Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20170403 :

Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20170403

south carolina capturing its first national championship in women's college basketball. north carolina and gonzaga meet tonight for the men's title. those are some of our top stories on this monday, april 3rd. important week in store for president trump putting his foreign and domestic policy skills to test. >> the president sitting down with his egyptian counterpart but all eyes on mar-a-lag-a-la-o thursday. the son-in-law and senior adviser jared kushner is in iraq visiting at the invitation of the joint chiefs chairman. more on the president's busy week. >> reporter: some welcome news for president trump. his nominee for the supreme court, picked up a vote from across the aisle. as the senator joe donnaly of indiana said he will support, judge gorsuch. the third democrat to break ranks. the president need five more democrats to bring the nomination to a vote. senate democrat leadership is threatening filibuster. the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell vows it won't work. >> what i am telling you, judge gorsuch will be confirmed. >> reporter: may have added a few yard to mr. trump's golf swing as he hits the links. the republican owe posed the president on health care reform. mr. trump says he will keep swinging. talks on repealing and replacing obamacare have and are going on, he tweeted. >> we had a great day with the president today. we did talk about some health care reform. i think the side are getting closer and closer together. i remain very optimistic that we will get a -- obamacare repeal. >> reporter: president trump faces a big foreign policy test this week when he goes head to head with china's president who will be mr. trump's guest at his mar-a-lago estate. high on the agenda will china help to rein in north korea. in an interview, mr. trump said china will decide to help us with north korea or they won't. implying the u.s. may have to act alone. the budget ax could take aim at national parks despite a spike in popularity. 330 million people visited federal lands, parks, monuments last year. it led to a nearly $12 billion in deferred maintenance needs. president trump's latest budget proposal include a 12% cut to the interior department. a new and up close look this morning at the fight against isis. this video shows kurdish forces. in gun battle with isis militants. it happened near a dam close to the isis capital of raqqa in syria. at one point, an isis explosive device goes off. shrapnel spraying over a wide area. the offensive to capture raqqa is entering its fifth month. turning now to the epic disaster unfolding in south america. more than 250 people have been killed by an avalanche of water and mud, triggered by days of torrential rains. and several rivers bursting their banks near the southwestern city. while rescue workers frantically search for survivors, hundreds of aid workers have been dispatched to deliver fresh water and supplies to stranded survivors. but more heavy rain in the forecast could complicate the efforts. the already dire search-and-rescue is still under way. meanwhile, here at home, more than 30 million americans across a wide area of the deep south are facing what the national weather service is calling a particularly dangerous weather system. those storms packing torrential rains, heavy flooding, dangerous hail, spawning at least four reported tornados. including one in louisiana that killed a mother and her 3-year-old daughter after ripping apart their mobile home. and the severe storm threat is stretching across the south, at least through tonight. >> accuweather's paul williams joins us with the latest. good morning, paul. >> good morning, kendis, adrian. look for stormy conditions to continue in the deep south. affecting atlanta, tennessee, all of alabama, going into mississippi, and we're looking for the target in new orleans, as well. louisiana, not quite out of the wood yet. not all of the parishes. look for an jut break of thunderstorm to rumble through the carolinas, northern florida, right into the mid-mississippi valley region. and then reaching further north into the ohio valley region. where is the targeted area, worst weather. mobile to atlanta. along 65. i-20. and i-10. four main concerns. damaging wind between up to 40 to 55 or more. large hail. isolated tornados. flash flooding. more flooding into the carolinas for monday night. kendis? >> paul, thank you. on to this disturbing story, one teen is under arrest and there is a warrant out for another. in a horrible crime, captured on facebook live. the assault of a 15-year-old girl. authorities say dozens of people watched the attack, but no one called police. here is abc's eva pilgrim. >> reporter: an arrest in the disturbing sexual assault of a 15-year-old girl streamed on facebook live. >> disgusting. so disgusting. she was so scared. >> reporter: a 14-year-old boy behind bars facing charges for the alleged crime. police say mr. arrests are coming for the others involved. >> and now, they're going to be held accountable for what they did. >> authorities say at least 40 people viewed the facebook live video. not a single person called police. >> just disgusts me that people would look at those videos and not pick up the phone and dial 911. >> this isn't the first crime caught on facebook live in chicago. in january, a group of teenagers were arrested after police say they kidnapped the disabled man, broadcast themselves attacking him. and in oklahoma last october, a man posted his alleged get away after a violent and deadly rampage. as the for alleged sexual assault. facebook pulled the video down. telling abc news, we work hard to create a safe environment on face book and will remove videos that depict sexual assault and are shared to glorified violence. authorities say they're looking into whether the people who viewed the video could face charges. but say their first priority is making sure all of the people involved in the video are put behind bars. eva pilgrim, abc news. now to boston where police are trying to find the so-called coward in their word who fired the shots that wounded a young boy. the child said to be 5 or 6 years old was shot as he left his home with his family last night. he is recovering from a wound to his lower back. and police say the boy's father believes he was the target. investigators are searching for two men. they do not have a motive. police in north carolina have canceled an amber alert. an 11-year-old girl reported missing has been found in the d.c. area. the girl's guardians were found dead at her home in charlotte. police say she, the girl, is safe. and in their custody. to sports. controversy at the lpga first major. lexi thompson had a two stroke lead in the ana inspiration, entering yesterday's final round. but a bad ball mark saturday cost her a four-stroke penalty. and it was caught by a viewer who e-mailed tournament officials. the ruling not sitting well with tiger woods who tweeted. viewers at home should not be officials wearing stripes. let's go, @lexi win this thing anyway. unfortunately she lost in a playoff. >> she did so well in trying to come back. trying to get over all of that. >> mentally, to think that, every move you make is not only be watched by officials but people at home. >> just one simple e-mail. >> welcome to the pressures of limelight. skiing calls for winter clothing. until now. >> this is how kendis skis. >> people put on bikinis. not too far from the truth. swim shorts and costumes too. you have to have costumes. >> way too dressed up for my blood. >> this is in sochi, same place hosted the winter olympic games three years ago. >> so the event was held in an attempt to set a new world record for most people wearing swimwear skiing. organizers said about 1,200 people participated. certified. would break a record set a year ago. in sochi. >> how is that comfortable? >> nowhere colder than the lift. >> seriously,er they're not shivering at all. >> that's because they're moving? >> on the lift they're not? >> that's true. >> it's the body heat. >> body heat. >> good excuse. i am really, really cold. >> russians are very radiant. that radiant heat coming off of them in their skivvies. >> also the vos. >> that's the secret. speaking of new tools, emergency responders are using these to save lives. you may each have one in your home. and meet the 12-year-old who put together a better bracket than probably you did. her secret to picking the final four and, who she has got winning the big one tonight. >> first a look at today's high temps. "world news now" weather brought to you by trivago. do you think i'm gonna crack under pressure or conquer the field? defy expectations any day with always infinity. made with flexfoam. absorbs 10x its weight. rewrite the rules. always. tha...oh, burnt-on gravy?ie. ...gotta rinse that. nope. no way. nada. really? dish issues? throw it all in. new cascade platinum powers through... even burnt-on gravy. nice. cascade. looking at a massive inferno looking at a massive inferno burning out of control in dubai. this one blocks from the world's tallest building. it was sparked at a high rise under construction there, and it is just one block from the 63-story hotel we saw swallowed up by another inferno on new year's eve 2015. no reports of injuries. the fire is described as accidental. you see the full landscape there. >> wow. new high flying tool up above helping save lives on the ground. >> first responders say drones are helping them tackle emergencies. abc's marci gonzalez tells us how. >> reporter: a suspected car thief on the run. with the nearest helicopter an hour away. texas authorities instead use a drone to send live images showing officers where to go to make the arrest. the technology now being used nationwide by more first responders. >> we can be up in the air within about 35 seconds. >> reporter: hi-def and cameras giving them critical quick bird's eye views. putting them to use for man hunts to missing persons cases. in new york firefighters using their drone to get above the their drone to get above the building in flames. >> back in texas, drone used as a literal life line. >> oh, my god the water is under the house. >> reporter: bringing a rescue rope across floodwaters to save a stranded family. that rescue was ground breaking helping lead to the creation of drone response teams throughout that state and now in more places across the country. marci gonzalez, abc news, los angeles. interesting seeing positive pr for drones. lately seen a lot of, the bad uses for drones. like, peeping toms using drones to spy on people. pro and con to technological devices. >> there is. something a lot of emergency departments are doing. here in new york city a high rise fire not too far from where you live. >> saw it. >> they used a drone to help fight the fire. hard to get to the top of it. if it helps out. >> not putting other people's lives at risk. like helicopter pilots. yes. glad they're being used for good. coming up. answering the call of the wild. >> our own alex marquardt, in his flak jacket, deep into the rain forest on the hunt for an animal on the brink of extinction. an animal on the brink of extin extincti extinction. ♪ i like to move it, move it ♪ i like to move it move it >> oh, man. i can see like the video. anyway. >> me too. >> one of our favorite movies, let's move it, move it into the madagascar rain forest get face to face with lemurs. >> the endangereder species call a lush, beautiful eco system home. abc's alex marquardt heads deepp into the african jungle. >> reporter: this is one of the richest rain forests on earth in the heart of the island of madagascar, home to an extraordinary range of animals. including tiny frogs. the biggest chameleon on the planet, and most famous, the lemurs. we spent days in the forest trekking for miles to catch a glimpse of the unique, endangered creature. furry blurs flying from branch to branch munching on leaves or taking a snooze in the embrace of a tree. madagascar the only place on earth where lemurs can be found in the wild and also lesser known primates. but that is quickly changing thanks to blockbuster movies like "madagascar." and a recent starring role in the bbc series "planet earth 2." obviously adorable. what do you think the mass appeal of the lemurs is? >> it has the the appeal of a panda bear, not so big. fluffy like a cat, they have a zen attitude about life. they're very relaxed. >> reporter: dr. patricia wright is an american primatologist and has dedicated her life to studying lemurs. >> this is amazing. there are three of them together a meter from us. >> reporter: we interrupted their post-lunch grooming session. too closer for comfort as two scampered away. the third settling in for a nap. >> so regal. crossing his arms and legs like that. completely relaxed. 