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The Samsung Galaxy. And football frenzy. The big season kicking off today. Were live at espns college game daye in ft. Worth, texas. Lee corso putting his head on the line. The predictions and the excitement as we say all good morning, america. [ cheers and applause ] hey, good morning. We promised that nobody here will put an elephant on our head. At least thats not in the plan thus far. Yeah, never in the plan. Never in the plan. Good morning on this holiday weekend. Also coming up this morning weve got some breaking news were covering on the migrant crisis. So much human drama. This video just coming in, thousands of tired and hungry people, many of them children, finally arriving in austria after being stuck in hungary. However, this struggle is far, far from over. Well have the full story coming up. Yeah, germany said they expect almost 800,000 by the end of the year, and thats just an estimate. But we do want to start here with the big story here at home. A mass migration of a very different variety. The tens of millions of americans hitting the highways and airports this Labor Day Weekend. The great escape is fueled this year by low, low gas prices, but there are concerns this weekend including dangerous rip currents at some beaches. Rob marciano is standing by, but were going to start here with abcs mary bruce who is on route 50 in maryland. Hi, mary. Reporter hey, paula, good morning. While like so many other americans, we are hitting the road this morning, and we are not alone. So many others already out headed for vacation trying to beat the big rush. This morning, 35. 5 million americans traveling to celebrate the end of summer. I think just arrive early and try to have some patience. Reporter analysts are predicting over 2. 6 Million People will be taking to the skies. Many people will be on the rails where riders will face increased security and, most of all, the roads. Here at the maryland highway operations center, their cameras are carefully monitoring the brutal traffic on what experts say is the busiest travel day of this holiday weekend. Millions of cars clogging the highways, family road trips fueled by lower gas prices. The National Average now 2. 41 a gallon. More than a dollar cheaper than this time last year and 24 states are reporting gas prices under 2 per gallon. Many drivers already making big plans for those savings. I guess thats a drink for me when i go out tonight so or this weekend. You are the second person who has told us that theyre going to spend their savings out at the bar. Well, i mean, its Labor Day Weekend. You want to get out and have fun so, hey. Reporter now, if you want to beat the crush of traffic on the way home, experts say, stick to the timetested advice, hit the road early. Traffic is expected to Start Building up on monday, and it will only get worse. Dan. Mary, thank you. As paula mentioned just a moment ago, one big concern this weekend, rip currents on some barbs, so lets go to rob who has more on that and on the College Football forecast. Rob is in ft. Worth, texas, on the set of Espns College Gameday. Hey, man, whats going on . Well, lots more to talk about football later in the broadcast but i want to touch on whats going on. We have dangers on both coasts, dan. First off the lightning thats been fired up across much of the state of florida in the last 24 hours, dangerous lightning strikes there. We had over 90 reports of storms across the eastern half of the country with thunderstorms and then the rip currents. Want to show you this video out of southern california. This is firsthand stuff from lifeguards that were making rescues the past couple of days, just ongoing rescues with these dangerous rip currents that are out there. A big swell out of the south coming in. You got four and fivefoot sets, that relentless pounding on the beach is whats creating those rip currents from San Francisco to los angeles all the way down to san diego. Separately weve got the monsoon flow thats going to create more in the way of thunderstorms and maybe some dust storms across the desert southwest, so be aware of that. And for traveling this holiday weekend, the next couple of days some thunderstorms not only across the Northern Tier and parts of the southeast. Should be warm and dry across the northeast and also warm and dry here in the dallas ft. Worth area because that is where [ cheers and applause ] espn gameday is, baby, Sundance Square in ft. Worth, and the offensive for the game tonight, alabama versus wisconsin, temperatures in the 90s. All right, guys, theyre excited. Much more fun coming here from texas in just a little bit. Rob, well check in with you in a little bit. And it is the end of summer, which means that more people can now start taking a closer look at the candidates and the race for president. Your voice, your vote 2016 and democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton who remains entangled in an email controversy, she sat down for her first oneonone interview in weeks before going on to ntwademela perry where she raised up to 500,000 for her campaign. Abcs devin dwyer has details from the white house this morning. Good morning, devin. Reporter hey, good morning, paula. A fascinating interview with hillllary clinton who says she doesnt feel good about those growing public views of her as dishonest and untrustworthy and now shes on a mission to change peoples minds. Under a cloud of controversy