Transcripts For KGO Nightline 20131017

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Crawlin back to you crawlin back to you ever thought of calling when youve had a few youve had a few cause i always do i always do maybe im too maybe im too busy busy being yours to fall being yours to fall for somebody new now ive thought it through crawling back to you do i wanna know if this feeling flows both ways sad to see you go was sorta hoping that youd stay baby we both know that the nights were mainly made for saying things that you cant say tomorrow day do i wanna know too busy being yours to fall sad to see you go ever thought of calling darling do i wanna know do you want me crawling back to you tonight on nightline, apocalypse now. Meet the survivalists not taking comfort in the vote by Congress Late tonight to conclude the federal Government Shutdown. Why the doomsday preppers believe the end is near and how they say you can prepare. There is a reason why they call it a sugar rush, the new study involving rats and oreos, what happened in the tiny little brains . Was it really similar to cocaine . Is this why you cant eat just one. Friday friday getting down on friday speaking of oddly addictive, remember friday the viral video by rebecca black. Fun fun fun the man behind it has a new song out. Why he is now having to respond to claims of racism. I use the chopsticks announcer from new york city, this is nightline with dan harris. Good evening. The federal Government Shutdown is finally, finally over. After 16 days, 800,000 federal workers sent home, museums, zoos, National Parks closed, and an estimated 24 billion hit to the american economy. There is the video from late tonight. Your government at work. The republicans backing down and Congress Passing a bill to end the shutdown and raise the debt ceiling so the government can pay its bills. President obama went in front of the cameras tonight. There is a lot of work ahead of us including our need to earn back the trust of the American People that has been lost over the last few weeks. Reporter earlier today ted cruz one of the tea partiers driving the whole shutdown train insisted this had actually been a victory even though the whole thing produced no major changes to obama care and terrible new poll numbers for republicans. We saw the house of representatives take a courageous stand, listening to the American People. Everyone in official Washington Week earlier said would never happen. A remarkable victory to see the house engage in a profile encourage. Ted cruz, a few hours ago. Want to warn you before you take too much comfort in the end of this shutdown, mark your calendars because this bill only keeps the government open through january 15th. So, we may be going through all of this, all over again, and very soon. Which brings me to the subjects of our first story tonight. They are called the doomsday preppers. And they say the whole mess in washington is but one sign of impending disaster. And these guys are not taking any chances. Here is abcs david wright. Reporter what if the end came not with a bang, or boom, or the blast of a trumpet, the seventh trumpet of revelations that is, heralding the final row of the apocalypse no, what if the end were selfinflicted. What if all it took was a barackdown of the political system we all take for granted. To trigger the ultimate collapse of civil society. Collapse significant to cause a run on the banks and gas pumps and Grocery Store shelves. Thats a doomsday scenario, the lens through which doomsday preppers view what is going on in washington this week. The economy, by far, number one. 80 to 90 of the people i deal with concerned about where the country is heading economically, their future jobs. Scott hunt runs doomsday academy of sorts in South Carolina training people to be selfsufficient in the end of the days. His company. Practical prepper, a one stop shop for survival. The last few weeks business has been booming. We have seen an uptick in email. Phone calls, a lot of contact through social media. Through help. Whether it is teachingment equipment, installations, information. Hunt is also a consultant for the National Geographic channel, doomsday preppers. And his customers are deeply concerned. Its unsettling when the government doesnt function. The government is there to serve and protect its people. There is an uneasiness. From people of all walks of life. He says one of the big things his customers fear is anarchy. To them it doesnt matter if anarchy is brought on by natural or man made disaster. It doesnt matter whether it is encouraged by left wing activists angry at corporations or rightwing activists angry at big government. Either way the result they see is the same. And the future they see, it is every man and every woman for themselves. Im preparing for an economic collapse. Reporter curt is one of the stars of the doomsday preppers. The government has been infiltra infiltrated. Infiltrated by corporations. Banks, financial institutions, labor union. A lot of special interests. Reporter what scares him the most is the crushing burd en u. Debt. Yes, the deficit means doomsday to some people. When our 16 trillion becomes due, we will be in big trouble. And the government will be shuttle down basically. Reporter he played out the movie in his head. To him it looks an awful lot like mad max. Or the road post apocalyptic. I have nothing else. I ftry to dream the dreams of a childs imaginings. All the things we take for granted every single day could possibly be gone. Gas for your car to get anywhere. Electricity could become an issue. Food will not be at your gresh gresh Grocery Store. It could get desperate and nasty. They dont look like survivalists. She is a stay at home mom. He is a ten tis nis instructor. They