Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20161028 :

Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20161028

live doppler 7, tracking the storm. rain intensity going up. and yellows and oranges. free mont area. mike will be here 4:30 to 7:00, tracking the storm. >> that's our report. appreciate your time. for all of us, thank you for joining us. on jimmy kimmel live and she has four kids. that's a lot of kids to put through college and clothes and new shoes. i'm not a lawyer, but i got to think she has a case here. she took a picture with that machine saying she won that amount of money. >> would be proof. >> you know, maybe she'll send us a thank you. >> if you do get a payout, help a brother and sister out. >> reach us at abc. >> yeah. coming up, smash and grab. several instances of similar crimes and now police are wondering if there's a link. plus, diane sawyer reporting, going behind prison walls to talk to those now doing time for trying to join isis. >> find us on facebook at and twitter @abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." you're watching "world news now." you may think you can put off checking out your medicare options until you're sixty-five, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. the rest is up to you. that's where aarp medicare supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company come in. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they could help pay some of what medicare doesn't, saving you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you've learned that taking informed steps along the way really makes a difference later. that's what it means to go long™. call now and request this free [decision guide]. it's full of information on medicare and the range of aarp medicare supplement plans to choose from based on your needs and budget. all plans like these let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients, and there are no network restrictions. unitedhealthcare insurance company has over thirty years experience and the commitment to roll along with you, keeping you on course. so call now and discover how an aarp medicare supplement plan could go long™ for you. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. plus, nine out of ten plan members surveyed say they would recommend their plan to a friend. remember, medicare doesn't cover everything. the rest is up to you. call now, request your free [decision guide] and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. go long™. ♪ i'my bargain detergentgh a couldn't keep up.isaster. so, i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated, so i get a better clean. tide. number one rated. it's got to be tide i'll take it from here. i'm good. i just took new mucinex clear and cool. ah! what's this sudden cooooling thing happening? it's got a menthol burst. you can feel it right away. wow, that sort of blind-sided me. and it clears my terrible cold symptoms. ahh! this is awkward. new mucinex fast-max clear & cool. feel the menthol burst. and clear your worst cold symptoms. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. moisture so i can get into it ao enhance mbit quicker. ral and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel. iraqi special iraqi special forces have moved more than 1,000 people out of villages near the front lines of the battle to retake mozul. this as isis militants are using human shields as iraqi forces advance. this is according to u.s. officials and aide agencies. iraqi forces also discovered a bomb making facility in a village near mosul that was recently retain from militants. speaking of the battle against isis, it's not just taking place on the front lines, an alarming number of young americans are enticed by the terrorist group. >> abc's diane sawyer has, for the first time, been let inside a federal prison to interview once a star student. >> reporter: two honor students, a cheerleader, a soccer player, a math teacher, jaylen young's dad a military veteran. and now the high school stars are prisoners, guilty of charges for providing material support to isis. have you ever been arrested before? >> no, ma'am, not at all. ever been in trouble? >> no. >> nothing? >> no, ma'am. i mean, unless you count, like, car tickets. >> one of your friends is quoted as saying, he was the guy never in a bad mood. >> that is true. >> they met in college. he says his first serious romance. and he says, at the time, he had fallen into a depression. she admitted instigating interest in isis. they watched isis videos online. >> these videos are dangerously inspirational. >> it made sense to you? >> that's how they showed themselves, as rebuilding towns, feeding the poor. >> when you're seeing beheadings of aide workers? >> i mean, yeah, i heard about them, but i never did see the videos. >> reporter: he and his girlfriend write messages to people they think are recruiters, but, in fact, it's the fbi arresting them at the airport. >> you were willing to kill in the name of isis? >> once i got there, i would have seen a whole different kind of picture, not what i thought it was. >> you thought you were willing to do that, you were willing to kill americans? >> no. it was more just, you know, i want to help as much as i can. >> today, he says he wants to warn parents their smart kids can have secrets and a seriously skewed version of the world. >> fascinating look there. on the one hand, young people are so impressionable, but you got to pay attention to what's happening in the world, propaganda's one thing, but real life -- >> you never know. these were both honor students. they were very well connected in the world. she was a cheerleader, he played soccer. i mean, that's as apple pie as it gets. >> absolutely. look at it one way, they were lucky to have gotten caught and sentenced because their fate would have been far worse had they traveled and joined the ranks of isis. >> true, 8 years and 12 years in prison. coming up in our next half hour, the irs scam targeting every american with a phone. americans have already been bilked out of $300 million. how they're doing it and what you need to know before you say anything to anyone identifying themselves as the irs. but first, the crooks who aren't using phones, but hammers to smash and grab. the rash of robberies across at least two states, and it's all caught on video. that's coming up next. "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. recapping the breaking news story this morning, the campaign plane carrying mike pence skids recapping the breaking news story this morning, the campaign plane carrying mike pence skids off a runway in new york city during a hard landing at laguardia airport. the impact destroyed part of the tarmac as you can see there. none of the 48 people on board was hurt. the indiana governor is fine. you see him there heading into his hotel late last night. the incident on "gma" later on this morning. we'll hear from him. >> so glad he's doing okay. >> yeah. we'll talk about it. now, police in two states are dealing with a fresh rash of smash and grab robberies. >> and it's not just jewelry stores. marci gonzales has more. >> reporter: thieves masked with helmets and armed with hammers breakthrough display cases in boca raton, florida, tuesday, filling their bags and getting away with motorcycles. the third smash-and-grab burglary caught on camera in just a week. the other two in philadelphia. here you see a man slamming the display case of a wireless store with a hammer on wednesday loading up the back back with cell phones, and, tuesday, again in philly, surveillance cameras captured an suv backing into the front of the high-end clothing store. suspects in the car, and mercedes across the street get out, break the glass and run into the store with hooded sweatshirts hiding face as they get away with suits and accessories worth $45,000. >> any tip we can get, you know, from the public will help us in solving this crime here and finding out who the individuals are responsible for this. >> reporter: police are still searching for suspects in all three cases. marcy gonzalez, abc news, new york. >> theft is bad, but e love how low tech this is in today's high-tech world. just get a hammer and go in. >> yeah. it's simple and successful for them. i'm sure the cops will find them, though. coming up -- for 12 hours. no thank you very much, she's gonna stick with the short-term stuff. 12 hours? guess i won't be seeing you for a while. is that a bisque? i just lost my appetite. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. so we're back with breaking news here in "the mix." the guys at jpl in california from nasa who have landed robots on a comet as well as taken us to mars, has now achieved something even greater. >> very serious. going to change humanity for a while. >> it is. >> it's a pumpkin carving contest. >> yes, that's it. >> just to let you know. >> that's what the scientists -- >> but, despite that setup, it's a fantastic amazing feat. these guys are real, like, rocket engineers and scientists and understand mechanics, apparently. lady pac-man and baby pac-man pumpkins. it was a contest. this is a political one coming up. favorite one is coming up. this is for the audience. now, the esteemed accomplished journalists we are, we can't efficiently out which one won. if anybody in our audience can figure out which one of these entries won, can you tweet us? we are dying to know. >> they are are all winners. >> that's a tornado. this is my favorite, the barbecue with the squash pig. that was my vote. >> looks yummy. >> good to know they have that much time on their hands, those folks at nasa. >> polka! ♪ on the graves and in haunted hotel in brooklyn, new york. ♪ shrieks and moans and squeaky floors clowns behind the doors ♪ ♪ that's the halloween polka ♪ monsters ring your bell ♪ let them go to the neighbors ♪ that's the halloween polka ♪ this is spooky, a nightmare i'll relive ♪ ♪ hey, dracula, do you like blood he said, oh, positive ♪ ♪ every guy and ghoul do the halloween polka ♪ i know. you're waiting for me to say does your mummy know you're here? i'm not going to say it. ginger, i should have swiped left. ♪ you can keep your zombies and who needs the walking dead ♪ ♪ life is frightening enough just getting out of bed ♪ ♪ once a year what a fright we're all on the graveyard shift tonight ♪ ♪ that's the halloween polka ♪ come get in the spirit of the ghosts who haunt the halls ♪ ♪ and kids loaded with sugar who are bouncing off the walls ♪ ♪ hey! eerie sounds at 3:00 a.m. insomniacs are used to them ♪ ♪ that's the halloween polka everybody! ♪ that's the halloween polka this morning on "world news now," just feet to spare. that's how close vice presidential nominee mike pence's campaign plane came from a major highway here in new york. new details this morning of a landing everyone on board says they will never forget. also, donald trump making a new claim about the incident on the bus that sparked such anger over how he spoke about women. the republican nominee now considering legal action over the entire episode just 11 days to go before the election. and new this half hour, a major cocaine seizure on the high seas. thousands of pounds of the drug captured by the coast guard from a self-propelled submarine. authorities say it's part of their best year to date. and it is captivated the internet for days. is this bill murray or is this tom hanks? the answer revealed in the skinny on this friday, october 28th. it's a mystery. >> i have a vote. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> it is this year's blue dress versus yellow dress. >> it was gold. >> it was a dress. >> i think that's tom hanks, but tom hanks is my favorite actor of all time, so i could be projecting that. >> who do you think it is? tweet us. was that tom hanks or bill murray? give us your thoughts and why. during the skinny, we'll let you know the answer. >> there's an answer to this unlike the stupid dress question. >> there was an answer. it was blue. >> i do agree. it was blue and black. >> now that that's settled, let's get to the breaking news of the day. the campaign plane that really was a scare for trump's running mate, mike pence. and the ntsb is investigating after the jet skidded off a runway at new york's laguardia airport. >> a concrete arrester barrier prevented the incident from being worse. you see the concrete is torn up. the barrier stopped the plane from sliding on a busy highway feet from the airport. here's more. >> reporter: the charter 737 carrying vp mike pence caked in mud, dozens of feet behind the runway where the plane landed and landed hard. an abc news producer part of the press pool on board. >> feels like you'd think. the plane was wobbling. it was not braking. it was -- there was a lot of noise. things starting falling off, and the overhead compartments. you could tell something was wrong. . >> i heard a noise. i didn't know what it was. i heard a noise and there was a trump. pence plane screeching, stop right here. >> reporter: officials won't say how fast it was going when it overshot the runway stopping several hundred feet in front grand central parkway in front of beds that act like quick sand to stop a jetliner in its tracks. >> served the purpose they did tonight, slow down an aircraft approaching the end of the runway. the arrester beds served their purpose tonight. we're not speculating on the incident. >> reporter: no injuries and no panic. the port authority pulled a staircase up to the plane to evacuate on the tarmac. pence, himself, took pictures with first responders before climbing into the motorcade and driving away. he skipped the fundraiser, and arrived with a thumb's up at the midtown hotel. you can see a large emergency presence here at the side of runway 22 at laguardia airport as they set up lights. the ntsb on the way here to new york to investigate exactly what caused this incident. and until they get that plane out of there, one of only two runways here in laguardia airport will be shut down. that means big delays here, and possibly across the country. abc news, new york. >> a long weekend ahead for travelers. our thanks to josh there. as mike pence gets back to campaigning today, donald trump will be out in force holding rallies in three different states. >> with the race tightening in battlegrounds, trump is taking aim at hillary clinton wikileaks e-mails how money was raised for the clinton foundation. tom llamas is on the campaign trail. >> reporter: donald trump latching on to the new wikileaks revelation about the clinton foundation and money making enterprise referred to as bill clinton inc. >> if the clintons were willing to play this fast and loose with their enterprise when they were not in the white house, just imagine what they'll do given the chance to once again control the oval office. >> reporter: trump in battleground ohio, three rallies in the must-win state. >> remember every time you see a clothes factory or a wiped out community in ohio, it was essentially caused by the clintons. >> reporter: after two weeks of early voting here, nearly half a million ballots cast, 40% less than this point in 2012. experts say it could be fewer democrats turning out, helping trump, but he's having trouble shaking off the past like the feud with the gold star family he attacked after they appeared at the democratic national convention. george stephanopoulos asking trump if he had any regrets. >> do you think you should have apologized to the khans? >> i have great respect for the khan people. i have great respect for -- i mean, the son is a great hero. but if i were president at that time, captain khan would be alive today, george, because i wouldn't have been in iraq. >> reporter: this, though trump initially supported the war. hillary clinton calling him out. >> i don't understand how anyone would want to rub salt in the wounds of a grieving family. >> reporter: kazir khan now on the campaign trail for clinton. >> this is the most cruel thing you can say to grieving parents, if i was there, this would not have happened. >> reporter: as he enters the home stretch, trump leaning on family for help. >> does it make you want to get out there yourself and help him out in the final two weeks? >> we will see. my priority's my son, baron, our son, baron. and i might join him. we will see. >> she's actually going to make two or three speeches. >> okay. >> she's amazing when she speaks. >> reporter: trump making headlines after a speech in toledo, ohio, using the word "ghettos," describing the african-american community. now, if that indeed is the case, it's a phrase i've never heard him use, but if it is the case, it may affect him not only here in ohio, but all across the country with african-american voters. a recent poll shows 4% of black voters plan on voting for him come election day. tom llamas, abc news, ohio. >> donald trump accuses nbc of breaking the law over the "access hollywood" tape he talk about groping and kissing women without their permission. on fox news last night, trump, again, dismissed the comments as locker room comments and said the network had no right to record him at that particular time. >> the microphone was not supposed to be on, not that it's an excuse for myself, but, certainly, it was an illegal act that was nbc. it was not supposed to be on. >> you think it was illegal what they did, putting the tape out? >> oh, absolutely. that was a private, you know, a private dressing room. >> well, trump also suggested he might sue nbc after the election. he's already threatened to sue the women who accused him of sexual assault. president obama is campaigning for hillary clinton in florida today, but yesterday clinton shared the stage with his wife, first lady michelle obama joined clinton in a packed rally in winston-salem, north carolina, addressing clinton's biggest crowds yet. they took turns ripping into donald trump and expressing mutual admiration for one another. >> is there anyone more inspiring than michelle obama? and maybe it's especially, especially meaningful to me because i do know something about being first lady of the united states. i admire and respect hillary. hillary doesn't play. she has more experience and exposure to the presidency than any candidate in our lifetime, and, yes, she happens to be a woman. >> the first lady also criticized trump for claiming the election is rigged. she said, in this country, voters decide who wins and loses, period. new revelations this morning about the money pouring into each campaign. donald trump has repeatedly said he's going to put $100 million of his own money into his run for the white house. but he still has more than $40 million to go just to meet that goal. filings show he contributed just $31,000 in all of october. as of last week, he had $16 million available in campaign cash, and hillary clinton had more than $60 million. a woman in california won a lawsuit stemming from the use of baby powder. she sued johnson and johnson claiming use of the company's powder caused her ovarian cancer. now a jury in st. louis awarded her more than $70 million. they say they sympathize with the woman, but says it will appeal the jury's verdict. in san diego, the u.s. coast guard offloaded more than 39,000 pounds of cocaine confiscated from drug smugglers. 5,600 pounds of that was nabbed in september from a vessel meant for smuggling. authorities say they tried to sipg it as they closed in.. it's been a record setting year for the coast guard with nearly $6 billion worth of cocaine seized. an oregon woman got an unexpected surprise. first, her car was stolen, but then it was returned with an apology and some cash. >> yes. so erin posted this video on facebook in hopes of finding the alleged thief. it turns out, the woman who picked it up had instructions from a friend to pick up another red suburu in the same neighborhood. >> when that car's owner got erin's car instead, she returned the car with an apology note, $30 for gas, and returned the car when cops showed up, but it you'll s all got sorted out and she was not arrested. >> that doesn't happen in new york. coming up, what's oprah not been up to? details of the newest project coming up in "the skinny." >> frightening accounts from taxpayers the victims of a phone scam. tips on what to do if you're being starting targeted. targete. wopen up a lot of dawn. tough on grease...yet gentle. dawn helps open... something even bigger. go to, dawn saves wildlife. ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. my swthis scarf all thatsara. left to remem... what! she washed this like a month ago the long lasting scent of gain flings but zzzquil is different have pain medicine because why would you take a pain medicine when all you want is good sleep? zzzquil: a non-habit forming sleep-aid that's not for pain, just for sleep. from surfaces for up to 48 hours. you can pick up the flu it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. federal authorities arrested nearly two dozen people across the u.s. and charged more overseas in connection with a federal authorities have arrested nearly two dozen people across the u.s. and charged more overseas in connection with a major telephone scam targeting millions of americans. >> scammers have been reaching out and touching and grabbing more than $300 million from unsuspecting victims. abc's pierre thomas has the story. >> reporter: the caller was blunt, claim to go be an irs officer, telling mary joe she owed back taxes and had to pay now. >> you have to buy a target tax voucher for the amount of $5,600. >> i'm tax deficient, going to jail. >> by tomorrow morning, a revenue officer and deputy sheriff will be coming to your house. >> reporter: she refused to a. but in the last three years, more than 15,000 victims in the u.s. have been duped into paying bogus tax claims. 