Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20171129 :

Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20171129

new look at the new american princess to be. this is an adorable photo on the cover of the "daily mail" of meghan markle at 15 years old. and guess where she is? >> yeah, loitering right outside her feature in-laws home, buckham palsace, with a friend in 1996. >> little did she show. uh-huh. planning is already under way. and we get new details right now from abc's terry moran reporting from the venue. >> reporter: for harry and meghan, the countdown has begun. a may wedding at windsor'swindsd at st. george's chapel. and the royal family will pay for the festivity. the royal relatives weighing in. >> william and i are absolutely thrilled at such exciting news and it's a really happy time for any couple. and we wish them all the best. and hope they enjoy this happy moment. >> reporter: and camilla, prince charles' wife. >> america's loss is our gain. >> reporter: and the public welcoming their soon to be american princess. >> it's good to see the royal family moving with the times at last. >> it's time he got married and settled down. >> reporter: during that interview, they just seemed so in love. the tabloid leading to a lip reader to see what they're doing in those moments. harry and meghan laughing, interrupting each other. she wants me to say something here. meghan apologizes and gives him a look that slays. meghan markle will become a citizen of the unite kingdom. so some people are asking will she have to renounce her american citizenship. there's no specific lay here in britain requiring that. as an american citizen, she's still subject to u.s. tax law and that might be something the british royal family doesn't much like. terry more ran, abc news, windsor castle, england. >> those tax laws, man, they will follow you everywhere. she may not have to renounce her citizenship but will have to be confirmed into the church of england before the wedding. >> yes, but did you ever think you'd hear terry moran say a look that slays or beyond slays. >> no. beyond slays? i think terry's getting into this. >> he is. coming up, the hands-down most competitive grammys category by far. >> ooh, .some early oscars buzz coming up next in the skinny. by far. ♪ when you recognize something isn't right, make the call to the veterans crisis line at 1-800-273-8255 and press 1. ♪ ♪ despacito ♪ despacito >> so it's not groundhog day yet. that's still february 2nd. but we're still dancing to "despacito" in "the skinny." >> that's right. that's because grammy nominations are in, and suffice it to say, the song of the summer did pretty well. >> "despacito" got three nominations, including song of the year. it's a big deal. it would be the first non-english song to win the award since 1959's volare. ♪ volare, oh, oh, >> if you want to go with that pronunciation -- >> you'll get it. enough about song of the year. let's get to the most important category of them all. >> yeah. album of the year, of course. >> no. >> record of the year. the producer. >> no. >> best new artist. that's always fun to see, like who is the best new artist. >> best spoken word album. >> the plank era of the early universe, that's the interval of time from t equals zero to t equals ten to the minus 43 seconds. >> he gets me every time. >> huh? >> that's the perennial grammys favorite, neil degrass tyson. >> what did he say? >> i have no idea. but this is the competition, honestly. i know we're kidding a little bit, but this is the competition to watch. his competitors are mark ruffalo, tag teaming with bernie sanders, feel the burn. the late carrie fisher got a nomination. and actual musician bruce springsteen, he might have sang some songs, but this is the award he wants all for reading their audio books. >> who knew. >> so we'll have continuing coverage of that grammy category. >> big competition under way. next up, more award season buzz with a front runner emerging for the academy awards. >> if you want to impress your friends by predicting the best picture winner, even before the nominees are announced, here is apparently your best bet. it's called the post. and it's being called steven spielberg's best movie since "munich." besides spielberg's name, you see them there, streep, hanks. add to the mix with marilyn tom playing "the washington post" journalist who exposed the pentagon papers. >> "the post" has just been named the best film of 2017 by the national board of review. other top films by the organization include "dunkirk," "lady bird," "get out," and "baby driver." >> "get out"? >> "baby driver"? >> okay, i liked "baby driver", you didn't like it. >> i liked it. but just best picture? good car choreography. the end. >> "get out". eh, it's a comedy. next to jeifrevealing that fun-loving, likable stars of hollywood would rather just be by themselves. >> in an interview with adam sandler, lawrence explains how she defends herself from people who approach her. >> once i enter a public place, i become incredibly rude. i turn into a huge [ bleep ]. >> you get icy? >> yeah, that's my only way of defending myself. being like [ bleep ] seeing somebody walk toward my table, can i have a selfie? i'm like, no. that's my only defense. >> i like the finger wag. very effective. lawrence went on to say that she doesn't even have it that bad, conceding to sandler that comedians have it worse because fans assume they're best friends like, oh, you're funny, you're cool. you're totally approachable. >> it must be nice to be spotted in public. did we like the november mustache on sandler by the way? >> it strangely works for him. >> do you think? >> i do. >> it was kind of on interesting to get used to. okay. >> how do you stave off all those fans trying to get your autograph? >> i don't get recognized. i wear the abc jacket, the big blue, and i'm just like walking around with the "world news now" mug and still, like, my mom is like, who are you? finally, tyra banks trying to break the internet with some eye-popping photos of her animal transformation. oh. >> meet tygra. that's the name of banks' female alter ego. the photo shoot was done for "paper" magazine in the now annual break the internet issue. >> the last we checked, the internet is still up and running as far as we can tell. but a for effort for the prosthetic nose and everything else. >> good halloween costume for next year. that cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. tand, our adulte children are here. so, we save by using tide. which means we use less. three generations of clothes cleaned in one wash. those are moms. anybody seen my pants? nothing cleans better. put those on dad! it's got to be tide. ♪ are they going to be all right? >> pretty crazy. >> no. >> no? >> no. >> no? >> huh-uh. there's no way. like there's no business class on that plane. >> you've got plenty of room. >> yeah, clearly. those incredible images and the video of a death-defying stunt that something of a reversed skydive. >> yeah, instead of jumping out of a plane, these french guys called the soul flyers are jumping off a mountain and then into a plane. let's break it down for you. so they're wearing wind suits in the swiss alps, and these guys jumped from the 13,000-foot peak, then watch, they take off, flying through the mountain canyons for a while. and you might be thinking, oh, they'll land in that soft, powdery pillow of snow. >> doesn't look powdery to me. >> no? >> no. >> well, it probably looks easier to land in. >> no. >> than a plane. so the small plane appears, flies next to them for a while. and then with pinpoint precision, ooh! the first flyer goes right in and his partner follows behind him. not as easy as it looks by the way. and i don't know about you, but it doesn't look easy. they say it took 100 practice flights and at one point, one of them even banged smack into the door frame. listen up. >> at first, the really important thing for us before jumping was first realize a good base jump and do a number, a very good start to be a able to fly high to get away from the mountain. the next thing was to catch up with the plane, close, fly close and be able to take the good distance and have the good energy, just enough to go back the inside. there is some kind of -- we had some pressure. but it was good enough for us to reenter, something that we wanted to do since many years. that's pretty much how we wanted to be.