Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20170310 :

Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20170310

further and start name dropping. >> my mom is a librarian, if that changes anything. >> it appears to not change anything. however -- >> i'll probably be leaving in half an hour. >> okay. i'll just wait here for half an hour. >> we could both sit here if you scoot over a little. >> thank you. >> a lot of this video is almost a study in human behavior, particularly in this case -- >> i was talking about this seat. >> see what i mean? psychologically, this is a fascinating video. the whole thing is upsetting. head to or use a mobile app. that's our show for today. you're all caught up. go to or see us on the next "right this with that. >> no. & tortuous way "game of thrones" fans had to find out the exact date of the premier of season 7 let's rally by watching ice melt. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather, brought to you by swiffer. weather, brought to you by swiffer. if you've got a life, you gotta swiffer mthat stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. rise above joint discomfort with move free ultra's triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. because my teeth are yellow. these photos? why don't you use a whitening toothpaste? i'm afraid it's bad for my teeth. try crest 3d white. crest 3d white diamond strong toothpaste and rinse... ...gently whiten... ...and fortify weak spots. use together for 2 times stronger enamel. crest 3d white. you...smells fine, but yourin your passengers smell this bell dinging new febreze car with odorclear technology cleans away odors... ...for up to 30 days smells nice... breathe happy, with new febreze. from surfaces r up to 48 hours. you can pick up the flu it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. wow! but what other teen problems can it fix fast? maybe it can quickly give this teen a thicker mustache? doesn't look like it. will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn. can it help... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. i'start at the new carfax.comar. show me minivans with no reported accidents. boom. love it. [struggles] show me the carfax. start your used car search at the all-new cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. it's been said diamonds are a girl's best friend. apparently robbers dressed in drag like them, as well. this video is out of florida. and where police say two armed men disguised as women held up a jewelry store in pompano beach. they forced workers into the back of the store and then started grabbing the goods. >> their attempts at escaping weren't so great either. one of the crooks you see there. >> that's tough to do in heels. >> ran across the store and fell on his face on to a desk. apparently at same men robbed a check cashing store the day before. we don't know whether they were wearing the same outfits or not then. >> let's just point out, those are horrible drag costumes. >> hey, it's been effective because these guys are still at large so -- did the trick. >> all right. >> we're going to stay in florida and turn now to what was a dramatic standoff. >> the standoff inside a jacksonville credit union happened months ago. we're now seeing surveillance video as the suspect takes 13 people hostage. here's abc's steve osunsami. >> reporter: the surveillance video of this hostage situation, released to us by florida prosecutors is the heart of their case against 24-year-old nicolas humphrey. >> this is going to be an active shooter inside the bank. >> reporter: more than a dozen cameras were rolling when police say he terrorized customers and bank tellers at this jacksonville credit union in december. it's not clear that he ever asked for money, but the accused gunman is seen as plain as day putting his pistol to the head of a customer, forcing these bank employees to their knees, and pushing another to the front of the building. >> he threatened to kill hostages multiple times. >> reporter: this went on for nearly two hours until two people hiding in an office made a run for their lives. the distraction gave the s.w.a.t. team the break they needed to storm the credit union. humphrey's family says he has mental health issues. he is still in police custody, charged with armed robbery, kidnapping and auto theft. humphrey is pleading not guilty and will appear in court at the end of this month. steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. >> that court appearance due march 23rd. when we come back, a first look at mama june's transformation. >> "the skinny" is next. that stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. from surfaces for up to 48 hours. you can pick up the flu it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ and it is time for your friday "skinny." we're going to start with what really was big news that "game of thrones" fans got. eventually. >> hbo finally revealed when winter is coming, but only after a torturous facebook live segment in which they hid the news inside a block of ice in which millions of fans were forced to sit and literally watch fire melt ice. >> they had to wait through multiple technical glitches. it didn't work out, as well. there were freezes. the streams died several times before they found out season 7 premieres on july 16th immediately after hbo released its first official season 7 trailer. >> there's only one wall that mattered. the great wall. and it is here. >> and what does it mean? well, however, the twitterverse still reacting to the painful fire melting ice publicity snafu. like this tweet. is it me or did millions of people just spend ten minutes watching a block of ice not melt to reveal the "game of thrones" season 7 premiere date. >> another fan said it was worse than ramsey's death scene. >> that's pretty bad. >> ouch. >> next to a sneak peek of the amazing transformation of mama june. >> "here comes honey boo boo" star has undergone gastric surgery and skin removal surgeries and implemented a strict diet as well as exercise regimen. wow, she looks amazing. she's in a new series called "mama june from not to hot" documenting her dramatic slimdown from 460 pounds to what's being reported as a size 4. >> and we tv has released a promo of tonight's episode. >> hey, what are you doing? >> cleaning my money and counting it. >> fixing to go do my workout. be gone for a couple hours. >> do you have a minute? >> yeah, i do. >> i kind of have to tell you something. >> what did you do at something? >> why does it have to be something i did at school. you know i love you. >> that full episode of mama june "from not to hot" airs tonight on we tv. keeping with the theme, dramatic transformations, oprah winfrey is turning into the incredible shrinking woman, as well. >> she certainly is. the media mogul looks stunning on the cover of her magazine this month showing off her slim figure. >> oprah is 63 years old and looking decades younger. did her own sound of music twirl in a field of wildflowers for a shoot in telluride, colorado. >> she was decked out in a tight fitting top, fitted green army jacket and an a-line floral maxi skirt. >> oprah says she's down 45 pounds since joining weight watchers but she says it's all because she made the switch from dieting to a lifestyle change. so she still eats bread. >> still eats bread. and finally, a quick congrats to mark zuckerberg. >> the facebook ceo announcing on facebook of course, he and his wife dr. priscilla chan are expecting another baby girl. congratulations to them. cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. from surfaces for up to 48 hours. you can pick up the flu it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. mthat stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. ♪ ♪ >> so wiretaps, obamacare, travel bans, oh, my. >> white house politics once again dominated this week's news headlines, but there was room for a bit of levity. here now is our weekly friday rewind. >> i can say there was no wiretap against trump tower during the campaign. as far as i know, there was not sufficient evidence that would merit justifying a wiretap to a court. >> i've never heard that allegation made before by anybody. >> at this point, i've seen no evidence of what he's alleged. >> we are on a mission to repeal and replace obamacare. it's a rescue mission to save families and patients all across this country. >> by some estimates 10 million people could lose their coverage. is that acceptable to you? >> look, what matters is that we're lowering the cost of health care and giving people access to affordable insurance plans. >> i have insurance now but probably going to lose it unless this is fixed. >> what's your message to lawmaker who are pushing this bill forward? >> leave it alone. >> this is part of our efforts to eliminate vulnerabilities that radical terrorists will exploit for destructive ends. >> guess what, president trump, your muslim ban 2.0 is still unconstitutional and still illegal. >> there were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships worked even longer even harder for less. >> this is just the latest time that wikileaks has humbled the u.s. government. they accomplished hundreds of thousands of classified files from the state department and the pentagon. but this is in some ways wikileaks most daring release yet. >> a day without a woman is a day without peace. >> i'm a mom. like many of us here are, right? and we've got a lot to do. >> niece are uncertain, even trying times, but as we all stop to look fear in the face, the result has not only been passion but action. >> as a marine corps veteran, i'm disheartened and disgusted with this scandal. >> i felt like my privacy had been taken away from me. >> i'm ryan gosling. i dedicate this award to yoko. thank you very much. >> so that's not ryan gosling. >> no, it's really not. an imposter. the only thing missing in the rewind was samuel jackson's response to ben carson talking about slaves being immigrants. >> it was not necessarily pg, his response. >> you have to look it up. >> yes. don't miss our updates on facebook. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now." informing insomniacs for two decades good morning. i'm linzie davis in for diane macedo. >> i'm kendis gibson. top stories on this friday on "world news now." breaking news from south korea where a court has formally ousted the president who was impeached over a corruption scandal. protests after the ruling have turned deadly. the latest from the korean peninsula just ahead. >> police in germany say a man with psychological problems is behind that ax attack at a train station. seven people were injured during the chaos in dusseldorf, three of them seriously. investigators say it's a random incident. more states are challenging the president's revised travel ban. washington, oregon and new york states among those now joining hawaii in seeking to block the order. the law takes effect next week on march 16th. >> and the unofficial start to the festival season has begun in austin, texas, where the rising stars of the music, film and technology worlds unveil all their latest works. former vice president biden and dr. jill biden will also be making an appearance there. those are some of our top stories on this friday, march 10th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." and we do say good morning to you everyone. we're going to start with that breaking news that offers a brand-new foreign policy challenge for president trump. america's only ally on the korean peninsula removed from the presidency overnight. >> the ruling in south korea triggered deadly chaos on the streets of seoul where supporters and critics faced off in dueling rallies. both sides clashing with riot police. >> at least two people have died in the skirmishes. abc's joohee cho is in south korea with the latest. >> reporter: kendis and linzie, it was a unanimous vote by the eight-judge panel of historic moment for south korea. park has been the first woman president and now the first to be impeached. many here saying she deserves the verdict. >> responsibility as president. >> reporter: the crowd cheering in joy, some crying, others even dancing. park and her lifelong friend is accused of abusing power and receiving bribes from businesses including samsung. now as a civilian, miss park faces grueling investigation. protesters here already calling for her to be sent to jail. south korea chooses the next president within 60 days who will face challenges of north korean threat and chinese pressure on south korea to give up a new anti-missile defense system provide by the u.s. the leading candidate is a liberal opposition leader moon jae-in who tends to lean towards china and north korea. if elected he has pledged to review the anti-missile defense system hinting the future of u.s./south korea relations is heading towards a rocky road. joohee cho, abc news, seoul, south korea. >> our thanks to joohee. vice president mike pence is heading to kentucky this weekend to make the case for the gop plan to dismantle obamacare. house speaker paul ryan offered a step by step plains of the health care bill that made it through two committees in the house after more than 27 hours of debate. but it's still facing opposition from democrats and conservatives like republican senator tom cotton who argues the bill has too many flaws that are not going to bring down the price of insurance. he says the focus should be on getting health care right, not getting it done fast. but the white house is standing by the plan. >> if he believes that this bill might actually make things worse than the current obamacare, what do you say to senator cotton? >> i respectfully disagree and i hope that we have an opportunity for the team to continue to not only talk to him about what we're trying to do and how we're trying to do it but that we'd love to hear his ideas. as i mentioned the last couple days, we're not jamming this down people's throat. >> house republicans want their bill passed by easter recess which leaves just a few weeks to get it thigh the budget committee and to the floor for a vote. and also on capitol hill, an unexpected visitor. fbi director james comey meeting behind closed doors with top lawmakers. sources tell abc news he was called in to discuss national security issues including president trump's bombshell claim that president obama bugged his phones. more details from abc's mary bruce. >> reporter: fbi director james comey arriving on capitol hill summoned to brief key lawmakers on russia's meddling in the election and answer questions about president trump's explosive charge that president obama will trump tower wiretapped during the campaign. it's now been five days since trump tweeted, this is nixon/watergate, attacking his predecessor as a bad, or sick, guy. >> i think the president of the united states who has stated categorically that trump tower was wiretapped, that he should come forward with the information that led him to that conclusion. >> reporter: two senators sent a letter to the justice department demanding the fbi produce any evidence that might exist. late on capitol hill, leaders seen rushing into the classified briefing. when reporters asked, democratic senator mark warner if he'd heard any evidence to back up the president's claim. warner's response? i've seen no evidence. comey himself saying nothing. >> any evidence that president obama ordered a wiretap at trump tower? >> reporter: privately, the fbi director has unsuccessfully implored the justice department to refute the president's claims. but in an interview with abc news, the director of national intelligence during the campaign was blunt. >> there was no wiretap against trump tower during the campaign conducted by any part of the national intelligence community. >> reporter: president obama, all smiles at a recent visit to a washington museum, but privately, his aides say he is irritated by trump's accusation. and he may not be the only one. white house officials have now been pressed again and again on whether they agree with the president. the vice president sitting down for a local interview to talk health care, but confronted with questions about the alleged wiretapping. >> yes or no? do you believe that president obama did that? >> well, what i can say is that the president and our administration are very confident that the congressional committees in the house and senate that are examining issues surrounding the last election, the run-up to the last election, will do that in a thorough and equitable way. >> now, we don't know what comey was asked in these closed door briefings or how much he offered on the president as wiretapping claim. these are briefings with highly sensitive classified material. but we do know that comey has asked the justice department to refute the president's claims. mary bruce, abc news, capitol hill. and one more note from d.c., the white house facing criticism for its handling of kellyanne conway's endorsement of ivanka's products. the office says it's concerned that conway was not disciplined. she urged viewers to go buy ivanka's stuff during a tv appearance on fox news. that followed a decision by nordstrom to pull trump's clothing and accessory brand. the marines nude photo scandal may be much larger than thought. "business insider" reports that the sharing of nude photos extends beyond the marines, and one facebook group reportedly hundreds of nude photos of female service members from every military branch have been posted to a message board. the pentagon is already investigating the photo scandal. the marine corps is not commenting on the latest allegations but they are vowing to investigate. the air force is looking into the matter in light of the new report. and just when we thought it was safe to put away our winter weather gear, turns out the groundhog knew what it was doing. much of the country is getting hit with a new blast of rain, snow and