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This is amazing. Apparently even the champagne glasses were topped with golden snitches. But is that true wizards chest . If thats true wizards chest, the pieces will move on their own. This is so cool. And of course they did stick to some of the more traditional quinceanera themes and the parts that make up the quinceanera. But at the end, of course, it is time to party. This video is getting a ton of attention now because of how cool it is. She totally wins. She topped them all. You have fun watching . Tell a friend. Well see you next time. For colon cancer . I dont have any symptoms. [female announcer] of cancers affecting both men and women, Colorectal Cancer is the 2nd leading Cancer Killer in the united states. And it doesnt always cause symptoms, especially early on. But im only 53. Im too young. [announcer] screening is recommended for men and women beginning at 50. But no one in my family had colon cancer. It doesnt run in my family. [announcer] most Colorectal Cancers occur in people with no Family History of the disease. But. That test. [announcer] there are several kinds of screening tests for Colorectal Cancer. Talk to your doctor about which one is right for you. Ive been screened. And it turned out i had polyps. And the doctor removed them before they had a chance to turn into cancer [announcer] no buts about it. This is one cancer you can prevent if youre 50 or older, talk to your doctor and get screened for Colorectal Cancer. Screening saves lives youre looking at a dramatic car chase that started in louisville, kentucky yesterday. It led police down a series of city and country roads. The suspect managed to go across a field even with deflated tires. After running over a police spike strip. He was finally cornered and caught. Robert ellis is wanted in a string of purse snatchings at area gas stations. A san diego father and two daughters are now in the hands of rescuers who are leading them out of the Mexican Canyon where theyve been stranded since last saturday. This morning were seeing the first video from the rescue crews. The family had set out on a hiking trip in devils peak and got lost. A helicopter found the family on tuesday, and a ground team finally reached them on wednesday evening. Theyd already run out of food, water and insulin for the father. They got him stabilized with electrolytes, insulin and food and water. Its going well, but its going slow. Hes getting fatigued as he goes, and theyre just stopping and letting him rest. The familys still trying to make their way out of the canyon this morning. A medical team is waiting for them to arrive out of the base camp. And federal officials are warning travelers that the zika virus is still a threat. The cdc says cases have dropped sharply from last years peak, zika has not disappeared from latin america and the caribbean. They are urging women who are pregnant or trying to conceive not to let their guard down. A quickthinking Good Samaritan in knoxville, tennessee is praised for saving a baby deer. Rob hersh jumped to the rescue. He saw a fawn struggling in the ft. Louden lake. They spotted what they thought was a login the water. He wrapped the fawn in a life jacket and pulled it to safety. I wonder how he got in the middle of the pond. The rescuers name is hersh, which is german for deer. Oh, how about that . All right. When we come back, the moment you have all been waiting for. Karaoke battle, me and this guy. I drink your milk shake. And were going to be helped out. Jeff timmons is already here. Hes in position, with our fake disco ball in the background. Hes got the guns out. Do you have your earplugs in for kendiss singing . Im ready to go. Lets go. You will be so impressed. Sign me up. Well be back. So impressed. Sign my up. Well be back. Up. Well be back. E up. Well be back. You are my everything yeah. This is the one my daughter was in. My baby. I didnt know that was your daughter were learning all kinds of new things about you. Jeff timmons is here, hes been hanging out with us all morning. Last half hour, you were treated to some of the incredible moves from his las vegas review. Men of the strip. Look at those. Smack. Unfortunately, i was i was doing one of them. In the other half hour. Look at the dollars come out. So we of course know jeff from his days of breaking hearts in 98 degrees. And we couldnt let the lachey brothers get here in time or justin, but were stepping in. Since we didnt have the rest of the band here with you. I feel confident. Our karaoke lounge. A crowd, a team for jeff, a karaoke duet. Here is dianes losing entry. Shall we lets go. Ready . Music please . A real pro could go without music. Thats right. Could it be you and me like it was before could it be you and me like it was before neither less or more cause when i close my eyes at night i realize that no one else could ever take your place i still can feel and its so unreal when youre touchin me kissin endlessly its just a place in the sun where our lives begun i miss you yes i miss you oh, baby youre my sunshine after the rain youre the cure against my fear and my pain are your ears bleeding . Because im losin my mind when youre not around so its all its all because of you perfect woo that was good. That was amazing. You are hired. That was average. All right. Hired . Youre hired. Yes i kind of feel like she started out slow and tapered off. I thought she had a strong. What do you think . Take that, gibson what do you think, crowd . [cheers and applause] are you ready to be impressed . Lets do it. Shall we . This is a tough one. Yeah. Oh, wow. Hes is startin to, hes getting emotional. Yeah. I do parenthesis cherish you parenthesis for the rest of my life you dont have to think twice i will love you still from the depths of my soul its beyond my control ive waited so long thank the lord. To say this to you no, no. If you ask me, do i love you this much you do. No, we dont, we dont. We do we dont, we dont. [ applause ] yes, yes, yes. Ill pay you later. You dont have to do that. You dont, okay . Yes. I love it. All right, so. You have to pick, who do you want to perform with . I mean, come on. Whos better . Lets do it apollo style. You guys make noise for the one. First, lets go with diane, make some noise. [cheers and applause] put on your megaphone. And second, kendis . Boo, boo, boo, boo. We have a tie. Come on. Its going to be three of us . Lets sing it out. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. This is the wrong group oh, oh, oh, oh, the right stuff first time was a great time second time was a blast third time now i hope it lasts i can see it in your walk i can tell the way you talk i can see it in everything you do hear it in your thoughts you got the right stuff baby oh the bridge the bridge who cued this music . All i needed was you its a kendis solo. Oh, girl, so right oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, you know this part. Everybody, come on, you know the moves. