Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20160705 :

Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20160705

known for its spots? >> well, i'm gonna go-- since it's like a cheetah, i'm gonna go with b. final answer. >> sometimes things are too obvious. so obvious they're right. [cheers and applause] that is right. way to go. $1,000. >> thank you. >> that's the way to end the show right there, on a $1,000 winner. thank you so much for watching. for everyone who's been a part of this one, i'm chris harrison. we'll see you next time. 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"the skinny" is next. time now for the skinny. ♪ time now for "the skinny." topping the headlines this morning, what america's first dad did to his first daughter on her fourth of july birthday. >> embarrass her. she celebrated her 18th birthday. her last birthday for the time being at the white house. her dad couldn't resist making a big deal out of it during the independence day celebration at the white house. >> just because it's a job of a father to embarrass his daughters, i've got one last job. it just so happens that we celebrate our country's birthday on the same day that we celebrate our oldest daughter's birthday. so just a quick happy birthday for malia. ♪ happy birthday to you >> oh, malia, very embarrassed by the whole thing. i'm sure grateful to dad as well. kendrick lamar and others were on stage for the white house fourth of july celebration which was moved inside into the east room due to the rainy weather. and dad gets a big hug. >> and look how tall she is now. >> almost as tall as he is. >> yeah. 18 years old and taking the year off from school before going to college. nice. happy birthday. next to what some other celebrities did to celebrate the fourth of july. >> let's start off with taylor swift. she threw a beach party in rhode island. new boyfriend, tom hiddleston, lie the way, was among her a-list guests, among with blake lively and ryan reynolds. >> where was the invite? >> must have gotten lost in the mail. next, also hitting the beach, amy schumer saluting to the camera in a bikini. the photos sepia tone. makes it look classic. at least from 1971. >> reese witherspoon donned a red and white blouse on instagram. she wished everyone the happiest fourth of july. >> and halle berry is spare with her how she shares on instagram. but not with this photo shot. rocking a stunning strappy black bikini. next, speaking of getting in shape, matt damon is working hard at getting out of shape. >> he's revealed that he went to extreme lengths to slim down and develop a six pack for his upcoming role in "jasonbourn," the latest in the series. >> but now he's going to the opposite extreme, trying to put a few pounds back onto, quote, look like a normal person for his upcoming comedy flick, ironically called "downsizing." >> all right. >> so damon no stranger to looking husky. who can forget the look in the 2009 docudrama "the informant"? >> i don't mind. he's having fun doing it. he tells "the telegraph" that the director of "downsizing" e-mailed him saying he hopes he's eating marshmallow pasta. >> during filming for "jason bourne," he said he dreaded working out, saying he prefers burgers and beers. >> he must love this role. >> of eating and drinking whatever he would like. >> if you have any extra roles in the movie, call me. >> so you can eat along with him. >> marshmallow pasta. and finally, music history made across the pond as our producers likes to say. >> after a 27-year-old hiatus, carole king has returned to the stage in london to do something she's never done before. >> apparently she sang the classic album "tapestry" in full for the first time ever. >> some 65,000 fans packed into hyde park paying as much as $330 a ticket. >> that sounds like a good deal. is that the scene right there? >> yeah. i'm betting they don't regret having spent that, especially after she performed the whole album. >> and hyde park, fairly large. that must have been quite a scene. >> her voice has a rasp, but her heartfelt delivery turned the giant concert into an almost intimate event. she joked at one point, this is what 74 looks like. i'm old and embracing it. >> i like the rasp in her voice. >> did you? i didn't think it was any different than when she originally sang it. doesn't she have a broadway show? >> that's right. "beautiful." >> very good. well, coming up, the cast of "ugly betty" together again. >> the secrets the cast is sharing with fans. you're watching "world news now." now." m only in my 60's. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. to me, relationships matter. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. 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wrong with me? >> reporter: nothing was wrong with america ferrera as betty suarez with a foot in two different worlds. keeping it real with her latino family in queens and swimming with the sharks at her fashion magazine job. >> what did you think of me when >> i hated you, of course. >> reporter: the bleeding edge energy bringing it to broadcast tv. >> this is about correcting a mistake. >> reporter: like the scheming sibling -- >> i think it was the first transgender character in prime time. now we have laverne cox. i'm not a transgender person, but it was an honor to get to play that role. >> reporter: no one made the ugly betty plot spoil like wi willhemina slater. >> it's scary how easy this is. >> she was a last second addition to the cast. >> i got a call saying it's not working out. we need you tomorrow. >> reporter: what do you think of how it broke new ground? >> any advice betty gave was the wisdom of the sages. >> if i were a 10 or 12 or 15-year-old girl, that would be the show that could save me. from the getgo, i was doing it for me, my little self that didn't grow up seeing these characters. >> reporter: chris connelly, abc news, austin texas. >> america ferrera said, i can't bring myself to watch it because i'll cry. let me know if they aired all of the parts where i'm crying in the interview. >> i think we did. i think so. you can understand the emotion. it meant so much to her doing the show. and it came fu good morning. >> some of the top headlines this morning on "world news now." rained out fireworks was about the worst thing that happened during this year's fourth of july celebrations despite the intense security or perhaps because of it, there were no terror attacks in the u.s. but in saudi arabia, the area has become the latest target of three suicide bombings in 24 hours. one was outside of one of islam's holiest sites. it follows attacks in other places. >> friends and former classmates gathered to remember the college student whose body was found in a river in rome shortly after he arrived in italy. investigators suspect he was robbed and murdered. and nasa spacecraft juno has reached jupiter after a five-year journey. nasa has just released a short video compiled from still images that shows jupiter with its moons orbiting. those are some of the top stories on this tuesday, july 5th. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning. we hope that you had a happy fourth. we begin this half hour with the fairly quiet fourth of july holiday. some parades and fireworks rained out. no national disasters or terror attacks here at home. >> it was pretty loud if you saw any of the fireworks displays. that's not to say the violence didn't occur. there was panic in miami's bayside marketplace after gunfire rang out last night. it was packed with thousands of people celebrating the holiday and many ran for cover. no one was injured and no arrests? now to downtown pittsburgh where three people were shot and wounded after the city's fireworks display. no word on their conditions. no arrests. for the most part, this country had a spectacular fourth of july. >> reporter: in the skies above new york city, the rockets' red glare. >> this is the largest detail we've put out on the fourth of july. >> reporter: on the ground a police presence to match heightened security fears after an explosion in central park. police say it doesn't look like terrorism. >> i believe we have somebody that made this material. then he wanted to test it. >> reporter: new yorkers are taking it in stride. >> that doesn't dent who we are or what we believe in and how we go about celebrating america. >> reporter: in washington, independence day was marked by a parade. a brass band, and giant flags. matched by a giant security -- >> fbi police cars around. ♪ let freedom ring >> reporter: and rainy skies couldn't dampen the patriotic spirits at the fourth of july concert. >> we have to recommit ourselves to making sure everybody in this country is free. that everybody has opportunity. that everybody gets a fair shot. ♪ >> reporter: and what would the fourth be without the boston pops? ♪ >> reporter: from sea to shining sea, america sang happy birthday to the land they love. gets you verklempt hearing the music again. >> i like the images from last year's display too. >> cbs aired the images from the previous year's fireworks. >> it was too cloudy. >> they dug into the archives. let's go to the race for the white house. hillary clinton is getting a boost today campaigning for the first time with president obama. >> she's going to travel to north carolina with the president on air force one. their trip is a first in four years. abc's adrienne bankert joining us with the latest. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. besides us, everybody is in north carolina today. donald trump holding his rally in nearby raleigh, north carolina. a crucial battleground state. and the president and hillary clinton hoping that their partnership on the campaign trail will bolster the clinton campaign. the commander in chief joining clinton for their first joint rally in charlotte. insiders say he's the best person to help restore trust in clinton and defeat donald trump. the president admitting to ranting more toward the end of his term, lashing out against trump following the debate over how best to defeat isis and his immigration policy. donald trump defending himself against clinton's accusations that a recent tweet featuring a six-pointed star graphic was anti-semitic. he's calling the accusations ridiculous, mentioning his son-in-law is jewish and that clinton is trying to divert attention from the dishonest behavior of herself and her husband, referring to bill clinton's secret meeting with the attorney general. and all eyes on whether there will be an announcement for the vice president on either party. the clinton campaign reportedly in talks with julian castro. a young rising star of the democratic party. the hope is he would get more hispanic votes. donald trump has not made any announcement, but he had a conversation with iowa senator, joni ernst, among with a bunch of other people. on twitter trump questioning clinton and obama traveling together on air force one, asking who is paying the bill. and according to white house, the dnc or any relevant committee would reimburse the government for the flight, though a portion of the travel is provided for by taxpayers. diane and kendis? >> that includes many of the security, secret service agents there with the president and secretary clinton. now to an incident here in new york. two muslim teens batten outside their mosque. police say the suspect beat the victims until their faces were disfigured. one victim suffered a concussion. police say it's not a hate crime. people at the mosque disagree. they say they heard anti-muslim slurs. police say they know who the attacker is but are unable to find him right now. in south florida the algae invasion ruined fourth of july celebrations and officials are trying to figure out how to clean up the mess. it may be causing health problems for some residents. >> reporter: marinas closed, beaches empty, toxic algae turned these normally bustling south florida destinations into ghost towns. >> can't get in the water. it's terrible. >> reporter: the governor declaring a state of emergency in four counties. temporarily closing four beaches because of the algae. >> it smells like a public toilet. >> reporter: the living slime is an assault on all the senses. >> it smells like death. dead, rotten fish. >> reporter: people are complaining of headaches, respiratory issues and rashes since the algae arrived. >> red eyes, scratchy throat. it can be bad. >> reporter: the blooms can contain dangerous bacteria, and the problem started here more than two weeks ago to prevent flooding. authorities started releasing water in a lake that unleashed the algae on the coastline. in recent years dangerous algae blooms flourished in lakes around the country. experts say farm fertilizer run off is largely to blame. authorities scrambling to figure out how to clean it up. authorities have not given a definitive timelion -- timeline on when they will clean it up. as you can see, the algae is still here. abc news, stuart, florida. severe weather hit parts of kentucky on independence day. wind blew town trees and damaged homes. there were reports of a possible tornado which took part of the roof off a walmart. five people were slightly injured. severe weather headed to another part of the country as well. >> paul williams joins us with the latest. good morning, paul. >> good morning. well, we're bracing for stormy conditions throughout the north central part of the country. a low pressure system that's going to trek through the dakotas. dumping severe storms toward minneapolis. going to california as well as spotty thunderstorms throughout portions of wyoming. keep in mind targeted area by tuesday evening including from duluth down to des moines. these storms are serious with large hail and possible tornadoes. >> paul, thank you. one of the biggest jackpots in lottery history is up for grabs. it's worth at least $449 million. this, of course, after no winning