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Good morning from the quicken loans arena in cleveland. The Gop Convention opens here tomorrow, and donald trump may break tradition again by taking the stage on the conventions first night. It would be just the latest surprise in the most unpredictable president ial race we have ever seen, and this convention, this entire city braced for more. Cleveland is armed to the teeth barricaded block by block in the wake of recent terror attacks here at home and abroad, orlando and dallas, nice, france, and now turmoil in turkey. That terror, the anxiety and anger it is creating may well define this race, and for the brandnew republican ticket, the stakes of this convention are sky high. Donald trump likely bought some peace with his new party by picking conservative favorite mike pence to be his running mate but that rollout was pure trump. After a 28minute riff on everything from Hillary Clinton to his new hotel in washington, d. C. , trump turned over the stage to the man he called his first choice for veep. I found the leader who will help us deliver a safe society and a prosperous, really Prosperous Society for all americans. I also admire the fact that he fights for the people and hes going to fight for you. He is a solid, solid person. This week that new team has its best chance to make a case for change in washington. And our brandnew abc News Washington post poll shows they will be speaking to a deeply divided country pretty disgusted with both candidates. A remarkable 58 of registered voters now say they are dissatisfied with the choice before them. The top line, Hillary Clinton draws 47 , donald trump at 43 . Thats a sharp drop for clinton from her 12point lead in june. The poll makes clear both candidates enter the convention with huge challenges. 64 have an unfavorable view of donald trump. Hillary clinton at 54 and coming off the fbi directors blistering criticism of her as extremely careless, 72 now say Hillary Clinton is too willing to bend the rules. Donald trumps big weakness, 60 call him unqualified. Majorities of republicans and democrats now say theyre voting against the other side rather than for their own candidate. Some pretty sobering numbers there. So lets bring in jon karl. Hes going to be here with us in cleveland all week, and, jon, we have never seen voters so unhappy with their choices heading into the conventions. Reporter thats for sure, george. I mean look at the numbers you just cited. The fact that 60 of voters do not think that donald trump is qualified to be president would be crippling going into a general election, except for the fact that so many voters simply dont trust Hillary Clinton and her honesty and trustworthy problem has actually gotten worse in the wake of the email scandal. Ive talked to republicans who fear that they may be nominating the one republican who cannot beat Hillary Clinton, and ive talked to democrats who believe or fear that they may be nominating the one democrat who could lose to donald trump. A lot of republicans here though do seem to be happy with this choice that donald trump did settle on, mike pence, to be his running mate. It certainly shores him up with conservatives. Reporter well absolutely helps him right here at this convention, george. Mike pence is a no doubt about it conservative republican, well liked by the very groups that do not trust donald trump in the Republican Party. So it helps and once and for all the idea of some kind of an antitrump uprising here at the convention, but you saw that opening announcement, i do not expect that pence will be out there much side by side with donald trump. Okay, jon, thanks. Lets get more on this now from the chair of the rnc, Reince Priebus. Thank you for joining us mr. Chair. Lets tart out with a reality check, july 2014, you and your Committee Picked cleveland and picked the quicken loans arena. Did you have any idea that donald trump would be the nominee . No, i didnt but actually i think he gives us a great opportunity to win and i think this place looks incredible. The stage is fantastic and people are really excited to be here and the city is beautiful and im excited about the week to come. You say he gives you a great opportunity to win and our new pole out this morning shows hes closed the gap somewhat with Hillary Clinton. We show a fourpoint race now among registered voters but still have 60 of americans who dont think hes qualified to be president. Thats a killer number. Well, reagan had the same problem in 1979 going into 1980 and i think what it does show in reality is that he has a lot of space to grow, and i think as he pivots to the general election picking mike pence, i think hes much more precise in his rhetoric and his tone and his attack. I think hes got a lot of room to grow. You think that 28minute riff yesterday before introducing are well, look, i think he spent a few days with things going on and didnt have a chance to respond to and its donald trump. He wants to respond. You know how he is, but i think that he also knows and i know how he is in private. I know we talk about and what we have meetings about and hes there. He knows the pivot is important. He has been better and i think hes going to be great moving forward. I think thursday night is a critical night for him delivering a great speech, the balloon drop and the people in this country saying, i can see donald trump being in the white house. I think hes president ial. And its the same thing that happened in 1980 when the bottom fell out of carter when people said, Ronald Reagan can be president. I can trust him and i see him in the white house. So thats the bar. You think if you can bring down that qualifying number he wins. He wins easily. I mean if people, number one, who do you want to have a beer with is a great question on a ballot. He can win that. Hes likable and people that dont know, they want to like him, hes interesting to people. Hes intriguing. But they want to see that donald trump in the white house and hes getting there and hes going to pivot there. Mike pence is a mature pick. I think its going to help and i also think he gets it totally. Clearly