overnight, Hillary Clinton took her campaign to paradise. Puerto rico. Reporter an island summit on health care with no mention of her email. Clinton trying to turn the page as summer comes to a close. I feel that i have questions to answer, which i intend to do at every turn. Reporter clinton offers no apologies for handling classified information on her private server, but in the rare sitdown interview, she does say this. At the end of the day, i am sorry that this has been confusing to people and has raised a lot of questions, and i take responsibility, and it wasnt the best choice. Reporter voters view of Hillary Clinton has slumped to a 23year low, just 41 in a new gallup poll have a favorable opinion of the former secretary of state. Waiting in the wings, Vice President joe biden. He wants to challenge clinton but is struggling with grief over the recent loss of his son beau. The relevant factor in my decision is whether my family and i have the Emotional Energy to run. Reporter for republicans the clinton email scandal has become a laugh line. I think it was on her server, but it was wiped clean, so were not sure. Mr. Donald j. Trump. Reporter but theyre not laughing about frontrunner donald trump who as of signing this pledge this week now swears allegiance to the republican party, then seemed to stumble on Foreign Policy. Are you familiar with general soleimani . Yes, go ahead. Give me a little go ahead, tell me. Well, he runs the quds forces. Yes, okay, right. Reporter trump dismissed it all as gotcha questions but his rivals see an opening on Foreign Policy where trump is less experienced and that is likely to be front and center in the next debate. Dan. Yes, it is. Devin, thank you. For much more on this, lets bring in abc news political analyst, the ace, matthew dowd. Hey, matt, want to talk about trump in a second. Let me start with hillary. Does this semiapology stand any chance of putting this story to rest . I dont think so. I think that this is only going to continue because as you know that theyre going to keep releasing these email records. Every month theres going to be a new batch of email records, and then she has to testify before the committee in october. I think this is going to stay for quite a long while. All the while joe biden waiting in the wings contemplating getting in. Waiting to see how vulnerable she is. Let me ask you about donald trump. Speaking of vulnerability, he has been teflon don. Does this gaffe on Foreign Policy dent his reputation in any way really . I think among his voters right now in the short term, no, not at all. I think the fear for him is that this happens two or three or four more times i think because part of the story on donald trump is that hes all style, no substance. And if this happens multiple times, then i think its a problem. This one time, its not going to hurt him in the short term. Very quickly, tell us about that policy you were just mentioning to paula and i out of florida. Yeah, there is a new poll out of florida in the republican primary, donald trump is first, ben carson is second and jeb bush in his home state when he was supposed to be the leading candidate nationally is third in his home state. Third. That says a lot about this race right now. Matt dowd, thank you very much. Youre welcome. Paula. Thanks, dan. And we move now to the gay marriage battle in kentucky. The conaboy clerk jailed for refusing to issue licenses to samesex couples because of her beliefs and she remains in jail saying this is a fight worth fighting. But while shes behind bars, those licenses have now been handed out at her office. Abcs alex perez now reports. Reporter hugs and cheers. We got it. Reporter for robbie blankenship, his partner jesse cruz and the five other couples getting licenses from a deputy clerk. Feels like a person. Reporter a stark difference from what happened here earlier this week when county Clerk Kim Davis refused to issue them a marriage license. Im not discriminating because im not issuing licenses to anybody. Yeah, you are. Absolutely. Reporter the couple, one of several, denied licenses here since the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage nationwide in june. Under Whose Authority are you not issuing licenses . Under gods authority. Reporter davis jailed thursday, held in contempt of court for refusing to comply with the law. I want everybody else backing away. Reporter but even from her jail cell through her attorney, davis arguing the marriage licenses are invalid. Theyre not worth the paper that they are written on. Reporter a claim the county attorney disputes. Thats what the bible says. Reporter davis could resign, but if she chooses not to and doesnt comply, the judge could keep her in custody until she follows the law. If our government can bully you, then theyre going to make everybody bow down to what they want to do. Reporter her husband saying she wont give up. I dont care. They cant bully me. Reporter davis and her attorneys now plan to file an appeal to the judges Order Holding her in contempt. For good morning america, alex perez, abc news, morehead, kentucky. Alex, thank you. We want to turn now to that breaking news on the migrant crisis in europe. Here are the new pictures out of austria as thousands of exhausted people cross the border on buses. This happened just hours ago after days of being stuck in hungary. These are desperate families fleeing war and looking for a new life, and abcs Alex Marquardt is at the austria hungary