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, the right stuff oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, the right stuff first kiss was a sweet kiss second kiss had a twist you were awesome. Were going to have the skinny coming up. You have the right stuff, my friend. Im sorry you had to listen to her. So if youre on medicare or will be soon, you may want more than parts a and b heres why. Medicare only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. You might want to consider an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like any Medicare Supplement insurance plan, these help pick up some of what medicare doesnt pay. And, these plans let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. You could stay with the doctor or specialist you trust. Or go with someone new. Youre not stuck in a network. Because there arent any. So dont wait. Call now to request your free decision guide and find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan that works for you. Theres a range to choose from, depending on your needs and your budget. Rates are competitive. And theyre the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. Like any of these types of plans, they let you apply whenever you want. Theres no enrollment window. No waiting to apply. So call now. Remember, Medicare Supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. Youll be able to choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. Whether youre on medicare now or turning 65 soon, its a good time to get your ducks in a row. Duck quack call to request your free decision guide now. Because the time to think about tomorrow is today. Because your carpet theres resolve carpet care. It lifts more dirt and pet hair versus vacuuming alone. Resolve carpet care with five times benefits allure best of beauty and Marie Claires most wanted. Eyes show emotion, not your age. Olay eyes. Ageless. This is it . Thats right. We have an a little jayz coming in. We have a special skinny for you with jeff timmons from 98 degrees. Were starting off with the breaking skinny news. Were hearing now, jay z released his anticipated album, 444, and theres a particular song already getting buzz. I heard about this. You guys teased about it earlier. Is it a makeup song or Something Like that . Hes hoping it will be a makeup song. The title song appears to be a 4 44 apology expressing his regret for cheating in a hypothetical relationship. With a hypothetical becky with the good hair . Infidelity rumors swirled last year. When beyonce released the song sorry, i aint sorry. And it ignited a witch hunt for becky with the good hair. This new album adds more fuel to the fire. Who do you think becky with the good hair is . I dont know. Its got to be somebody special. If youre going to have infidelity on somebody like beyonce, its got to be amazing. Its got to be classa weave, indian style. Whats the 444 reference . Because its 4 44. And four is an important number for beyonce and jay z. Oh, okay, i got you. He took a long time to apologize. But hes going to have to keep it going for about four years. Yeah, i think so, too. Next, something you might be interested in for hard rock live. Were talking about the best Soccer Player in the world. Besides cristiano ronaldo. Messi. And then theres other guy, christine . Well start things with messi, just for you, kendis. He is officially off the market, sorry to say. Hes tying the knot with his childhood sweetheart in their native argentina. This guy, this lame old guy, cristiano ronaldo. What is he doing, photo shopping pool pictures . Whats going on . Everybodys going to face tune. Portuguese super star, looking rather out of shape these days. Would it kill him to have a salad once in a while . I would love to see him perform in your show, jeff. I dont think we can afford him. We do want to say congratulations to cristiano. He is the father of twins. How cool is that . More beautiful babies to grace this world. But hes not married. More beautiful portuguese babies. Jeff, thank you. Im just going to let that go. Thank you for hanging out with us. I cant wa good morning. Im diane macedo. And im kendis gibson. Here are some of the stories were following on world news now. A Record Number of americans expected to hit the roads and the skies over this extended fourth of july weekend. Lower gas and airline prices are spurring the travel surge. Two immigration bills are on their way to the senate. The house passed two measures, including one that strips funding from socalled sanctuary cities. And two were killed in a Florida Power plant. Four others suffered severe burns in the blast. The cause is still under investigation. And the summer is already proving to be a scorcher for iran. The temperature in one city soared to a brutal 129 degrees yesterday. One of the hottest temperatures ever recorded on earth. And those are some of our top stories on this friday, june 30th. From abc news, this is world news now. Millions of americans are hitting the roads, rail, water ways, skies, maybe swimming. Theyre doing everything. To get out of town for the holiday weekend. Even though it is june, this is the get away day for many people. Lets do it. And aaa says a record 44. 2 Million People will travel 50 miles or more away from their home, marking this the most traveled fourth of july weekend ever. But some could run into rough weather. Two dozen tornados have hit four states. Leaving lots of damage in their wake. And the threat for severe storms is not over yet. Americans are facing a long day of miserable weather. Accuweather meteorologist Justin Povick is here with the forecast. Justin, good morning. Kendis and diane, thanks and good morning to you. Its going to be a very summerlike day. But were concerned about showers and gusty thunderstorms later on this afternoon from detroit to cincinnati. Some of these can be severe with locally damaging wind gusts along with heavy rainfall. Were going to see another zone here south of our front throughout oklahoma into arkansas and missouri. These, too, can be severe with flooding rains, isolated tornados, hail and damaging winds. As we venture into independence day, notice showers and thunderstorms out east. And very hot conditions continuing here over the interior west. But relatively quiet, more so in between. Diane . Kendis . Justin thanks. And President Trump is under fire for a disparaging pair of tweets about cable news hosts that took aim at her appearance and intellect. The personal attack on Msnbcs Mika Brzezinski depicted her as crazy and with a low iq. The president claims that brzezinski claims she came to maralago bleeding from a facelift. He also insulted her cohost. Its blatantly sexist. Theres no question about it. We want to improve the tone and the debate and this clearly doesnt do that. It clearly was inappropriate and not something that he should have done. It is beneath the dignity of the office. The tweet has not been deleted. And the president appears unfazed by the criticism. The White House Deputy secretary came to the defense saying hes been attacked day after day on that show. Its been very clear that when he gets attack hes going to hit back. The American People elected somebody whos smart, tough and a fighter. And thats donald trump. I dont think its a surprise to anybody that he fights fire with fire. And First Lady Melania Trump pointed to her husbands reputation as a counter puncher. Her spokesperson says when he gets attack he punches back ten times harder. The Trump Administration limited travel ban is in effect, but not without confusion, protest and another legal challenge. There are still questions regarding who can enter the country and what constitutes a close family relationship. As far as the order is concerned. Wabcs josh einiger with more. Reporter as the clock struck 8 00, as portions of the travel ban were reinstated, she was more mystified than ever. She was born in brooklyn, but her sisterinlaw and her grandmother arent close enough relations to be granted a travel immigration visa, and now theyre likely stranded in wartorn yemen. Ive been very emotionally drained from all this for a while. Reporter its been months now since the president s original order, the one blocked by the courts, revised and blocked again. The socalled muslim ban has made its way to the Supreme Court which lifted some restrictions. Now the u. S. Can ban people from six muslim majority nations who dont have what the court called bona fide relations