Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20170228 :

Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20170228

i see a lot of these out of asia, china, in particular, where they set up the big squares. every single one of them, hundreds of prospects. >> i wanted this to be real so bad. but after looking at it a number of times, i sighed. i just want you to know i'm not the only one trying to get away due the to a jerk. >> our reaction, they thought real, too. everyone gets full from time to time. >> okay, i don't feel so bad. very good. mac, good job, brother. hope you had fun. (tiffany) ask yourself what your children or cigarettes. for as long as i can remember, my mother smoked. she died from lung cancer when i was 16. i could not take the chance of continuing smoking and not being here for my daughter. i know how much i needed my mom still, and i didn't realize it until i had lost her. you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. so this video comes from poland so this video comes from poland. watch carefully. shows why you don't do that. >> so those railroad crossing arms were actually down but you see the driver goes past the barrier. the train clips the back of the car. the whole thing goes into a spin. here's the thing, it's not clear why the driver went through the gates. reports are coming out that the driver was sober and he is now in serious condition. >> you would think he would see it. it's off to his left. >> the car is pretty low. so maybe he just wasn't paying attention and just drove right under it. >> speaking of train wrecks, we're getting a better understanding of that one that we call the oscars. >> that's going to win segue of the week right there. >> yeah. >> the accounting firm responsible for the winner's envelope says that staffers didn't act quickly enough to correct the error that led to the fiasco. pwc is taking full responsibility for warren beatty and faye dunaway being handed the wrong envelope before announcing the oscar for best picture. >> so this now deleted tweet showing oscar winner emma stone backstage was sent by pwc's brian cullinan just before the best picture announcement. that is raising questions about whether he was distracted from his official duties of handing out the envelopes. on his show last night, oscar host jimmy kimmel shedding some light on what we didn't see. >> and i'm now sitting in the audience watching these speeches. the plan is for me to end the show from the audience in a seat next to matt damon. but we're sitting there and we notice some commotion going on and matt says i think i heard the stage manager say they got the winner wrong stage manager's on. the stage manager is never on camera. it's very unusual. we're sitting there. you kind of figure, well, you know, the host will go on stage and clear this up. then i remember, oh, i'm the host. >> kimmel's show also started with some mock surveillance video. we can see his security guard, quote security guard, guillermo rodriguez eating in the back there. he wipes his mouth on an envelope. and tosses it away. that starts the confusion. guillermo takes down more tequila. >> the stage managers rush onto the stage. >> that's when we knew something was wrong when you saw the stage manager on stage because that never actually happens. oh, hey, mark. it's our stage manager. >> more of your diva treatment. >> he ignores me for the 90 minutes that we're here. >> we've got the right scripts now. it turns out we are out of time. >> we have power. >> we've got to move on. >> exactly, thanks, mark. when we come back, guillermo takes to the red carpet to embarrass the "a" listers. >> and it could finally be time for the fantasy suites. our chief senior "bachelor" analyst joins us for "the skinny" next. >> what goes on in the fantasy suite? >> they have tea -- and crumpets. suite? >> they have tea and crumpets. suite. >> they have tea and crump pets. maybe it can quickly give this teen a thicker mustache? doesn't look like it. will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn. can it help... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. babies aren't fully developed until at least 39 weeks. a healthy baby is worth the wait. ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ >> skinny time. we are getting down to the nitty gritty on abc's "the bachelor." >> let's pull in our chief global executive senior bachelor analyst contributor jack sheahan. >> that's a good title. >> it's getting longer and longer. >> try to work that in. kendis and diane, it's a numbers game on "the bachelor" as we grind toward the finale. four women started last night. three are left. two weeks to go. mercifully. roll that beautiful "bachelor" footage. >> the whole thing started with nick and his old flame andi dorfman in nick's hotel room in brooklyn. no highlights here. there was some manufactured drama. lots of nonsense. moving on, next. >> okay. >> it was a cold night in brooklyn for the rose ceremony. four women still waiting for their roses. who was that? that was raven. she got a rose. >> okay. >> and let's see who is next. that's rachel. rachel gets a rose. and third is -- >> corrine. >> vanessa gets a rose. >> no, no. >> corrine, time to go back to miami. corrine, this country has enough problems right now. we don't need to have to deal with corrine any longer. nick walks her to the car, says thanks, no thanks. you're out of here. good-bye. >> that means she's single. >> yeah. >> she's available, kendis. >> she's available. >> next off to lapland in the nation of finland as we all learned in fifth grade. the first date, nick and raven, there was a helicopter. they were hanging out playing darts in a bar. this is going well. yeah, yeah. oh, right in the bull's eye. >> i didn't know that's how you play darts. >> it's an adaptation of the game. that's the lap adaptation of darts. that's the lap adaptation of doing shots right there. >> that one looks more familiar. >> so next, dinner, raven finally coming clean with nick and she tells nick she loves him. she also revealed some other, let's call them personal details. >> call them too much information. >> yes, that since we are on a family oriented show, granted it is the middle of the night, but it's still family oriented. >> it was like 8:00 and they kept teasing it. >> we'll leave those parts out. into the fantasy suite they go. which is where the whole thing left off. >> next week, a three-hour "bachelor" event including the women tell all. analyst out. >> that's it? >> never answered. >> the women tell all. >> yeah, i want to find out what happened in the fantasy suite. did she finally -- you know, what they teased? >> okay. >> okay. >> now to another stud on abc. no, not kendis. we're talking about guillermo. >> of. kimmel's sidekick has been sharing drinks with celebrities on the red carpet for years. but last night was a lot different. >> what do you want to say to the haters? >> you wish you were here, don't you? >> if you see jimmy kimmel he needs to sign my time card ticket so i can get paid. >> i can sign it. >> oh, yeah, go ahead and sign it. which one is the best picture of the year? >> "moonlight." >> no, this is the best picture of the year. >> we should probably kiss. >> we should kiss, me and you? >> [ muted ] it. the most action i've gotten in a long time. >> i think charlize is thinking that she's done worse. >> she says the most action i've gotten in a long time. >> by the way, that was the ceo of disney that guillermo was asking to sign his timecard. >> mahershala ali is having a good couple of days. he's a new dad and won the oscar and now -- >> now he's a calvin klein model. shirtless, pensive looking in these gorgeous pictures. >> yeah. would it kill to eat a pizza, guys? 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[ male announcer ] with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. so don't wait. call now and request this free decision guide to help you better understand medicare... and which aarp medicare supplement plan might be best for you. there's a wide range to choose from. we love to travel - and there's so much more to see. so we found a plan that can travel with us. anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now - and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. wow! but what other teen problems can it fix fast? maybe it can quickly give this teen a thicker mustache? doesn't look like it. will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn. can it help... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. i'my bargain detergentgh a couldn't keep up.isaster. so, i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated, so i get a better clean. tide. number one rated. it's got to be tide ♪ i'm in love ♪ i'm in love with the shape of you, push and pull like a magnet do ♪ ♪ although my heart is pulled in two, i'm in love with your body ♪ ♪ last night you were in my room now my bed sheets smell like you ♪ >> love that song. it is awesome. >> so a powerful new mini series "when we rise" premiered on abc chronicling the civil rights movements. >> elizabeth hur goes behind the scenes. >> this is much bigger than you realize. you all have to get yourselves together. >> reporter: whoopi goldberg and rosie o'donnell. >> you've got a loud voice. we could use another loud voice. >> reporter: among the special guest stars portraying real people. >> we are not a menace. we will not be silent any longer. >> reporter: whose real struggles fighting for equality are captured in "when we rise." >> to me "when we rise" is a love letter to all who have felt repressed. >> reporter: it's a project four years in the making. >> there's something just juicy and compelling and you just don't want to stop watching. >> reporter: showcasing the setbacks of the start of the gay, women's, and civil rights movements in the 70s. >> i pronounce you spouses for life. '70s. >> i pronounce you spouses for life. >> reporter: to the triumphs of recent years. >> the beautiful thing about the show is that it shows you a glimpse of what life used to look like before those rights were there. >> cut. cut, cut, cut. >> oscar winning writer dustin lance black calls this his passion project. >> it's not when i rise, it's not when you rise, it's not when lgbt people rise. this is called "when we rise." >> reporter: a timely story he says is about real families, their hopes that is both relatable and inspiring. > it isn't just about politics or policy. this is about families how we all should be rising up together and that we have more in common than some people seem to be expressing. > whoever you are, you are not alone. >> reporter: elizabeth hur, abc news, new york. >> all right. big day for abc. but it's a big day around here. you know what? today is diane's birthday. yes! >> yes. >> we spared no expenses. >> oh, wow. okay. >> happy birthday. we gave you a whopping ten seconds for this celebration. >> okay. >> happy birthday. >> thank you. >> to you. i'd like to thank the academy. i'd like to thank my parents for supporting me. ♪ happy birthday to you >> i'd like to thank the delivery guy that delivered my chicken fingers. ♪ happy birthday >> more hats good morning. i'm diane macedo. >> i'm kendis gibson. here are some of the top headlines we're following on this tuesday morning on "world news now." president trump getting ready to deliver his first address to a joint session of congress tonight. now, his merging plan to replace obamacare will be high on the agenda a day after declaring that nobody knew that health care could be so complicated. a full report straight ahead. at least three people have been killed after a small plane crashed into two homes in riverside, california. rescue crews are still searching for potential victims as we learn some new details about who was on board that plane. we'll have the latest on that story straight ahead. nearly two dozen more bomb threats have been called into jewish community centers and schools. no injuries were reported. monday's incident sparked renewed calls for strong and swift response from the federal government. >> and think airfare is expensive? how about $200 million. that's how much spacex says two expensive? how about $200 million. that's how much spacex says two private citizens will shell out for its first ever launch of humans into space on a week long journey around the moon next year and they're not astronauts. by the way, they're tourists. we're going to tell you more on this be story on this tuesday, february 28th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> $200 million sounds like a steal. >> a bargain price to be a guinea pig. >> yeah, exactly. i thought the teslas were expensive. no, not at all. what is expensive and costly and time consuming is trying to replace obamacare. the president is coming to that realization and he's getting ready to address congress about it. the white house advisers say the theme will be optimism. >> the president is expected to use tonight's primetime speech to cover everything from border security to infrastructure and obamacare. and this as he puts the finishing touches on a new federal budget abc's stephanie ramos has more. >> reporter: kendis and diane, good morning. today president trump will address congress for the first time. and you know, this is a scene that many didn't expect this time last year. but president trump has already hinted at some of the topics he'll talk about. president trump is talking obamacare, government spending. >> these are dangerous times. >> reporter: and teasing his first address to congress on fox and friends. >> all i can do is speak from the heart and say what i want to do. we have a really terrific i believe health care plan coming out. i'll be talking about the military. i'll be talking about the border. and remember this, on the border and throughout our country, we're getting the bad ones out. the bad people, gang members, drug lords, in some cases murderers. >> reporter: a new budget proposal is also in the works. the administration says it will be sent to congress next month. >> this budget will be a public safety and national security budget. >> reporter: the budget includes a massive $54 billion increase in defense spending and major cuts to agencies like the epa, also foreign aid and domestic programs. >> this defense spending increase will be offset and paid for by finding greater savings and efficiencies across the federal government. >> reporter: also at the white house, health insurance company ceos. trump holding a meeting with them saying that the affordable care act is a failure. >> we must work together to save americans from obamacare. >> reporter: trump says he wants to work with the executives on the transition to a new plan. as for the fight against isis, the pentagon has worked up a plan for the administration to review. the pentagon says it's designed to speed up the fight against isis around the world, not just in iraq and syria. kendis, diane, back over to you. >> step of stephanie, thanks. attorney general jeff sessions is reviewing an obama administration memo that gave states flexibility to pass laws on marijuana. sessions said the justice department will try to adopt responsible policies to enforce anti-marijuana laws and he added that according to experts, there's more violence around pot than people think. >> the senate has confirmed billionaire wilbur ross as commerce secretary. ross is promising to work quickly to renew the nafta trade deal. president trump tweeted his congratulations including a picture signing a commission for ross to take the post on his economic team. breaking news from southern california where a small plane crashed into a neighborhood. the cessna 310 slammed into two homes shortly after takeoff from the riverside municipal airport. erupting into the fireball you see there and destroying both homes and damaging a third. at least three people were killed and two others were injured and the search continues for more victims. >> we only have one victim that we know who was from the plane that is alive and is at riverside community hospital, and the other victims are scattered throughout the wreckage. we're unable to determine if they were victims from the residence or from the aircraft itself. >> that fire chief says that the occupants of the plane were father, mother, and three teenage girls who were returning to san jose after a weekend cheerleading conference at disneyland. >> we have an important decision in now ahead of bill cosby's trial on a sexual assault charge. a judge ruled his fate will be decided by a sequestered jury and than jury will be chosen from a different part of pennsylvania than the one where cosby's trial will take place. cosby has pleaded not guilty to charges he sexually assaulted a former temple university named andrea constand. that trial is scheduled to start in early june. a british tabloid reports o.j. simpson could be paroled within months after serving a fraction of his current 33-year prison sentence. that report says a parole board in july is expected to recommend simpson's release based on good behavior. the earliest possible date for his release would be early october. that would mean he would have spent nine years behind bars for armed robbery and kidnaps. scientists say a fireball spotted over the skies of the south pacific was probably nothing to worry about. this image was captured by locals in hobart in tasmania off the coast of australia. this morning, physicists say it wasn't consistent with a meteor or a satellite because it was moving too slowly. they think it was probably an airplane lit by the rising sun. there was a commercial jet in the area at the time. that's what they think it was. but i saw a lot of like alien movies that started that way. >> ah. >> yeah. a mixed weather day in seattle that included rain, snow and thunder. also saw that. lightning strike on the space needle. the landmark was not damaged. officials at the needle say it has 24 lightning rods plus the spire to prevent damage from lightning strikes. >> also the aliens were just trying to say hi, they didn't want to do damage. >> no, not yet. exactly. tim tebow, the former quarterback and heisman trophy winner, is hanging up his pads for his bat and his glove. he has signed a minor league deal back in september with the new york mets and now he joined the team in port st. lucie florida, for some spring training. >> yeah, he did. he caught some balls. look at him. he hit some. and he held a news conference where he discussed the pressures that he's feeling after switching sports. >> i'm not going to worry about, you know, what everyone's writing or what everybody's thinking or however