mike pence is going to help you here in the Convention Hall this week but democrats already taking aim at him saying hes going to hurt especially with women. Lets take a look. Are you willing to hold up this entire budget over Defunding Planned Parenthood . Well, of course i am. I long for the day that roe versus wade is sent to the ash heap of history. Are you concerned at all that mike pence is going to hold you back with the voters you need to attract in the general election . No, i dont think so because i think in many cases they look at the top of the ticket but i also think that when you lay it out to the American People in regard to planned parenthood and lateterm abortion and a lot of craziness that went on with selling fetal parts and all of those sort of Disgusting Things people get that there was never any proof of selling fetal parts. Okay, im not going to go down that road with you but the point is is that even if we dont discuss that part, most americans agree that federal money, their tax money shouldnt be used to help pay for abortions. And so that piece alone is something that the American People are with us on. As far as whether planned parenthood, you know, provides, you know, contraceptives or things like that, thats something that gets in the middle but i think you focus in on that. I think most americans are with us but they also look to the top of the ticket. You still got some never Trump Delegates agitating. Shut them down effectively in the committees friday but many are saying theyll look for ways to bring a surprise on the convention floor, maybe force a roll call that will delay the whole proceedings. How worried are you about that . If you want to delay the proceedings, all theyre doing is delaying the evening and helping Hillary Clinton. I mean, there is no candidate. To those people, who is your vp . What money are you raising . What is your goal other than to distract and cause problems . Look you sound pretty irritated by that. No, we offered we worked together to get a really good deal together and at the last second it just didnt happen and so they didnt have the votes and im sorry, but, you know, they dont like the idea that 14 Million People in grass roots picked someone that they didnt want to support, well, its either its a binary choice, its donald trump or Hillary Clinton and Hillary Clinton will give us two more Sonia Sotomayors and shes not going to sign a paul ryan budget. Were here to help save our country and have a binary choice and donald trump will be the person to do it. You think theyll disrupt the proceedings. I dont know if i dont think so, but, listen, im not going to just shut people down, but im also going to make sure that our rul are followed and i dont think theyre going to be successful. I dont think theres the support there. We demonstrated that last week. We were prepared, prepared for this week. And well be ready to go. Compare the conventions. When you look ahead to the democrats, theyre going to have two president s supreme. Theyre going to have the sitting first lady, the sitting Vice President and your convention, the two last republican president s are not appearing, the two last nominees are not appearing. How much does that concern you . It really doesnt because ive been through, been chairman at the last convention and we didnt have the last two our president s there, which is their choice and we love them dearly. Not the the same thing happened in st. Paul. You know, i think that the reality is is that theres a shift in mood in this country thats very antiwashington. The movement on both parties was Bernie Sanders and donald trump, we ended up picking the movement candidate. They didnt pick the movement candidate. And i just have a feeling like surrounding Hillary Clinton with all of these sort of politicians and political fixtures, i dont know what that gets her. I think that, you know, there is a real choice here and a play thats being made in both conventions and well find out who made the right choice. I think we will. This is Donald Trumps convention. Do you expect any more surprises this week . You know, there will be a few surprises and i think its going to be a little bit different. I dont think it will be as much backtobacktoback four minutes, four minutes from every politician in america. There will be some of that and some fun as well. Go out on a limb. How much of a bounce do you get . I just want a bounce. I dont want to predict how big but i think thursday night, donald trump on the stage delivering a great speech is going to go a long way for donald trump in pivoting to the general. Mr. Chairman, thanks. Good luck this week. You bet. You heard it from the top of the gop. Now lets hear from some voters. All this week our Martha Raddatz was on the road from dallas to cleveland talking to voters about their hopes and fears in this wild election year. Reporter five days, 1,500 miles from dallas to cleveland. A week in the life of america, or it sometimes felt of many americas. When i get pulled over, assaulted, these police are scared of black men, period. From what i see on tv, i mean, theres a lot of angry people. Ive never been stopped by a cop and feared for my life. Reporter on our first day, i met brian and erin bent who live in the tidy dallas suburb of plano. We found ourselves turning off the tv multiple times these last couple of days because even though my daughter cant read, i dont want her to hear gunshots. Reporter theyve started to frame the president ial election in the stark language of physical safety. But not how you might expect. Who will keep your kids safe . I think its going to be hillary. Youve never voted for a democrat. I have not, youre right. I feel like i am at an impasse. Reporter from dallas we drove to ferguson, missouri, where the Police Shooting of Michael Brown became a catalyst for the black lives matter movement. Gerald paul lives nearby. How would you say the relationship between the black community and Police Department in your neighborhood is . Lack of trust. They dont trust them. Im 50 years old and its been like that for so long. I mean i had all kinds of experience. I mean, i