border. Alex, good morning to you. Reporter good morning, dan. This is a very happy morning for thousands of refugees like those you can see right here behind me who have now crossed into austria after being blocked by hungary from leaving but austria has now welcomed them with open arm s. They will soon be boarding these buses for the next chapter on their very long journeys. This morning thousands of wet and weary refugees poured across the border into austria, exhausted but smiling, waving and cheering after being blocked for days by hungary from leaving on trains, the refugees, mostly syrians fleeing the war, decided to make the 150mile trek to the austrian border on foot. Wheelchairs and on crutches, old and young. See, see, sick. Reporter shes sick . Yeah, yeah, sick, but why didnt help . Reporter along this entire march the only food and water the refugees have been able to count on are donations from local hungarians. And you can see that the scene is so emotional for many of them that theyre crying. Small breaks gave marchers a chance to get a break and massage their aching feet. As dusk fell it looked like the journey would take days. Where will you sleep . In the woods. Reporter in the woods. But then late last night, the government announced they would send buses to ferry the refugees to the border. They got on suspiciously thinking they may be taken to camps. But as the sun rose, they streamed into austria, friendlier territory, one step further on their long journey for a better life. And, dan, the hungary chapter may be over for some of these refugees, but thousands more are still pouring into this country and weve just learned that another march has just set out from the main train station in hungarys capital to come to this border. This crisis far from over. Dan. Absolutely. There are its a good chapter for these people who just arrived in austria, but theres so many people coming behind them and these countries are going to have to figure out how to deal with it. Finally the world is stepping up, but these people are leaving everything behind, as you mentioned, theyre fleeing war, theyre fleeing terrorism all in search of a better life but everything they left behind. So many children among them. We want to turn things to ron with the other top stories were tracking right now starting with a scary scene at one of the most elite military schools. Thats right, paula. This is actually an annual tradition at west point. It is a pillow fight between freshmen, class members but it took a violent turn, this one becoming a bloody brawl. Check this out. This video posted online showing the cadets bashing each other with pillows, some of them had hard objects inside, 30 cadets were injured, some of them knocked unconscious. The kids were supposed to be wearing helmets but the video shows as you see there, many of them did not. This incident happened two weeks ago but officials at the u. S. Military academy just confirmed the melee to the New York Times earlier this week. The search for three men believed to have shot and killed veteran Lieutenant Police lieutenant joe gliniewicz. Investigators say they received several videos, some from traffic cameras, that may show the two white men and one black man who are the suspects. The videos have not been made public. Police are offering a 50,000 reward and a new 24hour staffed tip line in the case has been set up. And new England Patriots Quarterback Tom Brady is speaking out for the First Time Since a judge overturned his fourgame suspension in the deflategate saga. Brady taking to his Facebook Page to thank his supporters and the federal judge in new york city who decided in his favor. He went on to say, i am sorry our league had to endure this. I dont think it has been good for our sport. To a large degree we have all lost. Brady and the patriots, the defending champions, open the season next thursday against the pittsburgh steelers. And Rosie Odonnells daughter who just turned 18 years old traveled to a new jersey courtroom and convinced a judge to lift an order barring her from having contact with steven shearer, the man accused of sending her obscene messages. Chelsea, of course, was 17 when she was found in shearers home hours after rosie reported her missing. The judge also reduced shearers bail, but he still faces charges of having inappropriate communication with her when she was still under age. And take a look at this dramatic rescue video caught on dash cam, Police Dash Cam in maryland. You see the car there in the distance in flames. This after a crash early friday. A Police Officer goes racing in there to try to get the driver out, who was trapped inside of that burning vehicle. He and the other responding officers had to smash the cars windows to get the driver out. That driver now in Critical Condition with severe burns. And finally, more proof that a cell phone, if you had any doubt, could be a life saver, in ohio, the owner of this drivethrough is lucky to be alive when his cell phone literally stopped a bullet for him. Security cameras rolling as someone in the backseat of this suv, watch this, opens fire through the glass, its going to happen here in a minute, shooting the store owner right in the chest. Luckily for him, he just happened to be holding his Samsung Galaxy right in front of his chest at the exact same spot where the bullet would have hit him. That bullet remaining lodged in the phone. Wow. Police are still looking for the gunman. A flip phone