bitter cold that could last for days. take a look at the radar. it shows a storm moving eastward from the great lakes. winter weather alerts are now in effect in nine states. pretty big storm. one aspect of the storm is the intense wind gusting at more than 50 miles an hour, peaking at more than 100 in parts of new hampshire. in michigan, the windstorm that's already whipped across that state has left hundreds of thousands without electricity. some customers could be in the dark for several more days. so the question now for many, what path will the storm take and also many are wondering which areas will be hit the hardest. >> and accuweather's justin povick is the man with all the answers. he joins us now with all the details. good morning, justin. >> kendis, linzie, thanks. good morning to you. we're tracking know throughout the morning into the early afternoon heading in toward tarred boston and points off to the south but again wrapping up earlier toward the noontime hour new york city. we're talking about the midmorning hours back off to the west. that will be the end of this system but again, there will be some travel impacts along interstate 95, new york city points north and eastbound and later on in the day, could see a gusty snow squall where it's a blizzard for about then minutes and then the sun comes back out. temperatures are going to be plunging. over the southeast, rain returns heading in toward the weekend, some snow though perhaps as far south as nashville. kendis, linzie. >> all right, thank you so much, justin. a philadelphia construction project has uncovered a cemetery that's more than 300 years old. workers unearthed two dozen coffins yesterday in the section known as old city. the burial grounds date to the year 1707. the remains were supposed to have been moved to a different cemetery in the mid 1800s. the bones will be studied before being reinterred. it is the dream perhaps of every sports parent whose child of course rides the bench. >> that's right. actor julia louis-dreyfus saw her youngest son on the big stage. >> we're talking about walk-on charlie hall who saw his first playing time in more than a month at the end of last night's big ten tournament and mom looking nervously. espn with the split screen. this was northwestern and rutgers and mom and dad, fellow comedian brad hall, were in the crowd to see it. he didn't score but charlie did pick up two rebounds which made julia very happy. that doubles his season total though to four. >> and i love the response to the rebound. you know, when you're cheering the rebound, that's great. >> exactly. that's great. it's great for northwestern to be having some success this year. >> go uva. >> uva was in action. did they lose last night, jack, to notre dame? >> what's that. >> to notre dame? >> uva. there we go. what was the outcome? i didn't follow. i was not awake. > you weren't awake for it. it seems as if they weren't awake either. >> they didn't win? is that what that is? >> notre dame. >> oh, no. >> dominating. coming up though, a frightening incident of road rage caught on camera. what led up to this driver being severely beaten by a bunch of dirtbikers on a highway in san francisco. and opening this weekend at the box office, "kong" making his dramatic return to the big screen. this time samuel l. jackson. why one critic is saying the giant ape still commands respect. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather, brought to you by tide. start by taking care of families for 70 years. earn the trust of 32 nfl teams. be there for america's toughest and help, when help is needed america's #1 isn't a status earned overnight. it's earned in every wash, and re-earned every day. tide, america's #1 detergent mthat stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. but can it fix this teen's skateboarding mishap? nope. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. do you think i'm gonna crack under pressure or conquer the field? defy expectations any day with always infinity. made with flexfoam. absorbs 10x its weight. rewrite the rules. always. rise above joint discomfort with move free ultra's triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. from surfaces for up to 48 hours. you can pick up the flu it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. new pantene doesn't just wash i wiyour hair, it fuels it.gain. making every strand stronger. so tangles don't stand a chance. because strong is beautiful. police near seattle are asking the public to help them catch a gunman wanted in an apparent hate crime. they've released this sketch in last friday's shooting of a man of the sikh faith. the victim says the shooter told him to go back to his country, then shot him in the arm. the suspect in the deadly bar shooting in kansas wants more time to build his case. adam purinton appeared in court yesterday accused of killing an indian immigrant and wounding two other men last month in kansas city. witnesses say he said "get out of my country" before shooting them. he returns to court in may. the fbi is investigating the incident as a possible hate crime. and further north, police are trying to track down a group of dirtbikers involved in another traffic altercation. >> it was a serious incident of road rage. and it was all caught on camera. melanie woodrow of our san francisco station kgo has the story. >> reporter: the cell phone video begins with bikers doing wheelies, then escalates with one colliding with this white car. suddenly the other bikers speed up and at the cesar chavez exit, a red car presumably with the bikers appears to box the driver of the white car in. the person who took this video asked to remain anonymous. >> they approached the vehicle, and they started punching in the panels on the vehicle and hitting windows, breaking the windows and another vehicle impeded my view so i couldn't see exactly if the man was pulled from the vehicle or if he got out on his own. four to five men were hitting him, kicking him, even when he was down. very clearly they broke his leg. >> the man who took this video says he got out of his car when the bikers left. >> he had a broken leg, as i said. he had a bloodied face. he had road rash. he was in pretty rough shape so we called 911. >> the former new yorker says it was reminiscent of this incident where he used to live that prompted him to begin recording. >> these guys obviously think they can do whatever they want. these are the types of incidents that really need to get attention and that need to get prosecuted. >> chp says if you see something like this, don't get out of your vehicle. >> they're already mad at you. they're beating on your vehicle and you get out, good things are just not going to happen. >> reporter: the man who took this video is hopeful someone will recognize the bikers. >> wow. >> so it does appear from the video from what we're told there were about 15 different dirtbikes that were involved. it's kind of hard to find these guys because you can't get off the road. >> get off the road and hide. but police say if you find yourself in a kind of situation like this, don't try and face-off with them. just back off. move away. coming up, the first grader from new jersey who passed a very important life test. >> and why his mother this morning is glad he was paying attention. you're watching "world news now." up to 48 hours. it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. ♪ now i'm calling, calling out your name ♪ >> i don't know this song, but calling out for help was a 7-year-old from new jersey who was forced last week to put a very valuable life lesson to the test. >> his mother always told him to call 911 during an emergency and now he's shown her he was listening. here's abc's david muir. >> reporter: first-grader rocco regalbuto from marlton, new jersey, was getting ready for school when his mother collapsed. >> i wasn't worried until she started choking, and then i got very worried. >> reporter: rocco's mother has asthma. she taught him from an early age what to do if a severe attack ever happened. >> 911. where is your emergency? >> my mommy can't breathe again. >> and your name? >> rocco. >> rocco? >> yeah. >> how old are you, rocco? >> i'm 7. >> is she able to talk to you at all? >> she can't really talk that much. she can only say, like, one or two words. >> reporter: calmly answering the dispatcher's questions for more than nine minutes. >> is she in the chair or on the floor? >> she is on the floor. >> oh, okay. >> reporter: rocco's mother was having a severe asthma attack. >> as a mother, it's hard, because when you are on the floor like that, and you can't breathe, and you feel like you're going into panic attacks, and your 7-year-old son is coming over rubbing your back. >> is that the firemen? >> yeah. they are here. >> okay. rocco, i'm going to let you go. you did a great job, buddy. >> reporter: local police calling rocco a hero. standing tall with the force, and relieved his mother is better. >> sometimes i just don't want to let go of her when i have to go to school. >> david muir, abc news, new york. >> and he was late but he still did go to school first grade. >> all right. there you go. he learned a wonderful lesson. and that was -- was it penguin prisoners? penguin prison, the group. world famous. mthat stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. from surfaces for up to 48 hours. you can pick up the flu it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. th...oh, baked-on alfredo?e. ...gotta rinse that. nope. no way. nada. really? dish issues? throw it all in. cascade platinum powers through... your toughest stuck-on food. nice. cascade. cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. rise above joint discomfort with move free ultra's triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. ♪ [joy bauer] two thirds of americans have digestive issues. i'm joy bauer, and as a nutritionist i know probiotics can often help. but many probiotics do not survive your stomach's harsh environment. digestive advantage is different. its natural protein shell is tougher than your stomach's harsh environment, so it surivies a hundred times better than the leading probiotic, to get where you need it most. get the digestive advantage, and enjoy living well. you...smells fine, but yourin your passengers smell this bell dinging new febreze car with odorclear technology cleans away odors... ...for up to 30 days smells nice... breathe happy, with new febreze. mthat stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. you know, it does appear like the summer blockbuster season is getting earlier and earlier. last weekend, we had the premiere of "logan." today another big king kong movie. >> this morning, we start with the first english language film from a dutch director. dakota fanning stars as a mute young woman forced to fight for survival in the old west where an evil reverend appears to be hell bent on making her life miserable. >> i'm here to punish you. >> why do you let him do this? >> it's a sin. >> i love him. >> you do not. it is lust. >> he ain't never going to stop, is he? >> i seen your mother. she's the kind of person that turns the other cheek. be like her. >> i know you're there. >> kendis is not impressed. >> no, till i saw jon snow was in it. now i'm like wow. >> we won't give away the mystery of why that creepy preacher is after this young woman but the critics are making no mystery of their intense dislike for "brimstone" giving it a 34% splat on rotten tomatoes. adam sweeting calls it a hideous farrago of saidism, misogyny and sexual pervision with more than a dash of pretension. ouch. roger moore describes it as unwatchable, gruesome and grim. >> that's the sort of review from somebody who uses the term farrago. >> next to the reimagining of the origin of the mythical kong. tom hiddleston, former t. swifter, brie larson, samuel l. jackson, john goodman head up an "a" list cast of explorers in "kong skull island." brought together to venture deep into an uncharted island in the pacific unaware of its terrifying occupants. >> who are you? >> ancient species owned this earth long before mankind, and if we keep our heads buried in the sand, they will take it back. my agency is known as monarch. we specialize in the hunt for massive unidentified terrestrial organisms. >> you knew that thing was out here? >> i'm sorry for your men, colonel. i truly am. get us home with proof so we can send the cavalry. >> samuel l. jackson reprising the role he made famous in "pulp fiction" in this one. critics love it giving it a solid 80% certified fresh on rotten tomatoes. mike lasalle says it has a smart script, imaginative film making and a cast of fine actors who get to act. and brian truitt says "congress" still commands respect. his presence alone makes it worth a trip to skull island. pretty cool. >> go check it now," a violent rampage at a train station. >> investigators in germany are trying to piece together why a man attacked several people with an ax. crowds were sent running in a total panic as the attacker stepped off the train swinging. what we're learning this morning. and the battle over the plan to replace obamacare has taken a complicated turn. house speaker paul ryan says the new bill is the best chance they have while other republicans say it could actually makes things worse. details ahead. we're tracking a major storm moving toward the east coast overnight. we're getting a look at those powerful and deadly winds that have left thousands still in the dark and almost blew a child away. >> wow. and biggie small's life after death. hard to believe it's been 20 years since the notorious b.i.g.'s life was cut tragically short and the vehicle the rapper was shot in is heading to the auction block. sky's the limit for the price tag that just might hypnotize you. but first, but forget the suv. you can really just give me the loot instead. oh, my god. there's so many -- so many puns there. >> that's good. >> throw your hands in the air. it's friday, march 10th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." going to say that if you don't know, now you know. >> see, much respects to biggie. >> and we're going to get a lot more of his tunes throughout and puns throughout the show. >> he copies to do big things. >> 20 years later. the suspect under arrest after an ax attack at a city's main train station in germany. >> this was a wild scene. seven people were hurt, three others seriously injured three of those seriously injured in the rampage in western german city. the suspect arrested after jumping from an overpass. >> this morning, we're getting a look at the scene. here's abc's alex marquardt. >> reporter: special forces on the scene of the attack of one of germany's biggest train stations in dusseldorf. investigating the scene after five people were wounded, three of them seriously by an ax-wielding attacker according to the police. this video of the immediate aftermath. trails of bloods on the floor. shocked commuters huddled over the wounded. the attack taking place around 9:00 p.m. no one was killed. the station was shut down, cordoned off by police, and emergency vehicles on the scene as helicopters hovered overhead. passenger bruno macedo was on a train at the time and listening to reports. >> so we're not stopping at the station. the station is closed. >> reporter: a short time later, police confirming one arrest was made, saying the suspect is a 36-year-old from the former yugoslavia who, quote, apparently has mental health issues. across europe, governments are on a heightened state of alert after a number of terror attacks over the past two years. recently, attackers have resorted to cruder methods like the december attack in berlin, when a truck drove into a christmas crowd killing 12. last summer, isis claimed responsibility after an afghan teen carried out an ax attack on a train elsewhere in germany. police are saying this was a lone attacker and so far there's no indication that this was terror related. the station remains closed, the scene sealed the investigation still under way. alex marquardt, abc news, london. we're going to keep our focus overseas and breaking news. history, sad history, in fact, in south korea overnight as a court rules unanimously to uphold the impeachment of president park geun-hye. park is the country's first democratically elected leader to be ousted from office after she was implicated in a corruption and influence peddling scandal. south korea must now hold an election within two months to choose her successor. protesters following the decision turned out into the streets there of seoul and they turned deadly, in fact. both supporters and critics of park's swarmed the streets outside the court in the capital. holding duelling rallies have two people have died so far. riot police are out in force and south korea's military is right now on alert. in syria, more u.s. troops are now on the ground in the fight against isis. the number of american forces said to help syrian fighters has been doubled to about 900. some of them are fighting to retake raqqa which has become the defacto capital for isis in syria. meantime, the head of u.s. central command says expect a larger and longer american military presence in syria. in western syria, government planes bombed a village near the turkish border. a human rights group says the attack left five people dead, three of them children. syria's central military media says the strikes were aimed at an arms depot for an offshoot of al qaeda. the area is held by syrian rebels and home to thousands of opposition fighters. back in this country, key lawmakers have heard directly from fbi director jim comey after summoning him to capitol hill. senior officials say comey covered a range of national security issues including russian interference in the election and president trump's claim that president obama tapped his phones. comey had no comment about the meeting, but he has privately asked the