had the bad ones, but i had some good ones, but i had more of the bad ones. Do you know who youll vote for in the president ial race . Probably hillary. Do you trust her . I dont trust none of them really. Reporter whether you call it an impasse, distrust, indecision, we heard it again and again. This is berta benwet, a mexican immigrant we ran into in missouri. Imindependent. Nobody has convinced me yet. One is progressive and the other is corrupt. Reporter do you want to tell me which is which . Dont you guess . Reporter leaving missouri we crossed into illinois, a state with a big urban rural political divide. In springfield the town that launched Barack Obamas political career as a state senator, we wandered into abes old hat antiques and met the proprietor, trudy naylor. Are you a Hillary Clinton supporter . Yes, i am. And why . Because, number one, the other choice would be awful and, number two, im a lifelong democrat. Let me ask you about the emails. You heard the fbi director say she was extremely careless. Should she have known . Yes. Reporter there were some fullthroated defenders of their candidate. A gun range in rural illinois is a good place to look. Did you see that . I got a really simple question. Raise your hand if youre a donald trump supporter. Okay. Thats unanimous. And why . Hes proguns. Reporter westfield, indiana. We made it. Last stop on our tour, mayor andy koch. And you trust donald trump . I trust especially mike pence because i know mike pence. Do you trust donald trump . Im still figuring that out. Reporter thats the view from westfield, now on to the main event. For this week, im Martha Raddatz, abc news, cleveland. And martha will be with us tomorrow. Our powerhouse roundtable is next here plus the city of cleveland on edge. Pierre thomas and mayor Frank Jackson here with the latest security threats. Whats being done to take them on. And later, turmoil in turkey. More terror in france. Secretary of state john kerry joins us with the u. S. Response. Announcer this week with George Stephanopoulos is brought to you by megared krill oil. Oil. But theres a difference between the omega3s in fish oil and those in megared krill oil. Unlike fish oil, megared is easily absorbed by your body. Which makes your heart, well, megahappy. Happier still, megared is proven to increase omega3 levels in 30 days. Megared. The difference is easy to absorb. A good car has to maneuver quickly. Thats also true of a good car company. 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A lot more, what to expect in this convention with our roundtable when we come back. In a world held back by compromise, businesses need the agility to do one thing another. Only at t has the network, people, and partners to help companies be. Local global. Open secure. Because no one knows like at t. Yourbut the omega3s in fish oil differ from megared krill oil. Unlike fish oil, megared is easily absorbed by your body. Megared. The difference is easy to absorb. Donald trump understands the frustrations and the hopes of the American People. I often joke youll be calling up mike pence. I dont know whether hes going to be your governor or your Vice President. Who the hell knows. Ive got three people that are fantastic, but i havent made a final, final decision. Indiana governor mike pence was my first choice. It took just a few days to get there but mike pence is Donald Trumps running mate. Lets talk about that and a whole lot more now on our roundtable joined by matthew dowd, democratic strategist donna brazile, bill kristol of the weekly standard, alex castellanos, republican strategist also running a protrump super pac. I want to get to that vp in just a second. Lets begin with this new poll out as you saw, fourpoint lead for Hillary Clinton among registered voters and nbc shows a fivepoint lead. Cnn shows a sevenpoint lead. Matthew dowd, this is a fairly stable race even though in our polling its tightened up a bit over the last few weeks. Yeah, i think this race has stabilized a month ago within a very small range in this. And i think thats actually beneficial for Hillary Clinton because the range seems to be trading between even and plus or minus six or seven, which is very good news for her. Well see in the aftermath of the convention, the course of this. The other big factor in this, how defined these two characters are and how defined the environment is. Twothirds of the environment think were on the wrong track and want something new but Donald Trumps unfavorables are very high and her unfavorables are very high. This is a competition between an environment that wants change and an environment very reluctant to go with the change that donald trump is proposing. Alex castellanos, we just heard Reince Priebus making the point. They think because there is a changed environment out there with the wrong track, if donald trump can sort of reassure people past that bar of acceptability, voters who want change will feel free to go there. Weve seen that. You know, when other events dominate the news, whether its the shooting in dallas, guess what happens, Donald Trumps numbers actually go up here. The under they dont go up. She goes down, right . She goes down but the race tightens. This race wants to go for change and thats i think the big issue in this country. Donald trump is leading Hillary Clinton by 25 points among voters who want to see change in this country and he is change. Its hard for her to make that case when she is so close to barack obama and been so big a part of the last eight years. But look at barack obama numbers, who would have thought at this point in his presidency given right track, wrong track he would be at 56 . She has great personal attributes that voters like, per empathy and personal attributes and voters see her as more qualified than donald trump so i think despite the falloff from the past week with the fbi inquiry she is still in a strong position to expand her base. Bill kristol, youre a republican who made no secret of his distaste for donald trump over the course of this campaign. And what were seeing though in our poll is that hes gone up from support of about 77 of republicans