probably wouldnt have stopped that. And dont say im paranoid but im now carrying my iphone and every one i ever had in the past. Where is your blackberry . Its a dangerous world out there, folks. Those arent even operating. Hes just carrying them as shields. For selfprotection. Ron is bringing back his beeper which he only recently and reluctantly gave up. Coming back. To a lifesaving mission of a very different variety. It is happening off the coast of california. An enormous blue whale is tangled up in finishing line. Rescue workers have been trying for hours to free it. And, sara, you have the latest on this story. I have never seen a whale like this. And im sure the pictures will speak for themselves. As exciting and breathtaking as it is, its hard to see this beautiful animal tethered to a buoy that could cause problems if rescuers dont find a way to set it free. Overnight, dangerous conditions halting the unprecedented rescue of this massive blue whale off the coast of southern california. A whale watching tour rushing to rescue the largest animal on the planet after spotting it tangled in a commercial fishing line. Everybody has worked together to try to help this whale. Reporter our los angeles station kabc on the water less than 50 yards from the more than 100ton giant in distress. Look here. Thats its blowhole as it surfaces. This is the first time that we have ever seen a rescue of an entangled blue whale. Reporter rescuers dropping gopros into the water and relying on kabcs helicopter. Look at that. Reporter to monitor the leviathans desperate struggle against the over 100footlong fishing line. They think it may be wrapped around a pectoral flipper, which is much better than the mouth. This buoy right there is going to be the key to the rescue effort tomorrow morning. Reporter biologists now worried if that buoy doesnt help them relocate the whale this morning, it could be in grave danger. The whale has made a turn and its headed back to the west. Reporter and they stopp ped the rescue efforts overnight, but theyll resume today and hope they can track him her down and figure this out. Absolutely. I mean, its good for them for doing it. 200,000 pounds. We did the math. We were distracted. On one of rons phones. Not good at math here. That arent working. Which you dont have that function on a pager, beeper, by the way, so for protection. I get it. I get it. Not for use. Not for function. Lets check the weather now and back to rob in ft. Worth. Hey, rob. Yeah. Hey, guys. Check this out. Hey. So, dallas area teams last night playing, smu baylor bears and tcu. Weve got a good contingent from tcu today, and, of course, the big game in arlington is going to be alabama versus wisconsin. We got some roll tiders right here. We got some roll tiders. And, you know, theres a lot of theres a lot of big games around the country in neutral fields, one being in houston where the aggies will take on Arizona State. Aggies, of course, have a great Meteorology Program so want to touch on that. And this game is on espn at 7 00 p. M. If you want to switch over from abc, were okay with that. Mid80s today. Calm and a stray shower. The heat is going to build across the Central Plains. Temps in the mid90s so feeling like summer, not quite football weather so theyll be sweating it out across the gridiron for sure and across the northeast the next four days looks pretty good. Were going to shift the heat that way, but the next two days looks to be quite comfortable from d. C. To boston to new york and in through philadelphia, too. And your labor day forecast, get on the hammock. You deserve it. Get the Adirondack Chairs out. Temperatures in the 80s in los angeles. 71 degrees in seattle and 87 degrees expected in orlando with showers across parts of chicago. That is a quick check on your football and your labor day forecast. Heres whats shaking locally i was really worried about being biased here. This red is very close to roll tide red, and then again its very close to badger red, so, you know, whos going to win today, ladies . I think roll tide. What do you think, coach . Roll tide. He looks like coach bryant, doesnt he . A little bit. From Sundance Square here in ft. Worth. Were going to be back in just a few minutes, guys. A little close to scarlet and gray, ohio state, as well so youre going to switzerland. Youre neutral today. Trying to cover all the bases, paula. Appreciate it. I have no idea what anybody is talking about, but thank you, rob. Well see you coming up in the next half hour. Also coming up, a much more serious story out of texas. This beautiful, young dentist gunned down in the parking garage of an upscale dallas highrise, the image captured on surveillance. Could this be the key to solving the case . Plus, as we mentioned, College Football kicking into full gear today. Were going to go back to ft. Worth, texas, for some big predictions live from the set of Espns College Gameday. And its a cucumber recall. A deadly salmonella outbreak being blamed for killing a woman and sickening dozens of others. What you need to know coming up. 