i'm being marketed. i think for me i just want to be able to continue the process, enjoy the process, enjoy every day. get to know my teammates and you know have fun out there. >> is he dreamy? >> yes. >> yes. >> yes, he is. he's on my list. >> really? hotter than tom brady? >> he's got a different kind of appeal to him, yeah. >> okay. >> not hotter than ryan gosling though. ryan gosling is still number one. >> we had symptom important notes to mention about tim tebow after that, but decided that was more important discussing whether hot or not. atlanta hawks dwight howard has been known to embarrass a few of his opponents throughout the years. >> now he's done it to a fan. it's just as cold as if he had taken them to the rim. howard had just been ejected from the hawks game with boston. he's leaving the court and decides to give his jersey to a fan. oh, that's cold. >> oh, denied. >> that celtics fan rejected. she was all excited. >> oh, look at the reactions of everyone around them. >> like man, that's cold. >> oh. like oh, no, you didn't. >> she's like you know all those rumors about you, d. howard, are true. >> she give him the stink eye big-time. >> yeah, deservedly. coming up, the health scare for a popular weight loss guru. hear what landed "the biggest loser" host bob harper inside the hospital. >> and the most exciting fair of the year for the kid inside all of us. our giz wiz dick debartolo takes us inside this year's toy fair in new york. first, here's a look at today's temperatures. >> announcer: "world news now" weather, brought to you by lysol. (achoo!) did you know you can pick up cold & flu viruses from things in your home for up to 48 hours? it's like having a sick family member that you didn't even know was there. and we all know what happens when one family member gets sick. but lysol spray and lysol wipes kill 99.9% of germs including 8 common cold & flu viruses to help protect your home. this cold and flu season help keep your home happy and healthy and lysol that. garden party for her birthday. a fabulous so i mowed the lawn, put up all the decorations. i thought i got everything. almost everything! you know, 1 in 10 houses could get hit by a septic disaster, and a bill of up to $13,000. but for only $7 a month, rid-x is scientifically proven to break down waste, helping you avoid a septic disaster. rid-x. the #1 brand used by septic professionals in their own tanks. shis it dna or olay? er than she should. new olay regenerist helps take years off your skin age so you can look younger. who needs dna when you have olay? new regenerist. i'm good. i just took newl take mucinex clear and cool. ah! what's this sudden cooling thing happening? it's got a menthol burst. you can feel it right away. wow, that sort of blind-sided me. and it clears my terrible cold symptoms. ahh! this is awkward. new mucinex clear & cool. feel the menthol burst. while powerful medicine clears your worst cold symptoms. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. i ...prilosec otc 7 years ago,my doctor recommended... 5 years ago, last week. just 1 pill each morning, 24 hours and zero heartburn. it's been the number 1 doctor recommended brand for 10... ...straight years, and it's still recommended today. use as directed. ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. and check out this dramatic scene in chile. this plays out at a popular resort. helicopters had to come in to airliftvationers there after flood-triggered landslides blocked access to roads. some 400 people are still vati flood-triggered landslides blocked access to roads. some 400 people are still stranded in that region and the floods killed at least three people and have left more than a million without clean drinking water. this morning we're learning more about what led to actor bill paxton's death. >> he was only 61 years old. here's abc's kayna whitworth with more. >> reporter: he was a hollywood favorite. and the world learned of the loss just hours before the oscars. >> can you tell us who the woman in the picture is? >> reporter: bill paxton was a prolific actor known for roles in blockbuster movies like "titanic." >> tell us, rose. >> it's been 84 years. >> reporter: one of paxton's first big breaks, the obnoxious older brother chet, in "weird science." >> do you realize it's snowing in my room? >> reporter: then, "aliens." >> looks great! >> reporter: and later taking the starring role in "twister." >> tighten your seat belt. >> reporter: one of his most critically acclaimed roles, "apollo 13." >> houston, we got a pretty large bang there, associated with a master alarm. >> reporter: tributes now pouring in. co-star tom hanks tweeting, "bill paxton was, simply, a wonderful man." the two also starring in the upcoming movie "the circle," a film that's now paxton's final farewell to tinseltown. paxton was just 61, and abc news has learned he suffered a stroke after undergoing heart surgery. paxton leaves his two children and wife of 30 years behind. >> i'm a believer. >> kayna whitworth, abc news, los angeles. >> so young. and on that note, celebrity fitness trainer and host of "the biggest loser" bob harper is recovering from a major heart attack that left him unconscious for two days. >> it reportedly happened two weeks ago during a workout at a gym in new york city. luckily, there was a doctor in the gym who jumped in to perform cpr and use a defibrillator. >> the 51-year-old tells tmz that he spent eight days recovering inside a new york hospital and still hasn't been cleared to fly home to los angeles. just 51 years old. unbelievable for someone whose life revolves around fitness. >> yeah, for 51 also. from all those videos he looks as if he's in great shape. you can never tell. hopefully he's on the mend now. coming up, it's all fun and games as our own giz wiz dick debartolo goes inside the 2017 toy fair. toy fair. clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. wow! but what other teen problems can it fix fast? maybe it can quickly give this teen a thicker mustache? doesn't look like it. will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn. can it help... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. ♪ quit playing games with my heart, with my heart, my heart, my heart ♪ >> figure out why? >> because of games. >> oh, games, that's it. then i also realized i was doing britney spears whose "i did it again," instead of, i don't know what the dance was for that song. ♪ i played with your heart got lost in the game ♪ so the whole point of playing that song was because we're talking about games. these are more fun than games with your heart though. we're taking a special look at the cool and crazy new hi-tech toys coming out this year. >> each year around this time our giz wiz dick debartolo, according to wiki, is 71 years old but he turns into an 8-year-old because of the toy fair. >> it's toy fair. what can you say about toy fair. it's toys, it's fair. no, it's toys, it's a lot of fun. and we're going to find out the trends of 2017 toy fair and adrienne here is going to help us by doing that. >> why i. so we're seeing a lot of fun trends at this year's show. >> we've heard of a go cart. this is a notch above that. this is a smart car. >> there's a wi-fi connection so the parent can remotely supervise their kid that's driving the cart around using their mobile app. >> i say he's going about 7 or miles hour. how fast could it go? >> maximum speed is 12 miles an hour. the parents can dial that down if they want to. you can stop the cart immediately if they get in a dangerous area. because there's gps, we can define a geofence that will not allow the car to go outside the perimeter. >> can you pick me up at 35:00? >> schoenhut has been making pianos. this year at toy fair they have? >> schoenhut has been making pianos. this year at toy fair they have an entire digital line. so if you want to learn how to play piano, get your favorite app ios or android. now i will play rhapsody -- there is no time. well, you're lucky. let's go on. >> we're seeing a lot of wearables, music, a lot of coding and robots. >> there are tons of drones but we've done drones forever. i'm looking for different things like weird bugs. look at this here. >> dick, that is a drone. >> this is a drone? >> this is a drone. this is drone force. a team of creature inspired drones. each has a different feature. angler attack down here, he lights up. morphzilla morphs drive on the ground, take off and fly into the sky. >> you learn something at every toy fair. and oh, oh, i think i'm learning that i've got to get out of here. >> learning toys, educational toys. they're really that wow moment that kids have so much fun playing they don't know they're learning. >> amazing toys. well, why is it amazing? i'm going to show you. steve is like he's whacko. he brings all these chemicals. last year when i left here, i was frozen for two weeks. it was so strange. so what do we have now? cheerios. >> we've got liquid nitrogen. we're sauteing them. so this now goes inside. >> oh. >> so good. >> are you hungry? >> yeah. >> inside. >> oh, yeah. that's perfect. >> don't worry, man, it's only slightly toxic. by ingestion. >> okay, we'll be back in 2018. >> where did he go? >> dick, where are you? >> another trend we're seeing are movies. movies are always hot. licensing is a big part of the industry. 2017 promises to be a blockbuster year for movie toys. >> i was going to walk right by the folkmanis puppets. we end with them every year. i thought -- oh, i guess we have to -- oh, look at you. colorful disney characters re-created from 1939. how is it going? >> hi, how are you? >> also have the classic trends. all those classic toys we both had as kids. sometimes that classic styled vintage and sometimes they're refreshed for a new generation of kids. >> the giz wiz loves trains and bluetooth. lionel now has bluetooth trains. look at this. you can control it with your smartphone. so we have a throttle, we have the whistle. now if they had a bluetooth subway train, i would like that. so that's toy fair. we'll see you next -- oh, did you want to go inside? all right, let's do that. ♪ >> covered a lot of ground. >> very fun assignment. speaking of fun, see how we are celebrating mardi gras next. >> would you like a bead? know what you got to do. >> how did you get purple ones? to do. >> how did you get purple ones? hd-5-1490 hd-5-1490 clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. wow! but what other teen problems can it fix fast? maybe it can quickly give this teen a thicker mustache? doesn't look like it. will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn. can it help... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. ♪ you know if you're going to new orleans, you ought to go see the mardi gras ♪ ♪ >> i don't know if that's what they do. >> happy fat tuesday, everybody. >> are you -- it's just like that's what we do in these suits. >> i'm going to do a little samba. >> be careful, they might catch fire doing that. >> yeah. >> so today, of course, lots of celebrations happening all over the place. >> yes, it's time to drink and eat everything you want because lent is about to start. >> exactly. these are like videos of the celebrations happening in new orleans. plenty of parades planned today. i think about a dozen parades planned today just in new orleans. >> fun. >> yes. >> and even though we're not going there, we figured we'd dress the part at least and have our own little party here. >> we're jamming to music. we don't have a king cake but we do have a queen. i was referring to myself. kidding. let's open up our "world news now" inbox, shall we? your reaction to that huge awards ceremony. the "wnn" nowscars. >> obviously. >> yes, it was such a hit that the power actually went out. >> yeah, that's how many people were tuning in. >> just imagine the panic in the studios here. this happened in the commercial break before like two minutes before we were coming back on air. >> right, just the way there was this huge question of what caused the mix-up at the oscars, lots of people wanted to know what caused the blackout at the world news nowscars. and one viewer had their explanation for us. lady di, you were playing clips of kendis singing and dancing. how did you not expect to lose power? >> i resemble that remark. >> we also had a red carpet watch party with aunt barbara. >> she wasn't holding back when it came to who she thought was hot and who was not. >> wow. >> the lower part looks like a tornado. >> it kind of looks like a muppet or something. >> they should have saved is the feathers for just the bottom of the dress. >> yeah, jim henson was designing something for the oscars. >> wow, she looks like an oscar. >> she really does. >> she dressed the part. >> she does look like an oscar. that's way too much gold. >> maybe she's trying to bring him good luck. >> i've got her doll right here. >> seemed like the hit quote from aunt barbara of the night was it's a mullet dress. someone had a dress very high in the front and low in the bottom. >> lots of reasons to celebrate of course, mardi gras. i should actually -- you deserve it. you at home. >> you insomniacs need to join the party. >> there you go. we know what you're dressed like at home. >> happy fat tuesday, everybody. we know you earned those beads. >> here you go. breaking news this morning on "world news now." a horrific plane crash in a california neighborhood. >> a family flying home from a cheerleading competition slammed right into a couple of homes causing a mass i have fire .a nightmarish scene for first responders. hear what we're learn background those challenging rescue efforts after the plane completely broke apart on impact. and health care answers? after last week's raucous town halls where the top concern was the republicans plan to repeal and replace the affordable care act, president trump is now set to address the issue later tonight during his first speech to congress. we're going to have a full preview, ahead. and see what happened when an e-cigarette spontaneously combusts inside a man's pocket. talk about melting, how about your mind through this video trend that's bringing relief to insomniacs around the country. but what is this woman whispering and, furthermore, what is she doing in my ear? >> that is just me. >> oh, sorry. it was just you. what is she doing to that paddle? we're going to get weird on this final day of february. it is the 28th. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> i like that. >> yeah, it is very soothing indeed. we're going to break down how she's getting people to sleep and a little bit later on in the mix. but a terrible situation in southern california. >> we're starting this morning with breaking news there. a crash of a small plane into a neighborhood. >> shortly after taking off from the riverside municipal airport, roughly about an hour west of los angeles, the plane reportedly clipped one home, crashed into another, and sparked a fire that engulfed a third. >> two of those homes have been destroyed, at least three people are dead. two others injured and rescue crews are searching for additional victims. abc's alex stone has the latest. >> reporter: moments after the plane slammed into a home in this neighborhood, witnesses with their cell phones recording flames raging neighbors say as they ran up, a woman who identified herself as a pilot came crawling out half on fire. >> pull up to the house. we see this lady, she was crawling. half of her clothes was on fire. i need help, i need help. >> reporter: a teacher at a nearby school say they saw the plane flying too low, clearly going to crash. the alert going out to all firefighters responding. > units en route to alert 3. rps are advising the plane hit a residence and the residence is on fire. >> reporter: now of after hours of searching, firefighters say nobody on the ground was killed. three of the victims on board the plane died. two adult women who were on the plane survived. >> they were here from san jose for a cheer conference that is at disneyland this week. so unfortunately, we had that situation. >> reporter: the plane a twin engine cessna 310 had just taken off likely full of fuel from the riverside airport heading to san jose, california. seconds later it went down. when firefighters arrived on scene, they had no idea how many people were inside the home or how many had been on the plane. pieces of the plane could be seen scattered around the remains of the home. the ntsb and faa are beginning to investigate. alex stone, abc news, los angeles. so just a little bit more information that we're getting from this breaking news. the people that were inside the cessna, a husband, wife and three teenagers, as you heard that fire official say were returning from a cheerleading competition to san jose. that conference was at disneyland. one of those teenagers was thrown from the plane and suffered only minor injuries. firefighters still don't know how many victims were from the plane and how many were in those homes. >> quite a scene. this morning's other big story, a sweeping overhaul of obamacare is expected to be among tonight's key topics as president trump delivers his first address to congress. >> the president met with health insurance executives urging them to work together to save americans from obamacare. as a candidate, he had promised a quick fix. now for the first time, the president is acknowledging coming up with a replacement, not so easy after all. >> it's an unbelievably complex subject. nobody knew that healthcare could be so complicated. >> lawmakers continue to face back flash from americans afraid of losing their coverage. republican congressional leaders insist their plan will be better and cheaper. >> the president has announced plans to boost the defense budget by $54 billion. sparking talk of a possible showdown with congress. we'll get more details next month but most of the money would go toward new aircraft and fighters. the increase would be offset by cuts in domestic programs and foreign aid. veterans programs and law enforcement would be exempt from those cutbacks. one lawmaker says the defense spending proposal isn't enough. senator john mccain claiming the pentagon needs an increase of more than $90 billion. he says the $54 billion figure is just slightly higher than the amount proposed by the obama administration. mccain claims it would not allow america to secure peace through strength. and in addition to addressing obamacare, the president will use his "primetime" speech to declare progress on his campaign promises. overall, he's also expected to strike a more positive tone. karen travers has a preview. >> reporter: tonight's theme will be optimism. >> the renewal of the american spirit. >> reporter: president's trump speech to a joint session of congress is not officially a state of the union address. but he certainly made it clear what he considers that state to be. >> i inherited a mess. it's a mess. at home and abroad. a mess. jobs are pouring out of the country. low pay, low wages. mass instability overseas no matter where you look. >> reporter: on the economy, the trump administration points to slow growth in gdp and wages, manufacturing job losses, and the high cost of the affordable care act. but compared to eight years ago when president obama took office, president trump inherited an improving economy. the unemployment rate is low. there have been 76 straight months of job growth and the stock market is soaring. on foreign policy, president trump blasts the obama administration for its handling of the civil war in syria, the rise of isis and a deteriorating relationship with israel. that message was on display in the president's inauguration address when at times he struck a dark tone. >> this american carnage -- >> reporter: painting an ominous picture of the country today. but the white house says tonight's address will be sunny, an effort to channel the optimism of ronald reagan. >> yeah, i think he is -- this is an opportunity for him to lay out a very positive vision of the nation. >> reporter: look for the president to emphasize where he wants to take the country and the policies he'll try to put in place to get there. karen travers, abc news, washington. our thanks to karen. do remember to tune into abc news tuesday night for full coverage of the president's address starting at 9:00 p.m. eastern. >> jewish organizations are calling for strong federal response after another string of bomb threats. nearly two dozen incidents took place yesterday alone in 12 states. community centers and private schools all across the country reported threatening calls. of course, all of this comes a week following the jewish community centers association revealing there had been 69 threats since last month. the jcc is calling for concerted action from the federal government to find those responsible for all of this. and 51-year-old adam puritan has made his first court appearance in connection to what appears to be a racially motivated murder in kansas. bliss say he opened fire last week in a sports bar killing one indian man and wounding another. witnesses say he told his victims to get out of my country. for the first time we're hearing from the widow of the man who was killed. she's now worried about the numerous hate crimes in the u.s. increasing and she says her husband was full of love. >> he did love america. he did. he studied here. he made so many friends. we came here with so much of dreams. you have taken away from me my love. but i'm here to spread love. >> so the suspect is now charged with first degree murder and attempted murder. a bartender who called 911 to report the suspect told dispatchers he originally described his victims as iranian. it was another record day on wall street thanks to what some are calling a trump bump. ahead of promised big infrastructure announcement today by president trump, the dow closed at a record high for the 12th consecutive day. 20,837. it's the dow's longest winning streak since january of 1987. it has skyrocketed 2,400 points since election night. we're going to get into the epic best picture gaffe at the oscars later in this half hour. now another mistake. >> it happened during the in memoriam segment. a costume designer named janet patterson was included. >> that is not janet patterson. it's a productive named jan chapman, a friend of janet patterson. jan chapman is very much alive. she was disappointed by the error. >> whoops. and later this half hour, we are going to get to the bottom of that big hollywood ending from sunday night that everyone's talking about. so many conspiracy theorys are now swirling around. we've got new evidence that may reveal the distraction that caused the whole envelope mix-up. first the shocking scene meant to terrorize a black family during a children's birthday party. waving confederate flashings shouting threats and brandishing guns. the subject sentenced as emotions ran high in the courtroom. you're watching "world news now." emotions ran high in the courtroom. you're watching "world news now." ah! what's this sudden cooling thing happening? it's got a menthol burst. you can feel it right away. wow, that sort of blind-sided me. and it clears my terrible cold symptoms. ahh! this is awkward. new mucinex clear & cool. feel the menthol burst. while powerful medicine clears your worst cold symptoms. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. if you've got a life, you gotta swiffer clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. wow! but what other teen problems can it fix fast? maybe it can quickly give this teen a thicker mustache? doesn't look like it. will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn. can it help... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. you...smells fine, but yourin your passengers smell this bell dinging new febreze car with odorclear technology cleans away odors... ...for up to 30 days smells nice... breathe happy, with new febreze. ...have you tried the tissue test? question, are my teeth yellow? ugh, yellow... what do you use? crest whitestrips crest 3d whitestrips whiten... 25 times better than a leading whitening toothpaste i passed the tissue test. oh yeah. crest whitestrips are the way to whiten ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. we are getting a frightening reminder this morning about the dangers of e-cigarettes. that's surveillance video out of calgary, canada, showing a man's pants catching fire. a spare battery he was carrying in his pocket apparently shorted out when it came into contact with coins. it melted his polyester boxer shorts causing third degree burnsence. >> two people convicted of terrorizing a birthday party for an 8-year-old. >> the report of a group that waved confederate flags while shouting threats and racial slurs. here's abc's steve osunsami. >> reporter: 26-year-old jose torres and 25-year-old kayla norton were crying in court today, after learning they will do hard time. sentenced to 20 and 15 years in jail respectively. >> he had the gun! he the one that had the gun! >> reporter: back in the summer of 2015, they weren't nearly as tearful. they were part of this group of confederate flag supporters in pick-up trucks who spent two days, across two counties in the atlanta suburbs, threatening black families and calling them racial slurs. >> they're pulling rifles out on us! five trucks of white guys with rebel flags. >> reporter: this family was throwing a birthday party for a young child and called the police. >> they have got knives and guns. >> reporter: all this happened after south carolina removed its confederate battle flag from the statehouse. >> that is not me. that is not me. that is not him. i would never walk up to you and say those words to you. i'm so sorry that happened to you. >> you said -- affected my life, and it affected my children's lives. >> reporter: prosecutors used a georgia law, aimed at criminal street gangs to convict them. they are expected to appeal. steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. >> quite an emotional scene there be in georgia. >> yeah. coming up in our next half hour, an out of this world flight. spacex is planning on sending space tourists on a trip around the moon next year. so what does it cost? and more importantly, how dangerous is this? >> you go first. >> no, i'll be okay. i'd rather be faye dunaway in that situation. >> we'll be talking about the chaos and confusion of that moment at the oscars. that's next. as little as 12 hours. s in wow! but what other teen problems can it fix fast? maybe it can quickly give this teen a thicker mustache? doesn't look like it. will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn. can it help... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. "la la land." >> in retrospect what we know is warren was confused. he handed it to faye and let her read the name. in other words, clyde through in other words, clyde threw bonnie under the bus. >> that is jimmy kimmel talking about the now infamous oscar mishap. >> we're also hearing from some of the people who were apparently involved. here's abc's nick watt. >> and the academy award -- >> reporter: warren baity looks a little bewildered. more than 30 million americans are watching. > for best picture -- >> reporter: it's a live show, remember. >> come on. >> "la la land." >> faye dunaway announced "la la land" as best picture. hugs all around, thank yous and full switch. >> repression is the enemy of civilization. >> reporter: wait, what's with the worried looking guy in the headset? moonlight's mahershala had won earlier for best actor. >> i was like something's really wrong. >> this is not a joke. i'm afraid they read the wrong thing. this is not a joke. "moonlight" has won best picture. "moonlight," best picture. >> reporter: how could this happen? a clue on the hot mike. >> what? >> "moonlight" was tough. certainly didn't show up tonight thinking that's what would happen. yeah, it was a bit of a shock. >> reporter: thanks for the understatement, jordan. >> i think i needed to hear them say it multiple times and pull us up there. >> reporter: there was twitter love. "moonlight" barry jenkins tweeting jason horowitz, much respect to that dude. >> they're acting like this is a massive scandal. >> here's the deal. there are actually two of every card. pricewaterhousecoopers partners each carry a briefcase filled with a full stack. they stand either side of the stage and hand them out to the presenters. our own brandi hitt interviewed them both last year. >> has there ever been a mistake? >> no, there hasn't. >> that's martha ruiz. the other is brian cullinan. cullinan gave beatty best actress, not best picture. it is plain to see on the envelope. >> if they have to have two sets of cards, the second you give that award out, you shred the other card. you don't leave it laying around for someone to pick up and give to warren beatty. >> pricewaterhousecooper has handled oscar ballots pretty well for 82 years issued this statement taking full responsibility for the mistake saying that once the error occurred, protocols for correcting it were not followed through quickly enough by mr. cullinan or his partner. pwc apologized to the cast and crew of "la la land" and "moonlight." way back in '64, something similar happened to sammy davis jr. >> john addison for tom jones. >> addison had won in just a different category. >> they gave me the wrong envelope. wait till the naacp hears about this. >> reporter: listen, "la la land" had already won six other golds. "moonlight" had only one two. it is a deserving win. even "la la's" miss stone agrees. >> i [ bleeped ] love "moonlight." i love it so much. >> what you looking at me like that for? you just drove down here. >> reporter: the tale of a gay man growing up struggling in grimy '80s miami. >> the only problem is we're not talking about what's important about "moonlight." "moonlight" is the first movie about the lgbtq experience in america to win best picture. >> reporter: now a win that will live in oscar lore forever. >> very unfortunate what happened. personally, i blame steve harvey for this. i would like to see you get an honor, anyway. why can't we just give out a whole bunch of them. >> reporter: nick watt for "nightline" in hollywood. >> jimmy kimmel, job well done. coming up, a tube channel to help insomniacs. it is time for the mix. acs. well done. >> coming up, ayew tube channel to help insomniacs. r home for up to 48 hours? it's like having a sick family member that you didn't even know was there. and we all know what happens when one family member gets sick. but lysol spray and lysol wipes kill 99.9% of germs including 8 common cold & flu viruses to help protect your home. this cold and flu season help keep your home happy and healthy and lysol that. ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. or is it your allergy pills? holding you back break through your allergies. introducing flonase sensimist. more complete allergy relief in a gentle mist you may not even notice. using unique mistpro technology, new flonase sensimist delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances that cause your symptoms. most allergy pills only block one. and six is greater than one. break through your allergies. new flonase sensimist. ♪ clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. wow! but what other teen problems can it fix fast? maybe it can quickly give this teen a thicker mustache? doesn't look like it. will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn. can it help... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. you won't see these folks they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. get a 4 week trial, plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again. ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. it is time for the mix. we are going to start with a brain orgasm. >> now i have everyone's attention. >> you had me at brain. >> these videos are taking youtube by storm. they're called autonomy sensory meridian response videos. say that three times fast. here's one of the big players, maria. she only reveals her first name and she has a channel called gentle whispering asmr, the nickname for the videos. 880,000 subscribers. her top five videos have 47 million views. she does all this weird whispery thing and 82% of viewers report it helps them fall asleep. >> where does the o part come from. >> for some it helps them something else. >> really. >> 82% is just for sleeping. >> okay. we'll take the sleeping part. >> we need that. >> yes, we need the sleeping part. >> i want to give it a try and see because i don't fully get how it works. but maybe if i just -- what do you think, kendis, how am i doing? kendis? kendis? [ snoring ] >> wow. i need a cigarette. that was good. >> okay. 5 percenter over here. let's move on now because you know what? in rio, there are a whole bunch of people partying right now. it is the last day of carnivale down there. that includes everybody, including one of the clean-up guys at the samba drome. look at him. so this is of course, where had he held the big parade every year ahead of mardi gras during account carnivale season. there you go, he can't stop the feeling. > can he give us some lessons. >> i'm going to reveal some really snazzy pants. >> i think i'm doing it. >> you know what he's doing? he's just making sure that he doesn't clean while the other guys are there like, there you go. i got to clean. >> kind of like when we don't feel like reads this news we start dancing and hope nobody notices. next up in "the mix," a new way for the baby gender reveal. you know how people have all the new creative ways. a friend of a coup in dallas, texas, she decided to come up with this way. she constructed this sort of mock-up of a pregnant woman made of balloons and had mom pop the center balloon in that -- the balloons were pink. that means you have a baby girl. >> oh, okay. >> this is cute. want to get to it. this golden retriever trying to bury its bone under pillows. >> oh. >> how did they don't help single moms. hi. hi. what happened to our house last year? it flooded. and the water flooded out. yeah. the red cross arranged the hotel for us. they gave me that break, that leverage, to be able to get it together and... take care of them, you know? i feel like we've come full circle. like that! this is how i'll do it. sarah: there you go. this morning on "world news now," the final frontier. spacex has unveiled plans to send humans into deep space for the first time in decades. and they're not astronauts. they're tourists. so what could this mean for human exploration and the survival of our species? we'll have the full story just ahead. we're following breaking news out of southern california this morning. look at this. that fireball is the result of a plane slamming into a neighborhood. that family that was on board returning from disneyland. we'll have the latest from the scene. and new this half hour, what really caused that whole embarrassing mix-up at the oscars? >> so the show's host, jimmy kimmel, of course, returning to his own late night show and gave up the goods. we'll have the details. later in "the skinny," the triumphant trio of bachelor contestants. who made the final cut? the season's coming down to the wire. everybody is already second guessing nick's decision. we all know only one woman can have his heart for eternity or or at least until next week. our analyst is fired up this morning on this tuesday, february 28th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." i don't know where to begin. do we begin with like the bachelor and hoping to send off all four of them to space or -- >> that would be a good reality show. >> that would be. or do i say you can test out this whole elon musk thing first. >> that's my motto. you go first. >> you go first. >> i'm right behind you, buddy. >> really, a huge declaration by elon musk. >> it would be the first time someone is on the moon. 56 years. so the founder of spacex, the private company, they've been shuttling supplies to the international space station for a while now. now they're laying out plans to fly two private citizens on a mission around the moon by late next year. >> so pretty soon. >> yeah. >> the week-long journey would travel deeper into space than any human has ever ventured before. >> he's launched rockets, landing the reusable first stage on land and on an ocean barge. so when asked by two people can we fly to the moon, elon musk said yes. despite the fact that last year and the year before, his company spacex spectacularly lost two rockets, would you ride to the moon? >> i think they are entering this with their eyes open knowing there is some risk here. they're certainly not naive. >> the plan to launch the two people in 18 months on a slingshot journey past the moon and then back to earth, the first deep space travel in nearly 50 years. the two citizen astronauts getting the view the apollo astronauts got of the moon. a round trip ticket more than $200 million. and musk says this won't be the only flight. >> i don't know. >> well, not only did they find two people that want to do this, those two people approached the company and they are paying for the trip but they haven't revealed who they are. >> he says they know the risk. is that a really, really