to up above 80 . How much room does he have to grow there . I mean, i think he has some room to grow because i do think he has its a changed election. The one thing i learned in 1992 in that first Bush White House is if people want change theyre willing to forgive some of the attributes of the candidate for change or willing to rationalize some of the less likable attributes of that candidate, less admirable attributes if the candidate helps them do that. Clinton crossed the bar with the gore pick, his own acceptance speech and suddenly a guy who looked questionable before running second or third behind bush and perot takes the lead. What does donald trump have to do. Thats what donald trump has to do. I think its a big moment that thursday night speech. People, tens of how many millions of people are going to watch that speech, and if he has the ability and i dont think he does to say, you know what, im running for president of the United States and i regret some of the things ive said during this campaign. Im a colorful guy. I say whats on my mind. How i made fun of some people in a nasty way and i said some things about women. Mea culpa in an acceptance speech . Thats an r word he will never use. I dont like trump but i dont think you do that. Hillary clinton cannot change the fact that its the wrong track environment and that shes the candidate of the status quo. What trump can do is change the fact that he is unacceptable right now as an alternative to Hillary Clinton. At the end of the day, i think the dreaded positive commercial and the dreaded positive message may make a big difference in these. Both of these candidates we havent seen much of that yet. Not yet, but i think you will as you go on. Both these candidates have very high unfavorable ratings and need to let you like them. Hillary clinton in the survey has a big problem, its honesty. She is very big on the nine commandments. She has one that is a real issue for her. But trump has to get across the bar. Hillary, everything is known about hillary. He is not at the end of the day i think here is how this race resolves. People dont end up voting for donald trump. They dont end up voting for Hillary Clinton. They end up voting for themselves, 71 in this survey, 68 , wrong track, we need a change. Well, what the real dynamics in this poll are voters are voting against somebody, the majority of each partys supporters are basically saying im not voting for donald trump. Im voting against hillary. Im not voting for hillary, im voting against donald trump in the course of this election. To me if we had go to something i know bill talked about, if there was any credible Third Party Candidate that could catch fire that would sort of demand of the public that they consider them, they would be in a great position. Yeah, but we put gary johnson, libertarian, in the poll. He doesnt seem to change the race all that much. And on the green side they dont change it. Because even if they catch fire, they cannot what i call get a break in terms of the electoral college. Look, i do believe it will be a close race because thats where we are as a country but at the end of the day, voters look for people that they can at least agree with on the issues and hillary leads on most of the issues. Donald trump and hillary, theyre tied only often the economy. But i also think, alex, that empathy, personal values, go back to 2012 with mitt romney. Obama, you had a wrong track environment but people believe that barack obama cared about them and they believe that Hillary Clinton cares about them and their future. Empathy and personal issues which is why youre going to see a good family on that stage this week and thats going to be very important for donald trump. Maybe the most important thing donald trump has built is not a building, its a great family and thats going to be a great testament to him. Well, to me thats the real test of this convention that were about to see over the next four day, which is a test of something that donald trump hasnt been very good at, which is consistency of message and conventions are only powerful and only have an impact and only change the numbers if through four nights of a convention and four days are going on there is a consistency to the message that you want to convey. My fear for donald trump and his supporters is that theyre not going to see a consistency of message. That is one of the Big Questions right here and you did see donald trump make what a lot of people considered a disciplined pick for his Vice President when he got mike pence. Clearly going to make conservatives in this Convention Hall happy, but if you pick up on alexs point about the positive message, do you think, bill kristol, that this convention by the end of the four days, people will see a different side of donald trump and is that possible if he doesnt if he cant give the kind of speech youre saying he should give . Yeah, i think he has to because i mean Reince Priebus in your interview mentioned hes got to pivot. Well, to pivot successfully you have to account for what happened before. Why do 65 of america think hes not qualified to be president of the United States . Because of things hes said and done, not because of opposition ads or negative attacks on him. If he doesnt take account of that he can run out alex will run an excellent super pac and trump can give all the speeches he wants and cavort around. At the end of the day he will be too risky a change. If youre the change candidate you have get above the bar and hes not right now above the bar of being acceptable for a candidate for president. But if youre not seeing this change at all and Hillary Clinton isnt, she is not she may be seen as qualified to hold the office but not qualified to bring change, she is continuity when she is swimming upstream in this election. If donald trump the only one with a positive message, by the way, what is it . Make America Great again. What is Hillary Clintons positive message . Stronger together. And let me just tell you oh. You keep talking about change, alex. Change for what . Change to hurt people, to hurt minorities, to hurt women, to insult people with