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You walk onto that lot and immediately you are surrounded, like a guppy in a shark tank. It just feels like, car salesmen want to sell whatever car is best for them, not best for me. Theres gotta be a better way. As long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. Looks like you left these two west coast birds behind foster farms chickens california grown. You guys arent from here. Well do we get points for trying . fresh and natural chicken. California grown with no added hormones. From foster farms. Simply better. E] ting were mountaineers were volunteers blue devils heels and rebels sara loves brad paisley. She just said it. She also loves her husband a whole lot, but brad is kind of cute. Heres his music video for country nation. Celebrating our love for College Football. 25 different mascots in that video. Brad is going to be performing that song later today at Espns College Gameday. What is the mascot for Colby College . Colby college where i went in maine is the white mules. I dont think that was featured in the video. No. To clarify what color the mule was . Yes. What is it for smith . Pioneers. Seriously . Yeah. Beware of the mule. We were thinkers. I get it. Yeah. Lots of excitement in ft. Worth where espns college day game excuse me Espns College Gameday will be happening today, its happening in Sundance Square as i learn how to speak english. Lets go to rob. Rob, whats going on there . Oh, wow. And this is where were going to start it this year. Big games happening, my man. We got all sorts of dallas teams here today. Were going to be talking to lee corso and Kirk Herbstreit of espn gameday and, of course, more weather. Theyre excited. If you guessed. They are excited and rob does look like a College Coach or a college kid. You be the judge. He does. Much more from rob coming up as we progress during the show. But for now we want to switch gears to a development, a new development in a murder mystery out of texas and the question, who killed a popular young dentist . Neighbors were shocked to hear that Kendra Hatcher was shot execution style in the parking garage of her upscale apartment. Authorities were hoping these surveillance videos held clues to the killer and abcs phillip mena joins us for the very latest on this tragedy. Good morning, phillip. Reporter good morning, paula. We have late word this morning that police have made an arrest in the young dentists murder. And they say that person they arrested has confessed. This morning, investigators are holding crystal cortez on 250,000 bail. Cortez is the woman seen here behind the wheel of this black suv leaving the scene of 35yearold Kendra Hatchers murder. We have a shooting. Were looking for a black jeep cherokee. Reporter police say cortez was arrested on capital murder charges after that suvs owner came forward saying he loaned the 23yearold woman his car the night hatchers body was found shot execution style in the secured parking garage of her upscale dallas Apartment Building. I just cant even fathom who would want to do this to her. She was just very friendly, you know. Every time you came in to work she always said good morning, she said goodbye. She was silly sometimes. Reporter according to an arrest warrant released by police, cortez confessed allegedly telling detectives she and a male friend plotted to rob the 35yearold pediatric dentist. Surveillance video shows the suv sneaking into the highrises garage behind another resident. Then waiting for hatchers arrival. When she pulled in, investigators say the male got out of the truck and opened fire. One female is possibly shot in the neck. She was so helpless, she couldnt even do anything and they shot her and just left her there. Reporter the vehicle and driver immediately fleeing the scene. That individual gets back into the vehicle of interest, and that vehicle then leaves the parking garage. Reporter and that parking garage has 24hour security guards. It is completely guarded. It is an upscale Apartment Building and cortez has not yet entered a plea, and right now police are not identifying a motive or cortezs connection to the victim. So many questions and a lot of fresh developments in morning. Thanks for bringing it to us. We appreciate it, phillip. Thanks, mrip. We send things back over to ron tracking our other stories were tracking, that was a little redundant but good morning again. And im still tracking them including the big story, the Labor Day Weekend getaway. More than 35 million travelers expected to celebrate the unofficial end of summer by taking to the skies, the rails and primarily the roads since gas prices are more than a dollar cheaper than they were this time a year ago. And in San Francisco a judge has ordered Francisco Sanchez to stand trial on murder charges in the San Francisco pier shooting of kate steinle. The shooting triggered a National Debate over immigration after it was revealed that sanchez, an undocument ed immigrant, had been deported five times. Now to a health alert. This holiday weekend, a major cucumber recall in effect after a salmonella outbreak that has sickened 285 people in 27 states and even killed a woman in san diego. The cucumbers were grown in mexico under the brand limited edition. And tennis superstar serena williams, one step closer to the first grand slam sweep in nearly 30 years. Serena slammed a crosscourt forhand in the u. S. Open on friday night, had the crowd roaring after she did this split. Now moving on to nadal here, by the way, who lost, upset in five sets. Went well after midnight. He lost to the italian, fabio fognini, major upset, nadal had won at least one grand slam for ten consecutive years. Hes mailed now to win one this year. Serena, meanwhile, takes on american madison keys. That will be tomorrow on espn. Espn. Are you going to tell us or are we supposed to guess . Youre supposed to guess. We didnt want to take the words out of your mouth. Oh, yeah. Speaking of espn not esp. Not what . Not esp. Well, thats a different subject entirely. Well move to that maybe at some point, but espn now, abcs rob marciano is right there on the set of Espns College Gameday in ft. Worth. Whats going on now . Well, these kids are fired up because the one and only lee corso just showed up on set. Were going to be talking to him in about ten minutes. Whats up, coach . Love to hear gameday. Tcu horned frogs, theyre excited, as well. Sundance square. Want to talk about another game thats happening at 3 00 in nebraska, see if coach riley can pull this out. Byu is taking on the cornhuskers. Midnight, man, its going to be steamy hot across much of the Central Plains so big 12, big 10 teams are going to be sweat, thats for sure. Flash flood watches and some Winter Weather advisory in the pacific northwest. Pretty strong system rolling in. Were getting into that time of year, some rain and high elevation snow, they will take it, they need it. And were in the season for the tropics too. Weve got a high probability of this next tropical wave getting into the atlantic and developing into something off the coast of africa and about 80 chance of it becoming a tropical cyclone. So be watching that carefully. And, of course, the big forecast of the holiday weekend, beautiful across the northeast, hot and humid across the south. Storms across the southeast and watch out for those coastal rip currents if youre going swimming in socal. This weathercast brought to you by walgreens. Roll tide, tcu, tcu, feel like they got left out last year. Theyre ranked number two this year. Well talk to Kirk Herbstreit and coach lee corso about their chances and the entire season in about ten minutes. I love it. Theyre mainlining caffeine this morning. I love the energy. Love the energy. Well be right back to rob after this quick break. Also coming up on gma, how do you celebrate your birthday when youre a world famous pop star . Beyonce and her family on a big day. Keep it here. Put it in the air when it helps giveshot ma lifesaving vaccine to a child in need in a developing country. Thanks to customers like you, walgreens get a shot. Give a shot. Program has helped provide seven million vaccines. Make your flu shot make a world of difference. Walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. Outperforms the 1 nondrowsy allergy pill. Most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance, flonase controls six. So you are greater than your allergies. Flonase. Six is greater than one. This changes everything. The hero of the household. You can cook a meal, paint a house and do everything in between. Because with high quality paint and designer colors creating room to room harmony nicks, peels, chips and regrets are a thing of the past. Youre not just painting walls here youre making homes. So paint on hero, paint on. Hgtv home by Sherwin Williams now available at lowes. Save ten to forty dollars through september 14th. Only at lowes. Look more like a tissue box. You may be muddling through allergies. Try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec® is different than claritin®. Because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Zyrtec®. Muddle no more™. Big day for College Football fans. Colleges kick it off in a big way. Fans couldnt be more excited. Coach marciano is at Espns College Gameday. In ft. Worth, hi, rob. Paula, i know youve been here before and, dan, there arent too many things that get me excited about the tv business but being on the set with these two legends is one of them. Coach lee corso and Kirk Herbstreit, espn gameday, thanks for joining us and letting me sit in this seat. Espn, the playoffs last year, i mean, you couldnt be more thrilled how things shaped up. It was the first year of the playoffs, we had four teams instead of two in the bcs and fun to see the committee and gave it more of an opportunity i think for more teams to have a chance to get into the postseason. Before there was so many arguments. There were only now. Now with four theres still arguments but its better. I think this year above all there are good teams but only one great team, ohio state, and a bunch of very good teams. I think chaos is going to happen to this years playoffs. You got a lot of angry tcu fans out there. Theyre fired up. Thats right. How do you like their chances . Who is your favorite and maybe sleeper pick . My favorite and sleeper is lsu. I picked lsu to win the National Championship and they are no wonder, my lsu tie. But they are i think they got a chance to be the sleeper team in the nation. I like lsu, as well. I like them to get out to the National Championship. I think if theres a sleeper for me, its Arizona State and oklahoma both. I think both these teams have a chance to kind of navigate their way through their perspective conferences and end up making it out. But ohio state is that team thats out there. Sometimes everybody is talking about one team. Theres so much pressure, theyve got to be able to fight off complacency and be ready to play. Well, certainly urban meyer has brought the big ten back to relevance. You got jim harbaugh in there. So a lot of sexy conferences besides the s. E. C. The headgear, coach. Give us clues. Is it going to be a badger or an elephant today . I cant tell you but i would love to have a live elephant, wouldnt you . Live elephant on set. Youve been talking about