ticket was picked friday. not to be a downer, the chances of getting all the numbers right on this one, 259 million to one. one in 259 million. best of luck. >> yep. we'll be playing. a boy in michigan is making his fortune one quarter at a time. >> instead of a lemonade stand, gabe is running a history stand. he dolls out lessons in history for $0.25 a pop. his mom says he prefers telling war stories than playing sports and he's been studying the historical fun facts since he was just 3 years old. >> well, since i have so much knowledge and i can't be a history teacher, i got -- i just came up with this. they pay me more. i got to tell them a lot. >> good value. >> yeah. humble brag. he isn't pocketing any of the money. he's donating it all to his church as well as to veterans when he grows up. he wants to join the military just like his dad. >> how adorable is that? >> or he could also be a history teacher. he could be spewing knowledge. >> he could do both. >> true. coming up, the dangers on america's highways. new york bigger and more massive tractor trailers with a higher propensity to roll over. the new technology that hopes to make the roads safer for everyone. and we're opening up the "world news now" inbox. see what comments are spotlighted from hot dog eating contests to naked news anchors. >> not a lot to say about that one. >> or a lot. >> "world news now" weather, brought to you by sleep number beds. brought to you by sleep number beds. beds. amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. sleep number beds with sleepiq technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. don't miss the lowest prices of the season sale, with the c2 queen 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is a good time to get the ball rolling. medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. the rest is up to you. that's where aarp medicare supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company come in. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they could help save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. taking informed steps really makes a difference later. that's what it means to go long™. call now and request this free decision guide and explore the range of aarp medicare supplement plans. all plans like these let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. call now and request your free decision guide... and start gathering the information you need to help you go long™. all right. another time honored fourth of july tradition is to hit the road. a record 43 million americans all right. another time-honored fourth of july tradition is to hit the road. a record 43 million americans crowded the country's busiest highways and interstates. >> but increasingly travelers are sharing the road with massive trucks that could roll over with deadly consequences. >> a new technology is hoping to keep everyone a little safer on the road now. here's alex perez. >> reporter: within seconds, a massive semi truck can lose control. causing chaos on the road. >> look at that. >> reporter: and for millions of drivers sharing the road with these heavy beasts can turn deadly for them. in april a new jersey teen was killed when a semi rolled over onto her car. in 2014 the dot reports more than 410,000 accidents involving large trucks. that includes rollovers. one way to try to prevent rollovers is electronic stability control helps drivers maintain control. they are making this mandatory in heavy duty trucks manufactured on or after 2017. one company says more can be done. exclusive access to a rollover simulation to show how its roll-tech can keep drivers safe. >> trucks roll over. they roll over frequently. in this case, we're trying to protect the driver and save their lives. >> reporter: a dummy in the driver seat and rigging the car with 29 cameras. >> make sure to stay behind the first set of barriers. >> reporter: watch as this speeding semi swerves as if to avoid a car and then -- flips. that would-be driver cushioned from the impact by a side roll air bag. and from above you can see the aftermath the tractor trailer completely flipped on its side. >> i think roll tech is a good step in the right direction in the sense that it is intended to move the occupant away from the roof and provide a side curtain. >> these type of accidents occur and impact everybody. >> reporter: but for the millions oh drivers on the road to stay safe, experts say to find a road with fewer trucks and take it. keep an eye on swerving and speeding and avoid passing trucks on narrow roads. alex perez, abc news, indiana. right now there are about 11 million tractor trailers on america's highways. >> a lot of tips to avoid. the biggest one is to stay out of the blind spots. a good rule of thumb is if you can't see the driver's face in that mirror, they can't see you. >> it's good to keep in mind. all right. coming up, the art behind the art. >> hm. the ordinary items left behind by extraordinary people, and it's all on display in the nation's hd-5 hd-5 ♪ ♪ love nora jones. >> what ever happened? >> you might be familiar with artists like jackson pollock and others, but what you may not be familiar with are their letters. >> their everyday correspondence is a day today glimpse at their every day lives. we have more from serena marshall. >> reporter: they are everyday items of extraordinary people. passports, school notebooks, all saved and neatly categorized here. >> this is the hub of the -- the ft. knox. >> reporter: okay. 20 million documents. these are the protectors of american arts story. none of the famous masterpieces. >> three lipstick kisses. >> reporter: giving museum goers a glimpse into the artist before the art. a passionate woman with strong words for her ex-husband. >> she's talking about an affair that he had that makes her angry. a person who had been his wife. she says, that affair with guadalupe is something that makes me vomit. she's furious because i will marry him again, but everything she does is so low and dirty that sometimes i feel like going back to mexico and kill her. you really get a sense of their personalities and how they examined the world around them at the time they were alive. >> absolutely. when all you see is their great work, it's easy to forget they were people. >> reporter: people like the god father of graffiti. his sketches and designs for his famous work. saving art from world war ii, inspirations for a movie, carrying out from the all the mines of michael anglo. even a handwritten recommendation of artists. abstract impressionist jackson pollack, an artist with a alcohol problem. >> they were concerned he was going to destroy his career by drinking. in this letter they plead with him to stop drinking. >> reporter: this one says work hard. paint hard. >> they knew he was a genius. they knew he office a dangerous path and wanted him to keep working and make the great work that he could make. >> reporter: stored for the next