disabilities, i mean, thats why donald trump is not the perfect change messenger. He doesnt even look like change. I think both of these candidates have avoided perfection. And if hes such i agree with that. If trump is such a great businessman and manager, why does picking a Vice President which is one of the big tests of a president ial candidate, why does it devolve into a clown show . Well, i actually think his pick of the Vice President was the first time, i mean i think the process, i think they messed up the process and made it look like a keystone cop situation. Well, it sure seemed like he had second thoughts thursday night. I think there was a terrorist attack in the middle of all of it so it was slightly disruptive. It didnt disrupt him to get on fox news two or three times in the midst of it. To talk about the attack, yeah. I think his pick was actually the first time when you saw donald trump, i think there is an assumption by many voters that say, i dont think he really believes everything he says. They sort of give him a pass on many things and so when he picked somebody like mike pence who is conservative, but feels strong and steady, was a governor, was a congressman, gives them an insight, oh sh, he may actually put together a cabinet and a team that actually is what i think he might do. I think that would be the wise thing to do at have this convention. Talk about the kinds of people he would have and reassure he would have a serious secretary of state and instead if its going to be this ridiculous personality show with his wonderful family, the three wives, thats really going to be great, alex. Oh, no. Thats what he wants to do, though. Hes not going to talk about issues. I dont know whether hell name a cabinet or not, but youll see the Republican Party come together and see a lot of people of that kind of stature who could be in a cabinet whether chris christie, whether newt gingrich, those people are going to be around and on the news all week. Thats going to reassure people. Chris christie. Alex, all the big stars are staying home. Character matters. But the personality matters. Can we trust this guy and were going yes, family counts. Character matters. If he can show some character and not just personality, i think he has a chance. But so far hes shown no character. People married more than once, if youve been married more than once, youre the ultimate optimist. If he can present what a quote as somebody whos never been married but looked around a lot. You have looked around . Hell yeah. I even look around at you sometimes when im bored. He has an optimistic vision but in the end, conventions have to be disciplined and thats the biggest test of donald trump. Look at all the people who will not be here. All of the rising stars in the Republican Party. Thats amazing. Thats the amazing thing. The governor of this great state is not going hes going to be in cleveland. He says hes not going to be inside the Convention Hall. Thank you. I want to go back to the importance of family again. A lot of the car keys, if you take me somewhere, what do i want to know . Give me the car keys. I want to know where youre going to take me, policy, plans, make America Great again but can i trust you to take me there and theres no better testament to who a person is than the family hes built. Do you think donald trump wait a second. Hold on. By the way, we hear that in a focus group. Alex youll see his kids, how theyve been raised and the people they are and come back and tell me that did not impress the American People. Youre part of a super pac. Not part of the trump team, but i want to ask, do you think donald trump knows what hes going to say thursday night . Yeah, i think hes been saying it since he started the campaign. I think, you know, at times certainly hes erratic and wanders in delivering his message but the core message has been constant all the way through. And that is that this country is stuck in stagnant aand theres Something Better for us and that the elites who are running it and who think theyre better than you have done a terrible job and need to be fired and this country needs a change to get all of that done. We can make America Great again. Have only about ten seconds left. Who here it might be a good message but hes the wrong messenger. Who thinks donald trump will be ahead at the end of the convention . I think the problem with it is this Convention Ends and the other convention begins, so i dont think well have a clear insight. If hes not ahead at the end of this, its a huge problem. Tie race. Tie race after. We may know after the first week of all this. Thank you all very much. Up next this convention this is an abc news special report. Now reporting, George Stephanopoulos. And were breaking in now with news of another Police Shooting, this time in baton rouge, louisiana. Shortly after 9 00 a. M. , about a mile from the police station. Early reports, at least two police may have been killed. What happened this morning . It was a situation where our officers responded to shots being fired. [ inaudible ] we have a report now that there are two dead, others injured to some degree, serious, and maybe some minor injuries. Theyve been taken to the hospital. Its an active and fluid scene, were trying to put the investigative Work Together and try to make sense. So, mr. Mayor, two Police Officers dead, according to your information. How many suspects are there, and have they been contained . I cant tell you exactly how many, there have been several, but i can tell you this, when you have Police Officers responding from two agencies, that becomes the major issue that theyre focusing on right now. So, those are the departments that will send as many officers as they can. Everything else is not as high a priority. So, there are a lot of officers on the scene now, and also at the hospital, to make sure they have the information correct and figure out how to proceed. So, the suspects are still on the loose . No, active means the crime scene is a very active area, because theyre trying to gather their evidence in order to proce proceed, know who the players were, get statements from the officers