15 of the more than 100 species of lemurs live in this forest. many critically endangered including the black and white roughed lemur hasn't been seen, in months by the guides but just been spotted watching an hour's long pursuit. >> we are earning this lemur. then. 60 feet off the ground. there they were. leaping. hanging by their tiny, powerful feet. scarfing down lunch. at night the littlest ones emerge. we are cheating and rubbing bananas on the trees. bananas are like crack to mouse lemurs. the smallest primate in the world. how can you see anything? it's pitch black. >> can you see, there. >> reporter: oh, yeah, there it is. sure enough going straight for the banana. mouse lemurs are then to get alzheimers, diabetes and crucial to study. on this night, researchers are setting traps for the dwarf, the team has been monitoring the team and health and size of the population. after a few hours, they catch one. measuring, tagging, and naming it. just named it alex? i'm honored. hey, alex. how you doing, buddy? look at you. look at those eyes. >> reporter: after three decade in the forest, dr. wright shows enthusiasm of a tourist visiting for the first time. >> the rain forest is an amazing place. even though i've been here for 30 years, i still don't know what will happen when i go out there. >> reporter: for "nightline," i'm alex marquardt in madagascar. >> oh, my. >> fascinating. >> that's the word. >> i had a lemur on me in an animal demonstration. it's fun. >> who is cuter. alex the lemur or alex the correspondent? >> the lemur was cute. >> did you see the dimples on alex? >> good point. lemur was cute. >> did you see the dimples on alex? >> good point. . whfight back fastts, with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum -tum -tum -tum smoothies! only from tums my swthis scarf all thatsara. left to remem... what! she washed this like a month ago the long lasting scent of gain flings with tampax pearl. you get ultimate protection on your heaviest days and smooth removal for your lightest. tampax pearl and pocket pearl for on the go. you knmegared omega-3s... but did you know your eyes, your brain, and your joints really love them too? introducing megared advanced 4in1... just one softgel delivers mega support. ...better than a manual, and my hygienist says it does. but... ...they're not all the same. turns out, they're really... ...different. who knew? i had no idea. so, she said look for... that's shaped like a dental tool with a round... ...brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to... ...gently remove more plaque and... ...oral-b crossaction is clinically proven to... ...remove more plaque than sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels so clean. i'll only use an oral-b! the #1 brand used by dentists worldwide. oral-b. brush like a pro. >> might be on to me. >> here's the baby. >> what baby? >> i hav >> you can talk. >> you can really talk. >> i can talk. let's see if you can listen. >> a lot of people listened and watched. the baby was the boss at the box office, knocking off beauty and the beast to take the one spot over the weekend. >> didn't take too long. >> other big movie opening. "ghost in the shell." it couldn't summon. >> tight between "beauty & the beast." >> yeah, really tight. kind of surprised me. "boss baby" bounced to the top. >> yeah. "ghost in the shell" based on japanese comic starring scarlet johannsen. >> thank you. that movie preview. the men's ncaa basketball final is tonight. with gonzaga versus north carolina. i like to call it north -- >> a 12-year-old. her bracket was one of 657 out of more than 18 million to correctly pick the final four. >> wow. >> here is diane with more. >> i think that south carolina -- >> reporter: after the mayhem of march. millions of busted brackets. this 12-year-old from north carolina is having a buzz worthy year. >> even though my bracket didn't go all the way, my final four was correct and that's all that mattered to me. >> reporter: she picked north carolina and gonzaga in the finals. >> inside. and one. >> reporter: the 7th grader at mountain island lake academy has blown away her competition in the school march madness math class contest. even her teacher, mr. lawson is impressed. >> i'm shocked. it is like beginner's luck. beaten 70 kids and ten teachers. >> reporter: mr. lawson uses the ncaa tournament as a fun way for students to start thinking about colleges. >> just get the kids exposure to more colleges. the purpose. >> reporter: her mom couldn't be more proud. >> we're so excited and happy for her. the entire family are big sports fans. >> i have north carolina winning the whole thing. i'm going to go for where i'm from. >> diane macedo, abc news, new york. >> the cutest 12-year-old ever. >> going to be on "gma" today. >> smarter. >> not so humble brag. i should point out that i got the score completely correct for the super bowl. >> i was impressed. >> and gonzaga, unc in my bracket in house. >> you're amazing. >> bracket with diane. a hot mess. >> you are amazing. amazing. - ( snaps, clatters ) that sounds awful. ( music stops ) but a lot better than last week. ( rock music playing ) ♪ we weren't born to follow. ♪ this morning on "world news now" -- millions of americans facing severe storms. >> tornados with devastating effects have been sweeping across the south. intense winds taking out homes and tossing vehicles around like toys. we'll show you who is in storm zone today. in south america, emotional reunion among scenes of despair as flooding, and landslides take hundreds of lives. desperate search-and-rescue efforts on going as aid is slow to get to the hardest hit areas. new surveillance images show the tennessee teacher with his teen student he has been accused of kidnapping. the changes to their appearances as the teacher's wife decides to split. and the underdogs triumph championship game. south carolina shocking mississippi state. for the school's first title. the gonzaga men are hoping for a similar upset against the tar heels. march madness lives on into april on this monday the 3rd. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> reason to celebrate for a lot of folks. >> a lot of people have reason to celebrate on a lot of anticipation for tonight's big match up against gonzaga, north carolina tar heels. start with a long night it is for many, many americans. that severe storm system that is slamming parts of the deep south. >> more than 30 million americans are at risk through monday night with the latest radar showing those intense storms over louisiana and mississippi. >> those powerful storms knocking out power to thousands of people. at least 4 reported tornados touched down. one in texas. the others in louisiana. where a mother and her 3-year-old daughter were killed inside their home. >> terrible. just north of austin, the powerful winds were driving the rain side ways. abc's clayton sandel starts off our coverage. >> reporter: millions under a tornado threat. but in alexandria, louisiana, one twister left this real path of destruction. >> we ask that everyone stay off the roads. >> reporter: a family in beaubridge, louisiana in this mobile home. a tornado packing 100 mile per hour winds tore it apart. killing a mother and her 3-year-old child. across the south, lightning strikes sparking fires, igniting this oil tanker in shreveport. the clouds opening up, quarter sized hail and pounding rain. heavy flooding stalling drivers in lafayette. highways in dallas, dangerous mess. >> a car that's spun out. >> reporter: it is the nation's second recent blast of severe weather. a tornado destroying this church in chesapeake, virginia, friday, drone video shows the church and neighborhood around it in ruins. >> what we were expecting when we were dispatched to a fire alarm. >> reporter: in virginia beach, ef-2 tornado with wind, 120 miles an hour toppling fences uprooting trees and ripping the side off this house. >> chimney is completely off. holes inside the siding. house is missing. it's just overwhelming. >> reporter: 50 homes were damaged forcing 30 residents to evacuate. >> no one was injured. that's all that matters. material things can be fixed. the big worry in the south today, torrential rains and heavy winds. >> as you look at the big wall. see the storms are steadily marching east into alabama. accuweather paul williams joining us now with the latest. good morning, kendis, adrian, unfortunately stormy weather in the same general area. that will still have scattered showers and thunderstorms rumbling through new orleans and parishes. looking for more in the way of targeted thunderstorms, mississippi, alabama, georgia, including atlanta and throughout portions of tennessee. now what we are expecting, widespread problems with damaging winds, large hail, isolated tornadoes and flash flooding. slowing travel along i-10, i-20 and 65 as well. kendis, adrienne. to south america where a horrible situation is unfolding at this hour. >> this is in south america. kendis mentioned a flash flood in colombia. devastating mudslides that have killed 250 people, injuring hundreds more leveling entire neighborhoods. and now crews are searching frantically for survivors. digging through feet of mud and debris as they rush to get flesh water and supplies to grieving survivors. >> glimmer of hope among heartache. one tearful reunion caught on camera. the family here, overjoyed to learn that the entire family including in-laws, siblings, children, cousins were all spared. much more now from colombia in our next half-hour. >> wow. well, now to the showdown over president trump's pick for the supreme court. republicans are vowing to confirm judge neil gorsuch by the end of the week. a third democrat has broken ranks. senator joe donnelly pledging to vote for him, and two more. five democrats will have to defect to stop any filibuster. if republicans don't get the 60 votes needed they could use the so-called nuclear option. changing the rules to allow confirmation with a simple majority. the u.s. ambassador to the united nations says president trump would support action against russia once the investigations in election meddling are wrapped up. on twitter over the weekend the president called the russia story fake news and called it a scam. but ambassador nikki haley acknowledged moscow tried to influence the vote. and insisted her tough talk on russia doesn't conflict with president trump's stance. >> certainly i think russia was involved in the election no question on that. the president has not once called me and said don't beat up on russia, has not once told me what to say, has not once -- >> but he isn't beating up on russia should he be? >> i am. >> haley said there is no love between the u.s. and russia. and, when they do something wrong, she said, she has no problem calling them out. and in russia, police continue to crack down on protesters rallying against rampant corruption. the crowds were far smaller than they were last weekend when hundreds of people were arrested. this time riot officers detained about 30 people and blocked off several squares where protesters had planned to gather together. organizers were also demanding the exoneration of the opposition leader who was jailed last week. the texas church community that lost 13 of its members in a head-on crash gathered together to remember those who died. the pastor told the overflowing crowd their faith will see them through the tragedy. meantime, investigators are looking at this video, showing the pickup truck that slammed into the church bus swerving on the road before the crash. the witness recording this video called police in two counties to alert them to the danger. he said after the crash, the 20-year-old man behind the wheel of the pickup admitted he was texting while driving. we have got new video that has surfaced in the three week old search for tennessee teenager and her alleged kidnapper. 50-year-old tad cumming and his former student elizabeth thomas were captured on cameras in wal-mart in oklahoma city. and 700 miles from their home in culumbia, tennessee. it shows slight changes. thomas' hair is red. and facial hair now brown. it comes as wife of 31 years, jill, filed for divorce after publicly asking for her husband to turn himself in. alert for anyone driving a ford f-250 pickup. ford recalling 52,000, 2017, f-2 50z, the trucks could continue to move after the driver shifts into park. ford says there are no reports of injuries or accidents but it is ford's third recall in just a week. well, on to sports now and the women's side of march madness is over. of course, the biggest surprise for the first time since 2012. connecticut wasn't in the title game. >> amazing. sec rival, south carolina and mississippi state met for the crown in dallas. bulldogs coming off friday's stunning upset of uconn. could not stop the gamecocks, asia wilson. the final four outstanding player had 23 points, 10 blocks. and 4 blocks. >> south carolina wins 67-55. the gamecocks and head coach, dawn staley win their first national championship. i know robin roberts was so excited. she met them over the weekend in the locker room after the big upset. and -- she was just expressed how proud she was of the young ladies. >> you know robin gave them hugs, kisses made them feel loved. hard to lose when you get to that height. the men crown their champion in glendale, arizona tonight as gonzaga takes on north carolina. >> gone from the school with the hard to pronounce name. one win from bringing their first title back home. >> tar heels looking for the sixth national championship in the program's storied history. took a few good bounces to get back to the championship. >> yeah, okay. unc missed four free throws in the final six seconds over the weekend. but still beat oregon by one. >> my gosh. >> head coach there roy williams still can't believe it. >> i have coached for 44 years, i have never seen anything like that. missed four free throws in six seconds. >> one thing we can be sure of during the tense moments. coach williams did not curse. >> he says he doesn't look to swear. his players call him, mr. perfect. some of his, alternative cuss words are, blankety blank, whackadoo, as you heard in the sound bite. >> dag-gum-it. >> i didn't know that existed as a cuss word. >> it's not. it's his replacement word so he doesn't curse. >> you know the curse word he is trying to replace. does it make it a cuss word? >> my mama would say, you are exactly right. it is the same. but he is a good man with a clean mouth. >> when is the last time you cursed? >> mm. three days ago. >> no way. >> i know. >> i don't believe it. >> well, i really try not to swear ever. as i say. but one, yeah. >> one does swear once in a while. >> you know? i'm not proud of it. i'm turning red. >> how long have we been on air? it's been 11 minutes since i cursed last. >> yeah, yeah. keep it clean. coming up. more sports. including gronk in the ring. >> patriots party animal. doesn't like a cup of beer is wasted at wrestle mania. so he takes matters into his own hands. the growing tension between north korea and the united states. our bob woodruff inside the kingdom there, giving us a look at how parts of the reclusive nation are truly seem to be thriving. while much remains hidden to foreign cameras. you have to see the ski lift there. we'll talk about that coming up. >> remember, find us on facebook. and twitter@abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." you're watching "world news now." itter@abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." wash my hair again now, i fuel it new pantene doesn't just wash your hair, it fuels it. with the first pro-v nutrient blend, making every... ...strand stronger don't just wash your hair fuel it fuel your hair. because strong is beautiful. no matter who was in there last... protection. new lysol power & fresh 6 goes to work flush after flush for a just-cleaned feeling that lasts up to four weeks. lysol, what it takes to protect. ito become dangerous.d