-enter, something that we wanted to do since many years. that's pretty much how we wanted to be. we are just passionate. >> woo-hoo-hoo! >> ah! >> practice, practice. they even had to modify the plane after that failed test flight where he hurt his ribs. so they really did their homework here. still it looks pretty scary. >> it's really too bad they di good wednesday morning. good wednesday morning. i'm kendis gibson. >> and i'm diane macedo. here are some of the top headlines we're following this morning on "world news now." a vote on the gop tax bill could take place tomorrow after the president trump offered some changes to win over hen how wouldouts. but some are still voicing concern. and a government shutdown could be looming after a blast between president trump and democratic leaders. we have full coverage, ahead. after 51 days and 5,000 tips, tampa police say they have captured a suspect. a 24-year-old will face four counts of first degree murder in the seminole heights killing spree. a 15-year-old from florida is set to be arraigned today in his grandmother's murder. the pair went missing last week near jacksonville. the teen was eventually captured in western new york driving his grandmother's car. and prince harry's wedding to meghan markle will be in may at windsor castle outside london. the british royal family will pay for the wedding, not taxpayers. the couple's first official event since their engagement will take place this friday. those are some of our top stories on this wednesday, november 29th. from abc news, this is "world news now." a good morning to you all. we start this half hour off with power players in washington scrambling to hammer out a deal before the government runs out of money. >> a tweet from president trump prompted top democrats to skip a white house meeting. and he addressed concerns of undecided republicans and is delivering a speech from missouri today urging lawmakers to seal the deal. here's abc's serena marshal. >> reporter: it's a presidential rally cry. the president behind closed doors hoping to get those last-minute gop holdouts on board for tax reform. that would revise the tax code and lower the corporate tax rates and repeal the individual health care mandate. >> it's a challenging exercise. think of sitting there with a rubik's cube, trying to get 50. >> reporter: at least seven republicans have publicly expressed concern with the bill, worried it doesn't do enough for small businesses and concerned about the $1.4 trillion addition to the deficit. >> it's going to have lots of adjustments before it ends, but the end result would be a very, very massive, the largest in the history of our country, tax cut. >> another glitch, republicans have argued these cuts are for the middle class. but the latest is from the congressional budget office. a report says the bill will hit middle income americans the hardest. a key reason, the repeal of the individual mandate. as the senate barrels toward a vote on taxes, congress also grappling with keeping the government funded. the president was supposed to have a bipartisan meeting to iron out a deal, but after he tweeted, i don't see a deal, three hours before the meeting was scheduled, chuck and nancy decided to skip it. >> the best path forward is to continue negotiating with our republican counterparts in congress. >> reporter: republican leadership telling them they have to negotiate with the white house. the political stalemate comes as congress has less than two weeks to pass a funding bill or risk a shutdown. kendis, diane? >> it's going to be a busy few days there for you. also breaking overnight, north korea confirming the missile it tested today is the most powerful and can reach anywhere in the united states. the special televised announcement there by north korea a's favorite anchor says the missile can be armed with a super large heavy nuclear warhead. north korea says the purpose is to defend itself from the u.s. imperialists. president trump was informed of the launch while the missile was still in the air. he spoke with the leaders of japan and south korea and he addressed reporters. >> we will take care of t we have general mattis in the room with us, and we've had a long discussion on it. it is a situation that we will handle. >> we're not exactly sure what that means by handling it. the u.n. security council has scheduled an emergency meeting for later today but it doesn't have many options. the only sanction left is restricting north korea's oil imports and china and russia oppose that. the house is voting today to require members and staff to undergo training as john conjers faces another accuser. he is refusing to give up his seat despite pressure from colleagues. after a meeting with the democrat, the congressional black congress is urging everyone to allow him due process. and another actress is accusing harvey weinstein of assault. she went before the cameras with those disturbing allegations. abc's danya bacchus has the latest. >> reporter: a new sexual assault claim against disgraced hollywood movie mogul, harvey weinstein. kadian noble accusing him. >> he took hold of me and pretty much forced me to walk with him to the bathroom. and he's like touching me, and he says, just relax. >> reporter: noble now filing a lawsuit against harvey weinstein and his brother bob, accusing the weinstein company of violating federal sex trafficking laws. the suit alleges he would recruit, solicit and entice young female actresses with promises of film roles only to use force, fraud and coercion to engage them in sex. harvey weinstein has repeatedly denied allegations he engaged in non-consensual sex. and on capitol hill, a new staffer coming forward with allegation against the longest-serving member in congress, john conyers. first reported in the detroit news, deanna mayer, his former chief of staff says he made several unwanted sexual advances and touched her inappropriately on at least three occasions. saying there are so many who passed through, he was so cruel, everyone knew what was going on but no one did anything. conyers is already under fire for paying $27,000 to settle a harassment complaint from another former staffer. the los angeles police department is investigating at least 28 cases involving members of the entertainment industry. diane and kendis? >> danya bacchus there, thank you. a review has found several dozen more cases in which the air force failed to tell the fbi about criminal convictions of air men. that review was started after the texas church massacre in which 26 people were killed. the gunman was a former airman who was convicted in a domestic violence case. the air force didn't report his conviction to the fbi which could have updated its database for gun purchase background checks. the service is blaming training and compliance measures for its failure to report those cases. and the family that lost nine members in that texas church attack have filed wrongful death claims. the holcombe family is blaming institutional failures by the defense department and the air force for the death of their loved ones. there's no word on the amount of damages the family is seeking. canadian prime minister justin true doe has made an extraordinary apology to his country's lgbtq community, apologizing for what he calls a witchhunt against thousands of people during the cold war. he says it led to oppression for nearly half a century. canada has set aside nearly $1 million to compensate those who were harmed. because of their sexual orientation. >> so many people noting how he broke down in tears during that emotional speech there. and myanmar authorities estimate 150,000 people attended the pope's open air mass there. the pontiff began with the burmese word for "hello" and preached a message of forgiveness. he sidestepped the issue of the alleged ethnic cleansing in myanmar. by contrast, they enjoy good relations with the buddhist majority. and scientists say a tomb believed to have held the body of jesus dates back nearly 1700 years. the crypt is in jerusalem. the church is a pilgrimage site for christians. the scientific findings match closely. to the legend of the tomb which was discovered around the year 330. >> you were there two months ago and you are okay and it's still okay. lightning didn't come down and strike you immediately upon entering the perimeter? >> it was my own