expensive funeral for them? >> or the story of a lifetime. >> that indeed. you know, it's been since 1972 since we've been that deep into space. >> so cool. >> if there's anybody who can do it, we're all believers in elon musk. look at that. they can land a rocket back on earth in the middle of the ocean. >> between tesla and spacex, he's already accomplished so many things everyone said would be impossible. here's one more. we hope that first flight works out according to plan. >> i knew he could do big things when he got me to pay my bills on paypal. >> saved my life. as president trump prepares to address congress and the country tonight, he's pushing back against claims that his campaign staffers were coordinating with russia. >> the republican chairman of the house intelligence committee looking into the allegations says so far he's heard no evidence that anyone from the trump campaign was in contact with the russians. but the leading democrat on the committee says it was premature to reach any conclusions. here's abc's jonathan karl. >> reporter: the white house firmly rejected calls for a special prosecutor to investigate russian influence into the presidential campaign. >> should there be a special prosecutor? darrell issa has called for a special prosecutor to look into this. >> and i guess my question would be a special prosecutor for what? >> to look into the whole russia connection. the whole russia influence on the campaign. >> we have now, for six months, heard story after story come out about unnamed sources saying the same thing over and over again. and nothing's come of it. >> reporter: but now a prominent house republican is calling for an independent investigation saying attorney general jeff sessions shouldn't be involved because of the prominent role he played in the trump campaign. >> you cannot have somebody, a friend of mine, jeff sessions, who was on the campaign and who is an appointee. you're going to need to use the special prosecutor's statute and office. >> reporter: but the white house insisted there is nothing left to investigate, even though key questions remain unanswered. >> do you now categorically deny there were no contacts between the russians and anybody on the campaign? >> i can't deny -- i can't -- i guess my question is -- i'm not -- right. i'm not -- >> that's what the investigation would look at. >> right, and i guess my point is is that you've had the intelligence community look at russia's involvement in the election. you had the house and the senate both do the same. and so, what i'm trying to ascertain is at what point -- how many people have to say that there's nothing there before you realize there's nothing there? >> reporter: but the fbi is still investigating and the house and senate intelligence committees have only just begun to investigate russian interference in the campaign. >> we have, i think, reached no conclusion, nor could we in terms of issues of collusion because we haven't called in a single witness or reviewed a single document. >> white house press secretary sean spicer would not confirm or deny a report that he called the cia director and asked him to knock down a story about russian contacts with the trump campaign. but when i asked spicer directly about this, he said that there is nothing wrong with asking "subject matter experts to correct an inaccurate story. >> jonathan karl, abc news, the white house. >> meanwhile, the pentagon is ing to confirm reports from syria about a deadly u.s. drone strike. word is that a top al qaeda official was killed sunday in an attack in northwestern syria. he was a son-in-law of osama bin laden and linked to the 1998 bombings of two u.s. embassies in africa which killed more than 200 people. this morning here at home, at least three people have been killed and two others injured in the crash of a small plane into a neighborhood in southern california. take a look at this video here. you'll see the cessna 310 slamming into two homes shortly after takeoff from the riverside municipal airport, roughly 60 miles east of los angeles. it destroyed both of those houses and damaged a third. roughly 60 miles east of los angeles. it destroyed both houses and damaged a third. it's not known which victims were on the plane and which were in the homes. authorities say the cessna's occupants were a husband, wife and three teenagers returning to san jose after a weekend cheerleading conference at disneyland. we're going to continue to stay on top of this breaking news story. but also breaking overnight, scary moments in the skies for 154 passengers and crew. they were heading from san diego to check. american airlines flight 1296 see it there, mead an emergency landing in denver due to strong turbulence. five people were injured but the boeing 737 landed without incident. the plane was checked out, then continued on to chicago where it landed early this morning. also this morning, illinois authorities are trying to find an accused killer set free by mistake. garrick glover is wanted in a 2012 murder in chicago. he was charged in that case two years ago. friday, glover was also convicted on a separate armed robbery charge. he was released after officials determined he had been in custody long enough, but only in that case. japanese automakers takata has pleaded guilty to fraud and agreed to $1 billion in penalties. the company admitted to concealing an air bag defect blamed for at least 11 deaths in the u.s. alone. law makes for the plaintiffs now say ford, honda, toyota and nissan knew for years that the air bags were dangerous but continued to use them to try to save money. and this, well, that was the scene on an interstate in new orleans. a driver taking video as several of the city's famous mardi gras floats were being pulled into the city. >> that's awesome. >> today, of course, is mardi gras's fat tuesday. eight parades are set to roll through the big easy as everyone gets in one last party before ash wednesday tomorrow and the start of lent. >> the one time everyone's hoping for a traffic jam so they can get out and start appearing on the floats. >> get their beads out and get it on. coming up, we are getting to the bottom of last night's oscar mix-up. >> the new evidence of a backstage distraction. jimmy kimmel reveals what was going through his head. during the confusion. >> plus his sidekick, guillermo, shows us what he was doing on oscar night. that's coming up later on the "skinny." >> but first, a look at today's forecast. >> announcer: "world news now" weather, brought to you by clearasil rapid action. working fast begins for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. wow! but what other teen problems can it fix fast? maybe it can quickly give this teen a thicker mustache? doesn't look like it. will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn. can it help... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. my hygi...a mouthwash.o try... so i tried crest. it does so much more than give me fresh breath. crest pro-health mouthwash provides all... ...of these benefits to help you get better dental check-ups. go pro with crest mouthwash. checkup? nailed it ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. so this video comes from poland so this vide so this video comes from poland. watch carefully. shows why you don't do that. >> so those railroad crossing arms were actually down but you see the driver goes past the barrier. the train clips the back of the car. the whole thing goes into a spin. here's the thing, it's not clear why the driver went through the gates. reports are coming out that the driver was sober and he is now in serious condition. >> you would think he would see it. it's off to his left. >> the car is pretty low. so maybe he just wasn't paying attention and just drove right under it. >> speaking of train wrecks, we're getting a better understanding of that one that we call the oscars. >> that's going to win segue of the week right there. >> yeah. >> the accounting firm responsible for the winner's envelope says that staffers didn't act quickly enough to correct the error that led to the fiasco. pwc is taking full responsibility for warren beatty and faye dunaway being handed the wrong envelope before announcing the oscar for best picture. >> so this now deleted tweet showing oscar winner emma stone backstage was sent by pwc's brian cullinan just before the best picture announcement. that is raising questions about whether he was distracted from his official duties of handing out the envelopes. on his show last night, oscar host jimmy kimmel shedding some light on what we didn't see. >> and i'm now sitting in the audience watching these speeches. the plan is for me to end the show from the audience in a seat next to matt damon. but we're sitting there and we notice some commotion going on and matt says i think i heard the stage manager say they got the winner wrong. stage manager's on. the stage manager is never on camera. it's very unusual. we're sitting there. you kind of figure, well, you know, the host will go on stage and clear this up. then i remember, oh, i'm the host. >> kimmel's show also started with some mock surveillance video. we can see his security guard, quote security guard, guillermo rodriguez eating in the back there. he wipes his mouth on an envelope. and tosses it away. that starts the confusion. guillermo takes down more tequila. >> the stage managers rush onto the stage. >> that's when we knew something was wrong when you saw the stage manager on stage because that never actually happens. oh, hey, mark. it's our stage manager. >> more of your diva treatment. >> he ignores me for the 90 minutes that we're here. >> we've got the right scripts now. it turns out we are out of time. >> we have power. >> we've got to move on. >> exactly, thanks, mark. when we come back, guillermo takes to the red carpet to embarrass the "a" listers. >> and it could finally be time for the fantasy suites. our chief senior "bachelor" analyst joins us for "the skinny" next. >> what goes on in the fantasy suite? >> they have tea -- and crumpets. suite? >> they have tea and crumpets. suite. >> they have tea and crump pets. maybe it can quickly give this teen a thicker mustache? doesn't look like it. will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn. can it help... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ >> skinny time. we are getting down to the nitty gritty on abc's "the bachelor." >> let's pull in our chief global executive senior bachelor analyst contributor jack >> that's a good title. >> it's getting longer and longer. >> try to work that in. kendis and diane, it's a numbers game on "the bachelor" as we grind toward the finale. four women started last night. three are left. two weeks to go. mercifully. roll that beautiful "bachelor" footage. >> the whole thing started with nick and his old flame andi dorfman in nick's hotel room in brooklyn. no highlights here. there was some manufactured drama. lots of nonsense. moving on, next. >> okay. >> it was a cold night in brooklyn for the rose ceremony. four women still waiting for their roses. who was that? that was raven. she got a rose. >> okay. >> and let's see who is next. that's rachel. rachel gets a rose. and third is -- >> corrine. >> vanessa gets a rose. >> no, no. >> corrine, time to go back to miami. corrine, this country has enough problems right now. we don't need to have to deal with corrine any longer. nick walks her to the car, says thanks, no thanks. you're out of here. good-bye. >> that means she's single. >> yeah. >> she's available, kendis. >> she's available. >> next off to lapland in the nation of finland as we all learned in fifth grade. the first date, nick and raven, there was a helicopter. they were hanging out playing darts in a bar. this is going well. yeah, yeah. oh, right in the bull's eye. >> i didn't know that's how you play darts. >> it's an adaptation of the game. that's the lap adaptation of darts. that's the lap adaptation of doing shots right there. >> that one looks more familiar. >> so next, dinner, raven finally coming clean with nick and she tells nick she loves him. she also revealed some other, let's call them personal details. >> call them too much information. >> yes, that since we are on a family oriented show, granted it is the middle of the night, but it's still family oriented. >> it was like 8:00 and they kept teasing it. >> we'll leave those parts out. into the fantasy suite they go. which is where the whole thing left off. >> next week, a three-hour "bachelor" event including the women tell all. analyst out. >> that's it? >> never answered. >> the women tell all. >> yeah, i want to find out what happened in the fantasy suite. did she finally -- you know, what they teased? >> okay. >> okay. >> now to another stud on abc. no, not kendis. we're talking about guillermo. >> of course. kimmel's sidekick has been sharing drinks with celebrities on the red carpet for years. but last night was a lot different. >> what do you want to say to the haters? >> you wish you were here, don't you? >> if you see jimmy kimmel he needs to sign my time card ticket so i can get paid. >> i can sign it. >> oh, yeah, go ahead and sign it. which one is the best picture of the year? >> "moonlight." >> no, this is the best picture of the year. >> we should probably kiss. >> we should kiss, me and you? >> [ muted ] it. the most action i've gotten in a long time. >> i think charlize is thinking that she's done worse. >> she says the most action i've gotten in a long time. >> by the way, that was the ceo of disney that guillermo was asking to sign his timecard. >> mahershala ali is having a good couple of days. he's a new dad and won the oscar and now -- >> now he's a calvin klein model. shirtless, pensive looking in these gorgeous pictures. >> yeah. would it kill to eat a pizza, guys? big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. to me, relationships matter. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. so don't wait. call now and request this free decision guide to help you better understand medicare... and which aarp medicare supplement plan might be best for you. there's a wide range to choose from. we love to travel - and there's so much more to see. so we found a plan that can travel with us. anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now - and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. wow! but what other teen problems can it fix fast? maybe it can quickly give this teen a thicker mustache? doesn't look like it. will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn. can it help... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. i'my bargain detergentgh a couldn't keep up.isaster. so, i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated, so i get a better clean. tide. number one rated. it's got to be tide ♪ i'm in love ♪ i'm in love with the shape of you, push and pull like a magnet do ♪ ♪ i'm in love with the shape of you, push and pull like a magnet do ♪ ♪ although my heart is pulled in two, i'm in love with your body ♪ ♪ last night you were in my room now my bed sheets smell like you ♪ >> love that song. it is awesome. >> so a powerful new mini series "when we rise" premiered on abc chronicling the decades's long gay and civil rights movements. >> elizabeth hur goes behind the scenes. >> this is much bigger than you realize. you all have to get yourselves together. >> reporter: whoopi goldberg and rosie o'donnell. >> you've got a loud voice. we could use another loud voice. >> reporter: among the special guest stars portraying real people. >> we are not a menace. we will not be silent any longer. >> reporter: whose real struggles fighting for equality are captured in "when we rise." >> to me "when we rise" is a love letter to all who have felt repressed. >> reporter: it's a project four years in the making. >> there's something just juicy and compelling and you just don't want to stop watching. >> reporter: showcasing the setbacks of the start of the gay, women's, and civil rights movements in the '70s. >> i pronounce you spouses for life. >> reporter: to the triumphs of recent years. >> the beautiful thing about the show is that it shows you a glimpse of what life used to look like before those rights were there. >> cut. cut, cut, cut. >> oscar winning writer dustin lance black calls this his passion project. >> it's not when i rise, it's not when you rise, it's not when lgbt people rise. this is called "when we rise." >> reporter: a timely story he says is about real families, their hopes that is both relatable and inspiring. > it isn't just about politics or policy. this is about families how we all should be rising up together and that we have more in common than some people seem to be expressing. > whoever you are, you are not alone. >> reporter: elizabeth hur, abc news, new york. >> all right. big day for abc. but it's a big day around here. you know what? today is diane's birthday. yes! >> yes. >> we spared no expenses. >> oh, wow. okay. >> happy birthday. we gave you a whopping ten seconds for this celebration. >> okay. >> happy birthday. >> thank you. >> to you. i'd like to thank the academy. i'd like to thank my parents for supporting me. ♪ happy birthday to you >> i'd like to thank the delivery guy that delivered my chicken fingers. ♪ happy birthday >> more hats making news in america this morning, breaking overnight, a small plane slams into homes with a family on board. hear what investigators are now saying from the scene and the new video showing that plane taking a nosedive. >> president trump preparing to give his first address to congress today. overnight, some new hints about what the speech will likely focus on and why he's blaming former president obama for these scenes, for the protests at town halls across the country. we're live in washington. space tourism is officially taking flight. we have some new details on a plan to send people around the moon. but how much will a ticket cost? plus, this -- >> i'm standing there like an idiot feeling bad for these guys but also trying really hard not to laugh to be honest. >> behind the debacle. jimmy kimmel talking

