want to Space Odyssey doesn't really make sense. But. Here it is. Where'd I get it. You know but before I was like I don't really see why but now I get it I that's pretty that's pretty dope and even though I see Charlotte entered the ring for every week it's still like that anyway so they're doing cool stuff with Charlotte I think I hope they're working ending her rivalry with Paige because that was going nowhere. Just the 2 of them like exchanging angry I don't know like like paid it just because Paige kept losing you can't have a feud last that long with one wrestler consistently coming out over the other wrestler and expected to have legs you can't do that you have to keep you know you have to keep them you have to make it seem like they're somewhere on the same level like Page wins but not again Charlotte page will win all the time but never wins again Charlotte Charlotte wins all the time against everyone because she's the champion that's how champions have to work. Unless it's a poorly handled him if that Champ has to look strong you cannot have the champ not look strong and right before a paper view everyone going into the paper you have to look strong it's it's a whole it's a whole tricky thing so I'm hoping that this leads to a. Match between. Charlotte and Becky sooner rather than later hopefully before the world Rumble I think like that will be a long ways from now and then hopefully saucer bags gets all up in the mix because Team bad is clearly poised they're about to jump to the front of this diva search even circuit. The Divas lineup the diva situation because for a while it was all about the bell as it was all about Nikki and Bree Bella Nikki Bella had the Divas Champion for the longest time she wanted of a.j. Levy and if you want a page page one of my Julie. And then it was it was the show it was the Bella twins and Alicia Fox were just run and run and stuff and now it's. Teen p.c.b. Anymore it's Paige Charlotte and Becky Lynch and then I think that soon show banks will get what we want softer banks and possibly Naomi and probably to me to make as well despite all the legal whatnot going on with Jimmy Snuka hopefully she is just like don't let me know that she's not going to be look I'm related to a famous wrestler as much as Charlotte I'm going to say that look up what's happening with Jimmy Snuka it's not great but anyway I hopefully by Wrestle Mania we get saucy go in for the belt hopefully by then so she gets it because Sasha banks is one of the best talents they have in the women's division and they need to need to accept that let's look at the tag team titles Ok the tag team titles are still being held by the new day and the thing about the thing you need to understand in the new day is that they are great the new day are the most dominant tag team for all the right reasons they're good in the ring they're really great Kofi Kingston This is 4 time old attack titles he's had the Intercontinental Championship a number of times as well biggie as a former Xti champion biggie and the exhibitor Woods both came out of an x.t. I think Biggie was the 2nd ever 2nd or 3rd ever. And x.t. Champ. And now he's now there on the main roster and they're teaming with with veteran and former Jamaican Kofi Kingston and they're hilarious they come out with this and they're the promos they come before every match are consistently entertaining consistently funny they are as heels you have to. You have to crap all over the city year and you have to just say really mean things about oh it's sure does suck to be here in Boston. Sure wish I was in New York City but you have to make people hate you but we can't the crowd used to chant new day sucks because you're supposed to boo heal but we can't do it anymore the crowd loves the new day because they're fun in the ring they're fun outside of the ring and there and we know because of Exhibitor Woods youtube channel up up down down where he plays video games of the wrestlers they're nice dude's they're nice and they're fun and they're silly and they come up with all this great state I bet that their writers don't barely have to do any work because examiner would exit or would especially is so sharp and funny. And like there was this 3 way ladder match best match of the night at t.l.c. This last month and even though the and the loser dragons who were it was a triple threat new day. Dragons were all going up for this for for the for the belt belts knew they had to win because Dragon just aren't as fun like it would it would be a very short championship. My friend Stephen Cooper who is the person I speak to most consistent wrestling I say I told him about how I was I was walking about how yeah it's kind of interesting that in this was when Seamus still had the title last month all the title holders the heels and I was like except Charlotte I'm Charlotte becoming a heel so yet all of them for a minute were heels another woman runs has it's all different but I'll get to that when I get to run rates. And he's like yeah because that's what makes the story interesting and you look at how long the rock has cumulative of Lee held the title not that long compared to. Triple h. Or Bristol Martino or. Ric Flair or August or Hulk Hogan even because he's been he's been a face nearly his entire existence unti