justice department to refute the president's allegations. one senate democrat who was briefed said he still hasn't seen any evidence to back the wiretapping claim. republicans are still bent on pushing their plan to replace obamacare through congress over the next few weeks even in the face of growing opposition. the gop health care bill advanced in two house committees after more than 27 hours of debate. but is still facing an uphill battle. here's abc's janai norman. >> reporter: getting down to business. >> obamacare is in a death spiral. >> reporter: house speaker paul ryan literally rolling up his sleeves, armed with a powerpoint presentation defending the gop health care bill. ryan says despite criticism from his own party, it is urgent to pass a replacement. >> this is something that we as conservatives have been dreaming about for decades. this is the chance and the best and only chance we're going to get. >> reporter: taking advantage of that chance, republicans prevailing. >> the ayes appear to have it. the ayes have it and the motion to transmit is agreed to. >> reporter: getting that bill through two house panels. >> whether you're for it or against it, you have to admit this was a pretty big deal we just did. >> reporter: but other conservatives continue raising objections. arkansas senator tom cotton says repealing and replacing the affordable care act is about focusing on getting health care right, not getting it done fast. >> legislation that the house has considered over the last 24 hours simply has too many flaws. they are not going to bring down the price of insurance or give people more control, give them more choices about their insurance. >> reporter: but the wall of opposition from democrats, some republicans and many of the nation's top health care providers isn't phasing president trump. tweeting, despite what you hear in the press, health care is coming along great. we're talking to many groups and it will end in a beautiful picture. house republicans want their bill passed by easter recess, but that leaves just a few weeks to get it through the budget committee and to get it to the floor for a vote. kendis and linzie. >> our thanks to janai. the list of states challenging the president's revised travel ban is growing. washington state, oregon and new york state among those now joining hawaii in speaking to block the order. the revised ban bars new visas for people from six predominant litmus him countries and temporarily blocks all refugees. washington, the first state to challenge the original order, says the restraining order should remain in place. >> the president does not get to decide if a new executive order is different enough to be clear from that underlying injunction. the court decides that. >> in the meantime, the white house remains confident that the ban will stand up to the legal challenges. the new order is set to go into effect on march 16th. and that travel ban, we're told, could derail plans for the u.s. to host soccer's world cup in 2026. this is according to fifa which oversees international tournaments. bidding for the tournament starts next year with the host selected in "20/20," the u.s. is widely regarded as a favorite. after one of the warmest februarys on record, much of the country is now facing a blast of rain, snow and bitter cold temperatures that could last for days. winter weather alerts stretch across nine states from the great lakes to the northeast. the nasty weather is set to hit millions of americans just in time for this morning's rush hour commute. forecasters say the storm could dump up to six inches of snow in some spots. it all got starred with extreme wind gusting at more than 50 miles an hour. watch what happens when 4-year-old madison gardner arrives home near cleveland and grabs the door handle. that's when a heavy gust nearly blows her and the door away. look at that. her mom says she's okay. >> held on there. >> yes, exactly. fortunately for her. then there was a close call in buffalo when a hanging traffic signal suddenly dropped barely missing a passing car. and in michigan, this woman struggled mightily to put the cover on her outdoor hot tub. she flops the cover over. look, oh. then it flies off hitting her in the head. despite her best efforts, she was no match for that nasty blast of wind. at times those winds there were reaching about 50 miles per hour. she says she's okay, but still has a little bit of a headache. >> i can imagine. it was a dangerous scene all across the country with that wind. >> serious problems for people with hot tubs. coming up, the deepening mystery behind the murders of two teenage girls in indiana. could a series of coincidences be the key to another double murder case in iowa. speaking of unsolved murders, it's been 20 years since the notorious murder of b.i.g. and now the vehicle he was gunned down in is being sold at auction. and wait until you hear the size of the price tag. and remember you can find us on facebook at and twitter @abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. my hygi...a mouthwash.o try... so i tried crest. it does so much more than give me fresh breath. crest pro-health mouthwash provides all... ...of these benefits to help you get better dental check-ups. go pro with crest mouthwash. checkup? nailed it from surfaces for up to 48 hours. you can pick up the flu it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. do you think i'm gonna crack under pressure or conquer the field? defy expectations any day with always infinity. made with flexfoam. absorbs 10x its weight. rewrite the rules. always. hei don't want one that's haded a big wreck just say, show me cars with no accidents reported find the cars you want, avoid the ones you don't plus you get a free carfax® report with every listing i like it start your used car search at ltry align probiotic.n your digestive system? for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support, with align. the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. now in kids chewables. mthat stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. we're back now with a school bus in flames outside a las vegas high school. the firefighter is earning praise for quickly dousing the flames. thankfully, no students were on that bus. >> we're now hearing for the first time from the family of a teenager who was murdered along with her friend in indiana. >> it comes as investigators explore whether these killings are connected to another double murder cold case four years ago that has disturbing similarities. abc's kenneth moton with more. >> reporter: a possible link to an indiana murder mystery. >> this horrible crime has torn a whole in our families that will never heal. >> mike pattie, the first family member to speak about the killing can of his 14-year-old granddaughter, liberty german, and her 13-year-old friend, abigail williams on a trail in delphi, indiana. >> down the hill. >> reporter: -- along with a snapchat picture on liberty's phone some of the only clues to the crime. >> really study to the picture and listen to the audio clip. someone out there knows this person. >> reporter: but in a disturbing twist, investigators are now comparing notes with the detectives of a eerily similar cold case in iowa. >> everything started coming back to me. >> reporter: drew collins says on july 13th, 2012, his 8-year-old daughter, elizabeth, and his 10-year-old niece, lyric cook, never returned home. he pointed out in both cases the girls taken in a secluded area, their bodies found in wooded terrain. the crimes committed on the 13th of the month. >> two kids at once is very uncommon thing to have happen. and also just being on the 1th of the month just kind of struck me as odd all the things together. >> reporter: but those similarities may only be a coincidence. >> our legal analyst says investigators will look for a common thread, but if the cases are crimes of opportunity, they will be harder to link. in indiana, 11,000 tips so far and the reward is up no nearly a quarter of a million dollars. kenneth moton, abc news, new york. >> 11,000 tips. coming up in our next half hour, the new details about that hostage situation we told but yesterday inside a florida credit union. what we're now finding out about the gunman and the daring move by some customers that helped the s.w.a.t. teams make their move. but first, how much would you pay for a beat up 1997 chevy suburban? >> zero. >> yeah, same here. why this one priced at more than a million dollars. all because of its notorious history. you're watching "world news now." ♪ (coughs) cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. but can it fix this teen's skateboarding mishap? nope. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. ♪ ♪ >> do you love it when they call you big papa? >> i do know they call me that. >> it had to be said. >> it's been 24 years since "juicy" first hit the airwaves back when music first actually hit the airwaves. remember that? >> yeah, i can't believe it's been 20 years. feels like yesterday. but yesterday actually marked 20 years to the day since notorious b.i.g. was famously gunned down, still a very young man, just 24 years old. >> now a notorious piece of his history from that night is hitting the auction block. here's abc's nick wa >> reporter: a beatup '97 suburban, 111,000 miles on the clock. yours for $1.5 million, because it's the most notorious suv in rap history. 20 years ago to the day, the notorious b.i.g. shot dead in this vehicle, a drive by in l.a. >> police investigate the deadly wilshire boulevard ambush of notorious b.i.g. >> reporter: big papa already arguably the most influential rapper of all time. ♪ throw your hands notice air if you're a true player ♪ diddy posted this. >> fed a lot of families. made a lot of people dance, made a lot of people feel good. >> reporter: the current owner of the suv who will not reveal her identity had no idea when he she bought it. >> we thought it was really unusual that there was a hole in the seat belt. we had the car for quite a few years and we got a phone call. >> the l.a. police department is holding onto the original doors. they'll be returned to her if and when the investigation is ever concluded. >> reporter: biggie it's assumed a victim of that early '90s east coast/west coast hip-hop rivalry fueled by the likes of his "who shot you." ♪ >> reporter: and tupac's "hit em up." right now, memento merchants movements in time also selling the bmw750 in which tupac was shot dead in vegas the year before biggie. also $1.5 million. both murders still unsolved. and yes, we've been listening to faith and puff daddy's lament that long. ♪ i'll be missing you >> by the way, kelley blue book value on the death car, less than two grand. >> the owner and i have been offered over a million dollars for it but we're holding out for the full million five. >> in the words of biggie -- >> the more money you make, the more problems you get. >> reporter: i'm nick watt for "nightline" in washington. ♪ >> that was the video. >> that was -- >> i was more the p. diddy side. you can rap. >> you like the person just over the shoulder. >> basically. >> i'm maze for everybody. >> do you have a favorite? >> i don't know notorious, but you were spitting some big -- >> i know. i think my favorite might be "one more chance." but there were a lot. that was the heyday of my college days and biggie was big and no pun intended. >> yes, yes. >> at that time. >> but you know what? our friends at wsb in atlanta, they're good at these rap trivia. fred blankenship and their traffic guy, listen to them spit some tunes. >> talking about delays right now on georgia 100. if you don't know, now you know about those, mark. >> fred, i know you thought birthdays were the worst days but thursday might be the worst days. >> classic. i love these guys. i remember when q tip when they did the whole are you on point. >> yes, yes, very good. >> so you want to spit some biggie tunes to break? hit it. come on. >> oh, man, i love it when you call me big papa, put your hands in the air. >> go on. papa, put your hands in the air. >> go on. maybe it can quickly give this teen a thicker mustache? doesn't look like it. will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn. can it help... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. mthat stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. from surfaces for up to 48 hours. you can pick up the flu it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. ito become dangerous.d for an everyday item new tide pods child guard pack. helps keep your laundry pacs safe and your child safer. align, press and unzip. rise above joint discomfort with move free ultra's triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. we're going to start "the mix" down under and there's a big political race that is taking place tomorrow in australia. and there have been so many signs of course, that are posted up inside of yards. >> as we always have. >> exactly. this 15-year-old kid was like you know what, i'm going to do my own take on it. 15-year-old conner barney started putting up his own campaign signs and putting them right next to the real ones. some of the captions on his signs saying i thought it would be funny or saying i'm only 15. you can't vote for me. and mom said it was okay. >> i like that one. >> i'd vote for me. >> clever kid. >> kind of crazy if he gets more write-in votes than any of the other real politicians. >> that would be really, really good. this next story is pretty funny. i'm not like a wwe fan but apparently triple h is one of the most popular wrestlers and he always does this really big entrance, as you see here. and so there's a man i believe his name is kichoo ahmer. he lives in pakistan. so he got married and made his entrance. he's a big fan of the wrestler. i mean, has there ever been a better entrance to a wedding? i mean is there even a bride there? >> she left. ♪ politics and foreign wars all the weather all the scores ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ tapes that roll in way too slow stuff you saw on koppel's show ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ it's late at night you're wide awake and you're not wearing pants ♪ ♪ so grab your "world news now" mug and everybody dance, hey ♪ ♪ have some fun, be a pal, every anchor guy and gal, do the world news polka ♪ everybody. ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka insomniacs only. ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ who cares what the bosses think, they're a goofy crew no crew ♪ ♪ and if your neighbors call the cops here's all you have to do ♪ ♪ when they yell it's half past 3:00, tell them, hey, it's news to me ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ they make us work the graveyard shift ,that's why we go for broke ♪ ♪ so why not tune in abc and join our little joke ♪ ♪ five whole days every week, we're here with our tongue in check, and the world news polka ♪ not lip sync. ♪ it's the world news polka yeah. as a pro snowboarder i've crashed many times while pushing the limits. however, i didn't know the impact a brain injury can have. the risk got real for me after sustaining a traumatic brain injury while i was training for the 2010 winter olympics. you really need to educate yourself about brain injuries and how dangerous they can be. after my injury the doctors were saying that the helmet saved my life. wearing a helmet to prevent severe traumatic brain injury is a must... and so is learning what you can do to prevent concussion. this morning on "world news now," the winter storm on the move right now. alerts are up across nine states in the east as those dangerously windy conditions wreak havoc across multiple regions. the forecast just ahead. breaking overnight, the president of south korea kicked out of office. deadly protests following the court's decision. why she was impeached and what's next for the u.s. ally. new this half hour, taking drag to a criminal level. >> the manhunt outside fort lauderdale. is it a manhunt? it's for two armed robbers dressed as women. poorly dressed as women. first a jewelry store and now a sandwich store. is it the same guy? are they the same man? >> got a little hungry. >> yeah, maybe, oh, man. the real woman who is redefining her own sense of beauty. we're getting our first look at mama june since her dramatic weight loss surgery documented on her reality show "from hot to not." we'll find out how much weight she's lost and how she's doing it later in "the skinny." it is friday, march 10th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> we do say good morning on this friday, everyone. we're going to start with the bad news. the millions of people who had put away the snow boots and trotted out the shorts and the t-shirts in for a new bone-chilling blast of winter. >> that's right. radar shows the storm moving from the great lakes to the northeast where winter alerts are out in nine states. >> in missouri, the governor has declared a state of emergency after a round of hail, heavy wind and even some tornadoes causing damage across that state. >> some forecasters say the jet stream producing all this heavy wind is one of the strongest in nearly 20 years. the best illustration is from mt. washington observatory in new hampshire where wind gusts hit more than 100 miles an hour. listen to this peaking at 119 miles an hour. >> and you can hear the wind in that video there. >> and see how it's just pushing this guy along. but the heavy rain and snow is what millions can expect over the next few days. here's abc's linzie janis. >> reporter: severe storms moving through the heartland as another system wreaks havoc from the great lakes to the northeast. a falling traffic light near buffalo, new york. a security camera capturing a terrifying moment when brittany gardner and her daughter arrive home near cleveland. you can hear the wind. gusts up to 60 miles per hour in the area. when this happens. daughter, madison, holding on for dear life. mom racing to her. madison wasn't hurt. hundreds of thousands in the area without power. 