300 million scammed by crooks in india and this month, dozens arrested, accused of operating similar schemes and shakedowns can be dangerous. >> said i owed back taxes. if i didn't pay immediately, they were going to, had a warrant out for my arrest. >> reporter: james davis of colorado springs refused to pay, the scammer got revenge by impersonating him, calling 911 claiming a violent crime would was about to take place at the davis home. >> two or three guys with guns asking me for money. >> reporter: a s.w.a.t. team descended, later seeing it was a hoax. the irs doesn't make calls demanding taxes be paid over the phone. if you get a call like that, hang up. abc news, washington. >> all right, when we come back, we'll switch gears and ask the question, what's oprah cooking up lately in her kitchen? >> what happens when you cross stringer things with charlie brown? the skinny's coming up next. "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ time for "the skinny," and speaking of skinny, starting with our first peek at oprah's latest project. >> so you may recall the oscar winning media mogul last year, just about this time, she embarked on her latest weight loss journey with weight watchers. now she's released the cover of her new cookbook. the title there, "food, healthy and happiness." >> looks happy. it's a gorgeous winfrey laughing over a bowl of fruit and juice. that's what we picture her life like. every day. >> vertical lines make you look skinny. >> i heard that too. >> i don't believe it. winfrey says she was inspired to write the book after finally finding what worked for her body. that hopefully might work for millions of americans who are still struggling themselves. >> the recipes are a collaboration with a number of chefs with dishes like unfried chicken and turkey chili. >> that's not fun. preorders are available now and i should mention right now, thin-expired is on amazon, paper back and otherwise. >> e-book as well. i appreciate the plug. thanks, kendis, i'll tell you later. >> her book. next, celebrity departure from within abc news family. >> raven simone has announced she is leaving "the view" revealing she's been busy developing a reboot of her old disney comedy "that's so raven".. >> she called it "that's so raven 2," but admitted that so far, there's no official title yet. >> she's not just leaving the view, she's leaving new york. >> what shp. >> she's gok going back west to l.a. she's excited and sad, but mostly excited and, of course, we wish her all the luck. i love her. next, the unlikely mashup of a brand new horror cult classic with a children's holiday classic. >> this is disturbing. this is what you get when you cross a netflix breakout sci-fi series, "stranger things," which was a hit this summer with "a charlie brown christmas." the new three minute short envisions charlie brown and the gang as the troubled kids from indiana. >> i think there's something wrong with me, dustin. i like that i'm not trapped in the upside down and hiding from monsters any wore, but i'm not happy. i don't feel the way i'm supposed to feel. >> well, you're the only person i know who can be rescued from a para mysterious universe and still find a way to feel crummy about it. >> well, the short is set, of course, to vince's classic, charlie brown christmas sound track. this means nothing to me because i've never seen "stranger things." no idea. >> it is thee show of the year. >> heard it's scarry, and i'm easily frightened, so i stay away. >> no need to be scared. >> go to church. >> yes. finally, the photo we were talking about that's been breaking the internet lately and sparking heated arguments. >> the controversy surrounds this photo posted to facebook taken by a woman at a celebrity golf tournament in scotland showing who ross says is bill murray mimicking her crying baby. >> the picture has been around for years, but twitter is on fire with people insisting its not bill, but tom hanks. >> the woman, herself, has now confirmed that it's bill murray, but maybe she's confused and doesn't know who bill murray is and watching forest gump, like, i love bill murray. >> even now the internet will not take no for an answer. viewers who have chimed in on twitter saying tom hanks for sure. >> yes, shout out to sam. >> yes, exactly. >> i'm with you, sam. looks like tom to me. coming up, our weekly friday rewind. politics, baseball. oesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. do you think i'm gonna crack under pressure or conquer the field? defy expectations any day with always infinity. made with flexfoam. absorbs 10x its weight. rewrite the rules. always. moisture so i can get into it ao enhance mbit quicker. ral and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel. ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. if ynow's the time to get your ducks in a row. to learn about medicare, and the options you have. you see, medicare doesn't cover everything - only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so if 65 is around the corner, think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. so don't wait. call to request your free decision guide. and gather the information now to help you choose a plan later. these types of plans let you pick any doctor or hospital that takes medicare patients. and there's a range of plans to choose from, depending on you needs and your budget. so if you're turning 65 soon, call now and get started. because the time to think about today. go long. ♪ well, with just days to go before the presidential election, it's no surprise that the campaign has been dominating this week's headlines. >> but there have been quite a few other major stories, especially from overseas and the action playing out right here at home. making baseball history. here now is our weekly friday rewind. >> all of these liars will be sued after the election is over. >> he can go to gettysburg and say he's going to sue women who have made accusations against him. i'm going to keep talking about what we want to do. >> i guess i'm somewhat behind in the polls, but not by much. >> he's basically declaring defeat before the battle has even started. he's proving to the world what it means to have an unqualified commander in chief. >> you want to go back to the tapes on your show, recently? you are fascinated with sex, and you don't care about public policy. >> me, really? >> that's what i get from you tonight. >> you know what, mr. speaker, i'm not fascinated by sex, but i am fascinated by the protection of women and understanding what we're getting in the oval office. >> what's happening is that a cordon is being placed, an ever-tightening noose around mosul. that's the plan we've long had. it is on schedule. isil will surely be destroyed. >> we stood up together, and he was shooting at me, and i was shooting at him. >> this is all that's left of that semi behind us here. from all accounts, it appears the the big rig swallowed that bus. >> in 35 years, never been to a crash where there's 13 confirmed fatalities. it's tough, it's tough for all of us. >> no child should be walking down the hall or in the locker room and be accosted with a noose around their neck. this is 2016, not 1916. >> it's hard to believe. i'm, like, in shock right now. >> you know, the city let us know, they've been hungry for a moment like this. we're just so excited to be a part of the team that gives them the opportunity to see a chicago cubs team in the world series. >> and that they will tonight because game three gets under way there in wrigleyville. tickets going for as much as $7,000. >> wow. >> you'd have to be on the field for that much. >> but it is history. >> it is. >> don't miss updates on facebook at >> coming up, much more here from abc news. this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades good morning. i'm mara schiavocampo. >> and i'm kendis gibson. here's some of the top headlines we're following this morning on "world news now." the ntsb sending a go team to new york city after mike pence's campaign jet skidded off the runway. it happened during a hard landing. the republican vice presidential nominee and 47 others on the plane were not hurt. details just coming in. police removed pipeline protesters from a camp in north dakota. more than 100 people were arrested, including one woman for allegedly firing a gun. officers also used pepper spray spraying protesters who were throwing things at them. in san diego, the u.s. coast guard offloaded 39,000 pounds of cocaine from drug smugglers. the agency set a record with seizing $5.6 billion worth of cocaine this year. and the cubs and indians enter tonight's world series game three tied at one game a piece. tickets on the secondary market going for more than $3,000. those are some of our top stories on this friday, october 28th. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> well, a lot of history going on in sports. >> a lot of history taking place in wrigleyville. it's been 71 years since they hosted a home game in the world series. >> if you're into that thing, maybe the ticket price -- >> if you're into sports, world series, championships. we start on a serious story with the mike pence campaign plane scare. the jet carrying donald trump's running mate skidding off the runway in new york city. >> happened a matter of hours ago in a rainy laguardia airport in queens. the boeing 737 made a hard landing and had trouble stopping. in fact, at one point, witnesses even say it fishtailed on the slick runway. >> well, the plane came to a stop at hitting what's called an arrester bed at the end of the tarmac. the concrete broke apart as it's supposed to, preventing the plane from sliding into a busy highway running past the airport. one witness described the unbelievable seen. >> i heard a noise. i didn't know what it was. i looked up and i saw this trump-pence plane making a thoiz, screeching, and it stopped right here. >> do exactly the purpose they served tonight, which was to slow down an aircraft that's approaching the end of the runway. the arrester bed served their purpose tonight. we're not going to speculate on the cause of the incident. >> pence checked on his passengers before exiting the plane, taking photos there. and later in the evening, gave reporters a thumbs up arriving at his manhattan hotel. pence cancelled a scheduled appearance at a campaign fundraiser. well, donald trump and hillary clinton are spending another day hopping from one rally to another. >> this is first lady michelle obama teaming up with clinton to hammer trump. he was in ohio taking aim at the latest wikileaks drip of leaked e-mails. >> reporter: in ohio, donald trump launched full assault on hillary clinton and her family. >> they didn't create anything, produce anything, invent anything. all they did was sell favors, sell access, and sell out the american worker. >> reporter: the clinton campaign dogged by another batch 06 released e-mails from wi wikileaks, allegedly from one of bill clinton's long-time aides. encouraged to hire the former president, and these efforts called bill clinton inc. in north carolina, no mention of it as michelle obama took the stage with hillary clinton for the first time in this campaign. >> seriously, is there anyone more