here, but the court was vague on what that meant. Today, arbitrary rules from the Trump Administration states siblings of american residents can get a visa, but not siblings in law. Parents are welcome but not grand parents, and all in the name of fighting terror. And already a change to the list of the socalled bona fide relationships. The Trump Administration deciding that fiances and parents in law are acceptable, even if siblings in law are not. All this uncertainty yielding at least one Court Challenge already in hawaii, but for now, the travel ban is on. Josh einiger, abc news, new york. There are no signs this morning that the Republican Leaders are closer to their goal of drawing up a revised version of their Health Care Bill by today. Now divided gop senators wrapped up lunch yesterday without agreeing to a plan to repeal and replace obamacare. They discussed a number of potential changes, but they werent significant enough to sway conservative and moderate holdouts. The stage is set for President Trumps first meeting with russian president Vladimir Putin since taking office. The two leaders are scheduled to sit down for a facetoface talk next week on the sidelines of the g20 summit in germany. But the white house is not saying whether the president plans to bring up russian meddling in last years election. And former National Security adviser susan rice steps into the russian probe next month. Shes agreed to testify before the house intelligence committee. Rice has denied doing anything wrong when asked analysts to disclose the name of Trump Associates documents in intelligence reports. The president says she may have broken the law. Two san antonio, Texas Police Officers were critically injured in a shootout. And one is not expected to survive. They were on a routine patrol when bullets suddenly started flying. Abcs matt gutman reports. Reporter that gun fight and chaos. Erupting in downtown san antonio. The pair of officers were on routine patrol. Police say when they tried to stop two men, one of them began blasting away at the officers. As soon as they stepped out of the vehicle the one suspect opened fire. Striking one officer in the head, facial area. Reporter the other officer reportedly returning fire and risking his own life to save his partners. He was pulling his partner out of the line of fire once he was hit. Reporter one gunman killed by police, the other taken into custody. The sheriff saying that gunfight lasted just seconds but left both of those officers in critical condition. The governor of texas tweeting out his thoughts and prayers for both of those officers. Our thanks to matt gutman. A tennessee officer has been suspended after a suspect committed suicide in a squad car. Officer caleb hinson arrested wilson. Wilson was handcuffed but investigators say the cuffs were too loose. He managed to get free and shoot himself with a gun officer hinton overlooked during a search. Hinton is not facing criminal charges. And Police Outside philadelphia are looking for the shooter who killed a young woman in an apparent road rage incident. 18 year old Bianca Robinson was weeks away from heading to college when she was shot to death wednesday night. Her car and a red pickup truck were trying to get into the same lane. The driver of the pickup pulled out a gun and shot her in the head. Now North Carolina where police there say a man trying to haul in a shark from pier was bitten in the arm. Witnesses say he had waded into the water to help land the shark when it suddenly whipped around and bit down. The man wasnt seriously hurt, and the shark did get away. Authorities in california are investigating these images from near san franciscos Golden Gate Bridge in which a boater appears to have hit a humpback whale. Officials are concerned that the boaters and surfers are getting too close to the giant mammals and are warning boaters that they must respect the fact that these are wild animals after all. Next wednesday is National Bikini day. And there is a suit out there some ladies want to sink their teeth into. I see where youre going. Behold the pizza bikini, or pizzakini. Its not a fancy pattern. The pepperini . The Italian Kitchen will fit you for that customized suit. It will cost you more than a couple of slices. The price . 10,000. 10,000. For the suit. For the suit. Does the model . 10,000. No, the model is not included in the deal. Models dont eat pizza anyway, you know . Thats true. Theyll just look at them. Coming up later well have our friday rewind. First, the deadly car crash that police say Venus Williams was responsible for. But what did she do to be at fault. And later a Little Something for everybody in the theater. The minions are back, and so is will ferrell and amy poehler. But first a look at todays temperatures. World news now weather, brought to you by carfax. Com. I wneverever wash my hair again now, i fuel it new pantene doesnt just wash your hair, it fuels it. With the first prov nutrient blend, making every strand stronger because strong is beautiful. Garden party for her birthday. A fabulous so i mowed the lawn, put up all the decorations. I thought i got everything. Almost everything you know, 1 in 10 houses could get hit by a septic disaster, and a bill of up to 13,000. But for only 7 a month, ridx is scientifically proven to break down waste, helping you avoid a septic disaster. Ridx. The 1 brand used by septic professionals in their own tanks. Well, that was the scene at new yorks jfk airport after a grease fire filled the terminal with smoke. Officials say the fire appeared to have started in an event at the panda express. Emergency crews quickly got it under control, but the fire triggered delays of up to two hours because of a backlog going through security. And commotion in santa rosa, california. It had nothing to do with an airplane. This hot air balloon carrying at least two passengers was forced to land in a parking lot near a sears auto center. It touched down safely and no one was injured. The pilot was having wind issues. It seems we had a similar incident earlier this week where it landed on a house. It landed on a house. This guy made it to the sears parking lot. And then did some shopping. Were going to move to florida and a serious situation. Police are investigating a deadly Traffic Accident involving tennis star Venus Williams. She collided with another car near her home three weeks ago. Now police are finding that she is at fault. Gio benitez has more. Reporter Venus Williams under the spotlight but not for the usual reasons. According to police, the 37 year old tennis star is being blamed for a Traffic Accident where a passenger in the other car ultimately died. Heres a map from the Police Report. At the intersection in palm beach gardens, florida, three weeks ago the report says williams cut across in front of a car. That car tboning williams,78 year old passenger Jerome Barson was rushed to the hospital for head trauma and died. His wife, who was driving, survived. The Police Report says williams advised she did not see the other car and also says that she is at fault for the accident. Williams spokesperson saying she entered the intersection in a green light and expresses her deepest condolences to a family who lost a loved one. Police do not believe she was distracted or under the influence of alcohol. So right now no charges and no citations for williams, but police are still investigating. Gio benitez, abc news, new york. Coming up, its shaping up to be a pretty raunchy weekend at the box office. Well tell you why critics are dealing will ferrell and amy poehler a losing hand. For the house. Our insomniac theater for this weekend is straight ahead. We blend in. Absolutely. We look just like david