personal pilgrimage. i was worried. i walked in there, i was like, this is where jesus came back to life. make sure i'm okay. >> a scientific mystery is growing on the international space station. >> a cosmonaut says he found bacteria on the outside of the spacecraft. and he says the organisms aren't from earth. >> all right, a few years ago, the same cosmonaut caught nasa by surprise when he reported finding sea plankton on the outside of the space station. no one's sure where these organisms are coming from. >> so, do we believe it? >> it's alien bacteria. >> there was a movie called "life" that had something like that happen. >> i used to play that board game all the time. people in the cars and it goes down. all right, coming up, we are visiting the arctic to see why polar bears are being pushed closer and closer to civilization. but first, the little blue pill, viagra, soon available over the counter! details ahead. you're watching "world news now" "world news now" breathe freely fast wmy congestion's gone. i can breathe again! i can breathe again! vicks sinex... breathe on. the bug stops here protection. lysol kills over 100 illness-causing germs and viruses, even those that may cause stomach bugs. lysol. what it takes to protect. i was wondering if an electric toothbrusthan a manual.s better and my hygienist says it does but they're not all the same. who knew? i had no idea. so she said, look for one that's shaped like a dental tool with a round brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to gently remove more plaque. and unlike sonicare, oral-b is the only electric toothbrush brand accepted by the american dental association for its effectiveness and safety. my mouth feels so clean. i'll only use an oral-b. oral-b. brush like a pro. tha...oh, burnt-on gravy?ie. ...gotta rinse that. nope. no way. nada. really? dish issues? throw it all in. cascade platinum powers through even burnt-on gravy. nice. cascade. i'm joy bauer, and as a nutritionist i know probiotics can often help. try digestive advantage. it is tougher than your stomach's harsh environment, so it surivies a hundred times better than the leading probiotic. get the digestive advantage. some men will soon no longer some men will soon no longer need a prescription for viagra. starting this spring, the little blue pill will be available over the counter in britain. it's the first country to off viagra without a prescription. guys will need a brief consultation with a pharmacist. the pills will cost about $ so far, no plans for a similar plan in the u.s. 7 apiece. >> it's okay. flights to england aren't that expensive. it might just be worth flying over to the uk. asking for a friend. cyber monday turned out to be the biggest online shopping day in u.s. history. sales hit a record $6.6 billion, up 17% from last year. more than 81 million people shopped online and nearly half of them snagged those deals using a smartphone or tablet. the holidays are prime time for stealing packages, but police near los angeles say they've found a way to catch some of the crooks. bait boxes. the boxes have gps trackers inside that lead detectives right to the criminals. in arcadia, california, the package stolen rate has dropped. and the new college football rankings are out, following a crazy weekend of upsets. former number one alabama's loss was enough to drop it to number five. >> clemson is the new number one. they are followed by auburn, oklahoma, wisconsin. but all those teams will play in their conference championship games on saturday. >> big day. >> got to love the playoffs. z and tiger woods says he's ready to go in his first competitive tournament in nearly a year. he will be in the bahamas. it will be his first tournament since pleading guilty to reckless driving earlier this year. he says his back is good and he's not relying on pain medication to deal with discomfort anymore. >> it will be good to see him back on the links in some kind of good form. after all these years. coming up, polar bears are converging on a small island in alaska, and amy robach takes us there. next on "world news now." "world news now." alaska, and amy robach takes us there. others i don't but in the end only one name really matters because shoulders were made for greatness, not dandruff ♪ ♪ so this is a fascinating report, as there's new concern for polar bears which have recently begun changing their habitat, moving to a mall island in alaska.small island in alaska. >> amy robach went there to see why the bears are being pushed closer and encloser to civilization. >> reporter: our journey into the arctic wild begins by boarding this small plane in fairbanks, alaska. >> yes, we have just crossed the arctic circle. >> reporter: we have no radio communication with the outside woorld right now. definitely a first for me, but this is spectacular. wow, we finally made it. our destination, the isolated island village of kaktovik, alaska. the population just 239. home sweet home. a stark and striking landscape. not quite the snow blanketed areas you might expect. a change that has reached all corners of life here as we are about to see. we head out and soon find what we came for. we left the shore three minutes ago, and already, there are four polar bears right there, swimming in the water. that's incredible. wow. i mean, what are we, 50 feet from them? we're pretty close. a mother with her triplets. these bears, a drab shade of brown, wearing the signs of spending so much time on muddy land. >> wow. >> reporter: polar bears' natural environment is out on the sea ice where seals are plentiful. but in summer, the ice melts, forcing the bears to forage for food on land. the bears used to spend just three weeks on land, but today they are stranded for nearly three months because the ice is staying melted longer. scientists say it's due to global warming. local resident robert remembers the old days. >> when i first came here, the pack ice was inside of the shore. that's why they had a lot of polar bears here, their habitats are going away. they won't make it. this beaver population is down. from in the last ten years. the world should be interested in this. >> reporter: their forced proximity, treacherous. this bear rummaging through garbage, another peering into a window. our boat captain, bruce, once got too close, jumping into his carer for safety. is that the most frightened you've ever been in your life? >> yeah. >> reporter: i would think so. our own close encounter came later that night. we caught a glimpse of the stunning northern lights. it's unbelievable. then the sound of dogs barking. yeah, that makes me a little nervous. a warning that polar bears aren't far off. let's go inside. that's enough. we heard some dogs barking so we're going to stay close to this door. locals are used to the bears. >> good attraction for all the tourists to us. they're a nuisance. >> reporter: maria is a witness to the changes brought by rising temperatures. >> they can smell your food anywhere. >> reporter: most people here have firearms just in case? >> we try to scare them off before anything else. they have broken down our door to our cellar. this's food for the community. >> reporter: a village at the top of the world. >> several years ago, you'd be sitting here and you could see ice out on the ocean. there's none now. >> reporter: the frontline of a changing planet. this is really cool, a little scary. there is a mother polar bear with her two cubs not that far from us. once in a lifetime. i'm amy robach in alaska. >> careful, amy. polar bears are super dangerous, one of the deadliest animals on the planet. >> and they can grow pretty big. it was captivating but also so sad to see, you know, the impact the global warming is having on them. >> i do have a fun fact for you, though. yeah? what color is a polar bear's skin? >> yellow? >> black. >> oh. okay. >> there you go. >> fun fact. here's where they can go for snow. hawaii. wait, what? for snow. hawaii. wait, what? 60% of women are wearing the wrong size pad and can experience leaks discover always my fit. find the number that's right for your flow and panty size on the top of any always pack. the better the fit, the better it protects. always. ltry align probiotic.n your digestive system? for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support, with align. hd5 hd5 that cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. ...studying