that are surviving and say, tell me what happened when you got there, what you saw . So, you dont have any good information right now on the suspects and whether or not theyve been neutralized, but you can say, at least two Police Officers have been killed. Very tough situation, were thinking of you now. Were going to let you go back to your work now. And Pierre Thomas is on the phone. We know police have been on guard since the shooting of alton sterling and also the shootings in minneapolis. Reporter yes, officer shooting deaths are up 44 . And theyll have to look at, were the officers targeted specifically . Its clear the suspect started shooting at them, and its a very dangerous situation, were trying to gather more information. But right now, its a dangerous time for Law Enforcement. And john kohn, with us as well. We know this comes at a time when some militant groups are calling for rages. Yes, warning Law Enforcement across the country about posts on social media for purges against police. Baton rouge police uncovered a plot just last week. Its a dangerous time for police. In part because theres a growing false narrative around the country that is being glomed on to people that all police are racists, abuse people of color, and thats simply not true. Thank you. And police prepared in cleveland for possible violence as well. And at least two police have been killed in batton rouge. For now, im George Stephanopoulos in cleveland. Back to our regular programming. 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You see that chaos in turkey friday and the countrys president moved to crush an attempted coup, just one day after that horrific attack in france. Both adding to the global challenges facing the next commander in chief and secretary of state john kerry is going to join us in a moment, but first the latest from Alex Marquardt in istanbul. Good morning, alex. Reporter good morning, george. This is one of the bridges over the bosphorus that was briefly shut down by soldiers in these tanks. This morning president erdogan is tightening his grip on this country, a vital u. S. Ally, carrying out a purge and demanding the u. S. Hand over the cleric who lives in pennsylvania who he says is behind this attempted coup. Thousands under arrest and dismissed this morning as turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan goes to work rooting out those behind this dramatic attempt to seize power. And has singled out a turkish cleric, fethullah gulen, for being behind it all. The crowd here chanting for his death. [ chanting ] reporter gulen lives in selfexcite on a compound in rural pennsylvania. He has denied any role in the attempted coup, instead saying its a turkish government staged plot. Erdogan has demanded that president obama hand him over setting up a diplomatic showdown with the u. S. Turkey is a crucial partner in the fight against isis, which this weekend claimed responsibility for the horrific attack in the french city of nice. A 31yearold tunisian with no known terror ties used this 20ton refrigerator truck to mow down hundreds along the waterfront. France and turkey are among the countries hardest hit by isis or isisinspired attacks as it loses ground in iraq and syria. The u. S. Has boasted about its successes in shrinking isis territory and number of fighters but isis has shown theyre still fully capable of carrying out or motivating attacks around the world. George. Thanks, alex. We are joined now by the secretary of state, john kerry. Mr. Secretary, thank you for joining us today. First thing, lets talk about turkey. Are you confident now that erdogan has fully put down this coup and is in control of the country . We believe that is the case. It seems clear what we hope is that it will literally calm down and this will not have such an open, accelerated amount of retribution or taking advantage, that its done through a process in a methodical way but, yes, it appears as if he is fully in control. You just hinted at one of the concerns here is that president erdogan will take this opportunity, use it as an excuse to crush dissent, crack down on democracy even more. Obviously there are coup plotters, and the coup plotters need to be held accountable, and they will be. But i think were all concerned and weve expressed that concern that this not fuel a reach well beyond those who engaged in the coup, but that they strengthen the democracy of the country, strengthen the process and use it as a moment to unite the nation. As you know, president erdogan thinks that one of the plotters is this muslim cleric, fethullah gulen, who lives in the United States in pennsylvania. Hes called for the United States to extradite mr. Gulen. I know you said youll consider any evidence. Has turkey presented any evidence and made a formal request for extradition . There has not been a formal request made, but in the conversation i had with the Prime Minister yesterday afternoon, i reiterated that the faster they get us the evidence, not allegations, but evidence, we will immediately evaluate it. We will do our Due Diligence. Were not holding back from doing anything nor have we ever been. Weve always said, look, if you have evidence of x, y or z, please present it to us. Turkey is a friend, turkey is an ally. Turkey is an important Coalition Partner in the fight against isil, and well do our Due Diligence within our legal process, but as you know and everybody knows, we have very strict standards in order to protect peoples rights. We will go through our legal process. They tell me they are assembling the evidence, putting it together in a dossier, their minister of justice will apparently be in touch with us shortly and we look forward to receiving the evidence they have. As you mentioned, turkey is an important Coalition Partner in the fight against isis. But weve seen the suspension of flights from the turkish air base. How much is this hurting the effort, and how long will it last . Well, the foreign minister emphasized that there will be no effect negatively on incirlik by them. They are fully committed to the fight. Theyre going to continue. That fight is going on. But apparently there was some