inspiring than michelle obama? >> many believe with her vitality, mrs. obama is clinton's strongest advocate in the final days of this election. >> we have never had a more qualified and prepared candidate for president than our friend, hillary clinton. >> reporter: clinton did not talk about wikileaks from the trail, but the campaign said they could not be commenting on specific e-mails. abc news, washington. new details have emerged about trump university, allegedly revealing that dozens of staffers had checkered pasts. donald trump has said he hand picked only the best to teach success, but an associated press investigation found at least four convicted felons among the staff, including a drug trafficker and child molester. and many had bankruptcy, foreclosures, tax liens and other money troubles before being hired. president obama is campaigning in florida today, and plans to hit the campaign trail nearly every day until election day. he's working hard, of course, to win over voters for hillary clinton and down ballot democrats hoping to regain control of the senate. >> reporter: president obama's preparing an all-out campaign blitz. >> are you fired up? ready to go? >> reporter: in the final week before the election, the president will spend nearly every day on the campaign trail. >> we will elect hillary clinton to be the next president of the united states. >> reporter: he'll make the case for hillary clinton, but also take on donald trump's claims the election is rigged. >> since we're in florida, why does marco rubio still plan to vote for donald trump? >> reporter: it's not just the white house he's concerned about. the president will turn his attention to democrats running down the ticket like in florida where he campaigns later today. last week, president obama hammered democrat patrick murphy's opponent, marco rubio. >> the donald's already whining that the vote's going to be rigged before the game's even over. we are just starting to vote now, and he's already, like, oh, the game's rigged. except today he said, of course, it's not rigged if i win. >> reporter: one key component to the outreach? millennials. the president courting the youth vote through late night shows and online videos. >> when you're early, there's no limit to what you can accomplish. >> you know how you beat lebron james one-on-one? get there 45 minutes early. then it's one on none. >> reporter: doesn't want democrats taking anything for granted. president obama won't be the only one picking up the campaign pace. vice president joe biden will spend his week on the campaign trail. and first lady michelle obama's expected to have a major presence. all part of the effort to make sure voters send another democrat to the white house. >> all right. our thanks to arlet. before the election is decided, word this morning that the clinton campaign is already working on a possible cabinet. and at the top of the list? joe biden reportedly for clinton's secretary of state. a source tells "politico," the clinton camp is trying to figure out how to persuade biden how to accept the position if she wins. a man has been arrested in connection with the vandalism of donald trump's star on the hollywood walk of fame. the los angeles police department says jamie otis taken into custody without incident. he faces a felony vandalism charge. new information about what's contained in a mountain of information allegedly pilfered by a former nsa contractor. harold martin is in custody for allegedly estimated 500 million pages of secret information. a court filing from prosecutors says that information includes numerous names of intelligence officers working for the united states revealing real identities of american spies, obviously, putting them in real danger. only one death reported from the twin earthquakes that rattled central italy. that person died from a heart attack that may have been triggered by the powerful shaking. the quakes destroyed ancient structures and homes. it was centered in omavichia, which is miles from a deadly earthquake striking two months ago killing 300 people. a new development in the case that put cyber bullying in the national spotlight. the former roommate of the rutgers university freshman who committed suicide six years ago pled guilty to attempted invasion of privacy. he used a web cam to spy on clemente during an intimate encounter with another man. the bias, intimidation, conviction was overturned last month. one of the world's oldest home remedies may have been debunked. a new study suggests drinking cranberry juice or other cranberry products will not cure urinary tract infections. nursing home residents who took the capsules did not have fewer utis than those treated with placebos. a crash involving a city bus and a chartered school bus filled with kids in washington, d.c. sends 40 kids to the hospital. it happened along the d.c.-maryland border. 43 students hurt, three adults, and the school bus driver. a crew called in after fuel leaked out of one of busses. investigators are not sure what caused that crash. a co-ed at texas a&m university in trouble for some alleged outlandish behavior. 19-year-old miranda raider arrested on misdemeanor driving while intoxicated charges after crashing her vehicle into a police cruiser. raider was trying to send -- ready for this -- a topless photo of herself to her boyfriend when she crashed. no one was injured, thankfully, but put it on a list of things not to do. yeah. the topless selfie while driving, hitting a police car? >> two mistakes there at the same time. >> just worse and worse. >> oh. well, here's something we wish we could learn how to do on purpose. a woman from north carolina said that she bought a $10 scratch off lottery ticket to teach her husband a lesson about losing and the foolishness by throwing money away by winning the lottery. the plan backfired. she won a million bucks. >> sometimes i get aggravating him, and so i tell him. you just wasting your money. i had to eat my words, but they were worth eating. i was very happy. >> i'd say. the couple says they won't be scratching as many lottery tickets in the future. >> i'm sure they won't. coming up, what's opening at the movies this weekend? checking out leonardo dicaprio's documentary and tom hank's entry into the dan brown religious thriller trilogy, "inferno." and that's all coming up. >> skid row to easy street. the amazing turn around story of a man who was a homeless heroin addict and now heads up a multimillion dollar juice empire. first, here's a look at today's temperatures. "world news now" weather brought to you by from surfaces for up to 48 hours. you can pick up the flu it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. you ready? first kid by their second kid, every mom is an expert, and more likely to choose luvs than first time moms. new luvs with nightlock plus absorbs wetness faster than huggies snug & dry, to help stop leaks - even overnight. and you can save up to $150 per year by choosing luvs over huggies. live, learn, and get luvs. moisture so i can get into it ao enhance mbit quicker. ral and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel. yo...don't let sinus symptomsnd bring you down now.. get fast sinus relief with vicks sinex and get back in the game. sinex, the congestion, pressure, pain to clear your head... ...medicine. video just in showing flames shooting from the engine of a video just in showing flames shooting from the engine of a new york bound plane. that's not what you want to see on your plane. the airbus a330 just left argentina when small explosions erupted from the engine, and the packed plane returned to the airport and landed safely. >> thank goodness for that. a school bus in texas hit the road yesterday filled with excited first-time voters. >> so it was a lesson in civic duty that one group of dallas high school students will likely never forget. monica was there. >> reporter: it's not every day you see a school bus pulling up to a polling place carrying two dozen students ready to vote for the first time. >> i am so excited today that we brought a bus load from cedar hill high school to vote today. >> reporter: it's the first time anyone can remember cedar hill high school bussing kids to vote. the voting place, mountain creek library in dallas, some may not have been able to get here on their open, and others just excited to vote for the first time among classmates and friends. >> it's actually good that we can experience this, not just as just an individual, but as a whole class, our whole senior class. >> reporter: students have been talking about the election in class, and in a contentious campaign season, we were anxious to make their voices heard. >> i made a difference. that's what went through my head, and my mom's going to be proud, and my dad, and i voted, yeah. >> i finally voted, and it was -- i mean, it was really good. >> reporter: teachers and volunteers helped registered 70 students to vote this year. they hope it'll inspire these teens to become part of the political process for years to come. >> makes me so happy to see these young people have the motivation to get out and vote. and just because they are our future. >> the school says it had such an overwhelming reception from students on this they hope to do it again next presidential election. in dallas, monica hernandez, channel 8 news. >> early voting in the dallas area has more than doubled from the previous presidential election. thanks to monica hernandez there at wfaa. coming up, how a drug addict on skid row turned himself into the owner of a juice empire. >> a man's amazing journey from homelessness and destitution to millionaire status. that's next. "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. well, we've seen plenty of inspiring stories about people turning their lives around, but well, we've seen plenty of inspiring stories about people turning their lives around, but nothing at all like the man you're about to meet. >> just a few years ago, he was a drug addict on skid row in los angeles, and today, he's the owner of a multimillion dollar juice empire. we're "up all nightline" with abc's nick watt. >> reporter: skid row, los angeles. >> why you here? >> just talking. >> why? >> we're here because for a year and a half, this was kalil rafati's home. >> i'm not scared of any of this stuff. i can handle myself, but the smell i'm now sweating, you know. >> bringing you back? >> bringing me back. >> reporter: life as a destitute, helpless. >> teeth rotting, and you have a smell on your body that is so disgusting that it's unbearable. the only thing that you can do at that point is get high. >> reporter: that was 13 years ago. rafati now has a juice and smoothie empire, b some like or.fannic, based in malibu. >> sure. thank you. >> reporter: i'm getting a mildy culty feeling, not in a bad way. >> i'll take it. >> reporter: 200 employees, six stores, two more coming, and devoted celebrity clientele, no more smacking crack. it's smoothies now. >> bananas in there? >> all organic? >> everything