to be a dentist and she gave me advice. she said... my daughter is... hd5 hd5 ...products help maintain a... ...professional clean. go pro with crest pro health crest pro-health... ...really brought my mouth... the next level. ♪ so what happened? you know, we were talking about alaska not having enough snow for the polar bears. >> mm-hm. >> we said they could go to hawaii, and that's for real. look at this. this is a time lapse from the top. they're used to snow once in a while at the 13,000 elevation on the big island. this was just like a complete whiteout that they got. forecasters said more snow could be expected through the day. the temperatures by the way overnight, 24 degrees. who thought hawaii was all about sun and trees and palm trees. >> sno >> snowball fight in hawaii, everybody. >> let's do it. let's go to california where a woman had quite an experience at the symphony. things with nice and quiet. we think she got lulled to sleep and then this happened. listen again. you hear her right after the music picks up, you can hear someone shout from the audience, as if startled. and then you hear the crowd. >> laughing at her. >> the audience could not contain it. they chuckle along. some of the musicians are actually chuckling, it's an immersive experience. >> i would have been the same person there. i would have fallen asleep until that moment. >> maybe she works the overnight shift. we hear you. >> we understand. there's this dog trying to play it cool, trying not to let his owner realize that he loves playing on the trampoline, then he realizes his owners are recording him, no, no, it's cool. i'm just kind of chilling here. so there he is bouncing on the trampoline. >> yay, yay. there he is. speaking of dog, let's go over to another one who's much more clear in his communication. so these people do as many do, they had to go on a quick errand and put the dog in the car. puppy did not appreciate that one bit. and this is the way the dog responds. [ horn honking ] >> when they came back to the car, the dog had his paw. look. the paw, so deliberate, right smack on the horn. >> like the dog really knows what it's doing. >> i like the look of disdain, too. >> it's like, seriously, could you stop? >> somebody get me out of this car. >> that's the problem with black friday shopping, it will do it every time. >> that's the news for this half hour. with black friday shopping, it will do it every time. >> that's the news for this half hour. this among on there mor this morning on "world news now," a major announcement from tampa police. >> an arrest in that murder spree that's kept a florida neighborhood on edge. moments ago, police revealing how they found their suspect. also break now, north korea launches a new missile. this time flying higher and longer. now the country says it can reach any part of the united states. our correspondent is in the region, and we have the latest reaction from the white house. showdown on the hill. democratic leaders schumer and pelosi pull out of a meeting with president trump to avoid a looming government shutdown. how did the president take it? plus, new developments in the senate tax plan, with a vote looming this week. and when it's your job to travel, you learn a thing or two about how to save. so we have tips from a top travel blogger on how to make your holiday travel a little easier and a little cheaper. it's wednesday, november 29th. from abc news, this is "world news now." we do say good morning everybody on this wednesday. we're going to begin with that breaking news from tampa. there is finally an arrest. >> police announced the arrest of howell donaldson iii. the 24-year-old will be charged with four counts of first degree murder. those killings started about seven weeks ago. >> donaldson was arrested hours after he was picked up following a tip about a man with a gun at a local mcdonald's. >> we received some information about mr. donaldson having a firearm at the mcdonald's. one of his co-workers approached a police officer. that is what led us to that. >> police say at some point, donaldson worked at that mcdonald's where he was taken into custody. the tip came from an employee, more than 5,000 tips police received. the families of the four victims have been notified of the arrest. and donaldson, we're told, could face the death penalty if convicted. but of course, it's very, very early on in the investigation of that case. we're also following more breaking news overseas. north korea says it successfully launched a missile that can reach anywhere in the united states. that missile launched earlier today as the country's most powerful weapon yet, and the u.n. security council meets today to discuss all of this, but there are questions about just what the council can actually do. meanwhile, there are calls in washington now for military action, and they're growing. also today, south korea conducted missile exercises of its own, practicing hitting targets in north korea, such as a missile launch site. things are sense. abc's bob woodruff is in the region. >> reporter: north korea acts again. this time, we know that president trump was being briefed as the missile was in the air. north korea's new missile test is another intercontinental ballistic missile. what makes this one different, it flew higher and longer than ever before. 90 minutes after it splashed down in the sea of japan, the president addressing the provocative move. >> a missile was launched from north korea. i can only tell you that we will take care of it. it is a situation that we will handle. >> reporter: this is north korea's third icbm launch. it shows 2,800 miles into space flying for 50 minutes. experts warned if angled for distance instead of altitude it could reach into the u.s. mainland, including new york, washington, d.c. and miami. and the defense secretary knows that. >> it's a research and development effort on their part to continue building ballistic missiles that can threaten everywhere in the world basically. >> reporter: the world listening when president trump warned this. >> they will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen. >> reporter: but just weeks ago in asia, president trump with a change of tone. >> i really believe that it makes sense for north korea to come to the table and to make a deal that's good for the people of north korea and the people of the world. i do see certain movement, yes. >> reporter: just a week ago, president trump relisted north korea as a state-sponsor of terror. so that could make things a little different. bob woodruff, abc news, shanghai. >> because of that threat, hawaii is resuming testing on cold war-era nuclear warning siren systems. so that attack warning tone will be heard on the first business day of every month starting this friday. it will be played right after the regular monthly test of the sirens that warn residents of weather emergencies. a high-stakes standoff in washington that could end with a government shutdown. chuck schumer and nancy pelosi boycotted a meeting with the president and republican leaders after he declared on twitter i don't see a deal. the democrats are hoping to win a number of concessions, including concessions for those undocumented immigrants known as d.r.e.a.m.ers. the president slammed the democrats for not showing up and said they'd be to blame for any shutdown. >> so they decided not to show up. they've been all talk, and they've been no action. and now it's even worse. now it's not even talk. >> the president said i don't see a deal three hours before our meeting before he heard anything we had to say. the best path forward is to continue negotiating with our republican counterparts. >> republicans do need the democrats to pass a funding bill. but if no deal is reached, the government will run out of money next friday. the gop tax bill has cleared a crucial hurdle. with the help of the president, some republican holdouts are getting their demands met. but the fate of the legislation is still uncertain. abc's mary bruce has the the details from capitol hill. >> reporter: president trump on capitol hill, an all-out push to rally republicans around tax reform. >> mr. president, can you seal the deal on tax reform? moments later, it cleared a major hurdle. the senate budget committee signing off on the bill over shouts of the protesters. outside, republican senators were surrounded. protesters outraged