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Australia , China , Interstate , Georgia , United States , California , Riverside , San Diego , Syria , Russia , Temple University , Pennsylvania , South Carolina , Guinea , Hollywood , Finland , New York Hospital , New York , Riverside Airport , Washington , South Korea , Poland , Jersey , Chicago , Illinois , Miami , Florida , Canada , Japan , Texas , Iran , Atlanta , Boston , Massachusetts , Jordan , Denver , Colorado , United Kingdom , Iraq , Elon , Ha Afon , Israel , Houston , Chile , Kansas , Dallas , Brooklyn , Americans , America , Chosen , Russian , Iranian , British , Russians , Japanese , American , Brandi Hitt , Sammy Davis Jr , Bob Harper , Tom Hanks , Steve Harvey , Ronald Reagan , Brian Cullinan , Barry Jenkins , Sean Spicer , Tom Brady , Janet Patterson , Stephanie Ramos , Tim Tebow , Kayla Norton , Matt Damon , Al Qaeda , Garrick Glover , John Addison , Faye Dunaway , Tom Jones , Whoopi Goldberg , Pwc Brian Cullinan , Martha Ruiz , John Mccain , Guillermo Rodriguez , Jose Torres , Darrell Issa , Jimmy Kimmel , Los Angeles , Diane Macedo , Jason Horowitz , Calvin Klein , Jim Henson , Jack Sheahan , Jan Chapman , Jonathan Karl , Warren Beatty , Dwight Howard , Andrea Constand , Dustin Lance , Ryan Gosling ,

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Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20170228 :

Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20170228

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i see a lot of these out of asia, china, in particular, where they set up the big squares. every single one of them, hundreds of prospects. >> i wanted this to be real so bad. but after looking at it a number of times, i sighed. i just want you to know i'm not the only one trying to get away due the to a jerk. >> our reaction, they thought real, too. everyone gets full from time to time. >> okay, i don't feel so bad. very good. mac, good job, brother. hope you had fun. (tiffany) ask yourself what your children or cigarettes. for as long as i can remember, my mother smoked. she died from lung cancer when i was 16. i could not take the chance of continuing smoking and not being here for my daughter. i know how much i needed my mom still, and i didn't realize it until i had lost her. you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. so this video comes from poland so this video comes from poland. watch carefully. shows why you don't do that. >> so those railroad crossing arms were actually down but you see the driver goes past the barrier. the train clips the back of the car. the whole thing goes into a spin. here's the thing, it's not clear why the driver went through the gates. reports are coming out that the driver was sober and he is now in serious condition. >> you would think he would see it. it's off to his left. >> the car is pretty low. so maybe he just wasn't paying attention and just drove right under it. >> speaking of train wrecks, we're getting a better understanding of that one that we call the oscars. >> that's going to win segue of the week right there. >> yeah. >> the accounting firm responsible for the winner's envelope says that staffers didn't act quickly enough to correct the error that led to the fiasco. pwc is taking full responsibility for warren beatty and faye dunaway being handed the wrong envelope before announcing the oscar for best picture. >> so this now deleted tweet showing oscar winner emma stone backstage was sent by pwc's brian cullinan just before the best picture announcement. that is raising questions about whether he was distracted from his official duties of handing out the envelopes. on his show last night, oscar host jimmy kimmel shedding some light on what we didn't see. >> and i'm now sitting in the audience watching these speeches. the plan is for me to end the show from the audience in a seat next to matt damon. but we're sitting there and we notice some commotion going on and matt says i think i heard the stage manager say they got the winner wrong stage manager's on. the stage manager is never on camera. it's very unusual. we're sitting there. you kind of figure, well, you know, the host will go on stage and clear this up. then i remember, oh, i'm the host. >> kimmel's show also started with some mock surveillance video. we can see his security guard, quote security guard, guillermo rodriguez eating in the back there. he wipes his mouth on an envelope. and tosses it away. that starts the confusion. guillermo takes down more tequila. >> the stage managers rush onto the stage. >> that's when we knew something was wrong when you saw the stage manager on stage because that never actually happens. oh, hey, mark. it's our stage manager. >> more of your diva treatment. >> he ignores me for the 90 minutes that we're here. >> we've got the right scripts now. it turns out we are out of time. >> we have power. >> we've got to move on. >> exactly, thanks, mark. when we come back, guillermo takes to the red carpet to embarrass the "a" listers. >> and it could finally be time for the fantasy suites. our chief senior "bachelor" analyst joins us for "the skinny" next. >> what goes on in the fantasy suite? >> they have tea -- and crumpets. suite? >> they have tea and crumpets. suite. >> they have tea and crump pets. maybe it can quickly give this teen a thicker mustache? doesn't look like it. will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn. can it help... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. babies aren't fully developed until at least 39 weeks. a healthy baby is worth the wait. ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ >> skinny time. we are getting down to the nitty gritty on abc's "the bachelor." >> let's pull in our chief global executive senior bachelor analyst contributor jack sheahan. >> that's a good title. >> it's getting longer and longer. >> try to work that in. kendis and diane, it's a numbers game on "the bachelor" as we grind toward the finale. four women started last night. three are left. two weeks to go. mercifully. roll that beautiful "bachelor" footage. >> the whole thing started with nick and his old flame andi dorfman in nick's hotel room in brooklyn. no highlights here. there was some manufactured drama. lots of nonsense. moving on, next. >> okay. >> it was a cold night in brooklyn for the rose ceremony. four women still waiting for their roses. who was that? that was raven. she got a rose. >> okay. >> and let's see who is next. that's rachel. rachel gets a rose. and third is -- >> corrine. >> vanessa gets a rose. >> no, no. >> corrine, time to go back to miami. corrine, this country has enough problems right now. we don't need to have to deal with corrine any longer. nick walks her to the car, says thanks, no thanks. you're out of here. good-bye. >> that means she's single. >> yeah. >> she's available, kendis. >> she's available. >> next off to lapland in the nation of finland as we all learned in fifth grade. the first date, nick and raven, there was a helicopter. they were hanging out playing darts in a bar. this is going well. yeah, yeah. oh, right in the bull's eye. >> i didn't know that's how you play darts. >> it's an adaptation of the game. that's the lap adaptation of darts. that's the lap adaptation of doing shots right there. >> that one looks more familiar. >> so next, dinner, raven finally coming clean with nick and she tells nick she loves him. she also revealed some other, let's call them personal details. >> call them too much information. >> yes, that since we are on a family oriented show, granted it is the middle of the night, but it's still family oriented. >> it was like 8:00 and they kept teasing it. >> we'll leave those parts out. into the fantasy suite they go. which is where the whole thing left off. >> next week, a three-hour "bachelor" event including the women tell all. analyst out. >> that's it? >> never answered. >> the women tell all. >> yeah, i want to find out what happened in the fantasy suite. did she finally -- you know, what they teased? >> okay. >> okay. >> now to another stud on abc. no, not kendis. we're talking about guillermo. >> of. kimmel's sidekick has been sharing drinks with celebrities on the red carpet for years. but last night was a lot different. >> what do you want to say to the haters? >> you wish you were here, don't you? >> if you see jimmy kimmel he needs to sign my time card ticket so i can get paid. >> i can sign it. >> oh, yeah, go ahead and sign it. which one is the best picture of the year? >> "moonlight." >> no, this is the best picture of the year. >> we should probably kiss. >> we should kiss, me and you? >> [ muted ] it. the most action i've gotten in a long time. >> i think charlize is thinking that she's done worse. >> she says the most action i've gotten in a long time. >> by the way, that was the ceo of disney that guillermo was asking to sign his timecard. >> mahershala ali is having a good couple of days. he's a new dad and won the oscar and now -- >> now he's a calvin klein model. shirtless, pensive looking in these gorgeous pictures. >> yeah. would it kill to eat a pizza, guys? big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. to me, relationships matter. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. so don't wait. call now and request this free decision guide to help you better understand medicare... and which aarp medicare supplement plan might be best for you. there's a wide range to choose from. we love to travel - and there's so much more to see. so we found a plan that can travel with us. anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now - and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. wow! but what other teen problems can it fix fast? maybe it can quickly give this teen a thicker mustache? doesn't look like it. will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn. can it help... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. i'my bargain detergentgh a couldn't keep up.isaster. so, i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated, so i get a better clean. tide. number one rated. it's got to be tide ♪ i'm in love ♪ i'm in love with the shape of you, push and pull like a magnet do ♪ ♪ although my heart is pulled in two, i'm in love with your body ♪ ♪ last night you were in my room now my bed sheets smell like you ♪ >> love that song. it is awesome. >> so a powerful new mini series "when we rise" premiered on abc chronicling the civil rights movements. >> elizabeth hur goes behind the scenes. >> this is much bigger than you realize. you all have to get yourselves together. >> reporter: whoopi goldberg and rosie o'donnell. >> you've got a loud voice. we could use another loud voice. >> reporter: among the special guest stars portraying real people. >> we are not a menace. we will not be silent any longer. >> reporter: whose real struggles fighting for equality are captured in "when we rise." >> to me "when we rise" is a love letter to all who have felt repressed. >> reporter: it's a project four years in the making. >> there's something just juicy and compelling and you just don't want to stop watching. >> reporter: showcasing the setbacks of the start of the gay, women's, and civil rights movements in the 70s. >> i pronounce you spouses for life. '70s. >> i pronounce you spouses for life. >> reporter: to the triumphs of recent years. >> the beautiful thing about the show is that it shows you a glimpse of what life used to look like before those rights were there. >> cut. cut, cut, cut. >> oscar winning writer dustin lance black calls this his passion project. >> it's not when i rise, it's not when you rise, it's not when lgbt people rise. this is called "when we rise." >> reporter: a timely story he says is about real families, their hopes that is both relatable and inspiring. > it isn't just about politics or policy. this is about families how we all should be rising up together and that we have more in common than some people seem to be expressing. > whoever you are, you are not alone. >> reporter: elizabeth hur, abc news, new york. >> all right. big day for abc. but it's a big day around here. you know what? today is diane's birthday. yes! >> yes. >> we spared no expenses. >> oh, wow. okay. >> happy birthday. we gave you a whopping ten seconds for this celebration. >> okay. >> happy birthday. >> thank you. >> to you. i'd like to thank the academy. i'd like to thank my parents for supporting me. ♪ happy birthday to you >> i'd like to thank the delivery guy that delivered my chicken fingers. ♪ happy birthday >> more hats good morning. i'm diane macedo. >> i'm kendis gibson. here are some of the top headlines we're following on this tuesday morning on "world news now." president trump getting ready to deliver his first address to a joint session of congress tonight. now, his merging plan to replace obamacare will be high on the agenda a day after declaring that nobody knew that health care could be so complicated. a full report straight ahead. at least three people have been killed after a small plane crashed into two homes in riverside, california. rescue crews are still searching for potential victims as we learn some new details about who was on board that plane. we'll have the latest on that story straight ahead. nearly two dozen more bomb threats have been called into jewish community centers and schools. no injuries were reported. monday's incident sparked renewed calls for strong and swift response from the federal government. >> and think airfare is expensive? how about $200 million. that's how much spacex says two expensive? how about $200 million. that's how much spacex says two private citizens will shell out for its first ever launch of humans into space on a week long journey around the moon next year and they're not astronauts. by the way, they're tourists. we're going to tell you more on this be story on this tuesday, february 28th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> $200 million sounds like a steal. >> a bargain price to be a guinea pig. >> yeah, exactly. i thought the teslas were expensive. no, not at all. what is expensive and costly and time consuming is trying to replace obamacare. the president is coming to that realization and he's getting ready to address congress about it. the white house advisers say the theme will be optimism. >> the president is expected to use tonight's primetime speech to cover everything from border security to infrastructure and obamacare. and this as he puts the finishing touches on a new federal budget abc's stephanie ramos has more. >> reporter: kendis and diane, good morning. today president trump will address congress for the first time. and you know, this is a scene that many didn't expect this time last year. but president trump has already hinted at some of the topics he'll talk about. president trump is talking obamacare, government spending. >> these are dangerous times. >> reporter: and teasing his first address to congress on fox and friends. >> all i can do is speak from the heart and say what i want to do. we have a really terrific i believe health care plan coming out. i'll be talking about the military. i'll be talking about the border. and remember this, on the border and throughout our country, we're getting the bad ones out. the bad people, gang members, drug lords, in some cases murderers. >> reporter: a new budget proposal is also in the works. the administration says it will be sent to congress next month. >> this budget will be a public safety and national security budget. >> reporter: the budget includes a massive $54 billion increase in defense spending and major cuts to agencies like the epa, also foreign aid and domestic programs. >> this defense spending increase will be offset and paid for by finding greater savings and efficiencies across the federal government. >> reporter: also at the white house, health insurance company ceos. trump holding a meeting with them saying that the affordable care act is a failure. >> we must work together to save americans from obamacare. >> reporter: trump says he wants to work with the executives on the transition to a new plan. as for the fight against isis, the pentagon has worked up a plan for the administration to review. the pentagon says it's designed to speed up the fight against isis around the world, not just in iraq and syria. kendis, diane, back over to you. >> step of stephanie, thanks. attorney general jeff sessions is reviewing an obama administration memo that gave states flexibility to pass laws on marijuana. sessions said the justice department will try to adopt responsible policies to enforce anti-marijuana laws and he added that according to experts, there's more violence around pot than people think. >> the senate has confirmed billionaire wilbur ross as commerce secretary. ross is promising to work quickly to renew the nafta trade deal. president trump tweeted his congratulations including a picture signing a commission for ross to take the post on his economic team. breaking news from southern california where a small plane crashed into a neighborhood. the cessna 310 slammed into two homes shortly after takeoff from the riverside municipal airport. erupting into the fireball you see there and destroying both homes and damaging a third. at least three people were killed and two others were injured and the search continues for more victims. >> we only have one victim that we know who was from the plane that is alive and is at riverside community hospital, and the other victims are scattered throughout the wreckage. we're unable to determine if they were victims from the residence or from the aircraft itself. >> that fire chief says that the occupants of the plane were father, mother, and three teenage girls who were returning to san jose after a weekend cheerleading conference at disneyland. >> we have an important decision in now ahead of bill cosby's trial on a sexual assault charge. a judge ruled his fate will be decided by a sequestered jury and than jury will be chosen from a different part of pennsylvania than the one where cosby's trial will take place. cosby has pleaded not guilty to charges he sexually assaulted a former temple university named andrea constand. that trial is scheduled to start in early june. a british tabloid reports o.j. simpson could be paroled within months after serving a fraction of his current 33-year prison sentence. that report says a parole board in july is expected to recommend simpson's release based on good behavior. the earliest possible date for his release would be early october. that would mean he would have spent nine years behind bars for armed robbery and kidnaps. scientists say a fireball spotted over the skies of the south pacific was probably nothing to worry about. this image was captured by locals in hobart in tasmania off the coast of australia. this morning, physicists say it wasn't consistent with a meteor or a satellite because it was moving too slowly. they think it was probably an airplane lit by the rising sun. there was a commercial jet in the area at the time. that's what they think it was. but i saw a lot of like alien movies that started that way. >> ah. >> yeah. a mixed weather day in seattle