did in that promo. Davids doing hard news, and so are we. Were doing important business. Its like uncle sam threw up all over us. Insomniac theater, and this weekend we start with despicable me 3. Dont refer to yourself like that. At least not in sequels. Gru discovers that he has a twin brother. Lucy tries to be a good step mom. Agnes tries to find a true unicorn, and gru tries to steal back the biggest diamond. Ooh. Dance fight that looks fun. See if he wants to come on the show. Come on. Got some moves. The 80s references, while we love them, theyre apparently not impressing the critics. Critics are giving despicable me 3 a tepid 65 on rotten tomatoes, which is still passing, like a d or d minus. One says its overstuffed with a confusing plot, dated jokes and a lack of attention to its biggest stars, even the minions deserve better than this. And Matt Goldberg says there has to be a better way to entertain small children. Kids deserve better than this. So even kids. So the minions, but its the even kids part that youre really. Exactly. Next to something for the grownups. Okay. Its called in the house. Will ferrell and amy poehler play a middleaged couple who have blown through their Daughters College fund and are looking for a quick way to raise cash. Bake sale . Thats a good idea. They team up with their neighbor to launch an underground casino in his home. Im very wary to go into business with you. Noted. However, we know why we need the money. Whats in it for you. Full disclosure, the bank has foreclosed on my home. Oh, frank. There we go. This money would help me get it back. Thats why reena left me. Thats not why she left you. You started gambling on golf and developed an online porn addiction. It is not scoring a royal flush and hasnt registered a score yet on rotten tomatoes. But john louie says its like watching a series of funny viral videos and you might ask yourself would you like it as much if the clip was more than an hour long . And Leigh Paatsch says theres nothing clearly classic happening here, but this is an easy kill for a dependable number of laughs. It has to be at least that, it has snl alums will ferrell and amy poehler. Cant be all that bad. Exactly. This being a big american holiday, should we dance it out to a big american song . Classic 98 degrees . Yeah. Lets do it. Oh world news now doo, doo, doo, doo if youve got a life, you gotta swiffer. Better than a manual, and my hygienist says it does. But. Theyre not all the same. Turns out, theyre really. Different. Who knew . I had no idea. So, she said look for. You you th to. Gently remove more plaque and. My mouth feels so clean. Ill only use an oralb the 1 brand used by dentists worldwide. Oralb. Brush like a pro. Ok honey you play with your monkey while i get your little brother cleaned up. Daughter uh oh. Monkey swimming. Irreplaceable monkey protection. Detergent alone doesnt kill bacteria, but adding new lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99. 9 of bacteria with 0 bleach. Daughter uh oh. Lysol. What it takes to protect. Happy fourth, happy friday. We have finally made it, and it was a busy week in the headlines. Of course, we made room for the news, and we made room for a lot of fun. Lets take a look at all of it in our friday rewind. Oh, my god. Reporter an army of firefighters battling flames, 100 feet high. Torching an area the size of washington, d. C. More than 1500 people forced to evacuate. Hoping their homes can be saved. That wind turning small fires into infernos. Reporter underground rail chaos. Hundreds of subway passengers flee a Train Derailment in dark tunnels filled with smoke. I honestly thought it was a terrorist attack. The train bucked forward, it bucked backwards, two of the cars derailed. They scraped the side of the wall. Reporter people knocking out windows to get air and get out. Reporter thousands of computers around the world frozen. You cant read any emails. You cant read any files. Basically your computer becomes a brick. Reporter an ominous message taking over their screens. Your files are no longer accessible. Send 300 worth of bitcoin. Right now the attacks continue. But researchers may have discovered a kind of kill switch that could stop or at least slow its spread. Health care is working along very well. Reporter that signature promise of his first term to repeal and replace obamacare is stalled on capitol hill. As of this moment, there is no indication that they are any closer to getting a Health Care Bill that will pass the senate. Reporter good to be alive. A bus plowing right into this man as he walks in the street, knocking him to the ground, debris flying everywhere. Simon smith in reading, england. Look at that, hit by the bus. Watch him dust himself off. Of course he does. No one believed he actually got hit until they saw the footage. Were you a fan of 98 degrees, the boy band . Yeah. Awesome. I do, cherish you for the rest of my life you dont have to think twice ive waited so long to say this to you ooh ooh so sorry. We forget sometimes that were actually on camera when these things happen. We didnt know that clip ended up in it. So were dressed like this because of a big day that is happening, coming up. It is world ufo day on sunday. Yeah, stars and stripes for that one, absolutely always. Theres Something Else happening next week. Its National Fried chicken day, a special guest coming for that. Whats more american than Fried Chicken . This morning on world news now. President trumps twitter attack. Hes drawing bipartisan outrage after lashing out at the hosts of morning joe. Those hosts are now postponing a vacation to respond to him this morning. This as parts of the president s travel ban go into effect. And more Severe Weather on tap for today and for those getting an early start to the holiday weekend, see where the storms are to hit. And concert crasher. Humans arent the only ones that love music. This dog proves to be a social media sensation. The hardest thing ill ever have to do to look you in the eye actually, it would be pretty easy for us to do. Get ready. We have a double portion of boy band. Jeff timmons is here live from vegas. Stand by for the hottest edition of world news now you have ever whoa. Hey, now. It is june 30th. Holiday weekend. Its the hardest thing ill ever have to do from abc news, this is world news now. We are fully embracing, fully embracing. Jeff timmons says hes back there hanging out. Thats one 98 degree move. The biggest move. You know what the second one is . We are going to get in much more complex lessons than that coming up. But first serious stuff. We start the half hour off with President Trump facing a flood of criticism over an explosive twitter attack on two cable news hosts. The uproar is overshadowing the president s agenda. A scaled back version of his travel ban went into effect last night. And the Gop Health Care plan remains in danger of collapsing. So far there is no revised bill as lawmakers head home for the july 4th recess. And were learning overnight that Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough have delayed a planned vacation. They were supposed to be away but are now expected to appear on their show thisor respond to the president s tweets. Jonathan karl has more. Reporter donald trump being president ial, welcoming the president of south korea to the white house. But earlier, donald trump being anything but president ial. Launching a harsh, personal attack on msnbc Television Host Mika Brzezinski, calling her lowiq, crazy mika, saying she and joe came to visit him at maralago and she was bleeding badly from a facelift. I said no. The twitter outburst came after she criticized him on the show this morning. Nothing makes a man feel better than a fake