over who wins and who loses in this bill. >> stealing money from the sick and the poor! >> reporter: analysts say the wealthy, those earning more than $100,000 a year, would likely sigh tax cuts but more than half of americans would see their taxes rise within ten years. by 2027, most americans are earning less than $75,000 a year are projected to pay more. and what do you say to middle class americans who say these projections are concerned that their taxes are are going to go up? >> i say people are lying to them. >> reporter: do you say the projections are wrong? >> i do. i do. >> reporter: there are concerns about the elimination of the obamacare mandate that every american has health insurance. it could cause premiums to skyrocket. on the flip side, the most recent plan includes a tax break for owners of private jets and golf courses, even a tax credit for wine producers and a huge tax cut for big corporations. >> no tax cuts for corporations! >> reporter: republicans insist the benefits will trickle down and ultimately help the middle class. >> listen, go away. >> reporter: but these protesters aren't buying it. >> if this bill works the way i think, all these loud people will have proven to be loud and i will be proven to be right. if it doesn't do what i think it will do, then we will lose. >> reporter: the senate could now vote on this deal as soon as tomorrow, but this is far from a done deal. senate republicans can only afford to lose two votes. by our count, at least ten have posed serious concerns, but many were encouraged by their session with the president. mary the bruise, abc news, capitol hill. in the meantime, congressman john conyers is facing growing calls to resign as another accuser speaks out. deana maher says he groped her and undress dollars in front of her when she worked for him in the '90s. the group's chairman representative cedrick richmond said any decision to resign before the ethics investigation is complete is up to conyers. and mick mulvaney posted a photo of himself getting to work as the interim head of the nation's tom top consumer financial watchdog. mulvaney was the president's choice to lead the agency in the first place. a federal judge sided with the trump administration by refusing to block mulvaney's appointment. that ruling came after the deputy director requested a restraining order to stop mulvaney from taking charge. >> who's got the popcorn? >> yeah, i know. it was fantastic to watch. but i think it was because he brought doughnuts on the first day. the judge is like, clearly he wants to be here. >> the other acting director sent an e-mail. >> e-mail, not donuts. >> got to bring food to the office if you want to win over the workers, especially if they're like us. anyway, on to other news. >> important news. >> they've been engaged for about a minute, but we are already starting to get some details about prince harry and meghan markle's upcoming wedding. they'll be tying the knot in may in a 15th century chapel at windsor castle outside london. >> markle will become a british citizen, which could take a few years. she will maintain her american citizenship during that time, as well. >> taxpayers will be happy to know the british royal family will be paying for the wedding. not the taxpayers themselves. it's unclear who harry's best man will be, but we're going to guess william is probably a strong contender, his brother. the couple's first official event together is on friday when they attend a world aids day charity. >> i wonder if it will be televised. because it is in that smaller chapel. and does it mean we won't get that big balcony scene at buckingham palace where they're all up there, they're waving, the kids are misbehaving. >> i'm practicing my wave. >> and then there's a kiss. >> they may still do that part, no? >> we'll be there in person. so we'll find out. >> and speaking of flights, how to travel like a pro. we're getting the inside scoop, the top tips of a travel blogger. plus, what's wrong with this emoji? a major, major error has finally been fixed. we have the details coming up in the mix. and remember to find us on facebook at and on twitter @abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." twitter @abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." ews now." i'm only in my 60's. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement 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[ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now - and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. tand, our adulte children are here. so, we save by using tide. which means we use less. three generations of clothes cleaned in one wash. those are moms. anybody seen my pants? nothing cleans better. put those on dad! it's got to be tide. state troopers and some good samaritans helped pull a man from a burning car in state troopers and some good samaritans helped pull a man from a burning car in connecticut. the civilians were trying to pull the driver out when the first trooper arrived. two more showed up and they all got the man out safely. the driver and two troopers suffered minor injuries. breaking overnight, an armed robber is on the loose after holding up the bellagio in las vegas while wearing a wig. police say he walked away from the poker cage at the bellagio casino with an undisclosed amount of cash then got away in a car. police say another car was also in that car, and it appeared they were there against their will. during the robbery, james woods was 30 feet away playing poker and nobody realized what was happening. subtle. and a speech at the university of connecticut has ended with the speaker arrested. the event titled "it's okay to be white" featured the white house correspondent for a far right blog called gateway pundit. but after repeatsed interruptions, the speech was cut short when a young woman appears to steal speaker. you can see in the video, he chased after then other audience members got involved. her and grabs her. police ended up arresting that speaker and charged him with breach of peace. he's since been released. breaking news now with images of a woman and child at a north carolina walmart, the fbi trying to determine if that child is a 3-year-old who vanished from her home in the middle of the night. >> for more on the case here's abc's steve osunsami. >> reporter: authorities in jacksonville, north carolina, are desperately searched on the ground and in the air hoping to find a trace of 3-year-old maria woods. >> our mind is open. our ear is open and our eyes are open. >> reporter: the girl's mother says her baby disappeared early monday morning from her mobile home. >> please bring her back. i love her. i'll do anything. >> reporter: kristy woods says she said good night to her daughter around 11:00 p.m. an hour later, the girl woke up and she says her boyfriend told the girl to go back to bed. the girl's biological father doesn't live in the home and finds it hard to believe that nobody heard anything. >> to walk right up in there, grab the 3-year-old out of the bed, she didn't cry, she didn't scream, nobody heard nothing? >> reporter: police point out that this 3-year-old needed orthopedic shoes to walk well on her own and the shoes were left in the home. they're now asking to talk with anyone who had any contact with this family since sunday night. steve osunsami, atlanta. coming up, top tips for a travel insider. >> how to save on your winter vacations. plus, how many hours do you really need to get to the airport ahead of your flight? you're watching "world news now." your flight? you're watching "world news now." ahead of your flight? you're watching "world news now." indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪ usea, heartburn, here's pepto bismol! ah. ♪nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪ ♪ fly fly fly away ♪ >> fly, bird. ♪ so let me fly so high >> oh, i thought it was ♪so high i almost touched the sky ♪ all right. we'll work on the lyrics. but meanwhile, thank you, bette midler for singing us in. >> thank you, thank you. >> because we want to give you a little wind beneath your wings with this segment with some travel tips. see what i did there? >> i see what you did. we caught up on how to save money and time when you ♪ fly ♪ fly >> reporter: we just kicked off one of the busiest times of the year to travel, but if you haven't booked your flight yet, when