generation. abc news, washington. >> many people call that little display the ft. knox of the world of art. >> it holds more than 20 million personal papers from artists, art scholars, art critics, including jackson pollock and hundreds more. pollack and hundreds more. amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. sleep number beds with sleepiq technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. don't miss the lowest prices of the season sale, with the c2 queen mattress now only $699.99. plus 36 month financing. know better sleep. only at a sleep number store. our bacteria family's been 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adjust for the best sleep ever. don't miss the lowest prices of the season sale, with the c2 queen mattress now only $699.99. plus 36 month financing. know better sleep. only at a sleep number store. okay. it's time to dig deep into our mail bag. okay. it's time to dig deep into our mail bag. >> and by that we mean our social media accounts for the segment "the inbox." and this morning we're starting with the annual fourth of july tradition. the nathan's hot dog eating competition. >> we've told you that joey "jaws" chestnut beat his own record, regain ing his title downing 70 hot dogs. it looked fun. viewers are getting tired of seeing coverage of this event. here's reggie wallace who writes let's give the hot dogs away to people who are starving. but another says finally, a competition i can win. i hear you. >> and marlin summed it up in one word. barf. some of the contestants probably did that. remember that photo we showed last week of the new tennis dress causing a stir? the flimsy, flowy, nike dress at wimbledon. it triggered a little bit of controversy saying it revealed too much. another says why do you think old farts watch tennis and "dancing with the stars"? he's not complaining. >> another was critical saying a dress in a competitive sport? what man came up with this idea? not unless the men have to wear them as well. >> and another says show her abs and a pair of shorts. get over it and move on. >> next. to the story we brought you from overseas about that seemingly naked news anchor. >> this screen shot says it all. well, a music snob, and father of three tweets there's so much going on in this picture right here. >> isn't there, greg? >> there was quite a bit. and before we go, we've got to play a holiday fan favorite. >> all right. let's do it. if you didn't remember rosa g with her megahit, "fourth of july," you're welcome. ♪ >> this is a favorite. ♪ fourth, fourth, fourth of july. ♪ ♪ burgers smell delicious i can't pass by ♪ ♪ you take my bun ♪ i'll take yours >> they should get her to perform at the hot dog eating competition. >> i don't know what i'm watching. >> this is your favorite song, i thought. >> the words are hard to -- like -- learn. >> are they? >> fourth, fourth, fourth -- is this a christmas song? this a christmas song? as song? this morning on "world news now," the growing wave of terror attacks. >> less than a day after the deadliest suicide bombing in iraq in nearly decade, multiple sites targeted across saudi arabia. what's behind it? the murder mystery of an american college student killed while abroad in rome. his body found in a river. overnight, the vigils held at home as investigators try to piece together the time line. kevin durant is shocking the sports world announcing he'll be joining steph curry and the golden state warriors. oklahoma fans are already burning his jersey. but we'll tell you the real back story to the bay invasion. >> they're not happy with that, right? >> apparently not. and get ready for the good life. it is time for the launch of our new series, lifestyles of the rich and kendis. that's yours truly. i'll be taking you behind the scenes of some of the most luxurious places in the world when money is of little consequence. it's tuesday, july 5th. >> good tuesday morning. it is good to have back diane. >> thank you. good to be here. >> what a wonderful july fourth it was. >> i enjoyed it. i brought some of the fireworks back. >> it's like katy perry is on your dress. >> they say money can't buy happiness, but you looked happy at the plaza. >> somehow i stole my way through there. you know what, it was a beautiful fireworks display all across the nation. you had on the east river, did you see, the display about a half hour display there. >> cannot beat the macy's display in new york. >> that's in new york, and apparently in d.c. it was beautiful. >> i love seeing it right by the monument. all in the same shot. >> gorgeous, except with d.c., this was the live broadcast from pbs. the footage from previous years. >> why? >> because it was overcast in d.c., so they ran -- >> cheaters. that is cheating. >> a montage. the internet just kind of blew up about it overnight. >> that's funny. they said oh, well, we'll show you other years. >> some people kept complaining about how the scaffolding was disappearing and reappearing. it was a rip-off. i can't believe pbs did that. >> we hope everyone enjoyed the fourth. >> it was a safe one. >> thank god for that. our top story, there's a deadly wave of terror attacks in the middle east. three yesterday in saudi arabia and more over the weekend in bangladesh. as well as baghdad and last week in istanbul. more than 230 people have been killed in the past week and isis is calling for more. we get more details. >> reporter: a suicide attack at the second holiest site in all of islam. the bomber stopped by security guards on his way to the mosque where the prophet muhammad is buried. detonating his explosives and killing four. one of three attacks near saudi arabia in just the last 24 hours including one near the u.s. consulate. they cap off a bloody week as the muslim holy month of ramadan ends. in baghdad, isis claimed a massive bombing that took the lives of 167 people, the deadliest attack in iraq in a decade. it was 1:00 a.m. when explosives in a truck ripped through a busy neighborhood. the flames consuming shops and restaurants that were full. parents out with their kids celebrating ramadan and the end of the school year. isis has suffered huge setbacks in iraq and syria losing long held ground and forces. but those losses somewhat offset by dramatic terrorist attacks. 