magazine cover. About himself and lying every day. Reporter it tipped off a bipartisan amount of condemnation. Its sexist. I dont know there is any question about it. What were trying to do is improve the tone and civility and debate. This obviously doesnt do that. Reporter among the republicans condemning the president , the two senators who were seated right next to him at a meeting on health care this week, because he needs their votes. Susan collins. It clearly was inappropriate and not something he should have done. It is beneath the dignity of the office. Reporter and fellow republican Lisa Murkowski who tweeted stop it. The president ial platform should be used for more than bringing people down. The White House Press briefing was almost entirely consumed with questions about the president s tweets. The president has been attacked mercilessly on personal accounts, by members on that program. I dont think that its a surprise to anybody that he fights fire with fire. Reporter the episode would seem to put First Lady Melania Trump in an awkward position. Before the election, she said she would make combating Cyber Bullying as a cause as first lady. Have you thought about what you would like to do as first lady. I would focus about social media in this 21st century. Whats going on is very hurtful to children. To some adults as well. Reporter we asked the first ladys office about the president s tweets and got this response from her spokesperson, quote, as the first lady has stated publicly, when her husband gets attacked, he will punch back ten times harder. So no indication at this point that the first lady considers this an example of Cyber Bullying. Jonathan karl, abc news, the white house. Were going to move on for right now. And a bill that would strip if i had federal money from socalled sanctuary cities has gone to the senate. Kates law was passed. It would increase bun punishments for people ret reentering the country illegally. 27 active large fires are burning in the west from washington to texas. Firefighters had to battle new flames erupting in the hills east of los angeles last evening, including this one, threatening homes in malibu. Northbound lanes of the Pacific Coast highway were shut down, backing up traffic for miles. Fire Officials Say decreased winds and higher humidity are helping crews make progress with the other wildfires in the west. And cleanup is under way after more than two dozen tornados raced across four midwestern states. Wisconsin was especially hard hit. The twisters toppled giant trees and sent them crashing into homes. They will stretch from Oklahoma City north east ward to detroit, cleveland and syracuse. Those areas can expect scattered hail and the possibility of tornados. Were learning that one of the Texas Police Officers involved in a shootout is not expected to survive. The officers were on routine patrol in san antonio when they stopped to question two men. One of them immediately opened fire on the officers. The second cop is critically injured but expected to survive. The other is in custody. A woman who invested thousands of dollars with shkreli said he went to bust in under an hour. Shkreli is accused of running an 11 million ponzi scheme. Sarah hasaud said he emailed her one day saying she was up 135,000. 31 minutes later he sent a second email saying the fund was out of cash and shutting down. It took more than a year before shkreli finally paid her in cash and stock that she eventually sold for a nearly 3 million profit. And a texas judge will not revoke bond for affluenza mom sonya couch. She wanted bond revoked. The judge advised her to use common sense as shes awaiting a trial for allegedly helping her son leave the country after he was behind the wheel in a deadly drunk driving crash. At his trial, he said wealth prevented him from having any sense of responsibility. A classical orchestra had to deal with an interesting audience member. A little rough. Ruff crowd. Yeah. It happened in turkey. During the concert, a labrador strolls onto the stage to join the musicians. They play on. The dog gets comfy. Sits down and listens for a while. And as you can hear. The crowd absolutely loves it. Apparently, the lab wasnt too impressed with the music. He eventually lets out a yawn, but he did keep his eyes open. I love how the musicians are still like on point. You can see the conductor at one point turns really quick to face the dog. The crowd starts to chuckle. And when the dog comes up to him, the violinist looks down and gives a little smirk and the whole crowd erupts in laughter. The dog probably thinking, can you people keep it down, im trying to listen to the orchestra. Were going to have more headlines when we come back, including the people that left the gym only to find their car in need of a lift itself. Oh, wow. And later our special guest is heating things up this morning. Jeff timmons from 98 degrees is here to show us moves from his vegas review. Kendis is stretching, getting all prepared for a big striptease debut . Ooh. Thats not in my contract. Are you sure about that . You can always watch us embarrass ourselves on facebook, wnnfans. Com. It doesnt just happen here. No, also on twitter abcwnn. Youre watching abc news now. Abcwnn. Youre watching abc news now. It supports your heart, joints, brain, and eyes. And is absorbed by your body three times better. So one megared has more omega3 power than three standard fish oil pills. New megared advanced triple absorption. Because your carpet theres resolve carpet care. It lifts more dirt and pet hair versus vacuuming alone. Resolve carpet care with five times benefits i will nevi will neverair again. Never wash my hair again now, i fuel it new pantene. The first shampoo with active prov nutrient blends that puts in what others just strip out. Fueling 100 stronger hair. Dont just wash your hair fuel it because strong is beautiful. So the driver of that car thought he had found the perfect, free parking spot for his Early Morning workout, but while he was in the gym, a sinkhole opened up and completely swallowed his car. That gaping hole measured 20 feet deep and 10 feet across. City officials still dont know what caused the collapse, but another reminder, folks, but its not worth going to the gym. And police in buffalo are investigating a rather unusual burglary. Two suspects went onto the roof of the sporting store, disconnected the wires to the lighting, smashed a window to get inside, and once inside, did they go for the cash . No, they scooped up fidget spinners. They caught the suspects, they were at their parents homes because they were two boys, age 11 and 12. It will be handled in family court. They were very determined. Wow. And one woman from indiana is doing her part to boost the nations birthrate. Little waylon was born on may first, at a whopping 16 pounds and measuring 24 1 2 inches long. He was delivered by c section, probably not a huge surprise there, he is 17 pounds, 7 ounces, basically the size of an average 6 month old. The surprising thing is the new york giants are looking to draft him for next season. Hes learning to ride a bike next week. Little waylon, not quite. Our special friday treatment we have royalty right here in the house. From crooning with 98 degrees to taking off his clothes with the men of the strip. Jeff timmons is here for a light night, Early Morning hang session. Are you going to take off your clothes . No. Were going to see if jeff can teach me to strip like some men of the strip. Did i just say that . Youre watching world news now. Put up all the decorations. I thought i got everything. Almost everything you know, 1 in 10 houses could get hit by a septic disaster, and a bill of up to 13,000. But for only 7 a