24 hours after that plane carrying michigan's basketball team skidded off the runway, wind forcing a ground stop at laguardia airport. that ground stop leading to hundreds of flight delays here at laguardia. the wind is expected to cause problems and now there's snow in the forecast for the northeast. linzie janis, abc news, new york. >> unfortunately for many of us, it's set to hit just in time for the morning commute. >> all right. so to find out exactly where and when and how much, of course, we turn to accuweather's justin povick. good morning. >> kendis and linzie, thanks and good morning to you. we're looking at snow as we go throughout the morning potentially even into the early afternoon once we get in towards southern mass toward boston. but again, much of this will be during the early morning hours with 3 to 6 inches going to be a possibility along interstate 80. new york city could see one to three inches of snow. and then back behind into the afternoon, we'll have some gusty snow squalls or bursts of snow along with much colder temperatures. linzie, kendis? all right, turning our focus overseas now seven people are injured three seriously after what's being called a random ax attack in a german train station. it happened last night in dusseldorf in western germany, sparking a massive police response. the suspect was arrested after jumping from an overpass near that station. he's recovering from serious injuries. he's described as a 36-year-old immigrant from the former yugoslavia. police say the suspect appears to have psychological issues. breaking news now from south korea where judgment day ended with the country's president being kicked out of office. a constitutional court has ruled unanimously to uphold park geun-hye's impeachment, the country's first democratically elected leader to be ousted from office after she was implicated in a corruption and influence peddling scandal. immediately following the court's decision, protests on streets of seoul turned deadly. supporters and critics of park clashing with each other and with police. so far two people have died. riot police are out in force and south korea's military is on alert. turning our focus back here at home and secretary of state rex tillerson is recusing himself from the state department's deliberations on the keystone pipeline decision. there were some concerns of conflict of interest because tillerson, of course, is the former ceo of exxonmobil. president obama halted the project you may recall which would bring oil from canada to the united states. but president trump revived it. now to the uproar over the latest comments by the new head of the environmental protection agency. epa administrator scott pruitt is directly challenging the widely held belief that carbon dioxide from human activity is a major cause of climate change. >> no, i would not agree that it's a primary contributor to the global warming that we see. >> pruitt's view conflicts with most mainstream scientists, nasa as well as the epa itself. its own website, its own website says carbon dioxide is the primary greenhouse gas that is contributing to recent climate change. environmentalists as well as democrats say he's unfit for the office he holds. the founder of wikileaks is slamming the cia days after releasing a trove of files believed to contain the agency's top secret hacking tools. in an online news conference julian assange accused the cia of incompetence and offered to help tech companies like apple and google fix software holes in their electronic devices. abc's kenneth moton has more. >> julian assange on the record, the wikileaks founder answered questions online defending his organization's move to expose alleged cia secrets. >> the central intelligence agency lost control of its entire cyber weapons arsenal. >> reporter: wikileaks released what it says are thousands of documents detailing the spy agency's tools to hack into computers, phones and smart tvs. >> wikileaks discovered the material as a result of it being passed around a number of different members of the u.s. intelligence community. >> reporter: the cia has not confirmed the authenticity of the documents but commented on assange saying he's not exactly a bastion of truth and integrity. the agency continues to collect foreign intelligence overseas to protect americans. wikileaks praised by candidate donald trump for the release of russian hacked e-mails from the democratic party. >> wikileaks, i love wikileaks. >> now the white house calls this situation different. >> there's grave concern that the president has about the release of national security and classified information. >> reporter: buzzfeed also reported one of the president's closest political allies in britain, nigel farage, spent 40 minutes thursday at the ecuadorian embassy where assange has sought asylum. two weeks ago they posted this picture of farage dining with the president in washington. the white house says it was unaware of farage's meeting. tech companies, including apple and google, are all scrambling to make sure the cia can't hack into their products. our counter-terrorism analyst pointed out when it comes to listening in, the intelligence community has to abide by a strict legal process. kendis and linzie. >> kenneth, thank you. we're learning new details about the deadly collision between a bus and freight train in biloxi, mississippi. federal officials say the bus wasn't supposed to be on the road where it got stuck on the railroad tracks. the ntsb investigators say the driver may have used a gps for commercial vehicles rather than directions from the tour company. four people died in that collision. a 10-year-old boy may face charges for allegedly pointing a laser at a sheriff's plane in fresno, california. earlier this week, the crew was distracted by a bright green laser light flashing through the cockpit. police say the boy was intentionally pointing a laser into the sky from his backyard. pilots can be temporarily blinded by those lasers. a man from south africa has taken the words row, row, row your boat to the an entirely new level. chris bertish is the first person to cross the atlantic on a paddle board. he started in morocco, 93 days and more than 4,000 nautical miles, he later finished off the coast of antigua. bertish did not use your average paddle board. it's 20 feet long and look at the cost here, $120,000. >> wow. that is like a paddle board on speed. >> it looks like just a boat really, right? >> probably has a motor under there. >> i feel like there's a kitchen under there. you know. >> exactly. it's got internet. so if you ever needed proof that dogs do all the work at the iditarod, well, listen to this next story. >> yeah, this is video of linwood felder on his sled as he made his way through alaska, but at some point, he fell off the sled because, well, he fell asleep. >> yeah. >> i can relate to that. >> yeah, we can. so that didn't stop his dogs. the team arrived at the checkpoint without its musher. felder showed up an hour later on foot. >> that's a real drag. >> can you imagine? >> he had to walk. right? but the interesting thing is he says from the moment he left the sled until his face hit the snow, he was still asleep. that's a bad way to wake up. >> he said he had been fighting to stay weak. obviously if there was that much room still left before the checkpoint, you know the dogs basically know, we've been here, done this, going to acted like we've been here before and they're doing all the work. >> clearly. coming up, the manhunt under way for two partners in crime. the armed robbers are not just caught on camera breaking the law but breaking nearly every rule in the fashion book as they try to impersonate women and do a bad job of it. >> rupaul would not be happy with that. >> no. and the tortuous way "game of thrones" fans had to find out the exact date of the premier of season 7 let's rally by watching ice melt. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather, brought to you by swiffer. swiffer. if you've got a life, you gotta swiffer mthat stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. rise above joint discomfort with move free ultra's triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. because my teeth are yellow. these photos? why don't you use a whitening toothpaste? i'm afraid it's bad for my teeth. try crest 3d white. crest 3d white diamond strong toothpaste and rinse... ...gently whiten... ...and fortify weak spots. use together for 2 times stronger enamel. crest 3d white. you...smells fine, but yourin your passengers smell this bell dinging new febreze car with odorclear technology cleans away odors... ...for up to 30 days smells nice... breathe happy, with new febreze. from surfaces for up to 48 hours. you can pick up the flu it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. wow! but what other teen problems can it fix fast? maybe it can quickly give this teen a thicker mustache? doesn't look like it. will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn. can it help... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. i'start at the new carfax.comar. show me minivans with no reported accidents. boom. love it. [struggles] show me the carfax. start your used car search at the all-new cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. it's been said diamonds are a girl's best friend. apparently robbers dressed in drag like them, as well. this video is out of florida. and where police say two armed men disguised as women held up a jewelry store in pompano beach. they forced workers into the back of the store and then started grabbing the goods. >> their attempts at escaping weren't so great either. one of the crooks you see there. >> that's tough to do in heels. >> ran across the store and then fell on his face on to a desk. apparently at same men robbed a check cashing store the day before. we don't know whether they were wearing the same outfits or not then. >> let's just point out, those are horrible drag costumes. >> hey, it's been effective because these guys are still at large so -- did the trick. >> all right. >> we're going to stay in florida and turn now to what was a dramatic standoff. >> the standoff inside a jacksonville credit union happened months ago. we're now seeing surveillance video as the suspect takes 13 people hostage. here's abc's steve osunsami. >> reporter: the surveillance video of this hostage situation, released to us by florida prosecutors is the heart of their case against 24-year-old nicolas humphrey. >> this is going to be an active shooter inside the bank. >> reporter: more than a dozen cameras were rolling when police say he terrorized customers and bank tellers at this jacksonville credit union in december. it's not clear that he ever asked for money, but the accused gunman is seen as plain as day putting his pistol to the head of a customer, forcing these bank employees to their knees, and pushing another to the front of the building. >> he threatened to kill hostages multiple times. >> reporter: this went on for nearly two hours until two people hiding in an office made a run for their lives. the distraction gave the s.w.a.t. team the break they needed to storm the credit union. humphrey's family says he has mental health issues. he is still in police custody, charged with armed robbery, kidnapping and auto theft. humphrey is pleading not guilty and will appear in court at the end of this month. steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. >> that court appearance due march 23rd. when we come back, a first look at mama june's transformation. >> "the skinny" is next. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. from surfaces for up to 48 hours. you can pick up the flu it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ and it is time for your friday "skinny." we're going to start with what really was big news that "game of thrones" fans got. eventually. >> hbo finally revealed when winter is coming, but only after a torturous facebook live segment in which they hid the news inside a block of ice in which millions of fans were forced to sit and literally watch fire melt ice. >> they had to wait through multiple technical glitches. it didn't work out, as well. there were freezes. the streams died several times before they found out season 7 premieres on july 16th immediately after hbo released its first official season 7 trailer. >> there's only one wall that mattered. the great wall. and it is here. >> and what does it mean? well, however, the twitterverse still reacting to the painful fire melting ice publicity snafu. like this tweet. is it me or did millions of people just spend ten minutes watching a block of ice not melt to reveal the "game of thrones" season 7 premiere date. >> another fan said it was worse than ramsey's death scene. >> that's pretty bad. >> ouch. next to a sneak peek of the amazing transformation of mama june. >> "here comes honey boo boo" star has undergone gastric surgery and skin removal surgeries and implemented a strict diet as well as exercise regimen. wow, she looks amazing. she's in a new series called "mama june from not to hot" documenting her dramatic slimdown from 460 pounds to what's being reported as a size 4. >> and we tv has released a promo of tonight's episode. >> hey, what are you doing? >> cleaning my money and counting it. >> fixing to go do my workout. be gone for a couple hours. >> do you have a minute? >> yeah, i do. >> i kind of have to tell you something. >> what did you do at something? >> why does it have to be something i did at school. you know i love you. >> that full episode of mama june "from not to hot" airs tonight on we tv. keeping with the theme, dramatic transformations, oprah winfrey is turning into the incredible shrinking woman, as well. >> she certainly is. the media mogul looks stunning on the cover of her magazine this month showing off her slim figure. >> oprah is 63 years old and looking decades younger. did her own sound of music twirl in a field of wildflowers for a shoot in telluride, colorado. >> she was decked out in a tight fitting top, fitted green army jacket and an a-line floral maxi skirt. >> oprah says she's down 45 pounds since joining weight watchers but she says it's all because she made the switch from dieting to a lifestyle change. so she still eats bread. >> still eats bread. and finally, a quick congrats to mark zuckerberg. >> the facebook ceo announcing on facebook of course, he and his wife dr. priscilla chan are expecting another baby girl. congratulations to them. ♪ cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. from surfaces for up to 48 hours. you can pick up the flu it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. mthat stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. ♪ ♪ >> so wiretaps, obamacare, travel bans, oh, my. >> white house politics once again dominated this week's news headlines, but there was room for a bit of levity. here now is our weekly friday rewind. >> i can say there was no wiretap against trump tower during the campaign. as far as i know, there was not sufficient evidence that would merit justifying a wiretap to a court. >> i've never heard that allegation made before by anybody. >> at this point, i've seen no evidence of what he's alleged. >> we are on a mission to repeal and replace obamacare. it's a rescue mission to save families and patients all across this country. >> by some estimates 10 million people could lose their coverage. is that acceptable to you? >> look, what matters is that we're lowering the cost of health care and giving people access to affordable insurance plans. >> i have insurance now but probably going to lose it unless this is fixed. >> what's your message to lawmaker who are pushing this bill forward? >> leave it alone. >> this is part of our efforts to eliminate vulnerabilities that radical terrorists will exploit for destructive ends. >> guess what, president trump, your muslim ban 2.0 is still unconstitutional and still illegal. >> there were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships worked even longer even harder for less. >> this is just the latest time that wikileaks has humbled the u.s. government. they accomplished hundreds of thousands of classified files from the state department and the pentagon. but this is in some ways wikileaks most daring release yet. >> a day without a woman is a day without peace. >> i'm a mom. like many of us here are, right? and we've got a lot to do. >> niece are uncertain, even trying times, but as we all stop to look fear in the face, the result has not only been passion but action. >> as a marine corps veteran, i'm disheartened and disgusted with this scandal. >> i felt like my privacy had been taken away from me. >> i'm ryan gosling. i dedicate this award to yoko. thank you very much. >> so that's not ryan gosling. >> no, it's really not. an imposter. the only thing missing in the rewind was samuel jackson's response to ben carson talking about slaves being immigrants. >> it was not necessarily pg, his response. >> you have to look it up. >> yes. don't miss our updates on facebook. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now." informing insomniacs for two decades making news in america this morning, breaking overnight one of america's staunchest allies in asia in crisis right now. overnight its president removed from office. deadly protests in the streets. here at home, snow is on the move. just as tens of millions of people are on their way to work. that snow coupled with viciously powerful winds, the forecast coming up. new this morning, high drama on hollywood boulevard. in a scene reminiscent of a movie, a suspect leads police on a chase that ends in the heart of tinseltown. and caught on camera, the robbers who got all dolled up before hitting a jewelry store. at one point even flying into a desk.