for an everyday item new tide pods child guard pack. helps keep your laundry pacs safe and your child safer. align, press and unzip. a welcome back. north korea's nuclear ambitions are a growing threat to the u.s. but in a new interview, president trump says the u.s. is prepared to resolve the tensions alone without china's help. >> abc's bob woodruff is in north korea right now where he saw some interesting sights. take a look. >> reporter: we arrive in this reclusive country at a time of raising tensions with the u.s. our hosts make a point to show us the growing capital city of pyongyang. but we hope to see something else, those sights, where the north koreans launched missiles or tested a rocket engine since president trump took office. >> we put in all sorts of requests to visit out here. the launch locations, where the missiles are being launched. we asked if we could see the brand new rocket engines. we're not getting that. they said they're going to take us skiing. >> reporter: on a road deep into the country side we drive by workers walking in formation. then arrive as promised in north korea's brand new ski mountain with all the trappings of a resort. any other guests here, you think we're the only ones? except it is eerily empty. the few people on the slopes, skiing to patriotic music. back in the capital, the top north korean official for u.s. affairs, grants us a rare interview and talk about secretary of state rex tillerson's recent tough talk. >> let me be very clear, the policy of strategic patience has ended. all options are on the table. >> the vice foreign minister says he thinks the possibility of a preemptive strike against the country's nuclear program is strong. later adding if you bring out a knife to attack us, we will take out a sword. >> mr. hahn told me he never personally met president trump before but did read he is a great businessman and heard he is unpredictable. which means he is preparing for everything. bob woodruff, abc news, pyongyang. >> amazing that he was able to get access there. next up, we are headed to the ballpark. baseball season getting underway with a classic rivalry. one pitcher who is already breaking records. plus, rob gronkowski gets his wrestlemania on. what was going on there? >> oh, my. >> all right, more sports. >> oh, my. my.ll right, more sports. >> all right, more sports. ♪ my hygi...a mouthwash.o try... so i tried crest. it does so much more than give me fresh breath. crest pro-health mouthwash provides all... ...of these benefits to help you get better dental check-ups. go pro with crest mouthwash. checkup? nailed it ♪ >> nothing says it is time for baseball like that, does it? and baseball opening day festivities continuing today with 12 games taking place across the country. >> last night, the chicago cubs opening in defense of their title against archrivals, st. louis cardinals. cards had a 3-0 in the ninth when chicago's wilson contreras tied it up with a three-run home run. bottom of the ninth. st. louis drove in the winner. st. louis wins on a soggy night. 4-3. >> sound like you are on "sportscenter." i can do it. turn it on. >> the season's first game saw the tampa bay rays roughing up the new york yankees. evan longoria hit the first in the team 7-3 victory. the yankees sixth opening day loss in a row. >> let's not focus too much on that. those two games sandwiched around giants/diamondbacks. madison bumgartner put on a show. retired 16 hitters. striking out 11. also helping his own cause. hitting a solo home run in the fifth. doing the same in the seventh. giants bull pen blew it in the bottom of the ninth. arizona won the game. 6-5. >> before we let that go away. he is your home run leader. a pitcher. when is the last time you heard that. probably won't last. in case you do the social media thing. baseball and twitter are out with the official opening day hash tags for every team. who is your tyinger? detroit fans. who is your tiger for detroit fans. this one for the nationals, my team, nats. that's it. >> sound look something flying around your fruit. left out too long. tennis star roger federer says his comeback is officially over. 35-year-old playing on a surgically repaired knee going to take time off after winning the third tournament. beat rafael nadal. renewed their rivalry in the miami open final. moves federer to 19-1 on the year. does plan to rest until the french open. federer looking for his second title in paris. in the nba, michael westbrook's triple double barrage continues. picked up his 40th of the season with a 40-point performance last night in oklahoma city. but the thunder lost to charlotte. >> westbrook would have had two extra points and a rebound if this worked. shooting the free throw after being fouled while making a three-pointer. missed on purpose. and grabbed rebound. he is called for a violation. no five-point play for him. all right. >> nice try. >> enough of the so-called real sports. time for some professional wrestling. real stuff. it was wrestlemania 33, orlando. during the battle royale, on the floor. >> friend, patriots' star, rob gronkowski watching. and then mohal threw his beer on him. >> didn't do that. gronk. didn't take too kindly. he tried to get involved, but security came over tried to stop him. she is going to hold him. >> gronk wouldn't be denied. stripping off his hat and t-shirt. >> he was ready. struck a three-point stance and delivered a big blow to mahol. gronk delivered a couple good kicks for good measure. >> watch the hit. watch the hit. >> here is the thing about it. somebody forgot to tell gronk that wrestling is fake. that looked like a pretty darn good, darn good, pretty golly gee, hard hit. >> see, i think i'm having a good influence on you not using cuss words. we are on live television. >> gee whiz. >> something like it. >> coming up. do you think setting a minimum wage for a restaurant is a good idea? for a restaurant is a good idea? is a good no. idea? >> jimeney no. ever wonder why they leave? the abuse. the mistreatment. the humiliation. it's time to treat them better. introducing tide pods plus downy. treat all your clothes better with tide pods plus downy. if it's gotta be clean, it's gotta be tide. you need parts i've nevert sleep, yoeven heard! and it's going to cost you a fortune. when life keeps you up... zzzquil helps you fall asleep in less than 20 minutes. because sleep is a beautiful thing. clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. wow! but what other teen problems can it fix fast? will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn! it only worked on the acne. can it hel... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. and now there's new clearasil overnight spot patches with patented technology for faster healing. all right, all right. >> get it. get it. >> time for "the mix." should there be a minimum age for eating in a restaurant? or maximum age? the right term? >> maximum age. >> over 5 years old. >> absolutely. >> this restaurant owner is getting flak after his upscale italian eatery bans children 5 and under. doing this some time. surprised he is getting negative publicity. restaurant goers are saying this is great. thank so much. we don't want to hear screaming babies next to our romantic meal. other people are saying i will never come back to your restaurant again. what if i have an adolescent child and a baby? >> it cuts both ways. >> it does. >> a restaurant in the charlotte area. i don't have any kids. i also understand. >> don't create enemies by saying an opinion. you could go to a restaurant. don't whine about it. don't go. all i'm saying. >> enough said. >> this woman. she is not whining because she likes pain. >> future wife here. >> she uses her tongue to stop. >> finish that thought. >> the propeller blades on a fan. is that the right way to say it? with her tongue. this is the italian version of guinness world record on tv. and zoe ellis, zoe lamour. taking her side show to make a record of stopping the most electric fan blade using her tongue. stopped it 20 times. for the record. she actually, beat her own world record on the video stopping the blade with her tongue, 32 times after that. >> wow. >> when do you practice this or think about that? >> i could just imagine. >> you like pain. better be clean. you know how the dust collect on those fans. all i'm think how much dust collects on blade of the fan. >> tried to get reaction to the previous recordholder. he was speechless. >> so gross. >> your tongue has to be jacked up after that. >> is it wrong that i think it is kind of hot? >> yes it is wrong and disturbing. >> twisted. >> and so we have all seen the fast and furious movies. there have been so many of them. >> think our producers like that >> that movie. blowing stuff up. crashing a whole lot of stuff. an insurance company did the math of exactly how much fictional damage the fast and furious franchise has done. so like, 169 regular cars damaged. 142 regular cars destroyed. many others. the total, half a billion dollars in damages over the course. >> half a billion. >> haven't seen the new one as yet. this kid is getting a lot forged out of bravery, sacrifice, and duty. from all corners of the country, a family for life. ♪ but whether they served in lands far away or communities close to home, some of these men and women may face difficult times or even crisis. but sometimes reaching out for help can be the most challenging and worthwhile mission of all. thankfully, friends, family, and communities are standing by their service members and veterans now more than ever. ♪ we're all in this together. when you recognize something isn't right, make the call to the veterans crisis line or military crisis line. during times of crisis, reach out and call. dial 1-800-273-8255 and press 1. this morning on "world news now," a devastating flash flood in colombia left hundreds dead. rescuers desperately trying to dig through the rubble of homes that have been completely taken out by landslides. severe weather in the u.s. has taken the life of a mother and daughter in louisiana. a tornado slamming into their home, the grief stricken father now speaking out. new this half hour, carjacking victim fighting back. >> surveillance video shows a thief sliding behind the wheel while the driver is fueling up. when she notices what is going on, she fights back, taking aim with a gas nozzle. it may have been the big night for country music, but everybody is talking about backstreet boys. look at that. they got the whole arena rocking. they're in vegas. going to talk about it and listen in to the, in "the skinny," on this monday, april 3rd. ♪ ♪ backstreet's back all right >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning to you. we begin with that crisis unfolding in colombia. >> the death toll topped 250 after several rivers burst their banks near southwestern city of macoa forcing a wall of water, mud and debris to come crashing down through the streets and plenty of homes. >> rescuers dig to find survivors the country is mobilizing hundreds of aid workers to deliver fresh water and supplies to stranded survivors. abc's alex marquardt has the latest. >> reporter: devastation and despair deep in the amazon basin. rescue crews frantically digging through the muddy rubble trying to locate anyone who may be alive, listening for signs of life. "one feels unable to express the magnitude of the loss here," this man said. family members weeping over lists of the dead and missing children. "we have lost a baby who has gone missing, th" this woman sa. a little baby, we can't find him anywhere. the scale of the destruction from the avalanche of mud and water staggering. cars flung like toys, entire neighborhoods buried. the death toll at least 200. but with hundreds more still missing and injured, colom been and aid officials expect it to grow. with water and power knocked out, obliterated roads and bridges hindering aid efforts. people trapped in flooded homes making desperate pleas to be rescued. >> it is very difficult because many people do not have the survival skills to let us know that they're there. >> reporter: deforestation and climate change blamed for scale of destruction. a state of emergency declared in the area. and more heavy rain could complicate the already dire search-and-rescue efforts. alex marquardt, abc news, london. >> beyond that need to pay attention to devastation throughout south america. they had el nino storms impacted not only colombia, peru, argentina, you can just see the devastation there. >> yeah, different world. destruction zone. >> yeah. weather was on the mind of many people back here at home. severe storms slammed the deep south with torrential rains, dangerous lightning as well. even tornados. >> the national weather service warning this storm system is especially dangerous for people living in the communities. as across the south, lightning strikes, they sparked fires amid heavy flooding and dangerous hail. >> spawning four tornados. one of the twisters in louisiana. look at this. ripped apart this mobile home. killed a mother and her 3-year-old daughter inside leaving behind a grieving father. >> she was a very lovely woman, the love of my life. my daughter. everything. i can't, i can't even talk right now. >> family members say they knew severe storms were in the forecast but they underestimated just how violent the storms would be. >> yeah, unthinkable. more than 30 million americans are still in the hot zone through tonight. with many under a rare high risk warning. by 7:00 a.m., the entire storm system will have engulfed mississippi. by 1:00 p.m. over alabama up into tennessee. severe weather threat today stretches from new orleans to north carolina. breaking overnight, president trump's son-in-law and senior adviser jared kushner is. a top white house official says kushner was invited to make the trip by the joint chiefs chairman. the exact purpose of the visit is unclear, but kushner is traveling with the general as the u.s. helps iraqi forces in the battle to retake mosul. the president is making it clear that health care reform is still on the table. the president invited republican senate leader, senator, rand paul to his virginia golf course hours after talks on repealing and replacing obamacare will continue until a deal is hopefully struck. senator paul an outspoken critic of the failed republican health care bill. but now appears hopeful that they'll find some common ground. >> i remain