month, ridx is scientifically proven to break down waste, helping you avoid a septic disaster. Ridx. The 1 brand used by septic professionals in their own tanks. Babies arent fully developed until at least 39 weeks. A healthy baby is worth the wait. Its the hardest thing ill ever have to do to look you in the eye i think kendis is serenading me. But we have better right now. We are so excited around the studio this morning to have a very special friday fun day guest with us, and hes a man of many talents. He can sing and dance and knows how to put on one hell of a show, and lucky for us, he can stay up late. Yes. Honestly, could it be with hits like because of you. Its all because of you and cherish you. Baby, i do, cherish you and this number one ballad. Its the hardest thing ill ever have to do it was hard to miss 98 degrees in the late 90s and 2000s, and it was jeff timmons who really turned up the heat. I said baby, i should have known by now clearly not skipping biceps day at the gym. Jeff founded the group, uniting four ohio natives into one of the biggestselling boy bands of all time, and then using his producer skills to reinvent the wheel in vegas, creating a male strip show unlike any others, with the men of the strip. I love it and since 2014, the male review show he produces and occasionally hosts, has been a top draw on the las vegas strip. I love it i dont care so lets bring him out right now, everyone welcome, producer and host of men of the strip, jeff timmons. [cheers and applause] were so excited to have you good to see you. Thank you for having me. I love it. We have so many questions. Yes, yes, yes. Men of the strip. Kind of fitting that, ill start with stripping. Uhhuh. But men of the strip, right now you have something thats going on at hard rock live. Thats right. Hard rock live, not to be confused with the hard rock, its right across in the tmobile center, incredible. We finally found a home in vegas. It was hard for a long time. Theres so much competition and competitive male reviews out there, but people recognize that ours is a little different. We use a lot of singing in it and great partners at hard rock. How do you go from boy band to strip review show . Its a pretty easy transition. Its pretty much the same fan base. This is true. And look, we consider ourselves sort of just a little bit of an edgier boy band. Now im not in the show. I host the show. I leave the dancing and, you know, these guys also sing. Theyre amazing, i leave it up to the professionals, and, you know, weve had a good turnout so far. It is a male review. So theyre singing a lot of boy band hits and songs. They do take some of their clothes off, but not all. They dont take all of their clothes off. What . Youd be surprised how people are in the audience. Its just edgy enough for that vegas night out, that sort of, you know, sort of uninhibited pleasure and also infusing the 90s stuff. I know you dont do the stripping, but im sure youve picked up a few things by watching it over and over again, so i thought it would be educational if you would show kendis a few moves. Im out. So i watch these guys, and im sure the choreographer. We have a worldrenowned choreographer whos worked with Michael Jackson and pink and usher. He choreographs the guys. If he saw my dance moves, i think hed be a little disappointed. Thats okay. Its the middle of the night, hes probably not watching. Im going to show you a variation of a 98 degrees move. I hope i dont butcher. This is pony. Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bop, bop. Oh, i can do it. Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bop, bop, then smack. Boom, boom. Oh, theres a smack part. Then you come over here and you go. Oh, now were talkin now were talkin. You dont need any help. This is actually more money than i made all year. Just going, you didnt know this. This is more money than ive made all year. You should put in at abc. You dont know this, but my pants actually rip off. I think you might have seen one of these shows before. In fact, were going to have guest hosts after i leave and it transitions into a fulltime show. We will have guest hosts and you should consider coming in and doing it for us. For someone who has no idea what a male review is, you blended your boy band background with this striptease idea, how did that come together. I hosted another show, chippendales. A legendary brand. I was reluctant to do it. My wife is like go see the show. Its a vegas show. Those guys are fantastic. The turnout was fantastic when i went to vegas, and they asked us to stay longer and say longer, and i was like, lets do another version, not that the chippendales arent cool, but lets infuse boy band stuff, music and dancing. Now you get boy band fans, right . Its pretty much all boy band fans. You know what im looking forward to, round two. Get the pony stuff going. Earn it, earn it. Whats this pony. Whats this pokey pony . S pokey pony . Youre my sunshine after the rain youre the cure that was a really good commercial break, guys. It started off with us getting the dollar and somehow diane ended up with that. Yeah. We were watching because of you music video, which is amazing, you guys have all seen the music video for because of you. Golden gate bridge. Youre up there. I wasnt doing any of that. If you get a sneak peek of the video, you have to look it up online, im holding on for dear life at one point. Im so scared that my heads down, and im like, i was petrified. We were really on top of the bridge. There was no cgi involved. Theres one point is there a beyonce fan . No, thats the real wind. Thats us holding on. We may blow over. It looks like you werent looking the right way. It was really hard to keep track of everything. I think the director who is amazing, i think he kind of pulled some strings to get us up there. Awesome. Its polka time. We do this every friday . Very special polka. Politics and foreign wars all the weather, all the scores thats world news polka if you are an insomniac and a good nights sleep you lack this is the world new the polka if youre wide awake and youre not wearing pants grab your world news mug and everybody dance wow have some fun be a pal, every anchor guy and gal thats the world news polka thats the world news polka thats the world news polka no matter what the bosses think theyre a goofy crew and if the neighbors call you know what to do when they yell its half past 3 00 you say its news to me thats the world news polka thats why we go for broke why not join in abc and join our little joke you know the weekends here when this little tune you hear its the world news polka its the world news polka dun, dun, dun, dun yeah youre my sunshine after the rain hmm. [cell phone beeps] hey [police whistle blows] [horns honking] woman hey [bicycle bell rings] turn here. There. Excuse me. Uh. Uh. [indistinct announcement on p. A. System] so, same time next week . Well, of course. Announcer put away a few bucks. Feel like a million bucks. For free tips to help you save, go to feed the pig this morning on world news now. President trump scaled back version of the travel ban has taken effect after a prolonged legal battle. And already theres one legal challenge. Well have the latest. And the president sparking condemnation with a pair of tweets about the hosts of morning joe. The white house comes to his defense. And new this half hour in the skinny, jayzs apology to beyonce. His album has now dropped. And we now know that 444 is more than just the name of his new album. But first, our boy band karaoke. Forget about jayz. Jeff from 98 degrees is in the house with a couple of potential recruits. Kendis and i are going to grab the mic without drinks and belt it out. Well say who taking home