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Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20170310 :

Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20170310

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further and start name dropping. >> my mom is a librarian, if that changes anything. >> it appears to not change anything. however -- >> i'll probably be leaving in half an hour. >> okay. i'll just wait here for half an hour. >> we could both sit here if you scoot over a little. >> thank you. >> a lot of this video is almost a study in human behavior, particularly in this case -- >> i was talking about this seat. >> see what i mean? psychologically, this is a fascinating video. the whole thing is upsetting. head to or use a mobile app. that's our show for today. you're all caught up. go to or see us on the next "right this with that. >> no. & tortuous way "game of thrones" fans had to find out the exact date of the premier of season 7 let's rally by watching ice melt. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather, brought to you by swiffer. weather, brought to you by swiffer. if you've got a life, you gotta swiffer mthat stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. rise above joint discomfort with move free ultra's triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. because my teeth are yellow. these photos? why don't you use a whitening toothpaste? i'm afraid it's bad for my teeth. try crest 3d white. crest 3d white diamond strong toothpaste and rinse... ...gently whiten... ...and fortify weak spots. use together for 2 times stronger enamel. crest 3d white. you...smells fine, but yourin your passengers smell this bell dinging new febreze car with odorclear technology cleans away odors... ...for up to 30 days smells nice... breathe happy, with new febreze. from surfaces r up to 48 hours. you can pick up the flu it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. wow! but what other teen problems can it fix fast? maybe it can quickly give this teen a thicker mustache? doesn't look like it. will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn. can it help... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. i'start at the new carfax.comar. show me minivans with no reported accidents. boom. love it. [struggles] show me the carfax. start your used car search at the all-new cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. it's been said diamonds are a girl's best friend. apparently robbers dressed in drag like them, as well. this video is out of florida. and where police say two armed men disguised as women held up a jewelry store in pompano beach. they forced workers into the back of the store and then started grabbing the goods. >> their attempts at escaping weren't so great either. one of the crooks you see there. >> that's tough to do in heels. >> ran across the store and fell on his face on to a desk. apparently at same men robbed a check cashing store the day before. we don't know whether they were wearing the same outfits or not then. >> let's just point out, those are horrible drag costumes. >> hey, it's been effective because these guys are still at large so -- did the trick. >> all right. >> we're going to stay in florida and turn now to what was a dramatic standoff. >> the standoff inside a jacksonville credit union happened months ago. we're now seeing surveillance video as the suspect takes 13 people hostage. here's abc's steve osunsami. >> reporter: the surveillance video of this hostage situation, released to us by florida prosecutors is the heart of their case against 24-year-old nicolas humphrey. >> this is going to be an active shooter inside the bank. >> reporter: more than a dozen cameras were rolling when police say he terrorized customers and bank tellers at this jacksonville credit union in december. it's not clear that he ever asked for money, but the accused gunman is seen as plain as day putting his pistol to the head of a customer, forcing these bank employees to their knees, and pushing another to the front of the building. >> he threatened to kill hostages multiple times. >> reporter: this went on for nearly two hours until two people hiding in an office made a run for their lives. the distraction gave the s.w.a.t. team the break they needed to storm the credit union. humphrey's family says he has mental health issues. he is still in police custody, charged with armed robbery, kidnapping and auto theft. humphrey is pleading not guilty and will appear in court at the end of this month. steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. >> that court appearance due march 23rd. when we come back, a first look at mama june's transformation. >> "the skinny" is next. that stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. from surfaces for up to 48 hours. you can pick up the flu it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ and it is time for your friday "skinny." we're going to start with what really was big news that "game of thrones" fans got. eventually. >> hbo finally revealed when winter is coming, but only after a torturous facebook live segment in which they hid the news inside a block of ice in which millions of fans were forced to sit and literally watch fire melt ice. >> they had to wait through multiple technical glitches. it didn't work out, as well. there were freezes. the streams died several times before they found out season 7 premieres on july 16th immediately after hbo released its first official season 7 trailer. >> there's only one wall that mattered. the great wall. and it is here. >> and what does it mean? well, however, the twitterverse still reacting to the painful fire melting ice publicity snafu. like this tweet. is it me or did millions of people just spend ten minutes watching a block of ice not melt to reveal the "game of thrones" season 7 premiere date. >> another fan said it was worse than ramsey's death scene. >> that's pretty bad. >> ouch. >> next to a sneak peek of the amazing transformation of mama june. >> "here comes honey boo boo" star has undergone gastric surgery and skin removal surgeries and implemented a strict diet as well as exercise regimen. wow, she looks amazing. she's in a new series called "mama june from not to hot" documenting her dramatic slimdown from 460 pounds to what's being reported as a size 4. >> and we tv has released a promo of tonight's episode. >> hey, what are you doing? >> cleaning my money and counting it. >> fixing to go do my workout. be gone for a couple hours. >> do you have a minute? >> yeah, i do. >> i kind of have to tell you something. >> what did you do at something? >> why does it have to be something i did at school. you know i love you. >> that full episode of mama june "from not to hot" airs tonight on we tv. keeping with the theme, dramatic transformations, oprah winfrey is turning into the incredible shrinking woman, as well. >> she certainly is. the media mogul looks stunning on the cover of her magazine this month showing off her slim figure. >> oprah is 63 years old and looking decades younger. did her own sound of music twirl in a field of wildflowers for a shoot in telluride, colorado. >> she was decked out in a tight fitting top, fitted green army jacket and an a-line floral maxi skirt. >> oprah says she's down 45 pounds since joining weight watchers but she says it's all because she made the switch from dieting to a lifestyle change. so she still eats bread. >> still eats bread. and finally, a quick congrats to mark zuckerberg. >> the facebook ceo announcing on facebook of course, he and his wife dr. priscilla chan are expecting another baby girl. congratulations to them. cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. from surfaces for up to 48 hours. you can pick up the flu it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. mthat stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. ♪ ♪ >> so wiretaps, obamacare, travel bans, oh, my. >> white house politics once again dominated this week's news headlines, but there was room for a bit of levity. here now is our weekly friday rewind. >> i can say there was no wiretap against trump tower during the campaign. as far as i know, there was not sufficient evidence that would merit justifying a wiretap to a court. >> i've never heard that allegation made before by anybody. >> at this point, i've seen no evidence of what he's alleged. >> we are on a mission to repeal and replace obamacare. it's a rescue mission to save families and patients all across this country. >> by some estimates 10 million people could lose their coverage. is that acceptable to you? >> look, what matters is that we're lowering the cost of health care and giving people access to affordable insurance plans. >> i have insurance now but probably going to lose it unless this is fixed. >> what's your message to lawmaker who are pushing this bill forward? >> leave it alone. >> this is part of our efforts to eliminate vulnerabilities that radical terrorists will exploit for destructive ends. >> guess what, president trump, your muslim ban 2.0 is still unconstitutional and still illegal. >> there were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships worked even longer even harder for less. >> this is just the latest time that wikileaks has humbled the u.s. government. they accomplished hundreds of thousands of classified files from the state department and the pentagon. but this is in some ways wikileaks most daring release yet. >> a day without a woman is a day without peace. >> i'm a mom. like many of us here are, right? and we've got a lot to do. >> niece are uncertain, even trying times, but as we all stop to look fear in the face, the result has not only been passion but action. >> as a marine corps veteran, i'm disheartened and disgusted with this scandal. >> i felt like my privacy had been taken away from me. >> i'm ryan gosling. i dedicate this award to yoko. thank you very much. >> so that's not ryan gosling. >> no, it's really not. an imposter. the only thing missing in the rewind was samuel jackson's response to ben carson talking about slaves being immigrants. >> it was not necessarily pg, his response. >> you have to look it up. >> yes. don't miss our updates on facebook. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now." informing insomniacs for two decades good morning. i'm linzie davis in for diane macedo. >> i'm kendis gibson. top stories on this friday on "world news now." breaking news from south korea where a court has formally ousted the president who was impeached over a corruption scandal. protests after the ruling have turned deadly. the latest from the korean peninsula just ahead. >> police in germany say a man with psychological problems is behind that ax attack at a train station. seven people were injured during the chaos in dusseldorf, three of them seriously. investigators say it's a random incident. more states are challenging the president's revised travel ban. washington, oregon and new york states among those now joining hawaii in seeking to block the order. the law takes effect next week on march 16th. >> and the unofficial start to the festival season has begun in austin, texas, where the rising stars of the music, film and technology worlds unveil all their latest works. former vice president biden and dr. jill biden will also be making an appearance there. those are some of our top stories on this friday, march 10th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." and we do say good morning to you everyone. we're going to start with that breaking news that offers a brand-new foreign policy challenge for president trump. america's only ally on the korean peninsula removed from the presidency overnight. >> the ruling in south korea triggered deadly chaos on the streets of seoul where supporters and critics faced off in dueling rallies. both sides clashing with riot police. >> at least two people have died in the skirmishes. abc's joohee cho is in south korea with the latest. >> reporter: kendis and linzie, it was a unanimous vote by the eight-judge panel of historic moment for south korea. park has been the first woman president and now the first to be impeached. many here saying she deserves the verdict. >> responsibility as president. >> reporter: the crowd cheering in joy, some crying, others even dancing. park and her lifelong friend is accused of abusing power and receiving bribes from businesses including samsung. now as a civilian, miss park faces grueling investigation. protesters here already calling for her to be sent to jail. south korea chooses the next president within 60 days who will face challenges of north korean threat and chinese pressure on south korea to give up a new anti-missile defense system provide by the u.s. the leading candidate is a liberal opposition leader moon jae-in who tends to lean towards china and north korea. if elected he has pledged to review the anti-missile defense system hinting the future of u.s./south korea relations is heading towards a rocky road. joohee cho, abc news, seoul, south korea. >> our thanks to joohee. vice president mike pence is heading to kentucky this weekend to make the case for the gop plan to dismantle obamacare. house speaker paul ryan offered a step by step plains of the health care bill that made it through two committees in the house after more than 27 hours of debate. but it's still facing opposition from democrats and conservatives like republican senator tom cotton who argues the bill has too many flaws that are not going to bring down the price of insurance. he says the focus should be on getting health care right, not getting it done fast. but the white house is standing by the plan. >> if he believes that this bill might actually make things worse than the current obamacare, what do you say to senator cotton? >> i respectfully disagree and i hope that we have an opportunity for the team to continue to not only talk to him about what we're trying to do and how we're trying to do it but that we'd love to hear his ideas. as i mentioned the last couple days, we're not jamming this down people's throat. >> house republicans want their bill passed by easter recess which leaves just a few weeks to get it thigh the budget committee and to the floor for a vote. and also on capitol hill, an unexpected visitor. fbi director james comey meeting behind closed doors with top lawmakers. sources tell abc news he was called in to discuss national security issues including president trump's bombshell claim that president obama bugged his phones. more details from abc's mary bruce. >> reporter: fbi director james comey arriving on capitol hill summoned to brief key lawmakers on russia's meddling in the election and answer questions about president trump's explosive charge that president obama will trump tower wiretapped during the campaign. it's now been five days since trump tweeted, this is nixon/watergate, attacking his predecessor as a bad, or sick, guy. >> i think the president of the united states who has stated categorically that trump tower was wiretapped, that he should come forward with the information that led him to that conclusion. >> reporter: two senators sent a letter to the justice department demanding the fbi produce any evidence that might exist. late on capitol hill, leaders seen rushing into the classified briefing. when reporters asked, democratic senator mark warner if he'd heard any evidence to back up the president's claim. warner's response? i've seen no evidence. comey himself saying nothing. >> any evidence that president obama ordered a wiretap at trump tower? >> reporter: privately, the fbi director has unsuccessfully implored the justice department to refute the president's claims. but in an interview with abc news, the director of national intelligence during the campaign was blunt. >> there was no wiretap against trump tower during the campaign conducted by any part of the national intelligence community. >> reporter: president obama, all smiles at a recent visit to a washington museum, but privately, his aides say he is irritated by trump's accusation. and he may not be the only one. white house officials have now been pressed again and again on whether they agree with the president. the vice president sitting down for a local interview to talk health care, but confronted with questions about the alleged wiretapping. >> yes or no? do you believe that president obama did that? >> well, what i can say is that the president and our administration are very confident that the congressional committees in the house and senate that are examining issues surrounding the last election, the run-up to the last election, will do that in a thorough and equitable way. >> now, we don't know what comey was asked in these closed door briefings or how much he offered on the president as wiretapping claim. these are briefings with highly sensitive classified material. but we do know that comey has asked the justice department to refute the president's claims. mary bruce, abc news, capitol hill. and one more note from d.c., the white house facing criticism for its handling of kellyanne conway's endorsement of ivanka's products. the office says it's concerned that conway was not disciplined. she urged viewers to go buy ivanka's stuff during a tv appearance on fox news. that followed a decision by nordstrom to pull trump's clothing and accessory brand. the marines nude photo scandal may be much larger than thought. "business insider" reports that the sharing of nude photos extends beyond the marines, and one facebook group reportedly hundreds of nude photos of female service members from every military branch have been posted to a message board. the pentagon is already investigating the photo scandal. the marine corps is not commenting on the latest allegations but they are vowing to investigate. the air force is looking into the matter in light of the new report. and just when we thought it was safe to put away our winter weather gear, turns out the groundhog knew what it was doing. much