very optimistic that we will get an obamacare repeal. thank you. >> the president posted anyone who thinks repeal and replace effort is dead does not know the love and strength in the republican party. it looks like wikileaks julian assange will remain in ecuador's after a tight presidential election runoff. ecuador's ruling party and candidate declared the winner. the loser is claiming voter fraud. that could lead to protests. assange holed at the assembly since granted asylum in 2012. the winner said he would let him stay but the losing candidate vowed to evict him. in michigan, a teen is being remembered after a deadly poisoning incident at a hotel. friends gathered to honor 13-year-old brian watts who died after inhaling lethal carbon monoxide at a pool party saturday. six other people, mostly children were hospitalized after the incident. they have all been treated and released. investigators say the cause was a broken pool heater, pumping carbon monoxide into the air. >> do we know if the hotel had a co detector? >> at this point, to the best of our knowledge, it did not have a co detector. >> first responders treated at the hospital there for rushing inside into the toxic situation. michigan law says buildings constructed after 2009 are required to have those co detectors. the hotel built in 2000. quality inn is making repairs and calling the deadly incident isolated. police in massachusetts are on the look out for a man whose theft of an suv was caught on camera. he got into the vehicle while the driver was pumping gas. watch carefully. the woman tried to stop the theft spraying the suspect with fuel. police say the suspect is 31-year-old william he is facing carjacking assault and battery charges. the suv has been recovered. take a look at lucy here. a very lucky dog rescued from a well near los angeles. fell into the 30-foot hole while walking around with her owners. lucy was down there for about four hours before firefighters brought her to safety. they say lucy's story makes a good point that owners should keep their dogs on a leash. >> yeah. good advice. many of us have received really, really long letters in the mail. probably nothing like this. >> couple out of harrisburg, pennsylvania, decided to have a little april fool's day fun. billy kelly and his wife, put together a very lengthy envelope. >> waited and watched as mr. post man tried to get the thing out of the mail slot. he tried. tried. >> everchally he realized he had been pranked. he got a good laugh out of it. as the did we. >> i think billy kelly the homeowner is a comedian or at least a comedic blog. >> all right. >> nice, safe april fool's joke. >> brilliant. some good ones. >> nothing mean. i don't like mean pranks. >> mean ones that took place. >> you look like -- >> what? bring the judgment. >> no judgment. >> you look like. >> no good statement starts with you look like. >> you look like you may have had april fool's fun in times past. coming up, with all seriousness, bill o'reilly reacting to a new report alleged payouts over claims of sexual harassment and other inappropriate behavior. and in "the skinny" john cena sweeps a wrestler off their feet and wrestlemania over the weekend. but, first, we'll look at today's forecast map. >> so sweet. >> announcer: "world news now" weather, brought to you by eir feet and wrestle main wrestlemania over the weekend. but first we'll look at today's forecast map. >> so sweet. >> announcer: "world news now" weather, brought to you by [ explosion ] >> holy cow. >> holy cow. that blast at a carnival near paris left 18 people injured. including three children. investigators say gasoline used to light a bonfire was mishandled. most of the injured were hit by burning wood. five people suffered serious injuries. they are expected to recover. different kind of fireworks lighting up the sky in seoul, south korea, to celebrate opening of the world's fifth tallest building. take a look at this. >> nice. >> today's debut of the lott world tower, coincided with the parent company 50th anniversary. the tower stands 123 stories high. 123 stories. >> eh. >> more than 1,800 feet tall. how many miles is that? i know that's not miles, but -- >> taller than one world trade center definitely. so, fox news host bill o'reilly reacting to a new report alleging a number of payouts over previous sexual harassment claims and inappropriate behavior. >> "the new york times" alleges the payouts went to five women, totaling $13 million beginning in 2002. >> reporter: a new report of prior settlements over claims of inappropriate conduct. including alleged harassment by famed fox news host bill o'reilly. what we have seen in "the new york times" report is the culmination of many years of payouts due to bill o'reilly's behavior. >> reporter: "the new york times" investigating the cases of five women. according to 21st century fox, o'reilly denies merits of all claims. the author/host posting a statement on his website. writing. just like other prominent and controversial people, i'm vulnerable to lawsuits from individuals who want me to pay them to avoid negative publicity. abc news has not independently verified the information "the times" claims to have uncovered. "the times" reporting in 2011, o'reilly settled with former fox business channel host, rebecca gomez diamond for $1 million. before that, the previously reported lawsuit filed by a show producer. andrea mackris, "the new york times" reporting that o'reilly agreed to personally pay mackris $9 million. and both parties agree in the settlement that no wrongdoing whatsoever had occurred. >> i knew they were going to say vile things about me. enough is enough. i just can't have the stuff. having threats for the last five years. >> reporter: like other women in the article, according to "the times" mackris is bound by confidentiality agreement. o'reilly's statement goes on to say in my more than 20 years at fox news channel no one has ever filed a complaint with human resources even on the anonymous hotline. adding, i'm a father who cares deeply for my children. and so i have put to rest any controversies to spare my children. fox news parent company, coming to his defense, stating, 21st century fox takes matters of work place behavior very seriously. while he denies the merits of these claims, mr. o'reilly has resolved those he regarded as his personal responsibility. >> we did try contacting all five women. those who did respond said they were unable to comment at this time. next, behind the scenes at one of country music's biggest nights. not one, but two celebrity proposals. come on, bring on the romance. >> love is in the air. "the skinny" is next. is in the air. "the skinny" is next. >> yeah. d advanced 4in1... just one softgel delivers mega support. or how high the pollen count, flonase allergy relief keeps your eyes and nose clear. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances that cause nasal congestion and itchy, watery eyes. for relief beyond the nose. flonase. ♪ skinny ♪ so skinny >> oh, my gosh. >> it's our monday morning "the skinny." and one of the biggest nights of the year for country music. >> yes. >> luke brian and dirks bentley, returning as hosts of the big show. >> biggest show yet for the award program. since the show was in vegas. the guys stripped down as a thunder down under bit. >> oh, my good gravy. that just, that just, is wrong on so many. >> why is it wrong? >> it's funny. >> it is -- >> very funny. okay. >> but a big opening number that, that kicked the night off. and fairly appropriate way. making fun at the last big award show. >> didn't have the oscar like flub when david copperfield and nancy o'dell said song of the year want to emma stone before performing magic, the real winner was thomas rhett. >> who was very, very surprised by that. >> he was probably thinking emma stone was more likely to win it than he was. a cute moment. the big winner of the night, was, jason aldean named entertainer of the year. miranda lambert, female vocalist, and album of the year award. >> awkward with blake shelton there. i don't know. think it is awkward. think they moved on. >> let's hope. >> backstreet boys were back. they're now like the rat pack of our generation. like they're old school now. but everybody in like, the 30-45 range loves them. backstreet boys. >> 30-year range is wondering who they are. >> that's true. >> they're amazing. >> sound great. >> they joined florida georgia line to bring down the house brought the show to a close. trying to think what the age range would be for real back street boy fans. >> look and listen to them. they got the whole crowd going. >> oh, they got florida, georgia line. remixing it. all this pop country crossover is in with the in crowd right now, right? >> i guess so. >> dixie chicks, beyonce. moving on to another big event from the weekend. wrest wrestlemania 33. event known for body slams, pile drivers, leg sweeps. john cena looking to sweep somebody off their feet. >> now known for love tap. >> yes. >> apparently this is his next match. he asked his long-time girlfriend and fellow wrestler, nicki bela. the two had just won their match when cena got down on one knee and popped the question. >> about time. a big ring too. you made up for it. i'm saying. >> the man needed time. >> it is about time. i love that though. happy for them. >> while popping questions. this california dude send a desperate plea to actor john stamos. he wanted to propose to his girlfriend. felt the "fuller house" star was standing in his way. >> he said there is a brick wall in the way that resembles, a 6'greek god better hair than me. and pointed out the life sized photo of stamos on his wall. well, stamos replied. >> i would say yes to this. if i was a woman, not saying i'm not. i would say yes, to young doug. >> yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. >> you did it, john stamos. we did it. >> god bless you both and i wish you all the best. >> have mercy. >> oh, my god. >> she said, yes. she had no idea what she was watching originally. thought it was just something her fiance put together. that is until stamos said, katrina. >> uncle jesse helping with the proposal. finally, beyonce baby watch continues to break the internet. queen b showing off her bump, videos to her instagram again. of course the web went crazy. >> so the beehive buzzing what it could mean about the sex of her twins. conspiracy theories, blue dress, pink flowers, one of each. blue dress. daughter blue. the real debate is the dress in question. is it blue or purple? what do you think? >> i don't care. just remind me of the debate of the blue or gold one. >> it was gold. >> it was blue. the debate of the blue or gold one. >> it was gold. >> it was blue. darn! it only worked on the acne. can it hel... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. and now there's new clearasil overnight spot patches with patented technology for faster healing. my hygi...a mouthwash.o try... so i tried crest. it does so much more than give me fresh breath. crest pro-health mouthwash provides all... ...of these benefits to help you get better dental check-ups. go pro with crest mouthwash. checkup? nailed it you won't see these folks they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. get a 4 week trial, plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again. no matter who was in there last... protection. new lysol power & fresh 6 goes to work flush after flush for a just-cleaned feeling that lasts up to four weeks. lysol, what it takes to protect. ♪ >> is this "top gun"? >> yes. >> never watched the movie. >> take the intro. >> don't leave your wing man. finally this half-hour. a rare, heart racing ride inside an f-16. >> abc's tom cruise, or tom llamas for the day has a need for speed. >> reporter: that precision, those maneuvers, and life risking stunts. piloting the f-16s some of the air force's best. the thunder birds. >> think what it did, made me kw questions how to people achieve. people say how they do that. >> reporter: pilots may take the glory, there is an operation to showcase the power of the air force. does this view ever get old to you guys? >> never. >> reporter: the thunderbird took me for a ride inside an f-16 fighter jets. even customizing it for me. getting in was the easy part. taking off at 500 miles per hour, a much different story. inside the cockpit of this $30 million jet, you instantly feel the power. the power of gravity. it's called the g-force. and it takes a proper breathing technique to not pass out. keep squeezing, keep squeezing. we hit nine gs over florida space coast. it's the equivalent of nine times your body weight crushing you. >> here come the gs. feels like you're being squished. >> then came the rolls. >> one, two, three. four. at times another thunderbird just five feet next to us. then inches above us before looping right over us. captain eric speedy gonezalvez, navigating with the hand controls. under the canopy, the space is very tight. part of my training included how to properly bail out if we had an accident. have you ever had a member of the media have to eject? >> not that i know of. >> no, sir. >> reporter: good to know. in the air, nothing to panic about. except one last trick, speedy had for us. a loop where at one point we were completely, upside down. >> feels like you are hitting heaven there. >> how do you find out if he threw up? >> that's the point. you watch tom brace himself. it is not easy. i have seen plenty of people get sick in the planes. not i. >> i would have had a barf bag. don't miss our update on facebook. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing informing for two decades. insomniacs for two decades. making news in america this monday morning, breaking overnight, severe storms in the south. deputies using boats to rescue people trapped in their own homes as the water rises from flooding rains. plus, we're getting some new details about that mother and daughter killed when a tornado hit their home and where the threat is heading right now. and new this morning, unannounced visit in foreign affairs as president trump's son-in-law and senior adviser jared kushner is in iraq. his emerging role and as president trump prepares for his meeting with the president of china, what does that mean? we'll tell you. the desperate race to find survivors right now. hundreds are dead and many more missing after a massive landslide. the search taking place this morning.