do you suggest doing that? >> the sweet spot is december 5th through december 11th. it can yield you a savings of up to 5%. >> reporter: are there things to avoid? >> i love to travel on the holiday itself. you'll see cheaper airfares and the airports tend to the be really quiet. >> reporter: if you are traveling with a lot of presents is there a way to avoid these expensive fees? >> often paying for your checked bags before you get to the airport is cheaper than when you get to the airport. >> reporter: searching for flights online is frustrating is there anything to make it easier? >> people search an average of 48 times in search of the cheapest airfare and hotel deal. but there are a couple of things you can do. first on of all, clear your cache and your cookies in your computer. you may unlock different rates. i like to search in private or incognito mode. it keeps all of your web searches and history private. and they can't be tracked. >> reporter: so every time i'm flying i see tsa pre-check. i was shocked to find out how cheap it is. >> it is so affordable. it's $85 for a five-year application for tsa precheck. you can breeze through the tsa precheck line. it's a lot shorter. you can leave your shoes on, laptop in your bag. >> reporter: is it ever worth it to join member rewards programs? >> absolutely. i'm a huge advocate for membership reward programs for travelers. you get free upgrades on airlines, free hotel stays. >> reporter: we're told to get to the airport three, sometimes four hours ahead of time. is that necessary? >> i do recommend three hours in advance for international, two hours in advance for domestic. i recommend allotting at least one hour of time for your connection. >> reporter: but on the off chance we do miss our connection, is there anything we can do? >> airports have come a long way over the last several years. now you can find everything from five-star dining to yoga studios to art galleries. if you miss your connection you can make the most of it. and if you have status in the membership rewards, you can find yourself in the vip lounge. >> i think i can live with that. me, too. >> just for the record, there is champagne in that vip lounge. >> all right, in that case. >> my personal tips, i.t. matrix is the best site to search for flights. if you're using miles, book your flight 24 hours before you're set to depart if you're using miles. set to depart if you're using miles. i had this chest cold, but my medicine kept wearing off. (coughsah! hey, chad! i missed you. ah! i was in the tree watching you, and then i fell. i'm not eating pizza from the trash. then i discovered mucinex. huge difference. one pill lasts 12 hours, and i'm good. oh, here kitty, kitty...ah! not a cat, not a cat! why take 4-hour medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. tha...oh, burnt-on gravy?ie. ...gotta rinse that. nope. no way. nada. really? dish issues? throw it all in. cascade platinum powers through even burnt-on gravy. nice. cascade. i'm joy bauer, and as a nutritionist i know probiotics can often help. try digestive advantage. it is tougher than your stomach's harsh environment, so it surivies a hundred times better than the leading probiotic. get the digestive advantage. she's had a tiny cough. see you at 5! seriously? protection. lysol kills over 100 illness-causing germs and viruses, even those that may cause coughs. lysol. what it takes to protect. >> i.t. matrix i time now for "the mix." and we're starting off with a new study that says our personalities are shaped by the climate we grew up in. >> oh. >> this is coming to us from "nature" magazine. it says people who grew up in warmer weather tend to be agreeable, more emotionally stable. and they say the reason is warm weather makes people explore outside. they get out in the environment. and so they are more extroverted. >> i grew up in belize, and i don't think i'm agreeable or emotionally stable. >> definitely. definitely not the emotionally stable. >> or a happier person. >> all right, take that, science. there's our counter. well, a great scurge has been solved. you may recall, we told but this thing, one of the pressing issues of our times where the google emoji for the cheeseburger had the cheese -- it is horrible -- on the bottom. >> never. never. >> it has been fixed. google came out with a burger emoji that has it -- >> oh, thank the lord. >> -- in the middle where it needs to be placed. bun, lettuce, tomato, cheese, patty, bun. there was the beer emoji that had too much foam. they fixed that too. >> oh, they finally filled up the beer emoji? how do you get foam on the top when it's half full. >> and they filled it up. >> thank the lord. on to a little something for your christmas list, everybody, your gift list, hanukkah list, whatever you want to call it. perspiration is the new festive trend. the shirt sports some sweat marks. yeah, get it, sweater? check it out, it's got the christmas tree sweat mark for you. there's a frosty the snowman sweat mark. for those of you who are more into that. or how about a gingerbread sweat mark. i like the ones complete with the ones under the pits, too. not just on the chest. >> and you don't have to do all the work for it. >> yeah. you can just come out of the gym and people will think you're both festive and working out and you've actually only been eating all those christmas treats instead. >> or drinking a lot of wine. >> i'm listening. >> yeah. this is something that you'll like. tofu wine? >> huh? >> okay, you might not like it. researchers in singapore have discovered a way to make wine from soybeans. to be precise, it's the alcoholic beverage out of tofu wey. >> why? what's wrong with grapes? >> i have no idea. >> jack, you want to try it? >> no, i'm good. >> kendis? >> no. but at this moment, she's fighting a brain tumor. announcer: please take a moment and join st. jude in finding cures and saving children. visit this morning on "world news now," tampa police announcing they have made an arrest in a string of murders that kept a community on edge. see what finally led police to the suspect. also breaking this morning, north korea has launched its most powerful weapon yet, boasting its new ballistic missile can reach anywhere in the u.s. and new this half hour, lebron james gets fired up. >> the big man playing his former team but see what happened for the first time in his entire career. and the hottest acts of music have just been honored with this year's grammy award nominations. >> i've never heard this song. >> they really need to play it more often. but we're breaking down the biggest category with the biggest stars battling it out for the most coveted award of all. >> i like it. it's what i like it. >> on this wednesday, november 29th. from abc news, this is "world news now." ♪ >> that's what i like. >> am i distracting you? i'm sorry. >> i was stretching out that read so we could get more of that song. >> more bruno? >> i forgot how much we love that song. that was a great album. we will have a lot more on the grammy nominations and the big, big award up for grabs. that has everybody curious. >> you might find it to be a surprise. but we do want to get to the breaking news coming from florida right now. >> police believe they've caught the man responsible for a string of killings that have terrified many in the seminole heights neighborhood. >> the deadly shootings began a little more than seven weeks ago. investigators say a tip from a fast food worker may have finally helped bring peace to a frightened city. >> reporter: this morning residents in tampa say they're relieved. >> justice will be served. and then the process will occur. when this individual rots in hell. >> reporter: police charging howell donaldson iii with first degree murder after a killing spree that haunted a quiet neighborhood. police got more than 5,000 tips, including one just hours ago about a person in an mcdonalds with a gun. that person was donaldson. >> we're bringing someone to justice who doesn't deserve the right to walk amongst us. >> reporter: earlier, police had identified this man as their suspect, seen moments after the first victim was gunned down. all four victims walking alone killed at night or in the early morning hours, blocks apart, shot at random. for weeks this community has been living in fear, police doing nightly patrols. the fbi going door to door, some residents arming