is organic. >> beet pollen, seeds. >> almond butter. >> we're in malibu now. >> you're definitely in malibu. >> smoothies. it is still a reflective of a slightly addictive personal. >> massively addictive personality. >> i appreciate you being polite, but you can say it, i'm an addict through and through. it's not going to change. >> reporter: his daily fix? hot yoga and that stuff. >> that's the million dollar smoothie. it has vegan, protein powder in it, goat's mother's milk from a ghost when she first gives birth. >> reporter: he wrote a book, i forgot to die. >> why put this down in a book? >> to let people know they can change, if you truly want to, you can change. >> reporter: finally, he truly wanted to. found sobriety and juice. >> my friend, shawn, he would bring me juice and ginger and raw macadamia nuts when i was newly sober and he sort of nursed me. >> reporter: it worked. he met haley. girlfriend and current business partner. >> not everybody can open a chain of juice stores to keep them clean. >> it's not just juices and superfoods that saved my life. it's a healthy lifestyle that saved my life. >> reporter: l.a. has many juice bars, many fail, but not this one. why has it worked? >> because it's authentic. it's real. >> reporter: nightline in los angeles. >> that is very goods. >> thank you. thank you so much.. >> thank you. thank you so much. >> i like to hear that. it is inspiring. someone who had fallen so far can come back and make something huge -- >> absolutely. >> we can all make something happen. >> we can. skid row is, like, blocks and blocks of homeless people. my first chat with abc, done with the live chat, wow, i made it, i'm at the network, a homeless guy came up to me, clocked me in the face. >> nothing like humility. >> exactly. >> coming up, insomniac theater. . while they see their first underwear... you see the best way to potty train. introducing new pampers easy ups. our first and only training underwear... with an all-around stretchy waistband. and pampers' superior protection. so you'll see fewer leaks. and they'll see their first underwear. new pampers easy ups. the easiest way to underwear. pampers. you can pick up cold & flu viruses from things in your home for up to 48 hours? it's like having a sick family member that you didn't even know was there. and we all know what happens when one family member gets sick. but lysol spray and lysol wipes kill 99.9% of germs including 8 common cold & flu viruses to help protect your home. this cold and flu season help keep your home happy and healthy and lysol that. moisture so i can get into it ao enhance mbit quicker. ral and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel. honey, aren't we having friends ovi know [goat noise]e. i stole the other team's mascot for good luck. we need to wash this room. wash it? yeah, wash it with febreze. for all the things you can't wash, use febreze fabric refresher wow [inhales] it really smells great in here. dog barks and try pluggable febreze, with up to 4 times the freshness in one refill. pluggable febreze and fabric refresher [inhale + exhale mnemonic], two more ways to breathe happy it's a weekend, and that means we're about to have fun as our kelly would say. >> i'm excited. this is my first insomeny yak theater. >> welcome. you always remember your first. it's a weekend and that means we're abo >> yes. >> two movies opening this week, so we start with? >> a documentary. we start with leonardo dicaprio's documentary following the actor to study the effects of climate change, speaking with figures like president obama, pope francis, and tech innovator elan mosque. >> this is the most important question of our time, the question is, can we change our course in time? >> you need a hundred to get back, transition to sustainable energy. >> that would make the united states, the whole world all energy. >> that sounds manageable. >> despite a 65% approval rating on rotten tomatoes, the critics are mixed. before the flood may not tackle too much new ground, but it's ability to assemble such a watchable and comprehensive account gives it an undeniable energy. the film's erases the role of popular agitation in social change. i don't know what that means. i think it means enough with the celebrities and rich people tell us what to think, just get our anger in line. get in formation as queen b. said. >> absolutely. save your money and watch it on nat geo this weekend. it's going to premier on sunday, as well. >> an important topic. i love him, my fantasy husband, not that my real husband is not a fantasy. next, tom hanks following a trail of clues tied to the great poet dante to try to save the world in "inferno." ron howard directed brown's best selling novel. hanks racing across europe to recover memories and stop a millionaire from unleashing a virus to wipe out half the world's population. >> it's dante's inferno. >> dantel defined our modern conception of hell 700 years ago. why dante? why this map of hell? >> someone created a plague. >> even with that star power right now, can't save inferno from critics who just panned the film. it's a 21% splat on rotten tomatoes. julian writing wrb the historic babble and endless chase scenes blur into a two-hour post. more, there's something wrong with a movie that makes you envy a squashed corpse. >> ouch. >> this morning on "world news now," a scary landing for pence and reporters covering the republican vice presidential nominee. >> pence's plane skidding off a runway at a busy new york runway. we'll hear from people who were on board and details of what helped bring that plane to a stop. >> that said, both presidential candidates full speed ahead. donald trump hitting hillary clinton about new revelations in wikileak e-mails, and clinton gets superstar support on the campaign trail, courtesy the first lady. then dozens arrested in a tense protest over a pipeline project. the scene erupting when demonstrators and police clashed. someone even allegedly firing shots at authorities. and what can big brains do? rocket scientists carve pumpkins that are out of the this world. that's a pumpkin. that will be in "the mix" on this friday, october 28th. a reminder, just three days until halloween. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> what can't they do? >> yeah, you know, it makes my little pumpkins at home look quite quaint. >> my pumpkins have just -- i haven't even tried carving. leaving you over there. we start with serious news and a scare here in the new york area. right on the campaign trail, rather. a plane carrying the republican vice presidential nominee, mike pence, skidding off the runway in new york. >> let's take a look at the scene at laguardia airport hours ago. the ntsb is sending a go team to figure out what went wrong. now, those teams are usually reserved for major accidents. >> look how bad this could have been. the plane stopped at a barrier just feet from the busy highway that runs past the airport there at laguardia. that's when the emergency crews jumped into action. >> we have an emergency in the airport. >> reporter: that emergency involving the campaign airplane of republican vice presidential nominee mike pence. the front wheels of the boeing 737 coming to a stop several feet off the runway after what was a terrifying landing in rough weather. abc's inez delaconterra among the 48 on board. >> we felt a big bump upon landing and the plane skid off the runway. >> reporter: the powerful storms in new york already caused the plane's departure from iowa to be severely delayed. the governor waited by tossing a football on the tarmac with his daughter and staffers. no one could imagine the rough flight ahead. passengers said the aircraft appeared to fishtail after hitting the ground at laguardia. >> we're all a little rattled right now. everyone's safe. there's no apparent damage to the plane. >> the governor then came back to talk to you and asked us if everyone was okay. and that's when we realized something was wrong because he told us that there was mud on his windows in the front. >> reporter: within a minute, emergency crews were en route to the aircraft. >> now the aircraft is off the runway on the right side of the arrester bed. it looks like it's intact. we are on the scene. i'll keep you advised. >> reporter: arrester beds working as designed, stopping the jet after it left the runway and preventing it from hitting a highway. moments later, governor pence exiting the aircraft, then a short time later, sending out this tweet. so thankful everyone on our plane is safe. grateful for our first responders and the concern and prayers of so many. back on the trail tomorrow. overnight, governor pence gave reporters the thumbs up as he arrives at his manhattan hotel. >> and that, by the way, second hard landing of the day. hillary clinton also tweeted saying that she was glad everyone on board was safe. you have to remember that his wife and his daughter was on board with him. a frightening scene there. >> really scary moments. >> yeah. after that landing, pence cancelled his appearance at a fundraiser in trump tower, but back on the trail today. >> donald trump was among the first people pence spoke with by phone once he got off that plane. and trump addressed the incident at a rally in ohio. >> i just spoke to our future vice president, and he's okay. do you know he was in a big accident with a plane? the plane skidded off the runway and was pretty close to grave, grave danger, but i just spoke to mike pence, and he's fine. they got out. everybody's fine. everybody's fine. >> well, that was trump at his third rally of the day. he's seizing on two issues right now. and it's actually gaining traction as the campaign comes to a close, including the obamacare premium hike, which he called a catastrophic event for working families, especially in ohio. also, the latest batch of hacked e-mails from hillary clinton's campaign chairman raising new questions about the clinton foundation and personal gain for the former president. >> hillary clinton made no mention of the latest wikileaks revelation as she campaigned in north carolina alongside first lady michelle obama. >> in fact, clinton spent nearly her entire speech praising the first lady. and michelle obama, in the meantime, aapplauded her in return and also slammed donald trump saying his vision is grounded in hopelessness as well as despair. we get more now from abc's cecelia vega. >> they walked out together to cheers and a hug. first lady michelle obama and hillary clinton -- >> seriously, is there anyone more inspiring than michelle obama? and maybe it's especially meaningful to me because i do know something about being first lady of the united states. >> reporter: former rivals with a shared bond. >> among the many real privileges i've had is to see the president and the first lady dance. oh, wow, one could only hope. >> i say this everywhere i go, i admire and respect hillary. yeah. that's right. hillary doesn't play. she has more experience and exposure to the