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Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20170403

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south carolina capturing its first national championship in women's college basketball. north carolina and gonzaga meet tonight for the men's title. those are some of our top stories on this monday, april 3rd. important week in store for president trump putting his foreign and domestic policy skills to test. >> the president sitting down with his egyptian counterpart but all eyes on mar-a-lag-a-la-o thursday. the son-in-law and senior adviser jared kushner is in iraq visiting at the invitation of the joint chiefs chairman. more on the president's busy week. >> reporter: some welcome news for president trump. his nominee for the supreme court, picked up a vote from across the aisle. as the senator joe donnaly of indiana said he will support, judge gorsuch. the third democrat to break ranks. the president need five more democrats to bring the nomination to a vote. senate democrat leadership is threatening filibuster. the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell vows it won't work. >> what i am telling you, judge gorsuch will be confirmed. >> reporter: may have added a few yard to mr. trump's golf swing as he hits the links. the republican owe posed the president on health care reform. mr. trump says he will keep swinging. talks on repealing and replacing obamacare have and are going on, he tweeted. >> we had a great day with the president today. we did talk about some health care reform. i think the side are getting closer and closer together. i remain very optimistic that we will get a -- obamacare repeal. >> reporter: president trump faces a big foreign policy test this week when he goes head to head with china's president who will be mr. trump's guest at his mar-a-lago estate. high on the agenda will china help to rein in north korea. in an interview, mr. trump said china will decide to help us with north korea or they won't. implying the u.s. may have to act alone. the budget ax could take aim at national parks despite a spike in popularity. 330 million people visited federal lands, parks, monuments last year. it led to a nearly $12 billion in deferred maintenance needs. president trump's latest budget proposal include a 12% cut to the interior department. a new and up close look this morning at the fight against isis. this video shows kurdish forces. in gun battle with isis militants. it happened near a dam close to the isis capital of raqqa in syria. at one point, an isis explosive device goes off. shrapnel spraying over a wide area. the offensive to capture raqqa is entering its fifth month. turning now to the epic disaster unfolding in south america. more than 250 people have been killed by an avalanche of water and mud, triggered by days of torrential rains. and several rivers bursting their banks near the southwestern city. while rescue workers frantically search for survivors, hundreds of aid workers have been dispatched to deliver fresh water and supplies to stranded survivors. but more heavy rain in the forecast could complicate the efforts. the already dire search-and-rescue is still under way. meanwhile, here at home, more than 30 million americans across a wide area of the deep south are facing what the national weather service is calling a particularly dangerous weather system. those storms packing torrential rains, heavy flooding, dangerous hail, spawning at least four reported tornados. including one in louisiana that killed a mother and her 3-year-old daughter after ripping apart their mobile home. and the severe storm threat is stretching across the south, at least through tonight. >> accuweather's paul williams joins us with the latest. good morning, paul. >> good morning, kendis, adrian. look for stormy conditions to continue in the deep south. affecting atlanta, tennessee, all of alabama, going into mississippi, and we're looking for the target in new orleans, as well. louisiana, not quite out of the wood yet. not all of the parishes. look for an jut break of thunderstorm to rumble through the carolinas, northern florida, right into the mid-mississippi valley region. and then reaching further north into the ohio valley region. where is the targeted area, worst weather. mobile to atlanta. along 65. i-20. and i-10. four main concerns. damaging wind between up to 40 to 55 or more. large hail. isolated tornados. flash flooding. more flooding into the carolinas for monday night. kendis? >> paul, thank you. on to this disturbing story, one teen is under arrest and there is a warrant out for another. in a horrible crime, captured on facebook live. the assault of a 15-year-old girl. authorities say dozens of people watched the attack, but no one called police. here is abc's eva pilgrim. >> reporter: an arrest in the disturbing sexual assault of a 15-year-old girl streamed on facebook live. >> disgusting. so disgusting. she was so scared. >> reporter: a 14-year-old boy behind bars facing charges for the alleged crime. police say mr. arrests are coming for the others involved. >> and now, they're going to be held accountable for what they did. >> authorities say at least 40 people viewed the facebook live video. not a single person called police. >> just disgusts me that people would look at those videos and not pick up the phone and dial 911. >> this isn't the first crime caught on facebook live in chicago. in january, a group of teenagers were arrested after police say they kidnapped the disabled man, broadcast themselves attacking him. and in oklahoma last october, a man posted his alleged get away after a violent and deadly rampage. as the for alleged sexual assault. facebook pulled the video down. telling abc news, we work hard to create a safe environment on face book and will remove videos that depict sexual assault and are shared to glorified violence. authorities say they're looking into whether the people who viewed the video could face charges. but say their first priority is making sure all of the people involved in the video are put behind bars. eva pilgrim, abc news. now to boston where police are trying to find the so-called coward in their word who fired the shots that wounded a young boy. the child said to be 5 or 6 years old was shot as he left his home with his family last night. he is recovering from a wound to his lower back. and police say the boy's father believes he was the target. investigators are searching for two men. they do not have a motive. police in north carolina have canceled an amber alert. an 11-year-old girl reported missing has been found in the d.c. area. the girl's guardians were found dead at her home in charlotte. police say she, the girl, is safe. and in their custody. to sports. controversy at the lpga first major. lexi thompson had a two stroke lead in the ana inspiration, entering yesterday's final round. but a bad ball mark saturday cost her a four-stroke penalty. and it was caught by a viewer who e-mailed tournament officials. the ruling not sitting well with tiger woods who tweeted. viewers at home should not be officials wearing stripes. let's go, @lexi win this thing anyway. unfortunately she lost in a playoff. >> she did so well in trying to come back. trying to get over all of that. >> mentally, to think that, every move you make is not only be watched by officials but people at home. >> just one simple e-mail. >> welcome to the pressures of limelight. skiing calls for winter clothing. until now. >> this is how kendis skis. >> people put on bikinis. not too far from the truth. swim shorts and costumes too. you have to have costumes. >> way too dressed up for my blood. >> this is in sochi, same place hosted the winter olympic games three years ago. >> so the event was held in an attempt to set a new world record for most people wearing swimwear skiing. organizers said about 1,200 people participated. certified. would break a record set a year ago. in sochi. >> how is that comfortable? >> nowhere colder than the lift. >> seriously,er they're not shivering at all. >> that's because they're moving? >> on the lift they're not? >> that's true. >> it's the body heat. >> body heat. >> good excuse. i am really, really cold. >> russians are very radiant. that radiant heat coming off of them in their skivvies. >> also the vos. >> that's the secret. speaking of new tools, emergency responders are using these to save lives. you may each have one in your home. and meet the 12-year-old who put together a better bracket than probably you did. her secret to picking the final four and, who she has got winning the big one tonight. >> first a look at today's high temps. "world news now" weather brought to you by trivago. do you think i'm gonna crack under pressure or conquer the field? defy expectations any day with always infinity. made with flexfoam. absorbs 10x its weight. rewrite the rules. always. tha...oh, burnt-on gravy?ie. ...gotta rinse that. nope. no way. nada. really? dish issues? throw it all in. new cascade platinum powers through... even burnt-on gravy. nice. cascade. looking at a massive inferno looking at a massive inferno burning out of control in dubai. this one blocks from the world's tallest building. it was sparked at a high rise under construction there, and it is just one block from the 63-story hotel we saw swallowed up by another inferno on new year's eve 2015. no reports of injuries. the fire is described as accidental. you see the full landscape there. >> wow. new high flying tool up above helping save lives on the ground. >> first responders say drones are helping them tackle emergencies. abc's marci gonzalez tells us how. >> reporter: a suspected car thief on the run. with the nearest helicopter an hour away. texas authorities instead use a drone to send live images showing officers where to go to make the arrest. the technology now being used nationwide by more first responders. >> we can be up in the air within about 35 seconds. >> reporter: hi-def and cameras giving them critical quick bird's eye views. putting them to use for man hunts to missing persons cases. in new york firefighters using their drone to get above the their drone to get above the building in flames. >> back in texas, drone used as a literal life line. >> oh, my god the water is under the house. >> reporter: bringing a rescue rope across floodwaters to save a stranded family. that rescue was ground breaking helping lead to the creation of drone response teams throughout that state and now in more places across the country. marci gonzalez, abc news, los angeles. interesting seeing positive pr for drones. lately seen a lot of, the bad uses for drones. like, peeping toms using drones to spy on people. pro and con to technological devices. >> there is. something a lot of emergency departments are doing. here in new york city a high rise fire not too far from where you live. >> saw it. >> they used a drone to help fight the fire. hard to get to the top of it. if it helps out. >> not putting other people's lives at risk. like helicopter pilots. yes. glad they're being used for good. coming up. answering the call of the wild. >> our own alex marquardt, in his flak jacket, deep into the rain forest on the hunt for an animal on the brink of extinction. an animal on the brink of extin extincti extinction. ♪ i like to move it, move it ♪ i like to move it move it >> oh, man. i can see like the video. anyway. >> me too. >> one of our favorite movies, let's move it, move it into the madagascar rain forest get face to face with lemurs. >> the endangereder species call a lush, beautiful eco system home. abc's alex marquardt heads deepp into the african jungle. >> reporter: this is one of the richest rain forests on earth in the heart of the island of madagascar, home to an extraordinary range of animals. including tiny frogs. the biggest chameleon on the planet, and most famous, the lemurs. we spent days in the forest trekking for miles to catch a glimpse of the unique, endangered creature. furry blurs flying from branch to branch munching on leaves or taking a snooze in the embrace of a tree. madagascar the only place on earth where lemurs can be found in the wild and also lesser known primates. but that is quickly changing thanks to blockbuster movies like "madagascar." and a recent starring role in the bbc series "planet earth 2." obviously adorable. what do you think the mass appeal of the lemurs is? >> it has the the appeal of a panda bear, not so big. fluffy like a cat, they have a zen attitude about life. they're very relaxed. >> reporter: dr. patricia wright is an american primatologist and has dedicated her life to studying lemurs. >> this is amazing. there are three of them together a meter from us. >> reporter: we interrupted their post-lunch grooming session. too closer for comfort as two scampered away. the third settling in for a nap. >> so regal. crossing his arms and legs like that. completely relaxed. 