themselves. police say now they can rest easy. >> let's go bring justice to the families who are here today. >> but there are still so many questions involving this case. we do expect to learn more about it today and about a possible a motive and the suspect's ties to that neighborhood. we are more breaking news from north korea. just hours ago, north korea announced it conducted a missile test with a missile that can reach anywhere in the u.s. it flew 2800 miles into space, even higher than the space station. and in a state television broadcast, the north boasted it can even hit the east coast of the u.s. president trump promised his administration would handle the latest provocation, but he used the missile launch to take a swipe at democrats as well, pushing for full funding of the military. >> and that post from the president followed a dramatic day of partisan politics, surrounding the effort to reach a compromise before the government funding runs out. he fired off an earlier tweet prompting the top democrats to ditch a white house meeting. >> reporter: it was just a couple months ago that president trump was chumming around in the oval office with democrat leaders chuck schumer and nancy pelosi, striking a temporary spending deal on their terms. a week later, bonding over chinese food and chocolate cream pie. but the president found himself flanked by empty chairs. pelosi and schumer, boycotting a planned bipartisan sit-down after trump attacked them on twitter. meeting with chuck a nancy about keeping the government open and working. problem is, they want illegal immigrants flooding into our country unchecked, are weak on crime and want to substantially raise taxes. i don't see a deal. >> the president says i don't see a deal three hours before our meeting, before he heard anything we had to say. >> reporter: pelosi and schumer said thanks but no thanks. >> they've been all talk and no action, and now it's even worse, not even talk. >> reporter: it's a bad time for an impasse. funding for the government runs out next week and there's no agreement on the big issues, defense spending, legal status to the dreamers, the border wall. [ speaking simultaneously ] >> i would blame the democrats. >> reporter: where the impasse stands right now, a government shutdown is a real possibility. and government funding runs out a week from friday. jonathan karl, abc new, the white house. president trump is heading to missouri to drum up support for the gop tax plan. after making some headway on capitol hill. the president met with republicans and offered enough assurances for the bill to advance to the full senate for a vote as early as tomorrow. protesters and the congressional budget office say the bill favors the wealthy at the expense of the poor. but republicans insist the benefits will trickle down. there may be at least ten gop holdouts, but they say they were encouraged by talks with the president. and senator john mccain is criticizing the president for calling senator warren pocahontas. as he honored native-american war heroes. mccain tweeted, our nation owes a debt of gratitude to the navajo code talkers whose bravery, kill and tenacity helped secure our decisive victory over tyranny and oppression during world war ii. politicizing these genuine heroes is an insult to their sacrifice. a jury convicted the libyan militant for organizing the attacks that killed the american ambassador and three other americans in the libyan city of benghazi. the incident became a major campaign issue last year. republicans accusing then secretary of state hillary clinton of mishandling it. the suspect in the halloween terror truck attack in new york city has pleaded not guilty, despite telling police that he was proud of what he did. he allegedly drove a rented truck on a bicycle path, plowing through bikers and pedestrians before hitting a school bus. eight people were killed. the new jersey man immigrated from uzbekistan seven years ago. a new study from the faa follows an incident in which a drone hit a plane near quebec city, there are nearly 250 drone safety incidents every month. that's 50% higher than a year ago. drone strikes are considered more dangerous than bird strikes because the solid parts of drones can cause more damage to a plane's exterior. well, fraternities at indiana university are taking a self-imposed time-out. the president of every greek chapter at the school have voted to suspend all social activities at which alcohol is served until next spring. other activities are being done away with. the fraternities say it wasn't a reaction to a specific incident. a school spokesman calls it a response to recent fraternity tragedies at other schools. the new college football playoff rankings are out after a crazy weekend of upsets. former number one, alabama's loss to auburn was enough to drop the crimson tide down to number five. defending champion clemson is the new number one. the tigers are followed by auburn, oklahoma and wisconsin. all those teams play in their conference championship games on saturday. a big day. big weekend ahead the there. so fans of the 2-9 new york giants probably didn't think the season could get much worse. then the team announced quarterback eli manning is being benched. >> we don't need to do this story, do we? >> the move ends manning's 210-game streak of consecutive starts. geno smith will take manning's spot. who? is that the jets guy? sound bite. >> i'll back him up. i'll be a good teammate. i don't like it. but for football, you handle it and do my job. >> manning has started every giants game since november 21st, 2004. his streak is second to brett favre. ahhh. >> tom brady was also the backup quarterback once. >> so you're saying geno smith is the new tom brady. >> maybe. i'm saying there's a chance. if you watched the fourth quarter of last night's cleveland/miami game one may have noticed something was missing. lebron james was in the locker room for the final 12 minutes because of this, his first career ejection. king james was sent to the showers after arguing a noncall late in the third quarter. cleveland went on to win by 11 without him. coming up, how jennifer lawrence avoids fans on the streets. >> hear what show revealed to adam sandler about those awkward moments while facing the public. and when and where will the newly-engaged royal couple exchange their vows. the latest from london on harry and meghan's registry. but first a look at today's forecast. "world news now" weather brought to you by active style. if parts a and bcare and want more coverage. guess what? you could apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan whenever you want. no enrollment window. no waiting to apply. that means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. medicare doesn't cover everything. and like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. so don't wait. call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. these types of plans have no networks, so you get to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. rates are competitive, and they're the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. remember - these plans let you apply all year round. so call today. because now's the perfect time to learn more. go long. starting things off with a new look at the ne starting things off with a new look at the new american princess to be. this is an adorable photo on the cover of the "daily mail" of meghan markle at 15 years old. and guess where she is? >> yeah, loitering right outside her feature in-laws home, buckham palsace, with a friend in 1996. >> little did she show. uh-huh. planning is already under way. and we get new details right now from abc's terry moran reporting from the venue. >> reporter: for harry and meghan, the countdown has begun. a may wedding at windsor's casel at st. george's chapel. and the royal family will pay for the festivity. the royal relatives weighing in. >> william and i are absolutely thrilled at such exciting news and it's a really happy time for any couple. and we wish them all the best. and hope they enjoy this happy moment. >> reporter: and camilla, prince charles' wife. >> america's loss is our gain. >> reporter: and the public welcoming their soon to be american princess. >> it's good to see the royal family moving with the times at last. >> it's time he got married and settled down. >> reporter: during that interview, they