presidency than any candidate in our lifetime, and, yes, she happens to be a woman. >> reporter: but outside, a shadow over the campaign. another batch of hacked wikileaks e-mails. abc has not independently confirmed them, and the campaign won't comment on individual documents. the new revelation about the clinton foundation. this 2011 memo from bill clinton's long time aide, doug band, reveals how he pressured companies to donate to the foundation and also to pay the former president millions for things like speeches. in the case of one donor, he describes, quote, a foundation relationship that evolved into a personal business relationship for president clinton. he even had a term for it, bill clinton, inc. the white house announcing that president obama will be out on the campaign trail nearly every day during the final week of this campaign. never before in recent history has a president campaigned this much for the person hoping to succeed him. cecelia vega, abc news, winston salem, north carolina. turning to other news. in north dakota, more than 100 people have been arrested during an operation to force pipeline protesters off of private land. demonstrators clashed with police setting fires to tires and throwing objects. one woman was arrested for allegedly firing shots at police. protesters say the pipeline will endanger drinking water and disturb sacred american burial sites. ryan bundy claimed the takeover of a national wildlife rescue in oregon claimed was an act of civil disobedience. the standoff started in january and lasted six weeks. they still face charges in nevada from a 2014 standoff with federal agents in a case involving their father, clivan bundy. president obama has commuted the sentences for an additional 98 federal inmates. all were imprisoned for drug crimes and nearly half serving life sentences. the president has now granted early releases to 688 inmates this year. that, by the way, is the most commutations granted by a president in a single year. a big payout in the defamation case filed against penn state by one of the state's former assistant football coaches. mike mcqueary sued the school, saying he was defamed in the wake of the sandusky child molestation case. he sought more than $4 million in lost wages and other damages. a jury awarded him more than $7 million. a judge still must decide on other claims he's making against the school, which is not commenting on the case. amtrak will pay out more than a quarter billion dollars to settle claims from last year's deadly crash in philadelphia. a judge approved the $265 million settlement, eight people were killed then, and more than 200 others injured when a train heading from washington to new york city derailed on a curve. it was traveling at more than double the 50 miles per hour speed limit. well, surely after announcing it would eliminate 9% of its workforce, twitter is making another cost cutting move. the social media giant says it's shutting down vine, it's mobile video app allowing users to share six second videos on a loop. analysts say that even with the vine app, twitter is struggling to keep pace with rivals facebook, snapchat and instagram. call it the almost $43 million selfie. the stress on the almost. this katrina in front of a slot machine saying she won $43 million. >> of course, she thought of the ways to spend that money. >> oh, yeah. >> but the excitement didn't last long. the casino ended up telling her that the slot machine malfunctioned and that she was only entitled to $2.25. >> no. this would have been -- those would have been fighting words. >> oh, yeah. >> the single mother of four thought about how she'd give millions back to her community. she now plans to sue the resort world casino in new york. i mean, other than giving back to the community, she thought about a new -- >> the house and the -- and she has four kids. that's a lot of kids to put through college and clothes and new shoes. i'm not a lawyer, but i got to think she has a case here. she took a picture with that machine saying she won that amount of money. >> would be proof. >> you know, maybe she'll send us a thank you. >> if you do get a payout, help a brother and sister out. >> reach us at abc. >> yeah. coming up, smash and grab. several instances of similar crimes and now police are wondering if there's a link. plus, diane sawyer reporting, going behind prison walls to talk to those now doing time for trying to join isis. >> find us on facebook at and twitter @abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." g "world news now." you may think you can put off checking out your medicare options until you're sixty-five, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. the rest is up to you. that's where aarp medicare supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company come in. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they could help pay some of what medicare doesn't, saving you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you've learned that taking informed steps along the way really makes a difference later. that's what it means to go long™. it's full of information onree medicare and the range of aarp medicare supplement plans to choose from based on your needs and budget. all plans like these let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients, and 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happening? it's got a menthol burst. you can feel it right away. wow, that sort of blind-sided me. and it clears my terrible cold symptoms. ahh! this is awkward. new mucinex fast-max clear & cool. feel the menthol burst. and clear your worst cold symptoms. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. moisture so i can get into it ao enhance mbit quicker. ral and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel. iraqi special forces have moved more than 1,000 people out of villages near the front lines of the battle to retake mozul. this as isis militants are using human shields as iraqi forces advance. this is according to u.s. officials and aide agencies. iraqi forces also discovered a bomb making facility in a village near mosul that was recently retain from militants. speaking of the battle against isis, it's not just taking place on the front lines, an alarming number of young americans are enticed by the terrorist group. >> abc's diane sawyer has, for the first time, been let inside a federal prison to interview once a star student. now serving an eight-year sentence. >> reporter: they were two honor students, a cheerleader, a soccer player. mohamed dakhala's father, a math teacher. jaylen young's dad a military veteran. and now the high school stars are prisoners, guilty of providing material support to isis. have you ever been arrested before? >> no, ma'am, not at all. ever been in trouble? >> no. >> nothing? >> no, ma'am. i mean, unless you count, like, car tickets. >> one of your friends is quoted as saying, he was the guy never in a bad mood. >> that is true. >> they met in college. he says his first serious romance. and he says, at the time, he had fallen into a depression. she admitted instigating interest in isis. they watched isis videos online. >> these videos are dangerously inspirational. >> it made sense to you? >> that's how they showed themselves, as rebuilding towns, feeding the poor. >> when you're seeing beheadings of aide workers? >> i mean, yeah, i heard about them, but i never did see the videos. >> reporter: he and his girlfriend write messages to people they think are isis recruiters, but, in fact, it's the fbi that arrest them at the airport. >> you were willing to kill in the name of isis? >> once i got there, i would have seen a whole different kind of picture, not what i thought it was. >> you thought you were willing to do that, you were willing to kill americans? >> no. it was more just, you know, i want to help as much as i can. >> today, he says he wants to warn parents their smart kids can have secrets and a seriously skewed version of the world. >> fascinating look there. on the one hand, young people are so impressionable, but you got to pay attention to what's happening in the world, propaganda's one thing, but real life -- >> you never know. these were both honor students. they were very well connected in the world. she was a cheerleader, he played soccer. i mean, that's as apple pie as it gets. >> absolutely. look at it one way, they were lucky to have gotten caught and sentenced because their fate would have been far worse had they traveled and joined the ranks of isis. >> true, 8 years and 12 years in prison. coming up in our next half hour, the irs scam targeting every american with a phone. americans have already been bilked out of $300 million. how they're doing it and what you need to know before you say anything to anyone identifying themselves as the irs. but first, the crooks who aren't using phones, but hammers to smash and grab. the rash of robberies across at least two states, and it's all caught on video. that's coming up next. "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. recapping the breaking news story this morning, the campaign plane carrying mike pence skids off a runway in new york city during a hard landing at laguardia airport. the impact destroyed part of the tarmac as you can see there. none of the 48 people on board was hurt. the indiana governor is fine. you see him there heading into his hotel late last night. the incident on "gma" later on this morning. we'll hear from him. >> so glad he's doing okay. >> yeah. we'll talk about it. now, police in two states are dealing with a fresh rash of smash-and-grab robberies. >> and it's not just jewelry stores. marci gonzales has more. >> reporter: thieves masked with helmets and armed with hammers breakthrough display cases in boca raton, florida, tuesday, filling their bags and getting away with motorcycles. the third smash-and-grab burglary caught on camera in just a week. the other two in philadelphia. here you see a man slamming the display case of a wireless store with a hammer on wednesday loading up the back back with cell phones, and, tuesday, again in philly, surveillance cameras captured an suv backing into the front of the high-end clothing store. suspects in the car, and mercedes across the street get out, break the glass and run into the store with hooded sweatshirts hiding face as they get away with suits and accessories worth $45,000. >> any tip we can get, you know, from the public will help us in solving this crime here and finding out who the individuals are responsible for this. >> reporter: police are still searching for suspects in all three cases. marci gonzalez, abc news, new york. >> theft is bad, but i love how low tech this is in today's high-tech world. just get a hammer and go in. >> yeah. it's simple and successful for them. i'm sure the cops will find them, though. coming up -- 's simple and successful for them. i'm sure the cops will uff. 12 hours? guess i won't be seeing you for a while. is that a bisque? i just lost my appetite. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. so we're back with breaking so we're back with breaking news here in "the mix." the guys at jpl in california from nasa who have landed robots on a comet as well as taken us to mars, has now achieved something even greater. >> very serious. going to change humanity for a while. >> it is. >> it's a pumpkin carving contest. >> yes, that's it. >> just to let you know. >> that's what the scientists -- >> but, despite that setup, it's a fantastic amazing feat. these guys are real, like, rocket engineers and scientists and understand mechanics, apparently. lady pac-man and baby pac-man pumpkins. it was a contest. this is a political one coming up. favorite one is coming up. this is for the audience. now, the esteemed accomplished journalists we are, we can't efficiently out which one won. if anybody in our audience can figure out which one of these entries won, can you tweet us? we are dying to know. >> they are are all winners. >> that's a tornado. this is my favorite, the barbecue with the squash pig. that was my vote. >> looks yummy. >> good to know they have that much time on their hands, those folks at nasa. >> polka! ♪ on the graves and in haunted hotel in brooklyn, new york. ♪ shrieks and moans and squeaky floors creepy clowns behind the doors ♪ ♪ that's the halloween polka ♪ tiny monsters ring your bell let them all just go ♪ that's the halloween polka to the neighborhoods ♪ ♪ this place is really spooky it's a nightmare i'll relive ♪ ♪ hey, dracula, do you like blood he said, oh, positive ♪ ♪ haunted house really cool every anchor, guy and ghoul, do the halloween polka ♪ i know. you're waiting for me to say does your mummy know you're here? i'm not going to say it. ginger, i should have swiped left. ♪ you can keep your zombies and who needs the walking dead ♪ ♪ life is frightening enough just getting out of bed ♪ ♪ once a year what a fright we're all on the graveyard shift tonight ♪ ♪ that's the halloween polka ♪ come get in the spirit of the ghosts who haunt the halls ♪ ♪ and kids loaded with sugar who are bouncing off the walls ♪ ♪ hey! eerie sounds at 3:00 a.m. insomniacs are used to them ♪ ♪ that's the halloween polka everybody! ♪ that's the halloween polka ♪ that's the halloween polka this morning on "world news now," just feet to spare. this morning on "world news now," just feet to spare. that's how close vice presidential nominee mike pence's campaign plane came from a major highway here in new york. new details this morning of a landing everyone on board says they will never forget. also, donald trump making a new claim about the incident on the bus that sparked such anger over how he spoke about women. the republican nominee now considering legal action over the entire episode just 11 days to go before the election. and new this half hour, a major cocaine seizure on the high seas. thousands of pounds of the drug captured by the coast guard from a self-propelled submarine. authorities say it's part of their best year to date. and it is captivated the internet for days. is this bill murray or is this tom hanks? the answer revealed in the skinny on this friday, october 28th. it's a mystery. >> i have a vote. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> it is this year's blue dress versus yellow dress. >> it was gold. >> it was a dress. >> i think that's tom hanks, but tom hanks is my favorite actor of all time, so i could be projecting that. >> who do you think it is? tweet us. was that tom hanks or bill murray? give us your thoughts and why. during the skinny, we'll let you know the answer. >> there's an answer to this unlike the stupid dress question. >> there was an answer. it was blue. >> i do agree. it was blue and black. >> now that that's settled, let's get to the breaking news of the day. the campaign plane that really was a scare for trump's running mate, mike pence. and the ntsb is investigating after the jet skidded off a runway at new york's laguardia airport. >> a concrete arrester barrier prevented the incident from being worse. you see the concrete is torn up. the barrier stopped the plane from sliding on a busy highway feet from the airport. here's more. >> reporter: the charter 737 carrying vp mike pence caked in mud, dozens of feet behind the runway where the plane landed and landed hard. an abc news producer part of the press pool on board. >> feels like you'd think. the plane was wobbling. it was not braking. it was -- there was a lot of noise. things starting falling off, and the overhead compartments. you could tell something was wrong. . >> i heard a noise. i didn't know what it was. i heard a noise and there was a trump. pence plane screeching, stop right here. >> reporter: officials won't say how fast it was going when it overshot the runway stopping several hundred feet in front grand central parkway in front of beds that act like quick sand to stop a jetliner in its tracks. >> served the purpose they did tonight, slow down an aircraft approaching the end of the runway. the arrester beds served their purpose tonight. we're not speculating on the incident. >> reporter: no injuries and no panic. the port authority pulled a staircase up to the plane to evacuate on the tarmac. pence, himself, took pictures with first responders before climbing into the motorcade and driving away. he skipped the fundraiser, and arrived with a thumb's up at the midtown hotel. you can see a large emergency presence here at the side of runway 22 at laguardia airport as they set up lights. the ntsb on the way here to new york to investigate exactly what caused this incident. and until they get that plane out of there, one of only two runways here in laguardia airport will be shut down. that means big delays here, and possibly across the country. abc news, new york. >> a long weekend ahead for travelers. our thanks to josh there. as mike pence gets back to campaigning today, donald trump will be out in force holding rallies in three different states. >> with the race tightening in battlegrounds, trump is taking aim at hillary clinton wikileaks e-mails how money was raised for the clinton foundation. tom llamas is on the campaign trail. >> reporter: donald trump latching on to the new wikileaks revelation about the clinton foundation and money making enterprise referred to as bill clinton inc. >> if the clintons were willing to play this fast and loose with their enterprise when they were not in the white house, just imagine what they'll do given the chance to once again control the oval office. >> reporter: trump in battleground ohio, three rallies in the must-win state. >> remember every time you see a clothes factory or a wiped out community in ohio, it was essentially caused by the clintons. >> reporter: after two weeks of early voting here, nearly half a million ballots cast, 40% less than this point in 2012. experts say it could be fewer democrats turning out, helping trump, but he's having trouble shaking off the past like the feud with the gold star family he attacked after they appeared at the democratic national convention. george stephanopoulos asking trump if he had any regrets. >> do you think you should have apologized to the khans? >> i have great respect for the khan people. i have great respect for -- i mean, the son is a great hero. but if i were president at that time, captain khan would be alive today, george, because i wouldn't have been in iraq. >> reporter: this, though trump initially supported the war. hillary clinton calling him out. >> i don't understand how anyone would want to rub salt in the wounds of a grieving family. >> reporter: kazir khan now on the campaign trail for clinton. >> this is the most cruel thing you can say to grieving parents, if i was there, this would not have happened. >> reporter: as he enters the home stretch, trump leaning on family for help. >> does it make you want to get out there yourself and help him out in the final two weeks? >> we will see. my priority's my son, baron, our son, baron. and i might join him. we will see. >> she's actually going to make two or three speeches. >> okay. >> she's amazing when she speaks. >> reporter: trump making headlines after a speech in toledo, ohio, using the word "ghettos," describing the african-american community. now, if that indeed is the case, it's a phrase i've never heard him use, but if it is the case, it may affect him not only here in ohio, but all across the country with african-american voters. a recent poll shows 4% of black voters plan on voting for him come election day. tom llamas, abc news, ohio. >> donald trump accuses nbc of breaking the law over the "access hollywood" tape he talk about groping and kissing women without their permission. on fox news last night, trump, again, dismissed the comments as locker room comments and said the network had no right to record him at that particular time. >> the microphone was not supposed to be on, not that it's an excuse for myself, but, certainly, it was an illegal act that was nbc. it was not supposed to be on. >> you think it was illegal what they did, putting the tape out? >> oh, absolutely. that was a private, you know, a private dressing room. >> well, trump also suggested he might sue nbc after the election. he's already threatened to sue the women who accused him of sexual assault. president obama is campaigning for hillary clinton in florida today, but yesterday clinton shared the stage with his wife. first lady michelle obama joined clinton in a packed rally in winston-salem, north carolina, addressing clinton's biggest crowds yet. they took turns ripping into donald trump and expressing mutual admiration for one another. >> is there anyone more inspiring than michelle obama? and maybe it's especially, especially meaningful to me because i do know something about being first lady of the united states. i admire and respect hillary. hillary doesn't play. she has more experience and exposure to the presidency than any candidate in our lifetime, and, yes, she happens to be a woman. >> the first lady also criticized trump for claiming the election is rigged. she said, in this country, voters decide who wins and loses, period. new revelations this morning about the money pouring into each campaign. donald trump has repeatedly said he's going to put $100 million of his own money into his run for the white house. but he still has more than $40 million to go just to meet that goal. filings show he contributed just $31,000 in all of october. as of last week, he had $16 million available in campaign cash, and hillary clinton had more than $60 million. a woman in california won a lawsuit stemming from the use of baby powder. she sued johnson and johnson claiming use of the company's powder caused her ovarian cancer. now a jury in st. louis awarded her more than $70 million. they say they sympathize with the woman, but says it will appeal the jury's verdict. in san diego, the u.s. coast guard offloaded more than 39,000 pounds of cocaine confiscated from drug smugglers. 