15 of the more than 100 species of lemurs live in this forest. many critically endangered including the black and white roughed lemur hasn't been seen, in months by the guides but just been spotted watching an hour's long pursuit. >> we are earning this lemur. then. 60 feet off the ground. there they were. leaping. hanging by their tiny, powerful feet. scarfing down lunch. at night the littlest ones emerge. we are cheating and rubbing bananas on the trees. bananas are like crack to mouse lemurs. the smallest primate in the world. how can you see anything? it's pitch black. >> can you see, there. >> reporter: oh, yeah, there it is. sure enough going straight for the banana. mouse lemurs are then to get alzheimers, diabetes and crucial to study. on this night, researchers are setting traps for the dwarf, the team has been monitoring the team and health and size of the population. after a few hours, they catch one. measuring, tagging, and naming it. just named it alex? i'm honored. hey, alex. how you doing, buddy? look at you. look at those eyes. >> reporter: after three decade in the forest, dr. wright shows enthusiasm of a tourist visiting for the first time. >> the rain forest is an amazing place. even though i've been here for 30 years, i still don't know what will happen when i go out there. >> reporter: for "nightline," i'm alex marquardt in madagascar. >> oh, my. >> fascinating. >> that's the word. >> i had a lemur on me in an animal demonstration. it's fun. >> who is cuter. alex the lemur or alex the correspondent? >> the lemur was cute. >> did you see the dimples on alex? >> good point. lemur was cute. >> did you see the dimples on alex? >> good point. . whfight back fastts, with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum -tum -tum -tum smoothies! only from tums my swthis scarf all thatsara. left to remem... what! she washed this like a month ago the long lasting scent of gain flings with tampax pearl. you get ultimate protection on your heaviest days and smooth removal for your lightest. tampax pearl and pocket pearl for on the go. you knmegared omega-3s... but did you know your eyes, your brain, and your joints really love them too? introducing megared advanced 4in1... just one softgel delivers mega support. ...better than a manual, and my hygienist says it does. but... ...they're not all the same. turns out, they're really... ...different. who knew? i had no idea. so, she said look for... that's shaped like a dental tool with a round... ...brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to... ...gently remove more plaque and... ...oral-b crossaction is clinically proven to... ...remove more plaque than sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels so clean. i'll only use an oral-b! the #1 brand used by dentists worldwide. oral-b. brush like a pro. >> might be on to me. >> here's the baby. >> what baby? >> i hav >> you can talk. >> you can really talk. >> i can talk. let's see if you can listen. >> a lot of people listened and watched. the baby was the boss at the box office, knocking off beauty and the beast to take the one spot over the weekend. >> didn't take too long. >> other big movie opening. "ghost in the shell." it couldn't summon. >> tight between "beauty & the beast." >> yeah, really tight. kind of surprised me. "boss baby" bounced to the top. >> yeah. "ghost in the shell" based on japanese comic starring scarlet johannsen. >> thank you. that movie preview. the men's ncaa basketball final is tonight. with gonzaga versus north carolina. i like to call it north -- >> a 12-year-old. her bracket was one of 657 out of more than 18 million to correctly pick the final four. >> wow. >> here is diane with more. >> i think that south carolina -- >> reporter: after the mayhem of march. millions of busted brackets. this 12-year-old from north carolina is having a buzz worthy year. >> even though my bracket didn't go all the way, my final four was correct and that's all that mattered to me. >> reporter: she picked north carolina and gonzaga in the finals. >> inside. and one. >> reporter: the 7th grader at mountain island lake academy has blown away her competition in the school march madness math class contest. even her teacher, mr. lawson is impressed. >> i'm shocked. it is like beginner's luck. beaten 70 kids and ten teachers. >> reporter: mr. lawson uses the ncaa tournament as a fun way for students to start thinking about colleges. >> just get the kids exposure to more colleges. the purpose. >> reporter: her mom couldn't be more proud. >> we're so excited and happy for her. the entire family are big sports fans. >> i have north carolina winning the whole thing. i'm going to go for where i'm from. >> diane macedo, abc news, new york. >> the cutest 12-year-old ever. >> going to be on "gma" today. >> smarter. >> not so humble brag. i should point out that i got the score completely correct for the super bowl. >> i was impressed. >> and gonzaga, unc in my bracket in house. >> you're amazing. >> bracket with diane. a hot mess. >> you are amazing. amazing. - ( snaps, clatters ) that sounds awful. ( music stops ) but a lot better than last week. ( rock music playing ) ♪ we weren't born to follow. ♪ this morning on "world news now" -- millions of americans facing severe storms. >> tornados with devastating effects have been sweeping across the south. intense winds taking out homes and tossing vehicles around like toys. we'll show you who is in storm zone today. in south america, emotional reunion among scenes of despair as flooding, and landslides take hundreds of lives. desperate search-and-rescue efforts on going as aid is slow to get to the hardest hit areas. new surveillance images show the tennessee teacher with his teen student he has been accused of kidnapping. the changes to their appearances as the teacher's wife decides to split. and the underdogs triumph championship game. south carolina shocking mississippi state. for the school's first title. the gonzaga men are hoping for a similar upset against the tar heels. march madness lives on into april on this monday the 3rd. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> reason to celebrate for a lot of folks. >> a lot of people have reason to celebrate on a lot of anticipation for tonight's big match up against gonzaga, north carolina tar heels. start with a long night it is for many, many americans. that severe storm system that is slamming parts of the deep south. >> more than 30 million americans are at risk through monday night with the latest radar showing those intense storms over louisiana and mississippi. >> those powerful storms knocking out power to thousands of people. at least 4 reported tornados touched down. one in texas. the others in louisiana. where a mother and her 3-year-old daughter were killed inside their home. >> terrible. just north of austin, the powerful winds were driving the rain side ways. abc's clayton sandel starts off our coverage. >> reporter: millions under a tornado threat. but in alexandria, louisiana, one twister left this real path of destruction. >> we ask that everyone stay off the roads. >> reporter: a family in beaubridge, louisiana in this mobile home. a tornado packing 100 mile per hour winds tore it apart. killing a mother and her 3-year-old child. across the south, lightning strikes sparking fires, igniting this oil tanker in shreveport. the clouds opening up, quarter sized hail and pounding rain. heavy flooding stalling drivers in lafayette. highways in dallas, dangerous mess. >> a car that's spun out. >> reporter: it is the nation's second recent blast of severe weather. a tornado destroying this church in chesapeake, virginia, friday, drone video shows the church and neighborhood around it in ruins. >> what we were expecting when we were dispatched to a fire alarm. >> reporter: in virginia beach, ef-2 tornado with wind, 120 miles an hour toppling fences uprooting trees and ripping the side off this house. >> chimney is completely off. holes inside the siding. house is missing. it's just overwhelming. >> reporter: 50 homes were damaged forcing 30 residents to evacuate. >> no one was injured. that's all that matters. material things can be fixed. the big worry in the south today, torrential rains and heavy winds. >> as you look at the big wall. see the storms are steadily marching east into alabama. accuweather paul williams joining us now with the latest. good morning, kendis, adrian, unfortunately stormy weather in the same general area. that will still have scattered showers and thunderstorms rumbling through new orleans and parishes. looking for more in the way of targeted thunderstorms, mississippi, alabama, georgia, including atlanta and throughout portions of tennessee. now what we are expecting, widespread problems with damaging winds, large hail, isolated tornadoes and flash flooding. slowing travel along i-10, i-20 and 65 as well. kendis, adrienne. to south america where a horrible situation is unfolding at this hour. >> this is in south america. kendis mentioned a flash flood in colombia. devastating mudslides that have killed 250 people, injuring hundreds more leveling entire neighborhoods. and now crews are searching frantically for survivors. digging through feet of mud and debris as they rush to get flesh water and supplies to grieving survivors. >> glimmer of hope among heartache. one tearful reunion caught on camera. the family here, overjoyed to learn that the entire family including in-laws, siblings, children, cousins were all spared. much more now from colombia in our next half-hour. >> wow. well, now to the showdown over president trump's pick for the supreme court. republicans are vowing to confirm judge neil gorsuch by the end of the week. a third democrat has broken ranks. senator joe donnelly pledging to vote for him, and two more. five democrats will have to defect to stop any filibuster. if republicans don't get the 60 votes needed they could use the so-called nuclear option. changing the rules to allow confirmation with a simple majority. the u.s. ambassador to the united nations says president trump would support action against russia once the investigations in election meddling are wrapped up. on twitter over the weekend the president called the russia story fake news and called it a scam. but ambassador nikki haley acknowledged moscow tried to influence the vote. and insisted her tough talk on russia doesn't conflict with president trump's stance. >> certainly i think russia was involved in the election no question on that. the president has not once called me and said don't beat up on russia, has not once told me what to say, has not once -- >> but he isn't beating up on russia should he be? >> i am. >> haley said there is no love between the u.s. and russia. and, when they do something wrong, she said, she has no problem calling them out. and in russia, police continue to crack down on protesters rallying against rampant corruption. the crowds were far smaller than they were last weekend when hundreds of people were arrested. this time riot officers detained about 30 people and blocked off several squares where protesters had planned to gather together. organizers were also demanding the exoneration of the opposition leader who was jailed last week. the texas church community that lost 13 of its members in a head-on crash gathered together to remember those who died. the pastor told the overflowing crowd their faith will see them through the tragedy. meantime, investigators are looking at this video, showing the pickup truck that slammed into the church bus swerving on the road before the crash. the witness recording this video called police in two counties to alert them to the danger. he said after the crash, the 20-year-old man behind the wheel of the pickup admitted he was texting while driving. we have got new video that has surfaced in the three week old search for tennessee teenager and her alleged kidnapper. 50-year-old tad cumming and his former student elizabeth thomas were captured on cameras in wal-mart in oklahoma city. and 700 miles from their home in culumbia, tennessee. it shows slight changes. thomas' hair is red. and facial hair now brown. it comes as wife of 31 years, jill, filed for divorce after publicly asking for her husband to turn himself in. alert for anyone driving a ford f-250 pickup. ford recalling 52,000, 2017, f-2 50z, the trucks could continue to move after the driver shifts into park. ford says there are no reports of injuries or accidents but it is ford's third recall in just a week. well, on to sports now and the women's side of march madness is over. of course, the biggest surprise for the first time since 2012. connecticut wasn't in the title game. >> amazing. sec rival, south carolina and mississippi state met for the crown in dallas. bulldogs coming off friday's stunning upset of uconn. could not stop the gamecocks, asia wilson. the final four outstanding player had 23 points, 10 blocks. and 4 blocks. >> south carolina wins 67-55. the gamecocks and head coach, dawn staley win their first national championship. i know robin roberts was so excited. she met them over the weekend in the locker room after the big upset. and -- she was just expressed how proud she was of the young ladies. >> you know robin gave them hugs, kisses made them feel loved. hard to lose when you get to that height. the men crown their champion in glendale, arizona tonight as gonzaga takes on north carolina. >> gone from the school with the hard to pronounce name. one win from bringing their first title back home. >> tar heels looking for the sixth national championship in the program's storied history. took a few good bounces to get back to the championship. >> yeah, okay. unc missed four free throws in the final six seconds over the weekend. but still beat oregon by one. >> my gosh. >> head coach there roy williams still can't believe it. >> i have coached for 44 years, i have never seen anything like that. missed four free throws in six seconds. >> one thing we can be sure of during the tense moments. coach williams did not curse. >> he says he doesn't look to swear. his players call him, mr. perfect. some of his, alternative cuss words are, blankety blank, whackadoo, as you heard in the sound bite. >> dag-gum-it. >> i didn't know that existed as a cuss word. >> it's not. it's his replacement word so he doesn't curse. >> you know the curse word he is trying to replace. does it make it a cuss word? >> my mama would say, you are exactly right. it is the same. but he is a good man with a clean mouth. >> when is the last time you cursed? >> mm. three days ago. >> no way. >> i know. >> i don't believe it. >> well, i really try not to swear ever. as i say. but one, yeah. >> one does swear once in a while. >> you know? i'm not proud of it. i'm turning red. >> how long have we been on air? it's been 11 minutes since i cursed last. >> yeah, yeah. keep it clean. coming up. more sports. including gronk in the ring. >> patriots party animal. doesn't like a cup of beer is wasted at wrestle mania. so he takes matters into his own hands. the growing tension between north korea and the united states. our bob woodruff inside the kingdom there, giving us a look at how parts of the reclusive nation are truly seem to be thriving. while much remains hidden to foreign cameras. you have to see the ski lift there. we'll talk about that coming up. >> remember, find us on facebook. and twitter@abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." you're watching "world news now." itter@abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." wash my hair again now, i fuel it new pantene doesn't just wash your hair, it fuels it. with the first pro-v nutrient blend, making every... ...strand stronger don't just wash your hair fuel it fuel your hair. because strong is beautiful. no matter who was in there last... protection. new lysol power & fresh 6 goes to work flush after flush for a just-cleaned feeling that lasts up to four weeks. lysol, what it takes to protect. ito become dangerous.d for