that included rain, snow and thunder. also saw that. lightning strike on the space needle. the landmark was not damaged. officials at the needle say it has 24 lightning rods plus the spire to prevent damage from lightning strikes. >> also the aliens were just trying to say hi, they didn't want to do damage. >> no, not yet. exactly. tim tebow, the former quarterback and heisman trophy winner, is hanging up his pads for his bat and his glove. he has signed a minor league deal back in september with the new york mets and now he joined the team in port st. lucie florida, for some spring training. >> yeah, he did. he caught some balls. look at him. he hit some. and he held a news conference where he discussed the pressures that he's feeling after switching sports. >> i'm not going to worry about, you know, what everyone's writing or what everybody's thinking or however i'm being marketed. i think for me i just want to be able to continue the process, enjoy the process, enjoy every day. get to know my teammates and you know have fun out there. >> is he dreamy? >> yes. >> yes. >> yes, he is. he's on my list. >> really? hotter than tom brady? >> he's got a different kind of appeal to him, yeah. >> okay. >> not hotter than ryan gosling though. ryan gosling is still number one. >> we had symptom important notes to mention about tim tebow after that, but decided that was more important discussing whether hot or not. atlanta hawks dwight howard has been known to embarrass a few of his opponents throughout the years. >> now he's done it to a fan. it's just as cold as if he had taken them to the rim. howard had just been ejected from the hawks game with boston. he's leaving the court and decides to give his jersey to a fan. oh, that's cold. >> oh, denied. >> that celtics fan rejected. she was all excited. >> oh, look at the reactions of everyone around them. >> like man, that's cold. >> oh. like oh, no, you didn't. >> she's like you know all those rumors about you, d. howard, are true. >> she give him the stink eye big-time. >> yeah, deservedly. coming up, the health scare for a popular weight loss guru. hear what landed "the biggest loser" host bob harper inside the hospital. >> and the most exciting fair of the year for the kid inside all of us. our giz wiz dick debartolo takes us inside this year's toy fair in new york. first, here's a look at today's temperatures. >> announcer: "world news now" weather, brought to you by lysol. (achoo!) did you know you can pick up cold & flu viruses from things in your home for up to 48 hours? it's like having a sick family member that you didn't even know was there. and we all know what happens when one family member gets sick. but lysol spray and lysol wipes kill 99.9% of germs including 8 common cold & flu viruses to help protect your home. this cold and flu season help keep your home happy and healthy and lysol that. garden party for her birthday. a fabulous so i mowed the lawn, put up all the decorations. i thought i got everything. almost everything! you know, 1 in 10 houses could get hit by a septic disaster, and a bill of up to $13,000. but for only $7 a month, rid-x is scientifically proven to break down waste, helping you avoid a septic disaster. rid-x. the #1 brand used by septic professionals in their own tanks. shis it dna or olay? er than she should. new olay regenerist helps take years off your skin age so you can look younger. who needs dna when you have olay? new regenerist. i'm good. i just took newl take mucinex clear and cool. ah! what's this sudden cooling thing happening? it's got a menthol burst. you can feel it right away. wow, that sort of blind-sided me. and it clears my terrible cold symptoms. ahh! this is awkward. new mucinex clear & cool. feel the menthol burst. while powerful medicine clears your worst cold symptoms. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. i ...prilosec otc 7 years ago,my doctor recommended... 5 years ago, last week. just 1 pill each morning, 24 hours and zero heartburn. it's been the number 1 doctor recommended brand for 10... ...straight years, and it's still recommended today. use as directed. ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. and check out this dramatic scene in chile. this plays out at a popular resort. helicopters had to come in to airliftvationers there after flood-triggered landslides blocked access to roads. some 400 people are still vati flood-triggered landslides blocked access to roads. some 400 people are still stranded in that region and the floods killed at least three people and have left more than a million without clean drinking water. this morning we're learning more about what led to actor bill paxton's death. >> he was only 61 years old. here's abc's kayna whitworth with more. >> reporter: he was a hollywood favorite. and the world learned of the loss just hours before the oscars. >> can you tell us who the woman in the picture is? >> reporter: bill paxton was a prolific actor known for roles in blockbuster movies like "titanic." >> tell us, rose. >> it's been 84 years. >> reporter: one of paxton's first big breaks, the obnoxious older brother chet, in "weird science." >> do you realize it's snowing in my room? >> reporter: then, "aliens." >> looks great! >> reporter: and later taking the starring role in "twister." >> tighten your seat belt. >> reporter: one of his most critically acclaimed roles, "apollo 13." >> houston, we got a pretty large bang there, associated with a master alarm. >> reporter: tributes now pouring in. co-star tom hanks tweeting, "bill paxton was, simply, a wonderful man." the two also starring in the upcoming movie "the circle," a film that's now paxton's final farewell to tinseltown. paxton was just 61, and abc news has learned he suffered a stroke after undergoing heart surgery. paxton leaves his two children and wife of 30 years behind. >> i'm a believer. >> kayna whitworth, abc news, los angeles. >> so young. and on that note, celebrity fitness trainer and host of "the biggest loser" bob harper is recovering from a major heart attack that left him unconscious for two days. >> it reportedly happened two weeks ago during a workout at a gym in new york city. luckily, there was a doctor in the gym who jumped in to perform cpr and use a defibrillator. >> the 51-year-old tells tmz that he spent eight days recovering inside a new york hospital and still hasn't been cleared to fly home to los angeles. just 51 years old. unbelievable for someone whose life revolves around fitness. >> yeah, for 51 also. from all those videos he looks as if he's in great shape. you can never tell. hopefully he's on the mend now. coming up, it's all fun and games as our own giz wiz dick debartolo goes inside the 2017 toy fair. toy fair. clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. wow! but what other teen problems can it fix fast? maybe it can quickly give this teen a thicker mustache? doesn't look like it. will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn. can it help... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. ♪ quit playing games with my heart, with my heart, my heart, my heart ♪ >> figure out why? >> because of games. >> oh, games, that's it. then i also realized i was doing britney spears whose "i did it again," instead of, i don't know what the dance was for that song. ♪ i played with your heart got lost in the game ♪ so the whole point of playing that song was because we're talking about games. these are more fun than games with your heart though. we're taking a special look at the cool and crazy new hi-tech toys coming out this year. >> each year around this time our giz wiz dick debartolo, according to wiki, is 71 years old but he turns into an 8-year-old because of the toy fair. >> it's toy fair. what can you say about toy fair. it's toys, it's fair. no, it's toys, it's a lot of fun. and we're going to find out the trends of 2017 toy fair and adrienne here is going to help us by doing that. >> why i. so we're seeing a lot of fun trends at this year's show. >> we've heard of a go cart. this is a notch above that. this is a smart car. >> there's a wi-fi connection so the parent can remotely supervise their kid that's driving the cart around using their mobile app. >> i say he's going about 7 or miles hour. how fast could it go? >> maximum speed is 12 miles an hour. the parents can dial that down if they want to. you can stop the cart immediately if they get in a dangerous area. because there's gps, we can define a geofence that will not allow the car to go outside the perimeter. >> can you pick me up at 35:00? >> schoenhut has been making pianos. this year at toy fair they have? >> schoenhut has been making pianos. this year at toy fair they have an entire digital line. so if you want to learn how to play piano, get your favorite app ios or android. now i will play rhapsody -- there is no time. well, you're lucky. let's go on. >> we're seeing a lot of wearables, music, a lot of coding and robots. >> there are tons of drones but we've done drones forever. i'm looking for different things like weird bugs. look at this here. >> dick, that is a drone. >> this is a drone? >> this is a drone. this is drone force. a team of creature inspired drones. each has a different feature. angler attack down here, he lights up. morphzilla morphs drive on the ground, take off and fly into the sky. >> you learn something at every toy fair. and oh, oh, i think i'm learning that i've got to get out of here. >> learning toys, educational toys. they're really that wow moment that kids have so much fun playing they don't know they're learning. >> amazing toys. well, why is it amazing? i'm going to show you. steve is like he's whacko. he brings all these chemicals. last year when i left here, i was frozen for two weeks. it was so strange. so what do we have now? cheerios. >> we've got liquid nitrogen. we're sauteing them. so this now goes inside. >> oh. >> so good. >> are you hungry? >> yeah. >> inside. >> oh, yeah. that's perfect. >> don't worry, man, it's only slightly toxic. by ingestion. >> okay, we'll be back in 2018. >> where did he go? >> dick, where are you? >> another trend we're seeing are movies. movies are always hot. licensing is a big part of the industry. 2017 promises to be a blockbuster year for movie toys. >> i was going to walk right by the folkmanis puppets. we end with them every year. i thought -- oh, i guess we have to -- oh, look at you. colorful disney characters re-created from 1939. how is it going? >> hi, how are you? >> also have the classic trends. all those classic toys we both had as kids. sometimes that classic styled vintage and sometimes they're refreshed for a new generation of kids. >> the giz wiz loves trains and bluetooth. lionel now has bluetooth trains. look at this. you can control it with your smartphone. so we have a throttle, we have the whistle. now if they had a bluetooth subway train, i would like that. so that's toy fair. we'll see you next -- oh, did you want to go inside? all right, let's do that. ♪ >> covered a lot of ground. >> very fun assignment. speaking of fun, see how we are celebrating mardi gras next. >> would you like a bead? know what you got to do. >> how did you get purple ones? to do. >> how did you get purple ones? hd-5-1490 hd-5-1490 clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. wow! but what other teen problems can it fix fast? maybe it can quickly give this teen a thicker mustache? doesn't look like it. will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn. can it help... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. ♪ you know if you're going to new orleans, you ought to go see the mardi gras ♪ ♪ >> i don't know if that's what they do. >> happy fat tuesday, everybody. >> are you -- it's just like that's what we do in these suits. >> i'm going to do a little samba. >> be careful, they might catch fire doing that. >> yeah. >> so today, of course, lots of celebrations happening all over the place. >> yes, it's time to drink and eat everything you want because lent is about to start. >> exactly. these are like videos of the celebrations happening in new orleans. plenty of parades planned today. i think about a dozen parades planned today just in new orleans. >> fun. >> yes. >> and even though we're not going there, we figured we'd dress the part at least and have our own little party here. >> we're jamming to music. we don't have a king cake but we do have a queen. i was referring to myself. kidding. let's open up our "world news now" inbox, shall we? your reaction to that huge awards ceremony. the "wnn" nowscars. >> obviously. >> yes, it was such a hit that the power actually went out. >> yeah, that's how many people were tuning in. >> just imagine the panic in the studios here. this happened in the commercial break before like two minutes before we were coming back on air. >> right, just the way there was this huge question of what caused the mix-up at the oscars, lots of people wanted to know what caused the blackout at the world news nowscars. and one viewer had their explanation for us. lady di, you were playing clips of kendis singing and dancing. how did you not expect to lose power? >> i resemble that remark. >> we also had a red carpet watch party with aunt barbara. >> she wasn't holding back when it came to who she thought was hot and who was not. >> wow. >> the lower part looks like a tornado. >> it kind of looks like a muppet or something. >> they should have saved is the feathers for just the bottom of the dress. >> yeah, jim henson was designing something for the oscars. >> wow, she looks like an oscar. >> she really does. >> she dressed the part. >> she does look like an oscar. that's way too much gold. >> maybe she's trying to bring him good luck. >> i've got her doll right here. >> seemed like the hit quote from aunt barbara of the night was it's a mullet dress. someone had a dress very high in the front and low in the bottom. >> lots of reasons to celebrate of course, mardi gras. i should actually -- you deserve it. you at home. >> you insomniacs need to join the party. >> there you go. we know what you're dressed like at home. >> happy fat tuesday, everybody. we know you earned those beads. >> here you go. breaking news this morning on "world news now." a horrific plane crash in a california neighborhood. >> a family flying home from a cheerleading competition slammed right into a couple of homes causing a mass i have fire .a nightmarish scene for first responders. hear what we're learn background those challenging rescue efforts after the plane completely broke apart on impact. and health care answers? after last week's raucous town halls where the top concern was the republicans plan to repeal and replace the affordable care act, president trump is now set to address the issue later tonight during his first speech to congress. we're going to have a full preview, ahead. and see what happened when an e-cigarette spontaneously combusts inside a man's pocket. talk about melting, how about your mind through this video trend that's bringing relief to insomniacs around the country. but what is this woman whispering and, furthermore, what is she doing in my ear? >> that is just me. >> oh, sorry. it was just you. what is she doing to that paddle? we're going to get weird on this final day of february. it is the 28th. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> i like that. >> yeah, it is very soothing indeed. we're going to break down how she's getting people to sleep and a little bit later on in the mix. but a terrible situation in southern california. >> we're starting this morning with breaking news there. a crash of a small plane into a neighborhood. >> shortly after taking off from the riverside municipal airport, roughly about an hour west of los angeles, the plane reportedly clipped one home, crashed into another, and sparked a fire that engulfed a third. >> two of those homes have been destroyed, at least three people are dead. two others injured and rescue crews are searching for additional victims. abc's alex stone has the latest. >> reporter: moments after the plane slammed into a home in this neighborhood, witnesses with their cell phones recording flames raging neighbors say as they ran up, a woman who identified herself as a pilot came crawling out half on fire. >> pull up to the house. we see this lady, she was crawling. half of her clothes was on fire. i need help, i need help. >> reporter: a teacher at a nearby school say they saw the plane flying too low, clearly going to crash. the alert going out to all firefighters responding. > units en route to alert 3. rps are advising the plane hit a residence and the residence is on fire. >> reporter: now of after hours of searching, firefighters say nobody on the ground was killed. three of the victims on board the plane died. two adult women who were on the plane survived. >> they were here from san jose for a cheer conference that is at disneyland this week. so unfortunately, we had that situation. >> reporter: the plane a twin engine cessna 310 had just taken off likely full of fuel from the riverside airport heading to san jose, california. seconds later it went down. when firefighters arrived on scene, they had no idea how many people were inside the home or how many had been on the plane. pieces of the plane could be seen scattered around the remains of the home. the ntsb and faa are beginning to investigate. alex stone, abc news, los angeles. so just a little bit more information that we're getting from this breaking news. the people that were inside the cessna, a husband, wife and three teenagers, as you heard that fire official say were returning from a cheerleading competition to san jose. that conference was at disneyland. one of those teenagers was thrown from the plane and suffered only minor injuries. firefighters still don't know how many victims were from the plane and how many were in those homes. >> quite a scene. this morning's other big story, a sweeping overhaul of obamacare is expected to be among tonight's key topics as president trump delivers his first address to congress. >> the president met with health insurance executives urging them to work together to save americans from obamacare. as a candidate, he had promised a quick fix. now for the first time, the president is acknowledging coming up with a replacement, not so easy after all. >> it's an unbelievably complex subject. nobody knew that healthcare could be so complicated. >> lawmakers continue to face back flash from americans afraid of losing their coverage. republican congressional leaders insist their plan will be better and cheaper. >> the president has announced plans to boost the defense budget by $54 