5,600 pounds of that was nabbed in september from a vessel meant for smuggling. authorities say they tried to sinking it as they closed in.. it's been a record setting year for the coast guard with nearly $6 billion worth of cocaine seized. an oregon woman got an unexpected surprise. first, her car was stolen, but then it was returned with an apology and some cash. >> yes. so erin posted this video on facebook in hopes of finding the alleged thief. it turns out, the woman who picked it up had instructions from a friend to pick up another red suburu in the same neighborhood. >> when that car's owner got erin's car instead, she returned the car with an apology note, $30 for gas, and returned the car when cops showed up, but it you'll s all got sorted out and she was not arrested. >> that doesn't happen in new york. coming up, what's oprah not been up to? details of the newest project coming up in "the skinny." >> frightening accounts from taxpayers the victims of a phone scam. tips on what to do if you think you're being targeted. targeted. wopen up a lot of dawn. tough on grease...yet gentle. dawn helps open... something even bigger. go to, dawn saves wildlife. ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. my swthis scarf all thatsara. left to remem... what! she washed this like a month ago the long lasting scent of gain flings but zzzquil is different have pain medicine because why would you take a pain medicine when all you want is good sleep? zzzquil: a non-habit forming sleep-aid that's not for pain, just for sleep. from surfaces for up to 48 hours. you can pick up the flu it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. federal authorities have arrested nearly two dozen people across the u.s. and charged more overseas in connection with a major telephone scam targeting millions of americans. >> scammers have been reaching out and touching and grabbing more than $300 million from unsuspecting victims. abc's pierre thomas has the story. >> reporter: the caller was blunt, claim to go be an irs officer, telling mary joe she owed back taxes and had to pay now. >> you have to buy a target tax voucher for the amount of $5,600. >> i'm tax deficient, going to jail. >> by tomorrow morning, a revenue officer and deputy sheriff will be coming to your house. >> reporter: she refused to a. but in the last three years, more than 15,000 victims in the u.s. have been duped into paying bogus tax claims. 300 million scammed by crooks in india and this month, dozens arrested, accused of operating similar schemes and shakedowns can be dangerous. >> said i owed back taxes. if i didn't pay immediately, they were going to, had a warrant out for my arrest. >> reporter: james davis of colorado springs refused to pay, the scammer got revenge by impersonating him, calling 911 claiming a violent crime would was about to take place at the davis home. >> two or three guys with guns asking me for money. >> reporter: a s.w.a.t. team descended, later seeing it was a hoax. the irs doesn't make calls demanding taxes be paid over the phone. if you get a call like that, hang up. abc news, washington. >> all right, when we come back, we'll switch gears and ask the question, what's oprah cooking up lately in her kitchen? >> what happens when you cross stringer things with charlie brown? >> that's a disturbing thought. >> "the skinny's" coming up next. "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ time for "the skinny," and speaking of skinny, starting with our first peek at oprah's latest project. >> so you may recall the oscar winning media mogul last year, just about this time, she embarked on her latest weight loss journey with weight watchers. now she's released the cover of her new cookbook. the title there, "food, healthy and happiness." >> looks happy. it's a gorgeous winfrey laughing over a bowl of fruit and juice. that's what we picture her life like. every day. >> vertical lines make you look skinny. >> i heard that too. >> i don't believe it. winfrey says she was inspired to write the book after finally finding what worked for her body. that hopefully might work for millions of americans who are still struggling themselves. >> the recipes are a collaboration with a number of chefs with dishes like unfried chicken and turkey chili. >> that's not fun. preorders are available now and i should mention right now, thin-expired is on amazon, paper back and otherwise. >> e-book as well. i appreciate the plug. thanks, kendis, i'll tell you later. >> her book. next, celebrity departure from within abc news family. >> raven symone has announced she is leaving "the view" revealing she's been busy developing a reboot of her old disney comedy "that's so raven." >>she called it "that's so raven 2," but admitted that so far, there's no official title yet. >> she's not just leaving "the view," she's leaving new york. >> what? >> she's going back west to l.a. she's excited and sad, but mostly excited and, of course, we wish her all the luck. i love her. next, the unlikely mashup of a brand new horror cult classic with a children's holiday classic. >> this is disturbing. this is what you get when you cross a netflix breakout sci-fi series, "stranger things," which was a hit this summer with "a charlie brown christmas." the new three minute short envisions charlie brown and the gang as the troubled kids from indiana. >> i think there's something wrong with me, dustin. i like that i'm not trapped in the upside down and hiding from monsters any more, but i'm not happy. i don't feel the way i'm supposed to feel. >> well, you're the only person i know who can be rescued from a mysterious universe and still find a way to feel crummy about it. >> well, the short is set, of course, to vince's classic, charlie brown christmas sound track. this means nothing to me because i've never seen "stranger things." no idea. >> it is thee show of the year. >> heard it's scary, and i'm easily frightened, so i stay away. >> no need to be scared. >> go to church. >> yes. finally, the photo we were talking about that's been breaking the internet lately and sparking heated arguments. >> the controversy surrounds this photo posted to facebook taken by a woman at a celebrity golf tournament in scotland showing who ross says is bill murray mimicking her crying baby. >> the picture has been around for years, but twitter is on fire with people insisting its not bill, but tom hanks. >> the woman, herself, has now confirmed that it's bill murray, but maybe she's confused and doesn't know who bill murray is and watching forest gump, like, i love bill murray. >> even now the internet will not take no for an answer. viewers who have chimed in on twitter saying tom hanks for sure. >> yes, shout out to sam. >> yes, exactly. >> i'm with you, sam. looks like tom to me. coming up, our weekly friday rewind. politics, baseball. oesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. do you think i'm gonna crack under pressure or conquer the field? defy expectations any day with always infinity. made with flexfoam. absorbs 10x its weight. rewrite the rules. always. moisture so i can get into it ao enhance mbit quicker. ral and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel. ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. if ynow's the time to get your ducks in a row. to learn about medicare, and the options you have. you see, medicare doesn't cover everything - only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so if 65 is around the corner, think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. so don't wait. call to request your free decision guide. and gather the information now to help you choose a plan later. these types of plans let you pick any doctor or hospital that takes medicare patients. and there's a range of plans to choose from, depending on you needs and your budget. so if you're turning 65 soon, call now and get started. because the time to think about today. go long. ♪ well, with just days to go before the presidential election, it's no surprise that the campaign has been dominating this week's headlines. >> but there have been quite a few other major stories, especially from overseas and the action playing out right here at home. making baseball history. here now is our weekly friday rewind. >> all of these liars will be sued after the election is over. >> he can go to gettysburg and say he's going to sue women who have made accusations against him. i'm going to keep talking about what we want to do. >> i guess i'm somewhat behind in the polls, but not by much. >> he's basically declaring defeat before the battle has even started. he's proving to the world what it means to have an unqualified commander in chief. >> you want to go back to the tapes on your show, recently? you are fascinated with sex, and you don't care about public policy. >> me, really? >> that's what i get from you tonight. >> you know what, mr. speaker, i'm not fascinated by sex, but i am fascinated by the protection of women and understanding what we're getting in the oval office. >> what's happening is that a cordon is being placed, an ever-tightening noose around mosul. that's the plan we've long had. it is on schedule. isil will surely be destroyed. >> we stood up together, and he was shooting at me, and i was shooting at him. >> this is all that's left of that semi behind us here. from all accounts, it appears the the big rig swallowed that bus. >> in 35 years, never been to a crash where there's 13 confirmed fatalities. it's tough, it's tough for all of us. >> no child should be walking down the hall or in the locker room and be accosted with a noose around their neck. this is 2016, not 1916. >> it's hard to believe. i'm, like, in shock right now. >> you know, the city let us know, they've been hungry for a moment like this. we're just so excited to be a part of the team that gives them the opportunity to see a chicago cubs team in the world series. >> and that they will tonight because game three gets under way there in wrigleyville. tickets going for as much as $7,000. >> wow. >> you'd have to be on the field for that much. >> but it is history. >> it is. >> don't miss updates on facebook at >> coming up, much more here from abc news. this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. making news in america this morning, runway scare. a plane carrying vice presidential nominee mike pence skidding off the runway. the technology that stopped the plane from hitting a major highway and our abc colleague on board describing the terror. and the presidential candidates react to that accident as donald trump hints at suing nbc over the leaked "access hollywood" tape. plus, hillary clinton facing more trouble from leaked e-mails. we're live with the very latest. "flip or flop" under fire. the couple behind the hugely popular reality show accused of ripping off customers who attended their classes. this morning their first reaction to the accusations. and getting ready for game three. the world series heads to chicago where ticket prices are reaching super bowl prices.

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