of the country is getting hit with a new blast of rain, snow and bitter cold that could last for days. take a look at the radar. it shows a storm moving eastward from the great lakes. winter weather alerts are now in effect in nine states. pretty big storm. one aspect of the storm is the intense wind gusting at more than 50 miles an hour, peaking at more than 100 in parts of new hampshire. in michigan, the windstorm that's already whipped across that state has left hundreds of thousands without electricity. some customers could be in the dark for several more days. so the question now for many, what path will the storm take and also many are wondering which areas will be hit the hardest. >> and accuweather's justin povick is the man with all the answers. he joins us now with all the details. good morning, justin. >> kendis, linzie, thanks. good morning to you. we're tracking know throughout the morning into the early afternoon heading in toward tarred boston and points off to the south but again wrapping up earlier toward the noontime hour new york city. we're talking about the midmorning hours back off to the west. that will be the end of this system but again, there will be some travel impacts along interstate 95, new york city points north and eastbound and later on in the day, could see a gusty snow squall where it's a blizzard for about then minutes and then the sun comes back out. temperatures are going to be plunging. over the southeast, rain returns heading in toward the weekend, some snow though perhaps as far south as nashville. kendis, linzie. >> all right, thank you so much, justin. a philadelphia construction project has uncovered a cemetery that's more than 300 years old. workers unearthed two dozen coffins yesterday in the section known as old city. the burial grounds date to the year 1707. the remains were supposed to have been moved to a different cemetery in the mid 1800s. the bones will be studied before being reinterred. it is the dream perhaps of every sports parent whose child of course rides the bench. >> that's right. actor julia louis-dreyfus saw her youngest son on the big stage. >> we're talking about walk-on charlie hall who saw his first playing time in more than a month at the end of last night's big ten tournament and mom looking nervously. espn with the split screen. this was northwestern and rutgers and mom and dad, fellow comedian brad hall, were in the crowd to see it. he didn't score but charlie did pick up two rebounds which made julia very happy. that doubles his season total though to four. >> and i love the response to the rebound. you know, when you're cheering the rebound, that's great. >> exactly. that's great. it's great for northwestern to be having some success this year. >> go uva. >> uva was in action. did they lose last night, jack, to notre dame? >> what's that. >> to notre dame? >> uva. there we go. what was the outcome? i didn't follow. i was not awake. > you weren't awake for it. it seems as if they weren't awake either. >> they didn't win? is that what that is? >> notre dame. >> oh, no. >> dominating. coming up though, a frightening incident of road rage caught on camera. what led up to this driver being severely beaten by a bunch of dirtbikers on a highway in san francisco. and opening this weekend at the box office, "kong" making his dramatic return to the big screen. this time samuel l. jackson. why one critic is saying the giant ape still commands respect. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather, brought to you by tide. start by taking care of families for 70 years. earn the trust of 32 nfl teams. be there for america's toughest and help, when help is needed america's #1 isn't a status earned overnight. it's earned in every wash, and re-earned every day. tide, america's #1 detergent mthat stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. but can it fix this teen's skateboarding mishap? nope. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. do you think i'm gonna crack under pressure or conquer the field? defy expectations any day with always infinity. made with flexfoam. absorbs 10x its weight. rewrite the rules. always. rise above joint discomfort with move free ultra's triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. from surfaces for up to 48 hours. you can pick up the flu it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. new pantene doesn't just wash i wiyour hair, it fuels it.gain. making every strand stronger. so tangles don't stand a chance. because strong is beautiful. police near seattle are asking the public to help them catch a gunman wanted in an apparent hate crime. they've released this sketch in last friday's shooting of a man of the sikh faith. the victim says the shooter told him to go back to his country, then shot him in the arm. the suspect in the deadly bar shooting in kansas wants more time to build his case. adam purinton appeared in court yesterday accused of killing an indian immigrant and wounding two other men last month in kansas city. witnesses say he said "get out of my country" before shooting them. he returns to court in may. the fbi is investigating the incident as a possible hate crime. and further north, police are trying to track down a group of dirtbikers involved in another traffic altercation. >> it was a serious incident of road rage. and it was all caught on camera. melanie woodrow of our san francisco station kgo has the story. >> reporter: the cell phone video begins with bikers doing wheelies, then escalates with one colliding with this white car. suddenly the other bikers speed up and at the cesar chavez exit, a red car presumably with the bikers appears to box the driver of the white car in. the person who took this video asked to remain anonymous. >> they approached the vehicle, and they started punching in the panels on the vehicle and hitting windows, breaking the windows and another vehicle impeded my view so i couldn't see exactly if the man was pulled from the vehicle or if he got out on his own. four to five men were hitting him, kicking him, even when he was down. very clearly they broke his leg. >> the man who took this video says he got out of his car when the bikers left. >> he had a broken leg, as i said. he had a bloodied face. he had road rash. he was in pretty rough shape so we called 911. >> the former new yorker says it was reminiscent of this incident where he used to live that prompted him to begin recording. >> these guys obviously think they can do whatever they want. these are the types of incidents that really need to get attention and that need to get prosecuted. >> chp says if you see something like this, don't get out of your vehicle. >> they're already mad at you. they're beating on your vehicle and you get out, good things are just not going to happen. >> reporter: the man who took this video is hopeful someone will recognize the bikers. >> wow. >> so it does appear from the video from what we're told there were about 15 different dirtbikes that were involved. it's kind of hard to find these guys because you can't get off the road. >> get off the road and hide. but police say if you find yourself in a kind of situation like this, don't try and face-off with them. just back off. move away. coming up, the first grader from new jersey who passed a very important life test. >> and why his mother this morning is glad he was paying attention. you're watching "world news now." up to 48 hours. it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. ♪ now i'm calling, calling out your name ♪ >> i don't know this song, but calling out for help was a 7-year-old from new jersey who was forced last week to put a very valuable life lesson to the test. >> his mother always told him to call 911 during an emergency and now he's shown her he was listening. here's abc's david muir. >> reporter: first-grader rocco regalbuto from marlton, new jersey, was getting ready for school when his mother collapsed. >> i wasn't worried until she started choking, and then i got very worried. >> reporter: rocco's mother has asthma. she taught him from an early age what to do if a severe attack ever happened. >> 911. where is your emergency? >> my mommy can't breathe again. >> and your name? >> rocco. >> rocco? >> yeah. >> how old are you, rocco? >> i'm 7. >> is she able to talk to you at all? >> she can't really talk that much. she can only say, like, one or two words. >> reporter: calmly answering the dispatcher's questions for more than nine minutes. >> is she in the chair or on the floor? >> she is on the floor. >> oh, okay. >> reporter: rocco's mother was having a severe asthma attack. >> as a mother, it's hard, because when you are on the floor like that, and you can't breathe, and you feel like you're going into panic attacks, and your 7-year-old son is coming over rubbing your back. >> is that the firemen? >> yeah. they are here. >> okay. rocco, i'm going to let you go. you did a great job, buddy. >> reporter: local police calling rocco a hero. standing tall with the force, and relieved his mother is better. >> sometimes i just don't want to let go of her when i have to go to school. >> david muir, abc news, new york. >> and he was late but he still did go to school first grade. >> all right. there you go. he learned a wonderful lesson. and that was -- was it penguin prisoners? penguin prison, the group. world famous. mthat stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. from surfaces for up to 48 hours. you can pick up the flu it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. th...oh, baked-on alfredo?e. ...gotta rinse that. nope. no way. nada. really? dish issues? throw it all in. cascade platinum powers through... your toughest stuck-on food. nice. cascade. cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. rise above joint discomfort with move free ultra's triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. ♪ [joy bauer] two thirds of americans have digestive issues. i'm joy bauer, and as a nutritionist i know probiotics can often help. but many probiotics do not survive your stomach's harsh environment. digestive advantage is different. its natural protein shell is tougher than your stomach's harsh environment, so it surivies a hundred times better than the leading probiotic, to get where you need it most. get the digestive advantage, and enjoy living well. you...smells fine, but yourin your passengers smell this bell dinging new febreze car with odorclear technology cleans away odors... ...for up to 30 days smells nice... breathe happy, with new febreze. mthat stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. you know, it does appear like the summer blockbuster season is getting earlier and earlier. last weekend, we had the premiere of "logan." today another big king kong movie. >> this morning, we start with the first english language film from a dutch director. dakota fanning stars as a mute young woman forced to fight for survival in the old west where an evil reverend appears to be hell bent on making her life miserable. >> i'm here to punish you. >> why do you let him do this? >> it's a sin. >> i love him. >> you do not. it is lust. >> he ain't never going to stop, is he? >> i seen your mother. she's the kind of person that turns the other cheek. be like her. >> i know you're there. >> kendis is not impressed. >> no, till i saw jon snow was in it. now i'm like wow. >> we won't give away the mystery of why that creepy preacher is after this young woman but the critics are making no mystery of their intense dislike for "brimstone" giving it a 34% splat on rotten tomatoes. adam sweeting calls it a hideous farrago of saidism, misogyny and sexual pervision with more than a dash of pretension. ouch. roger moore describes it as unwatchable, gruesome and grim. >> that's the sort of review from somebody who uses the term farrago. >> next to the reimagining of the origin of the mythical kong. tom hiddleston, former t. swifter, brie larson, samuel l. jackson, john goodman head up an "a" list cast of explorers in "kong skull island." brought together to venture deep into an uncharted island in the pacific unaware of its terrifying occupants. >> who are you? >> ancient species owned this earth long before mankind, and if we keep our heads buried in the sand, they will take it back. my agency is known as monarch. we specialize in the hunt for massive unidentified terrestrial organisms. >> you knew that thing was out here? >> i'm sorry for your men, colonel. i truly am. get us home with proof so we can send the cavalry. >> samuel l. jackson reprising the role he made famous in "pulp fiction" in this one. critics love it giving it a solid 80% certified fresh on rotten tomatoes. mike lasalle says it has a smart script, imaginative film making and a cast of fine actors who get to act. and brian truitt says "congress" still commands respect. his presence alone makes it worth a trip to skull island. pretty cool. >> go check it now," a violent rampage at a train station. >> investigators in germany are trying to piece together why a man attacked several people with an ax. crowds were sent running in a total panic as the attacker stepped off the train swinging. what we're learning this morning. and the battle over the plan to replace obamacare has taken a complicated turn. house speaker paul ryan says the new bill is the best chance they have while other republicans say it could actually makes things worse. details ahead. we're tracking a major storm moving toward the east coast overnight. we're getting a look at those powerful and deadly winds that have left thousands still in the dark and almost blew a child away. >> wow. and biggie small's life after death. hard to believe it's been 20 years since the notorious b.i.g.'s life was cut tragically short and the vehicle the rapper was shot in is heading to the auction block. sky's the limit for the price tag that just might hypnotize you. but first, but forget the suv. you can really just give me the loot instead. oh, my god. there's so many -- so many puns there. >> that's good. >> throw your hands in the air. it's friday, march 10th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." going to say that if you don't know, now you know. >> see, much respects to biggie. >> and we're going to get a lot more of his tunes throughout and puns throughout the show. >> he copies to do big things. >> 20 years later. the suspect under arrest after an ax attack at a city's main train station in germany. >> this was a wild scene. seven people were hurt, three others seriously injured three of those seriously injured in the rampage in western german city. the suspect arrested after jumping from an overpass. >> this morning, we're getting a look at the scene. here's abc's alex marquardt. >> reporter: special forces on the scene of the attack of one of germany's biggest train stations in dusseldorf. investigating the scene after five people were wounded, three of them seriously by an ax-wielding attacker according to the police. this video of the immediate aftermath. trails of bloods on the floor. shocked commuters huddled over the wounded. the attack taking place around 9:00 p.m. no one was killed. the station was shut down, cordoned off by police, and emergency vehicles on the scene as helicopters hovered overhead. passenger bruno macedo was on a train at the time and listening to reports. >> so we're not stopping at the station. the station is closed. >> reporter: a short time later, police confirming one arrest was made, saying the suspect is a 36-year-old from the former yugoslavia who, quote, apparently has mental health issues. across europe, governments are on a heightened state of alert after a number of terror attacks over the past two years. recently, attackers have resorted to cruder methods like the december attack in berlin, when a truck drove into a christmas crowd killing 12. last summer, isis claimed responsibility after an afghan teen carried out an ax attack on a train elsewhere in germany. police are saying this was a lone attacker and so far there's no indication that this was terror related. the station remains closed, the scene sealed the investigation still under way. alex marquardt, abc news, london. we're going to keep our focus overseas and breaking news. history, sad history, in fact, in south korea overnight as a court rules unanimously to uphold the impeachment of president park geun-hye. park is the country's first democratically elected leader to be ousted from office after she was implicated in a corruption and influence peddling scandal. south korea must now hold an election within two months to choose her successor. protesters following the decision turned out into the streets there of seoul and they turned deadly, in fact. both supporters and critics of park's swarmed the streets outside the court in the capital. holding duelling rallies have two people have died so far. riot police are out in force and south korea's military is right now on alert. in syria, more u.s. troops are now on the ground in the fight against isis. the number of american forces said to help syrian fighters has been doubled to about 900. some of them are fighting to retake raqqa which has become the defacto capital for isis in syria. meantime, the head of u.s. central command says expect a larger and longer american military presence in syria. in western syria, government planes bombed a village near the turkish border. a human rights group says the attack left five people dead, three of them children. syria's central military media says the strikes were aimed at an arms depot for an offshoot of al qaeda. the area is held by syrian rebels and home to thousands of opposition fighters. back in this country, key lawmakers have heard directly from fbi director jim comey after summoning him to capitol hill. senior officials say comey covered a range of national security issues including russian interference in the election and president trump's claim that president obama tapped his phones. comey had no comment about the meeting, but he