44 killed last week at turkey's main airport. then 20, mostly foreign hostages killed on saturday in a restaurant in bangladesh's capital. among the dead was someone who studied in the u.s. and whose family said the attackers let him leave but he wouldn't abandon his friends and died with them. these attacks proving even with isis dramatically weakened, they're still able to terrorize and inspire around the world. abc news, london. and disturbing news about the civil war in syria. amnesty international says some opposition groups are just as bad as the syrian government using torture, abductions, and killings. at least 24 in four years. they say some of the groups responsible are backed by the united states. back at home, president obama is making his first joint campaign appearance with hillary clinton. they're flying to charlotte on air force one this afternoon. their first time traveling together in four years. the president is expected to share the faux -- the foe-to-friend relationship of their friendship. donald trump asks who's paying for it. we're told the clinton campaign is picking up the fab. >> trump is heading to raleigh. he's defending an anti-clinton tweet that was deleted after it was criticized as being anti-semitic. he issued a statement saying attacks by hillary clinton linking the star in the image to the star of david are ridiculous. he insists it have a basic star used by sheriffs and he accused clinton of trying to divert attention from her and her husband's dishonest behavior. now to new details about that mysterious explosion in central park which injured a virginia student. investigators believe a had been yiftd or -- had beenyist or experimenter was behind the explosion. doing tests on the compound that blew up to learn more about it. they don't believe the device was intentionally divined to hurt people. now to an overseas mystery involving an american college student. police are trying to figure out how his body ended up in a river after arriving in italy. gloria rivera with more on that mystery. >> reporter: the deadly mystery unfolding in rome. 19-year-old bo solomon, american found in a river described as a star student, a stellar athlete and a proud cancer survivor. >> he overcame it. >> reporter: he just arrived in italy as part of a summer exchange program. his school in rome saying he was last seen in a pub with friends early in the morning and then he vanished. his roommate alerting the university when he failed to show up later that day for orientation. desperate for answers, his family flew to italy on sunday to work with authorities. italian news reports and his brother say he was found with a large wound on his head, blood on his shirt. his wallet and cell phone missing. there are reports not yet confirmed to police that there were credit card charges made on his card after he vanished. his parents identified the body. they're working with italian police and officials at the u.s. embassy in rome to try to find out how this happened. gloria rivera, abc news, washington. to florida and the toxic invasion of green algae that appears to be deepening. fourth of july celebrations were cancelled and beaches closed. the governor declaring a state of emergency in four counties. there are reports of people complaining about headaches, respiratory issues and rashes. authorities are trying to figure out how to clean it up. speaking of cleaning up, a new record but an old champion at the hot dog eating contest. joey "jaws" chestnut gobbled down 70 in ten minutes, regaining the mustard yellow belt. >> hard to imagine that. >> it is. >> that's the most in nathan's competition and 17 more than anyone yesterday. 32-year-old chestnut held the belt for eight years until last year's upset. heed says 70 is his goal every year, and now he's made it. >> now he has to shoot for new stars. 71. >> and the women competed. mickey suto kept her title. she ate 38 1/2 hot dogs and buns in ten minutes for the third straight year. her total was half a dog better than the fourth place in the men's competition. both male and female competitors train all year and compete in other contests. >> joey, by the numbers, quickly, in ten minutes he consumes 19,600 calories. 1200 grams of fat and 54,000 grams of sodium. way to go, brother. >> i don't understand how they're not massive. >> massive and fat. >> this is the sixth year of a separate competition for women. they used to compete with the men. >> cool. not fair. all right. coming up, new details in the case of a muslim man taken down by police in a hotel. we'll hear the call from a clerk telling police the man was a terrorist. and get ready for an adventure with kendis. he promised only the finest on this tuesday. we'll get the tour of the plaza hotel and find out if he's still living there now. >> i am not. for proof, check out our behind the scenes fix on instagram. you're watching "world news now." choose effortless glide from side to side. choose knee-loving, underarm-caring, bikini line-bearing. choose venus swirl. with five contour blades and a flexi-ball, it pivots with every dip and divot. choose to smooth. venus swirl. amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. sleep number beds with sleepiq technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. don't miss the lowest prices of the season sale, with the c2 queen mattress now only $699.99. plus 36 month financing. know better sleep. only at a sleep number store. this pimple's gonna aw com'on.ver. clearasil ultra works fast to begin visibly clearing up skin in as little as 12 hours. and acne won't last forever. just like your mom won't walk in on you... forever. let's be clear. clearasil works fast. has a close encounter with that shark off the florida coast. sean o'connor said he said he caught a fish and became tangled in the line as the shark started swimming toward him. he says the shark only had eyes, hopefully, for his catch. so he freed himself and left the fish for the shark. he says it was quickly devoured. now to the controversy near cleveland. an arab businessman wearing a traditional robe, he also had a head scarf on, inside of a hotel was falsely accused of being a terrorist. >> a 9-1-1 call triggered a police takedown and now an international incident. here's abc's clayton sandel. >> there's a man in a full headdress. >> reporter: a call to police in avon, ohio, triggering an international response. >> with multiple disposable phones pledging his allegiance or something to isis. >> reporter: a desk clerk working at this fairfield inn hotel tells her sister she believes there's a terrorist in the lobby. that sister calls police. >> there he is. get on the ground. get on the round. move! cuff him. take the phone away. >> reporter: the suspect is a businessman from the united arab emirates. >> i'm tourist. this is not good. >> this is not good. that's right. >> reporter: soon police realize the report is false. he's visiting the u.s. for a heart treatment. he suddenly faints. >> you okay? >> reporter: groups that track islamaphobia say the u.s. is seeing a spike in anger against muslims. marriott which owns the hotel says this was a terrible misunderstanding and we regret what happened saying hotel employees will get training in diversity and inclusion. avon's police chief and mayor are sorry, too. >> you should not have been in that situation. >> there were false accusations. those are regrettable. >> reporter: as for the hotel desk clerk, officials say she may be facing criminal charges over the false report. clayton sandel, abc news, denver. coming up in the next half hour, a ten-year-old golf prodigy sidelined. a judge ordered no tournament and