spent 800 each and threeday weekend learning how to escape if youre handcuffed in the trunk of a car and other survival lessons. Im not worried. I just want to be prepared. It is on the rumble, most people are anxious. Most people can feel it. Who knows what it is going to be or where it is going to be. I would look to be prepared. Reporter prepared for even the most extreme crisis. I worry about my girls and myself. And, if something were to happen to him. I want to take care of myself just as easily. Reporter their survival instructor, kevin reeve who used to Market Software for apple. Says increasing the people we trains are middleclass folks like the hites. Getting a lot more, normal, every day, american civilian citizens, who are saying, you know what, things are not going really good. Put one on each toe. Reporter these folks are not crazy. In fact you could argue that concern about the future of humanity is part of what makes us human. Over the centuries the collective response to those concerns have biven rigiven ris great religions. Faith of an sort may be ultimate manifestation, a bull work against humanitys extinction, offering reassurance that in the grand scheme will will come out okay. In the modern era, technology has given us new things to fear. And new idea how to survive. Duck and cover under the table. Babyboomers grew up with it. Duck and cover. Thats a boy. Surprise sowing many should turn to it now. They fall into two camps. There are the preppers, time rallston, stockpiling for the inevitable. Oh, my god. Quite a man cave. Taken over the two car garage in scottsdale and turned into a staging area. Crammed with canned food, and walter purification system. Not bad . Not bad. Sugary. Reporter weapons. Lots of weapons and ammo. He is planning to bury his cash in a container deep in the the desert. And he is training his sons to defend it. At the other extreme there are folks who take a less aggressive approach. Not the preppers but the wilderness survivalists, tom brown who runs a school where he trains people to live off the land. They see the preppers as potential victims of their own preparation. Looking at that approach to surviv survival, you are in prison. You are in prison by your structure. You are in prison by your supplies. You are, ammunition, your guns. Everything involved. In fact there are maps you can get off the internet that tell you where the bunkers are. I dont want to be in one, its a supermarket. Reporter as of tonight both the preppers and survivalists can breathe a bit easier. The fact that in washington, doomsday didnt come this time. Doesnt convince them they were wrong tomb fe fighter. As they see it they now have a bit more time to get ready. David wright, nightline, los angeles. As we said, a new deadline coming of in january. Thanks to david wright. By the way, a season of doomsday preppers tuesday, october 29th on National Geographic channel. On night line, what happens when sigh yen cysts give ores to rats. Why can you not just have one . Like, 14. 99 jcp and a. N. A sweaters for her, 17. 99 all basic guys arizona jeans 50 off all samsonite luggage, and 4. 49 all okie dokie matchups. Plus, for 4 days only starting friday get a coupon at jcp. Com for an additional 10 dollars, 15 or 20 off. Jcpenney. 15 or 20 off. Fby eating healthier, drinking plenty of water, but still not getting relief . Try dulcolax laxative tablets. Dulcolax is comfortcoated for gentle, overnight relief. Dulcolax. Predictable overnight relief you can count on. But sometimes, i still struggled to get going, even get through the day. So i was honest with my doctor. I told her id been feeling stuck for a long time. She said that for some people, an antidepressant alone only helps so much and suggested we add Abilify Aripiprazole . She said that by taking both, some people had symptom improvement as early as 1 to 2 weeks. 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[ female announcer ] ask your doctor about a free trial of abilify and go to addabilify. Com. Speaking as a man who has on more than one occasion consumed an entire sleeve of oreos and entered a shame spiral i was intrigued by a study that hit the news, that involved giving oreos to rats. What scientists found in the tiny rodent brains was similar to what happens when rats are given cocaine. Tonight the company that makes oreos is responding to all of this. Meanwhile some experts are saying i told you so. Here is abcs juju chang. Reporter it seems people the world over have a love affair with oreos. The milky dunk, the creamy center. But can that powerful mix of creamy crunchy sugary fat we as addictive as morphine or cocaine. Those provocative findings caught buzz today. When given a choice between a bland food, rice cake, sugary fat food like an oreo, lab rats display a clear favorite. Perhaps they activate the Pleasure Center of the brain to a greater extent than ordinary foods. Reporter sure, a no brainer. When researchers looked at neural active tef aity it showe strong a response in Pleasure Centers as hard core addictive substances like narcotics. Animals exposed to oreo cookies, high fat, high sugar foods will develop a preference. But the oreo Parent Company downplayed results. Saying research is yet to be published much less Peer Reviewed so theyre not in a position to comment. They did caution against interpreting any results as s specific to oreo cookies. Addiction specialists say it is a stretch off to label it an addiction and not fair to compare junk food to narcotics which have a painful withdrawal. Nutrition experts, dr. Pam peak have long been making a case for food addiction. We call them hyperpalatables, can be just as addictive as cocaine and other drugs of addiction. Reporter she says the oreo study is in line with evidence linking high