has privately asked the justice department to refute the president's allegations. one senate democrat who was briefed said he still hasn't seen any evidence to back the wiretapping claim. republicans are still bent on pushing their plan to replace obamacare through congress over the next few weeks even in the face of growing opposition. the gop health care bill advanced in two house committees after more than 27 hours of debate. but is still facing an uphill battle. here's abc's janai norman. >> reporter: getting down to business. >> obamacare is in a death spiral. >> reporter: house speaker paul ryan literally rolling up his sleeves, armed with a powerpoint presentation defending the gop health care bill. ryan says despite criticism from his own party, it is urgent to pass a replacement. >> this is something that we as conservatives have been dreaming about for decades. this is the chance and the best and only chance we're going to get. >> reporter: taking advantage of that chance, republicans prevailing. >> the ayes appear to have it. the ayes have it and the motion to transmit is agreed to. >> reporter: getting that bill through two house panels. >> whether you're for it or against it, you have to admit this was a pretty big deal we just did. >> reporter: but other conservatives continue raising objections. arkansas senator tom cotton says repealing and replacing the affordable care act is about focusing on getting health care right, not getting it done fast. >> legislation that the house has considered over the last 24 hours simply has too many flaws. they are not going to bring down the price of insurance or give people more control, give them more choices about their insurance. >> reporter: but the wall of opposition from democrats, some republicans and many of the nation's top health care providers isn't phasing president trump. tweeting, despite what you hear in the press, health care is coming along great. we're talking to many groups and it will end in a beautiful picture. house republicans want their bill passed by easter recess, but that leaves just a few weeks to get it through the budget committee and to get it to the floor for a vote. kendis and linzie. >> our thanks to janai. the list of states challenging the president's revised travel ban is growing. washington state, oregon and new york state among those now joining hawaii in speaking to block the order. the revised ban bars new visas for people from six predominant litmus him countries and temporarily blocks all refugees. washington, the first state to challenge the original order, says the restraining order should remain in place. >> the president does not get to decide if a new executive order is different enough to be clear from that underlying injunction. the court decides that. >> in the meantime, the white house remains confident that the ban will stand up to the legal challenges. the new order is set to go into effect on march 16th. and that travel ban, we're told, could derail plans for the u.s. to host soccer's world cup in 2026. this is according to fifa which oversees international tournaments. bidding for the tournament starts next year with the host selected in "20/20," the u.s. is widely regarded as a favorite. after one of the warmest februarys on record, much of the country is now facing a blast of rain, snow and bitter cold temperatures that could last for days. winter weather alerts stretch across nine states from the great lakes to the northeast. the nasty weather is set to hit millions of americans just in time for this morning's rush hour commute. forecasters say the storm could dump up to six inches of snow in some spots. it all got starred with extreme wind gusting at more than 50 miles an hour. watch what happens when 4-year-old madison gardner arrives home near cleveland and grabs the door handle. that's when a heavy gust nearly blows her and the door away. look at that. her mom says she's okay. >> held on there. >> yes, exactly. fortunately for her. then there was a close call in buffalo when a hanging traffic signal suddenly dropped barely missing a passing car. and in michigan, this woman struggled mightily to put the cover on her outdoor hot tub. she flops the cover over. look, oh. then it flies off hitting her in the head. despite her best efforts, she was no match for that nasty blast of wind. at times those winds there were reaching about 50 miles per hour. she says she's okay, but still has a little bit of a headache. >> i can imagine. it was a dangerous scene all across the country with that wind. >> serious problems for people with hot tubs. coming up, the deepening mystery behind the murders of two teenage girls in indiana. could a series of coincidences be the key to another double murder case in iowa. speaking of unsolved murders, it's been 20 years since the notorious murder of b.i.g. and now the vehicle he was gunned down in is being sold at auction. and wait until you hear the size of the price tag. and remember you can find us on facebook at and twitter @abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. my hygi...a mouthwash.o try... so i tried crest. it does so much more than give me fresh breath. crest pro-health mouthwash provides all... ...of these benefits to help you get better dental check-ups. go pro with crest mouthwash. checkup? nailed it from surfaces for up to 48 hours. you can pick up the flu it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. do you think i'm gonna crack under pressure or conquer the field? defy expectations any day with always infinity. made with flexfoam. absorbs 10x its weight. rewrite the rules. always. hei don't want one that's haded a big wreck just say, show me cars with no accidents reported find the cars you want, avoid the ones you don't plus you get a free carfax® report with every listing i like it start your used car search at ltry align probiotic.n your digestive system? for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support, with align. the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. now in kids chewables. mthat stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. we're back now with a school bus in flames outside a las vegas high school. the firefighter is earning praise for quickly dousing the flames. thankfully, no students were on that bus. >> we're now hearing for the first time from the family of a teenager who was murdered along with her friend in indiana. >> it comes as investigators explore whether these killings are connected to another double murder cold case four years ago that has disturbing similarities. abc's kenneth moton with more. >> reporter: a possible link to an indiana murder mystery. >> this horrible crime has torn a whole in our families that will never heal. >> mike pattie, the first family member to speak about the killing can of his 14-year-old granddaughter, liberty german, and her 13-year-old friend, abigail williams on a trail in delphi, indiana. >> down the hill. >> reporter: -- along with a snapchat picture on liberty's phone some of the only clues to the crime. >> really study to the picture and listen to the audio clip. someone out there knows this person. >> reporter: but in a disturbing twist, investigators are now comparing notes with the detectives of a eerily similar cold case in iowa. >> everything started coming back to me. >> reporter: drew collins says on july 13th, 2012, his 8-year-old daughter, elizabeth, and his 10-year-old niece, lyric cook, never returned home. he pointed out in both cases the girls taken in a secluded area, their bodies found in wooded terrain. the crimes committed on the 13th of the month. >> two kids at once is very uncommon thing to have happen. and also just being on the 1th of the month just kind of struck me as odd all the things together. >> reporter: but those similarities may only be a coincidence. >> our legal analyst says investigators will look for a common thread, but if the cases are crimes of opportunity, they will be harder to link. in indiana, 11,000 tips so far and the reward is up no nearly a quarter of a million dollars. kenneth moton, abc news, new york. >> 11,000 tips. coming up in our next half hour, the new details about that hostage situation we told but yesterday inside a florida credit union. what we're now finding out about the gunman and the daring move by some customers that helped the s.w.a.t. teams make their move. but first, how much would you pay for a beat up 1997 chevy suburban? >> zero. >> yeah, same here. why this one priced at more than a million dollars. all because of its notorious history. you're watching "world news now." ♪ (coughs) cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. but can it fix this teen's skateboarding mishap? nope. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. ♪ ♪ >> do you love it when they call you big papa? >> i do know they call me that. >> it had to be said. >> it's been 24 years since "juicy" first hit the airwaves back when music first actually hit the airwaves. remember that? >> yeah, i can't believe it's been 20 years. feels like yesterday. but yesterday actually marked 20 years to the day since notorious b.i.g. was famously gunned down, still a very young man, just 24 years old. >> now a notorious piece of his history from that night is hitting the auction block. here's abc's nick wa >> reporter: a beatup '97 suburban, 111,000 miles on the clock. yours for $1.5 million, because it's the most notorious suv in rap history. 20 years ago to the day, the notorious b.i.g. shot dead in this vehicle, a drive by in l.a. >> police investigate the deadly wilshire boulevard ambush of notorious b.i.g. >> reporter: big papa already arguably the most influential rapper of all time. ♪ throw your hands notice air if you're a true player ♪ diddy posted this. >> fed a lot of families. made a lot of people dance, made a lot of people feel good. >> reporter: the current owner of the suv who will not reveal her identity had no idea when he she bought it. >> we thought it was really unusual that there was a hole in the seat belt. we had the car for quite a few years and we got a phone call. >> the l.a. police department is holding onto the original doors. they'll be returned to her if and when the investigation is ever concluded. >> reporter: biggie it's assumed a victim of that early '90s east coast/west coast hip-hop rivalry fueled by the likes of his "who shot you." ♪ >> reporter: and tupac's "hit em up." right now, memento merchants movements in time also selling the bmw750 in which tupac was shot dead in vegas the year before biggie. also $1.5 million. both murders still unsolved. and yes, we've been listening to faith and puff daddy's lament that long. ♪ i'll be missing you >> by the way, kelley blue book value on the death car, less than two grand. >> the owner and i have been offered over a million dollars for it but we're holding out for the full million five. >> in the words of biggie -- >> the more money you make, the more problems you get. >> reporter: i'm nick watt for "nightline" in washington. ♪ >> that was the video. >> that was -- >> i was more the p. diddy side. you can rap. >> you like the person just over the shoulder. >> basically. >> i'm maze for everybody. >> do you have a favorite? >> i don't know notorious, but you were spitting some big -- >> i know. i think my favorite might be "one more chance." but there were a lot. that was the heyday of my college days and biggie was big and no pun intended. >> yes, yes. >> at that time. >> but you know what? our friends at wsb in atlanta, they're good at these rap trivia. fred blankenship and their traffic guy, listen to them spit some tunes. >> talking about delays right now on georgia 100. if you don't know, now you know about those, mark. >> fred, i know you thought birthdays were the worst days but thursday might be the worst days. >> classic. i love these guys. i remember when q tip when they did the whole are you on point. >> yes, yes, very good. >> so you want to spit some biggie tunes to break? hit it. come on. >> oh, man, i love it when you call me big papa, put your hands in the air. >> go on. papa, put your hands in the air. >> go on. maybe it can quickly give this teen a thicker mustache? doesn't look like it. will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn. can it help... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. mthat stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. from surfaces for up to 48 hours. you can pick up the flu it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. ito become dangerous.d for an everyday item new tide pods child guard pack. helps keep your laundry pacs safe and your child safer. align, press and unzip. rise above joint discomfort with move free ultra's triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. we're going to start "the mix" down under and there's a big political race that is taking place tomorrow in australia. and there have been so many signs of course, that are posted up inside of yards. >> as we always have. >> exactly. this 15-year-old kid was like you know what, i'm going to do my own take on it. 15-year-old conner barney started putting up his own campaign signs and putting them right next to the real ones. some of the captions on his signs saying i thought it would be funny or saying i'm only 15. you can't vote for me. and mom said it was okay. >> i like that one. >> i'd vote for me. >> clever kid. >> kind of crazy if he gets more write-in votes than any of the other real politicians. >> that would be really, really good. this next story is pretty funny. i'm not like a wwe fan but apparently triple h is one of the most popular wrestlers and he always does this really big entrance, as you see here. and so there's a man i believe his name is kichoo ahmer. he lives in pakistan. so he got married and made his entrance. he's a big fan of the wrestler. i mean, has there ever been a better entrance to a wedding? i mean is there even a bride there? >> she left. ♪ politics and foreign wars all the weather all the scores ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ tapes that roll in way too slow stuff you saw on koppel's show ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ it's late at night you're wide awake and you're not wearing pants ♪ ♪ so grab your "world news now" mug and everybody dance, hey ♪ ♪ have some fun, be a pal, every anchor guy and gal, do the world news polka ♪ everybody. ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka insomniacs only. ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ who cares what the bosses think, they're a goofy crew no crew ♪ ♪ and if your neighbors call the cops here's all you have to do ♪ ♪ when they yell it's half past 3:00, tell them, hey, it's news to me ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ they make us work the graveyard shift ,that's why we go for broke ♪ ♪ so why not tune in abc and join our little joke ♪ ♪ five whole days every week, we're here with our tongue in check, and the world news polka ♪ not lip sync. ♪ it's the world news polka yeah. as a pro snowboarder i've crashed many times while pushing the limits. however, i didn't know the impact a brain injury can have. the risk got real for me after sustaining a traumatic brain injury while i was training for the 2010 winter olympics. you really need to educate yourself about brain injuries and how dangerous they can be. after my injury the doctors were saying that the helmet saved my life. wearing a helmet to prevent severe traumatic brain injury is a must... and so is learning what you can do to prevent concussion. this morning on "world news now," the winter storm on the move right now. alerts are up across nine states in the east as those dangerously windy conditions wreak havoc across multiple regions. the forecast just ahead. breaking overnight, the president of south korea kicked out of office. deadly protests following the court's decision. why she was impeached and what's next for the u.s. ally. new this half hour, taking drag to a criminal level. >> the manhunt outside fort lauderdale. is it a manhunt? it's for two armed robbers dressed as women. poorly dressed as women. first a jewelry store and now a sandwich store. is it the same guy? are they the same man? >> got a little hungry. >> yeah, maybe, oh, man. the real woman who is redefining her own sense of beauty. we're getting our first look at mama june since her dramatic weight loss surgery documented on her reality show "from hot to not." we'll find out how much weight she's lost and how she's doing it later in "the skinny." it is friday, march 10th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> we do say good morning on this friday, everyone. we're going to start with the bad news. the millions of people who had put away the snow boots and trotted out the shorts and the t-shirts in for a new bone-chilling blast of winter. >> that's right. radar shows the storm moving from the great lakes to the northeast where winter alerts are out in nine states. >> in missouri, the governor has declared a state of emergency after a round of hail, heavy wind and even some tornadoes causing damage across that state. >> some forecasters say the jet stream producing all this heavy wind is one of the strongest in nearly 20 years. the best illustration is from mt. washington observatory in new hampshire where wind gusts hit more than 100 miles an hour. listen to this peaking at 119 miles an hour. >> and you can hear the wind in that video there. >> and see how it's just pushing this guy along. but the heavy rain and snow is what millions can expect over the next few days. here's abc's linzie janis. >> reporter: severe storms moving through the heartland as another system wreaks havoc from the great lakes to the northeast. a falling traffic light near buffalo, new york. a security camera capturing a terrifying moment when brittany gardner and her daughter arrive home near cleveland. you can hear the wind. gusts up to 60 miles per hour in the area. when this happens. daughter, madison, holding on for dear life. mom racing to her. madison wasn't hurt. hundreds of thousands in the area without power. 