the karaoke crown on this friday, june 30th. From abc news, this is world news now. Going down, gibson. You have no idea the chops that i have. He will decide who is the better karaoke, karaoker . And well do it sober. That will be a first. Lets start with the president s travel ban. It is aimed at six mostly muslim nations and it took effect hours ago. And already theres a challenge. That challenge is from the state of hawaii looking for clarification of who can be excluded from entering the u. S. And there are also questions this morning about how many people this ban will actually affect. Heres maggie rulli. Reporter President Trumps travel ban is now in effect. Anyone from the six muslim majority countries can no longer enter the u. S. Unless they meet certain requirements. American public could have legitimate concerns about their safety when we open our doors. Reporter the airports remain calm, quite a different scene from last january. When the president s initial executive order caught travelers off guard, leaving many stranded. Under the new guide line, if someone from a restricted country wants a visa, they have to prove a bona fide relationship to someone in the u. S. The administration describes that as a parent, spouse, child, son or daughterinlaw or siblings. Its frustrating to know that the federal government can redefine the concept of family. Reporter rama issa plans to get married this fall but worries whether her family in syria will be allowed to come to her wedding. I was raised by my grandparents. The idea that i wouldnt be able to have them at my wedding is heartbreaking. Reporter the definition of a bona fide relationship continues to change. Diane and kendis, hawaii has already challenged the new ban, demanding to clarify exactly what counts as a close relationship. All right, maggie, thanks. President trump is sparking bipartisan condemnation and fresh calls for civility after a crude twitter rant against two news anchor. The president attacked Mika Brzezinski, claiming she has a low iq and that when he saw her at the maralago resort she was bleeding from a facelift. He also attacked Joe Scarborough. It was of prompted by brzezinskis criticism of the white house. It clearly was inappropriate and not something that he should have done. It is beneath the dignity of the office. I think that the president has been attacked mercilessly by members of that program. And i think he has been very clear that when he gets attacked, hes going to hit back. Before the election, First Lady Melania Trump vowed to fight Cyber Bullying, but yesterday her spokesperson said this, when her husband gets attacked, he will punch back ten times harder. North korea is high on the agenda, i should say, as the president meets again with south koreas new leader. President moon jae in dined with the first family at the white house last night. President trump later tweeted that it was a very good meeting in which they also discussed a new trade deal. Moon pledged to stand firmly with the president to see that north Koreas Nuclear program is dismantled. The white house is also taking action by putting pressure on china to rein in north korea. They black listed a Small Chinese bank, cutting off access to financial programs. They are accused of laundering money to north korea for nuclear and Ballistic Missile systems. And tampa authorities are still trying to figure out the cause of a deadly power plant explosion. Two workers were dead, four others suffered critical injuries. Crews were performing routine maintenance on a tank at the time of the explosion. Waste could reach up to 1,000 degrees. And a deadly accident involving Venus Williams. She blamed for a collision three weeks ago near her home that ended up killing a78 year old passenger in the other car. So far she has not been charged or issued a citation, she expresses her deepest condolences to the victims family. Wild fires are still burning in the west. New brush fires broke out in the hills east of los angeles. This one threatening homes in malibu. Now fire crews are getting some help from decreased winds and higher humidity, but its still very slow going, Justin Povick joins us. He has more on the conditions. Good morning, justin. Thanks and good morning to you. As we go throughout the daytime hours and right into the weekend, fire danger concerns continue out west over the interior where its locally breezy. Hot temperatures will be dry. And low relative humidity values. Severe weather, more so for today and into tonight throughout portions of the great lakes and into the south plains. Here there could be isolated tornados. Kendis . Diane . Our thanks to justin there. And devastating predictions about the economic hardships from climate change. In a groundbreaking new study, scientists find that the poorest counties in the south will suffer the greatest effects from global warming. Researchers say those spots will lose about 13 of income, while richer counties would only lose about 1 . And a Record Number of americans are expected to hit the road on this fourth of july holiday weekend. And the state of oklahoma is trying to inject a little humor into its calls for road safety. So the Oklahoma Department of transportation tweeted out an image of one of its road signs as it throws serious sass, warning them about the dangers of reckless drive. Some creative reads dont make me tell your father. Youre no speed mcqueen. They could do some better ones, but at least theyre trying. Weve got a challenge. Throwing down the gauntlet. You let us know what your road sign should be. Exactly. Let us know on facebook. Coming up on the skinny, the overnight bombshell from jayz. The rap stars new album is out and everyone is talking about lyrics meant for his wife. Question is, whats he apologizing for . And also ahead, diane thinks she can beat me in a singing competition. She can be so wrong sometimes. So we brought back jeff from 98 degrees to help us out on a couple of numbers. First, lets take a look at the temperatures. Its got to be 98 degrees somewhere today. World news now weather, brought to you by lysol. You dont even want to know protection detergent alone doesnt kill bacteria but adding new lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99. 9 of bacteria with 0 bleach. Lysol. What it takes to protect. Youre looking at a dramatic car chase that started in louisville, kentucky yesterday. It led police down a series of city and country roads. The suspect managed to go across a field even with deflated tires. After running over a police spike strip. He was finally cornered and caught. He is wanted in a string of purse snatchings at area gas stations. A man and his two daughters are now in the hands of rescuers who are leading them out of a Mexican Canyon where theyve been stranded since last saturday. The family had set out on a hiking trip in devils peak and got lost in baja, california. A helicopter found the family on tuesday, and a ground team finally reached them on wednesday evening. Theyd already run out of food, water and insulin for the father. They got him stabilized with electrolytes, insulin and food and water. Its going well, but its going slow. Hes getting fatigued as he goes, and theyre just stopping and letting him rest. The familys still trying to make their way out of the canyon this morning. A medical team is waiting for them to arrive at the base camp. While cases have dropped sharply from last years peak, zika has not disappeared from latin america and the caribbean. They are urging women who are pregnant or trying to conceive not to let their guard down. A quickthinking Good Samaritan in knoxville, tennessee is praised for saving a baby deer. Rob hersch saw a fawn struggling in the ft. Louden