refueling of some of the aircraft that were flying during the coup that came out of incirlik, and i think theyre trying to chase that to ground and find out if there were conspiratorialists who were somehow involved in those flights. But theyve assured us and to date we dont see a negative drag on the effort with respect to counter isil. And in recent weeks the United States and the coalition have been making progress against isil in iraq and in syria but weve seen this backlash all over the world most recently in nice, france. Is this in your view a strategic shift by isil . How concerning is it . What can we do about it . Well, of course its concerning. Unfortunately, theres already a dispersion of some people who are supportive of what the isil folks are doing and, you know, its very, very difficult. Worse than a needle in a haystack to know where one person may suddenly surface, go nuts the way this guy in nice appears to have been radicalized and then go out and do something to hurt people. And so Law Enforcement authorities have the huge burden and governments have the huge burden of trying to get this right everywhere, every single instant of every single day every day of the year. The terrorist has to get it right for ten minutes, five minute, for a moment where out of nowhere they suddenly appear and decide to do harm to people. But we believe the network is growing, which is sharing information, which is beginning to gather who is where and how they are connected. I think that, frankly, theres been a very significant job done in shutting down many, many different plots and many different places, and thats why it is so important for us to accelerate the effort against isil, which is what president obama has been working on so hard over the course of these months. And the president has been directly personally engaged and weve had meetings at the treasury department, at the defense department, at the state department regularly assessing how we upgrade what were doing, intensify our efforts and from the military to the diplomatic engagement to various intelligence efforts, we are significantly growing our capacity, and thats what we will be doing this week when we host 45 nations, defense ministers and Foreign Ministers will be gathering in washington to not only assess where we are, but to lay down plans for how we shut these guys down forever. As you know, while thats happening, republicans are gathering here in cleveland. Again yesterday donald trump laid out a broadside against president obama and his Foreign Policy saying its caused the middle east to spin out of control. Listen. Never been like this, out of control. After four years of clinton who really led the way and let obama down a horrible path, every single thing they touched has turned to horrible, horrible deathdefying problems. He has also called for a formal declaration of war against isil. Whats your reaction to what he said and that call for a formal declaration of war . Let me just say that we have assembled a coalition of 66 nations. We have taken back now more than 40 , 45 of the territory that isil held in iraq. We have taken back a large percentage of what they held in syria. About 130 of their major leaders have been taken off the scene of battle forever. They cannot move easily. They attempt to change their tactics, their revenues have been cut. I think a very significant job is being done under circumstances in which it was clear that the members of congress were not prepared to send american troops to syria. I think that is still probably true today. I look forward to somebody who has an alternative plan if they do. But we are making, as i said, very significant progress. And the attacks that are taking place, isil has not gained one foot of territory and held it in either iraq or syria since we began this effort a year ago. I define that as success. What is difficult are these individual players, some of whom appear to be radicalized at absolutely the last moment by something that we are, you know, still trying to calculate. And in my judgment, we are deeply engaged. Were making enormous progress and i believe before the next president of the United States is sworn in, we will have made even greater progress and isil will be having very, very difficult time in both iraq and syria. Mr. Secretary, thanks for your time this morning. Thank you. Up next, the threat of protests in the shadow of that terror attack in nice loom large over cleveland. Will the city be safe for the Republican Convention . And were back now with the Extraordinary Security situation here in cleveland. So tight, we almost didnt get in the arena in time this morning. Our senior just correspondent Pierre Thomas is here with more. Pierre, there are always Security Issues around a convention. This year more than ever. Reporter thats right, george. One day from the start of the Gop Convention and Law Enforcement is facing perhaps the most volatile and complicated security picture in recent memory. And what happened in nice is only intensifying those concerns. The carnage in nice happening less than a week after the dallas massacre and the Police Killings of black men in baton rouge and minnesota. All this a little more than a month after the massacre in orlando. This is the threat picture as the Republican Convention is set to begin. Here in cleveland, the secret service and Police Officials are preparing for every possible contingency from unruly protesters to lone wolf mass shooters to terrorists. We have to be prepared for everything. Its a different world today. Reporter and while theres no specific credible threat to the convention oh. Reporter there are concerns that volatile political organizations from each end of the spectrum will show up and fuel chaos. I think we have to be concerned about things getting out of hand very definitely. Its a threat were watching very, very carefully. We have been planning for close to a year tabletops, tactical groups coming together to train in one location. Reporter and this taking place in ohio, an open carry state where citizens are openly allowed to carry firearms in Public Places outside the convention