an everyday item new tide pods child guard pack. helps keep your laundry pacs safe and your child safer. align, press and unzip. a welcome back. north korea's nuclear ambitions are a growing threat to the u.s. but in a new interview, president trump says the u.s. is prepared to resolve the tensions alone without china's help. >> abc's bob woodruff is in north korea right now where he saw some interesting sights. take a look. >> reporter: we arrive in this reclusive country at a time of raising tensions with the u.s. our hosts make a point to show us the growing capital city of pyongyang. but we hope to see something else, those sights, where the north koreans launched missiles or tested a rocket engine since president trump took office. >> we put in all sorts of requests to visit out here. the launch locations, where the missiles are being launched. we asked if we could see the brand new rocket engines. we're not getting that. they said they're going to take us skiing. >> reporter: on a road deep into the country side we drive by workers walking in formation. then arrive as promised in north korea's brand new ski mountain with all the trappings of a resort. any other guests here, you think we're the only ones? except it is eerily empty. the few people on the slopes, skiing to patriotic music. back in the capital, the top north korean official for u.s. affairs, grants us a rare interview and talk about secretary of state rex tillerson's recent tough talk. >> let me be very clear, the policy of strategic patience has ended. all options are on the table. >> the vice foreign minister says he thinks the possibility of a preemptive strike against the country's nuclear program is strong. later adding if you bring out a knife to attack us, we will take out a sword. >> mr. hahn told me he never personally met president trump before but did read he is a great businessman and heard he is unpredictable. which means he is preparing for everything. bob woodruff, abc news, pyongyang. >> amazing that he was able to get access there. next up, we are headed to the ballpark. baseball season getting underway with a classic rivalry. one pitcher who is already breaking records. plus, rob gronkowski gets his wrestlemania on. what was going on there? >> oh, my. >> all right, more sports. >> oh, my. my.ll right, more sports. >> all right, more sports. ♪ my hygi...a mouthwash.o try... so i tried crest. it does so much more than give me fresh breath. crest pro-health mouthwash provides all... ...of these benefits to help you get better dental check-ups. go pro with crest mouthwash. checkup? nailed it ♪ >> nothing says it is time for baseball like that, does it? and baseball opening day festivities continuing today with 12 games taking place across the country. >> last night, the chicago cubs opening in defense of their title against archrivals, st. louis cardinals. cards had a 3-0 in the ninth when chicago's wilson contreras tied it up with a three-run home run. bottom of the ninth. st. louis drove in the winner. st. louis wins on a soggy night. 4-3. >> sound like you are on "sportscenter." i can do it. turn it on. >> the season's first game saw the tampa bay rays roughing up the new york yankees. evan longoria hit the first in the team 7-3 victory. the yankees sixth opening day loss in a row. >> let's not focus too much on that. those two games sandwiched around giants/diamondbacks. madison bumgartner put on a show. retired 16 hitters. striking out 11. also helping his own cause. hitting a solo home run in the fifth. doing the same in the seventh. giants bull pen blew it in the bottom of the ninth. arizona won the game. 6-5. >> before we let that go away. he is your home run leader. a pitcher. when is the last time you heard that. probably won't last. in case you do the social media thing. baseball and twitter are out with the official opening day hash tags for every team. who is your tyinger? detroit fans. who is your tiger for detroit fans. this one for the nationals, my team, nats. that's it. >> sound look something flying around your fruit. left out too long. tennis star roger federer says his comeback is officially over. 35-year-old playing on a surgically repaired knee going to take time off after winning the third tournament. beat rafael nadal. renewed their rivalry in the miami open final. moves federer to 19-1 on the year. does plan to rest until the french open. federer looking for his second title in paris. in the nba, michael westbrook's triple double barrage continues. picked up his 40th of the season with a 40-point performance last night in oklahoma city. but the thunder lost to charlotte. >> westbrook would have had two extra points and a rebound if this worked. shooting the free throw after being fouled while making a three-pointer. missed on purpose. and grabbed rebound. he is called for a violation. no five-point play for him. all right. >> nice try. >> enough of the so-called real sports. time for some professional wrestling. real stuff. it was wrestlemania 33, orlando. during the battle royale, on the floor. >> friend, patriots' star, rob gronkowski watching. and then mohal threw his beer on him. >> didn't do that. gronk. didn't take too kindly. he tried to get involved, but security came over tried to stop him. she is going to hold him. >> gronk wouldn't be denied. stripping off his hat and t-shirt. >> he was ready. struck a three-point stance and delivered a big blow to mahol. gronk delivered a couple good kicks for good measure. >> watch the hit. watch the hit. >> here is the thing about it. somebody forgot to tell gronk that wrestling is fake. that looked like a pretty darn good, darn good, pretty golly gee, hard hit. >> see, i think i'm having a good influence on you not using cuss words. we are on live television. >> gee whiz. >> something like it. >> coming up. do you think setting a minimum wage for a restaurant is a good idea? for a restaurant is a good idea? is a good no. idea? >> jimeney no. ever wonder why they leave? the abuse. the mistreatment. the humiliation. it's time to treat them better. introducing tide pods plus downy. treat all your clothes better with tide pods plus downy. if it's gotta be clean, it's gotta be tide. you need parts i've nevert sleep, yoeven heard! and it's going to cost you a fortune. when life keeps you up... zzzquil helps you fall asleep in less than 20 minutes. because sleep is a beautiful thing. clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. wow! but what other teen problems can it fix fast? will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn! it only worked on the acne. can it hel... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. and now there's new clearasil overnight spot patches with patented technology for faster healing. all right, all right. >> get it. get it. >> time for "the mix." should there be a minimum age for eating in a restaurant? or maximum age? the right term? >> maximum age. >> over 5 years old. >> absolutely. >> this restaurant owner is getting flak after his upscale italian eatery bans children 5 and under. doing this some time. surprised he is getting negative publicity. restaurant goers are saying this is great. thank so much. we don't want to hear screaming babies next to our romantic meal. other people are saying i will never come back to your restaurant again. what if i have an adolescent child and a baby? >> it cuts both ways. >> it does. >> a restaurant in the charlotte area. i don't have any kids. i also understand. >> don't create enemies by saying an opinion. you could go to a restaurant. don't whine about it. don't go. all i'm saying. >> enough said. >> this woman. she is not whining because she likes pain. >> future wife here. >> she uses her tongue to stop. >> finish that thought. >> the propeller blades on a fan. is that the right way to say it? with her tongue. this is the italian version of guinness world record on tv. and zoe ellis, zoe lamour. taking her side show to make a record of stopping the most electric fan blade using her tongue. stopped it 20 times. for the record. she actually, beat her own world record on the video stopping the blade with her tongue, 32 times after that. >> wow. >> when do you practice this or think about that? >> i could just imagine. >> you like pain. better be clean. you know how the dust collect on those fans. all i'm think how much dust collects on blade of the fan. >> tried to get reaction to the previous recordholder. he was speechless. >> so gross. >> your tongue has to be jacked up after that. >> is it wrong that i think it is kind of hot? >> yes it is wrong and disturbing. >> twisted. >> and so we have all seen the fast and furious movies. there have been so many of them. >> think our producers like that >> that movie. blowing stuff up. crashing a whole lot of stuff. an insurance company did the math of exactly how much fictional damage the fast and furious franchise has done. so like, 169 regular cars damaged. 142 regular cars destroyed. many others. the total, half a billion dollars in damages over the course. >> half a billion. >> haven't seen the new one as yet. this kid is getting a lot forged out of bravery, sacrifice, and duty. from all corners of the country, a family for life. ♪ but whether they served in lands far away or communities close to home, some of these men and women may face difficult times or even crisis. but sometimes reaching out for help can be the most challenging and worthwhile mission of all. thankfully, friends, family, and communities are standing by their service members and veterans now more than ever. ♪ we're all in this together. when you recognize something isn't right, make the call to the veterans crisis line or military crisis line. during times of crisis, reach out and call. dial 1-800-273-8255 and press 1. this morning on "world news now," a devastating flash flood in colombia left hundreds dead. rescuers desperately trying to dig through the rubble of homes that have been completely taken out by landslides. severe weather in the u.s. has taken the life of a mother and daughter in louisiana. a tornado slamming into their home, the grief stricken father now speaking out. new this half hour, carjacking victim fighting back. >> surveillance video shows a thief sliding behind the wheel while the driver is fueling up. when she notices what is going on, she fights back, taking aim with a gas nozzle. it may have been the big night for country music, but everybody is talking about backstreet boys. look at that. they got the whole arena rocking. they're in vegas. going to talk about it and listen in to the, in "the skinny," on this monday, april 3rd. ♪ ♪ backstreet's back all right >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning to you. we begin with that crisis unfolding in colombia. >> the death toll topped 250 after several rivers burst their banks near southwestern city of macoa forcing a wall of water, mud and debris to come crashing down through the streets and plenty of homes. >> rescuers dig to find survivors the country is mobilizing hundreds of aid workers to deliver fresh water and supplies to stranded survivors. abc's alex marquardt has the latest. >> reporter: devastation and despair deep in the amazon basin. rescue crews frantically digging through the muddy rubble trying to locate anyone who may be alive, listening for signs of life. "one feels unable to express the magnitude of the loss here," this man said. family members weeping over lists of the dead and missing children. "we have lost a baby who has gone missing, th" this woman sa. a little baby, we can't find him anywhere. the scale of the destruction from the avalanche of mud and water staggering. cars flung like toys, entire neighborhoods buried. the death toll at least 200. but with hundreds more still missing and injured, colom been and aid officials expect it to grow. with water and power knocked out, obliterated roads and bridges hindering aid efforts. people trapped in flooded homes making desperate pleas to be rescued. >> it is very difficult because many people do not have the survival skills to let us know that they're there. >> reporter: deforestation and climate change blamed for scale of destruction. a state of emergency declared in the area. and more heavy rain could complicate the already dire search-and-rescue efforts. alex marquardt, abc news, london. >> beyond that need to pay attention to devastation throughout south america. they had el nino storms impacted not only colombia, peru, argentina, you can just see the devastation there. >> yeah, different world. destruction zone. >> yeah. weather was on the mind of many people back here at home. severe storms slammed the deep south with torrential rains, dangerous lightning as well. even tornados. >> the national weather service warning this storm system is especially dangerous for people living in the communities. as across the south, lightning strikes, they sparked fires amid heavy flooding and dangerous hail. >> spawning four tornados. one of the twisters in louisiana. look at this. ripped apart this mobile home. killed a mother and her 3-year-old daughter inside leaving behind a grieving father. >> she was a very lovely woman, the love of my life. my daughter. everything. i can't, i can't even talk right now. >> family members say they knew severe storms were in the forecast but they underestimated just how violent the storms would be. >> yeah, unthinkable. more than 30 million americans are still in the hot zone through tonight. with many under a rare high risk warning. by 7:00 a.m., the entire storm system will have engulfed mississippi. by 1:00 p.m. over alabama up into tennessee. severe weather threat today stretches from new orleans to north carolina. breaking overnight, president trump's son-in-law and senior adviser jared kushner is. a top white house official says kushner was invited to make the trip by the joint chiefs chairman. the exact purpose of the visit is unclear, but kushner is traveling with the general as the u.s. helps iraqi forces in the battle to retake mosul. the president is making it clear that health care reform is still on the table. the president invited republican senate leader, senator, rand paul to his virginia golf course hours after talks on repealing and replacing obamacare will continue until a deal is hopefully struck. senator paul an outspoken critic of the failed republican health care bill. but now appears hopeful that they'll find some common ground. >> i remain very optimistic that we will