billion. sparking talk of a possible showdown with congress. we'll get more details next month but most of the money would go toward new aircraft and fighters. the increase would be offset by cuts in domestic programs and foreign aid. veterans programs and law enforcement would be exempt from those cutbacks. one lawmaker says the defense spending proposal isn't enough. senator john mccain claiming the pentagon needs an increase of more than $90 billion. he says the $54 billion figure is just slightly higher than the amount proposed by the obama administration. mccain claims it would not allow america to secure peace through strength. and in addition to addressing obamacare, the president will use his "primetime" speech to declare progress on his campaign promises. overall, he's also expected to strike a more positive tone. karen travers has a preview. >> reporter: tonight's theme will be optimism. >> the renewal of the american spirit. >> reporter: president's trump speech to a joint session of congress is not officially a state of the union address. but he certainly made it clear what he considers that state to be. >> i inherited a mess. it's a mess. at home and abroad. a mess. jobs are pouring out of the country. low pay, low wages. mass instability overseas no matter where you look. >> reporter: on the economy, the trump administration points to slow growth in gdp and wages, manufacturing job losses, and the high cost of the affordable care act. but compared to eight years ago when president obama took office, president trump inherited an improving economy. the unemployment rate is low. there have been 76 straight months of job growth and the stock market is soaring. on foreign policy, president trump blasts the obama administration for its handling of the civil war in syria, the rise of isis and a deteriorating relationship with israel. that message was on display in the president's inauguration address when at times he struck a dark tone. >> this american carnage -- >> reporter: painting an ominous picture of the country today. but the white house says tonight's address will be sunny, an effort to channel the optimism of ronald reagan. >> yeah, i think he is -- this is an opportunity for him to lay out a very positive vision of the nation. >> reporter: look for the president to emphasize where he wants to take the country and the policies he'll try to put in place to get there. karen travers, abc news, washington. our thanks to karen. do remember to tune into abc news tuesday night for full coverage of the president's address starting at 9:00 p.m. eastern. >> jewish organizations are calling for strong federal response after another string of bomb threats. nearly two dozen incidents took place yesterday alone in 12 states. community centers and private schools all across the country reported threatening calls. of course, all of this comes a week following the jewish community centers association revealing there had been 69 threats since last month. the jcc is calling for concerted action from the federal government to find those responsible for all of this. and 51-year-old adam puritan has made his first court appearance in connection to what appears to be a racially motivated murder in kansas. bliss say he opened fire last week in a sports bar killing one indian man and wounding another. witnesses say he told his victims to get out of my country. for the first time we're hearing from the widow of the man who was killed. she's now worried about the numerous hate crimes in the u.s. increasing and she says her husband was full of love. >> he did love america. he did. he studied here. he made so many friends. we came here with so much of dreams. you have taken away from me my love. but i'm here to spread love. >> so the suspect is now charged with first degree murder and attempted murder. a bartender who called 911 to report the suspect told dispatchers he originally described his victims as iranian. it was another record day on wall street thanks to what some are calling a trump bump. ahead of promised big infrastructure announcement today by president trump, the dow closed at a record high for the 12th consecutive day. 20,837. it's the dow's longest winning streak since january of 1987. it has skyrocketed 2,400 points since election night. we're going to get into the epic best picture gaffe at the oscars later in this half hour. now another mistake. >> it happened during the in memoriam segment. a costume designer named janet patterson was included. >> that is not janet patterson. it's a productive named jan chapman, a friend of janet patterson. jan chapman is very much alive. she was disappointed by the error. >> whoops. and later this half hour, we are going to get to the bottom of that big hollywood ending from sunday night that everyone's talking about. so many conspiracy theorys are now swirling around. we've got new evidence that may reveal the distraction that caused the whole envelope mix-up. first the shocking scene meant to terrorize a black family during a children's birthday party. waving confederate flashings shouting threats and brandishing guns. the subject sentenced as emotions ran high in the courtroom. you're watching "world news now." emotions ran high in the courtroom. you're watching "world news now." ah! what's this sudden cooling thing happening? it's got a menthol burst. you can feel it right away. wow, that sort of blind-sided me. and it clears my terrible cold symptoms. ahh! this is awkward. new mucinex clear & cool. feel the menthol burst. while powerful medicine clears your worst cold symptoms. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. if you've got a life, you gotta swiffer clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. wow! but what other teen problems can it fix fast? maybe it can quickly give this teen a thicker mustache? doesn't look like it. will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn. can it help... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. you...smells fine, but yourin your passengers smell this bell dinging new febreze car with odorclear technology cleans away odors... ...for up to 30 days smells nice... breathe happy, with new febreze. ...have you tried the tissue test? question, are my teeth yellow? ugh, yellow... what do you use? crest whitestrips crest 3d whitestrips whiten... 25 times better than a leading whitening toothpaste i passed the tissue test. oh yeah. crest whitestrips are the way to whiten ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. we are getting a frightening reminder this morning about the dangers of e-cigarettes. that's surveillance video out of calgary, canada, showing a man's pants catching fire. a spare battery he was carrying in his pocket apparently shorted out when it came into contact with coins. it melted his polyester boxer shorts causing third degree burnsence. >> two people convicted of terrorizing a birthday party for an 8-year-old. >> the report of a group that waved confederate flags while shouting threats and racial slurs. here's abc's steve osunsami. >> reporter: 26-year-old jose torres and 25-year-old kayla norton were crying in court today, after learning they will do hard time. sentenced to 20 and 15 years in jail respectively. >> he had the gun! he the one that had the gun! >> reporter: back in the summer of 2015, they weren't nearly as tearful. they were part of this group of confederate flag supporters in pick-up trucks who spent two days, across two counties in the atlanta suburbs, threatening black families and calling them racial slurs. >> they're pulling rifles out on us! five trucks of white guys with rebel flags. >> reporter: this family was throwing a birthday party for a young child and called the police. >> they have got knives and guns. >> reporter: all this happened after south carolina removed its confederate battle flag from the statehouse. >> that is not me. that is not me. that is not him. i would never walk up to you and say those words to you. i'm so sorry that happened to you. >> you said -- affected my life, and it affected my children's lives. >> reporter: prosecutors used a georgia law, aimed at criminal street gangs to convict them. they are expected to appeal. steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. >> quite an emotional scene there be in georgia. >> yeah. coming up in our next half hour, an out of this world flight. spacex is planning on sending space tourists on a trip around the moon next year. so what does it cost? and more importantly, how dangerous is this? >> you go first. >> no, i'll be okay. i'd rather be faye dunaway in that situation. >> we'll be talking about the chaos and confusion of that moment at the oscars. that's next. as little as 12 hours. s in wow! but what other teen problems can it fix fast? maybe it can quickly give this teen a thicker mustache? doesn't look like it. will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn. can it help... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. "la la land." >> in retrospect what we know is warren was confused. he handed it to faye and let her read the name. in other words, clyde through in other words, clyde threw bonnie under the bus. >> that is jimmy kimmel talking about the now infamous oscar mishap. >> we're also hearing from some of the people who were apparently involved. here's abc's nick watt. >> and the academy award -- >> reporter: warren baity looks a little bewildered. more than 30 million americans are watching. > for best picture -- >> reporter: it's a live show, remember. >> come on. >> "la la land." >> faye dunaway announced "la la land" as best picture. hugs all around, thank yous and full switch. >> repression is the enemy of civilization. >> reporter: wait, what's with the worried looking guy in the headset? moonlight's mahershala had won earlier for best actor. >> i was like something's really wrong. >> this is not a joke. i'm afraid they read the wrong thing. this is not a joke. "moonlight" has won best picture. "moonlight," best picture. >> reporter: how could this happen? a clue on the hot mike. >> what? >> "moonlight" was tough. certainly didn't show up tonight thinking that's what would happen. yeah, it was a bit of a shock. >> reporter: thanks for the understatement, jordan. >> i think i needed to hear them say it multiple times and pull us up there. >> reporter: there was twitter love. "moonlight" barry jenkins tweeting jason horowitz, much respect to that dude. >> they're acting like this is a massive scandal. >> here's the deal. there are actually two of every card. pricewaterhousecoopers partners each carry a briefcase filled with a full stack. they stand either side of the stage and hand them out to the presenters. our own brandi hitt interviewed them both last year. >> has there ever been a mistake? >> no, there hasn't. >> that's martha ruiz. the other is brian cullinan. cullinan gave beatty best actress, not best picture. it is plain to see on the envelope. >> if they have to have two sets of cards, the second you give that award out, you shred the other card. you don't leave it laying around for someone to pick up and give to warren beatty. >> pricewaterhousecooper has handled oscar ballots pretty well for 82 years issued this statement taking full responsibility for the mistake saying that once the error occurred, protocols for correcting it were not followed through quickly enough by mr. cullinan or his partner. pwc apologized to the cast and crew of "la la land" and "moonlight." way back in '64, something similar happened to sammy davis jr. >> john addison for tom jones. >> addison had won in just a different category. >> they gave me the wrong envelope. wait till the naacp hears about this. >> reporter: listen, "la la land" had already won six other golds. "moonlight" had only one two. it is a deserving win. even "la la's" miss stone agrees. >> i [ bleeped ] love "moonlight." i love it so much. >> what you looking at me like that for? you just drove down here. >> reporter: the tale of a gay man growing up struggling in grimy '80s miami. >> the only problem is we're not talking about what's important about "moonlight." "moonlight" is the first movie about the lgbtq experience in america to win best picture. >> reporter: now a win that will live in oscar lore forever. >> very unfortunate what happened. personally, i blame steve harvey for this. i would like to see you get an honor, anyway. why can't we just give out a whole bunch of them. >> reporter: nick watt for "nightline" in hollywood. >> jimmy kimmel, job well done. coming up, a tube channel to help insomniacs. it is time for the mix. acs. well done. >> coming up, ayew tube channel to help insomniacs. r home for up to 48 hours? it's like having a sick family member that you didn't even know was there. and we all know what happens when one family member gets sick. but lysol spray and lysol wipes kill 99.9% of germs including 8 common cold & flu viruses to help protect your home. this cold and flu season help keep your home happy and healthy and lysol that. ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. or is it your allergy pills? holding you back break through your allergies. introducing flonase sensimist. more complete allergy relief in a gentle mist you may not even notice. using unique mistpro technology, new flonase sensimist delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances that cause your symptoms. most allergy pills only block one. and six is greater than one. break through your allergies. new flonase sensimist. ♪ clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. wow! but what other teen problems can it fix fast? maybe it can quickly give this teen a thicker mustache? doesn't look like it. will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn. can it help... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. you won't see these folks they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. get a 4 week trial, plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again. ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. it is time for the mix. we are going to start with a brain orgasm. >> now i have everyone's attention. >> you had me at brain. >> these videos are taking youtube by storm. they're called autonomy sensory meridian response videos. say that three times fast. here's one of the big players, maria. she only reveals her first name and she has a channel called gentle whispering asmr, the nickname for the videos. 880,000 subscribers. her top five videos have 47 million views. she does all this weird whispery thing and 82% of viewers report it helps them fall asleep. >> where does the o part come from. >> for some it helps them something else. >> really. >> 82% is just for sleeping. >> okay. we'll take the sleeping part. >> we need that. >> yes, we need the sleeping part. >> i want to give it a try and see because i don't fully get how it works. but maybe if i just -- what do you think, kendis, how am i doing? kendis? kendis? [ snoring ] >> wow. i need a cigarette. that was good. >> okay. 5 percenter over here. let's move on now because you know what? in rio, there are a whole bunch of people partying right now. it is the last day of carnivale down there. that includes everybody, including one of the clean-up guys at the samba drome. look at him. so this is of course, where had he held the big parade every year ahead of mardi gras during account carnivale season. there you go, he can't stop the feeling. > can he give us some lessons. >> i'm going to reveal some really snazzy pants. >> i think i'm doing it. >> you know what he's doing? he's just making sure that he doesn't clean while the other guys are there like, there you go. i got to clean. >> kind of like when we don't feel like reads this news we start dancing and hope nobody notices. next up in "the mix," a new way for the baby gender reveal. you know how people have all the new creative ways. a friend of a coup in dallas, texas, she decided to come up with this way. she constructed this sort of mock-up of a pregnant woman made of balloons and had mom pop the center balloon in that -- the balloons were pink. that means you have a baby girl. >> oh, okay. >> this is cute. want to get to it. this golden retriever trying to bury its bone under pillows. >> oh. >> how did they don't help single moms. hi. hi. what happened to our house last year? it flooded. and the water flooded out. yeah. the red cross arranged the hotel for us. they gave me that break, that leverage, to be able to get it together and... take care of them, you know? i feel like we've come full circle. like that! this is how i'll do it. sarah: there you go. this morning on "world news now," the final frontier. spacex has unveiled plans to send humans into deep space for the first time in decades. and they're not astronauts. they're tourists. so what could this mean for human exploration and the survival of our species? we'll have the full story just ahead. we're following breaking news out of southern california this morning. look at this. that fireball is the result of a plane slamming into a neighborhood. that family that was on board returning from disneyland. we'll have the latest from the scene. and new this half hour, what really caused that whole embarrassing mix-up at the oscars? >> so the show's host, jimmy kimmel, of course, returning to his own late night show and gave up the goods. we'll have the details. later in "the skinny," the triumphant trio of bachelor contestants. who made the final cut? the season's coming down to the wire. everybody is already second guessing nick's decision. we all know only one woman can have his heart for eternity or or at least until next week. our analyst is fired up this morning on this tuesday, february 28th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." i don't know where to begin. do we begin with like the bachelor and hoping to send off all four of them to space or -- >> that would be a good reality show. >> that would be. or do i say you can test out this whole elon musk thing first. >> that's my motto. you go first. >> you go first. >> i'm right behind you, buddy. >> really, a huge declaration by elon musk. >> it would be the first time someone is on the moon. 56 years. so the founder of spacex, the private company, they've been shuttling supplies to the international space station for a while now. now they're laying out plans to fly two private citizens on a mission around the moon by late next year. >> so pretty soon. >> yeah. >> the week-long journey would travel deeper into space than any human has ever ventured before. >> he's launched rockets, landing the reusable first stage on land and on an ocean barge. so when asked by two people