24 hours after that plane carrying michigan's basketball team skidded off the runway, wind forcing a ground stop at laguardia airport. that ground stop leading to hundreds of flight delays here at laguardia. the wind is expected to cause problems and now there's snow in the forecast for the northeast. linzie janis, abc news, new york. >> unfortunately for many of us, it's set to hit just in time for the morning commute. >> all right. so to find out exactly where and when and how much, of course, we turn to accuweather's justin povick. good morning. >> kendis and linzie, thanks and good morning to you. we're looking at snow as we go throughout the morning potentially even into the early afternoon once we get in towards southern mass toward boston. but again, much of this will be during the early morning hours with 3 to 6 inches going to be a possibility along interstate 80. new york city could see one to three inches of snow. and then back behind into the afternoon, we'll have some gusty snow squalls or bursts of snow along with much colder temperatures. linzie, kendis? all right, turning our focus overseas now seven people are injured three seriously after what's being called a random ax attack in a german train station. it happened last night in dusseldorf in western germany, sparking a massive police response. the suspect was arrested after jumping from an overpass near that station. he's recovering from serious injuries. he's described as a 36-year-old immigrant from the former yugoslavia. police say the suspect appears to have psychological issues. breaking news now from south korea where judgment day ended with the country's president being kicked out of office. a constitutional court has ruled unanimously to uphold park geun-hye's impeachment, the country's first democratically elected leader to be ousted from office after she was implicated in a corruption and influence peddling scandal. immediately following the court's decision, protests on streets of seoul turned deadly. supporters and critics of park clashing with each other and with police. so far two people have died. riot police are out in force and south korea's military is on alert. turning our focus back here at home and secretary of state rex tillerson is recusing himself from the state department's deliberations on the keystone pipeline decision. there were some concerns of conflict of interest because tillerson, of course, is the former ceo of exxonmobil. president obama halted the project you may recall which would bring oil from canada to the united states. but president trump revived it. now to the uproar over the latest comments by the new head of the environmental protection agency. epa administrator scott pruitt is directly challenging the widely held belief that carbon dioxide from human activity is a major cause of climate change. >> no, i would not agree that it's a primary contributor to the global warming that we see. >> pruitt's view conflicts with most mainstream scientists, nasa as well as the epa itself. its own website, its own website says carbon dioxide is the primary greenhouse gas that is contributing to recent climate change. environmentalists as well as democrats say he's unfit for the office he holds. the founder of wikileaks is slamming the cia days after releasing a trove of files believed to contain the agency's top secret hacking tools. in an online news conference julian assange accused the cia of incompetence and offered to help tech companies like apple and google fix software holes in their electronic devices. abc's kenneth moton has more. >> julian assange on the record, the wikileaks founder answered questions online defending his organization's move to expose alleged cia secrets. >> the central intelligence agency lost control of its entire cyber weapons arsenal. >> reporter: wikileaks released what it says are thousands of documents detailing the spy agency's tools to hack into computers, phones and smart tvs. >> wikileaks discovered the material as a result of it being passed around a number of different members of the u.s. intelligence community. >> reporter: the cia has not confirmed the authenticity of the documents but commented on assange saying he's not exactly a bastion of truth and integrity. the agency continues to collect foreign intelligence overseas to protect americans. wikileaks praised by candidate donald trump for the release of russian hacked e-mails from the democratic party. >> wikileaks, i love wikileaks. >> now the white house calls this situation different. >> there's grave concern that the president has about the release of national security and classified information. >> reporter: buzzfeed also reported one of the president's closest political allies in britain, nigel farage, spent 40 minutes thursday at the ecuadorian embassy where assange has sought asylum. two weeks ago they posted this picture of farage dining with the president in washington. the white house says it was unaware of farage's meeting. tech companies, including apple and google, are all scrambling to make sure the cia can't hack into their products. our counter-terrorism analyst pointed out when it comes to listening in, the intelligence community has to abide by a strict legal process. kendis and linzie. >> kenneth, thank you. we're learning new details about the deadly collision between a bus and freight train in biloxi, mississippi. federal officials say the bus wasn't supposed to be on the road where it got stuck on the railroad tracks. the ntsb investigators say the driver may have used a gps for commercial vehicles rather than directions from the tour company. four people died in that collision. a 10-year-old boy may face charges for allegedly pointing a laser at a sheriff's plane in fresno, california. earlier this week, the crew was distracted by a bright green laser light flashing through the cockpit. police say the boy was intentionally pointing a laser into the sky from his backyard. pilots can be temporarily blinded by those lasers. a man from south africa has taken the words row, row, row your boat to the an entirely new level. chris bertish is the first person to cross the atlantic on a paddle board. he started in morocco, 93 days and more than 4,000 nautical miles, he later finished off the coast of antigua. bertish did not use your average paddle board. it's 20 feet long and look at the cost here, $120,000. >> wow. that is like a paddle board on speed. >> it looks like just a boat really, right? >> probably has a motor under there. >> i feel like there's a kitchen under there. you know. >> exactly. it's got internet. so if you ever needed proof that dogs do all the work at the iditarod, well, listen to this next story. >> yeah, this is video of linwood felder on his sled as he made his way through alaska, but at some point, he fell off the sled because, well, he fell asleep. >> yeah. >> i can relate to that. >> yeah, we can. so that didn't stop his dogs. the team arrived at the checkpoint without its musher. felder showed up an hour later on foot. >> that's a real drag. >> can you imagine? >> he had to walk. right? but the interesting thing is he says from the moment he left the sled until his face hit the snow, he was still asleep. that's a bad way to wake up. >> he said he had been fighting to stay weak. obviously if there was that much room still left before the checkpoint, you know the dogs basically know, we've been here, done this, going to acted like we've been here before and they're doing all the work. >> clearly. coming up, the manhunt under way for two partners in crime. the armed robbers are not just caught on camera breaking the law but breaking nearly every rule in the fashion book as they try to impersonate women and do a bad job of it. >> rupaul would not be happy with that. >> no. and the tortuous way "game of thrones" fans had to find out the exact date of the premier of season 7 let's rally by watching ice melt. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather, brought to you by swiffer. swiffer. if you've got a life, you gotta swiffer mthat stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. rise above joint discomfort with move free ultra's triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. because my teeth are yellow. these photos? why don't you use a whitening toothpaste? i'm afraid it's bad for my teeth. try crest 3d white. crest 3d white diamond strong toothpaste and rinse... ...gently whiten... ...and fortify weak spots. use together for 2 times stronger enamel. crest 3d white. you...smells fine, but yourin your passengers smell this bell dinging new febreze car with odorclear technology cleans away odors... ...for up to 30 days smells nice... breathe happy, with new febreze. from surfaces for up to 48 hours. you can pick up the flu it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. wow! but what other teen problems can it fix fast? maybe it can quickly give this teen a thicker mustache? doesn't look like it. will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn. can it help... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. i'start at the new carfax.comar. show me minivans with no reported accidents. boom. love it. [struggles] show me the carfax. start your used car search at the all-new cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. it's been said diamonds are a girl's best friend. apparently robbers dressed in drag like them, as well. this video is out of florida. and where police say two armed men disguised as women held up a jewelry store in pompano beach. they forced workers into the back of the store and then started grabbing the goods. >> their attempts at escaping weren't so great either. one of the crooks you see there. >> that's tough to do in heels. >> ran across the store and then fell on his face on to a desk. apparently at same men robbed a check cashing store the day before. we don't know whether they were wearing the same outfits or not then. >> let's just point out, those are horrible drag costumes. >> hey, it's been effective because these guys are still at large so -- did the trick. >> all right. >> we're going to stay in florida and turn now to what was a dramatic standoff. >> the standoff inside a jacksonville credit union happened months ago. we're now seeing surveillance video as the suspect takes 13 people hostage. here's abc's steve osunsami. >> reporter: the surveillance video of this hostage situation, released to us by florida prosecutors is the heart of their case against 24-year-old nicolas humphrey. >> this is going to be an active shooter inside the bank. >> reporter: more than a dozen cameras were rolling when police say he terrorized customers and bank tellers at this jacksonville credit union in december. it's not clear that he ever asked for money, but the accused gunman is seen as plain as day putting his pistol to the head of a customer, forcing these bank employees to their knees, and pushing another to the front of the building. >> he threatened to kill hostages multiple times. >> reporter: this went on for nearly two hours until two people hiding in an office made a run for their lives. the distraction gave the s.w.a.t. team the break they needed to storm the credit union. humphrey's family says he has mental health issues. he is still in police custody, charged with armed robbery, kidnapping and auto theft. humphrey is pleading not guilty and will appear in court at the end of this month. steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. >> that court appearance due march 23rd. when we come back, a first look at mama june's transformation. >> "the skinny" is next. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. from surfaces for up to 48 hours. you can pick up the flu it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ and it is time for your friday "skinny." we're going to start with what really was big news that "game of thrones" fans got. eventually. >> hbo finally revealed when winter is coming, but only after a torturous facebook live segment in which they hid the news inside a block of ice in which millions of fans were forced to sit and literally watch fire melt ice. >> they had to wait through multiple technical glitches. it didn't work out, as well. there were freezes. the streams died several times before they found out season 7 premieres on july 16th immediately after hbo released its first official season 7 trailer. >> there's only one wall that mattered. the great wall. and it is here. >> and what does it mean? well, however, the twitterverse still reacting to the painful fire melting ice publicity snafu. like this tweet. is it me or did millions of people just spend ten minutes watching a block of ice not melt to reveal the "game of thrones" season 7 premiere date. >> another fan said it was worse than ramsey's death scene. >> that's pretty bad. >> ouch. next to a sneak peek of the amazing transformation of mama june. >> "here comes honey boo boo" star has undergone gastric surgery and skin removal surgeries and implemented a strict diet as well as exercise regimen. wow, she looks amazing. she's in a new series called "mama june from not to hot" documenting her dramatic slimdown from 460 pounds to what's being reported as a size 4. >> and we tv has released a promo of tonight's episode. >> hey, what are you doing? >> cleaning my money and counting it. >> fixing to go do my workout. be gone for a couple hours. >> do you have a minute? >> yeah, i do. >> i kind of have to tell you something. >> what did you do at something? >> why does it have to be something i did at school. you know i love you. >> that full episode of mama june "from not to hot" airs tonight on we tv. keeping with the theme, dramatic transformations, oprah winfrey is turning into the incredible shrinking woman, as well. >> she certainly is. the media mogul looks stunning on the cover of her magazine this month showing off her slim figure. >> oprah is 63 years old and looking decades younger. did her own sound of music twirl in a field of wildflowers for a shoot in telluride, colorado. >> she was decked out in a tight fitting top, fitted green army jacket and an a-line floral maxi skirt. >> oprah says she's down 45 pounds since joining weight watchers but she says it's all because she made the switch from dieting to a lifestyle change. so she still eats bread. >> still eats bread. and finally, a quick congrats to mark zuckerberg. >> the facebook ceo announcing on facebook of course, he and his wife dr. priscilla chan are expecting another baby girl. congratulations to them. ♪ cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. from surfaces for up to 48 hours. you can pick up the flu it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. mthat stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. ♪ ♪ >> so wiretaps, obamacare, travel bans, oh, my. >> white house politics once again dominated this week's news headlines, but there was room for a bit of levity. here now is our weekly friday rewind. >> i can say there was no wiretap against trump tower during the campaign. as far as i know, there was not sufficient evidence that would merit justifying a wiretap to a court. >> i've never heard that allegation made before by anybody. >> at this point, i've seen no evidence of what he's alleged. >> we are on a mission to repeal and replace obamacare. it's a rescue mission to save families and patients all across this country. >> by some estimates 10 million people could lose their coverage. is that acceptable to you? >> look, what matters is that we're lowering the cost of health care and giving people access to affordable insurance plans. >> i have insurance now but probably going to lose it unless this is fixed. >> what's your message to lawmaker who are pushing this bill forward? >> leave it alone. >> this is part of our efforts to eliminate vulnerabilities that radical terrorists will exploit for destructive ends. >> guess what, president trump, your muslim ban 2.0 is still unconstitutional and still illegal. >> there were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships worked even longer even harder for less. >> this is just the latest time that wikileaks has humbled the u.s. government. they accomplished hundreds of thousands of classified files from the state department and the pentagon. but this is in some ways wikileaks most daring release yet. >> a day without a woman is a day without peace. >> i'm a mom. like many of us here are, right? and we've got a lot to do. >> niece are uncertain, even trying times, but as we all stop to look fear in the face, the result has not only been passion but action. >> as a marine corps veteran, i'm disheartened and disgusted with this scandal. >> i felt like my privacy had been taken away from me. >> i'm ryan gosling. i dedicate this award to yoko. thank you very much. >> so that's not ryan gosling. >> no, it's really not. an imposter. the only thing missing in the rewind was samuel jackson's response to ben carson talking about slaves being immigrants. >> it was not necessarily pg, his response. >> you have to look it up. >> yes. don't miss our updates on facebook. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now." informing insomniacs for two decades making news in america this morning, breaking overnight one of america's staunchest allies in asia in crisis right now. overnight its president removed from office. deadly protests in the streets. here at home, snow is on the move. just as tens of millions of people are on their way to work. that snow coupled with viciously powerful winds, the forecast coming up. new this morning, high drama on hollywood boulevard. in a scene reminiscent of a movie, a suspect leads police on a chase that ends in the heart of tinseltown. and caught on camera, the robbers who got all dolled up before hitting a jewelry store. at one point even flying into a desk.

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