get an obamacare repeal. thank you. >> the president posted anyone who thinks repeal and replace effort is dead does not know the love and strength in the republican party. it looks like wikileaks julian assange will remain in ecuador's after a tight presidential election runoff. ecuador's ruling party and candidate declared the winner. the loser is claiming voter fraud. that could lead to protests. assange holed at the assembly since granted asylum in 2012. the winner said he would let him stay but the losing candidate vowed to evict him. in michigan, a teen is being remembered after a deadly poisoning incident at a hotel. friends gathered to honor 13-year-old brian watts who died after inhaling lethal carbon monoxide at a pool party saturday. six other people, mostly children were hospitalized after the incident. they have all been treated and released. investigators say the cause was a broken pool heater, pumping carbon monoxide into the air. >> do we know if the hotel had a co detector? >> at this point, to the best of our knowledge, it did not have a co detector. >> first responders treated at the hospital there for rushing inside into the toxic situation. michigan law says buildings constructed after 2009 are required to have those co detectors. the hotel built in 2000. quality inn is making repairs and calling the deadly incident isolated. police in massachusetts are on the look out for a man whose theft of an suv was caught on camera. he got into the vehicle while the driver was pumping gas. watch carefully. the woman tried to stop the theft spraying the suspect with fuel. police say the suspect is 31-year-old william he is facing carjacking assault and battery charges. the suv has been recovered. take a look at lucy here. a very lucky dog rescued from a well near los angeles. fell into the 30-foot hole while walking around with her owners. lucy was down there for about four hours before firefighters brought her to safety. they say lucy's story makes a good point that owners should keep their dogs on a leash. >> yeah. good advice. many of us have received really, really long letters in the mail. probably nothing like this. >> couple out of harrisburg, pennsylvania, decided to have a little april fool's day fun. billy kelly and his wife, put together a very lengthy envelope. >> waited and watched as mr. post man tried to get the thing out of the mail slot. he tried. tried. >> everchally he realized he had been pranked. he got a good laugh out of it. as the did we. >> i think billy kelly the homeowner is a comedian or at least a comedic blog. >> all right. >> nice, safe april fool's joke. >> brilliant. some good ones. >> nothing mean. i don't like mean pranks. >> mean ones that took place. >> you look like -- >> what? bring the judgment. >> no judgment. >> you look like. >> no good statement starts with you look like. >> you look like you may have had april fool's fun in times past. coming up, with all seriousness, bill o'reilly reacting to a new report alleged payouts over claims of sexual harassment and other inappropriate behavior. and in "the skinny" john cena sweeps a wrestler off their feet and wrestlemania over the weekend. but, first, we'll look at today's forecast map. >> so sweet. >> announcer: "world news now" weather, brought to you by eir feet and wrestle main wrestlemania over the weekend. but first we'll look at today's forecast map. >> so sweet. >> announcer: "world news now" weather, brought to you by [ explosion ] >> holy cow. >> holy cow. that blast at a carnival near paris left 18 people injured. including three children. investigators say gasoline used to light a bonfire was mishandled. most of the injured were hit by burning wood. five people suffered serious injuries. they are expected to recover. different kind of fireworks lighting up the sky in seoul, south korea, to celebrate opening of the world's fifth tallest building. take a look at this. >> nice. >> today's debut of the lott world tower, coincided with the parent company 50th anniversary. the tower stands 123 stories high. 123 stories. >> eh. >> more than 1,800 feet tall. how many miles is that? i know that's not miles, but -- >> taller than one world trade center definitely. so, fox news host bill o'reilly reacting to a new report alleging a number of payouts over previous sexual harassment claims and inappropriate behavior. >> "the new york times" alleges the payouts went to five women, totaling $13 million beginning in 2002. >> reporter: a new report of prior settlements over claims of inappropriate conduct. including alleged harassment by famed fox news host bill o'reilly. what we have seen in "the new york times" report is the culmination of many years of payouts due to bill o'reilly's behavior. >> reporter: "the new york times" investigating the cases of five women. according to 21st century fox, o'reilly denies merits of all claims. the author/host posting a statement on his website. writing. just like other prominent and controversial people, i'm vulnerable to lawsuits from individuals who want me to pay them to avoid negative publicity. abc news has not independently verified the information "the times" claims to have uncovered. "the times" reporting in 2011, o'reilly settled with former fox business channel host, rebecca gomez diamond for $1 million. before that, the previously reported lawsuit filed by a show producer. andrea mackris, "the new york times" reporting that o'reilly agreed to personally pay mackris $9 million. and both parties agree in the settlement that no wrongdoing whatsoever had occurred. >> i knew they were going to say vile things about me. enough is enough. i just can't have the stuff. having threats for the last five years. >> reporter: like other women in the article, according to "the times" mackris is bound by confidentiality agreement. o'reilly's statement goes on to say in my more than 20 years at fox news channel no one has ever filed a complaint with human resources even on the anonymous hotline. adding, i'm a father who cares deeply for my children. and so i have put to rest any controversies to spare my children. fox news parent company, coming to his defense, stating, 21st century fox takes matters of work place behavior very seriously. while he denies the merits of these claims, mr. o'reilly has resolved those he regarded as his personal responsibility. >> we did try contacting all five women. those who did respond said they were unable to comment at this time. next, behind the scenes at one of country music's biggest nights. not one, but two celebrity proposals. come on, bring on the romance. >> love is in the air. "the skinny" is next. is in the air. "the skinny" is next. >> yeah. d advanced 4in1... just one softgel delivers mega support. or how high the pollen count, flonase allergy relief keeps your eyes and nose clear. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances that cause nasal congestion and itchy, watery eyes. for relief beyond the nose. flonase. ♪ skinny ♪ so skinny >> oh, my gosh. >> it's our monday morning "the skinny." and one of the biggest nights of the year for country music. >> yes. >> luke brian and dirks bentley, returning as hosts of the big show. >> biggest show yet for the award program. since the show was in vegas. the guys stripped down as a thunder down under bit. >> oh, my good gravy. that just, that just, is wrong on so many. >> why is it wrong? >> it's funny. >> it is -- >> very funny. okay. >> but a big opening number that, that kicked the night off. and fairly appropriate way. making fun at the last big award show. >> didn't have the oscar like flub when david copperfield and nancy o'dell said song of the year want to emma stone before performing magic, the real winner was thomas rhett. >> who was very, very surprised by that. >> he was probably thinking emma stone was more likely to win it than he was. a cute moment. the big winner of the night, was, jason aldean named entertainer of the year. miranda lambert, female vocalist, and album of the year award. >> awkward with blake shelton there. i don't know. think it is awkward. think they moved on. >> let's hope. >> backstreet boys were back. they're now like the rat pack of our generation. like they're old school now. but everybody in like, the 30-45 range loves them. backstreet boys. >> 30-year range is wondering who they are. >> that's true. >> they're amazing. >> sound great. >> they joined florida georgia line to bring down the house brought the show to a close. trying to think what the age range would be for real back street boy fans. >> look and listen to them. they got the whole crowd going. >> oh, they got florida, georgia line. remixing it. all this pop country crossover is in with the in crowd right now, right? >> i guess so. >> dixie chicks, beyonce. moving on to another big event from the weekend. wrest wrestlemania 33. event known for body slams, pile drivers, leg sweeps. john cena looking to sweep somebody off their feet. >> now known for love tap. >> yes. >> apparently this is his next match. he asked his long-time girlfriend and fellow wrestler, nicki bela. the two had just won their match when cena got down on one knee and popped the question. >> about time. a big ring too. you made up for it. i'm saying. >> the man needed time. >> it is about time. i love that though. happy for them. >> while popping questions. this california dude send a desperate plea to actor john stamos. he wanted to propose to his girlfriend. felt the "fuller house" star was standing in his way. >> he said there is a brick wall in the way that resembles, a 6'greek god better hair than me. and pointed out the life sized photo of stamos on his wall. well, stamos replied. >> i would say yes to this. if i was a woman, not saying i'm not. i would say yes, to young doug. >> yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. >> you did it, john stamos. we did it. >> god bless you both and i wish you all the best. >> have mercy. >> oh, my god. >> she said, yes. she had no idea what she was watching originally. thought it was just something her fiance put together. that is until stamos said, katrina. >> uncle jesse helping with the proposal. finally, beyonce baby watch continues to break the internet. queen b showing off her bump, videos to her instagram again. of course the web went crazy. >> so the beehive buzzing what it could mean about the sex of her twins. conspiracy theories, blue dress, pink flowers, one of each. blue dress. daughter blue. the real debate is the dress in question. is it blue or purple? what do you think? >> i don't care. just remind me of the debate of the blue or gold one. >> it was gold. >> it was blue. the debate of the blue or gold one. >> it was gold. >> it was blue. darn! it only worked on the acne. can it hel... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. and now there's new clearasil overnight spot patches with patented technology for faster healing. my hygi...a mouthwash.o try... so i tried crest. it does so much more than give me fresh breath. crest pro-health mouthwash provides all... ...of these benefits to help you get better dental check-ups. go pro with crest mouthwash. checkup? nailed it you won't see these folks they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. get a 4 week trial, plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again. no matter who was in there last... protection. new lysol power & fresh 6 goes to work flush after flush for a just-cleaned feeling that lasts up to four weeks. lysol, what it takes to protect. ♪ >> is this "top gun"? >> yes. >> never watched the movie. >> take the intro. >> don't leave your wing man. finally this half-hour. a rare, heart racing ride inside an f-16. >> abc's tom cruise, or tom llamas for the day has a need for speed. >> reporter: that precision, those maneuvers, and life risking stunts. piloting the f-16s some of the air force's best. the thunder birds. >> think what it did, made me kw questions how to people achieve. people say how they do that. >> reporter: pilots may take the glory, there is an operation to showcase the power of the air force. does this view ever get old to you guys? >> never. >> reporter: the thunderbird took me for a ride inside an f-16 fighter jets. even customizing it for me. getting in was the easy part. taking off at 500 miles per hour, a much different story. inside the cockpit of this $30 million jet, you instantly feel the power. the power of gravity. it's called the g-force. and it takes a proper breathing technique to not pass out. keep squeezing, keep squeezing. we hit nine gs over florida space coast. it's the equivalent of nine times your body weight crushing you. >> here come the gs. feels like you're being squished. >> then came the rolls. >> one, two, three. four. at times another thunderbird just five feet next to us. then inches above us before looping right over us. captain eric speedy gonezalvez, navigating with the hand controls. under the canopy, the space is very tight. part of my training included how to properly bail out if we had an accident. have you ever had a member of the media have to eject? >> not that i know of. >> no, sir. >> reporter: good to know. in the air, nothing to panic about. except one last trick, speedy had for us. a loop where at one point we were completely, upside down. >> feels like you are hitting heaven there. >> how do you find out if he threw up? >> that's the point. you watch tom brace himself. it is not easy. i have seen plenty of people get sick in the planes. not i. >> i would have had a barf bag. don't miss our update on facebook. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing informing for two decades. insomniacs for two decades. making news in america this monday morning, breaking overnight, severe storms in the south. deputies using boats to rescue people trapped in their own homes as the water rises from flooding rains. plus, we're getting some new details about that mother and daughter killed when a tornado hit their home and where the threat is heading right now. and new this morning, unannounced visit in foreign affairs as president trump's son-in-law and senior adviser jared kushner is in iraq. his emerging role and as president trump prepares for his meeting with the president of china, what does that mean? we'll tell you. the desperate race to find survivors right now. hundreds are dead and many more missing after a massive landslide. the search taking place this morning.

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