lake. They spotted what they thought was a log in the water. He wrapped the fawn in a life jacket and pulled it to safety. I wonder how he got in the middle of the pond. The rescuers name is hersh, which is german for deer. Oh, how about that. Coming up, the moment you have been waiting for, karaoke battle, me and this guy. I drink your milk shake. And were going to be helped out. Jeff timmons is already here disco ball in the background. Hes got the guns out. Do you have your earplugs in for kendiss singing . Im ready to go. Lets go. You will be so impressed. Sign me up. Well be back. D. Sign my up. Well be back. Up. Well be back. E up. Well be back. You are my everything yeah. This is the one my daughter was in. My baby. I didnt know that was your daughter were learning all kinds of new things about you. Jeff timmons is here, hes been hanging out with us all morning. Last half hour, you were treated to some of the incredible moves from his las vegas review. Men of the strip. Look at those. Smack. Unfortunately, i was i was doing one of them. The dollars are coming out. Look at that. In the other half hour. So we of course know jeff from his days of breaking hearts in 98 degrees. And we couldnt let the lachey brothers get here in time or justin, but were stepping in. Since we didnt have the rest of the band here with you. I feel confident. Our karaoke lounge. A crowd, a team for jeff, a karaoke duet. Shall we lets go. Ready . Music please . A real pro could go without music. Thats right. Could it be you and me like it was before could it be you and me like it was before neither less or more cause when i close my eyes at night i realize that no one else could ever take your place i still can feel and its so unreal when youre touchin me kissin endlessly its just a place in the sun where our lives begun i miss you yes i miss you oh, baby youre my sunshine after the rain youre the cure against my fear and my pain are your ears bleeding . Because im losin my mind when youre not around its all its all because of you perfect woo that was good. That was amazing. You are hired. That was average. All right. Hired . Youre hired. Yes take that, gibson. I kind of feel like she started out slow and tapered off. Take that, gibson what do you think, crowd . [cheers and applause] applause. Applausometer. Are you ready to be impressed . Lets do it. Shall we . This is a tough one. Yeah. Oh, wow. Hes is startin to, hes getting emotional. Yeah. I do parenthesis cherish you parenthesis for the rest of my life you dont have to think twice i will love you sill from the depths of my soul its beyond my control ive waited so long thank the lord. To say this to you no, no. If you ask me, do i love you this much you do. No, we dont, we dont. We do we dont, we dont. [ applause ] yes, yes, yes. Ill pay you later. You dont have to do that. You dont, okay . Yes. I love it. All right, so. You have to pick, who do you want to perform with . I mean, come on. Whos better . Lets do it apollo style. You guys make noise for the one. First, lets go with diane, make some noise. [cheers and applause] put on your megaphone. And second, kendis . Boo, boo, boo, boo. We have a tie. Come on. Its going to be three of us . Lets sing it out. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, man. Oh, oh, oh, oh. This is the wrong group oh, oh, oh, oh, the right stuff first time was a great time second time was a blast third time now i hope it lasts i can see it in your walk i can tell the way you talk i can see it in everything you do hear it in your thoughts you got the right stuff baby oh the bridge the bridge who cued this music . All i needed was you its a kendis solo. Oh, girl, so right oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, you know this part. Everybody, come on, you know the moves. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, the right stuff oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, the right stuff first kiss was a sweet kiss second kiss had a twist you were awesome. You have the right stuff, my friend. Im sorry you had to listen to her. So if youre on medicare or will be soon, you may want more than parts a and b heres why. Medicare only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. 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Youll be able to choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. Whether youre on medicare now or turning 65 soon, its a good time to get your ducks in a row. Duck quack call to request your free decision guide now. Because the time to think about tomorrow is today. Because your carpet theres resolve carpet care. It lifts more dirt and pet hair versus vacuuming alone. Resolve carpet care with five times benefits allure best of beauty and Marie Claires most wanted. Eyes show emotion, not your age. Olay eyes. Ageless. This is it . Thats right. We have a little jayz coming in. We have a special skinny for you with jeff timmons from 98 degrees. Were hearing now, jay z released his anticipated album, 444 , and theres a particular song already getting buzz. I heard about this. You guys teased about it earlier. Is it a makeup song or Something Like that . Whats the deal with that . Hes hoping it will be a makeup song. The title song appears to be a 4 44 apology expressing his regret for cheating in a hypothetical relationship. With a hypothetical person with a good hair . Infidelity rumors swirled last year when beyonce released a song sorry i aint sorry. And it ended with a witch hunt. This new album adds more fuel to the fire. Who do you think becky with the good hair is . I dont know. Its got to be somebody special. If youre going to have infidelity on somebody like beyonce, its got to be amazing. Its got to be classa weave, indian style. Whats the 444 reference . Because its 4 44. And four is an important number for beyonce and jay z. He took a long time to apologize. But hes going to have to keep it going for about four years. Four lifetimes. Next, something you might be interested in for hard rock live. Were talking about the best Soccer Player in the world. Besides cristiano ronaldo. Messi. And then theres other guy, christine . He is officially off the market, sorry to say. Hes tying the night with childhood sweetheart in their native argentina. This guy, this lame old guy, cristiano ronaldo. What is he doing, photo shopping pool pictures . Whats going on . Everybodys going to face tune. Portuguese super star, looking rather out of shape these days. Would it kill him to have a salad once in a while . I would love to see him perform in your show, jeff. I dont think hes affordable. We do want to say congratulations to cristiano. He is the father of twins. How cool is that . More beautiful babies to grace this world. But hes not married. More beautiful portuguese babies. Im just going to let that go. Thank you for hanging out with us. I cant wait to see you perform your show and some songs with you. Making news in america this morning, new fallout from the president s twitter attack aimed at cable tv hosts. How the white house is defending the message and how lawmakers are condemning the tweets as the hosts delay their vacation to respond. Were live in washington. Overnight the new travel ban goes into effect. One state already filing a Court Challenge. What it all means for travelers. A Police Shootout broadcast live. See the suspect take to facebook during the encounter with officers. And a scary sight for an 11yearold. A large animal crashing into his bedroom while he slept. Its hard to explain, but it sounds almost like a cannon bursts through and hit like straight past my ear. The smashed out window claw marks on the wall and the amazing story this kid has to tell

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