a severely scaled back practice schedule for the next year over a custody battle. we'll explain. first, a world of unimaginable wealth. what i saw firsthand inside one of new york's premier hotels to kick off the new series "lifestyles of the rich and kendis." ♪ "lifestyles of the rich and kendis ♪ "world news no ♪ ♪ that's the best graphic i've ever seen. >> awesome. >> you are as excited as we are. we're kicking back a new series that gives an inside look that few get to experience. >> especially me. if it weren't for this new series as we mentioned, you saw there called lifestyles of the rich and kendis. we go behind the chandelier lit halls of the plaza hotel in new york. >> good morning, mr. gibson. welcome to the plaza. >> thank you, it's great to be here. this is beautiful. >> one and only plaza. >> and with that, so begins my adventure inside one of the world's most exclusive hotels. new york city's plaza hotel. the same hotel made iconic in its best-known resident, ehlois. the place the beatles stayed and their fans invaded during their first american tour back in 1964. and home to kevin mcallister in "home alone 2." somehow that plaza hotel allowed me through the front door. for a rare look at some of its most amazing suites. >> suite 2040, the penthouse suite. >> the grand penthouse suite is among the top of the line. two lavish bedrooms. two and a half bathrooms, and -- there's somebody at the door. let's check it out. hi. how are you? >> my name is benny. i represent the bathroom department. our team of professionals will make sure we provide certain services which is unpacking, shoe shining, complimentary pressing and we draw the bath. >> a full-time butler at the beckoning. as if the location and suites weren't enough, the service is over the top. >> hey, how is it going? >> irena has the easiest job in the world -- promoting the plaza's many benefits to the masses. this is as fabulous as it gets in new york? >> this is the top tier. >> we had to settle for chatting in the $20,000 a night suite pause because the even larger $40,000-a-night suite has been occupied by the same guest for the last three months. >> in that suite, it actually has a living room, a dining room, and a gym, a library, three bedrooms, a foyer, and a kitchen. >> the grand penthouse ain't too shabby with over 1500 square feet. >> we have business travelers who come for a period of time. we want to give them a place to work. >> i've been looking for an apartment in new york. this is about the same size. >> this is the iconic plaza bathroom. all of the bathrooms within the hotel have the floral motiff. >> it's pretty. >> they're 24 karat gold plated. >> this is real gold? >> yes. >> and the amenities look awesome. >> yeah. >> that shower is great. >> yeah. >> take that for the road. let's go on the terrace. >> the terrace alone is 500 square feet. >> beautiful weather for the terrace. >> just for you. and a nice breakfast to accompany it. >> this is great. the scenery is amazing. you have the skyscrapers. central park to the right. >> it gives you a little bit of both -- >> this is the life. do we really have to leave? >> you can stay forever. >> just have to pay? >> just a little bit. >> did you call security already? >> not yet, but they may call. >> they had to drag me out of the hotel in handcuffs. the beatles stayed there. while they were there there were a couple of girls who famously snuck their way up into their rooms. you had all these girls but they were able to smuggle themselves into the room in a gift box. it was their way of meeting them -- >> i was going to say how. i'm guessing security is tight. >> it is. there have been notable guests over the years. f. scott fitzgerald, the duke and duchess of windsor. it was once owned by donald trump. that went away years ago. >> this is my favorite shot. you in the tub. >> they have no idea i did that. this is the first time they are seeing i jumped on the bed. they were busy doing something else. the pr had no idea i snuck into the bathtub and made myself at home. >> when are we going back to check out the 40,000 penthouse? >> as soon as they get out of there. check out the 40,000 penthouse? >> as soon as they get out of there. $40,000 penthouse?r generations. >> as soon as they get out of there. alright kiddos! everybody off the backpack, we made it to the ottoman. i like to watch them clean, but they'll never get me on the mattress! finally there's a disinfectant mist designed for sofas, mattresses and more. introducing new lysol max cover. its innovative cap has a 2x wider spray that kills 99.9% of bacteria. max cover is another great way to lysol that. amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. sleep number beds with sleepiq technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. don't miss the lowest prices of the season sale, with the c2 queen mattress now only $699.99. plus 36 month financing. know better sleep. only at a sleep number store. how can this have been washed 1like paris. unstopables in-wash scent boosters. the more you pour the more scent you'll savor. toss into your wash before your clothes for luxurious scent for up to 12 weeks. and introducing unstopables fabric conditioner by downy giving your laundry a bold, captivating scent with luxury you can feel. for long-lasting scent, just pair with your in-wash scent booster. unstopables by downy. the ultimate in long lasting scent. amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. sleep number beds with sleepiq technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. don't miss the lowest prices of the season sale, with the c2 queen mattress now only $699.99. plus 36 month financing. know better sleep. only at a sleep number store. (sound♪ of music ♪histling) introducing new k-y touch gel crème. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. ♪ okay. there have been many stories about kevin durant going to golden state and many memes and all that. but there's a little known story that you probably might not remember. so there was this little known rapper called lil b. years ago lil b put a curse on kevin durant back in 2011 when durant called him a whack rapper. >> oh. a curse. >> exactly. he put this curse and little did you know after the curse, kd's performance went down. people believe the curse is for real. >> he has some powers. >> he has some powers. he might not be a good rapper but he has powers. lil b is from the bay area. and he said now that kevin durant is heading to his home team, he wants to lift the curse. >> oh, okay. >> welcome home, kd. >> the bassed god wants to speak. >> the curse has been lifted ever since -- oklahoma fans might not feel the same way. they put on their own curse on kd. >> he might have new one coming his way. >> good luck. so selfie sticks are easy to mock. some places ban them. but we found one tourist who has to be happy he had one on him. so are we. it yielded this picture. the sloth is in the tree. sloths are difficult