that forever. Forever. I was hoping youd be able to pull that off. Well see. Oh, well see . You never know. Speaking of forever, you guys, congratulations, 20 years together. Thank you. I mean, i guess youre work wives now. Yeah, exactly. My man. You put out an amazing product and chris fowler being replaced by rece davis, another amazing sportscaster. The team intact and looking forward to another great season. Congratulations on 80 years on this planet, as well. 80 years old this week my man right here. Lee corso at 80 years old. The guy is still kicking it. Hes the king he is. Espn gameday, catch it at 9 00 eastern, 8 00 central today and every saturday throughout the season and, of course, the big game tonight on abc, alabama versus wisconsin on abc. Good times here in Sundance Square in ft. Worth, theyve done it several times for a good reason. Its a fun spot. Back to you guys. In his element. Rob, weve thoroughly enjoyed you acting like a, what, 16yearold giddy, giddy teenager. Hes totally enjoying it. Rob, enjoy yourself, okay. And are we supposed to show our College Pride or is that coming up . Oh, yeah. Yes, were surrounded by our was that coming up . Our alma mater. No, no. Were saving it for pop. Were going to save that for pop. The excellent Football Team at smith college, well be talking about that coming up next year. Undefeated. Whoo and coming up on gma, the very lonely oneman bachelor party, how this guy made the best of his situation straight ahead in pop news, as well as more on the white mules or are they the mules just the mules. I misspoke earlier. You dont know your mascot. Used to be the white mules. Now its the mules. Make we wanna sing dad . Can my team sleep over . Uhhh. Uhhh. Yeah, please with your new samsung washer with activewash you can pretreat stains in the builtin sink with no drippy mess. And well deliver it to your home. For free. With the latest in samsung Home Appliances at best buy, we wont just help you do baseball season. Well help you dominate it. Save up to 30 on select major appliances. Expert service. Unbeatable price. Best buy. My Psoriatic Arthritis im caused joint pain. O golfer. Just like my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. And i was worried about joint damage. My doctor said joint pain from ra can be a sign of existing joint damage that could only get worse. He prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. Enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. Serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and Blood Disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. Tell your doctor if youve been someplace where fungal infections are common, or if youre prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. Dont start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. Joint pain and damage. Can go side by side. Ask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. Enbrel, the number one rheumatologistprescribed biologic. At hotels. Com by now, about the latest sale its because youre willfully ignoring me. Book now and save during the labor day sale at hotels. Com. Yeah. Put the hat on, dan. Oh, all right. College gameday. Pop news. Yeah. Take it away, sara haines. I always wanted to dress down for pop news and they did. Yes. When youre beyonce you dont just celebrate your birthday with cake and candles. Beasley beyonces family marked the day with a playlist on the singers website. Beys mom tina shared this photo saying she chose the song home by stephanie mills. Tina remembering the time a 9yearold beyonce sang it in public and received a standing ovation. Hubby jay z chose yellow by coldplay saying it represents vulnerability. Its us in our own world away from work and totally lost in love. Oh, my word. But nobody could outdo blue ivy, who selected part of your world from the little mermaid. I wish i could be part of your world im convinced she actually thinks her mom is a mermaid. I dont know if she knows shes part of the world. This next story is too sad or too darned funny to make up. A guy who flew to chicago to attend what he was hoping would be one wild bachelor party, only he was the only one to show up. Robbie chernows friends including the groom all had their flights canceled, but he decided to make the best of it. He took a very lonely boat tour to see the windy city sights. He went to the bears game all by himself and did a personal spa oh, yes. Day and even to the top of the hancock building, but wouldnt you know the fog rolled in, finally the groom showed up, obviously grateful for his friends dedication. How cute is that . Thats serious dedication. That guy resourcefulness. He got a personal spa day out of it. It couldnt be that bad. He probably was expecting a hangover and got nothing. Exactly. Like a friday night in my world, hello. Scientists finally confirmed what many of us dog people have long suspected, cats couldnt care less. Sorry to break the news to you, dan. Although dan already knew this but researchers at the university of lincoln in the uk have found the reason cats are so aloof is because they dont see their owners as a source of safety and security like dogs and Young Children do. The scientists also found that cats dont get separation anxiety, which means theyre certainly not pining for you when you leave the house. Dan has confirmed this already with all three of his cats. No, i just got back from a week of vacation, and our cats freaked out when we got home. Like they were excited . Thats