can we fly to the moon, elon musk said yes. despite the fact that last year and the year before, his company spacex spectacularly lost two rockets, would you ride to the moon? >> i think they are entering this with their eyes open knowing there is some risk here. they're certainly not naive. >> the plan to launch the two people in 18 months on a slingshot journey past the moon and then back to earth, the first deep space travel in nearly 50 years. the two citizen astronauts getting the view the apollo astronauts got of the moon. a round trip ticket more than $200 million. and musk says this won't be the only flight. >> i don't know. >> well, not only did they find two people that want to do this, those two people approached the company and they are paying for the trip but they haven't revealed who they are. >> he says they know the risk. is that a really, really expensive funeral for them? >> or the story of a lifetime. >> that indeed. you know, it's been since 1972 since we've been that deep into space. >> so cool. >> if there's anybody who can do it, we're all believers in elon musk. look at that. they can land a rocket back on earth in the middle of the ocean. >> between tesla and spacex, he's already accomplished so many things everyone said would be impossible. here's one more. we hope that first flight works out according to plan. >> i knew he could do big things when he got me to pay my bills on paypal. >> saved my life. as president trump prepares to address congress and the country tonight, he's pushing back against claims that his campaign staffers were coordinating with russia. >> the republican chairman of the house intelligence committee looking into the allegations says so far he's heard no evidence that anyone from the trump campaign was in contact with the russians. but the leading democrat on the committee says it was premature to reach any conclusions. here's abc's jonathan karl. >> reporter: the white house firmly rejected calls for a special prosecutor to investigate russian influence into the presidential campaign. >> should there be a special prosecutor? darrell issa has called for a special prosecutor to look into this. >> and i guess my question would be a special prosecutor for what? >> to look into the whole russia connection. the whole russia influence on the campaign. >> we have now, for six months, heard story after story come out about unnamed sources saying the same thing over and over again. and nothing's come of it. >> reporter: but now a prominent house republican is calling for an independent investigation saying attorney general jeff sessions shouldn't be involved because of the prominent role he played in the trump campaign. >> you cannot have somebody, a friend of mine, jeff sessions, who was on the campaign and who is an appointee. you're going to need to use the special prosecutor's statute and office. >> reporter: but the white house insisted there is nothing left to investigate, even though key questions remain unanswered. >> do you now categorically deny there were no contacts between the russians and anybody on the campaign? >> i can't deny -- i can't -- i guess my question is -- i'm not -- right. i'm not -- >> that's what the investigation would look at. >> right, and i guess my point is is that you've had the intelligence community look at russia's involvement in the election. you had the house and the senate both do the same. and so, what i'm trying to ascertain is at what point -- how many people have to say that there's nothing there before you realize there's nothing there? >> reporter: but the fbi is still investigating and the house and senate intelligence committees have only just begun to investigate russian interference in the campaign. >> we have, i think, reached no conclusion, nor could we in terms of issues of collusion because we haven't called in a single witness or reviewed a single document. >> white house press secretary sean spicer would not confirm or deny a report that he called the cia director and asked him to knock down a story about russian contacts with the trump campaign. but when i asked spicer directly about this, he said that there is nothing wrong with asking "subject matter experts to correct an inaccurate story. >> jonathan karl, abc news, the white house. >> meanwhile, the pentagon is ing to confirm reports from syria about a deadly u.s. drone strike. word is that a top al qaeda official was killed sunday in an attack in northwestern syria. he was a son-in-law of osama bin laden and linked to the 1998 bombings of two u.s. embassies in africa which killed more than 200 people. this morning here at home, at least three people have been killed and two others injured in the crash of a small plane into a neighborhood in southern california. take a look at this video here. you'll see the cessna 310 slamming into two homes shortly after takeoff from the riverside municipal airport, roughly 60 miles east of los angeles. it destroyed both of those houses and damaged a third. roughly 60 miles east of los angeles. it destroyed both houses and damaged a third. it's not known which victims were on the plane and which were in the homes. authorities say the cessna's occupants were a husband, wife and three teenagers returning to san jose after a weekend cheerleading conference at disneyland. we're going to continue to stay on top of this breaking news story. but also breaking overnight, scary moments in the skies for 154 passengers and crew. they were heading from san diego to check. american airlines flight 1296 see it there, mead an emergency landing in denver due to strong turbulence. five people were injured but the boeing 737 landed without incident. the plane was checked out, then continued on to chicago where it landed early this morning. also this morning, illinois authorities are trying to find an accused killer set free by mistake. garrick glover is wanted in a 2012 murder in chicago. he was charged in that case two years ago. friday, glover was also convicted on a separate armed robbery charge. he was released after officials determined he had been in custody long enough, but only in that case. japanese automakers takata has pleaded guilty to fraud and agreed to $1 billion in penalties. the company admitted to concealing an air bag defect blamed for at least 11 deaths in the u.s. alone. law makes for the plaintiffs now say ford, honda, toyota and nissan knew for years that the air bags were dangerous but continued to use them to try to save money. and this, well, that was the scene on an interstate in new orleans. a driver taking video as several of the city's famous mardi gras floats were being pulled into the city. >> that's awesome. >> today, of course, is mardi gras's fat tuesday. eight parades are set to roll through the big easy as everyone gets in one last party before ash wednesday tomorrow and the start of lent. >> the one time everyone's hoping for a traffic jam so they can get out and start appearing on the floats. >> get their beads out and get it on. coming up, we are getting to the bottom of last night's oscar mix-up. >> the new evidence of a backstage distraction. jimmy kimmel reveals what was going through his head. during the confusion. >> plus his sidekick, guillermo, shows us what he was doing on oscar night. that's coming up later on the "skinny." >> but first, a look at today's forecast. >> announcer: "world news now" weather, brought to you by clearasil rapid action. working fast begins for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. wow! but what other teen problems can it fix fast? maybe it can quickly give this teen a thicker mustache? doesn't look like it. will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn. can it help... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. my hygi...a mouthwash.o try... so i tried crest. it does so much more than give me fresh breath. crest pro-health mouthwash provides all... ...of these benefits to help you get better dental check-ups. go pro with crest mouthwash. checkup? nailed it ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. so this video comes from poland so this vide so this video comes from poland. watch carefully. shows why you don't do that. >> so those railroad crossing arms were actually down but you see the driver goes past the barrier. the train clips the back of the car. the whole thing goes into a spin. here's the thing, it's not clear why the driver went through the gates. reports are coming out that the driver was sober and he is now in serious condition. >> you would think he would see it. it's off to his left. >> the car is pretty low. so maybe he just wasn't paying attention and just drove right under it. >> speaking of train wrecks, we're getting a better understanding of that one that we call the oscars. >> that's going to win segue of the week right there. >> yeah. >> the accounting firm responsible for the winner's envelope says that staffers didn't act quickly enough to correct the error that led to the fiasco. pwc is taking full responsibility for warren beatty and faye dunaway being handed the wrong envelope before announcing the oscar for best picture. >> so this now deleted tweet showing oscar winner emma stone backstage was sent by pwc's brian cullinan just before the best picture announcement. that is raising questions about whether he was distracted from his official duties of handing out the envelopes. on his show last night, oscar host jimmy kimmel shedding some light on what we didn't see. >> and i'm now sitting in the audience watching these speeches. the plan is for me to end the show from the audience in a seat next to matt damon. but we're sitting there and we notice some commotion going on and matt says i think i heard the stage manager say they got the winner wrong. stage manager's on. the stage manager is never on camera. it's very unusual. we're sitting there. you kind of figure, well, you know, the host will go on stage and clear this up. then i remember, oh, i'm the host. >> kimmel's show also started with some mock surveillance video. we can see his security guard, quote security guard, guillermo rodriguez eating in the back there. he wipes his mouth on an envelope. and tosses it away. that starts the confusion. guillermo takes down more tequila. >> the stage managers rush onto the stage. >> that's when we knew something was wrong when you saw the stage manager on stage because that never actually happens. oh, hey, mark. it's our stage manager. >> more of your diva treatment. >> he ignores me for the 90 minutes that we're here. >> we've got the right scripts now. it turns out we are out of time. >> we have power. >> we've got to move on. >> exactly, thanks, mark. when we come back, guillermo takes to the red carpet to embarrass the "a" listers. >> and it could finally be time for the fantasy suites. our chief senior "bachelor" analyst joins us for "the skinny" next. >> what goes on in the fantasy suite? >> they have tea -- and crumpets. suite? >> they have tea and crumpets. suite. >> they have tea and crump pets. maybe it can quickly give this teen a thicker mustache? doesn't look like it. will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn. can it help... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ >> skinny time. we are getting down to the nitty gritty on abc's "the bachelor." >> let's pull in our chief global executive senior bachelor analyst contributor jack >> that's a good title. >> it's getting longer and longer. >> try to work that in. kendis and diane, it's a numbers game on "the bachelor" as we grind toward the finale. four women started last night. three are left. two weeks to go. mercifully. roll that beautiful "bachelor" footage. >> the whole thing started with nick and his old flame andi dorfman in nick's hotel room in brooklyn. no highlights here. there was some manufactured drama. lots of nonsense. moving on, next. >> okay. >> it was a cold night in brooklyn for the rose ceremony. four women still waiting for their roses. who was that? that was raven. she got a rose. >> okay. >> and let's see who is next. that's rachel. rachel gets a rose. and third is -- >> corrine. >> vanessa gets a rose. >> no, no. >> corrine, time to go back to miami. corrine, this country has enough problems right now. we don't need to have to deal with corrine any longer. nick walks her to the car, says thanks, no thanks. you're out of here. good-bye. >> that means she's single. >> yeah. >> she's available, kendis. >> she's available. >> next off to lapland in the nation of finland as we all learned in fifth grade. the first date, nick and raven, there was a helicopter. they were hanging out playing darts in a bar. this is going well. yeah, yeah. oh, right in the bull's eye. >> i didn't know that's how you play darts. >> it's an adaptation of the game. that's the lap adaptation of darts. that's the lap adaptation of doing shots right there. >> that one looks more familiar. >> so next, dinner, raven finally coming clean with nick and she tells nick she loves him. she also revealed some other, let's call them personal details. >> call them too much information. >> yes, that since we are on a family oriented show, granted it is the middle of the night, but it's still family oriented. >> it was like 8:00 and they kept teasing it. >> we'll leave those parts out. into the fantasy suite they go. which is where the whole thing left off. >> next week, a three-hour "bachelor" event including the women tell all. analyst out. >> that's it? >> never answered. >> the women tell all. >> yeah, i want to find out what happened in the fantasy suite. did she finally -- you know, what they teased? >> okay. >> okay. >> now to another stud on abc. no, not kendis. we're talking about guillermo. >> of course. kimmel's sidekick has been sharing drinks with celebrities on the red carpet for years. but last night was a lot different. >> what do you want to say to the haters? >> you wish you were here, don't you? >> if you see jimmy kimmel he needs to sign my time card ticket so i can get paid. >> i can sign it. >> oh, yeah, go ahead and sign it. which one is the best picture of the year? >> "moonlight." >> no, this is the best picture of the year. >> we should probably kiss. >> we should kiss, me and you? >> [ muted ] it. the most action i've gotten in a long time. >> i think charlize is thinking that she's done worse. >> she says the most action i've gotten in a long time. >> by the way, that was the ceo of disney that guillermo was asking to sign his timecard. >> mahershala ali is having a good couple of days. he's a new dad and won the oscar and now -- >> now he's a calvin klein model. shirtless, pensive looking in these gorgeous pictures. >> yeah. would it kill to eat a pizza, guys? 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[ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now - and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. wow! but what other teen problems can it fix fast? maybe it can quickly give this teen a thicker mustache? doesn't look like it. will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn. can it help... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. i'my bargain detergentgh a couldn't keep up.isaster. so, i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated, so i get a better clean. tide. number one rated. it's got to be tide ♪ i'm in love ♪ i'm in love with the shape of you, push and pull like a magnet do ♪ ♪ i'm in love with the shape of you, push and pull like a magnet do ♪ ♪ although my heart is pulled in two, i'm in love with your body ♪ ♪ last night you were in my room now my bed sheets smell like you ♪ >> love that song. it is awesome. >> so a powerful new mini series "when we rise" premiered on abc chronicling the decades's long gay and civil rights movements. >> elizabeth hur goes behind the scenes. >> this is much bigger than you realize. you all have to get yourselves together. >> reporter: whoopi goldberg and rosie o'donnell. >> you've got a loud voice. we could use another loud voice. >> reporter: among the special guest stars portraying real people. >> we are not a menace. we will not be silent any longer. >> reporter: whose real struggles fighting for equality are captured in "when we rise." >> to me "when we rise" is a love letter to all who have felt repressed. >> reporter: it's a project four years in the making. >> there's something just juicy and compelling and you just don't want to stop watching. >> reporter: showcasing the setbacks of the start of the gay, women's, and civil rights movements in the '70s. >> i pronounce you spouses for life. >> reporter: to the triumphs of recent years. >> the beautiful thing about the show is that it shows you a glimpse of what life used to look like before those rights were there. >> cut. cut, cut, cut. >> oscar winning writer dustin lance black calls this his passion project. >> it's not when i rise, it's not when you rise, it's not when lgbt people rise. this is called "when we rise." >> reporter: a timely story he says is about real families, their hopes that is both relatable and inspiring. > it isn't just about politics or policy. this is about families how we all should be rising up together and that we have more in common than some people seem to be expressing. > whoever you are, you are not alone. >> reporter: elizabeth hur, abc news, new york. >> all right. big day for abc. but it's a big day around here. you know what? today is diane's birthday. yes! >> yes. >> we spared no expenses. >> oh, wow. okay. >> happy birthday. we gave you a whopping ten seconds for this celebration. >> okay. >> happy birthday. >> thank you. >> to you. i'd like to thank the academy. i'd like to thank my parents for supporting me. ♪ happy birthday to you >> i'd like to thank the delivery guy that delivered my chicken fingers. ♪ happy birthday >> more hats making news in america this morning, breaking overnight, a small plane slams into homes with a family on board. hear what investigators are now saying from the scene and the new video showing that plane taking a nosedive. >> president trump preparing to give his first address to congress today. overnight, some new hints about what the speech will likely focus on and why he's blaming former president obama for these scenes, for the protests at town halls across the country. we're live in washington. space tourism is officially taking flight. we have some new details on a plan to send people around the moon. but how much will a ticket cost? plus, this -- >> i'm standing there like an idiot feeling bad for these guys but also trying really hard not to laugh to be honest. >> behind the debacle. jimmy kimmel talking

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