to photograph. they are shy and tend not to come down from trees. this man managed to capture the sloth hanging from the tree without disturbing him. courtesy of the selfie stick, and check it out, the sloth smiles. >> take a close look at the picture. it might seem like a photo. this is moving video right now. the sloth is waving right now. all right. from the sloth -- [ laughter ] >> every time. >> every time. >> from the sloth to the -- >> you usually crack me up when you do the sloth impression. this time you cracked yourself up. >> talk. >> check out the hip hop dog. ♪ >> the dog is a hip hop mogul. he has his own star on the walk where teams compete to make the right decisions about safe food preparations. our challenge in this round -- read and follow package cooking instructions, and use a food thermometer. let's see how our teams are doing so far -- team 1? we just got 100 points. we separated our raw food from our cooked food. team 2? we got a 100-point green card for proper hand washing before our meal prep. referee: we've reached a critical safety point in the challenge. okay, team 1, let's check this out. uh-oh, not a safe internal temperature for those hamburgers. that puts everyone at high risk for food-borne illness. you get a red card -- undercooked. always read and follow the package cooking instructions and use a food thermometer. let's see how our winning team cooked it safe and avoided problems. well, i just kept focus on the four food safety steps -- clean, separate, cook, and chill. and we followed the package cooking instructions and took the temperature. can you cook it safe? new, tag team this morning on "world news now," tag team on the campaign trail. no word of a running mate, but hillary clinton is enlisting a former foe, president obama. their first campaign event. and what we can expect when it comes to going after donald trump. a live report just ahead. severe storms in the midwest. tornadoes uproot trees and knock out power. the storm system even washed out fourth of july celebrations. we'll tell you where the trouble spots will be later today in the accu-weather forecast. and the surprise at last night's white house independence day celebration. >> what the president did for his oldest daughter, malia, on her 18th birthday, that brought the crowd to its feet. and how the other half celebrated the fourth of july. they took to social media with their millions of follows. they're just like us. it's tuesday, july 5th. from abc news, this is "world news now." just like us kind of. >> sort of. they like the flag like the rest of us. >> good morning everyone. >> we're going to start with politics. shall we? and the road to the white house. winding through north carolina today. hillary clinton, of course, bringing out the big guns, campaigning with the president at her side. >> clinton will fly to charlotte with president obama on air force one for their first campaign event. meanwhile, donald trump is questioning that trip and defending a controversial tweet. we are joined with the latest. adrienne, good morning, thanks for being here. >> reporter: good morning to you. yes, the holiday is over. back to business as usual on the political trail. we've all seen it online. the clinton campaign relying on the hash tag, i'm with her. many strategists saying the best thing she can convince voters of is she's with him. >> once rivals now political partners, the commander in chief and hillary clinton will be speaking this afternoon at their first joint rally in charlotte. >> it kind of sends the signal of party unity. >> reporter: political insiders say it's obvious president obama is the best person to help restore trust in clinton's ability. >> this early signal of him getting out on the campaign trail is going to be indicative of how secretary clinton and her campaign is going to structure that strategy. >> reporter: and defeat donald trump. the president began lashing out against the gop nominee following the orlando nightclub shootings. >> we hear language that singles out immigrants and suggests entire religious communities are complicit in violence. when does this stop? >> reporter: and last week we went off without calling trump by name but referencing the immigration policies 234679 with word of today's trip, donald trump tweeted who pays. he land blast clintons that the -- lambasted the clintons that this six-sided star graphic was anti-semitic. on the fourth of july, trump saying hillary clinton is trying to link the star of david with a basic star often used by sheriffs is ridiculous. she's trying to divert the attention from her dishonest husband and herself. trump will be in north carolina, as well, in raleigh. one official telling abc news the president is not just stumping before hillary clinton but separately campaigning for a continuation of his health care and immigration policy. >> all right. and adrian, what's the latest on picking v.p. candidates? >> we're a few weeks away from the conventions, and we don't know who the v.p. candidates will be. for clinton's side, hud secretary julian castro is someone people are talking about. he's been a young rising star with the democratic party. speaking at the dnc in 2004. though lacking some of the experience that other v.p.s would host. he would be the first hispanic on a ticket. that could lead to more votes for clintons. speculation is joni ernst. senator for iowa. they discussed the concerns as far as the direction the country is taking. >> sounds like there's some developments going on there. >> only a couple weeks for developments. we have to make a decision soon. >> adrian, thank you. >> thank you. we move to the wave of islamic militant terror in the middle east that has now spread to saudi arabia. there were three suicide bombings there yesterday alone. one outside of one of islam's holiest sites, the prophet's mosque. isis has not yet claimed responsibility for the saudi incidents, but they appear to be part of a coordinated campaign coinciding with the end of ramadan. as the death toll from a massive bombing in baghdad is climbing, there have been five convicted terrorists. it's an attempt to restore faith in the government's ability to protect its citizens. in just the first half of the year, nearly 5,000 iraqi civilians and security force members have been killed by militant attacks. at home two barges caught fire during fourth of july celebrations in massachusetts. authorities are blaming a malfunction. witnesses say the show was going on for at least ten minutes when there was a large boom followed by a burst of flames. you can see the pictures. it then spread to a second barge. no injuries reported. it's unclear what caused the malfunction. and fireworks in some kentucky towns had to be rescheduled because of severe weather. trees were blown down yesterday afternoon knocking out power in lexington. this was a roof damaged when a tree fell on it. there were reports of a possible tornado that took part a roof