my cat. Sits thats steve who sits on my keyboard all the time. But is there one all three of them. Ruby . Thats grumpy cat. Not my cat. Not that one. Which you identify ruby doesnt like me very much. But thats a complicated story. Well be right back with more gma right after a quick break. Keep it here. I got an a minus. Oh, nice. Got an a minus. As my diabetes changed, it got harder to control my blood sugar. Today, im asking about levemir®. Vo levemir® is an injectable insulin that can give you blood sugar control for up to 24 hours. And levemir® helps lower your a1c. Levemir® lasts 42 days without refrigeration. Thats 50 longer than lantus®, which lasts 28 days. Levemir® comes in flextouch, the latest in insulin Pen Technology from novo nordisk. Levemir® is a longacting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes and is not recommended to treat diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not use levemir® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause symptoms such as sweating, shakiness, confusion, and headache. Severe low blood sugar can be serious and lifethreatening. Ask your doctor about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. Other possible side effects include injection site reactions. Tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. Check your blood sugar. Your insulin dose should not be changed without asking your doctor. Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, sweating, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. Todays the day to ask about levemir® flextouch. Covered by most Health Insurance and medicare plans. Nbut your dell 2in1 laptoped gives you the spunk for an unsanctioned selfie. Thats that new gear feeling. All laptops on sale, save 230 on this dell 2in1. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. Wiback like it could used to . Neutrogena hydro boost water gel. With hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. For supple, hydrated skin. Hydro boost. From neutrogena im lika small boxer. Ring. You dont expect much. And then, wham i hit em with huge creamy goodness alright round two bring it, girlfriend rich, creamy, 100 natural cheese. Mini babybel. Snack a little bigger. Good morning america is brought to you by petco. What we feed them matters. Dont forget about that big matchup right here on abc, 8 00 eastern. Its wisconsin versus bama and here on the set were showcasing our pride. I found a Football Team that colby could beat, cedarville because we didnt have one. We didnt either. But we still would have beat you. Yay. It used to be freshmen had to wear beanies until the first touchdown was scored. One year they never took them off. The entire year. Yeah, the entire year. See you guys tomorrow. Good morning, im chris nguyen. If you are traveling into or out of San Francisco international this weekend, you can expect it to be very crowded. Lets take a live picture. Airport Officials Say more than 300,000 passengers are expected to pass through this weekend. Tomorrow is expected to be the busiest of the three days. Sunday passenger traffic is predicted to have an 8 increase over last year. The sausalito art festival returns for its 63rd year today. The festival is held every year on Labor Day Weekend at marin park. It features art from 200 artists, food, wine and live music. It runs until monday and gets under way at 10 00 a. M. Each day. Also today, the festive spirit and flavor of the big easy comes to the bay area for the 45th annual millbrae art and wine festival. The mardi gras style event will feature two days of live music, hand crafted work, a variety of food, exhibits and childrens activity. The event takes place on broadway between victoria and meadow glen. From 10 00 to 5 00 tomorrow and admission is free. Time for a check of the weather. Good morning, everyone. With clear skies, we are climbing out of the 40s. Temperatures in the 50s. Novato cool at 50. 50 in antioch. Temperatures will warm up this afternoon. Inland will see upper 80s. Warm and mild along theos. Upper 60s to mid 70s. Bay into the low 80s. Thank you. Straight ahead, the bay bridge toll plaza is clear right now it could be a traffic mess later today. The closures this weekend and how to get around them. Plus a bay area kite surfer nearly killed in a freak accident. So, what did you guys they think of the test drive . I love the jetta. But what about a deal . Terry, stop its quite alright. You know what . We want to make a deal with you. Were twins, so could you give us two for the price of one . Come on, give us a deal. Look at how old i am. Do you come here often . He works here, terry you work here, right . Yes. Ok lets get to the point. Were going to take the deal. The volkswagen model year end sales event ends on labor day. So hurry in to your local volkswagen dealer today. Good morning, everyone. Thanks for joining us. Im chris nguyen. Lets get a check of the accuweather forecast with frances lawson. Hi, chris. Good morning, everyone. I want to show you this pretty shot looking out toward clay tower. Nothing but blue skies out there. Temperatures on the cool side. We are climbing into the 50s in many locations. San francisco currently 55. Oakland 58. San jose 55 degrees. Here is what you can expect. The warming trend starts today. Look for some upper 80s even near 90 in antioch. 74 in San Francisco. Oakland 77. 81 in san jose. Things warm up more for sunday where well start to

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