just seemed so in love. the tabloid leading to a lip reader to see what they're doing in those moments. harry and meghan laughing, interrupting each other. she wants me to say something here. meghan apologizes and gives him a look that slays. meghan markle will become a citizen of the unite kingdom. so some people are asking will she have to renounce her american citizenship. there's no specific lay here in britain requiring that. as an american citizen, she's still subject to u.s. tax law and that might be something the british royal family doesn't much like. terry more ran, abc news, windsor castle, england. >> those tax laws, man, they will follow you everywhere. she may not have to renounce her citizenship but will have to be confirmed into the church of england before the wedding. >> yes, but did you ever think you'd hear terry moran say a look that slays or beyond slays. >> no. beyond slays? i think terry's getting into this. >> he is. coming up, the hands-down most competitive grammys category by far. >> ooh, some early oscars buzz coming up next in the skinny. oscars buzz coming up next in the skinny. by far. ♪ ♪ despacito ♪ despacito >> so it's not groundhog day yet. that's still february 2nd. but we're still dancing to "despacito" in "the skinny." >> that's right. that's because grammy nominations are in, and suffice it to say, the song of the summer did pretty well. >> "despacito" got three nominations, including song of the year. it's a big deal. it would be the first non-english song to win the award since 1959's volare. ♪ volare, oh, oh, >> if you want to go with that pronunciation -- >> you'll get it. enough about song of the year. let's get to the most important category of them all. >> yeah. album of the year, of course. >> no. >> record of the year. the producer. >> no. >> best new artist. that's always fun to see, like who is the best new artist. >> best spoken word album. >> the plank era of the early universe, that's the interval of time from t equals zero to t equals ten to the minus 43 seconds. >> he gets me every time. >> huh? >> that's the perennial grammys favorite, neil degrass tyson. >> what did he say? >> i have no idea. but this is the competition, honestly. i know we're kidding a little bit, but this is the competition to watch. his competitors are mark ruffalo, tag teaming with bernie sanders, feel the burn. the late carrie fisher got a nomination. and actual musician bruce springsteen, he might have sang some songs, but this is the award he wants all for reading their audio books. >> who knew. >> so we'll have continuing coverage of that grammy category. >> big competition under way. next up, more award season buzz with a front runner emerging for the academy awards. >> if you want to impress your friends by predicting the best picture winner, even before the nominees are announced, here is apparently your best bet. it's called the post. and it's being called steven spielberg's best movie since "munich." besides spielberg's name, you see them there, streep, hanks. add to the mix with marilyn tom playing "the washington post" journalist who exposed the pentagon papers. >> "the post" has just been named the best film of 2017 by the national board of review. other top films by the organization include "dunkirk," "lady bird," "get out," and "baby driver." >> "get out"? >> "baby driver"? >> okay, i liked "baby driver," you didn't like it. >> i liked it. but just best picture? good car choreography. the end. >> "get out". eh, it's a comedy. next to jennifer lawrence revealing that even the most fun-loving, likable stars of hollywood would rather just be by themselves. >> in an interview with adam sandler, lawrence explains how she defends herself from people who approach her. >> once i enter a public place, i become incredibly rude. i turn into a huge [ bleep ]. >> you get icy? >> yeah, that's my only way of defending myself. being like [ bleep ] seeing somebody walk toward my table, can i have a selfie? i'm like, no. that's my only defense. >> i like the finger wag. very effective. lawrence went on to say that she doesn't even have it that bad, conceding to sandler that comedians have it worse because fans assume they're best friends like, oh, you're funny, you're cool. you're totally approachable. >> it must be nice to be spotted in public. did we like the november mustache on sandler by the way? >> it strangely works for him. >> do you think? >> i do. >> it was kind of on interesting to get used to. okay. >> how do you stave off all those fans trying to get your autograph? >> i don't get recognized. i wear the abc jacket, the big blue, and i'm just like walking around with the "world news now" mug and still, like, my mom is like, who are you? finally, tyra banks trying to break the internet with some eye-popping photos of her animal transformation. oh. >> meet tygra. that's the name of banks' feline alter ego. the photo shoot was done for "paper" magazine in the now annual break the internet issue. >> the last we checked, the internet is still up and running as far as we can tell. but a for effort for the prosthetic nose and everything else. >> good halloween costume for next year. prosthetic nose and everything else. >> good halloween costume for next year. that cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. tand, our adulte children are here. so, we save by using tide. which means we use less. three generations of clothes cleaned in one wash. those are moms. anybody seen my pants? nothing cleans better. put those on dad! it's got to be tide. ♪ ♪ are they going to be all right? >> pretty crazy. >> no. >> no? >> no. >> no? >> huh-uh. there's no way. like there's no business class on that plane. >> you've got plenty of room. >> yeah, clearly. those incredible images and the video of a death-defying stunt that something of a reversed skydive. >> yeah, instead of jumping out of a plane, these french guys called the soul flyers are jumping off a mountain and then into a plane. let's break it down for you. so they're wearing wind suits in the swiss alps, and these guys jumped from the 13,000-foot peak, then watch, they take off, flying through the mountain canyons for a while. and you might be thinking, oh, they'll land in that soft, powdery pillow of snow. >> doesn't look powdery to me. >> no? >> no. >> well, it probably looks easier to land in. >> no. >> than a plane. so the small plane appears, flies next to them for a while. and then with pinpoint precision, ooh! the first flyer goes right in and his partner follows behind him. not as easy as it looks by the way. and i don't know about you, but it doesn't look easy. they say it took 100 practice flights and at one point, one of them even banged smack into the door frame. listen up. >> at first, the really important thing for us before jumping was first realize a good base jump and do a number, a very good start to be a able to fly high to get away from the mountain. the next thing was to catch up with the plane, close, fly close and be able to take the good distance and have the good energy, just enough to go back inside. there is some kind of -- we had some pressure. but it was good enough for us to re-enter, something that we wanted to do since many years. that's pretty much how we wanted to be. we are just passionate. >> woo-hoo-hoo! >> ah! >> practice, practice. they even had to modify the plane after that failed test flight where he hurt his ribs. so they really did their homework here. still it looks pretty scary. >> it's really too bad they didn't sound too french at all. need to work on that french accent. making news in america this morning, the search for a serial killer ending with an arrest overnight. >> in the battle between darkness and light, light has won. >> relief in tampa after 51 days on edge. this morning the crucial tip that led investigators to this mcdonald's where the suspect was taken into custody. also breaking overnight, an announcement from north korea. [ speaking a foreign language ] the country claims kim jong-un can now fire a missile reaching anywhere on the u.s. mainland. this morning what that new missile launch tells us and how president trump is responding. a brazen heist at the bellagio hotel. a masked gunman storms in making off with cash from the poker cage. the famous actor who was just feet away and the las vegas police manhunt overnight.

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