off a walmart. another part of the country bracing for severe weather. >> paul williams joins us with the details. good morning you to, as well. we have a storm with this low-pressure system stirring up a mess in the lower atmosphere. it's going to trek east. we'll see an outbreak of severe storms through the north central part of the country. montana, wyoming, over toward the dakotas. nebraska toward kansas. we're expecting a targeted area from duluth to sioux falls and then des moines and damaging hail and possibility of tornadoes. >> paul, thank you. we're getting more details now about the orlando massacre from nearly a dozen deputies. in newly released incident reports, they describe walking into the pulse nightclub to see as many as 20 officers with long guns. one deputy says at first glance there were no signs of life, just bodies all over the floor. some of them assisted survivors who collapsed in the street while others loaded the wounded onto pickup trucks. >> in baltimore a trial for another officer charged in connection with the death of freddie gray. lieutenant brian rice is the highest ranking officer to face charges. he pleaded not to second degree assault and other charges. gray died after suffering a fatal time injury while in the police van. rice is the third officer to stand trial. none of the officers have been convicted. now breaking news from our abc bureau. some 365 million miles away from earth nasa revealing the juno spacecraft is in orbit around jupiter. this is a after five-year journey. the nasa control room excited. because instruments were turned off during the highly anticipated arrival, there won't be pictures of the key moment. bravo. in atlanta, a 6-year-old girl is being praised as a champion. chloe smith found an olympian metal and returned it. it belonged to whitewater canoe slalom champion joe jacobi. he won it in barcelona. >> he said it was among several items stolen from his car, and chloe was taking a stroll with her dad when he took it. the smith family said she got a $500 reward. he also says he plans to visit her classroom when she returns to school in the fall. >> chloe's dad said he's scolding her not to just pick up everything. he's probably happy she disobeyed him. >> that was smart. glad they were able to find him and get it back to him. >> and jacobi said police found some other things stolen from his car as well. kind of a happy ending. >> it is. well, coming up, the surprise at the white house last night. how president obama caught his daughter, malia, off guard, and what he did that brought the crowd to their feet. and a 10-year-old golf prodigy sidelined by a judge over a custody fight. it's been going on since she was 3 years old. hear what her father is now saying. you're watching "world news now." 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"the skinny" is next. time now for the skinny. ♪ time now for "the skinny." topping the headlines this morning, what america's first dad did to his first daughter on her fourth of july birthday. >> embarrass her. she celebrated her 18th birthday. her last birthday for the time being at the white house. her dad couldn't resist making a big deal out of it during the independence day celebration at the white house. >> just because it's a job of a father to embarrass his daughters, i've got one last job. it just so happens that we celebrate our country's birthday on the same day that we celebrate our oldest daughter's birthday. so just a quick happy birthday for malia. ♪ happy birthday to you >> oh, malia, very embarrassed by the whole thing. i'm sure grateful to dad as well. kendrick lamar and others were on stage for the white house fourth of july celebration which was moved inside into the east room due to the rainy weather. and dad gets a big hug. >> and look how tall she is now. >> almost as tall as he is. >> yeah. 18 years old and taking the year off from school before going to college. nice. happy birthday. next to what some other celebrities did to celebrate the fourth of july. >> let's start off with taylor swift. she threw a beach party in rhode island. new boyfriend, tom hiddleston, lie the way, was among her a-list guests, among with blake lively and ryan reynolds. >> where was the invite? >> must have gotten lost in the mail. next, also hitting the beach, amy schumer saluting to the camera in a bikini. the photos sepia tone. makes it look classic. at least from 1971. >> reese witherspoon donned a red and white blouse on instagram. she wished everyone the happiest fourth of july. >> and halle berry is spare with her how she shares on instagram. but not with this photo shot. rocking a stunning strappy black bikini. next, speaking of getting in shape, matt damon is working hard at getting out of shape. >> he's revealed that he went to extreme lengths to slim down and develop a six pack for his upcoming role in "jasonbourn," the latest in the series. >> but now he's going to the opposite extreme, trying to put a few pounds back onto, quote, look like a normal person for his upcoming comedy flick, ironically called "downsizing." >> all right. >> so damon no stranger to looking husky. who can forget the look in the 2009 docudrama "the informant"? >> i don't mind. he's having fun doing it. he tells "the telegraph" that the director of "downsizing" e-mailed him saying he hopes he's eating marshmallow pasta. >> during filming for "jason bourne," he said he dreaded working out, saying he prefers burgers and beers. >> he must love this role. >> of eating and drinking whatever he would like. >> if you have any extra roles in the movie, call me. >> so you can eat along with him. >> marshmallow pasta. and finally, music history made across the pond as our producers likes to say. >> after a 27-year-old hiatus, carole king has returned to the stage in london to do something she's never done before. >> apparently she sang the classic album "tapestry" in full for the first time ever. >> some 65,000 fans packed into hyde park paying as much as $330 a ticket. >> that sounds like a good deal. is that the scene right there? >> yeah. i'm betting they don't regret having spent that, especially after she performed the whole album. >> and hyde park, fairly large. that must have been quite a scene. >> her voice has a rasp, but her heartfelt delivery turned the giant concert into an almost intimate event. she joked at one point, this is what 74 looks like. i'm old and embracing it. >> i like the rasp in her voice. >> did you? i didn't think it was any different than when she originally sang it. doesn't she have a broadway show? >> that's right. "beautiful." >> very good. well, coming up, the cast of "ugly betty" together again. >> the secrets the cast is sharing with fans. you're watching "world news now." now." m only in my 60's. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. to me, relationships matter. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. 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