perimeter. The union is trying to suggest you didnt have enough resources. What say you . Were prepared. We have enough resources. Our officers have been trained and trained and trained. Reporter authorities claim theyre ready. Tactical teams from the secret service have been training with s. W. A. T. Teams from cleveland and the fbis hostage rescue team. All kinds of technology being deployed including robots. George, there are thousands of federal and local police here. Feels like on every corner. No question about that, Pierre Thomas, thanks very much. Lets get more on this now from the mayor of cleveland, Frank Jackson. Mr. Mayor, thank you for joining us this morning. We just heard pierre say up until today there had been no specific and Credible Threats to the convention. Is that still the case . Yes. And what can you tell us about the overall security situation and the kinds of precautions youve put in place . As we saw there there had some concerns from the police Union Earlier this month that they werent well trained. They didnt have the resources they needed. Well, thats from that source. As the chief said, we are prepared as you heard him say, and were prepared not only on a local level but the state and the national level. Which threat concerns you the most right now . None of them really. I cant say one threat concerns us. Were prepared for everything, and, as you know, any time something happens, particularly if its unusual, then you tweak and you modify whatever youre doing to accommodate that in order to minimize it or mitigate the possibility of it. How much was the situation changed by that attack we saw at the end of last week in nice, france . I dont know for sure. Thats probably a better question for the secret service and my police chief and those fbi, but im pretty sure that they made some adjustments. You sound pretty calm right now. Thats a good thing for all of us, but your city has taken, what, i think 50 million in protest insurance. Right. You know the possibility that there could be real, real unrest out in those streets perhaps not on this floor. Well, as you also know, were not strangers to unrest and demonstrations and protests so were prepared for that also and insurance policy is what it is. Of course, we would have liked to have had a lower premium associated with that. Any city would. Thats right but that wasnt the case so you have to meet whatever the circumstances are. And how much does ohios open carry law complicate the security situation . I think a lot of people are surprised. You talk to people out on the streets. The idea that you can cant carry glass jars out in the event zone, but you can carry a loaded weapon. Well, you know, its a state law. Were whether or not we agree with it or not is not is irrelevant at this point. It is state law but as you also know, there are conditions to open carry, which means you cant have open carry if youre brandishing it or pointing it or threatening, that kind of thing and weve also had experience in the past with open carry kind of demonstrations at the Public Square and so weve dealt with that before, but the difference is, as you point out, is in the intensity of this moment, and so its just an added thing that you have to deal with and the added precautions you have to take. Are you ready for a long week and late nights . Im ready to put this on and do it good. Mr. Mayor, thanks for joining us this morning. Us this morning. Thank you very much. You live life your way. We can help you retire your way, too. Financial guidance while youre mastering life. From chase. So you can. Back now with a look ahead to the convention this week with Cokie Roberts here on the convention floor, and, cokie, i guess this is, what, your 21st convention right now. Youve also written a book about first ladies, and the star of tomorrow night is going to be melania trump, really the first introduction to most of the American Public for mr. Trumps wife and this tradition of having the first lady speak, relatively new. Absolutely. Eleanor roosevelt spoke in 1940 for the first time and said it was no ordinary time and it wasnt. And there was not another first lady to speak until 1972 when pat nixon and then it became sort of de rigueur after 1984. With beau the first lady and the other candidates wife speaking. So its now tradition, and you can hear here, george, theyre testing the microphones to see how its going to go for the voting, which is always an exciting moment at a convention. I tell you, one little tidbit, nelly taft went to the even though her husband was running as the republican candidate in 1912, went to the democratic convention. She was the first first lady to go to a convention and intimidated Williams Jenning Brian into saying nice things about her husband instead of mean things. You mentioned Eleanor Roosevelt saying no ordinary time. I guess this could be the theme of this convention, as well. Its not going to be an ordinary convention. Echoes of any others for you . You know, a rules committee fight sounds so arcane. But the truth is that they can often set the course for the party for years to come. And when i really saw that most was my First Convention in 1964 when the democrats were having a fight over the Mississippi Freedom Party and integration. And that they were not seated by that convention, but the conventions from there on out had very mixed delegations and thats true till to this day. As the chairman of the Republican National committee Reince Priebus said, he does expect a few more surprises. And, cokie, i know youll be here. For now thats all for us today. Well be here all week long in a big way, special editions of world news, Good Morning America and nightline every day. Our prime time coverage at 10 00 eastern, special reports when news breaks plus livestreaming all week long on abcnews. Com. Ill see you tomorrow on gma. Abcnews. Com. Ill see you tomorrow on gma. Straight ahead, breaking news in louisiana, where three baton rouge Police Officers and sheriffs deputy have been shot and killed. Well have the latest. Sheer a live shot, we are cloudy and cool today. 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