sugar high, fat, and highly salty food with brain science. This recent study adds yet another piece of the puzzle to mounting evidence that we have been accumulating over the last ten years showing a very strong relationship between certain foods and addiction. Reporter last year nightline spent time with dr. Peak who offered the hunger fix one of the first consumer books on food addiction and huh to beat it. The organic changes that happen in the reward system, drugs, alcohol or food. Reporter it may be playing into americas obesity epidemic. More americans die of obesity related diseases than all cancers combined. Dr. Peak argues for some people, food can be as addictive as cocaine. With cravings, binging and withdrawal. You are secreting lots of that wonderful pleasure reward brain chemical called dope meam. Giving you the fantastic feeling of wow this is wonderful. Dr. Peak introduced us to a recovering addict. The substance she abused food. The former plussized model wasnt just overeating she was out of control. Give me the fullon experience . I would get wings, waffle fries, cheese, gravy, pick up a pint of ben jerrys and a box, and that meal was 6,000 calories. Oh, my god. Reporter by age 22 she tipped the scales at 316 pound. Then decided to shed the weight in the most public way possible. On the tv show the biggest loser. She lost an astonishing 155 pounds. Landed on the cover of magazines, like okay and womans world when some of the weight begin to creep back. It wasnt just her body she was battling it was her mind. Its not all will power. There might be something wrong up here. Reporter dr. Peak offers prescription to get food addicts on the way to detox, rehab, recovery. The three ms, mind, mouth and muscle. Step one. Strengthen the mind. At whole foods we discuss healthy alternatives. Then reveal the snacks we krach mo crave most. For me, cheese. For pam, a cupcake. Now time to medicate the we head to central park. Take a deep breath. I am in control. I am in control. I am powering up my brain. I am powering up my brain. This know it a new age moment. This is hard core neuroscience. Powering up the brain to stay vigilant, to say no, and to be able to rein in impulses. Step two, trick the mouth the we stopped in at a restaurant where instead of ice cream we try a chocolate cherry almond protein smoothie. Not an ounce of refined sugar in it. Reporter instead of a protein bar. Banana. Peanut butter. One of my favorite things. Reporter move your muscles. By working out reg larularly sh stafz off cravings and reward her brain. The scans from yale show the reward centers of the brain reacting to a chocolate milk shake. For some people the pleasure receptors turn off. For others it keeps reacting. Wanting more. By focusing on the three ms, mind, mouth and muscle, dr. Peak believes you can retrain the brain. This is my new current vision board iflt wa board, i want to keep going and be strong. Tara says she will be a recovering food addict for the rest of her life. Just knowing that she says is a victory. I wish i could be normal with it. You know twhuwhat . I have the hope it will be okay. The science helped people feel relieved. It wasnt all their fault. But what they must now do is take action to get the stuff out of their life. Rope as f reporter as for delicious ore oreos. Noefrnt t everyone is addict oreos. A large number of people out there struggling with their weight right now find themselves attracted to these kind of foods and also out of control around these foods. For those people, we need to be able to have programs to help them. For everyone else, have your oreo. Reporter for nightline, juju chang, new york. Juju, thank you. Next, the man behind the viral video, friday and a new hit on his hand chinese food blowing up the internet. However some say it is racist. We have got his response after the break. And more than your favorite scent infused into the cabin. It is a completely new era of innovation. And the highest expression of mercedesbenz. Introducing the 2014 sclass. The best or nothing. Introducing the 2014 sclass. Fby eating healthier, drinking plenty of water, but still not getting relief . Try dulcolax laxative tablets. Dulcolax is comfortcoated for gentle, overnight relief. Dulcolax. Predictable overnight relief you can count on. Help the gulf when we made recover and learn the gulf, bp from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. I can tell you safety is at the heart of everything we do. Weve added cuttingedge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a stateoftheart monitoring center, where experts watch over all drilling activity twentyfourseven. And were sharing what weve learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. Our commitment has never been stronger. Well take something tasty and healthy. If you wanna go and fly with me its buzz the bee on your tv oh how did i get this way . Hey must be the honey theres a party going on in your cereal bowl os can help lower cholesterol oh why does it taste so great . Hey must be the honey hey must be the honey hey must be the honey tonight a feed frenzy, morality, absurdity and insensitivity. It started with r ee eed with r friday, the mercilessly mocked video was then followed up by its thanksgiving by nicole westbrook. Its thanksgiving both videos have made this guy, a lot of money. That is, writer producer, patrice wilson, cofounder of ark music factory. This time at it again. This time controversy, the artist is 12yearold allison gold and the song is chinese fo food. I love chinese food you know it is true critics are calling it racist because of overt use of stereotypes. In the video, young miss gold is seen frolicking through a field with a guy in a panda costume, insi

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